HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-18 BOT Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop but not prior to the posted start time. Mission Statement Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners. Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA August 15, 2018 1500 Solana Boulevard Building 7, Suite 7100 1st FLOOR, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 Regular Session 12:00 p.m. Page 2 of 3 Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the June 4, 2018, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 18-05, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual for the 2018-2019 school year. c. Consider approval of Resolution 18-06, Awarding the bid for property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 2018-2019. d. Consider approval of Resolution 18-07, Authorizing the Superintendent to terminate an agreement with Pruitt Building Services, Inc. for janitorial services at Westlake Academy Campus. e. Consider approval of Resolution 18-08, Authorizing the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with North Central Texas Janitorial for janitorial services. f. Consider approval of Resolution 18-09, Authorizing the Superintendent to enter into a contract with the Education Service Center Region 11. g. Consider approval of Resolution 18-10, Amending and adopting a child abuse and neglect policy, student safety policy, immunization policy, food allergy policy and school attendance policy. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 18-11, APPROVING THE AMENDED YEAR-END BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2018 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2019. Page 3 of 3 6. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, TX 76262, on August 10, 2018, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Board of Trustees Item # 2 – Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to the, Texas, on state under God, on and indivisible.” CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Board of Trustees Item # 3 – Citizen Comments CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the June 4, 2018, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 18-05, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual for the 2018-2019 school year. c. Consider approval of Resolution 18-06, Awarding the bid for property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 2018-2019. d. Consider approval of Resolution 18-07, Authorizing the Town Manager to terminate an agreement with Pruitt Building Services, Inc. for janitorial services at Westlake Academy Campus. e. Consider approval of Resolution 18-08, Entering into to a contract with North Central Texas Janitorial for Janitorial Services. f. Consider approval of Resolution 18-09, Authorizing the Superintendent to enter into a contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 g. Consider approval of Resolution 18-10, Amending and adopting a child abuse and neglect policy, student safety policy, immunization policy, food allergy policy and school attendance policy. Board of Trustees Item # 4 – Consent Agenda BOT Minutes 06/04/18 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING June 4, 2018 PRESENT: Trustees: Alesa Belvedere, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Wayne Stoltenberg. ABSENT: President Wheat, and Trustee Michael Barrett. Alesa Belvedere OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Tom Brymer, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Dr. Mechelle Bryson, PYP Principal Rod Harding, PYP Assistant Principal Beckie Paquin, Secondary Principal Stacy Stoyanoff, Coach Alan Burt, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, and Management Intern Kirk McDaniel. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Trustee Langdon called the work session to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Langdon led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No additional discussion BOT Minutes 06/04/18 Page 2 of 4 4. REPORTS a. Report regarding Enrollment projections for School Year 2018-2019. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding an annual update from the House of Commons, (HOC). Mrs. Kimberly Gardner, Vice Speaker, provided a presentation and overview of the events hosted for the 2017-2018 school year. b. Presentation and discussion regarding an annual update from the Westlake Academy Athletic Club (WAAC). Mrs. Laura Luckett, President, provided a handout and overview of the athletic club’s year in review for the 2017-2018 school year. Discussion ensued regarding supporting the student athletes, surrounding districts participation, and multi-sport students. c. Presentation and discussion regarding the status of Science curriculum in both the primary and secondary programs. Mr. Stoyanoff, Mr. Harding and Dr. Bryson provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding equipment for primary students, STEAM Coordinator, entering the BEST Robotics competition, art and music classes including a graphic design component, and new course offerings. d. Presentation and discussion regarding Grammar, Reading and Writing K-12. Mr. Stoyanoff, Mr. Harding and Dr. Bryson provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding evaluating and diagnosing Dyslexia, reviewing grammar with MYP students, spelling, phonics and cursive writing. 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION No additional direction. BOT Minutes 06/04/18 Page 3 of 4 7. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Langdon adjourned the work session at 6:01 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Trustee Langdon call the regular session to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST No additional discussion. 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS No one addressed the Board. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the April 9, 2018, meeting. b. Consider approval of the minutes from the May 7, 2018, meeting. c. Consider approval of Resolution 18-03, Authorizing the Superintendent to participate in the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative. d. Consider approval of Resolution 18-04, Renewing participation with the Education Service Center (ESC) Region 11 Benefits Cooperative for the 2018-2019 school year. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS President Wheat - Discussion of the school zone possible safety improvements. Trustee Rennhack made a motion to consider this item on a future agenda. Trustee Stoltenberg seconded the motion. BOT Minutes 06/04/18 Page 4 of 4 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Langdon asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Stoltenberg made a motion to adjourn the regular session. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Trustee Langdon adjourned the regular session at 6:04 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON AUGUST 15, 2018. ATTEST: ____________________________ Carol Langdon, Trustee _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Consider a resolution amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual for the 2018-2019 school year. STAFF CONTACT: Todd Wood, Dir. of HR & Administrative Services Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Personal Responsibility People, Facilities, & Technology PYP / MYP / DP Attract, Recruit & Retain the Highest Quality Workforce Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: August 7, 2018 Completion Date: August 06, 2019 Funding Amount: N/A Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The Westlake Academy Personnel Manual is a written compilation of the Academy’s employee policies, procedures, and benefits. It is a comprehensive document which must be updated annually in response to changing laws, employment trends, as well as internal changes to policies and procedures. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS Proposed policy additions, deletions, and changes summary. Resolution Resolution WA 18-05 Page 1 of 4 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDING PERSONNEL POLICIES AND ADOPTING THE 2018-2019 WESTLAKE ACADEMY PERSONNEL MANUAL. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy recognizes that ongoing updates to the Academy’s personnel manual are necessary to ensure best practices; and, WHEREAS, the leaders of Westlake Academy desire to promote professionalism, safety, security, and high standards of performance in the workplace; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires is to provide employees with a personnel manual that reflects the goals and vision of the Academy’s leaders; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: that, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees does hereby amends the current manual with the proposed personnel policy additions and changes, attached as Exhibit “A”, and adopts the 2018-2019 Westlake Academy Personnel Manual with the aforementioned additions and/or amendments. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-05 Page 2 of 4 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST 2018. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President ___________________________ __________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary Tom Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution WA 18-05 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit “A” Summary of Policy Additions and Deletions (additions shown in blue, deletions shown in red) Reports to the Texas Education Agency The dismissal of a certified employee must be reported to the Division of Investigations at TEA whenever the termination is based on evidence that the employee was involved in any of the following: • A reported criminal history • Any form of sexual/physical abuse of a minor or any other illegal conduct with a student or a minor • Soliciting or engaging in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student or minor • The possession, transfer, sale, or distribution of a controlled substance • The illegal transfer, appropriation, or expenditure of school property or funds • An attempt by fraudulent or unauthorized means to obtain or alter any certificate or permit for the purpose of promotion or additional compensation • Committing a criminal offense or any part of a criminal offense on school property or at a school-sponsored event • Violating assessment instrument security procedures The superintendent is also required to notify TEA when a certified employee resigns and there is evidence that the educator engaged in the conduct listed above. The reporting requirements above are in addition to the Superintendent’s ongoing duty to notify TEA when a certified employee or an applicant for certification has a reported criminal history. “Reported criminal history” means any formal criminal justice system charges and dispositions including arrests, detentions, indictments, criminal information, convictions, deferred adjudications, and probations in any state or federal jurisdiction. Assault leave Assault leave provides extended job income and benefits protection to an employee who is injured as the result of a physical assault suffered during the performance of his or her job. An incident involving an assault is a work-related injury, and should be immediately reported to the Executive Director and the Human Resources Office. An injury is treated as an assault if the person causing the injury could be prosecuted for assault or could not be prosecuted only because that person’s age or mental capacity renders the person non-responsible for purposes of criminal liability. An employee who is physically assaulted at work may take all the leave time medically necessary (up to two years) to recover from the physical injuries he or she sustained. At the request of an employee, the Academy will immediately assign the employee to assault leave. Days of leave granted under the assault leave provision will not be deducted from accrued Resolution WA 18-05 Page 4 of 4 personal leave and must be coordinated with workers’ compensation benefits. Upon investigation the Academy may change the assault leave status and charge leave used against the employee’s accrued paid leave. The employee’s pay will be deducted if accrued paid leave is not available. Military leave Paid leave for military service. Any employee who is a member of the Texas National Guard, Texas State Guard, or reserve component of the United States Armed Forces, or a member of a state or federally authorized Urban Search and Rescue Team will be granted a paid leave of absence without loss of any accumulated leave for authorized training or duty orders. Paid military leave will not exceed 15 days each federal fiscal year (September 1–August 31). In addition, an employee is entitled to use available state and local personal or sick leave during a time of active military service. Reemployment after military leave. Employees who leave the Academy to enter into the United States uniformed services or who are ordered to active state military duty (Texas National Guard or Texas State Guard) may return to employment if they are honorably discharged. Employees who wish to return to the Academy will be reemployed in the position they would have held if employment had not been interrupted or reassigned to an equivalent or similar position provided they can be qualified to perform the required duties. To be eligible for reemployment, employees must provide notice of their obligation or intent to perform military service, provide evidence of honorable discharge or release, and submit an application for reemployment to the Superintendent or the Human Resources Office. In most cases, the length of federal military service cannot exceed five years. Continuation of health insurance. Employees who perform service in the uniformed services may elect to continue their health plan coverage at their own cost for a period not to exceed 24 months. Employees should contact the Human Resources Office for details on eligibility, requirements, and limitations. Possession of firearms and weapons Employees, visitors, and students, including those with a license to carry a handgun, are prohibited from bringing firearms, knives, clubs or other prohibited weapons onto school premises (i.e., building or portion of a building) or any grounds or building where a school- sponsored activity takes place. A person, including an employee, who holds a license to carry a handgun may transport or store a handgun or other firearm or ammunition in a locked vehicle in a parking lot, garage, or other district provided parking area, provided the handgun or firearm or ammunition is properly stored, and not in plain view. To ensure the safety of all persons, employees who observe or suspect a violation of the Academy’s weapons policy should report it to the school office immediately. estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Consider a Resolution awarding the bid for property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 2018-2019. STAFF CONTACT: Todd Wood, Dir. of HR & Administrative Services Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Planned / Responsible Development Fiscal Stewardship PYP / MYP / DP Improve Financial Stewardship Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 1, 2018 Completion Date: August 31, 2019 Funding Amount: $146,386 Status - Funded Source - General Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Bids have been obtained for Westlake Academy’s annual insurance renewal from three brokers, representing multiple insurance carriers. These insurance policies include property, general liability, umbrella, workers’ compensation, auto, international travel, and a student accident policy. Bids were received from several companies in each category to ensure we continue to receive quality coverage from “A” rated carriers at competitive prices. It should be noted that liability quotes are quoted as all inclusive, or as sub-policies to the GL policy. These include coverage for Directors & Officers, Employers Legal Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, and Educator’s Legal Liability. Box Insurance Agency was the only submission that was received, and the bid package reflected a modest increase over 2017-2018. These premium increases are due to the addition of our 77 passenger bus, higher payroll for workers compensation, and increased property limits. Property coverage in Texas continues to increase industry-wide, largely from wind and hail damage claims. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends awarding the bid for Westlake Academy’s property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 2018-2019. The total cost for this recommendation is $146,386.00. ATTACHMENTS Resolution, with recommended bid attached as Exhibit “A.” Resolution WA 18-06 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AWARDING THE BID FOR PROPERTY/CASUALTY INSURANCE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO BOX INSURANCE AGENCY FOR FY 2018-2019. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires to maintain a comprehensive risk management program for the protection of its property, students, employees, elected officials, and stakeholders; and, WHEREAS, the leaders of Westlake Academy desire to exercise exceptional levels of stewardship with all financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: that the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby award the recommended bid for property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 18-19, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; and further authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute this agreement. SECTION 2: that, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-06 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST 2017. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President ___________________________ __________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution WA 18-06 Page 3 of 3 Exhibit “A” Recommended Bid – Box Insurance Coverage Expiring Premium Renewal Premium Commercial Property- Travelers * $ 79,545 $ 83,071 (Total Value @45,240,040) (Total value @47,803,178) General Liability – Utica ** $ 13,737 $ 14,147 Business Auto - Utica $ 2,498 $ 3,966 Crime - Utica $ 2,670 $ 2,727 Umbrella ($5,000,000) – Utica *** $ 6,856 $ 6,925 Workers Compensation - Travelers $ 23,679 $ 27,954 Student Accident Policy - QBE $ 4,480 $ 5,596 International Travel – Ace **** $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 __________________________________________________________________________________ Total $135,465.00 $146,386.00 estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Consider a Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to terminate an agreement with Pruitt Building Services, Inc. for janitorial services at Westlake Academy Campus. . STAFF CONTACT: Troy Meyer, Dir. of Facilities & Recreation Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Planned / Responsible Development People, Facilities, & Technology PYP / MYP / DP Improve Technology, Facilities & Equipment Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: August 6, 2018 Completion Date: Funding Amount: N/A Status - Funded Source - General Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Staff is recommending the Board of Trustees to approve the termination of the contract with Pruitt Building Services Janitorial for janitorial service on the Westlake Academy Campus and further authorizes the Superintendent to execute said termination in the 2015 agreement, by sending a thirty (30) day notice of termination immediately upon approval by the Board of Trustee. Staff is recommending beginning services with North Central Texas Janitorial, which will provide the “Best Value” in janitorial services for the Westlake Academy campus. North Central Texas Janitorial annual cost is $159,432.00, monthly rate $13,286.00 which includes the Day Porter position. RECOMMENDATION Approve a Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to terminate an agreement with Pruitt Building Services, Inc. for janitorial services for cleaning services at the Westlake Academy Campus ATTACHMENTS Resolution Resolution WA 18-07 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO TERMINATE AN AGREEMENT WITH PRUITT BUILDING SERVICES, INC. FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR CLEANING SERVICES AT THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY CAMPUS. WHEREAS, the staff has discussed and documented the quality of service performed over the past six (6) months with Pruitt Building Services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees now elects to exercise the right to terminate the contract with Pruitt Building Services as stated on the executed agreement, by sending a thirty (30) day notice of termination letter, and WHEREAS, the janitorial services costs have been included in the adopted 2017-2018 Westlake Academy budget and; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby approves to terminate the contract with Pruitt Building Services for janitorial service at the Westlake Academy Campus and further authorizes the Superintendent to execute said agreement, by sending a thirty (30) day notice of termination immediately upon approval by the Board of Trustee. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board of Trustee hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-07 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 15th DAY OF AUGUST 2018. _____________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Consider a Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with North Central Texas Janitorial for janitorial services at the Westlake Academy Campus. STAFF CONTACT: Troy Meyer, Dir. of Facilities & Recreation Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Planned / Responsible Development People, Facilities, & Technology PYP / MYP / DP Improve Technology, Facilities & Equipment Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 6, 2018 Completion Date: Funding Amount: $159,432 Status - Funded Source - General Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The competitive bid process was followed as outlined in the Texas Local Government Code. All specifications for the work were available to the public and bid procedures properly advertised. A pre-bid conference was held on June 27, 2018 with an extended sealed bid opening on July 16, 2018. The bid proposal had two options to provide janitorial service to the Westlake Academy. Option one, was to use sub-contractors and option two, in-house contractor labor. Staff received four bids to provide janitorial service to the Westlake Academy. Sub-Contractor Cost In -House Cost EFI- Efficient Facilities International No Bid $179,683.28 North Central Texas Janitorial $159,432.00 No Bid Global Building Maintenance, Inc. No Bid $99,447.60 City Wide Building Maintenance Solutions $84,185.07 $133,072.57 Global Building Maintenance, Inc. submitted the low bid for in-house contractor services at $99,447.60 annually. The bid they submitted had an error on the pricing for the day porter position. City Wide Building Maintenance Solutions was the low bid for the sub-contractor services at $84,185.01. Staff is recommending selecting North Central Texas Janitorial, which gives us the “Best Value” for providing janitorial services for the Westlake Academy campus. Their annual cost is $159,432.00, with a monthly rate of $13,286.00, which includes the Day Porter position. RECOMMENDATION Approve a Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with North Central Texas Janitorial to provide janitorial services at the Westlake Academy Campus. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Resolution WA 18-08 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS JANATORIAL FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds the janitorial service will benefit the public: and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the contract from North Central Texas Janitorial as “BEST Value” for janitorial services which will provide all necessary labor and supplies for the cleaning of Westlake Academy: and WHEREAS, the janitorial services cost has been included in the adopted 2018-2019 Westlake Academy budget and reject all other bids for janitorial service: and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby authorizes the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with North Central Texas Janitorial to provide janitorial service at Westlake Academy. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-08 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 15th DAY OF AUGUST 2018. _____________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 Res WA 18-08 estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Monday, August 06, 2018 TOPIC: Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Execute a Contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 for various Business and Student Support Services for the operation of Westlake Academy. STAFF CONTACT: Debbie Piper, Finance Director Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Vision: Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nuturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Fiscal Stewardship PYP / MYP / DP Improve Financial Stewardship Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 1, 2018 Completion Date: August 31, 2019 Funding Amount: $45,783 Status - Funded Source - General Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The Education Service Center Region 11 currently provides support to Westlake Academy for business and student services. This includes training sessions for faculty and staff at discounted rates, compliance training for public education rules and regulations, access to the Technology Resources Education Consortium, as well as software applications and support. These software applications include: payroll, student attendance and registration, special education, grade book, health services, PEIMS, and off-site hosting of the Academy’s information systems. Approval of this resolution authorizes use of those services by Westlake Academy over the next twelve (12) month, fiscal year period beginning September 1, 2018 and ending August 31, 2019. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends approval of the resolution authorizing the Superintendent to Execute a Contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 for various Business and Student Support Services for the operation of Westlake Academy. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Contract Summary Report Contract Summary for: • Business Services • Comprehensive Services Basic Contract • Internet Access • Management Information Systems Software & Support Service (TxEIS Student and Business) • Technology Resources Education Consortium (TREC) • TSDS (PEIMS, student GPS, Dashboard, TIMS, UID, ECDS) • TxEIS Service Fees (Co-op Fee, Hosting Fee, Extracts) Resolution WA 18-09 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 11 FOR VARIOUS BUSINESS AND STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE OPERATION OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy has utilized the business and student services of the Education Service Center Region 11, which is responsible for providing training for faculty and staff, providing compliance training for public education rules and regulations, performing the payroll functions in full compliance with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, as well as offering software and information technology training and hosting services to Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, additional personnel costs for the Academy would have a greater impact to the Academy’s operating budget than utilizing these contracted services offered by the Education Service Center Region 11, and the quality of these services has been exceptional; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: The Board of Trustees of the Westlake Academy hereby approves the contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 functions at Westlake Academy attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; and further authorizes the Superintendent to execute this agreement. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-09 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 15th DAY OF AUGUST 2018. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry or Janet S. Bubert, School Attorney WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL Contract Summary Report Last Year Enrollment: 853 TotalContractLock Date Enroll Start Enroll End $20,394.0007/18/2018Business Services 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 $650.0007/18/2018Comprehensive Services Basic Contract 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 $14,839.0007/18/2018Management Information Systems Software & Support Service (TxEIS Student and Business) 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 $2,300.0007/18/2018Technology Resources Education Consortium (TREC) 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 $3,500.0007/18/2018TSDS (PEIMS, studentGPS, Dashboard,TIMS, UID,ECDS) 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 $4,100.0007/18/2018TxEIS Service Fees (Co-op Fee, Hosting Fee, SQL Anywhere 17, Extracts) 09/01/2018 08/31/2019 Print Date: 7/18/2018 Resolution WA 18-09 WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL Contract Summary for Business Services v30 Enrollment Period: 09/01/2018 - 08/31/2019 Last Year Enrollment: 853 Answer Price Payroll Support Services Only If you wish to sign up for Business Services, please indicate the service for which you wish to contract in the box on the right. $20,394.00Fee (see Business Service Contract Price List in the "Business Center Handbook") Do you wish to sign up for the Requisition Module? If yes, please enter the amount of users in the box on the right. * A Requisition Module fee of $580 + $20 per user will be applied. Bank Reconciliation: Enter the number of bank accounts that will be reconciled by ESC Region 11's Business Center in the box on the right. $200 per month for the first bank account, $50 per month for each additional account. Contract Adjustment Business Manager Service Fees (Call for quote Brandilyn DePalma (817)740-7610) þBy clicking the box on the right, I, as an authorized representative of the above mentioned LEA/Charter, agree to the terms of the attached "Business Center Handbook" stating LEA/Charter Responsibility and ESC Region 11 Business Center Responsibility and Business Center Price List. Total:$20,394.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge mrutledge@westlake-tx.org (817) 490-5737 Todd Wood (HR Director) twood@westlake-tx.org (817) 490-5711 36 CID#: 14328 Print Date: 7/18/2018 Page 1 of 2 Resolution WA 18-09 Additional fees will be charged for public schools having more than five campuses or more than one payroll frequency. ______________________________________________________________ Superintendent or Approved Designee ______________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________ Executive Director Education Service Center Region 11 ______________________________________________________________ Date Note: 1.Use the Printer Icon located to the right of the contract name on the Contract Home page to print a copy of this contract. Click on Review/Submit Contracts on the contract home page. ESC Region 11: Return a signed and dated copy to the district. 36 CID#: 14328 Print Date: 7/18/2018 Page 2 of 2 Resolution WA 18-09 This Master Interlocal Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between Education Service Center Region 11 (“ESC Region 11”) and (“Local Government”), (collectively referred to as the “Parties” or individually as the “Party”) acting herein by and through their respectively authorized officers or employees. PREMISES WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code authorizes local governments to contract with each other to provide governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to provide local governments with greater efficiency and economy in purchasing products and services; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the Parties, individually and together , do hereby adopt and find the foregoing promises as findings of said governing bodies; and NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, and in consideration of and conditioned upon the mutual covenants and agreements, herein, the Parties hereto mutually agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Term: This Agreement is effective from the date of the last signature and shall automatically renew annually unless either party gives sixty (60) days prior written notice of non-renewal. 2. Purpose: This Agreement shall: (1) Allow the Local Government to purchase products or services by purchase order, contract, agreement, or other appropriate legal method from ESC Region 11; and (2) Allow the Local Government to join ESC Region 11-sponsored purchasing cooperatives in order to purchase products or services from vendors which have been properly awarded contracts through statutorily authorized methods. 3. Relationship: The relationship between the Parties is that of Independent Contractor. Neither Party has the authority to bind the other in any manner.. The Local Government may be required to enter into subsequent contractual arrangements with ESC Region 11 for specific products or services. 4. Agreement and Interpretation: The Parties covenant and agree that any litigation relating to this agreement, the terms, and conditions of the agreement will be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Texas and venue shall be exclusively in Tarrant County, Texas. 5.Each party paying for the performance of governmental functions or services must make those payments from current revenues available to the paying party. Master Interlocal Agreement (MIA) ESC Region 11 1451 S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, Texas 76108 Attn: Athena Nance-Young ESC Region 11 Authorized Representative Signature Date ESC Region 11 Authorized Representative Title Local Government Name of Local Government Address of Local Government Contact Name and Telephone Number Board President Signature Date Board Approval Date County/District # (if applicable) Westlake Academy Charter School 2600 JT Ottinger Rd, Westlake TX 76262 billing address: 1500 Solana Blvd Bldg 7 Ste 7200 Westlake TX 76262 Marlene Rutledge (817) 490-5737 220-810 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Resolution WA 18-09 Page 1 of 2 estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Consider Approval of Resolution Adopting a Child Abuse and Neglect Policy, Student Safety Policy, Immunization Policy, Food Allergy Policy and School Attendance Policy. STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Mission: Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Academic Operations PYP / MYP / DP Improve the Efficiences of Operational Systems Strategic Initiative Time Line - Start Date: August 6, 2018 Completion Date: August 15, 2018 Funding Amount: $0 Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) is in the process of reviewing all Westlake Academy board policies in order to ensure that adopted policies meet State and Federal mandates. In addition to reviewing existing policies, the ILT will also identify any new policy needs. This process will take place throughout the school year. As such, board policy updates will be presented to the Board of Trustees as these policies are reviewed and amended. Page 2 of 2 For the month of August, the ILT has reviewed and updated the following policies for your approval: • Child Abuse and Neglect Policy – Exhibit A • Student Safety Policy – Exhibit B • Immunization Policy – Exhibit C • Food Allergy Policy – Exhibit D • School Attendance Policy – Exhibit E Please note that these policies have been reviewed by Westlake Academy’s Attorney, Janet Bubert. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. ATTACHMENTS Resolution with policies Resolution WA 18-10 Page 1 of 14 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 18-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD AMENDING AND ADOPTING A CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT POLICY, STUDENT SAFETY POLICY, IMMUNIZATION POLICY, FOOD ALLERGY POLICY AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY. WHEREAS, the State of Texas requires schools to comply with certain federal and state laws; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy is required to adhere to state policies and regulations regarding federal and state laws; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy views student welfare, safety and school attendance as essential to academic excellence; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy, as well as the citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby amends and adopts the following policies: • Child Abuse and Neglect Policy – Exhibit A • Student Safety Policy – Exhibit B • Immunization Policy – Exhibit C • Food Allergy Policy – Exhibit D • School Attendance Policy – Exhibit E SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 2 of 14 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST 2018. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution WA 18-10 Page 3 of 14 Exhibit A TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No.: Date Board Adopted: August 6, 2018 Effective Date: August 6, 2018 Policy Category: Student Services Policy Name: Child Abuse and Neglect Policy Goal: To provide opportunities for students to acquire anti-victimization skills and establish procedures for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. Policy Description: Westlake Academy shall provide child abuse anti-victimization programs for all primary and secondary students. Education Code 38.004. The Academy shall also adopt and train staff on procedures for reporting instances of child abuse and neglect as required by the Texas Family Code. Any person who has cause to believe a child’s physical or mental health or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person shall immediately make a report as required by Family Code 261.101. If a professional has cause to believe that a child has been or may be abused or neglected, including a belief that a child is a victim of an offense under Texas Penal Code Section 21.11 (Indecency with a Child), the professional shall make a report within 48 hours after the professional first suspects abuse or neglect. A professional may not delegate to or rely on another person to make the report. A “professional” is an individual who is licensed or certified by the state or who is an employee of a facility licensed, certified, or operated by the state and who, in the normal course of official duties or duties for which a license or certification is required, has direct contact with children. The term includes teachers, nurses, doctors, day-care employees, and juvenile detention or correctional officers. Family Code 261.101(b) A notice of employee responsibilities and procedures for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect is outlined in the Westlake Academy Parent Student Handbook. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 4 of 14 Exhibit B TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No.: Date Board Adopted: August 6, 2018 Effective Date: August 6, 2018 Policy Category: Student Services Policy Name: Student Safety Policy Goal: To provide a safe environment and communication with families in the event of educator misconduct. Policy Description: Westlake Academy shall provide notice to the parent or guardian of a student with whom an educator is alleged to have engaged in misconduct as defined by this Policy and Education Code 21.006(b)(2). Misconduct is defined as: 1. Abuse of a student or minor, or unlawful act with a student or minor; 2. Involved in a romantic relationship with, or solicited or engaged in sexual contact with a student or minor. Westlake Academy shall inform the parent or guardian: 1. As soon as feasible that the alleged misconduct may have occurred; 2. Whether the educator was terminated following an investigation of the alleged misconduct or resigned before the completion of the investigation; and 3. Whether a report was submitted to the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) concerning the alleged misconduct. Education Code 21.0061 Resolution WA 18-10 Page 5 of 14 Exhibit C TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. : Date Board Adopted: August 6, 2018 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date: August 6, 2018 Policy Category: Student Services Policy Name: Immunization Policy Goal: To promote student health and wellness through required immunizations for school admission. Policy Description: The immunization policy ensures compliance with immunization requirements identified by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), provides an awareness program for stakeholders, and incorporates procedures for provisional admission, completion of vaccinations and a review of vaccination status. Each student shall be fully immunized against diphtheria, rubeola (measles), rubella, mumps, tetanus, and poliomyelitis. TDSHS may modify or delete any of these immunizations or may require immunizations against additional diseases as a requirement for admission to any elementary or secondary school. Education Code 38.001(a), (b) Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade shall have the following additional vaccines, according to the immunization schedules set forth in TDSHS regulations: pertussis, hepatitis B, hepatitis A (as applicable to the grade levels specified in state rule), and varicella (chickenpox). TDSHS requires students enrolling in seventh through twelfth grades to have one dose of meningococcal vaccine on or after the student’s 11th birthday. 25 Tex. Admin. Code 97.63 Westlake Academy shall post the following on its website: 1. A list, in English and Spanish, of: a. The immunizations required by TDSHS for admission to public school; b. Any immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students by TDSHS. The list must include the influenza vaccine, unless TDSHS requires the influenza vaccine for admission to a public school; and c. Health clinics in the community that offer the influenza vaccine, to the extent those clinics are known to the district; and Resolution WA 18-10 Page 6 of 14 2. A link to the TDSHS Internet website where a person may obtain information relating to the procedures for claiming an exemption from the immunization requirements. Westlake Academy shall comply with the provisions of Education Code Chapter 38 and Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 97 regarding immunization requirements, exceptions, and documentation, including provisional admission, completion of vaccinations and a review of vaccination status. Further information on immunization requirements, including the procedures for claiming an exception to the immunization policy, provisional admission, completion of vaccinations and a review of vaccination status, may be found on the Westlake Academy Website in the section ‘Student Life/Services-Health on Campus’ and in the Parent/Student Handbook. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 7 of 14 Exhibit D TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. : Date Board Adopted: August 6, 2018 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date: August 6, 2018 Policy Category: Student Services Policy Name: Food Allergies Policy Goal: The purpose of the food allergy policy is to provide appropriate and clear guidelines to protect students from severe reactions or fatalities associated with anaphylaxis by providing an opportunity for effective and quick-response use of epinephrine. Policy Description: Westlake Academy will adopt guidelines/procedures on student food allergy management plans to limit the risk posed to students with food allergies. In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 38.0151, this policy provides guidelines for the care of students with diagnosed food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis based on the guidance developed by state authorities. The following components will be used in developing and administering plans to care for students diagnosed with food allergies: 3. Identification of students with food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis; 4. Development, implementation, communication and monitoring of emergency care plans, 504 plans and/or individual health care plans for students with food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis; 5. Reducing the risk of exposure within the school setting; 6. Training programs for school staff on anaphylaxis and emergency response to anaphylactic reactions; 7. Methods for requesting specific food allergy information from a parent of a student with a diagnosed food allergy; 8. Annual review of the school’s food allergy management plan. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 8 of 14 Westlake Academy will ensure guidelines for the care of students with food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis includes the roles and responsibilities of the parents, administration, nurses, teachers, dining hall manager, students and contract cleaning/custodial personnel. Further information on food allergies, and the roles and responsibilities of certain individuals may be found on the Westlake Academy Website in the section ‘Student Life/Services-Health on Campus.’ The reference guide ‘Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis’ will also be posted and used as a reference guide. Additional guidelines on food allergies shall be published in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 9 of 14 Exhibit E TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 3.02: Date Board Adopted: August 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: October 5, 2015 Effective Date: October 5, 2015 Policy Category: Parent, Student and Faculty Relations and Expectations Policy Name: Attendance Policy Goal: To encourage attendance and outline expectations and requirements for students and parents. Policy Description: Regular and consistent attendance is required to achieve academic success at Westlake Academy. Poor attendance is a major contributing factor toward receiving unsatisfactory grades and results in an additional commitment of after school hours to complete make-up assignments and review of class lecture notes. Compulsory Attendance Students who are at least six years of age, or who have been previously enrolled in first grade, and who have not yet reached their 19th birthday shall attend school for the entire period the program is offered, unless exempted as indicated below. On enrollment in prekindergarten or kindergarten, a student shall attend school. Education Code 25.085(a)–(c) Westlake Academy requires cooperation from parents in the matter of school attendance and punctuality. Parents should: • Ensure your child arrives and is picked up on time each day. Families who do not pick up their students by the time specified in the Parent/Student Handbook may be subject to a late pick up fee after the second offense. • Schedule routine medical and dental appointments after school hours when possible. • Schedule family vacations during the school’s vacation days and notify the school prior to any planned absence. • Parents should inform the office before 10:00 am of any absences. A stu dent is exempt from compulsory attendance requirements if: Resolution WA 18-10 Page 10 of 14 1. The student is eligible to participate in a district’s special education program under Education Code 29.003 and cannot be appropriately served by the resident district. 2. The student has a temporary and remediable physical or mental condition that makes attendance infeasible and the student has a certificate from a qualified physician specifying the temporary condition, indicating the prescribed treatment, and covering the anticipated period of absence for the purpose of receiving and recuperating from remedial treatment. Education Code 25.086 Voluntary Enrollment of Students 19 and Over A person who voluntarily enrolls in school or voluntarily attends school after the person’s 19th birthday shall attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is offered. A board may adopt a policy requiring the student who is under 21 years of age to attend school until the end of the school year. After the third unexcused absence of a person who voluntarily enrolls, a district shall issue a warning letter to the person that states the person’s enrollment may be revoked for the remainder of the school year if the person has more than five unexcused absences in a semester. A district may revoke for the remainder of the school year the enrollment of a person who has more than five unexcused absences in a semester, except a school district may not revoke the enrollment of a person under this provision on a day on which the person is physically present at school. A person whose enrollment is revoked for exceeding this limit may be considered an unauthorized person on school grounds for the purposes of Education Code 37.107 regarding trespassing. As an alternative to revoking a person’s enrollment, a school district may impose a behavior improvement plan described by Education Code 25.0915(a-1)(1). Education Code 25.085(e)–(h) Excused Absences A district shall excuse a student from attending school for the following purposes: 1. Observing religious holy days, including one day of travel to and from the site where the student will observe the holy days, if necessary. 2. Attending a required court appearance, including one day of travel to and from the site where the court is located, if necessary. 3. Appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection with the student’s application for United States citizenship, including one day of travel to and from the site of the governmental office, if necessary. Resolution WA 18-10 Page 11 of 14 4. Taking part in a United States naturalization oath ceremony, including one day of travel to and from the site of the ceremony, if necessary. 5. Serving as an election clerk, including one day of travel to and from the site where the student will serve as an election clerk, if necessary. 6. A student in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) shall be excused in order to participate, as determined and documented by DFPS, in an activity: A) Ordered by a court under Family Code Chapter 262 or 263, provided that it is not practicable to schedule the participation outside of school hours, or B) Required under a service plan under Family Code Chapter 263, Subchapter B. Education Code 25.087(b)(1); 19 TAC 129.21(j)(3) 7. A temporary absence resulting from an appointment with a health-care professional for the student or the student’s child if the student commences classes or returns to school on the same day of the appointment. The student or parent must provide documentation of the appointment from the health-care professional. “Temporary absence” also includes an absence of a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder on the day of the student’s appointment with a health- care practitioner to receive a generally recognized service for persons with autism spectrum disorder, including applied behavioral analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Education Code 25.08(b)(2), (b-3); 19 TAC 129.21(j)(3) 8. For students in the Diploma Program (11th or 12th grade), an absence to visit an institution of higher education accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization for the purpose of determining the student’s interest in attending the institution of higher education. Excused absences under this provision may not exceed two days and must be supported by documentation to verify the student’s visit at the institution of higher education. Education Code 25.087(b-2); 19 TAC 129.21(j)(3) 9. A student whose parent, stepparent, or legal guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or immediately returned from continuous deployment of at least four months outside the locality where the parent, stepparent, or guardian regularly resides, shall be excused from school to visit with the student’s parent, stepparent, or guardian. An absence under this provision may not exceed five days in a school year. An excused absence under this provision must be taken not earlier than the 60th day before the date of deployment or not later than the 30th day after the date of return from deployment. Education Code 25.087(b-4) 10. A student who is 17 years of age or older may be excused from attending school to pursue enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard, provided that: the absence is not for more than four days of school during the period the student is enrolled in high school; and the Academy verifies the student’s activities related to pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services or the Texas National Guard. Education Code 25.087(b-5), (b -6) Resolution WA 18-10 Page 12 of 14 11. A student in grades 6 through 12 may be excused for the purpose of sounding “Taps” at a military honors funeral held in this state for a deceased veteran. Education Code 25.087(c) Documenting Attendance & Make-Up Work A student whose absence is excused for a reason described above shall not be penalized for that absence and shall be counted as if the student attended school for purposes of calculating the average daily attendance of students. The student shall be allowed a reasonable time to make up school work missed on the days. If the student satisfactorily completes the work, the days of absence shall be counted as days of compulsory attendance. Education Code 25.087(d) Notice to Parents The Academy shall notify a student’s parent in writing at the beginning of the school year that, if the student is absent from school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year, the student’s parent is subject to prosecution under Education Code Section 25.093, and the student is subject to referral to a truancy court for truant conduct under Family Code Section 65.003(a). Notice of Absences The Academy shall notify a student’s parent if the student has been absent from school, without excuse under Education Code Section 25.087, on three days or parts of days within a four-week period. The notice must: 9. Inform the parent that: a. It is the parent’s duty to monitor the student’s school attendance and require the student to attend school; and b. The student is subject to truancy prevention measures under Education Code Section 25.0915; and 10. Request a conference between school officials and the parent to discuss the absences. The fact that a parent did not receive the notices described above is not a defense for the parent’s failure to require a child to attend school nor for the student’s failure to attend school. Education Code 25.095 Parent Contributing to Non-Attendance A parent or person standing in parental relation commits an offense if: 1. A warning notice is issued; 2. The parent with criminal negligence fails to require the child to attend school as required by law; and 3. The child has absences for the amount of time specified under Family Code Section 65.003(a). Resolution WA 18-10 Page 13 of 14 The attendance officer or other appropriate school official shall file a complaint against the parent in an appropriate court, as permitted under Education Code Section 25.093. Affirmative Defense - Parent It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that one or more of the absences required to be proven was excused by a school official or should be excused by the court. A decision by the court to excuse an absence for this purpose does not affect the ability of the Academy to determine whether to excuse the absence for another purpose. Education Code 25.093 Student Liability A child engages in truant conduct if the child is required to attend school under the compulsory attendance laws and fails to attend school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six- month period in the same school year. Truant conduct may be prosecuted only as a civil case in a truancy court. Family Code 65.003(a), (b) “Child” means a person who is 12 years of age or older and younger than 19 years of age. Family Code 65.002(1) Affirmative Defense - Student It is an affirmative defense to an allegation of truant conduct that one or more of the absences required to be proven was excused by a school official or by the court or that one or more of the absences were involuntary, but only if there is an insufficient number of unexcused or voluntary absences remaining to constitute truant conduct. The burden is on the child to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the absence was or should be excused or that the absence was involuntary. A decision by the court to excuse an absence does not affect the ability of the district to determine whether to excuse the absence for another purpose. Family Code 65.003(c) Truancy Prevention Measures If a student fails to attend school without excuse on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period, but does not fail to attend school for the time described below, the district shall initiate truancy prevention measures on the student. Education Code 25.0915(a-4) Referral to Truancy Court If a student fails to attend school without excuse on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year, the Academy shall within ten school days of the student’s tenth absence refer the student to a truancy court for truant conduct under Family Code 65.003(a). Education Code 25.0951 Resolution WA 18-10 Page 14 of 14 Withdrawal of Student In order to continue enrollment from year to year at the Academy, the student or parent must complete the Academy's annual registration process. A student who is not registered by the deadline identified by the Academy and remains unregistered after documented attempts to contact the student/parent will be considered withdrawn from the Academy. Additionally, a student who is absent for five consecutive school days without notice and efforts by administrators to contact the student or parent are unsuccessful will be considered withdrawn from the Academy. Additional procedural information as it relates to attendance shall be recorded and published in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Action Item Westlake Board Meeting Wednesday, August 15, 2018 TOPIC: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Resolution Approving the Amended Year-End Budget for Westlake Academy for the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2018 and Adopting the Proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2019. STAFF CONTACT: Amanda DeGan, Assistant Town Manager Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director Debbie Piper, Finance Director Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Vision: Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nuturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Fiscal Stewardship PYP / MYP / DP Improve Financial Stewardship Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 1, 2018 Completion Date: August 31, 2019 Funding Amount: GF - $8,710,132 Status - Funded Source - General Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) This budget reflects Westlake Academy’s commitment to its strategic plan and the initiatives that support the mission, vision and values. At the core of the Academy is college readiness. Throughout each Programme in the IB continuum, the objective is to prepare students for post- secondary success and beyond. As such alignment to that mission is paramount. The following is reflective of the proposed budget, which: • shows a steady increase in student enrollment that is indicative of the growth of the Town and the success the Academy has had in preparing students for post-secondary achievements. • contains an increase in Career and Technology Education (CTE) funding due to a new pathway in Technology. • includes a facilities allotment for Charter Schools passed by the 84th Texas Legislative Session. • contains a 3% increase (on average) in staff salaries to move the salary scale to within 0.5% of the median of surrounding school districts according to Board policy (assuming surrounding school districts implement market adjustments). This new year will be unique in that we will be celebrating 15 years of educational success at Westlake Academy! In addition, the IB was founded 50 years ago, paving the way for groundbreaking development in international education. Therefore, keeping with our tradition of utilizing an associated theme focusing on the coming school year, the proposed theme for FY 2018/2019 is: Celebrate 15WA/50IB: A Legacy of Leading and Learning The Board of Trustees reviewed the proposed budget for FY 2018-2019 at the Governance Retreat held on May 31, 2018 and will again discuss the projections on August 15, 2018. During these discussions, staff presented the projected year end expenditures, an analysis of the coming year revenues and expenditures related to the academic services of Westlake Academy and a five-year financial forecast. We will also present any updates to the numbers and projections between the June and August timeframe. The final proposed FY 18-19 expenditures of $8,710,132 for the General Fund represents a decrease from the FY 17-18 expenditures by $254,460 with most of the increase being the salary increase for personnel. This budget presentation is the final opportunity for Board follow-up and review of the proposed information for the coming fiscal and school year. Legal requirements for charter school budgets are formulated by the state and the TEA. A Board typically adopts an appropriated budget on a basis consistent with GAAP for the general fund, debt service fund and child nutrition program (which is included in special revenue funds). However, the Academy does not maintain a debt service fund nor a child nutrition program; therefore, only the General Fund is required to be adopted. Special Revenue Funds are not adopted by the governing body, and are shown for informational purposes only. In accordance with State law, the staff has prepared and presents the FY 2017-2018 operating budget for the Academy outlining the anticipated revenues and expenditures of all funds for the Board’s review and consideration, including the amended year-end budget for FY 2016-17. RECOMMENDATION Following presentation of the final proposed FY 2018-2019 operating budget and holding of the required public hearing, staff recommends approval of this resolution. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Proposed FY 2018-2019 Budget, including amended year-end budget for FY 2017-2018. WA Resolution 18-11 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 18-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO ADOPT THE REVISED OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2018 AND THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2019 INCLUDING INVESTMENT POLICY, FISCAL AND BUDGETARY POLICIES, COMMITTED AND ASSIGNED FUND BALANCES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, Section 44.002 of the Education Code of the Texas Education Agency Texas School Law Bulletin states the budget must be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and WHEREAS, the budget must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to August 31st according to Texas Education Agency’s Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Section 2.6.2 – TEA Legal Requirements; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on August 15th, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the amended Westlake Academy Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2018 and the proposed Westlake Academy Annual Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2019 and appropriates the funds contained therein attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 3: That the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies, Investment Policies, and the Committed and Assigned Fund Balance designations that are also included in Exhibit A. SECTION 4: That a copy of the official adopted 2018-2019 Budget shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Secretary. WA Resolution 18-11 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 5: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 6: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST, 2018. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ L. Stanton Lowry or Janet S. Bubert, School Attorney Westlake Academy * 2600 Ottinger Road * Westlake, Texas 76262 www.westlakeacademy.org A NNIVERSARY 15TH W ESTLAKEACADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE 1 This page is intentionally blank 2 BUDGET GUIDE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS Westlake Academy, IBO Charter School* 2600 Ottinger Road * Tarrant County, Westlake Texas 76262 i 1. INTRODUCTORY SECTION • 07 Mission, Vision, & Values • 08 ASBO Award for FY 17/18 • 10 GFOA Best Practices 09/01/2018 • 13 Academic Community Profile 2. EXECUTIVE SECTION • 17 Executive Summary Letter • 23 Service Level Adjustments • 24 Debt Service and Bond Rating 3. BUDGET STRUCTURE • 27 Budget Overview and Process o Long Term Forecast Chart o Budget Calendar • 33 Balanced Scorecard System • 38 Budget Document Structure • 39 Financial Budget Structure • 40 Fund Balance Components • 41 Fund Types and Structure • 44 Account Coding Structure • 45 Revenue Classifications • 46 Expenditure Class by Function • 49 Expenditure Class by Object • 50 Fund & Function Relationship 4. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS SECTION • 53 Financial Forecast Assumptions • 54 Five-Year Financial Forecast • 55 Governmental Fund Summary • 59 Governmental Fund Statements • 62 General Fund Summary • 64 General Fund Statements • 74 Special Revenue Fund Summary 5. PERSONNEL SECTION • 79 Personnel & Staffing • 81 Personnel Position Summary • 84 Organizational Chart • 85 Board of Trustees • 86 Leadership Team • 87 Structure - Municipal • 88 Structure – Academic 6. STUDENT DATA SECTION • 93 IBO Overview • 94 IB Learner Profile • 96 Enrollment Boundaries • 97 Student Enrollment • 98 PYP Programme & Performance • 101 MYP Programme & Performance • 105 DYP Programme & Performance • 107 Benchmark Data • 111 TEA Accountability Summary • 112 Achievements Academic • 115 Achievements Athletic • 116 Parent Survey Results 7. POLICY SECTION • 119 Investment Policies • 124 Fiscal and Budgetary Policies • 134 Future Policies 8. APPENDIX SECTION • 139 Glossary • 147 Acronyms • 148 School Calendar This page is intentionally blank 4 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 5 This page is intentionally blank 6 MISSION, VISION & VALUES Founded in 2003 with a vision to achieve academic excellence and develop life-long learners who become well-balanced, responsible global citizens, Westlake Academy is the first and only municipally- owned charter school in the State of Texas. The Academy was the fifth school in the United States, and the only public school, to offer the full IB curriculum for grades K-12. During each year’s budget retreat, great care and consideration is given to review the mission, vision and values of the Academy and the impact these have on both the long-term goals and its day-to-day operation. The vision, mission and value statements represent the outcome of these discussions and confirm the Board’s continued dedication to academic excellence and personal achievement. M ISSION “Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners.”  V ISION “Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB learner profile.” ~ Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective~  V ALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding  D ESIRED O UTCOMES The following desired outcomes summarize the goals and objectives established by the Board of Trustees and leadership staff at the Academy: High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability Student Engagement-Extracurricular Activities Effective Educators & Staff 7 This Meritorious Budget Award is presented to WESTLAKE ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE WORLD SCHOOL for excellence in the preparation and issuance of its budget for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. The budget adheres to the principles and standards of ASBO International’s Meritorious Budget Award criteria. Anthony N. Dragona, Ed.D., RSBA John D. Musso, CAE, RSBA President Executive Director 8 MERITORIOUS BUDGET AWARD Westlake Academy has been awarded the Meritorious Budget Award by the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) for the preparation and issuance of the 2017-2018 annual budget. The award has been received annually since September 1, 2010. This award is the highest form of recognition and a significant achievement that reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff in meeting the highest principles of academic budgeting. The Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) recognizes school districts that demonstrate proficiency in creating clear, sound budgets while enhancing skills in developing, analyzing, and presenting a clear and effective budget. To receive this award, Westlake Academy must publish a budget document that meets program criteria such as • Understanding the importance of presenting an accurate and transparent budget year after year. • Discovering best practices in budgeting that will improve the budget's accuracy and transparency • Developing a reader-friendly document that presents clear budget guidelines. • Promoting communication between departments and the community. • Encouraging short- and long-range budget goals. • Supporting effective use of educational resources. Congratulations to Debbie Piper, Finance Director; Marlene Rutledge, Accounting Technician II; Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director, and the Instructional Leadership Team for preparing this award-winning budget for Westlake Academy. 9 The above school district has applied for the Award for Best Practices in School Budgeting; however, GFOA has not yet completed the review of its application and has provided this certificate to acknowledge Westlake Academy has made efforts to implement the new budget process guidelines. Budget processes are evaluated based on several criteria focusing on alignment of resources towards student achievement on collaboration, communication and rigorous development, evaluation, and prioritization of strategies to achieve a districts goals and objectives. In addition, the criteria includes recommendations for conveying the results of the budget process through the calendar presentation and utilizing continuous improvement approaches to monitor the outcomes. 10 AWARD FOR BEST PRACTICES IN SCHOOL BUDGETING Westlake Academy received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award annually since September 1, 2009. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) enhanced the existing award program in 2017 and developed the Award for Best Practices in School Budgeting. While the new budget process guidelines were implemented with the 2017/2018 budget, GFOA has not yet completed the final review. The budgeting process presented in these Best Practices is focused on optimizing student achievement within available resources. It encompasses a complete cycle for long-term financial planning and budgeting, aligning with instructional priorities. GFOA recommends the following steps as part of the planning and budgeting process: P LAN AND PREPARE The planning and budgeting process begins with mobilizing key stakeholders, gathering information on academic performance and cost structure, and establishing principles and policies to guide the budget process. • Establish a partnership between the finance and instructional leaders. A collaborative process increases the likelihood that the decisions made will be supported after the budget process is over. • Develop principles and policies to guide the budget process. Budget principles and policies formalize standards and fundamental values that should govern the budgeting process. • Analyze current levels of student learning. The current state of academic performance must be assessed to determine what course of action to take. • Identify communications strategy. The budget process should include a plan to inform participants, stakeholders, and the general public about how the budget process works, why each decision was made and how to provide input in the process. SET INSTRUCTIONAL PRIORITIES The budget needs to be rooted in the priorities of the district. Intentionally created instructional priorities provide a strong basis for developing a district’s budget and strategic financial plan, as well as presenting a budget document. • Develop goals. Goals should be thoughtfully developed and structured to be specific, measurable, and reasonable to provide a strong foundation for the budget process. • Identify root cause of gap between goal and current state. By finding root causes of problems, a district can identify the most effective solutions to achieving its goals. • Research & develop potential instructional priorities. The district’s instructional priorities should be informed by practices proven by research and be limited in number to focus on items critical to optimizing performance. • Evaluate choices amongst instructional priorities. A district needs to weigh its different options for achieving its goals against one another to focus on those with the greatest potential for student achievement impact. P AY FOR PRIORITIES Current resources and expenditures must be thoroughly analyzed to find capacity to pay for top instructional priorities. • Apply cost analysis to the budget process. A cost analysis and staffing analysis are essential to identifying how the district might allocate its limited resources. • Evaluate & prioritize use of resources to enact the instructional priorities. Instructional priorities need to be thoroughly quantified as a first step to determining how much money is needed to implement 11 the priorities and where that money will come from. Trade-offs need to be weighted to examine whether the costs, financial or otherwise, of implementing an instructional priority are viable. IMPLEMENT PLAN The “strategic financial plan” is the long-term road map for implementing the district’s instructional priorities. A “plan of action” describes how the strategic financial plan will be translated into coherent actionable steps. • Develop a strategic financial plan. A strategic financial plan provides a three to five-year perspective on how the district will pursue its instructional priorities and how successes will be determined. • Develop a plan of action. Roles and responsibilities for implementing the strategic financial plan should be made clear for greater accountability. • Allocate resources to individual school sites. Resources have the most direct impact at school sites (programmes) and should be allocated transparently and consistent with the district’s overall strategy. • Develop a budget presentation. A budget document needs to be well organized and clearly lay out the challenges the district is facing and how the district’s strategies and financial plan will address these challenges. ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY The planning and budgeting process should be one that can be replicated in the future to ensure the district remains focused and plans accordingly for reaching its student achievement goals. • Put the strategies into practice and evaluate results. To ensure timeliness and accountability, the district should establish a system to implement the plan and monitor its progress while making necessary adjustments to stay on track. Source: www.gfoa.org/best-practices-school-district-budgeting Approved by GFOA’s Executive Board: January 2015 12 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Westlake Academy is an Open Enrollment Charter School that opened September 1, 2003, offering the full IB curriculum for grades K-12. Westlake Academy distinguishes itself among neighboring educational offerings with a particular focus on producing students who are globally minded. The programs of the International Baccalaureate Organization (Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme) have been selected as the educational model utilized at the Academy. Educational technology is pervasive and continually infused in the classroom curriculum. Westlake Academy is a premier learning establishment and prides itself on providing a learning environment where students have the resources and facilities to excel. The primary geographic service area for Westlake Academy is the town limits of Westlake; students from other locations may be considered if seats are available. Westlake Academy continues to have excellent academic and extra-curricular results and is ranked among the best high schools in America. STUDENT UNIFORMS The Westlake Academy Dress Code specifically outlines school-approved uniform options for students: • formal uniforms • casual uniforms • acceptable spirit wear The student uniform standards encourage a productive learning environment in which students can focus on learning, appreciate an awareness of others without distractions, develop character and good citizenship skills, instill respect and self- discipline. OUR VISION Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile: •Inquirers •Knowledgeable •Thinkers •Communicator •Principled •Open-Minded •Balanced •Risk-Takers •Caring •Reflective OUR MISSION Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality so they are well- balanced and respectful life-long learners. VALUES •Maximizing Personal Development •Academic Excellence •Respect for Self and Others •Personal Responsibility •Compassion and Understanding 13 HOUSE SYSTEM Westlake Academy has chosen to implement a house system with each student and faculty member assigned to one of four houses named after people who represent qualities important to and inherent in the Westlake Academy mission statement. While school and team spirit are promoted, the house system also encourages integration, responsibility and a sense of community. Membership in a house is life-long. Each student should be responsible for the well being of fellow members and be proud to work for the betterment of the house. Houses work together and compete in academic, sporting, and service project events. All siblings are assigned to the same house. The House System organization and leadership team consists of a House Coordinator and its own leadership team consisting of a House Captain, Service Captain, PYP Captain, and Faculty Liaison. Dawnelle Butler is the 2018-19 House Coordinator, along with Student Council (STUCO) members as the designated leadership team. Keller House In 1882, at the age of two, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. Nevertheless, she learned to read, write and speak. She attended the most prestigious women’s university in the United States and became a spokeswoman for all people with disabilities. She represents determination, perseverance and passion. Thoreau House Henry David Thoreau was a writer, thinker and naturalist. He was one of the country’s first environmentalists. He represents a love of nature, independent thinking and standing up for one’s convictions. Wheatley House Sold into slavery at the age of seven, Phillis Wheatley nonetheless learned to read and write in English, Greek and Latin and published her first poem at the age of thirteen. She was the United States’ first African-American poet. She represents our search for spirituality and cultural diversity. Whitman House Father of free, non rhyming verse in poetic literature, Walt Whitman was truly an innovator who began his career in the years before the civil war. He used his poetry to express the distinctive virtues of the American nation. He exalts the democratic spirit and a love of a country. 14 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 15 This page is intentionally blank 16 August 15, 2018 Honorable Board of Trustees, As Superintendent of Westlake Academy, and in tandem with the administrative teams for both municipal and academic services, I am pleased to submit for your consideration, the Academic Budget for FY 2018/19. On behalf of our entire learning community, I would like to thank the Board for their leadership, dedication to excellence, and support in making Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake a truly shining example of what can be accomplished when people come together with a common purpose: great educational success can happen! I. INTRODUCTION First, this budget reflects Westlake Academy’s commitment to its strategic plan and the initiatives that support the Academy’s mission, vision, and values. At the core of the Academy is college readiness. Throughout each Programme in the IB continuum, the objective is to prepare students for post-secondary success and beyond. There is no doubt that today’s graduates must compete on a global stage and will need specific 21st century skills to be able to successfully navigate an ever-changing internationally minded marketplace. As such, alignment to that mission is paramount. The following is reflective of the proposed budget, which:  shows a steady increase in student enrollment that is indicative of the growth of the Town of Westlake, and the success the Academy has had in preparing students for post-secondary achievements.  contains an increase in Career and Technology Education (CTE) funding due to an increase in student enrollment in CTE courses.  includes a facilities allotment for Charter Schools passed by the 84th Texas Legislative Session.  contains a 3% increase in staff salaries on average to move the salary scale within 0.5% of the median of surrounding school districts (assuming surrounding school districts implement market adjustments). Second, as with our previous budget submittals, this financial information has been prepared according to conservative revenue projections, i.e., State funding and Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) donation levels. This document contains a high-level summary showing proposed WA revenues and expenditures for FY 2018/2019. Statistical data, summaries, and charts are intended to provide a comprehensive review of the proposed budget, which will provide both staff and administration with a guidance tool for this year and a forecast for the future. This new year will be unique in that we will be celebrating 15 years of educational success at Westlake Academy! In addition, the IB was founded 50 years ago, paving the way for groundbreaking developments in international education. Therefore, with keeping our tradition of utilizing an associated theme focusing on the coming school year, the proposed theme for FY 2018/2019 is: Celebrate 15WA/50IB: A Legacy of Leading and Learning 17 G ENERAL F UND B UDGET S UMMARY A public school operating budget is legally required to include the Academy’s General Operating, Debt Service, and Food Service Funds. Because the Academy does not maintain the latter two, the General Fund is the only legally adopted fund. For informational purposes only, budgets for Special Revenue Funds are included throughout the presentation. Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues $ 8,477,645 $ 8,847,829 $ 370,184 4% Total Expenditures 8,455,072 8,710,132 255,060 3.02% Other Resources 85,000 76,000 (9,000) -11% Other Uses (85,000) (76,000) 9,000 0% Excess Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 22,573 137,697 115,124 510% FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 939,271 961,844 22,573 2% FUND BALANCE ENDING 961,844 1,099,541 137,697 14% Assigned 39,090 34,000 (5,090) -13% FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 922,754 $ 1,065,541 $ 142,787 15% # Days Operating (Based on 365) 40 45 5 12% Students Enrolled 856 876 20 2% TEA Funding per Student $ 7,600 $ 7,762 $ 162 2% Operating Cost per Student $ 9,877 $ 9,943 $ 66 1% Teachers 66.26 66.08 (0.18) 0% Student/Teacher Ratio 12.92 13.26 0.34 3% II. THE CHALLENGES The Town of Westlake, and therefore Westlake Academy, finds itself in one of DFW’s most desirable executive housing corridors - located along State Highway 114. Growth associated with the area necessitates that we not only understand and deal with the associated changes, but also understand the impact the future growth presents. As our state charter is held by the municipality, any challenge or opportunity experienced by the community as a whole also affects the Academy. The most pressing challenges include: Westlake’s Permanent Population Growth: This is the portion of our population considered to be our permanent residents. The growth from the 1990 population of 185 to 2017’s population of 1,380 represents an increase of 645% equal to 1,195 additional residents. We continually monitor and plan for increases in these numbers considering our Comprehensive Plan’s (Forging Westlake) forecast of approximately 7.21% annual population growth between now and 2040. This would bring us to around 7,000 residents. The number of Westlake residents who are selecting Westlake Academy as the educational choice for their students has doubled in the past five years. Resident surveys continually indicate that the Academy is a strong motivator for our residents to locate in Westlake, and one of the top three (3) reasons why they plan to remain in our community. For example, the 2017 municipal services survey results indicate 75% of the new residents say enrollment at 18 Westlake Academy was extremely important/important to their decision to live in the community. With the majority of those residents then listing this as the number one (1) reason they will remain in Westlake over the next five (5) years. Planning for Academy growth in the face of residential development continues to be a challenge. Wherever possible, the Town has entered economic development agreements with residential developers to provide funding for Westlake Academy facilities to lessen the impact of their residential development on the Academy’s enrollment. Westlake Academy has experienced steady enrollment growth from 491 students in FY 09/10 to a projected 876 in FY 18/19. The current increase of student population is a result of the Phase I expansion efforts on the Academy campus and our development. Our growth requires that we carefully manage our student enrollment processes to provide adequate space for children of Westlake residents. Approximately 39,000 sq. ft. of new facilities space was opened on campus in FY 14/15. It was comprised of a secondary classroom building, field house, and a primary years’ multi-use hall. These buildings increased our capacity and allowed for decompression of our current school facilities. The lottery waiting list for student admissions from our secondary boundaries continues to grow from 705 in 2011 to approximately 1,988 students for this coming school year. Public Education Funding Shortfall: State funding of public education was decreased by the State Legislature in 2011. While it has increased somewhat since then, the allocation has not kept pace with basic cost increases. And, in the Legislature’s most recent 2017 session, the per student funding for public education was not increased for the next biennium. This negatively impacts Westlake since, as a charter school, we receive approximately 82% of our operational funding from the State. The municipal government continues to allocate significant resources to the school to deal with State funding limitations, maintain high quality educational services, provide for the Academy’s facilities and support services, as well as preserve space for the children of Westlake residents. Additionally, the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) raises significant operating funds for the Academy, without which the school could not operate. Staffing Levels, Insurance Costs, and Retention: Our investment in the school must be facilitated in tandem with staffing considerations to maintain our dynamic teaching teams and be competitive with our surrounding school districts. This includes keeping our compensation/benefit package competitive to attract and retain excellent employees. For the 18/19 budget year, in accordance with the Board’s financial policies regarding Academy employee compensation, Staff recommends an average 3% salary increase for the Academy faculty and staff. This is in addition to maximizing efficiencies and processes that will control large expenditure drivers such as employee health insurance. Continued Emphasis on Long-Range Financial Planning: This budget contains an updated Long-Range Financial Forecast which identifies key revenue and expenditure drivers while assessing historical financial trends and their potential impact upon the town’s financial stability. The forecast must be monitored and updated during the budget formulation process, as well as reviewed with the Board of Trustees as the budget is prepared. Staff will also continue to produce quarterly financial reports for the Board that monitors and analyzes trends. The report serves 19 as a valuable tool to assist in developing a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to our changing financial trends. OUR REGIONAL CHALLENGES: DFW Metro Area Employment and Population Growth: Since 1970, the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex has grown by more than 150% - a faster pace than the state and nation. At 9,500 square miles, it is larger in total area than 5 of our states. With a population of nearly 7.2 million, it is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the country. Forecasts from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) predict employment to grow, in this 12- county standard metropolitan statistical (SMSA) area, by almost 70% over the next 30 years. Population growth over this same 30-year period is also forecasted to be 69%. This regional growth will impact Westlake and the demand for enrollment opportunities at the school. III. SHARED SERVICE MODEL The Academy operates under a shared services model whereby the municipal operations team provides human resources, financial, facilities, and administrative support services to the school. General maintenance and replacement of infrastructure and equipment for the school is also expensed to the municipal budget. The shared services model was an integral part of the state charter application process that helped bolster the Town’s case for having a community school. This model conserves resources and avoids the duplication of efforts across the municipal and academic functions. DEBT SERVICE - As part of the Academy’s unique financial structure the Town of Westlake is responsible for debt service payments associated with the Academy’s capital infrastructure. The Municipal Debt Service Fund is used to manage debt service payments, and Academy debt is accounted for in the annual municipal budget. CAPITAL PROJECTS - Note that there are no major capital projects budgeted or planned through FY 18/19, and there are no future Academy capital projects discussed in the Town of Westlake’s Capital Improvement Plan. However, retaining professional expertise to update the Academy’s master facility plan will be discussed with the Council in the near future. MUNICIPAL ALLOCATIONS Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Municipal-Transfer to WA Operating Budget $ 315,000 $ 315,000 $ - 0.00% Annual Debt Service (Municipal budget) 1,666,337 1,828,791 162,454 9.75% Major Maintenance and Replacement 289,667 355,595 65,928 22.76% In-direct Operating Costs 768,469 854,511 86,042 11.20% Total Municipal Costs $ 3,039,473 $ 3,353,897 $ 314,424 10.34% 20 IV. FY18 /19 GENERAL FUND BUDGET This budget encompasses all teaching and extra-/co-curricular operating expenditures as well as State public school funding and private donations used to support the daily operation of Westlake Academy. The FY 18/19 General Fund budget totals $8,710,132, which represents a 3.02% increase from the prior year. It is important to note that $34,000 is earmarked in the Academy’s fund balance for Athletic uniform and equipment replacement and bus maintenance. The FY 18/19 projections will increase fund balance by $142,787 for an ending unassigned fund balance of $1,065,541 (45 operating days). As mentioned previously, Westlake Academy’s enrollment increase has been driven by the growth of residential developments and housing opportunities within the Town of Westlake. This trend will continue with the addition of other housing developments and new homes that are currently under construction. With the estimated increase of 20 students, total enrollment will rise to a projected 876 this school year. This will be the Academy’s largest student enrollment census to date, exceeding the projections in the school’s Facility Master Plan adopted in November of 2012. With this trend of growth in the Academy’s resident (primary boundary) student population, a corresponding trend will likely be that overall lottery enrollment opportunities for secondary boundary students will decline. Growth will be monitored and managed until financial resources become available and the Board of Trustees reviews and approves any update to the Facility Master Plan. COMBINED: GENERAL FUND ACADEMIC AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Operating Expenditures $ 8,140,072 $ 8,395,132 $ 255,060 3.13% Municipal-Transfer to WA Operating Budget 315,000 315,000 - 0.00% Total Academic Costs (General Fund Only) 8,455,072 8,710,132 255,060 3.02% Annual Debt Service (Municipal budget) 1,666,337 1,828,791 162,454 9.75% Major Maintenance and Replacement 289,667 355,595 65,928 22.76% In-direct Operating Costs 768,469 854,511 86,042 11.20% Total Municipal Costs 2,724,473 3,038,897 314,424 11.54% TOTAL EXPENDITURE COSTS $ 11,179,545 $ 11,749,029 $ 569,484 5.09% Number of Students 856 876 20 2.34% Total Expenditure Cost per Student $ 13,060 $ 13,412 $ 353 2.70% Over the last year, many hours have been spent to further develop our vision of the future, determining the best opportunities that lay before us to help accomplish our mission and truly become the “shining school on the hill.” While we have many successes to celebrate, we are constantly striving to improve the Academy through multiple avenues, including “getting the right people on the bus”, ensuring that we are consistently taking measure of our course, and adjusting as we move towards our goal. 21 It is through our talented faculty, staff, students, and their supportive families, that we can unfailingly rise to challenges and hold to our vision. The daily operation of the Academy is made possible through our partnerships with the Town of Westlake, the Westlake Academy Foundation, and our affiliate groups. As with all good teams, it becomes necessary to draw attention to individual performers and teams who go above and beyond to help us accomplish our goals. I would like to recognize the hard work of the Academic and Municipal Leadership Teams, and specifically the Finance Department and Dr. Mechelle Bryson for their efforts in completing this award-winning document. I know with the teams we have in place, we will continue to “build a collective legacy of excellence.” Thomas E. Brymer Town Manager/Superintendent Westlake Academy “Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners.” 22 SERVICE LEVEL ADJUSTMENTS This budget makes use of Service Level Adjustments (SLA) to track cost changes. There are four types of Service Level Adjustments: (1) increased operating costs to maintain current levels of service, (2) increased operating costs due to expanded levels of service, (3) increased costs due to the development of new services, and (4) cost savings. Cost savings may occur for any number of reasons, but primarily arise due to increased efficiency, service level reductions, or not expending budgeted resources. Note that totals in brackets ( ) represent a decrease in expenditures. These SLA’s are based on “Base Budget” which reflects the reduction of one-time expenditures in the prior year. For FY 18/19 academic staff recommends the following adjustments: 61XX SALARY AND RELATED EXPENDITURES $ 2 36,056 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities, & Technology Outcome Objective: Attract, Recruit, Retain, & Develop the Highest Quality Workforce Board Policy states a desire to maintain the median salary within three percent (3%) of the districts surveyed for market comparison purposes. Salary surveys are conducted annually, and staff is required to estimate market movement using historical trends. • For FY 18/19, staff recommends adjusting the salary scale to within 0.5% of the estimated median, resulting in an average pay increase of 3% for faculty and staff. 62XX PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTED SERVICES $ 9 ,723 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: Academic Operations Outcome Objective: Improve the Efficiencies of Operational Systems This category includes expenditures related to professional and contracted services rendered to the Academy by firms, individuals, and other organizations. This amount reflects an increase in: • audiology services in the MYP and PYP programmes • janitorial services due to the change in service providers • soccer/tennis field rentals for TCAF-required district and semi-final tournaments 63XX SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS $ 9 4,206 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: Academic Operations Outcome Objective: Optimize Student Potential Supplies and material costs are associated with consumables that are used in the classroom and in the general maintenance of the campus. This amount reflects an increase in: • funding for security measures overseen by the Emergency Operations Team • enhanced antivirus software for student and staff computers • replacement and increase in athletic equipment and supplies 64XX OTHER OPERATING COSTS $ (6 ,2 19) Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities, & Technology Outcome Objective: Increase the Capacity of Teachers & Staff Other operating costs are associated with insurance, professional development, travel, membership fees and dues, graduation expenses, and miscellaneous costs. Cost savings in this category are based on a determined effort to reduce costs and increase process efficiencies. 65XX DEBT SERVICE COSTS $ 0 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities & Technology Outcome Objective: Improve Technology, Facilities % Equipment Debt service costs are associated with a 3-year lease for iPads to support the one-to-one device initiative. The FY 16/17 amount of $257,238 included the payoff for the original iPad lease, creating a decreased expenditure for FY 17/18 of $167,068, which will continue in to FY 18/19. 23 DEBT SERVICE The Town of Westlake owns the land on which the Academy is located, and including all facilities associated with the school. The Town has issued approximately $30M in debt to construct campus facilities and is responsible for debt service payments associated with Westlake Academy’s capital infrastructure. The Town’s Debt Service Fund is used to manage debt service payments, and Academy debt is accounted for in the annual municipal budget. Average annual debt service payments for Academy facilities and infrastructure total approximately $1.828M, and are funded primarily by municipal sales tax receipts. Academy related debt is over 75% of the Town's debt burden. However, the school is also considered the Town’s primary economic development tool. FY 18/19 debt service payments related to the construction of Westlake Academy facilities include: Amount Series Debt Service Type Bond Type $ 257,025 Series 2007 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Refunding of 2007 886,425 Series 2011 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Refunding of 2002/2003 446,018 Series 2013 Certificates of Obligation Westlake Academy Expansion 169,463 Series 2013 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Refunding of 2008 69,860 Series 2014 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Refunding of 2003 $ 1,828,791 TOTAL DEBT For more information, see the Town of Westlake Municipal Budget, available online at www.westlake-tx.org. THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE BOND RATING Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, a division of the McGraw-Hill Inc., increased the Town’s rating from AA+ to AAA/stable during FY 2016/17, which has continued through 2017/18. Below is an excerpt from Standards and Poor’s rating letter: • Very strong economy, with access to a broad and diverse metropolitan statistical area (MSA) but a concentrated local tax base; • Strong management, with good financial policies and practices under our Financial Management Assessment methodology; • Strong budgetary performance, with operating surpluses in the general fund and at the total governmental fund level in fiscal 2015; • Very strong budgetary flexibility with a high available fund balance in fiscal 2015 of 100% of operating expenditures; • Very strong liquidity, with total government available cash at 81.7% of total governmental fund expenditures and 7.4x governmental debt service, and access to external liquidity that we consider strong; • Weak debt and contingent liability position, with debt service carrying charges at 11% of expenditures and net direct debt that is 99% of total governmental fund revenue; and • Strong institutional framework score. 24 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 25 This page is intentionally blank 26 BUDGET OVERVIEW AND PROCESS Projecting the budget allocations of the Academy is a continual process that responds to the changing needs of the Academy students and staff as well as variations in the fiscal environment such as State funding. The development of the Academy budget for fiscal year 2018/19 began with the Westlake Board of Trustees meeting that was held in June of 2018. The Academy approach to balancing the combination of fast student growth in a restricted funding environment along with increasing academic standards requires that the budget process be instructionally driven and guided by the Academy’s Strategic Plan. During the budget development process the staff reviewed all revenues and expenditures and focused on aligning the allocation of resources, both personnel and financial, with the accomplishment of established goals and outcome objectives contained in our Strategy Map. The Board of Trustees regularly receives quarterly budget updates, some of which are detailed in the trend analysis and the five-year financial forecast discussed later in this document. Upon receipt of the adopted annual budget, the Board holds budget workshops to review adopted changes, their associated outcomes for the next fiscal year, as well as their impact in a five (5) year financial forecast. Following is a summary of the nine main steps taken in preparation of the adopted budget: 1. Budget Preparation 2. Fund Types and Structure 3. Basis of Accounting and Budgeting 4. The Budget Process 5. Balanced Budget 6. Budget Amendments 7. Budget Adoption 8. Long Term Forecasting 9. Budget Calendar BUDGET PREPARATION As in previous years, efforts have been made to control expenditures while continuing to deliver an excellent level of service to our citizens. Concentrated efforts have been made to produce a document that clearly illustrates the uses of Academy resources in a format that may be utilized as a resource tool by the Board of Trustees, Academy staff, and the citizens of Westlake. Our budget preparation process continues to be refined on an annual basis, operating within clearly defined budget preparation guidelines. Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control and evaluation process of municipal government. The “operating budget” is the Academy’s annual financial operating plan. The budget includes all the operating departments of the Academy, the debt service fund, all capital projects funds, and the internal service funds of the Academy. The proposed budget will be prepared with the cooperation of all Academy departments, and is submitted to the Superintendent who makes any necessary changes and transmits the document to the Board of Trustees. A budget preparation calendar and timetable will be established and followed in accordance with State law. A “bottom-up” approach is used to solicit input from the staff Leadership Team as to their operations’ needs with an emphasis on: • Identifying costs to provide the current level of services. 27 • Identifies additional cost increases needed to maintain the current level of service. • Additional resources necessary to provide new or increased levels of service. • Delineating changes in fund balance levels for each fund. The following procedures, which are guided by generally accepted budgeting practices, have been established: • The annual operating budget presents appropriations of expenditures and estimates of revenues for all government funds. These revenues include federal, state, and local revenues. • The annual operating budget illustrates expenditures, anticipated revenues, and the estimated impact on reserves. • Budgets for each function are broken down into specific object codes, including payroll and payroll related, professional and contracted services, supplies and materials, other operating costs, and debt service. • Revenue projections are prepared for each revenue source based on an analysis of historical revenue trends and current fiscal conditions. • Goals and objectives have been developed and are incorporated into the evaluation of employees and performance of the organization. • A budget message summarizing local financial conditions and principal budget issues is presented to the governing board along with the annual budget. FUND TYPES AND STRUCTURE The accounts of the Academy are organized and operated on a basis of funds. A fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. Fund accounting segregates funds per their intended purpose and is used to aid management in demonstrating compliance with finance related legal and contractual provisions. The minimum number of funds is maintained consistent with legal and managerial requirements. Academy funds are classified into two categories: governmental and fiduciary. • FIDUCIARY FUNDS The funds account for resources that are held in trust for individuals or other governments, in this case monies that are held in a custodial capacity for the benefit of student organizations. • GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS The funds are used to account for the Academy’s general government activities, including the collection and disbursement of specific or legally restricted monies. Governmental funds use the flow of current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenue is recognized when it becomes susceptible to accrual, i.e., when it becomes measurable and available. Measurable means the amount of the transaction can be determined and available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. The Academy considers revenues available if they are collected within 60 days after year-end. Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred. • Foundation State Program (FSP) funds are susceptible to accrual. • Miscellaneous revenue items, which are not susceptible to accrual, are recognized as revenue only as they are received in cash. 28 • Entitlements and grants are recognized as revenue at the time of receipt or earlier if the susceptible to accrual criteria are met. Expenditure driven grants are recognized as revenue when the qualifying expenditures have been incurred and all other grant requirements have been met. Governmental funds include the following: • The General Fund is the Academy's primary operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the Academy, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. • Special Revenue Funds account for the revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. BASIS OF BUDGETING AND ACCOUNTING The term basis of budgeting is used to describe when events or transactions are recorded and recognized. In the Modified Accrual Basis - • revenues are recognized in the period when they became available and measurable • expenditures are recognized when the liability is incurred In the Accrual Basis - • revenues are recorded when earned • expenses when the liability is incurred The basis of budgeting and accounting is shown in the chart below: Annual Operating Budget Audited Financial Statements GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS • General Fund Modified Accrual Modified Accrual • Special Revenue Funds Modified Accrual Modified Accrual 29 Budgets are prepared on the same basis of accounting that is used in financial statements. The basis of budgeting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the corresponding accounts and reported in financial statements. Governmental fund types, including the general fund, are budgeted using the Current Financial Resources Measurement Focus and the Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting. Westlake Academy’s only Fiduciary Fund (the Agency Fund, described below) is not a budgeted fund. THE BUDGET PROCESS The Academy’s fiscal year begins each year on September 1st and ends on August 31st of the following calendar year. Prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the Superintendent must submit a proposed budget to the Board of Trustees which includes: • A budget message • A consolidated statement of anticipated revenues and proposed expenditures for all funds • General fund resources in detail • Special fund resources in detail • A summary of proposed expenditures by function and object code • Detailed estimates of expenditures shown separately to support proposed expenditures The budget preparation process begins early in the calendar year with the establishment of overall Academy goals, objectives, and analysis of current year operations compared to expenditures. • Budget policies and procedures are reviewed at the same time to reduce errors and omissions. • In May, the Finance Department prepares budget forms and instructions for estimating revenues and expenditures. • Leadership Team members submit proposed baseline expenditures for current service levels and any additional one-time or on-going request they may have for their department. • A round-table meeting is subsequently held with the Superintendent, the finance staff and each department head for review. • After all funding levels are established and agreed upon the proposed budget is presented to the Board of Trustees. • A public hearing on the budget is conducted in accordance with state and local law. • This meeting is held after the Board has reviewed the budget during a workshop. • The Board of Trustees approves a level of expenditure (or appropriation) for each fund to go into effect on September 1st, prior to the expenditure of any Academy funds for that budget year. BALANCED BUDGET As per State Law, current operating revenues will be sufficient to support current operating expenditures. Annually recurring revenue will not be less than annually recurring operating budget expenditures (operating budget minus capital outlay). Debt or bond financing will not be used to finance current expenditures. 30 BUDGET AMENDMENT PROCESS The Superintendent may request that the current year budget be amended at the function level. In this process, the Superintendent will review the documentation and draft an ordinance to formally amend the current budget. This ordinance is presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration. Following the consideration of the proposed amendment, the Board will vote on the amendment ordinance. If the amendment is approved, the necessary budget changes are then made. All budget amendments will be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the expenditure of funds more than the previously authorized budgeted amounts within each fund. The Final Amended Budget for the Year Ending August 31, 2018 will be submitted at the August 2018 Board meeting. It will reflect all amendments previously approved by the Board of Trustees plus any final amendments. Often, these amendments influence the shaping of the current budget as actual trends in revenues and expenditures are realized and accounted for at that time. Program principals and coordinators are responsible for monitoring their respective programme budgets. The Finance Department will monitor all financial operations. The budget team will decide whether to proceed with a budget amendment and, if so, will then present the request to the Board of Trustees. If the Board decides a budget amendment is necessary, the amendment is adopted in resolution format and the necessary budgetary changes are then made. BUDGET ADOPTION Legal requirements for charter school budgets are formulated by the state and the TEA. A Board typically adopts an appropriated budget on a basis consistent with GAAP for the general fund, debt service fund and child nutrition program (which is included in special revenue funds). However, the Academy does not maintain a debt service fund or a child nutrition program; therefore, only the General Fund is required to be adopted. Special Revenue Funds are not adopted by the governing body and are shown for informational purposes only. At a minimum, the Academy is required to present the original and the final amended budgets for revenues and expenditures compared to actual revenues and expenditures for the General Fund. The Board of Trustees conducts the required public meeting and adopts the budget in August prior to beginning the fiscal year which runs from September 1st to August 31st. LONG TERM FORECASTING Most annual operating budget documents focus on a single 12-month period where spending and revenue decisions made today will have effects that extend beyond that fiscal year. Because of that, the Academy requires that long-term forecasting be made part of the Annual Operating Budget document. The purpose of the policy is to: • Ensure on-going financial sustainability beyond a single fiscal year or budget cycle • Achieve the Academy’s mission and vision • Systematically link the annual budget to a multi-year master financial plan. 1. •Budget Amendment is requested •Forwarded to Finance department 2. •Finance Director reviews •If approved -forward to Superintendent 3. •Superintendent reviews •If approved -forward to Board of Trustees 4.•Board of Trustees review for approval 5.•Finance enters budget amendment 31 Should long term forecasts and analysis show that the school system does not have a “positive operating balance” over the multi-year period, the Academy shall bring this to the attention of the Superintendent. A “positive operating balance” means that the ending fund balance meets or exceeds the minimum levels prescribed in the Academy’s reserve policies. We anticipate the General Fund will maintain its minimum reserve for each of the four fiscal years beyond the current proposed budget year. BUDGET CALENDAR The Budget Process covers the financial cycle starting with budget planning and ending with the audited annual financial report. FY 17/18 YES 922,754$ 23,165$ 40 FY 18/19 YES 1,065,541$ 23,863$ 45 FY 19/20 YES 1,150,014$ 24,278$ 47 FY 20/21 YES 1,242,243$ 24,516$ 51 FY 21/22 YES 1,321,415$ 24,765$ 53 Dollars Per Operating Day Operating DaysFiscal Year Positive Operating Balance Fund Balance (unassigned) Timeline Description of Activities October - Dec Strategic Plan review and development occurs December Westlake Academy Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) begins planning upcoming budget January ILT meets with Westlake Academy affiliates for joint planning Jan - March Review and develop Capital Improvement Plan, Five-Year Projection, and Personnel Cost Estimates April Develop improvement plans for each grade level and department May Strategic Plan preparation process occurs; preliminary budgets developed May Board of Trustees (BOT) Budget Retreat June Current budget review; budget amendments for current year if necessary August BOT consideration and adoption of Westlake Academy Budget for Upcoming School Year October Annual financial audit 32 BALANCED SCORECARD SYSTEM The Academy has designed a strategic planning and performance management system framework based on the Balanced Scorecard System. The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align operational activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. The Board of Trustees and staff utilize this methodology to implement and review our existing strategic framework, along with the vision, mission, and values statement of the Academy. The balanced scorecard system is designed to communicate our strategy throughout the organization/community with our stakeholders, align our daily work activities to the overall vision, serve as the framework for prioritizing services, and utilize performance measures to evaluate our successes and opportunities. In short, it is a tool that businesses use to ensure that their work meets their goals in a measurable way by connecting organizational strategy to the work people do on a day-to-day basis, i.e. “You said…we did…” The graphic below illustrates the Balanced Scorecard approach and the following pages of this section demonstrate how Westlake has aligned with this framework. Components include the o Vision, Mission, Values, o Perspectives, o Strategy Map, Performance Measures o Strategic Initiatives Each element is critical to the success of the Academy and helps us evaluate and communicate our performance. Upon review of the existing strategic initiatives and performance measures, the Board provided feedback to the staff and requested an updated version for review. Staff reviewed the updated framework to include all the related performance measures and identified the strategic initiatives that will be goals for the entire organization this coming school year. 33 WESTLAKE ACADEMY – TIER TWO STRATEGY MAP A Tier Two Strategy Map is cascaded from the Tier One map that is developed by the elected officials. The Board of Trustees worked with staff teams to identify the strategic objectives that are important to our overall success and service provision levels for the stakeholders of the Academy. The Tier One map is drafted at the municipal level of the organization and then cascaded to the educational department of the school. This ensures alignment with our values and vision throughout the Town. STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES A Perspective is a view of the Academy operations from a specific vantage point. Four basic perspectives are traditionally used to encompass a Balanced Scorecard organization’s activities – people & facilities, operational efficiency, 34 financial stewardship, and customer service. The Academy’s business model, which encompasses vision, mission, and strategy, utilizes the four Perspectives as a framework. The four perspectives of the plan, which were customized by the Board, are as follows: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES Citizens, Students, and Stakeholders: Financial Stewardship: Academic Operations: People, Facilities, & Technologies: viewed through the eyes of our customers and stakeholders Financial oversight; effective use of resources focuses on processes that create value for the customers and stakeholders involves, work culture, innovation, leadership, governance, tools and technology necessary to provide services STRATEGIC THEMES The Academy won’t have their own ‘strategic themes’ as they are considered a department of the Town. Therefore, under the strategic themes for the Town is a goal for “Exemplary Education” that will encompass the direction for the Academy. The Town Council (Board of Trustees) grouped this information along with the major components of our previous strategic plan and ranked the importance of the concepts per each area of concern. The final activity involved the formation of our “strategic themes” for the municipal services. Staff then created strategy maps for each theme, identified a strategic result, populated the maps with strategic objectives and created an objective commentary document. These were then evaluated against the direction of the community and sets the framework for a comprehensive Tier One map for the municipal program of services. The Town Council has worked closely with staff to adopt a management system based on the Balanced Scorecard framework. This was developed to help the Academy direct its own destiny rather than allow future events to do so. Through sound business principles the Academy can more effectively provide services to the citizens of Westlake, increasing both efficiency and customer satisfaction. Ultimately, it guides the way the Academy does business and helps us determine how we should invest our time and resources. In the budget process, this allows for increased transparency, clarity, and accountability, providing the Academy a framework for demonstrating results. The continued quality and success of this community does not happen without the diligent effort of a committed team of residents, businesses, community leaders, and staff. Years of consistent planning and strategic thinking has brought Westlake where it is today. STRATEGIC THEMES Natural Oasis Exemplary Service & Governance High Quality Planning, Design, & Development Exemplary Education Preserve and maintain a perfect blend of the community’s natural beauty. We set the standard by delivering unparalleled municipal and educational services at the lowest cost. We are a desirable, well planned, high- quality community that is distinguished by exemplary design standards. Westlake is an international educational leader where each individual’s potential is maximized. 35 OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES Performance measures hold government departments accountable to their stakeholders, while allowing them to recognize their successes and adjust programs of service that are under performing. Performance measures are determined according to the strategic objectives found on the Strategy Map and helps to align the goals for the department. These performance measures also help determine the quantity and quality of our work, as identified in our plans. We consistently evaluate our work and review our performance quarterly because we firmly believe that what gets measured gets done. In addition to monitoring these performance measures, the Academy also values the opinion of its parents. Every two years Westlake undertakes a broad stakeholder survey designed to measure academic performance and to gauge the current and future needs of the students. This survey is an incredibly useful tool within the strategic management system, and it allows Academy services to be tailored based upon parent feedback. Westlake’s performance measures are dynamic and undergo on-going review. As we improve our ability to gather and mine data about our work, we will be able to expand our performance measures to the departmental business plans as a gauge of success. The departmental efficiency and effectiveness measures along with the outcome based measures will be grouped with the appropriate strategic objective to give an overall picture of the Academy’s performance. As the Academy continues to develop these scorecards and measurement units, data sources, and targets will be refined. Through quarterly performance reviews trends are also tracked over time through budget documents. PERSPECTIVES OBJECTIVES Citizens, Students, And Stakeholders • Increase the Future Readiness of All Students • Increase Stakeholder Satisfaction • Enhance Westlake Academy’s Unique Sense of Place Financial Stewardship • Increase External Revenues Sources • Improve Financial Stewardship Academic Operations • Optimize Student Potential • Improve the Efficiencies of Operational Systems • Strengthen our Westlake Academy Culture • Strengthen IB Philosophy and Implementation People, Facilities, and Technologies • Attract, Recruit, Retain & Develop the Highest Quality Workforce • Increase the Capacity of Teachers and Staff • Improve Technology, Facilities & Equipment 36 WESTLAKE ACADEMY’S DESIRED OUTCOMES Westlake Academy’s strategic planning structure is the product of many hours of analysis, review and discussion. Academy staff, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, continually gathers information and input from stakeholders, carefully tracks and analyzes student achievement, and considers economic and demographic trends to formulate long-range goals, plan for future challenges, and develop comprehensive guidelines that ensure student success. Five desired outcomes have been identified and linked to the Academy’s strategic planning efforts: 1. High Student Achievement Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and disciplined young people who use their unique talents to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. 2. Strong Parent and Community Connections To involve all stakeholders in building a better Westlake Academy community. 3. Financial Stewardship and Sustainability To ensure sufficient, well-managed resources to support and advance the mission of Westlake Academy. 4. Student Engagement and Extracurricular Activities To ensure that all athletics, community service and extracurricular activities are held to the same standard of excellence as the curricula programs to promote well- balanced students. 5. Effective Educators and Staff Recruit, develop and retain a core faculty and staff with the personal qualities, skills and expertise to work effectively with the IB inquiry-based, student-centered curricula. 37 BUDGET DOCUMENT STRUCTURE The goal of the budget document is to provide timely, transparent information concerning the past, current, and projected financial status of the Academy. The budget is a holistic planning document used in concert with our strategic plan to facilitate decisions that support the educational goals and strategic objectives of the Academy. The budget is developed within the guidelines established by the Texas Education Agency and is organized into a series of accounts called funds and is organized into the following sections: The budget document is but one part of a system designed to link together critical governance and management decision making tools. This system is designed to integrate: • Strategic planning • Five-year financial forecasting, budgeting, and performance measurement linked to priorities, objectives, and outcomes • Reporting to monitor progress in outcome achievement and accountability for results • Aligning human and financial resources to prioritized outcomes and objectives • Long term approach to ensure financial sustainability • Working within Board adopted financial policies for the Academy • Maintaining core services Discussion and review of the information contained in both the strategic plan and the budget document consistently leads to operational and educational improvements that impact the students and parents of Westlake Academy. The development, review, and consideration of the Governmental Fund budgets (the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds) were completed with a detailed and exhaustive review of every revenue and expenditure item within the context of the Academy’s Vision, Mission and Values statements, strategic planning efforts, and Board policy. The Board of Trustees provides governance and policy direction, while the Superintendent, finance department and campus and administrative staff develop the budget document for the Board’s review. Staff reviews each existing expenditure request and the proposed allocations for the coming school year and asks “is this the best use of public funds?” 38 FINANCIAL BUDGET STRUCTURE Westlake Academy operates as a blended component unit of the Town of Westlake and is a Texas non-profit corporation under Chapter 12, Subchapter D of the Education Code. Annual Budget A budget is required to be adopted annually for the General Fund (Westlake Academy does not maintain a Debt Service Fund or child nutrition program). The budget is adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. All appropriations lapse at fiscal year-end. On or before August 31st of each year, the Superintendent submits for review by the Board of Trustees a proposed budget for the upcoming school year. After reviewing the proposed budget and holding public meetings as necessary, the final budget is prepared and adopted. The appropriated budget is prepared by fund and function. The Board may make transfers between functions within a fund, and may amend the total budget following the same procedures required to adopt the original budget. The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level. Key Revenues Public charter schools in the State of Texas do not have taxing authority, nor do they receive facility funding. Consequently, the Academy receives most General Fund revenues via the State Funded Foundation School Program (FSP), and is disproportionately affected by changes in FSP funding levels set by the Texas legislature. State funding of public education was decreased by the State Legislature in 2001. While it has increased somewhat since then, the allocation has not kept pace with basic cost increases. And, in the Legislature’s most recent 2017 session, the per student funding for public education was not increased for the next biennium. Note that the amount of state aid received through the Foundation School Program is a function of the total number of students enrolled at the Academy as well as the additional funding from Career and Technical Education classes and Facilities Allotment. Key Expenditures Compensation and benefits are the largest operating cost for Westlake Academy. The current forecast assumes no further expansions of curriculum or other programme areas that would necessitate additional staff. Other costs including utilities, supplies, and professional services are held at 1% unless additional revenue sources are realized. Fund Balance The Superintendent and Board of Trustees are devoted to safeguarding and improving the financial condition of Westlake Academy. The Academy shall strive to maintain an unassigned General Fund Balance of 45 days of operation, and Fund Balance monies will only be used with Board approval for specific needs. Board policy stipulates that all future increases in expenditures must be offset by new or additional revenues. A full listing of Fund Balance policies can be found at the end of this section. 39 NONSPENDABLE FUND BALANCE •Portion of net resources that cannot be spent because of their form and because they must be maintained intact. RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE •This term will is used to describe net fund resources subject to externally enforceable legal restrictions. ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE •This term is used to describe the portion of fund balance that reflects a government’s intended use of resources. UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE •The residual net resources in excess of what is properly categorized in one of the other four categories. COMMITTED FUND BALANCE •The portion of fund balance constrained by limitations imposed by government at its highest level and remains binding unless removed in the same manner. FUND BALANCE COMPONENTS In February 2009, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions. This Statement established five components of fund balance and because circumstances differ among governments, not everyone will report all components. GASB 54 shifts the focus of fund balance reporting from the availability of fund resources for budgeting to “the extent to which the government is bound to honor constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in the fund can be spent.” • Fund Balance Reporting - The Academy shall report governmental fund balances per GASB 54 definitions in the balance sheet as follows: Non-spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, Unassigned • General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance - The Academy shall strive to maintain the General Fund unassigned fund balance at 45 days of operation. • Use of Fund Balance - Fund Balance will be targeted to only be used with Board approval and can only be used for the following: emergencies, non-recurring expenditures, such as technology/FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment), or major capital purchases that cannot be accommodated through current year savings. Should such use reduce the balance below the appropriate level set as the objective for that fund, recommendations will be made on how to restore it. • Approval of Commitments - The Board of Trustees shall approve all commitments by formal action. o The action to commit funds must occur prior to fiscal year-end, to report such commitments in the balance sheet of the respective period, even though the amount may be determined after fiscal year-end. o A commitment can only be modified or removed by the same formal action. o The Board of Trustees delegates the responsibility to assign funds to the Superintendent or his/her designee. o The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to assign any number of funds. o Assignments may occur after fiscal year-end. o The Board of Trustees will utilize funds in the following spending order: Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. The following items are Assigned in the Westlake Academy Budget; Technology, Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Replacement, and Uniforms & Equipment Replacement 40 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TYPES General Fund 199 General Fund 198 Athletic Fund 197 Transportation Fund ALL FUND TYPES Governmental Funds General Fund 3 Funds Special Revenue Funds 6 Funds Debt Service Fund N/A Capital Project Funds N/A Permanent Funds N/A Proprietrary Funds Internal Service Funds N/A Enterprise Funds N/A Fiduciary Funds Pension Trust Funds N/A Investment Trust Funds N/A Private Trust Funds N/A Agency Funds 1 fund FUND TYPES AND STRUCTURE Westlake Academy, along with other School Districts throughout the State of Texas, record and report all financial transactions using standard set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Accordingly, these standards require all School Districts to use individual funds that must be categorized into one of 11 Funds Types. G E NERAL F UND The General Fund is comprised of three subordinate funds: General, Athletic Activities, and Transportation. This fund accounts for most the operational activities required to maintain the Academy’s facilities and pay its employees and supported by State and local revenues. • Fund 199 General Fund - This classification must be used for funds in which the local governing board designates. The local governing board has wide discretion in their use as provide by law. This fund usually includes transactions because of revenues from local sources and State Foundation School Program Sources. Any locally defined code that is used at the local option is to be converted to Fund 199 for PEIMS reporting. • Fund 198 Athletic Activities - This locally defined fund code is used to account for expenditures for athletics that normally involve competition between schools (and frequently involve offsetting 41 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TYPES Special Revenue Funds Fund 410 Material Allotment Fund 224 IDEA-B Formula Fund 484 Local Grants Fund 461 Campus Activities Fund 498 International Mindedness Fund 497 WAF Student Travel gate receipts or fees such as football, baseball, volleyball, track, tennis and golf). This fund is converted to Fund 199 for PEIMS reporting. • Fund 197 Transportation/Parking - This locally defined fund code is used to account for revenues and expenditures related to transportation for students. This fund is converted to Fund 199 for PEIMS reporting. S PECIAL R EVENUE F UNDS Special Revenue Funds account for local, state and federally financed programs or expenditures legally restricted for specified purposes or where unused balances are returned to the grantor at the close of a specified project period. These funds are not adopted by the governing body and shown here for informational purposes only. • Fund 224 IDEA-B Formula (Federally funded) - Fund is used, on a project basis, for funds granted to operate educational programs for children with disabilities. • Fund 410 Material Allotment (State funded) - Funds to purchase the instructional materials that will be used to support the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) • Fund 461 Campus Activities (Locally funded) - Fund is to be used to account for transactions related to a principal’s activity fund if the monies generated are not subject to recall by the school district’s Board of Trustees into the general fund. These funds provide after-school activities and local/international travel at Westlake Academy. • Fund 484 Local Grants (Locally funded) – These funds represent grants from Westlake Academy Foundation and the House of Commons for specific purposes. • Fund 497 Westlake Academy Foundation Financial Assistance (Locally funded) - This grant from the Westlake Academy Foundation provides financial assistance for student activities. • Fund 498 International Mindedness Educator Symposium (Locally funded) – Fund will be used for the annual symposium hosted by Westlake Academy focusing on global collaboration. 42 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Westlake Academy has a single Fiduciary-type fund, called the Agency Fund, which accounts for resources held in a custodial capacity for the benefit of student organizations. The Agency Fund is not a budgeted fund. Westlake Academy Class of 2018 43 ACCOUNT CODING STRUCTURE Financial transactions within funds are organized and classified through the account code system. Section 44.007 of the Texas Education Code (Code or TEC) requires that a standard school district fiscal accounting system be adopted by each school district. The system must meet at least the minimum requirements prescribed by the State Board of Education and be subject to review and comment by the state auditor. Additionally, the accounting system must conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This section further requires that a report be provided at the time that the school district budget is filed, showing financial information sufficient to enable the state board of education to monitor the funding process and to determine educational system costs by school district, campus and program. The Texas Education Code, Section 44.008, requires each school district to have an annual independent audit conducted that meets the minimum requirements of the State Board of Education, subject to review and comment by the state auditor. The annual audit must include the performance of certain audit procedures for reviewing the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the district through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). The audit procedures are to be adequate to detect material errors in the school district’s fiscal data reported through the PEIMS system for the fiscal period under audit. A major purpose of the following accounting code structure is to establish the standard school district fiscal accounting system required by law. Although certain codes within the overview may be used at local option, the sequence of the codes within the structure, and the funds and chart of accounts, are to be uniformly used by all school districts in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). A CCOUNT C ODE S TRUCTURE Fund Code XXX Function Code XX Object Code XXXX Sub Object Code XX Organization Code XXX Year Code X Program Intent Code XX Local Option Code XXX (1xxx- 8xxx) Account Groups (9xx) (11-99) 1X – Assets 2X – Liabilities 3X – Fund Equity 4X – Clearing Accts 5X – Revenues 6X – Expenditures 7X – Other Resources 8X – Other Uses (xx) (001-999) (0-9) (11-99) (xxx) 44 Foundation School Funds 84% Available School Funds 5% Career & Technology 8% Facilities Allotment 3% REVENUE CL ASSIFICATIONS LOCAL FUNDING REVENUES Local funding consists of the following major sources from the Town of Westlake and the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF). • The Town of Westlake provides administrative, human resources, facilities, and financial services for the Academy and is responsible for all debt service payments relating to Academy facilities and infrastructure. • The Westlake Academy Foundation is an independent, non‐profit organization that raises funds through donations and various fundraising efforts. The WAF conducts several annual fundraising activities, including the Blacksmith Campaign, an annual fund drive that was started to bridge the funding gap between what charter schools receive in state allocations in comparison to local ISDs. It mainly directs fund raising efforts towards the parents of Academy students and tries to leverage these donations with the employers who have matching programs for individuals that contribute time or money to non‐profits. The Blacksmith Campaign is held each year in the month of October and each family is asked to contribute $2,500 per student to help cover the gap between the state public education funding and what the Academy spends on each student. STATE FUNDING State funding, through the Foundation School Program (FSP), is the Academy’s largest revenue source. Funding for public education has increased slightly since 2010 and based on the current legislative session, will not increase for the next biennium. The Texas economy has been strong, but ongoing litigation regarding public education funding has created a hesitancy to adjust funding projections until the courts have ruled upon the constitutionality of the current funding methodology. Consequently, the Academy continues to utilize prior year funding levels when developing financial models and forecasts. FEDERAL FUNDING Federal funding is received through grants that support special education. 45 EXPENDITURE CLASSICATIONS BY FUNCTION CODES F UNCTION C ODES – G ENERAL D ESCRIPTIONS A function code represents a general operational area at the Academy and groups together related activities. The assignment and use of function numbers is based on the financial accountability standards established by the Texas Education Agency in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code. The function code is a 2-digit number that follows the 3-digit fund code in the accounting number scheme. 10 Instruction and Instructional Related Services • Function 11- Instruction - This function is used for activities that deal directly with the interaction between teachers and students. This function includes expenditures for direct classroom instruction and other activities that deliver, enhance, or direct the delivery of learning situations to students. Expenditures for the delivery of instruction in regular program basic skills, bilingual and ESL programs, compensatory, remedial or tutorial programs, gifted and talented education programs, and vocational education programs are classified in function 11. For example, function 11 includes classroom teachers, teacher assistants, and graders, but does not include curriculum development (function 13) or principals (function 23). • Function 12- Instructional Resources and Media Services - This function is used for expenditures that are directly and exclusively used for resource centers, establishing and maintaining libraries, and other major facilities dealing with educational resources and media. For example, function 12 includes librarians, but does not include textbooks (function 11) or reference books in the classroom (also function 11). • Function 13 - Curriculum Development and Instructional Staff Development - This function is used for expenditures that are directly and exclusively used to aid instructional staff in planning, developing, and evaluating the process of providing learning experiences for students. This function also includes expenditures related to research and development activities that investigate, experiment and/or follow-through with the development of new or modified instructional methods, techniques, procedures, services, etc. For example, this function includes staff that research and develop, innovative new or modified instruction and staff who prepare in-service training for instructional staff, but does not include salaries of instructional staff when attending in-service training (function 11 or 12). FUNCTION CODE FUNCTION CODE DECRIPTION 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resources & Media Sources 13 Curriculum Development & Instruction / Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership (Principal) 31 Guidance, Counseling & Evaluation Services 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Student (Pupil) Transportation 35 Food Services 36 Co-curricular/Extracurricular Activities 41 General Administration (Superintendent/Board) 51 Plant Maintenance and Operations 52 Security and Monitoring Services 53 Data Processing Services 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Acquisition and Construction 46 20 Instructional and School Leadership • Function 21 - Instructional Leadership - This function encompasses those district-wide activities which have as their purpose managing, directing, and supervising the general and specific instructional programs and activities. For example, function 21 includes instructional supervisors but does not include principals (function 23). • Function 23 - School Leadership - This function includes expenses for directing, managing, and supervising a school. It includes salaries and supplies for the principal, assistant principal, and other administrative and clerical staff, including attendance clerks. 30 Support Services – Student • Function 31 - Guidance, Counseling, and Evaluation Service - This function includes expenses for testing and assessing student abilities, aptitudes, and interests with respect to career and educational goals and opportunities. It includes psychological services, testing, and counseling. • Function 32 - Social Work Services - This function includes expenditures which directly and exclusively promote and improve school attendance. Examples include social workers, non-instructional home visitors, home visitor aides, and truant officers. • Function 33 - Health Services - This function embraces the area of responsibility providing health services which are not a part of direct instruction. It includes medical, dental, and nursing services. • Function 34 - Student Transportation - This function includes the cost of providing management and operational services for transporting students to and from school. Function 34 includes transportation supervisors and bus drivers, but does not include field trips (function 11) or student organization trips (function 36). • Function 35 - Food Services - This function includes the management of the food service program at the schools and the serving of meals, lunches, or snacks in connection with school activities. Function 35 includes cooks and food purchases, but does not include concession stands (function 36). • Function 36 - Co-curricular/Extracurricular Activities - This function incorporates those activities which are student and curricular related, but which are not necessary to the regular instructional services. Examples of co-curricular activities are scholastic competition, speech, debate, and band. Examples of extracurricular activities are football, baseball, etc. and the related activities (drill team, cheerleading) that exist because of athletics. Function 36 includes athletic salary supplements paid exclusively for coaching, directing, or sponsoring extracurricular athletics, but does not include salaries for teaching physical education (function 11). 40 Support Services - Administrative • Function 41 - General Administration - This function includes expenses incurred for the overall administrative responsibilities of the District. It includes expenses for the school board, superintendent's office, personnel services, and financial services. 47 50 Support Services - Non Student Based • Function 51 - Plant Maintenance - This function deals with expenditures made to keep buildings, grounds, and equipment safe for use and in efficient working condition. This function also includes expenditures associated with warehousing services. Examples include janitors, facility insurance premiums, utilities, and warehouse personnel. • Function 52 - Security and Monitoring Services - This function is used for expenditures that are for activities to keep student and staff surroundings safe, whether in transit to or from school, on a campus, or participating in school-sponsored events at another location. • Function 53 - Data Processing Services - This function is for non-instructional data processing services which include computer facility management, computer processing, systems development, analysis, and design. Personal computers that are stand alone are to be charged to the appropriate function. Peripherals including terminals and printers are also to be charged to the appropriate function. 60 Ancillary Services • Function 61 - Community Services - This function encompasses all other activities of the school district, which are designed to provide a service or benefit to the community as a whole or a portion of the community. Examples would include recreation programs, natatorium, and parenting programs. 70 Debt Service • Function 71 - Debt Service - This function includes expenditures for bond and lease purchase principal, and all types of interest paid. 80 Capital Outlay • Function 81 - Capital Acquisition & Construction - This function includes expenditures that are acquisitions, construction, or major renovation of Academy facilities. 48 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATIONS BY OBJECT CODE & SHARED SERVICES OBJECT CODE GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS The object number is a 4-digit code that describes the type of revenue or expenditure incurred and is comprised of the fifteenth through eighteenth digits in the code structure. For example: • 61XX Payroll and Payroll Related • 62XX Professional & Contracted Services • 63XX Supplies and Materials • 64XX Other Operating Costs • 65XX Debt Service • 66XX Capital EXPENDITURES BY SHARED SERVICES MODEL The Academy operates under a shared service model with the Town of Westlake, whereby the Town provides Human Resources, Financial, Facilities, and Administrative support services to the Academy. These service costs were previously booked to the Westlake Academy operating budget, but were removed from the operating budget in the FY 12/13 school year. The following operating costs are booked to the Town of Westlake’s General Fund and Debt Service Fund. • Municipal-Transfer to WA Operating Budget • Annual Debt Service Payments • General Major Maintenance and Replacement • In-direct Operating Costs (Payroll and Related) The shared services model was an integral part of the charter application process that helped bolster the Town’s case for having a community school. The shared service model conserves precious resources and avoids the duplication of effort across Town and Academy activities. The support services for the Academy that generate indirect costs paid by the Town of Westlake are: • Human Resources • Information Technology • Facility Maintenance Services • Finance and Accounting Services • General Managerial Oversight (Superintendent) • Town Secretary records maintenance and election administration • Board Support Services including policy advisement and strategic planning 49 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FUNDS AND FUNCTIONS Instruction Instructional /Media Resources Curriculum Development Instructional Leadership School Leadership Guidance & Counseling Health Services Student Transportation Co-curricular / Extra Curricular Activities General Administration Plant Maintenance and Operations Security & Monitoring Data Processing Services Community Services Debt Service FUND NAME 11 12 13 21 23 31 33 34 36 41 51 52 53 61 71 GENERAL FUND Fund 199 General Fund        -        Fund 198 Athletics   Fund 197 Transportation    SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Fund 224 IDEA-B Formula  Fund 410 Material Allotment  Fund 461 Campus Activities    Fund 484 Local Grants    Fund 497 Student Travel Award  Fund 498 I.M.E.S.    50 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 51 This page is intentionally blank 52 FINANCIAL FORECAST ASSUMPTIONS Student Enrollment Assumptions: • Increase of 20 students in FY 2018/19 and 10 additional students in subsequent years. • Average Daily Attendance rate of 97%. Revenues: • 100% use of Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) Annual Program revenues (adopted $1 million). • Career and Technology (CTE) Funding has increased to 257 students for FY 2018/19 due to a new CTE pathway in Technology. Numbers will fluctuate slightly from year to year beyond 2018/19 due to student course selections. • Facility Funding Allotment funding from the State begins in FY 2018/19. The Texas Education Agency currently estimates that eligible charter schools will receive approximately $200 per student in average daily attendance (ADA). Assumption for current and future years are based on this assumption. • Future revenue projections are based upon the State’s current funding formula and current local donation levels. Charter schools do not have taxing authority, making them reliant upon state and local funding sources. As an open enrollment charter school, all State funding is determined each legislative session and channeled to Westlake Academy through the Foundation School Program (FSP). Due to the uncertainty of state funding, the Academy adopted a new policy in FY 14/15 which only allows increases in expenditures if there is an offsetting increase in revenues. Charter schools are funded based on their weighted average daily attendance (WADA). A school’s WADA is determined not only by the number of students attending, but by their participation in special programs, such as special education and career and technology • Most Academy General Fund revenue is derived from the Foundation School Program. • Secondary sources include the Westlake Academy Foundation and the Blacksmith Campaign. • Growth in local revenues has been significant and is a result of strong parent and community support of the Academy. Expenditures: • Personnel costs are estimated to increase approximately 2.0% for FY 2018/19 and 1.0% annually in subsequent years. • Professional services, supplies and other operating expenditures are increased by 1% in outer years but will only increase if revenues increase to offset additional expenditures. 53   Audited Adopted Amended Proposed Amount Percent Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Inc/(Dec) Inc/(Dec) FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 Transportation 8,075$              10,000$         10,000$         10,500$         500$           5.00% 10,500$         10,500$         10,500$         10,500$          Parking 9,022                15,000           15,000           15,000           ‐                   0.00% 15,000           15,000           15,000           15,000            Athletic Activities 78,867              90,700           90,700           94,200           3,500          3.86% 96,084           96,084           96,084           96,084            Interest Earned 5,371                3,000             9,000             9,000             ‐                   0.00% 9,000             9,000             9,000             9,000              WAF Blacksmith Donation 1,053,170        1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     ‐                   0.00% 1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000      WAF Salary Reimbursement 65,159              67,800           67,800           69,834           2,034          3.00% 71,929           74,087           76,309           78,599            Town Contribution ‐ Westlake Reserve 300,000            300,000         300,000         300,000         ‐                   0.00% 300,000         300,000         300,000         300,000          Town Contribution 15,000              15,000           15,000           15,000           ‐                   0.00% 15,000           15,000           15,000           15,000            Other Local Revenue (BTS, Tech & Other)84,737              58,800           58,800           47,300           (11,500)      ‐19.56% 47,300           47,300           47,300           47,300            Fund raiser (Back to School)‐                     16,000           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   0.00%‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                   Food Services 7,000                6,100             7,000             7,000             ‐                   0.00% 7,000             7,000             7,000             7,000              Total Local Revenues 1,626,401        1,582,400     1,573,300     1,567,834     (5,466)          ‐0.35% 1,571,813     1,573,971     1,576,193     1,578,483      Percent of total revenues 20% 18% 19% 18%‐1%‐7.96% 18% 17% 17% 17%   TEA ‐ Foundation School Funds 5,593,191        5,781,200     5,913,676     5,741,074     (172,602)    ‐2.92% 5,826,349     5,901,968     5,977,587     6,053,205      CTE Funding (additional TEA‐FSP Funds)299,605            572,200         424,933         508,316         83,383        19.62% 508,316         508,316         508,316         508,316          TEA ‐ Available School Funds 303,634            191,300         167,161         365,166         198,005     118.45% 365,166         365,166         365,166         365,166          TEA ‐ Facilities Allotment $200 per ADA ‐                     ‐                  ‐                  184,856         184,856     0.00% 177,200         179,200         181,200         183,200          IB Training Reimbursement (TEA)6,300                6,300             6,300             3,000             (3,300)          ‐52.38% 3,000             3,000             3,000             3,000              TRS & TRS‐Care On‐behalf/Medicare Part B 389,286            450,700         392,275         477,583         85,308        21.75% 487,135         496,877         506,815         516,951          Total State Revenues 6,592,016        7,001,700     6,904,345     7,279,995     375,650     5.44% 7,367,166     7,454,527     7,542,083     7,629,839      Percent of total revenues 80% 82% 81% 82% 101% 1.03% 82% 83% 83% 83%   TOTAL REVENUES 8,218,417$      8,584,100$   8,477,645$   8,847,829$   370,184$   4.37% 8,938,979$   9,028,498$   9,118,277$   9,208,321$      Variance Variance EXPENDITURES by FUNCTION 223,583         223,583       Function 11 ‐ Instructional 4,749,555$      4,975,270$   4,839,602$   5,008,974     169,372     3.50% Function 12 ‐ Resources & Media 81,227              82,639           87,379           90,935           3,556          4.07% Function 13 ‐ Curriculum & Staff Dev 86,871              84,545           86,200           84,545           (1,655)          ‐1.92% Function 21 ‐ Instructional Leadership 266,090            206,623         161,919         170,216         8,297          5.12% Function 23 ‐ School Leadership 875,439            757,692         896,747         924,198         27,451        3.06% Function 31 ‐ Guidance & Counseling 267,033            223,973         307,664         321,467         13,803        4.49% Function 33 ‐ Health Services 67,489              66,024           71,146           72,919           1,773          2.49% Function 36 ‐ Co/Extracurricular Activities 242,560            218,358         237,474         219,169         (18,305)      ‐7.71% Function 41 ‐ Administrative 307,304            260,167         319,088         308,772         (10,316)      ‐3.23% Function 51 ‐ Maintenance & Operations 886,943            960,743         947,615         947,445         (170)             ‐0.02% Function 52 ‐ Security & Monitoring ‐                     ‐                  ‐                  40,000           40,000        0.00% Function 53 ‐ Data Processing 173,352            195,505         199,407         216,103         16,696        8.37%13,862           11,708            Function 61 ‐ Community Services 126,614            124,460         133,763         138,322         4,559          3.41%868                 (89,727)           Function 71 ‐ Debt Service 256,795            166,200         167,068         167,068         ‐              0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION 8,387,272$      8,322,199$   8,455,072$   8,710,132$   255,060$   3.02%14,730           (78,019)              Object Code 61XX ‐ Salaries 6,344,256$      6,279,299$   6,378,398$   6,585,303$   206,905     3.24% 6,717,009$   6,784,179$   6,852,021$   6,920,541$    Object Code 62XX ‐ Contracted Services 1,002,039        1,003,205     1,069,705     1,056,667     (13,038)      ‐1.22% 1,067,234     1,077,906     1,088,685     1,099,572      Object Code 63XX ‐ Supplies & Materials 289,384            395,828         322,333         425,124         102,791     31.89% 429,375         433,669         438,006         442,386          Object Code 64XX ‐ Other Operating Costs 494,799            477,667         517,568         475,970         (41,598)      ‐8.04% 480,730         485,537         490,392         495,296          Object Code 65XX ‐ Debt Service 256,794            166,200         167,068         167,068         ‐              0.00% 167,068         167,068         170,000         170,000          TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 8,387,272$      8,322,199$   8,455,072$   8,710,132$   255,060$   3.02% 8,861,416$   8,948,359$   9,039,104$   9,127,795$      Other Resources ‐ Local 37,090$            60,000$         85,000$         76,000$         (9,000)$       ‐10.59% 100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000          Other Uses ‐ Local (60,000)          (85,000)          (76,000)          9,000           ‐10.59% (100,000)       (100,000)       (100,000)       (100,000)        NET OTHER RESOURCES (USES)37,090              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐              0.00%‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                     EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXP (131,765)$        261,901$       22,573$         137,697$       115,124$   510.01% 77,563$         80,139$         79,173$         80,526$            FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 1,071,036$      939,271$       939,271$       961,844$       22,573$     2.40% 1,099,541$   1,177,104$   1,257,243$   1,336,415$    FUND BALANCE ENDING 939,271            1,201,172     961,844         1,099,541     137,697     11.46% 1,177,104     1,257,243     1,336,415     1,416,942      Assigned ‐ Bus Maintenance 24,090           24,090           19,000           (5,090)          ‐21.13% 12,090            Assigned ‐ Uniform/Equip replacement 5,000                15,000           15,000           15,000           ‐              0.00% 15,000           15,000           15,000           15,000            FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned)934,271$         1,162,082$   922,754$       1,065,541$   142,787$   15.47% 1,150,014$   1,242,243$   1,321,415$   1,401,942$      Number of Operating Days (365)41                      51                   40                   45 5.82            14.60%47 51 53 56 Dollars per Operating Day 22,979$            22,801$         23,165$         23,863$         699$           3.06% 24,278$         24,516$         24,765$         25,008$            Total Students Enrolled 830                    856                 856                 876                 20                2.34% 886                 896                 906                 916                  TEA Funding per Student 7,466$              7,646$           7,600$           7,762$           162$           2.13% 7,762$           7,762$           7,762$           7,762$            Operating Cost per Student (Academic Only) 10,105$            9,722$           9,877$           9,943$           66$             0.66% 10,002$         9,987$           9,977$           9,965$              Teachers 65.55                66.26             66.26             66.08             (0.18)            ‐0.27% 66.08             66.08             66.08             66.08              Student/Teacher Ratio 12.66                12.92             12.92             13.26             0.34            2.62% 13.41             13.56             13.71             13.86              Westlake Academy General Fund Fiscal Years 2018/2019 through 2022/2023 Five Year Financial Forecast 54 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY The following schedules present a comparison of revenues and expenditures for all Governmental Funds in the Academy’s Budget. As a reminder, Governmental Funds include the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds. BUDGET SUMMARY Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 17/18 FY 18/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues $ 8,950,495 $ 9,201,357 $ 250,862 2.80% Total Expenditures 8,927,922 9,063,660 135,738 1.52% Net Other Sources/Uses - - - 0.00% Excess Revenues Over(under) Expenditures 22,573 137,697 115,124 510.01% Fund Balance Beginning 965,248 987,821 22,573 2.34% Fund Balance Ending $ 987,821 $ 1,125,518 $ 137,697 13.94% A public school operating budget is legally required to include the Academy’s General, Debt Service, and Food Service Funds. However, the Academy does not maintain a Food Service Fund or a Debt Service Fund, so the General Fund is the only legally adopted fund. Budgets for Special Revenue Funds are included throughout the presentation for informational purposes only. Historically, revenues and expenditures have increased at relatively the same rate which has dictated the need for a higher fund balance. The Academy strives for a 45-day minimum requirement established by Board policy. It is anticipated that this trend will continue over the next five years, with a relatively slow but steady growth in fund balance. The Academy anticipates that the General Fund balance will remain above the TEA’s recommended 40 days (School FIRST Rating), barring any unforeseen circumstances. PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCES Projected Total Total Projected Beginning Revenues and Expenditures Ending Percent Change Change Fund Type Fund Balance Other Sources and Other Uses Fund Balance of total Amount Percent General Fund $961,844 $8,923,829 $8,786,132 $1,099,541 98% $137,697 14% Special Revenue Funds 25,977 353,528 353,528 25,977 2% 0 0% TOTAL $987,821 $9,277,357 $9,139,660 $1,125,518 100% $137,697 14% 55 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY Revenues received by Westlake Academy are classified into three broad categories: Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase Revenue FY 17/18 FY 18/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Percent Local Revenues $ 1,804,986 $ 1,786,334 $ (18,652) -1.03% 19.41% State Program Revenues 7,030,713 7,311,023 280,310 3.99% 79.46% Federal Program Revenues 114,796 104,000 (10,796) -9.40% 1.13% Total Revenues $ 8,950,495 $ 9,201,357 $ 250,862 2.80% 100.00% The Academy’s primary revenue sources continue to be the State Foundation School Program and the Westlake Academy Foundation. LOCAL R EVE N UES Local funding consists of the following major sources: the Town of Westlake, Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) and the House of Commons. o The Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) is an independent, non-profit organization that raises funds through donations and various fundraising efforts. The WAF conducts several annual fundraising activities, including the Blacksmith Campaign, an annual fund drive which started as a way to close the funding gap between what charter schools receive in state allocations in comparison to local ISDs. It mainly directs fundraising efforts towards the parents of Academy students and tries to leverage these donations with the employers who have matching programs for individuals that contribute time or money to non-profits. The Blacksmith Campaign is held each year in October, and each family is asked to contribute $2,500 per student to help cover the gap between the state public education and what the Academy actually spends on each student. o The Westlake Academy House of Commons (HOC) is the 501(c)3 parent/teacher organization of Westlake Academy. Members of the HOC assist with fundraising projects, participate in educational and social programs, or volunteer time to help show the teachers and staff at Westlake Academy that they are appreciated. Through fundraising efforts, the HOC provides needed support to the school. o Other local revenues include athletic activities, transportation and parking fees, interest earned, food services, TEA/ESC Region 11 substitute reimbursement, and municipal contributions. Local Revenues 19.4% State Program Revenues 79.5% Federal Program Revenues 1.1% 56 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY STATE P ROG R A M R EVE N UES State funding is the Academy’s largest revenue source, making up approximately 82% of all General Fund revenues. Funding for public education has increased slightly over the last two legislative sessions, but overall funding still falls short of the FY 2009/10 school year. The Texas economy has been strong, but ongoing litigation regarding public education funding has created a hesitancy to adjust funding projections until the courts have ruled upon the constitutionality of the current funding methodology. Consequently, the Academy continues to utilize prior year funding levels when developing financial models and forecasts. Staff estimates that the average level of total state aid received through the Foundation School Program (FSP) in FY 2018/19 will be approximately $7,762 per student. FEDERAL P ROG R A M R EVE N UES Federal funding is received through grants that support special education and accounts for approximately one (1%) of revenues for all funds. GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES & THE SHARED SERVICES MODEL Administrative, financial, human resources and facilities services are provided by the Town of Westlake under a shared services model. These service costs were previously booked to the Westlake Academy operating budget but were removed in the FY 12/13 school year. The following table illustrates indirect operating costs which are booked to the Town of Westlake’s General Fund and Debt Service Fund. Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Operating Expenditures $ 8,927,922 $ 9,063,660 $ 135,738 1.52% Municipal-Transfer to WA Operating Budget 315,000 315,000 - 0.00% Total Academic Costs 9,242,922 9,378,660 135,738 1.47% Annual Debt Service (Municipal budget) 1,666,337 1,828,791 162,454 9.75% Major Maintenance and Replacement 289,667 355,595 65,928 22.76% In-direct Operating Costs 768,469 854,511 86,042 11.20% Total Municipal Costs 2,724,473 3,038,897 314,424 11.54% TOTAL EXPENDITURE COSTS $ 11,967,395 $ 12,417,557 $ 450,162 3.76% Number of Students 856 876 20 2.34% Total Expenditure Cost per Student $ 13,981 $ 14,175 $ 196 1.40% FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY16/17 Actual FY17/18 Adopted FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed $6,980 $7,157 $7,285 $7,466 $7,646 $7,600 $7,762 STATE FUNDING per Student 57 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY Employee compensation and benefits are Westlake Academy’s largest operating expenditures. Board policy states a desire to maintain a salary scale within three percent (3%) of the districts surveyed for market comparison purposes. EXPENDITURES (BY OBJECT CODE) Amended Proposed Budget Budget $ Increase % Increase Revenue FY 17/18 FY 18/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Percent 61XX - Payroll & Related Items $ 6,496,558 $ 6,689,303 $ 192,745 2.97% 73.80% 62XX - Contracted Services 1,089,705 1,056,667 (33,038) -3.03% 11.66% 63XX - Supplies & Materials 634,523 668,652 34,129 5.38% 7.38% 64XX - Other Operating 540,068 481,970 (58,098) -10.76% 5.32% 65XX - Debt Service 167,068 167,068 - 0.00% 1.84% Total Expenditures $ 8,927,922 $ 9,063,660 $ 135,738 1.52% 100.00% For FY 2018/19, Staff recommends a salary increase of approximately 3.0%. The increase equals approximately $223,583 in payroll and related expenditures and will bring the Academy to within 0.5% of the estimated average median of surrounding districts. These adjustments to compensation and benefits will allow the Academy to remain competitive and serve as a valuable component in our recruiting and retention efforts. Amended Proposed Budget Budget $ Increase % Increase Expenditure FY 17/18 FY 18/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Percent 11 - Instructional $ 5,087,804 $ 5,246,502 $ 158,698 3.12% 57.89% 12 - Resources & Media 87,379 90,935 3,556 4.07% 1.00% 13 - Staff Development 86,200 109,545 23,345 27.08% 1.21% 21 - Instructional Leadership 161,919 170,216 8,297 5.12% 1.88% 23 - School Leadership 896,747 927,198 30,451 3.40% 10.23% 31 - Guidance & Counseling 307,664 321,467 13,803 4.49% 3.55% 33 - Health Services 71,146 72,919 1,773 2.49% 0.80% 36 - Extra-/Co-Curricular Activities 462,122 307,169 (154,953) -33.53% 3.39% 41 - General Administration 319,088 308,772 (10,316) -3.23% 3.41% 51 - Maintenance & Operations 947,615 947,445 (170) -0.02% 10.45% 52 - Security & Monitoring Services - 40,000 40,000 0.00% 0.44% 53 - Data Processing 199,407 216,103 16,696 8.37% 2.38% 61 - Community Services 133,763 138,322 4,559 3.41% 1.53% 71 - Debt Service 167,068 167,068 - 0.00% 1.84% Total Expenditures $ 8,927,922 $ 9,063,660 $ 135,738 1.52% 100.00% 61XX Payroll & Related Items 74% 62XX Contracted Services 12%63XX Supplies & Materials 7% 64XX - Other Operating 5% 65XX Debt Service 2% 58 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Revenues 2,190,629$  1,614,880$  1,896,101$  1,652,900$  1,804,986$  1,786,334$  (18,652)$       State Program Revenues 6,181,480    6,548,362    6,603,358    7,159,096    7,030,713    7,311,023    280,310        Federal Program Revenues 162,270       98,564          140,152       104,000       114,796       104,000       (10,796)         8,534,379    8,261,806    8,639,611    8,915,996    8,950,495    9,201,357    250,862        EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 4,716,639    5,760,357    5,034,101    5,245,166    5,087,804    5,246,502    158,698        12  ‐ Resources & Media 67,933          77,692          81,227          82,639          87,379          90,935          3,556             13  ‐ Staff Development 222,521       184,198       128,717       84,545          86,200          109,545       23,345           21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 248,087       210,591       266,090       206,623       161,919       170,216       8,297             23  ‐ School Leadership 712,023       885,787       898,643       757,692       896,747       927,198       30,451           31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 255,286       248,153       267,033       223,973       307,664       321,467       13,803           33  ‐ Health Services 64,285          62,328          67,489          66,024          71,146          72,919          1,773             36  ‐ Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Activities 142,799       179,779       338,817       278,358       462,122       307,169       (154,953)       41  ‐ General Administration 351,087       372,986       307,304       260,167       319,088       308,772       (10,316)         51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations 865,719       895,334       886,943       960,743       947,615       947,445       (170)               52 ‐ Security & Monitoring Services ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                40,000          40,000           53  ‐ Data Processing 100,757       164,330       173,352       195,505       199,407       216,103       16,696           61  ‐ Community Services 111,620       118,429       126,614       124,460       133,763       138,322       4,559             71  ‐ Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,795       166,200       167,068       167,068       ‐                 Total Expenditures 7,948,705    9,251,056    8,833,125    8,652,095    8,927,922    9,063,660    135,738        Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over  (Under) Expenditures 585,674       (989,250)      (193,514)      263,901       22,573          137,697       115,124        OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Other Resources 16,740          474,300       37,090          60,000          60,000          76,000          16,000           89 ‐ Other Uses ‐                ‐                (37,090)        (60,000)        (60,000)        (76,000)        (16,000)         Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)16,740          474,300       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 602,414       (514,950)      (193,514)      263,901       22,573          137,697       115,124        FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 1,071,298    1,673,712    1,158,762    965,248       965,248       987,821       22,573           FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,673,712    1,158,762    965,248       1,229,149    987,821       1,125,518    137,697        Assigned ‐ Tech/FF&E Replacemt ‐                125,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 Assigned ‐ Bus Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                24,090          24,090          19,000          (5,090)            Assigned ‐ Uniforms/Equip Rep ‐                5,000            5,000            15,000          15,000          15,000          ‐                 FUND BALANCE, UNASSIGNED 1,673,712$  1,028,762$  960,248$     1,190,059$  948,731$     1,091,518$  132,607$      WESTLAKE ACADEMY COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the Year Ending August 31, 2019   59  Adopted  Amended  Proposed  Variance   Audited  Audited  Audited  Budget  Budget Budget  Amended to   FY 14/15  FY 15/16  FY 16/17  FY 17/18  FY 17/18  FY 18/19  Proposed  General Fund 7,805,552$  7,868,978$  8,218,417$  8,584,100$  8,477,645$  8,847,829$  370,184$        Special Revenue Funds 728,827       392,828       421,194       331,896       472,850       353,528       (119,322)         Total Governmental Funds 8,534,379$  8,261,806$  8,639,611$  8,915,996$  8,950,495$  9,201,357$  250,862$         Adopted  Amended  Proposed  Variance   Audited  Audited  Audited  Budget  Budget Budget  Amended to   FY 14/15  FY 15/16  FY 16/17  FY 17/18  FY 17/18  FY 18/19  Proposed  General Fund 7,364,652$  8,754,399$  8,387,272$  8,322,199$  8,455,072$  8,710,132$  255,060$        Special Revenue Funds 584,053       496,657       445,853       329,896       472,850       353,528       (119,322)         Total Governmental Funds 7,948,705$  9,251,056$  8,833,125$  8,652,095$  8,927,922$  9,063,660$  135,738$         Adopted  Amended  Proposed  Variance   Audited  Audited  Audited  Budget  Budget Budget  Amended to   FY 14/15  FY 15/16  FY 16/17  FY 17/18  FY 17/18  FY 18/19  Proposed  61XX ‐ Payroll & Related Items 5,710,695$  6,335,240$  6,532,612$  6,383,299$  6,496,558$  6,689,303$  192,745$        62XX ‐ Contracted Services 1,099,389    1,147,192    1,035,580    1,003,205    1,089,705    1,056,667    (33,038)           63XX ‐ Supplies & Materials 547,099       1,105,163    356,496       616,224       634,523       668,652       34,129            64XX ‐ Other Operating 501,573       572,369       651,643       483,167       540,068       481,970       (58,098)           65XX ‐ Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,794       166,200       167,068       167,068       ‐                   Total Expenditures 7,948,705$  9,251,056$  8,833,125$  8,652,095$  8,927,922$  9,063,660$  135,738$        TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE WESTLAKE ACADEMY ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 61XX  Payroll & Related Items 74% 62XX  Contracted Services 12% 63XX  Supplies & Materials 7% 64XX ‐ Other Operating 5% 65XX  Debt Service 2% PROPOSED EXPENDITURES  BY  OBJECT 60 Adopted Amended Proposed Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 REVENUE SUMMARY Local Revenues 2,190,629$    1,614,880$    1,896,101$    1,652,900$    1,804,986$    1,786,334$   State Program Revenues 6,181,480      6,548,362      6,603,358      7,159,096      7,030,713      7,311,023      Federal Program Revenues 162,270          98,564            140,152          104,000          114,796          104,000         Total Revenues 8,534,379$    8,261,806$    8,639,611$    8,915,996$    8,950,495$    9,201,357$   Adopted Amended Proposed Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION)FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 11  ‐ Instructional 4,716,639$    5,760,357$    5,034,101$    5,245,166$    5,087,804$    5,246,502$   12  ‐ Resources & Media 67,933            77,692            81,227            82,639            87,379            90,935           13  ‐ Staff Development 222,521          184,198          128,717          84,545            86,200            109,545         21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 248,087          210,591          266,090          206,623          161,919          170,216         23  ‐ School Leadership 712,023          885,787          898,643          757,692          896,747          927,198         31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 255,286          248,153          267,033          223,973          307,664          321,467         33  ‐ Health Services 64,285            62,328            67,489            66,024            71,146            72,919           36  ‐ Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Activities 142,799          179,779          338,817          278,358          462,122          307,169         41  ‐ General Administration 351,087          372,986          307,304          260,167          319,088          308,772         51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations 865,719          895,334          886,943          960,743          947,615          947,445         52 ‐  Security & Monitoring Services ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   40,000           53  ‐ Data Processing 100,757          164,330          173,352          195,505          199,407          216,103         61  ‐ Community Services 111,620          118,429          126,614          124,460          133,763          138,322         71  ‐ Debt Service 89,949            91,092            256,795          166,200          167,068          167,068         Total Expenditures 7,948,705$    9,251,056$    8,833,125$    8,652,095$    8,927,922$    9,063,660$   For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 WESTLAKE ACADEMY ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Local  Revenues 19.4%State  Program  Revenues 79.5% Federal  Program  Revenues 1.1% 61 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL S UMMARY The General Fund is a governmental fund with budgetary control which is used to show transactions resulting from operations of on-going organizations and activities from a variety of revenue sources. BUDGET SUMMARY Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues $ 8,477,645 $ 8,847,829 $ 370,184 4% Total Expenditures 8,455,072 8,710,132 255,060 3.02% Other Resources 85,000 76,000 (9,000) -11% Other Uses (85,000) (76,000) 9,000 0% Excess Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 22,573 137,697 115,124 510% FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 939,271 961,844 22,573 2% FUND BALANCE ENDING 961,844 1,099,541 137,697 14% Assigned 39,090 34,000 (5,090) -13% FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 922,754 $ 1,065,541 $ 142,787 15% # Days Operating (Based on 365) 40 45 5 12% GENERAL FUND REVENUES Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase Revenue FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Percent Local Revenues $ 1,573,300 $ 1,567,834 $ (5,466) -0.3% 18% State Program Revenues 6,904,345 7,279,995 375,650 5.4% 82% TOTAL REVENUES $ 8,477,645 $ 8,847,829 $ 370,184 4.4% 100% Total Local Revenues 18% Total State Revenues 82% General Fund Revenue 62 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL S UMMARY STATE FUNDING REVENUES Westlake Academy receives even less State funding per student than the Texas average because public charter schools in the State of Texas do not receive facility funding. The Academy’s State funding per pupil peaked in FY 2009/10 but was cut the following two years due to State budget shortfalls. In FY 2018/19, the Academy anticipates that state funding will increase by $162 per student due to the additional students enrolling and the Career and Technology classes being offered. Westlake Academy receives minimal federal funding, (IDEA B – Special Education Funds). Due to prior state funding reductions, the Academy has become more dependent upon private donations for operating costs and further financial support from the Town of Westlake. Funding ongoing operating costs with one-time dollars raised through private donations places the Academy in a potentially tenuous situation. If private donations do not meet the levels necessary to offset public education reductions, then the Town of Westlake must increase financial support or consider reducing the associated service levels. G E N E RAL F UND E X P E N DITU R E S EXPENDITURES Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase Expenditure (by Object Code) FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 (Decrease) (Decrease) Percent 61XX - Salaries $ 6,378,398 $ 6,585,303 $ 206,905 3% 76% 62XX - Contracted Services 1,069,705 1,056,667 (13,038) -1% 12% 63XX - Supplies & Materials 322,333 425,124 102,791 32% 5% 64XX - Other Operating Costs 517,568 475,970 (41,598) -8% 5% 65XX - Debt Service 167,068 167,068 - 0% 2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8,455,072 $ 8,710,132 $ 255,060 3% 100% 61XX Payroll & Related Items 76% 62XX Contracted Services 12% 63XX Supplies & Materials 5% 64XX - Other Operating 5%65XX Debt Service 2% Proposed Expenditures by Object 63 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Revenues 1,459,838$    1,626,401$    1,582,400$    1,573,300$    1,567,834$    (5,466)$             State Program Revenues 6,409,140      6,592,016      7,001,700      6,904,345      7,279,995      375,650             Total Revenues 7,868,978      8,218,417      8,584,100      8,477,645      8,847,829      370,184             EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 5,369,348      4,749,555      4,975,270      4,839,602      5,008,974      169,372             12  ‐ Resources & Media 73,983            81,227            82,639            87,379            90,935            3,556                 13  ‐ Staff Development 147,559         86,871            84,545            86,200            84,545            (1,655)                21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 210,591         266,090         206,623         161,919         170,216         8,297                 23  ‐ School Leadership 860,150         875,439         757,692         896,747         924,198         27,451               31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 248,153         267,033         223,973         307,664         321,467         13,803               33  ‐ Health Services 62,328            67,489            66,024            71,146            72,919            1,773                 36  ‐ Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Activities 140,141         242,560         218,358         237,474         219,169         (18,305)             41  ‐ General Administration 372,961         307,304         260,167         319,088         308,772         (10,316)             51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations 895,334         886,943         960,743         947,615         947,445         (170)                   52  ‐ Security and Monitoring Services ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  40,000            40,000               53  ‐ Data Processing 164,330         173,352         195,505         199,407         216,103         16,696               61  ‐ Community Services 118,429         126,614         124,460         133,763         138,322         4,559                 71  ‐ Debt Service 91,092            256,795         166,200         167,068         167,068         ‐                     Total Expenditures 8,754,399      8,387,272      8,322,199      8,455,072      8,710,132      255,060             Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over  (885,421)        (168,855)        261,901         22,573            137,697         115,124             OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Capital Lease Proceeds 474,300         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                     79 ‐ Other Resources (CAF)45,000            37,090            60,000            85,000            76,000            (9,000)                89 ‐ Other Uses (45,000)          ‐                  (60,000)          (85,000)          (76,000)          9,000                 474,300         37,090            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                     NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (411,121)        (131,765)        261,901         22,573            137,697         115,124             ‐                     FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 1,482,157      1,071,036      939,271         939,271         961,844         22,573               FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,071,036      939,271         1,201,172      961,844         1,099,541      137,697             Assigned ‐ Bus Maintenance ‐                  ‐                  24,090            24,090            19,000            (5,090)                Assigned ‐ Tech/FF&E Rplcmnt 125,000         ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                     Assigned ‐ Uniforms/Equip Rplcmnt 5,000              5,000              15,000            15,000            15,000            ‐                     Assigned ‐ Facility Maintenance/FFE ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                     FUND BALANCE, UNASSIGNED 941,036$       934,271$       1,162,082$    922,754$       1,065,541$    142,787$          Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) WESTLAKE ACADEMY COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 (Under) Expenditures 64 WESTLAKE ACADEMY COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 11  ‐Instructional 57% 23  ‐School Leadership 11% 51  ‐Maintenance &  Operations 11% PROPOSED EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 12  ‐ Resources & Media 13  ‐ Staff Development 21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 23  ‐ School Leadership 31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 33  ‐ Health Services 36  ‐ Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Activities 41  ‐ General Administration 51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations 52  ‐ Security and Monitoring Services 53  ‐ Data Processing 61  ‐ Community Services 71  ‐ Debt Service $7.87 $8.22 $8.58 $8.48 $8.85 $8.75 $8.39 $8.32 $8.46 $8.71 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Adopted Amended Proposed Revenue & Expenditure Comparison (in millions) Total Revenues Total Expenditures 65 197 198 199 Total Transportation/ Athletic General General Parking Fund Activities Fund Fund FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 REVENUES Local Revenues 25,500$                 94,200$                 1,448,134$            1,567,834$             State Program Revenues ‐                          ‐                          7,279,995              7,279,995               Total Revenues 25,500                   94,200                   8,728,129              8,847,829                  EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION)   11  ‐ Instructional 1,748                     ‐                          5,007,226              5,008,974               12  ‐ Resources & Media ‐                          ‐                          90,935                   90,935                    13  ‐ Staff Development ‐                          ‐                          84,545                   84,545                    21  ‐ Instructional Leadership ‐                          ‐                          170,216                 170,216                  23  ‐ School Leadership ‐                          ‐                          924,198                 924,198                  31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling ‐                          ‐                          321,467                 321,467                  33  ‐ Health Services ‐                          ‐                          72,919                   72,919                    36  ‐ Extra‐/Co‐Curricular Activities 78,813                   132,856                 7,500                     219,169                  41  ‐ General Administration ‐                          ‐                          308,772                 308,772                  51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations ‐                          ‐                          947,445                 947,445                  52  ‐  Security and Monitoring Services ‐                          ‐                          40,000                   40,000                    53  ‐ Data Processing ‐                          ‐                          216,103                 216,103                  61  ‐ Community Services ‐                          ‐                          138,322                 138,322                  71  ‐ Debt Service ‐                          ‐                          167,068                 167,068                  Total Expenditures 80,561                   132,856                 8,496,715              8,710,132               (55,061)                  (38,656)                  231,414                 137,697                  OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79  ‐ Other Resources 16,000                   60,000                   ‐                          76,000                    89  ‐ Other Uses ‐                          ‐                          (76,000)                  (76,000)                   Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)16,000                   60,000                   (76,000)                  ‐                           NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (39,061)                  21,344                   155,414                 137,697                  FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 25,693                   3,469                     932,682                 961,844                  FUND BALANCE, ENDING (13,368)                  24,813                   1,088,096              1,099,541                  Assigned ‐ Bus Maintenance 19,000                   ‐                          ‐                          19,000                       Assigned ‐ Technology/FF&E Replacement ‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                              Assigned ‐ Uniform/Equipment Replacement ‐                          15,000                   ‐                          15,000                    ENDING FUND BALANCE (UNASSIGNED)(32,368)$                9,813$                   1,088,096$            1,065,541$             Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 WESTLAKE ACADEMY COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND Proposed FY 2018 / 2019 66  Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to EXPENDITURES FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed 11 Instructional 6100 Payroll 3,915,926$   4,445,106$   4,410,145$   4,564,442$    4,473,672$   4,623,033$    149,361$       6200 Contracted Services 107,213        69,223          65,785          69,320            92,722          66,820            (25,902)          6300 Supplies & Materials 252,965        745,919        132,636        202,928         127,304        193,628         66,324           6400 Other Operating 67,399          109,100        140,989        138,580         145,904        125,493         (20,411)          Total Instructional 4,343,503     5,369,348     4,749,555     4,975,270      4,839,602     5,008,974      169,372            12 Resource & Media    6100 Payroll 56,186          68,030          73,302          71,339            75,079          77,635            2,556              6200 Contracted Services 2,650             ‐                 ‐                 1,100              100                1,100              1,000              6300 Supplies & Materials 7,057             5,774             6,241             8,100              10,100          10,100            ‐                  6400 Other Operating 2,040             179                1,684             2,100              2,100             2,100              ‐                  Total Resource & Media 67,933          73,983          81,227          82,639            87,379          90,935            3,556                 13 Staff Development    6100 Payroll 2,522             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  6200 Contracted Services 14,320          21,998          ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  6300 Supplies & Materials 762                7,224             339                400                 230                400                 170                 6400 Other Operating 147,704        118,337        86,532          84,145            85,970          84,145            (1,825)            Total Staff Development 165,308        147,559        86,871          84,545            86,200          84,545            (1,655)            21 Instructional Leadership 6100 Payroll 202,096        199,183        259,259        200,623         155,144        160,316         5,172              6200 Contracted Services 3,200             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  6300 Supplies & Materials 2,092             4,606             46                  500                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  6400 Other Operating 5,554             6,802             6,785             5,500              6,775             9,900              3,125              Total Instructional Leadership 212,942        210,591        266,090        206,623         161,919        170,216         8,297              23 School Leadership 6100 Payroll 599,702        810,668        845,228        723,565         861,650        890,971         29,321           6200 Contracted Services 150                ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  6300 Supplies & Materials 4,330             18,689          597                1,000              1,450             700                 (750)                6400 Other Operating 16,200          30,793          29,614          33,127            33,647          32,527            (1,120)            Total School Leadership 620,382        860,150        875,439        757,692         896,747        924,198         27,451           31 Guidance & Counseling 6100 Payroll 137,129        160,308        202,138        163,773         252,096        260,567         8,471              6200 Contracted Services 110,079        73,358          53,741          43,200            41,324          43,750            2,426              6300 Supplies & Materials 5,258             9,076             4,113             7,800              4,560             6,000              1,440              6400 Other Operating 2,727             5,411             7,041             9,200              9,684             11,150            1,466              Total Guidance & Counseling 255,193        248,153        267,033        223,973         307,664        321,467         13,803           WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION & OBJECT CODE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 67  Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to EXPENDITURES FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed 33 Health Services 6100 Payroll 62,653          59,536          64,487          63,524            68,646          70,419            1,773              6200 Contracted Services 520                520                145                1,000              500                1,000              500                 6300 Supplies & Materials 1,112             2,272             2,857             1,500              2,000             1,500              (500)                6400 Other Operating ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  Total Health Services 64,285          62,328          67,489          66,024            71,146          72,919            1,773              36 Co‐/Extra Curricular Activities 6100 Payroll 54,382          64,626          82,245          94,458            83,574          84,386            812                 6200 Contracted Services 19,370          26,428          28,379          39,000            36,195          41,610            5,415              6300 Supplies & Materials 28,743          21,743          44,474          37,500            33,943          40,483            6,540              6400 Other Operating 20,479          27,344          87,462          47,400            83,762          52,690            (31,072)          Total CoCurricular Activities 122,974        140,141        242,560        218,358         237,474        219,169         (18,305)             41 Administrative    6100 Payroll 93,706          38,554          39,924          40,267            41,132          42,574            1,442              6200 Contracted Services 168,012        247,576        190,208        141,085         205,735        191,183         (14,552)          6300 Supplies & Materials 19,413          16,150          21,970          21,200            21,400          17,200            (4,200)            6400 Other Operating 62,956          70,681          55,202          57,615            50,821          57,815            6,994              Total Administrative 344,087        372,961        307,304        260,167         319,088        308,772         (10,316)             51 Maintenance & Operations    6100 Payroll 99,798          100,192        109,985        97,543            95,935          94,678            (1,257)            6200 Contracted Services 619,660        664,518        655,474        694,800         679,429        677,504         (1,925)            6300 Supplies & Materials 55,623          50,201          43,331          78,500            83,446          85,213            1,767              6400 Other Operating 90,638          80,423          78,153          89,900            88,805          90,050            1,245              Total Maintenance & Operations 865,719        895,334        886,943        960,743         947,615        947,445         (170)                   52 Security & Monitoring Services    6200 Contracted Services ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 20,000            20,000           6300 Supplies & Materials ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 20,000            20,000           Total Security & Monitoring Services ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 40,000            40,000           WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION & OBJECT CODE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 68  Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to EXPENDITURES FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed 53 Data Processing 6100 Payroll 73,492          124,899        130,931        135,305         137,707        142,403         4,696              6200 Contracted Services 11,153          8,639             8,306             13,700            13,700          13,700            ‐                  6300 Supplies & Materials 14,926          24,994          32,778          36,400            37,900          49,900            12,000           6400 Other Operating 1,186             5,798             1,337             10,100            10,100          10,100            ‐                  Total Data Processing 100,757        164,330        173,352        195,505         199,407        216,103         16,696           61 Community Services 6100 Payroll 111,620 118,429 126,614 124,460 133,763 138,322 4,559 Total Community Service 111,620        118,429        126,614        124,460         133,763        138,322         4,559              71 Debt Service 6500 Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,795        166,200         167,068        167,068         ‐                  Total Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,795        166,200         167,068        167,068         ‐                  Total Expenditure 7,364,652$   8,754,399$   8,387,272$   8,322,199$    8,455,072$   8,710,132$    255,060$        Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE 61XX ‐ Payroll & Related Items 5,409,212$   6,189,531$   6,344,258$   6,279,299$    6,378,398$   6,585,303$    206,905$       62XX ‐ Contracted Services 1,056,327     1,112,260     1,002,038     1,003,205      1,069,705     1,056,667      (13,038)          63XX ‐ Supplies & Materials 392,281        906,648        289,382        395,828         322,333        425,124         102,791         64XX ‐ Other Operating 416,883        454,868        494,799        477,667         517,568        475,970         (41,598)          65XX ‐ Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,795        166,200         167,068        167,068         ‐                  Total Expenditures 7,364,652$   8,754,399$   8,387,272$   8,322,199$    8,455,072$   8,710,132$    255,060$         SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION & OBJECT CODE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 WESTLAKE ACADEMY 61XX ‐Payroll & Related Items 76% 62XX ‐Contracted Services 12% 63XX ‐Supplies & Materials 5% 64XX ‐Other Operating 5% 65XX ‐Debt Service 2% EXPENDITURES BY   OBJECT CODE 69 Fiscal Year Revenues incr % Expenditures incr %Net Change FY 03/04 Audited 1,094,608$                  1,068,857$                 25,751$                        FY 04/05 Audited 1,831,898                    67.4%1,612,198                   50.8% 219,700                        FY 05/06 Audited 2,407,526                    31.4%2,211,897                   37.2% 195,629                        FY 06/07 Audited 2,879,531                    19.6%2,615,511                   18.2% 264,020                        FY 07/08 Audited 3,168,968                    10.1%3,226,254                   23.4% (57,286)                         FY 08/09 Audited 3,661,645                    15.5%3,709,086                   15.0% (47,441)                         FY 09/10 Audited 4,280,723                    16.9%3,917,886                   5.6% 362,837                        FY 10/11 Audited 4,608,573                    7.7%4,518,107                   15.3% 90,466                          FY 11/12 Audited 5,244,170                    13.8%5,287,757                   17.0% (43,587)                         FY 12/13 Audited 5,640,934                    7.6%5,496,181                   3.9%144,753                        FY 13/14 Audited 6,560,141                    16.3%6,733,873                   22.5%(173,732)                       FY 14/15 Audited 7,805,552                    19.0%7,364,652                   9.4%440,900                        FY 15/16 Audited 7,868,978                    0.8%8,754,399                   18.9%(885,421)                       FY 16/17 Audited 8,218,417                    4.4%8,387,272                   ‐4.2%(168,855)                       FY 17/18 Amended 8,477,645                    3.2%8,455,072                   0.8%22,573                          FY 18/19 Proposed 8,847,829                    4.4%8,710,132                   3.0%137,697                        WESTLAKE ACADEMY REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON Fiscal Years 03/04 through 18/19 GENERAL FUND $3.66$4.28$4.61$5.24$5.64$6.56$7.81$7.87$8.22$8.48$8.85$3.71$3.92$4.52$5.29$5.50$6.73$7.36$8.75$8.39$8.46$8.71FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15  FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18  AMENDED FY 18/19  PROPOSED Revenue & Expenditure  Comparison (in millions) Revenues Expenditures 70 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Revenues 1,521,693$   1,339,130$   1,530,437$   1,466,700$   1,457,600$   1,448,134$   (9,466)$          State Program Revenues 6,139,829     6,407,744     6,590,485     7,001,700     6,904,345     7,279,995     375,650         Total Revenues 7,661,522     7,746,874     8,120,922     8,468,400     8,361,945     8,728,129     366,184         EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 4,315,487     5,355,712     4,748,066     4,973,484     4,837,854     5,007,226     169,372         12  ‐ Resources & Media 67,933          73,983          81,227          82,639          87,379          90,935          3,556              13  ‐ Staff Development 165,308        147,559        86,871          84,545          86,200          84,545          (1,655)            21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 212,942        210,591        266,090        206,623        161,919        170,216        8,297              23  ‐ School Leadership 620,382        860,150        875,439        757,692        896,747        924,198        27,451           31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 255,193        248,153        267,033        223,973        307,664        321,467        13,803           33  ‐ Health Services 64,285          62,328          67,489          66,024          71,146          72,919          1,773              36  ‐ Co‐/Extra Curricular Activities 8,075             27,665          19,007          31,889          4,634             7,500             2,866              41  ‐ Administrative 344,087        372,961        307,304        260,167        319,088        308,772        (10,316)          51  ‐ Maintenance & Operations 865,719        895,334        886,943        960,743        947,615        947,445        (170)                52  ‐ Security & Monitoring Services ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 40,000          40,000           53  ‐ Data Processing 100,757        164,330        173,352        195,505        199,407        216,103        16,696           61  ‐ Community Services 111,620        118,429        126,614        124,460        133,763        138,322        4,559              71  ‐ Debt Service 89,949          91,092          256,795        166,200        167,068        167,068        ‐                  Total Expenditures 7,221,737     8,628,287     8,162,230     8,133,944     8,220,484     8,496,715     276,231         439,785        (881,413)       (41,308)         334,456        141,461        231,414        89,953           OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Capital Lease Proceeds 16,740          474,300        ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  79 ‐ Transfers In ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  89 ‐ Transfer Out (Use)(45,000)         ‐                 ‐                 (60,000)         (85,000)         (76,000)         9,000              Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (28,260)         474,300        ‐                 (60,000)         (85,000)         (76,000)         9,000              NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 411,525        (407,113)       (41,308)         274,456        56,461          155,414        98,953           ‐                  FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 913,117        1,324,642     917,529        876,221        876,221        932,682        56,461           FUND BALANCE, ENDING 1,324,642     917,529        876,221        1,150,677     932,682        1,088,096     155,414            Assigned ‐ Technology/FF&E ‐                 125,000        ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  ENDING FUND BALANCE (UNASSIGNED)1,324,642$   792,529$      876,221$      1,150,677$   932,682$      1,088,096$   155,414$       Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over  (Under) Expenditures WESTLAKE ACADEMY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND ‐ 199 For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 71 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Revenues 89,253$        97,940$        78,867$        90,700$        90,700$        94,200$        3,500$           State Revenue 1,360            1,396            1,531            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 Total Revenues 90,613          99,336          80,398          90,700          90,700          94,200          3,500             EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional ‐                39                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 36  ‐ Co‐/Extra Curricular Activities 100,023        99,421          204,997        154,519        154,766        132,856        (21,910)          Total Expenditures 100,023        99,460          204,997        154,519        154,766        132,856        (21,910)          (9,410)           (124)              (124,599)      (63,819)         (64,066)         (38,656)         25,410           OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Other Resources 45,000          ‐                37,090          60,000          60,000          60,000          ‐                 89 ‐ Other Uses ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 45,000          ‐                37,090          60,000          60,000          60,000          ‐                 NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 35,590          (124)              (87,509)         (3,819)           (4,066)           21,344          25,410           FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 59,578          95,168          95,044          7,535            7,535            3,469            (4,066)            FUND BALANCE, ENDING 95,168          95,044          7,535            3,716            3,469            24,813          21,344              Assigned ‐ Uniform/Equip Replacement ‐                5,000            11,000          15,000          15,000          15,000          ‐                 ENDING FUND BALANCE (UNASSIGNED)95,168$        90,044$        (3,465)$         (11,284)$      (11,531)$      9,813$          21,344$               Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over  (Under) Expenditures WESTLAKE ACADEMY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES FUND ‐ 198 For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 72 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance  Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to Y FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Revenues 53,417$       22,768$       17,097$       25,000$       25,000$       25,500$       500$              State Revenues ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 Total Revenues 53,417         22,768         17,097         25,000         25,000         25,500         500                EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 28,016         13,597         1,489            1,786            1,748            1,748            ‐                 36  ‐ Co‐/Extra Curricular Activities 14,876         13,055         18,556         31,950         78,074         78,813         739                Total Expenditures 42,892         26,652         20,045         33,736         79,822         80,561         739                Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over  (Under) Expenditures           10,525             (3,884)           (2,948)           (8,736)        (54,822)        (55,061)              (239) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Other Resources ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                25,000         16,000         (9,000)           89 ‐ Other Uses ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                25,000         16,000         (9,000)           NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 10,525         (3,884)          (2,948)          (8,736)          (29,822)        (39,061)        (9,239)              FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 51,822         62,347         58,463         55,515         55,515         25,693         (29,822)               FUND BALANCE, ENDING 62,347         58,463         55,515         46,779         25,693         (13,368)        (39,061)         Assigned ‐ Bus Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                24,090         24,090         19,000         (5,090)           Assigned ‐ Parking ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 ENDING FUND BALANCE (UNASSIGNED)62,347$       58,463$       55,515$       22,689$       1,603$         (32,368)$      (33,971)$         WESTLAKE ACADEMY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE TRANSPORTATION/PARKING FUND ‐ 197 For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 73 Variance  Amended  Proposed Amended to  FY 17/18  FY 18/19  Proposed  Federal Grants through TEA Fund 224 ‐ IDEA B 114,796$          104,000$          (10,796)$                 Sub‐total Federal Grants 114,796             104,000             (10,796)              State Grants through TEA Fund 410 ‐ Material Allotment Disbursment 126,368             31,028               (95,340)                   Sub‐total State Grants 126,368             31,028               (95,340)              Local Activities Fund 461 ‐ Local Campus Activity 63,364               60,000               (3,364)                 Fund 484 ‐ Local Grants (HOC & WAF)158,784             150,000             (8,784)                 Fund 498 ‐ International Mindedness Syposium 7,038                 6,000                 (1,038)                      Sub‐total Local Activities 229,186             216,000             (13,186)              Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) Grants Fund 497 ‐ Student Travel Awards 2,500                 2,500                 ‐                         Sub‐total Foundation Grants 2,500                 2,500                 ‐                      Grant Total ‐ All Special Revenue Fund Revenues & Expenditures 472,850$          353,528$          (119,322)$          NOTE:  Special Revenue Funds account for local, state and federally financed programs or expenditures legally restricted for specified purposes or where unused balances are returned to the grantor at the close of a specified project period. WESTLAKE ACADEMY  SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 74 Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed REVENUES Local Program Revenues 526,266$      155,042$      269,700$      70,500$        231,686$      218,500$      (13,186)$        State Program Revenues 40,291          139,222        11,342          157,396        126,368        31,028          (95,340)          Federal Program Revenues 162,270        98,564          140,152        104,000        114,796        104,000        (10,796)          Total Revenues 728,827        392,828        421,194        331,896        472,850        353,528        (119,322)          EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION)  11  ‐ Instructional 373,136        391,009        284,546        269,896        248,202        237,528        (10,674)          12  ‐ Resources & Media ‐                 3,709             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  13  ‐ Staff Development 57,213          36,639          41,846          ‐                 ‐                 25,000          25,000           21  ‐ Instructional Leadership 35,145          ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  23  ‐ School Leadership 91,641          25,637          23,204          ‐                 ‐                 3,000             3,000              31  ‐ Guidance & Counseling 93                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  36  ‐ CoCurricular/Extracurricular Activities 19,825          39,638          96,257          60,000          224,648        88,000          (136,648)        41  ‐ Administrative 7,000             25                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  Total Expenditures 584,053        496,657        445,853        329,896        472,850        353,528        (119,322)         (Under) Expenditures 144,774        (103,829)       (24,659)         2,000             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 79 ‐ Other Resources ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  89 ‐ Other Uses ‐                 ‐                 (37,090)         ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)‐                 ‐                 (37,090)         ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 144,774        (103,829)       (61,749)         2,000             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                   FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING 46,781          191,555        87,726          25,977          25,977          25,977          ‐                   FUND BALANCE, ENDING 191,555        87,726          25,977          27,977          25,977          25,977          ‐                  FUND BALANCE, ENDNG (Unassigned)191,555$      87,726$        25,977$        27,977$        25,977$        25,977$        ‐$                Adopted Amended Proposed Variance Audited Audited Audited Budget Budget Budget Amended to FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Proposed EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE 61XX ‐ Payroll & Related Items 301,481$      145,708$      188,356$      104,000$      118,160$      104,000$      (14,160)$        62XX ‐ Contracted Services 43,063          34,933          33,541          ‐                 20,000          ‐                 (20,000)          63XX ‐ Supplies & Materials 154,820        198,514        67,112          220,396        312,190        243,528        (68,662)          64XX ‐ Other Operating 84,689          117,502        156,844        5,500             22,500          6,000             (16,500)          Total Expenditures 584,053$      496,657$      445,853$      329,896$      472,850$      353,528$      (119,322)$      Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over WESTLAKE ACADEMY  COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 75    WAF WAF International Total IDEA‐B Materials Campus Local Student Mindedness Special Formula Allotment Activity Grants Travel Awards Symposium Revenue  224 410 461 484 497 498  Funds  REVENUES Local Program Revenues ‐$          ‐$              60,000$      150,000$  2,500$              6,000$                218,500$     State Program Revenues ‐            31,028          ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      31,028         Federal Program Revenues 104,000    ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      104,000       Total Revenues 104,000    31,028          60,000        150,000    2,500                 6,000                  353,528       EXPENDITURES (BY FUNCTION) 11  ‐ Instructional 104,000    31,028          ‐              100,000    2,500                 ‐                      237,528       13  ‐ Staff Development ‐            ‐                ‐              22,000       ‐                     3,000                  25,000         21 ‐   Instructional Leadership ‐            ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      ‐                23  ‐ School Leadership ‐            ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     3,000                  3,000           36  ‐ Co‐Curricular Activities ‐            ‐                60,000        28,000       ‐                     ‐                      88,000         Total Expenditures 104,000    31,028          60,000        150,000    2,500                 6,000                  353,528       Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues   Over (Under) Expenditures ‐            ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      ‐                NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ‐            ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      ‐                FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING ‐            ‐                ‐               ‐             ‐                     ‐                      ‐                FUND BALANCE, ENDING ‐$          ‐$              ‐$             ‐$           ‐$                   ‐$                    ‐$             WESTLAKE ACADEMY  COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year Ending August 31, 2019 76 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 77 This page is intentionally blank 78 PERSONNEL & STAFFING Given the funding constraints we are facing, accurate expenditure projections are more important than ever. Since salaries make up the greatest portion of the expenditure budget, it is logical to apply forecasting techniques that can provide a true picture of where payroll dollars are headed. Personnel staffing levels for Westlake Academy are presented in full-time equivalents (FTE) positions. For example, a position staffed for 40 hours per week for 52 weeks per year (2,080 hours) equals one full-time equivalent position. An FTE position of .50 refers to a position that is funded for 1,040 hours per year (2,080 x .50). The personnel count includes vacant positions. PAYROLL & RELATED COSTS (ALL FUNDS) FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Change Change Amended Proposed Amount Percent PR Wages $ 5,456,724 $ 5,669,248 $ 212,524 3.9% Social Security/Medicare 84,575 85,419 844 1.0% Health Insurance 274,410 273,979 (431) -0.2% Workers’ Compensation 28,946 29,185 239 0.8% TRS On-Behalf 392,275 389,161 (3,114) -0.8% Unemployment Taxes 22,768 20,471 (2,297) -10.1% Retirement (TRS) 118,700 117,840 (860) -0.7% GRAND TOTAL $ 6,378,398 $ 6,585,303 $ 206,905 3.2% EMPLOYEE POSITIONS BY TYPE Employee Type FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Change Principals 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.75 0.25 Coordinators 3.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 3.50 4.25 0.75 Primary 19.90 23.59 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.50 (0.50) Secondary 24.91 30.92 32.06 32.55 34.26 34.83 0.57 Support 13.97 18.10 15.50 15.00 14.00 13.00 (1.00) Instr Specialist 3.50 5.00 6.25 6.00 5.00 4.75 (0.25) WA Foundation 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - Facilities 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Technology 1.80 1.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Total Staff 74.68 90.21 95.31 95.05 93.76 93.58 (0.18) Total Teachers 48.31 59.51 65.31 65.55 66.26 66.08 (0.18) 79 The following charts break down the number of employees by job function (primary and secondary school teachers, instructional administration, etc.). Employee growth has been driven by Academy expansions as the school matured into a full K-12 campus. 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.75 3.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 3.50 4.25 19.90 23.59 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.50 24.91 30.92 32.06 32.55 34.26 34.83 13.97 18.10 15.50 15.00 14.00 13.00 3.50 5.00 6.25 6.00 5.00 4.75 0 25 50 75 100 FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Defined Employee Groups by FTE Technology Facilities WA Foundation Instr Specialist Support Secondary Primary Coordinators Principals Principals 5%Coordinators 5% Primary 28% Secondary 37% Support 14% Specialist 5% Employee Positions by Type 80 PERSONNEL POSITION SUMMARY Positions FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Change Classes Served K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 Executive Director 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Asst PrimaryP Principal - - - - 1.00 1.00 - MYP Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - - Asst MYP Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - - Secondary (DP) Principal 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 - Asst Secondary Principal - - - - 0.50 0.75 0.25 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.75 0.25 DP Coordinator 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - MYP Academic Dean - - 1.00 1.00 - - - MYP Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 - PYP Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - CTE Coordinator - - - - 0.50 0.50 - Student Services Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 - - - Admin Coordinator 1.00 1.00 - - - - - Compliance Coordinator - - - - 0.50 0.25 (0.25) Athletic Director - - - - 0.50 0.50 - Alumni/Communications Specialist - - - - - 1.00 1.00 3.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 3.50 4.25 0.75 Primary - Kindergarten 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Grade 1 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Grade 2 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Grade 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Grade 4 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Grade 5 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Primary - Art 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary - Counselor 1.50 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary - Math - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary - Music 0.40 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary - PE 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Primary - Reading Specialist - 0.34 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Primary - Spanish 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 (0.50) Primary - IT - - - - - - - 19.90 23.59 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.50 (0.50) Secondary - Art - 1.32 2.32 2.16 1.67 1.50 (0.17) Secondary - Business Management - - - 0.50 1.00 1.00 - Secondary - Counselor 1.50 1.35 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.00 - Secondary - Economics - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Secondary - English 3.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 - Secondary - Foreign Language 4.34 4.34 4.32 4.00 4.17 5.00 0.83 Secondary - Grade 6 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Secondary - Humanities 4.25 3.75 3.92 4.25 3.92 4.00 0.08 Secondary - Math 3.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.67 5.67 - Secondary - PE 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Secondary - Performing A&D - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Coordinator Staffing Principal Staffing Primary Staffing 81 Positions FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Change Classes Served K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 Secondary - Personal Project - - 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - Secondary - Science 3.66 3.50 4.00 3.84 4.33 4.33 - Secondary - CTE/STEM - - - - 0.50 0.33 (0.17) Secondary - Reading Specialist 0.66 0.66 - - - - - Secondary - Theater Arts 1.00 1.00 - - - - - 24.91 30.92 32.06 32.55 34.26 34.83 0.57 Teaching Aides 6.07 8.00 8.50 8.00 7.00 6.00 (1.00) Librarian/Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Office Aide 3.00 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 - Registrar 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Dir of Student Life - 1.00 - - - - - Dir of Curriculum 0.50 1.00 - - - - - Lunchroom Personnel 0.40 - - - - - - Study Hall/Tutor 1.00 1.00 - - - - - 13.97 18.10 15.50 15.00 14.00 13.00 (1.00) Diagnostician/ Literacy - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Occupational Therapist - - - - - 0.25 0.25 IT Integration 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 (0.50) Special Education 2.00 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Speech 0.17 - 1.00 - - - - Strings Staff 0.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - - 3.50 5.00 6.25 6.00 5.00 4.75 (0.25) WAF Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - WAF Office Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - Facilities Day Porter 0.60 1.00 1.00 - - - - Facilities Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - IT Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - IT Tech 1.80 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.80 1.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Total Positions 74.68 90.21 95.31 95.05 93.76 93.58 (0.18) IT Dept Staffing Facilities Staffing Foundation Staffing Specialist Staffing Support Staffing Secondary Staffing 82 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) The Fair Labor Standards Act established minimum wage, overtime, recordkeeping, and child labor standards and applies to all full-time and part-time employees. As amended in 1985, the FLSA provides the option for compensatory time in lieu of overtime compensation for non-exempt employees. Executive, administrative, and professional employees meeting Department of Labor exemption guidelines are exempt from FLSA overtime requirements. The Town will comply with the FLSA for all employees. Non-Exempt Positions All non-exempt (hourly) positions are eligible for overtime compensation. Bi-weekly wages are based on a 40- hour work week (2,080 hours per year), equaling one full-time equivalent (FTE) position. There are 26 pay periods per year. Exempt Positions Exempt (salaried) positions are not eligible for overtime compensation. Salary amounts are not calculated or based on the number of hours worked. Exempt positions include managers and directors, and classifications are determined by Department of Labor guidelines. Vacancy Adjustments Not all positions will be filled 52 weeks per year, and so these expected vacancies are addressed in the salary budgeting process. 1. Start Dates - Expected start dates for open positions may vary. Keeping track of those assumptions is important because a large dollar variance may result when an actual start date differs from the budgeted date. 2. Attrition (Planned Retirements) - Budget consideration should be given for those positions where employees have indicated specific retirement dates. Payouts need to be budgeted. 3. Impact of Inflation - Inflation can have a significant impact on payroll forecasting. Cost-of-living adjustments often are used when forecasting personnel costs. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a broad measure of consumer inflation, is the cost-of-living index used most often for determining salary increases. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Cost Index might be a better index for this purpose, as it measures the change in the cost of labor, free from the influence of employment shifts among occupations and industries. 4. Seasonal and Temporary Positions - Some divisions or jurisdictions use part-time or seasonal employees. 5. Other Considerations - Some governments make more use of overtime as an option instead of hiring fulltime workers. The use of retired employees for contractual services is another alternative to adding headcount. 83 Executive Director W.A. Foundation WA SUPERINTENDENT This organizational chart is a visual depiction of the way work is distributed within Westlake Academy. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Heads of Department Grade Level Team Leads SPED CoordinatorPrimary Principal Primary Assistant Principal Primary Curriculum Coordinator Primary Counselor Primary Faculty and Staff WESTLAKE ACADEMY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Librarian Technology Coordinator Secondary Principal Secondary Counselor College Counselor MYP/DP Faculty and Staff Registrar Administrative Staff Secondary Assistant Principal Athletic Dir. Student Life Coordinator MYP/DP Curriculum Coordinators WESTLAKE ACADEMY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Assistant This chart is meant to be a tool to help enhance our working relationship with our customers, students and stake-holders, and to clear channels of communications to better accomplish our goals and objectives. SPED Faculty and Staff 84 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Westlake Academy is governed by a President and a five-member Board of Trustees. Each of the members is elected for a two-year term, and members currently serve on the Town Council for the Town of Westlake. The Board of Trustees establishes school policy, approves the Academy's annual operating budget, and serves as the legislative body of the Academy. The Board holds regular meetings on one Monday of each month. These meetings typically begin with a work shop at 5 p.m. and the regular meeting follows at 6 p.m. All meetings are held at Westlake Town Hall, 1500 Solana Blvd, Bldg 7 in the Council Chambers/Municipal Courtroom. Front Left to Right • Alesa Belvedere Term expires May 2020 • Laura Wheat, President Term expires May 2020 • Carol Langdon Term expires May 2019 Back Left to Right • Rick Rennhack Term expires May 2019 • Michael Barrett Term expires May 2020 • Wayne Stoltenberg Term expires May 2019 85 WESTLAKE ACADEMY LEADERSHIP TEAM *THOMAS E. BRYMER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS DR. MECHELLE BRYSON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR *Amanda DeGan Assistant Town Manager Alan Burt Director of Athletics Student Life Coordinator *Debbie Piper Director of Finance Rod Harding Primary (PYP) Principal *Troy Meyer Director of Facilities Beckie Paquin Primary (PYP) Assistant Principal *Jason Power Director of Information Technology Alison Schneider PYP Coordinator Primary Curriculum Coordinator *Ginger Awtry Director of Communications & Community Affairs Stacy Stoyanoff Secondary (MYP/DP) Principal *Todd Wood Director of Human Resources & Administrative Services Jennifer Furnish Secondary Assistant Principal TEA/Charter Compliance Coordinator Dr. Shelly Myers Executive Director of the WAF & Director of Development Terri Watson MYP Coordinator Secondary Curriculum Coordinator Dr. James Owen DP Coordinator Secondary Curriculum Coordinator *Asterisk denotes shared services personnel between the academic and municipal service teams of the Town of Westlake. 86 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE MUNICIPAL OVERSIGHT Westlake Academy is a municipally owned, open enrollment K-12 charter school that is accredited by the Texas Education Agency. • The Academy is governed by a six-member Board of Trustees that also serves as the Town Council for the Town of Westlake. • The Board of Trustees appoints a Superintendent to oversee the Academy’s management and operations. The Superintendent also serves as Westlake’s Town Manager. • The Academy’s organizational structure is based on research into management of municipally owned charter schools. • The current structure was adopted by the Board in Resolution 09-23 on December 7, 2009. The Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of the Board’s policy agenda for Westlake Academy, facilitating the Board’s strategic plan, formulating policy recommendations for Board consideration, and providing managerial oversight of the Academy’s budget administration, finances, and budget preparation. The Academy’s Superintendent oversees the Westlake Academy Executive Leadership Team which is charged with the responsibility of managing the school’s on-going academic and extracurricular operations. Each principal is responsible, with advisement from the Superintendent, for selection and evaluation of the faculty and staff involved in providing their Programme’s academic services. Town Manager / Superintendent Executing the Board of Trustees adopted policies and hiring and managing all employees and department directors Assistant Town Manager / Superintendent Supporting the Town Manager / Superintendent in his assigned duties, overseeing departmental directors and working on special projects as assigned Finance Department Financial oversight of accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, general ledger, journal entries, capital projects, fixed assets, depreciation; revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities, and coordinating the annual budget and audit processes for both Municipal and Academic. Human Resource Department Managing personnel needs for both the Municipal and Academic staff 87 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR • The Executive Director is the instructional leader for the whole school as well as administrative head. • This position is responsible for implementing board policies and direction from the Superintendent, and heads the instructional leadership team (ILT) which focuses on whole school issues. P RIMARY Y EARS P RINCIPAL (PYP) • The Primary Years Principal is the instructional leader for the Primary Years Programme (PYP). • The PYP is a curriculum framework for children aged 3-12 that prepares students for the intellectual challenges and focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in and beyond the classroom walls. • The PYP Principal is responsible for ensuring proper implementation of the IB curriculum, student achievement as well as recruiting, mentoring, and retaining talented faculty. • The Primary Years Principal is a member of the ILT. P RIMARY A SSISTANT P RINCIPAL • The PYP Assistant Principal is also an instructional leader for the PYP. • The PYP Assistant Principal supports the efforts of the Primary Principal in carrying out the duties of the programme. • The PYP Assistant Principal also supports the proper implementation of the IB curriculum, student achievement as well as supports the positive culture and climate of the programme. • The PYP Assistant Principal is a member of the ILT. P RIMARY Y EARS C URRICULUM C OORDINATOR • The PYP Curriculum Coordinator is primarily responsible for the vertical and horizontal articulation of curriculum. • The position supports the efforts of the Primary Principal in ensuring the proper implementation of the PYP IB curriculum. • The main responsibility is to work with staff to develop, maintain and review curriculum, while developing and delivering effective staff development to support the IB mission. • The PYP Curriculum Coordinator is a member of the ILT. S ECONDARY P RINCIPAL (MYP & DP P RINCIPAL) • The Secondary Principal is the instructional leader for the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). 88 • The MYP is a curriculum framework for children in grades six through ten that prepares students to make connections between their studies and the real world. It is designed to prepare students for the Diploma Programme. • The DP is a challenging two-year curriculum for students in grades 11 and 12 that provides an inquiry based, college preparatory education. • This position is responsible for ensuring proper implementation of the IB curriculum, student achievement as well as recruiting, mentoring, and retaining talented faculty. • The Secondary Principal is a member of the ILT. S ECONDARY A SSISTANT P RINCIPAL • The Secondary Assistant Principal is also an instructional leader for the MYP and the DP. • The Secondary Assistant Principal supports the efforts of the Secondary Principal in carrying out the duties of the programme. • The Secondary Assistant Principal also supports the proper implementation of the IB curriculum, student achievement as well as supports the positive culture and climate of the programme. • The Secondary Assistant Principal is a member of the ILT. S ECONDARY (MYP/DP) C URRICULUM C OORDINATORS • The Secondary Curriculum Coordinators are primarily responsible for the vertical and horizontal articulation of curriculum. • The positions support the efforts of the Secondary Principal in ensuring the proper implementation of the MYP and DP IB curriculum. • The main responsibility is to work with staff to develop, maintain and review curriculum, while developing and delivering effective staff development to support the IB mission. • The Secondary Curriculum Coordinators are members of the ILT. A THLETIC D IRECTOR AND S TUDENT L IFE C OORDINATOR • The Athletic Director/Student Life Coordinator is primarily responsible for the development of the co- curricular and extra-curricular activities of the Academy. • The Athletic Director/Student Life Coordinator designs, implements and supports activities that build the student’s leadership capacity and enriches their social and emotional growth. • The position interfaces with principals in scheduling events that enrich the learning environment. • The Athletic Director/Student Life Coordinator is a member of the ILT. D IRECTOR OF D EVELOPMENT • The Director of Development and Westlake Academy Foundation Executive Director is primarily responsible for the fundraising activities of the Academy. • The Director creates, implements, and manages donor activities, including the annual Westlake Academy Blacksmith Drive, Baja, Gallery Night, grant applications, and other Academy or Foundation related solicitations. • The Executive Director of the Education Foundation is a member of the ILT. 89 This page is intentionally blank 90 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 91 This page is intentionally blank 92 IBO PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Westlake Academy is authorized by the International Baccalaureate (IB) to offer: • Primary Years Programme (PYP) – grades K-5 • Middle Years Programme (MYP) – grades 6-10 • Diploma Programme (DP) – grades 11-12 These three linked curricula form the IB Continuum and all three programmes are consistent in their pedagogical approach. • The PYP gives students an excellent foundation for the IB’s other programmes, providing the essential elements that young students need to equip themselves for successful lives, both now and in the future. • The MYP builds on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes developed by the Primary Years Programme and prepares students for the demanding requirements of the Diploma Programme. • All three programmes are philosophically aligned, each centered on developing attributes of the IB learner profile, described below. When schools implement the full continuum of IB programmes, students realize several benefits including: • Improved standardized test scores. • An understanding and appreciation of the world’s cultures and histories among their students. • A sense of community and shared goals among parents, students, teachers, and administrators. • Graduates complete college faster than their peers, feel more prepared for college-level coursework involving research, and are better able to cope with demanding workloads and time-management challenges International Baccalaureate® (IB) programmes aim to do more than other curricula by developing inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated to succeed. We strive to develop students who will build a better world through intercultural understanding and respect. IB programme frameworks can operate effectively with national curricula at all ages; more than 50% of IB World Schools are state- funded. The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers a continuum of international education. The programmes encourage both personal and academic achievement, challenging students to excel in their studies and in their personal development. All IB programmes are flexible, enabling teachers to respond to local requirements. The Academy prepares students for all standardized testing required by the State of Texas, but endeavors to do so in a much more transdisciplinary manner and without “teaching to the test.” 93 IB LEARNER PROFILE AND ATTITUDES The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people, who recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. 1. Inquirers – We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. 2. Knowledgeable – We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance. 3. Thinkers – We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions. 4. Communicators – We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. 5. Principled – We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. 6. Open-minded – We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience. 7. Caring – We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. 8. Risk-takers – We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination, and we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. 9. Balanced – We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives – intellectual, physical, and emotional – to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. 10. Reflective – We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses to support our learning and personal development. The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. 94 95 59.0%41.0%32.0% 59.0%59.0% 18.0% 24.0%27.0% 15.0%15.0% 11.0%17.0%20.0% 15.0%15.0% 12.0%18.0%21.0%11.0%11.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Students by ISD Other Northwest Carroll Keller ENROLLMENT BOUNDARIES Westlake Academy’s student enrollment is established by two sets of boundaries: • The primary boundary encompasses the Town of Westlake and allows Westlake residents automatic entry into Westlake Academy. • The secondary boundaries are comprised of 30 of the surrounding school district’s boundaries. While any school-age child residing within these district boundaries can attend the Academy, demand for entrance exceeding capacity may necessitate that child being placed on the waiting list. Westlake Academy’s secondary boundaries are comprised of the following Independent School District boundaries: Argyle ISD Duncanville ISD Krum ISD Arlington ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Lake Dallas ISD Azle ISD Fort Worth ISD Lewisville ISD Birdville ISD Frisco ISD, Garland ISD Little Elm ISD Boyd ISD Grand Prairie ISD McKinney ISD Carroll ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Northwest ISD Coppell ISD Highland Park ISD Paradise ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD Ponder ISD Decatur ISD Irving ISD Springtown ISD Denton ISD Keller ISD Weatherford ISD 96 As an open enrollment charter school, Westlake Academy can set and maintain enrollment numbers at levels determined by the Board of Trustees. Westlake Academy has added 365 students since FY 09/10 as the result of increased demand and planned expansions. The Academy will be able to serve approximately 876 students in the 2018/19 school year. Future enrollment must be carefully managed to ensure adequate space for primary boundary residents. An average class size is maintained: •19 students per class in grades K-5 •25 students per class in grades 6-12. The Academy currently has under 2,000 students on a waiting list spanning kindergarten through grade eleven. The waiting list is developed each year through a lottery process that allows the Academy to fill seats if student attrition occurs and maintains a stable student population and classroom size. While any school-age child residing within district boundaries can attend the Academy, demand for entrance exceeding capacity may necessitate that child being placed on the waiting list. Enrollment forecasting is based on several items; •Lottery Waiting list •Residents choosing the Academy •Residential growth •Facility Master Plan All the above circumstances are reviewed continually to assess to appropriate enrollment for each school year. STUDENT ENROLLMENT 697 812 825 830 856 876 FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Actual FY16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed Student Enrollment History 856 876 886 896 906 916 FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed FY 19/20 Projected FY 20/21 Projected FY 21/22 Projected FY 22/23 Projected Student Enrollment Forecast 2,400 2,314 2,411 1,988 FY 15/16 Actual FY16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Actual FY 18/19 To-Date Lottery Waiting List $10,105 $9,722 $9,877 $9,943 $10,002 $9,987 FY16/17 Actual FY17/18 Adopted FY 17/18 Amended FY 18/19 Proposed FY 19/20 Projected FY 20/21 Projected Expenditures per Student - Academic only 97 PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME – GOALS AND OBJECTIVES IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) – grades K-5 Department Contact Information Rod Harding Primary Principal rharding@westlakeacademy.org Program Service Description The PYP is a curriculum framework for children aged 3-12 that prepares students for the intellectual challenges of further education and their future careers, focusing on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the outside world. By emphasizing critical thinking and fostering the development of universal human values, the PYP is a powerful means of going beyond classroom learning, asking students to use their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. Students become responsible for their own learning and must work collaboratively with peers, building on each member's strength. • Knowledge, which is both disciplinary, represented by traditional subject areas (language, math, science, social studies, arts, PSPE) and transdisciplinary • Concepts, which students explore through structured inquiry to develop coherent, in- depth understanding, and which have relevance both within and beyond subject areas • Skills, which are the broad capabilities students develop and apply during learning and in life beyond the classroom • Attitudes, which contribute to international-mindedness and the wellbeing of individuals and learning communities, and connect directly to the IB learner profile • Action, which is an expectation in the PYP that successful inquiry leads to responsible, thoughtful and appropriate action. 98 Westlake Academy administers the State of Texas Academic Achievement and Readiness (STAAR) test to assess student aptitude in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies as required under Texas education code. The STAAR exam has increased rigor over previous testing standards and complies with the requirements of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The following tables display student standardized test performance for the last three years, including mastery at the advanced level. Data for the 2018/19 school year are projections based upon Westlake’s goal to have a Level III rate of at least 50% in all subjects tested. PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME ** EOC & STAAR RESULTS READING Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 3 2015-2016 97% 58% 2016-2017 96% 62% 2017-2018 90% 45% 2018-2019 100% 70% Grade 4 2015-2016 96% 41% 2016-2017 97% 47% 2017-2018 98% 53% 2018-2019 100% 65% Grade 5 2015-2016 100% 36% 2016-2017 98% 55% 2017-2018 100% 56% 2018-2019 100% 70% WRITING Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 4 2015-2016 89% 37% 2016-2017 81% 16% 2017-2018 95% 29% 2018-2019 93% 50% 99 SCIENCE Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 5 2015-2016 88% 2% 2016-2017 98% 33% 2017-2018 98% 35% 2018-2019 100% 50% MATH Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 3 2015-2016 97% 24% 2016-2017 100% 55% 2017-2018 93% 55% 2018-2019 100% 70% Grade 4 2015-2016 89% 30% 2016-2017 97% 44% 2017-2018 93% 61% 2018-2019 100% 70% Grade 5 2015-2016 100% 38% 2016-2017 100% 57% 2017-2018 100% 85% 2018-2019 100% 70% Senior Kindergarten Buddies 2018 100 MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME – GOALS AND OBJECTIVES IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) – grades 6-10 Department Contact Information Stacy Stoyanoff Secondary Principal sstoyanoff@westlakeacademy.org Program Service Description MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The programme aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning. The programme empowers students to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally, and globally. The result is young people who are creative, critical, and reflective thinkers. The Years Programme (MYP) comprises eight subject groups:  Language acquisition  Science  Language and literature  Individuals and societies  Arts  Design  Physical and health education  Mathematics The MYP requires at least 50 hours of teaching time for each subject group in each year of the programme. In years 4 and 5, students have the option to take courses from six of the eight subject groups within certain limits, to provide greater flexibility in meeting local requirements and individual student learning needs. Each year, students in the MYP also engage in at least one collaboratively planned interdisciplinary unit that involves at least two subject groups. MYP students also complete a long-term project, where they decide what they want to learn about, identify what they already know, discovering what they will need to know to complete the project, and create a proposal or criteria for completing it. 101 Westlake Academy administers the State of Texas Academic Achievement and Readiness (STAAR) test to assess student aptitude in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies as required under Texas education code. The STAAR exam has increased rigor over previous testing standards and complies with the requirements of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The following tables display student standardized test performance for the last three years, including mastery at the advanced level. Data for the 2018/19 school year are projections based upon Westlake’s goals. MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME ** EOC & STAAR RESULTS READING Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 6 2015-2016 97% 50% 2016-2017 93% 44% 2017-2018 93% 55% 2018-2019 100% 65% Grade 7 2015-2016 97% 50% 2016-2017 100% 57% 2017-2018 93% 55% 2018-2019 100% 57% Grade 8 2015-2016 100% 45% 2016-2017 96% 58% 2017-2018 99% 62% 2018-2019 100% 65% WRITING Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 7 2015-2016 99% 63% 2016-2017 93% 31% 2017-2018 95% 63% 2018-2019 100% 50% 102 SCIENCE Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 8 2015-2016 99% 39% 2016-2017 93% 19% 2017-2018 91% 51% 2018-2019 100% 50% Biology EOC Grade 9 2015-2016 100% 46% 2016-2017 100% 53% 2017-2018 99% 49% 2018-2019 100% 65% MATH Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 6 2015-2016 97% 35% 2016-2017 99% 44% 2017-2018 99% 49% 2018-2019 100% 60% Grade 7 2015-2016 97% 38% 2016-2017 94% 62% 2017-2018 96% 51% 2018-2019 100% 70% Algebra I 2015-2016 99% 55% 2016-2017 99% 44% 2017-2018 100% 73% 2018-2019 100% 60% ENGLISH Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level 9 English I 2015-2016 99% 46% 2016-2017 99% 32% 2017-2018 96% 35% 2018-2019 100% 50% 10 English II 2015-2016 100% 35% 2016-2017 96% 22% 2017-2018 99% 43% 2018-2019 100% 50% 103 HUMANITIES Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level Grade 8 2015-2016 99% 55% 2016-2017 91% 53% 2017-2018 91% 39% 2018-2019 100% 65% Math & Science Outdoor Learning Center 104 DIPLOMA YEARS PROGRAMME – GOALS AND OBJECTIVES IB Diploma Programme (DP) – grades 11-12 Department Contact Information Stacy Stoyanoff Secondary Principal sstoyanoff@westlakeacademy.org Program Service Description DP students study six subject groups, including language acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, mathematics, the arts, and sciences. Normally three subjects are studied at a higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours) and the remaining three subjects are studied at a standard level (courses representing 150 teaching hours). DP Performance Data Made up of three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. The three core elements include: • Extended Essay - The extended essay offers the student the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) - The TOK course plays a special role in the Diploma Programme by providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. As a thoughtful and purposeful inquiry into different ways of knowing, and into different kinds of knowledge, TOK is composed almost entirely of questions. The most central of these is "How do we know?", while other questions include: o What counts as evidence for X? o How do we judge which is the best model of Y? o What does theory Z mean in the real world? Through discussions of these and other questions, students gain greater awareness of their personal and ideological assumptions, as well as developing an appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultural perspectives. 105 • Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) - Participation in the school’s CAS programme encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work, fostering student awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena. Students are assessed both internally by WA instructors and externally by IB examiners in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject. • Internal assessment - In nearly all subjects at least some student assessment is carried out internally by WA teachers, who mark individual pieces of work produced as part of a course of study. Examples include oral exercises in language subjects, projects, student portfolios, class presentations, practical laboratory work, mathematical investigations and artistic performances. • External assessment- Some assessment tasks are conducted and overseen by Academy teachers but marked externally by IB examiners. Examples include world literature assignments for language A1, written tasks for language A2, essays for theory of knowledge and extended essays. Because of the greater degree of objectivity and reliability provided by the standard examination environment, externally marked examinations form the greatest share of the assessment for each subject. Westlake Academy administers the State of Texas Academic Achievement and Readiness (STAAR) test to assess student aptitude in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies as required under Texas education code. The STAAR exam has increased rigor over previous testing standards and complies with the requirements of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The following table displays student standardized test performance for the last three years, including mastery at the advanced level. Data for the 2018/19 school year are projections based upon Westlake’s goals. HUMANITIES Grade Level Comparison Year Passed Mastered at Advanced Level U.S. History EOC Grade 11 2015-2016 100% 71% 2016-2017 100% 70% 2017-2018 100% 91% 2018-2019 100% 75% 106 BENCHMARK DATA Using both academic progress and spending levels at Texas' school districts and individual school campuses, each district and campus has been assigned a Smart Score of one to five stars, indicating its success in combining cost-effective spending with the achievement of measurable student academic progress compared with their fiscal peers. Five stars reflect the strongest relative progress combined with the lowest relative spending. For 2018, Westlake Academy was awarded (4.5) star rating from Texas State Comptroller’s FAST School District Rating System for providing quality education at a reasonable per student cost. As Westlake’s enrollment increases, efficiencies will further improve and, subsequently will reduce per student cost. The State’s school and district comparison calculations use three-year averages to get more stable and persistent measures with less year-to-year volatility. Thus, the 2018 TXSmartSchools results are based on data from the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. Spending Index Very Low Spending Composite Academic Progress Quintile Very High Academic Progress TEA Accountability Rating Met Standard Benchmarking against surrounding Tarrant County charter schools, Westlake Academy’s expenditures are near the median when comparing expenditures per student, excluding debt service and capital expenditures. Westlake’s student-teacher ratio compares favorably to surrounding student districts. District Name Total Students Composite Academic Progress Percentile Adjusted Spending Per Student Smart Score % LEP % Special Education % Student Mobility Texas School of the Arts 342 0.012 $6,933 3.5 5.0 3.5 8.7 Treetops School International 415 0.055 $6,829 4.5 0.0 6.0 5.8 Chapel Hill Academy 518 0.032 $8,559 3.5 6.6 6.6 6.3 East Fort Worth Montessori Academy 520 -0.057 $7,625 3.0 34.8 3.3 13.9 Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts 569 0.094 $8,193 5.0 1.6 3.0 6.4 Westlake Academy 843 0.207 $9,573 4.5 .2 4.2 4.6 Arlington Classics Academy 1486 0.084 $6,390 5.0 4.4 3.3 5.5 Newman International Academy 2208 -0.053 $7,943 3.0 10.1 4.8 20.3 107 PER-PUPIL EXPENDITURE COMPARISON Fiscal Year Westlake Academy Carroll ISD Northwest ISD Keller ISD 10/11 9,921 10,137 9,770 6,565 11/12 8,772 10,035 8,717 6,017 12/13 8,264 10,178 8,105 6,536 13/14 9,694 10,346 7,588 6,998 14/15 9,146 11,571 7,983 7,624 15/16 10,611* Data N/A 8,417 8,446 16/17 10,105 Data N/A 8,667 8,772 17/18 9,851 Data N/A 8,678 7,252 18/19 Proposed 9,929 Data N/A Data N/A 8,493 * Increase due to additional expenditures related to the use of designated fund balance for technology needs in FY 15/16 STUDENT-TEACHER RATIO COMPARISON Fiscal Year Westlake Academy Keller ISD Northwest ISD Carroll ISD State Average 11/12 14.3 17.16 16.0 15.0 15.4 12/13 13.6 17.1 15.9 15.1 15.5 13/14 11.7 16.6 16.0 14.9 15.4 14/15 12.4 15.6 15.4 14.8 15.2 15/16 12.6 15.4 Data N/A Data N/A 15.2 16/17 12.6 15.1 Data N/A Data N/A Data N/A 17/18 12.9 14.9 Data N/A Data N/A Data N/A 18/19 Proposed 13.3 16.0 Data N/A Data N/A Data N/A 108 WESTLAKE ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA RECIPIENT RATE Historically, Westlake Academy has graduated college-ready students who have successfully earned the IB Diploma. In the early years, sitting for the IB Exam was optional for students, and as such the Diploma recipient rate exceeded the world average. In 2015, all seniors were required to sit for the IB Exam, which caused the overall recipient rate to decrease. WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL STATISTICS The chart below reflects Westlake Academy’s average student score on the IB Diploma Exam. To receive the prestigious IB Diploma, students must receive a minimum of 24 points. As a result of successful achievement at an advanced level, Westlake Academy scores well above the passing rate. Graduation Year IB Diplomas Earned Diploma Recipient Rate World Average Pass Rate 2010 12 out of 21 57.1% 78.1% 2011 25 out of 29 86.2% 77.9% 2012 24 out of 27 88.9% 78.5% 2013 29 out of 35 82.9% 79.0% 2014 38 out of 48 79.2% 79.3% 2015 34 out of 51 66.7% 80.8% 2016 39 out of 61 64.0% 79.3% 2017 45 out of 64 70.3% 78.4% 2018 50 out of 62 80.6% NA Year Diploma Candidates Average Points Earned Average IB Score Earned Highest Point Total 2010 21 31 4.89 37 2011 29 31 5.02 42 2012 27 30 4.78 37 2013 35 30 4.9 40 2014 48 29 4.76 36 2015 51 29 4.49 35 2016 61 29 4.64 39 2017 64 31 4.96 44 2018 62 29 4.71 37 109 ACCELERATED PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Over the course of Westlake Academy’s history, student participation in the Accelerated Program (AP) has increased, especially over the last three years. With the increased participation in AP courses and subsequent testing, the Academy strives to produce scores above the global exam passing rate. If the trend continues, 2019 AP scores will continue to be above the global passing rate. ACCELERATED PROGRAM PASS RATE Year Total AP Students Total AP Exams 2011 26 53 2012 30 87 2013 34 71 2014 49 131 2015 114 209 2016 111 197 2017 161 295 2018 179 331 Year % Exams Scoring 3+ Global Exams Scoring 3+ 2011 78 56.2 2012 64 56.8 2013 77 57.4 2014 53 59.5 2015 46 57.9 2016 60 57.9 2017 65 57.9 2018 68 61.3 64 77 53 46 60 65 68 56.8 57.4 59.5 57.9 57.9 57.9 61.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 % Exams Scoring 3+ % Global Exams Scoring 3+ 110 96 45 72 96 Student Achievement (Target Score = 60) Student Progress (Target Score = 17) Closing Performance Gaps (Target Score = 30) Post Secondary Readiness (Target Score = 60) PERFORMANCE INDEX REPORT TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 2017 ACCOUNTABILITY SUMMARY (2018 Data will be available Aug 2018) ACCOUNTABILITY RATING Met Standards On Did Not Meet Standard on Student Achievement -NONE- Student Progress Closing Performance Gaps Post-Secondary Readiness In 2017 to receive a “Meet Standard” or “Met Alternative Standard” rating, districts and campuses must meet targets on three indexes: Index 1 or Index 2 and Index 3 and Index 4 DISTINCTION DESIGNATION  Academic Achievement in ELA/Reading DISTINCTION EARNED Academic Achievement in Mathematics DISTINCTION EARNED Academic Achievement in Science DISTINCTION EARNED Academic Achievement in Social Studies DISTINCTION EARNED Top 25 Percent Student Progress DISTINCTION EARNED Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gaps DISTINCTION EARNED Post-Secondary Readiness DISTINCTION EARNED CAMPUS DEMOGRAPHICS Campus Type Elementary/Secondary Campus Size 843 students Grade Span KG - 12 % Economically Disadvantaged 0.0 % English Language Learner 0.2 Mobility Rate 4.6 PERFORMANCE INDEX SUMMARY Met Standards On Points Earned Maximum Points Index Score Student Achievement 1,336 1,393 96 Student Progress 624 1,400 45 Closing Performance Gaps 715 1,000 72 Post-Secondary Readiness • STAAR Score 20.6 - - • Graduation Rate Sore 25.0 - - • Graduation Plan Score 25.0 - - • Post-Secondary Component Score 25.0 - 96 SYSTEM SAFEGUARDS Number and Percentage of Indicators Met Performance Rates 15 out of 15 = 100% Participation Rates 8 out of 8 = 100% Graduation Rates 2 out of 2 = 100% Met Federal Limits on Alternative Assessments 1 out of 1 = 100% Total 26 out of 26 = 100% 111 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS N ATIONAL R ECOGNITION  Westlake Academy was ranked #79 of all high schools and #27 of all charter high schools in the United States in US News and World Report. In addition, US News and World Report ranked Westlake Academy #13 of all high schools in Texas.  Westlake Academy was ranked #3 of all high schools in Tarrant County by the Children at Risk organization. Additionly, Westlake Academy was ranked #4 of all middle schools and #10 in all elementary schools in Tarrant County.  Westlake Academy was named to the prestigious Texas Honor School Roll by the Educational Results Partnership and the Institute for Productivity in Education. Niche rankings revealed Westlake Academy as the 4th best charter high school in Texas, and 3rd best charter in both elementary and middle schools in Texas. S TAFF A CCOMPLISHMENTS  Several faculty members continue to represent the International Baccalaureate as Workshop Leaders, Site Visitors, Examiners and Consultants.  Westlake Academy received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).  The Academy received the Meritorious Budget Award from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). S TUDENT A CCOMPLISHMENTS  12 of the 65 graduates attended Westlake Academy from Kindergarten through 12th grade  Celebrated our 1st Golden Tassel Ceremony, honoring the top 10% students  50 Academy graduates received the prestigious IB Diploma.  The graduating class received over $4.7 million in scholarship and grant offers.  All students were accepted into at least one college/university, with many into top tier schools across the State and the United States  One graduate will be attending the US Military Academy.  Four graduates were named a National Merit Commended Scholar.  One graduate was named a National Merit Hispanic Scholar.  Eleven graduates were named an AP Scholar.  Eleven graduates were named an AP Scholar with Honor.  Eleven graduates were named an AP Scholar with Distinction.  One graduate was named a National AP Scholar.  59% of the Class of 2018 applied to a college/university through an Early Admissions Program. 112 N OTABLE S CHOOLS (WITH LESS THAN 20% ACCEPTANCE RATE PER US N EWS & W ORLD R EPORT) WA S TUDENTS A CCEPTED  California Institute of Technology  Colorado College  Cornell University  Dartmouth College  Duke University  Georgetown University  Johns Hopkins University  Northwestern University  Pomona College  Rice University  Stanford University  United States Air Force Academy  United States Military Academy  University of California, Berkeley  University of California, Los Angeles  University of Notre Dame  University of Pennsylvania  University of Southern California  Vanderbilt University  Yale University 113 2018 Graduating Class, June 2018 N OTABLE S CHOLARSHIPS S TUDENTS W ERE A WARDED  Davidson College – Bryan Scholar  Provost Scholarship – Southern Methodist University  Provost Scholarship – Colorado State University  Foundation in Excellence – University of Alabama  Dean’s Excellence Scholarship – St. Edward’s University  Prominence Scholarship – Ohio State University  Founders Scholarship – Texas Christian University  Murchison Scholarship – Trinity University  Presidential Scholarship – Ouachita Baptist University  President’s Scholarship – Rhodes College  Trustee Scholarship – St. John’s College  Dean’s Scholarship – Baylor University 114 ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS The 2017/2018 school year saw 33 High School Athletes earn All- State Honors, 56% of the student body in grades 9-12 participate in at least one sport, and 58% of students in grades 6-12 participate in at least one sport. THE 2017/2018 ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUDE: Varsity Volleyball Junior Varsity Volleyball 4th Consecutive District & State Champions District & Regional Champions Varsity Soccer Junior High Soccer State Champions District & Regional Champions Varsity Cross Country Varsity Tennis Individual Men’s & Women’s State Champions Men’s & Women’s Team State Champions District Runner up Women’s Doubles State Runner Up Varsity Football Junior High Men’s & Women’s Basketball State Semifinalist Women’s District & Regional Champions Varsity Men’s Basketball Junior Varsity Men’s Basketball District Champions & State 3rd Place Regional Runner Up Varsity Women’s Basketball Varsity Softball District & State Champions State Runner Up Varsity Men’s Golf Varsity Women’s Golf Individual State Champions Team District & State Champions Individual State Champions Team District & State Champions Varsity Track & Field Junior High Track & Field Individual State Champions Men’s State Runner up Individual Regional Champions Women’s Regional Champions Varsity Baseball Junior High Cross Country District & State Champion Men’s Team Regional Runner Up 115 Very Satisfied or Satisfied 83% Dissatisfied 8% Neutral 9% Overall Satisfaction with Quality of Education Very Satisfied or Satisfied 75% Dissatisfied 10% Neutral 15% Overall Satisfaction with Academic Progress of Child Very Satisfied or Satisfied 82% Dissatisfied 4% Neutral 14% Overall Satisfaction with the IB Framework PARENT SURVEY RESULTS Westlake Academy is focused on delivering high quality educational services and depends upon input from our stakeholders. Westlake Academy routinely conducts an Annual Parent Survey to help identify any future needs and to prioritize resource allocation. The most recent Westlake Academy Parent Survey was presented to the Board of Trustees in February 2017, where we saw an overall increase in the satisfaction rate of 12% with the quality of educational services that were provided. 83% of the parents surveyed were very satisfied or satisfied with the overall quality of education Westlake Academy delivers to its students. 82% of our parents were very satisfied or satisfied with the IB Curriculum / Framework 75% of the parents surveyed were either very satisfied or satisfied with the academic progress of their child 116 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 117 This page is intentionally blank 118 INVESTMENT POLICY I. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of Westlake Academy (the “Academy") that the administration of its funds and the investment of those funds shall be handled as its highest public trust. Investments shall be made in a manner which will provide the maximum security of principal invested through limitations and diversification while meeting the daily cash flow needs of the Academy and conforming to all applicable state and Academy statutes governing the investment of public funds. The receipt of a market rate of return will be secondary to the requirements for safety and liquidity. It is the intent of the Academy to be in complete compliance with local law and the Texas Public Funds Investment Act (the "Act", Texas Government Code 2256). The earnings from investments will be used in a manner that best serves the public trust and interests of the Academy. II. SCOPE This Investment Policy applies to all the financial assets and funds held of the Academy. Any new funds created by the Academy will be managed under the provisions of this Policy unless specifically exempted by the Academy Board of Trustees and this Policy. III. OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY It is the policy of the Academy that all funds shall be managed and invested with four primary objectives, listed in order of their priority: safety, liquidity, diversification and yield. These objectives encompass the following. • Safety of Principal - Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the Academy. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to insure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The suitability of each investment decision will be made on the basis of safety. • Liquidity - The Academy's investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable it to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. Investment decisions will be based on cash flow analysis of anticipated expenditures. • Diversification - Diversification is required in the portfolio's composition. Diversification will include diversification by maturity and market sector and will include the use of a number of broker/dealers or banks for diversification and market coverage. Competitive bidding will be used on each sale or purchase. • Yield - The Academy's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a reasonable market yield, taking into account the Academy's risk constraints and cash flow needs. A reasonable market yield for the portfolio will be defined as the six month (180 day) U.S. Treasury Bill which compares to the portfolio's maximum weighted average maturity of six months. 119 The authorized investment purchased will be of the highest credit quality and marketability supporting the objectives of safety and liquidity. Securities, when not matched to a specific liability, will be short term to provide adequate liquidity. The portfolio shall be diversified to protect against market and credit risk in any one sector. The maximum weighted average maturity of the portfolio will be no more than 180 days and the maximum stated maturity of any security will not exceed two years. The funds are combined for investment purposes but the unique needs of all the funds in the portfolio are recognized and represented. Effective cash management is recognized as essential to good fiscal management. Cash management is defined as the process of managing monies in order to ensure maximum cash availability. The Academy shall maintain a cash management program which includes timely collection of accounts receivable, prudent investment, disbursement of payments within invoice terms and the management of banking services. IV. LEGAL LIMITATIONS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY Specific investment parameters for the investment of public funds in Texas are stipulated in the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code, (the "Act"). The Act is attached as Exhibit A. The Public Funds Collateral Act, Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, specifies collateral requirements for all public funds deposits. The Collateral Act is attached as Exhibit B. The Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code, authorizes local governments in Texas to participate in a Texas investment pool established thereunder. V. DELEGATION OF INVESTMENT AUTHORITY The Finance Director of the Town of Westlake, acting on behalf of the Board of Trustees, is designated as the Investment Officer of the Academy and is responsible for all investment management decisions and activities. The Board of Trustees is responsible for considering the quality and capability of staff, investment advisors, and consultants involved in investment management and procedures. All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. The Investment Officer shall develop and maintain written administrative procedures for the operation of the investment program which are consistent with this Investment Policy. Procedures will include safekeeping, wire transfers, banking services contracts, and other investment related activities. The Investment Officer shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials and staff. The Investment Officer shall designate a staff person as a liaison/deputy in the event circumstances require timely action and the Investment Officer is not available. 120 No officer or designee may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this Policy and the procedures established by the Investment Officer and approved by the Superintendent. VI. PRUDENCE The standard of prudence to be used in the investment function shall be the "prudent person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. This standard states: "Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the expected income to be derived." • Limitation of Personal Liability - The Investment Officer and those delegated investment authority, when acting in accordance with the written procedures and this Policy and in accord with the Prudent Person Rule, shall be relieved of personal liability in the management of the portfolio provided that deviations from expectations for a specific security's credit risk or market price change are reported in a timely manner and that appropriate action is taken to control adverse market effects. VII. INTERNAL CONTROLS The Investment Officer shall establish a system of written internal controls which will be reviewed annually with the independent auditor of the Academy. The controls shall be designed to prevent loss of public funds due to fraud, employee error, and misrepresentation by third parties, or imprudent actions by employees of the Academy. VIII. AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS Acceptable investments under this policy shall be limited to the instruments listed below. The choice of high-grade government investments and high-grade, money market instruments are designed to assure the marketability of those investments should liquidity needs arise. •• Obligations of the United States Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, not to exceed two (2) years to stated maturity and excluding mortgage backed securities; •• Fully insured or collateralized certificates of deposit from a bank doing business in the State of Texas and under the terms of a written depository agreement with that bank, not to exceed one year to stated maturity; •• No-load, SEC registered money market mutual funds. No more than 80% of the entity's monthly average balance may be invested in money market funds and; •• Constant dollar, AAA-rated Texas Local Government Investment Pools as defined by the Public Funds Investment Act. 121 If additional types of securities are approved for investment by public funds by state statute, they will not be eligible for investment until this Policy has been amended and the amended version adopted by the Board of Aldermen. • Delivery versus Payment - All investment security transactions shall be conducted on a delivery versus payment (DVP) basis to assure that the Academy has control of its assets and/or funds at all times. IX. AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL DEALERS AND INSTITUTIONS Securities broker/dealers may be primary or regional broker/dealers and will meet other criteria as determined by the Investment Officer including state registration and completion of an Academy Broker/Dealer questionnaire (attached as Exhibit D). The following criteria must be met by authorized firms. •• annual provision of an audited financial statement, •• proof of certification by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) •• proof of current registration with the Texas State Securities Commission, and •• completion of the Academy's broker/dealer questionnaire. Every bank and broker/dealer with whom the Academy transacts business will be provided a copy of this Investment Policy to assure that they are familiar with the goals and objectives of the investment program. The firm will be required to return a signed copy of the Certification Form certifying that the Policy has been received and reviewed and only those securities approved by the Policy will be sold to the Academy. X. DIVERSIFICATION AND MATURITY LIMITATIONS It is the policy of the Academy to diversify its investment portfolio. Invested funds shall be diversified to minimize risk or loss resulting from over-concentration of assets in a specific maturity, specific issuer, or specific class of securities. Diversification strategies shall be established and periodically reviewed. XI. SAFEKEEPING AND COLLATERALIZATION The laws of the State and prudent treasury management require that all purchased securities be bought on a delivery versus payment (DVP) basis and be held in safekeeping by either an approved, independent third party financial institution or the Academy's designated depository. Securities Owned by the Academy - All safekeeping arrangements shall be approved by the Investment Officer and an agreement of the terms executed in writing. The safekeeping bank may not be within the same holding company as the bank from which the securities are purchased. The custodian shall be required to issue original safekeeping receipts to the Academy listing each specific security, rate, description, maturity, cusip number, and other pertinent information. Collateral - Collateralization shall be required on all bank time and demand deposits for principal and accrued interest amounts over the FDIC insurance coverage of $100,000 (by tax identification number). In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of additional security for all funds, collateral with a market value equal to 102% of the total deposits are required. The pledging bank will be made contractually liable for monitoring and maintaining the collateral 122 levels at all times. All collateral will be held by an independent third party bank outside the holding company of the bank, pledged to the Academy. Authorized collateral will include only: • Obligations of the US Government, its agencies and instrumentalities to include mortgage backed securities which pass the bank test, • Municipal obligations rated at least A by two nationally recognized rating agencies. The custodian shall be required to provide original safekeeping receipts clearly marked that the security is pledged to the Academy. XII. REPORTING The Investment Officer shall submit quarterly reports to the Board of Trustees containing sufficient information to permit an informed outside reader to evaluate the performance of the investment program and in full compliance with the Act. At a minimum the report shall contain: • Beginning and ending market value of the portfolio by market sector and total portfolio • Beginning and ending book value of the portfolio by market sector and total portfolio • Change in market value during the period • Detail on each asset (book, market, description, par ad maturity date) • Earnings for the period • Overall weighted average maturity of the portfolio The report will be prepared jointly by all involved in the investment activity and be signed by the Investment Officer. It will contain all elements as required by the Act and be signed by the Investment Officers as in compliance with the Act and this Policy. Market prices for assignment of market values will be obtained from an independent source. XIII. DEPOSITORIES The Academy will designate one banking institution through a competitive process as its central banking services provider at least every five years. This institution will be used for normal banking services including disbursements, deposits, and safekeeping of Academy owned securities. Other banking institutions from which the Academy may purchase only certificates of deposit will also be designated as a depository. All banking arrangements will be in written form in accordance with FIRREA which requires a resolution of approval of the agreement by the Bank Council or Bank Loan Committee. XIV. INVESTMENT POLICY ADOPTION BY BOARD The Academy's Investment Policy and its incorporated strategies shall be adopted by resolution annually by the Board. The approval and any changes made to the Policy will be noted in the approving resolution. 123 FISCAL AND BUDGETARY POLICIES I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The broader intent of the following Fiscal and Budgetary Policy Statements is to enable the Academy to achieve a long-term stable and positive financial condition. The watchwords of the Academy’s financial management include integrity, prudent, stewardship, planning, accountability, and full disclosure. The more specific purpose is to provide guidelines to the Finance Director in planning and directing the Academy’s day-to-day financial affairs and in developing recommendations to the Academy Superintendent or his designate and Academy Board of Trustees. The scope of these policies generally span, among other issues, accounting, purchasing, auditing, financial reporting, internal controls, operating budgeting, revenue management, cash and investment management, expenditure control, asset management, debt management, and planning concepts, to: • Present fairly and with full disclosure the financial position and results of the financial operations of the Academy in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and • Determine and demonstrate compliance with finance related legal and contractual issues in accordance with provisions of the Texas Local Government Code and other pertinent legal documents and mandates. The Academy Board of Trustees will annually review and approve the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy Statements as part of the budget process. II. SUMMARY OF POLICY INTENDED OUTCOMES This policy framework mandates pursuit of the following fiscal objectives: 1. Operating Budget: Prepare conservatively, estimate revenues, present and adopt the Academy’s annual operating plan. 2. Revenues Management: Design, maintain and administer a revenue system that will assure a reliable, equitable, diversified and sufficient revenue stream to support desired Academy services. 3. Expenditure Control: Identify priority services, establish appropriate service levels and administer the expenditure of available resources necessary to assure fiscal stability and the effective and efficient delivery of services. 4. Fund Balance: Maintain the fund balance of the various operating funds at levels sufficient to protect the Academy’s creditworthiness as well as its financial position from emergencies. 5. Intergovernmental Relationships: Coordinate efforts with other agencies to achieve common policy objectives, share the cost of providing governmental services on an equitable basis and support favorable legislation at the State and Federal level. 124 6. Grants: Seek, apply for and effectively administer Federal, State, and foundation grants-in-aid which address the Academy’s current priorities and policy objectives. 7. Fiscal Monitoring: Prepare and present regular reports that analyze, evaluate, and forecast the Academy’s financial performance and economic condition. 8. Financial Consultants: With available resources, seek out and employ the assistance of qualified financial advisors and consultants in the management and administration of the Academy’s financial functions. 9. Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting: Comply with prevailing Federal, State and local statues and regulations. Conform to generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). 10. Internal Controls: To establish and maintain an internal control structure designed to provide reasonable assurances that the Academy’s assets are safeguarded and that the possibilities for material errors in the Academy’s financial records are minimized. III. OPERATING BUDGET 1. Preparation – Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control, and evaluation process. The “operating budget” is the Academy’s annual financial operating plan related to educational service instructional costs. The Academy operating budget is legally required to include the Academy’s General, Debt Service, and Food Service Funds. Currently, Westlake Academy only has one fund, the General Fund, which must be legally adopted annually. The Academy budgets the Special Revenue Funds for informational purposes only. Information to be prepared includes documentation related to Service Level Adjustments (SLAs) for increases to existing service levels or additional services, position control schedules, general and administrative cost implications, etc. will be submitted and reviewed during the budget process. SLA’s related to new position requests will include an assessment of their impact on additional internal services necessary to support these positions as it relates to General & Administrative (G&A) charges in the Academy budget (subject to funding availability) to fund these costs. A budget preparation calendar and timetable will be established and followed in accordance with State law. 2. Revenue Estimates for Budgeting - To maintain a stable level of services, the Academy shall use a conservative, objective, and analytical approach when preparing revenue estimates. The process shall include analysis of probable economic changes and their impacts on revenues, number of students, and trends in revenues. It will also include an assessment of the State legislative environment related to public charter school funding levels. This approach should reduce the likelihood of actual revenues falling short of budget estimates during the year and should avoid mid-year service reductions. 125 3. Balanced Budget – A balanced budget is a budget with total expenditures not exceeding total revenues and monies available in the fund balance within an individual fund. 4. Proposed Budget Content and Process – A proposed budget shall be prepared by the Superintendent or his designate with the participation of the Academy’s Leadership Team, Finance Director and Academy staff, and then submitted to the Superintendent for review. Following the Superintendent’s review, the proposed budget will be presented to the Board for its consideration. The proposed budget shall include five basic segments for review and evaluation: • personnel costs, • base budget for operations and maintenance costs, • service level adjustments for increases of existing service levels or additional services, • revenues, and • General Administrative (G&A) costs. The proposed budget review process shall include Board of Trustees review of each of the five segments of the proposed budget and a public hearing to allow for citizen participation in the budget preparation process. Concurrent with the Academy budget preparation, Town staff will identify and provide to the Board all direct Academy expenses contained in the Town’s municipal budget. The proposed budget process shall allow sufficient time to provide review as well as address policy and fiscal issues by the Board of Trustees. A copy of the proposed budget shall be filed with the Town Secretary when it is submitted to the Board of Trustees as well as placed on the Academy’s website. 5. Budget Adoption - Upon the determination and presentation of the final iteration of the proposed budget document as established by the Board of Trustees, a public hearing will be set and publicized. The Board will subsequently consider a resolution which, if adopted, such budget becomes the Academy’s Annual Budget. The adopted budget will be effective for the fiscal year beginning September 1. 6. Budget Amendments – The Superintendent or his designate and Finance Department will monitor all financial operations. A school district must amend the official budget before exceeding a functional expenditure category, i.e., instruction, administration, etc. in the total budget. The budget team will decide whether to proceed with the budget amendment and, if so, will then present the request to the Board of Trustees. If the Board decides a budget amendment is necessary, the amendment is adopted in resolution format and the necessary budgetary changes are then made. 7. Planning – The budget process will be coordinated to identify major policy issues for the Board of Trustees by integrating it into the Board’s overall strategic planning process for the Academy. 8. Reporting - Monthly financial reports will be prepared by the Finance Department and distributed to the Superintendent or his designate. Information obtained from financial reports and other 126 operating reports is to be used by personnel to monitor and control the budget. Summary financial reports will be presented to the Board quarterly. IV. REVENUE MANAGEMENT A. REVENUE DESIGN PARAMETERS. The Academy will strive for the following optimum characteristics in its revenue system: 1. Simplicity - The Academy, where possible and without sacrificing accuracy, will strive to keep the revenue system simple to reduce costs, achieve transparency, and increase parent and citizen understanding of Academy revenue sources. 2. Certainty - A thorough knowledge and understanding of revenue sources increases the reliability of the revenue system. 3. Administration - The benefits of a revenue source will exceed the cost of administering that revenue. Every effort will be made for the cost of administration to be reviewed annually for cost effectiveness as a part of the indirect cost and cost of service analysis. 4. Equity - The Academy shall make every effort to maintain equity in its revenue system: i.e. the Academy shall seek to minimize or eliminate all forms of subsidization between entities. 5. Adequacy, Diversification and Stability – To the extent practical, the Academy shall attempt to achieve a balance in its revenue system. The Academy shall also strive to maintain a balanced and diversified revenue system to protect the Academy from fluctuations in any one source due to changes in local economic conditions which adversely impact that source. B. REVENUE CLASSIFICATION AND SOURCES. The revenues received by Westlake Academy are classified into one of three broad categories: Federal, State or Local and come from the following sources: 1. State Education Funding 2. State and Federal Grants 3. General Donations – The Academy recognizes that private donations comprise a significant part of the Westlake Academy budget. All funds received will become part of the budget and be subject to appropriation for Academy general operations. • Westlake Academy Foundation • House of Commons • Westlake Academy Athletic Club • Local Merchants • Specific Purpose Donations – Funds donated for a specific purpose C. REVENUE MONITORING. Revenues as they are received will be regularly compared to budgeted revenues and variances will be investigated. This process will be summarized in the appropriate budget report. 127 V. EXPENDITURE CONTROL 1. Appropriations – The point of budgetary control is at the function level in the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds. When budget adjustments among functions are necessary, they must be approved by the Board of Trustees. 2. Current Funding Basis - The Academy shall operate on a current funding basis. Expenditures shall be budgeted and controlled so as not to exceed current revenues plus the planned use of fund balance accumulated through prior year savings. (The use of fund balance shall be guided by the Fund Balance/Retained Earnings Policy Statements.) 3. Avoidance of Operating Deficits - The Academy shall take immediate corrective actions if at any time during the fiscal year expenditure and revenue re-estimates are such that an operating deficit (i.e., projected expenditures more than projected revenues) is projected at year-end. Corrective actions can include a hiring freeze, expenditure reductions, or use of fund balance within the Fund. Use of fund balance must be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board of Trustees. • Expenditure deferrals into the following fiscal year, short-term loans, or use of one-time revenue sources shall be avoided to balance the budget. • All service level adjustments that result in increases to the operating budget must be aligned with offsetting increases in operating revenues (FSP, Local Sources, etc.). 4. Periodic Program Reviews - The Superintendent or his designate shall undertake periodic staff and third-party reviews of Academy programs for both efficiency and effectiveness. Where appropriate, privatization and contracting with other governmental agencies will be evaluated as alternative approaches to service delivery. Service delivery which is determined to be inefficient and/or ineffective shall be reduced in scope or eliminated. 5. General and Administrative (G&A) Charges – To the extent practical, an annual analysis of G&A charges will be performed and, if available, funding may be allocated at the Board’s discretion. The analysis shall involve an objective consideration of the service demands currently being met by municipal staff to support Academy operations and a determination of factors that will continue to affect and increase the time needed for the performance of these services. For example, new Academy staff requires additional support staff time to perform tasks related to insurance, payroll, etc. Where feasible, G&A costs will be charged to all funds for services of indirect general overhead costs, which may include general administration, finance, facility use, personnel, technology, engineering, legal counsel, and other costs as deemed appropriate. If funding is not available, these costs will be shown below the line of the financial statement in the five-year financial forecast to promote transparency and provide the Board with a full cost accounting of services. The charges will be determined through an indirect cost allocation study following accepted practices and procedures. 128 6. Purchasing - The Academy shall make every effort to maximize any discounts offered by creditors/vendors. Staff shall also use purchasing cooperatives as well as competitive bidding in accordance with State law to attain the best possible price on goods and services. 7. Prompt Payment - All invoices will be paid within 30 days of receipt in accordance with the prompt payment requirements of State law. 8. Salary - The Academy shall strive to maintain competitive salary levels for faculty and staff. A salary survey will be conducted annually, sampling surrounding Independent School Districts and Charter Schools, to create a comparison. The Academy will strive to maintain salary levels within three percent (3%) of the median of surveyed schools. VI. FUND BALANCE 1. Fund Balance Reporting - The District shall report governmental fund balances per GASB 54 definitions in the balance sheet as follows: Non-spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. 2. General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance (General Fund Reserve) - The Academy shall strive to maintain the General Fund unassigned fund balance at 45 days of operation. 3. Use of Fund Balance - Fund Balance will be targeted to only be used with Board approval and can be only be used for the following: emergencies, non-recurring expenditures, such as technology/FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment), or major capital purchases that cannot be accommodated through current year savings. Should such use reduce the balance below the appropriate level set as the objective for that fund, recommendations will be made on how to restore it. 4. The Board of Trustees shall approve all commitments by formal action. The action to commit funds must occur prior to fiscal year-end, to report such commitments in the balance sheet of the respective period, even though the amount may be determined after fiscal year-end. A commitment can only be modified or removed by the same formal action. The Board of Trustees delegates the responsibility to assign funds to the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to assign any number of funds. Assignments may occur after fiscal year-end. 5. The Board of Trustees will utilize funds in the following spending order: Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS 1. Inter-local Cooperation in Delivering Services - To promote the effective and efficient delivery of services, the Academy shall actively seek to work with other local entities in joint purchasing consortium, sharing facilities, sharing equitably the costs of service delivery, and developing joint programs to improve service to its students. 129 2. Legislative Program - The Academy shall cooperate with other entities to actively oppose any state or federal regulation or proposal that mandates additional Academy programs or services and does not provide the funding to implement them. Conversely, as appropriate, the Academy shall support legislative initiatives that provide additional funding. VIII. GRANTS 1. Grant Guidelines - The Academy shall apply, and facilitate the application by others, for only those grants that are consistent with the objectives and high priority needs previously identified by Academy Board of Trustees. The potential for incurring ongoing costs, to include the assumption of support for grant funded positions from local revenues, will be considered prior to applying for a grant. 2. Grant Review - All grant submittals shall be reviewed for their cash match requirements, their potential impact on the operating budget, and the extent to which they meet the Academy's policy objectives. If there are cash match requirements, the source of funding shall be identified prior to application. Staff will focus on one-time grants to avoid long-term implications related to additional expenditures in future years. 3. Grant Program Termination - The Academy shall terminate grant funded programs and associated positions when grant funds are no longer available unless alternate funding is identified and obtained. IX. FISCAL MONITORING 1. Financial Status and Performance Reports - Quarterly reports comparing expenditures and revenues to current budget, noting the status of fund balances to include dollar amounts and percentages, and outlining any remedial actions necessary to maintain the Academy's financial position shall be prepared for review by the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees. Student roster information will also be included in the quarter reports submitted to the Board of Trustees. 2. Compliance with Board Policy Statements - The Fiscal and Budgetary Policies will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees and updated, revised or refined as deemed necessary. Policy statements adopted by the Board of Trustees are guidelines, and occasionally, exceptions may be appropriate and required. However, exceptions to stated policies will be specifically identified, and the need for the exception will be documented and fully explained. X. FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS The Academy employs the assistance of qualified financial advisors and consultants as needed in the management and administration of the Academy's financial functions. These areas include but are not limited to investments, debt administration, financial accounting systems, program evaluation, and financial impact modeling. Advisors shall be selected on a competitive basis using objective questionnaires and requests for proposals based on the scope of the work to be performed. 130 XI. ACCOUNTING, AUDITING, AND FINANCIAL REPORTING 1. The Academy strives to comply with prevailing local, state, and federal regulations relative to accounting, auditing, and financial reporting. Accounting practices and financial reporting shall conform to generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, (AICPA), and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The Board shall select an independent firm of certified public accountants to perform an annual audit of all operations. Required Texas Education Agency (TEA) account coding will be used for all revenue and expenditure reporting. 2. Accounting - Currently, the Education Service Center (Region 11) books all revenues and expenditures, and prepares bank reconciliations. Academy staff is responsible for all coding and approval of expenditures and revenues. Documentation and coding of deposits are forwarded to the Town’s Finance Department for review and preparation of deposit slips. Town’s Finance Director and staff are responsible for review and transfer of invoices and other documentation to the Service Center for processing as well as the physical deposit of funds. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent or his designate and Academy staff to review the monthly reports for any discrepancies and report to the Town’s Finance Director for analysis and re-class of questioned bookings, if appropriate. 3. External Auditing - Academy will be audited annually by outside independent accountants (auditors). The auditors must be a CPA firm and must demonstrate significant experience in the field of local government auditing. They must conduct the Academy’s audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The auditors’ report on Academy’s financial statements will be completed within a timely period of the Academy’s fiscal year-end. The auditor will jointly review the management letter with the Academy Board of Trustees, if necessary. In conjunction with this review, the Finance Director shall respond in writing to the Academy Board of Trustees regarding the auditor’s Management Letter, addressing the issued contained therein. The Academy will not require auditor rotation, but will circulate request for proposal for audit services on a periodic basis as deemed appropriate. 4. Responsibility of Auditor to Academy Board of Trustees - The auditor is retained by and is accountable directly to the Academy Board of Trustees and will have access to direct communication with the Academy Board of Trustees if the Academy Staff is unresponsive to auditor recommendations or if the auditor considers such communication necessary to fulfill its legal and professional responsibilities. 5. Internal Financial Reporting - The Finance Department will prepare internal financial reports sufficient for management to plan, monitor, and control Academy’s financial affairs. 131 XII. INTERNAL CONTROLS 1. Written Procedures - Whenever possible, written procedures will be established and maintained by the Finance Director and utilized by all Academy personnel for all functions involving purchasing, cash handling and/or accounting throughout the Academy. These procedures will embrace the general concepts of fiscal responsibility set forth in this policy statement. 2. Academy Staff Responsibilities - The Superintendent or his designate, in consultation with the Finance Director, will be responsible for ensuring that appropriate internal controls are followed throughout the Academy, that all directives or internal controls are implemented, and that all independent auditor internal control recommendations are addressed. Staff will develop and periodically update written internal control procedures. XIII. ASSET MANAGEMENT 1. Investments – The Finance Director shall promptly invest all Academy funds with the depository bank in accordance with the provisions of the current Bank Depository Agreement or in any negotiable instrument authorized by the Academy Board of Trustees. The Academy Board of Trustees has formally approved a separate Investment Policy for Westlake Academy that meets the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA), Section 2256 of the Texas Local Government Code. The Academy’s investment practices will be conducted in accordance with this policy. The Finance Director will issue quarterly reports on investment activity to the Academy Board of Trustees. 2. Cash Management - Academy’s cash flow will be managed to maximize the cash available to invest. Such cash management will entail the centralization of cash collections, where feasible, including field trips, and other collection offices as appropriate. Periodic review of cash flow position will be performed to determine performance of cash management and conformance to investment policies. The underlying theme will be that idle cash will be invested with the intent to (1) safeguard assets, (2) maintain liquidity, and (3) maximize return. 3. Capital Assets and Inventory - Such assets will be reasonably safeguarded, properly accounted for and prudently insured. The capital assets inventory will be updated regularly. 4. Capital Assets – Currently all capital assets of Westlake Academy are owned and purchased by the Town of Westlake. In subsequent years, additional asset purchases may be paid with Westlake Academy funds. 5. Capitalization Criteria – For purposes of budgeting and accounting classification, the following criteria must be capitalized:  The asset is owned by Westlake Academy  The expected useful life of the asset must be longer than one year, or extend the life on an identifiable existing asset by more than one year  The original cost of the asset must be at least $5,000  The asset must be tangible  On-going repairs and general maintenance are not capitalized 132  New Purchases – All costs associated with bringing the asset into working order will be capitalized as a part of the asset cost. This includes startup costs, engineering or consultant type fees as part of the asset cost once the decision or commitment to purchase the asset is made. The cost of land acquired should include all related costs associated with its purchase  Improvements and Replacement – Improvement will be capitalized when they extend the original life of an asset or when they make the asset more valuable than it was originally. The replacement of assets components will normally be expensed unless they are a significant nature and meet all the capitalization criteria. 6. Computer System/Data Security – The Academy shall provide security of its computer/network system and data files through physical and logical security systems that will include, but are not limited to: network user authentications, firewalls, content filtering, spam/virus protection, and redundant data backup. 133 FUTURE POLICIES TO BE DISCUSSED & IMPLEMENTED Westlake Academy has several relevant financial policies to preserve and enhance the fiscal health of the Academy. We also identify acceptable and unacceptable courses of action, and provide a standard to evaluate the school’s fiscal performance. GFOA is recommending that all school districts include the following policies that guide the development of their budget and that are central to a strategic long-term approach to financial management. Westlake Academy is in the process of reviewing and implementing the required policies. 1. Operating Budget Policy This section of the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies should include the following policies that guide the development of the budget and are central to a strategic approach to our financial management. These components will need to be reviewed, updated if necessary, and/or added and approved by the Board of Trustees in subsequent years. 1. Basis of Budgeting 2. Budget Adoption 3. Budget Classification and Format 4. Organization of the Budget 5. Budget Message Requirement 6. Funds Budgeted 7. Length of the Budget Year 8. Presentation of Proposed Budget 9. Revenue Forecasting Requirements 10. Expenditure Forecasting Requirements 11. Performance Measurements 12. Line-Item Transfer Authority 13. Retention of Budget Records 2. Budget Crisis Procedures This policy is intended to provide Westlake Academy with options when responding to unexpected fiscal issues that can and do arise. Should budget problems materialize, these procedures will support comprehensive risk analysis and contingency plans. 3. Long Term Forecasting The annual operating budget focuses on a single 12-month period. However, spending and revenue decisions made today have effects that extend beyond a 12-month period. The purpose of this policy is to o Ensure on-going financial sustainability beyond a single fiscal year or budget cycle o Achieve the Academy’s mission and vision o Systematically link the annual budget to a multi-year master financial plan. 134 4. Reserve Policy in Other Funds While the General Fund Reserve is the most important for the Westlake Academy, reserves in other funds are just as important. For that reason, the funds listed in this policy shall have reserves that are restricted or committed for specific purposes. 5. General Fund Budget Reserves The General Fund is the primary fund used by the Westlake Academy to account for revenues and expenditures. Accordingly, the General Fund Reserve Policy is intended to provide the Academy with options when responding to unexpected issues and to afford a buffer against shocks and other forms of risk. One of two things must happen in the future if we cannot spend equal to or less than the revenues received: (1) increase future revenues (2) make future expenditure reductions. 6. Capital Asset Management (already incorporated into the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies) Westlake Academy operates an extensive amount of buildings, equipment, furniture and vehicles. The purpose of this policy is to: o provide a management framework to ensure that all capital assets are repaired, maintained and replaced and, o identify the responsible parties who shall protect, oversee and report needed repairs. 135 This page is intentionally blank 136 15TH A NNIVERSARY W ESTLAKE A CADEMY A NNIVERSARY 50TH INTERNATIONALBACCALAUREATE 137 This page is intentionally blank 138 GLOSSARY • Account: A descriptive heading under which are recorded financial transactions that are similar in terms of a given frame of reference, such as purpose, object or source. • Accounting Period: A period of the end of which, and for which, financial statements are prepared; for example, September 1 through August 31. See also FISCAL PERIOD. • Accounting Procedure: The arrangement of all processes which discover, record, and summarize financial information used to produce financial statements and reports and to provide internal control. • Accounting System: The total structure of records and procedures which discover record, classify and report information on the financial position and operations of a school district or any of its funds, balanced account groups, and organizational components. • Accrual Basis of Accounting: The basis of accounting, under which revenues are recorded when earned, and expenditures are recorded as soon as they result in liabilities, regardless of when revenue is received, or a payment is made. • Accrue: To record revenues when earned or when levies are made and to record expenditures as soon as they result in liabilities, regardless of when the revenue is received, or the payment is made. Sometimes, the term is used in a restricted sense to denote the recording of revenues earned but not yet due, such as accrued interest on investments and the recording of expenditures which result in liabilities that are payable in another accounting period, such as accrued interest on bonds. • ADA: Average Daily Attendance is based on the number of days of instruction in the school year. The aggregate day’s attendance is divided by the number of days of instruction to compute average daily attendance. ADA is used in the formula to distribute funding to Texas public school districts. • Administration: Those activities which have as their purpose the general regulation, direction, and control of the affairs of the local education agency that are system-wide and not confined to one school subject, or narrow phase of school activity. • Appropriation: An authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and as to the time when it may be expended. • Academic Excellence Indicators System (AEIS): A system of indicators established by the Legislature and adopted by the State Board of Education to help determine the quality of learning on a campus and in a school district. The indicators include passing rates on the state assessment tests, attendance, graduation rates, dropout rates, and scores on college entrance exams. The state will assess district and school performance compared with state-level standards. AEIS is the foundation for a school district's accountability rating. • Accountability Ratings: The Accountability Ratings System ranks campuses and districts as exemplary, recognized, acceptable, and low performing based on the percentage of students who pass the state assessment instruments and the dropout rate. • Assigned Fund Balance: Reports amount that are constrained by the government’s intent that they will be used for specific purposes. Decision making about these amounts may be made by a committee or other governmental official. Compared to Committed Fund Balance, the resources represented by the Assigned Fund Balance can be more easily redeployed and the constraints are not as stringent. Except for the General Fund, fund balance amounts that are not labeled as non-spendable, restricted or 139 GLOSSARY committed would be reported in the Assigned Fund Balance category. Therefore, the Assigned Fund Balance becomes the residual amount for the Special Revenue Fund, Capital Project Fund and Debt Service Funds. • Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO): The Association of School Business Official' International, founded in 1910, is a professional association which provides programs and services to promote the highest standards of school business management practices, professional growth, and the effective use of educational resources. • Audit: A comprehensive review of the way the government's resources were utilized. A certified public accountant issues an opinion over the presentation of financial statements, tests the controls over the safekeeping of assets and makes recommendations for improvements for where necessary. • Balanced Budget: A balanced budget is a budget with total expenditures not exceeding total revenues and monies available in the fund balance within an individual fund. • Balance Sheet: A summarized statement, as of a given date, of the financial position of a local education agency per fund and/or all funds combined showing assets, liabilities, reserves, and fund balance. • Budget: A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period or purpose and the proposed means of financing them. The budget usually consists of three parts. The first part contains a message from the budget-making authority together with a summary of the proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. The second part is composed of drafts of the appropriation, revenue, and borrowing measures necessary to put the budget into effect. The third part consists of schedules supporting the summary. These schedules show in detail the proposed expenditures and means of financing them together with information as to past years' actual revenues and expenditures and other data used in making the estimates. • Budgetary Control: The control management of the business affairs of the school district in accordance with an approved budget with a responsibility to keep expenditures within the authorized amounts. • Basic Allotment: The basic allotment is the initial or starting number that, after adjustment, is used to calculate foundation program costs and state aid to school districts and charters. • Budgetary Basis of Accounting: The method used to determine when revenues and expenditures are recognized for budgetary purposes. • Capital Expenditures: Capital expenditures are defined as charges for the acquisition at the delivered price including transportation, costs of equipment, land, buildings, or improvements of land or buildings, fixtures, and other permanent improvements with a value more than $5,000 and a useful life expectancy of greater than 1 year. • Career and Technical Education (CTE): The costs incurred to evaluate, place and provide educational and/or other services to prepare students for gainful employment, advanced technical training or for homemaking. This may include apprenticeship and job training activities. • Classification, Function: A function represents a general operational area in a school district and groups together related activities; for example, instruction, campus administration, maintenance and operations, etc. 140 GLOSSARY • Classification, Object: An object has reference to an article or service received; for example, payroll costs, professional and contracted services, supplies and materials, and other operating expenses. • Co-curricular Activities: Direct and personal services for public school pupils such as interscholastic athletics, entertainments, publications, clubs, and strings, which are managed or operated by the student body under the guidance and direction of an adult and are not part of the regular instructional program. • Coding: A system of numbering, or otherwise designating, accounts, entries, invoices, vouchers, etc., in such a manner that the symbol used reveals quickly certain required information. • Consultant: A resource person who aids the regular personnel through conference, demonstration, research, or other means. • Contracted Services: Labor, material and other costs for services rendered by personnel who are not on the payroll of the Academy. • Committed Fund Balance: Represents amounts that have internally imposed restrictions mandated by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making authority. The committed amounts cannot be redeployed for other purposes unless the same type of formal action is taken by the highest level of decision-making authority to reserve or modify the previously imposed restriction. • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR): A financial report that encompasses all funds and component units of the government. The CAFR should contain (a) the basic financial statements and required supplementary information, (b) combining statements to support columns in the basic financial statements that aggregate information from more than one fund or component unit, and (c) individual fund statements as needed. The CAFR is the governmental unit's official annual report and should contain introductory information, schedules necessary to demonstrate compliance with finance- related legal and contractual provisions, and statistical data. • Cost of Education Index (CEI) or Adjustment: An index the state uses to adjust the basic allotment to account for geographic or other cost differences beyond local school district control. The current index has not been updated since 1990. • Current Budget: The annual budget prepared for and effective during the present fiscal year. • Current Expenditures per Pupil: Current expenditures for a given period divided by a pupil unit of measure (average daily attendance, etc.) • Debt: An obligation resulting from the borrowing of money or from the purchase of goods and services. Debts of local education agencies include bonds, leases, etc. • Diploma Programme (DP): A challenging two-year curriculum for students in grades 11 and 12 that provides an inquiry-based, college preparatory education. By emphasizing knowledge, skills, critical thinking and the fostering and development of universal human values, students learn the valuable skills of construction and deconstruction knowledge. • Education Service Center (ESC): Twenty intermediate education units located in regions throughout Texas that assist and provide services for local school districts. • Estimated Revenue: This term designates the amount of revenue expected to be earned during a given period. 141 GLOSSARY • Expenditures: This includes total charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for current expense, capital outlay, and debt service. (Transfers between funds, encumbrances, exchanges of cash for other current assets such as the purchase stores and investment of cash in U.S. Bonds, payments of cash in settlement of liabilities already accounted as expenditures, and the repayment of the principal of current loans are not considered as expenditures.) • Facilities Allotment: House Bill (HB) 21 (85th Legislature, 1st Called Session) created a new allotment per SDA under (TEC) 12.106(d) for open- enrollment charter schools based on the state average interest and sinking (I&S) tax rate imposed by school districts. Once eligibility has been determined, funding for eligible charter schools will be distributed in accordance with the standard foundation school fund payment schedule. A charter holder is entitled to receive funding for facilities of the most recent overall performance rating assigned reflects at least acceptable performance. The TEZ currently estimates that eligible charter schools will receive approximately $200 per student in ADA. • Fiduciary Funds: Fiduciary Funds account for assets held in a trustee or agent capacity for outside parties, including individuals, private organizations, and other governments. • Fiscal Period: Any period at the end of which a local education agency determines its financial position and the results of its operations. The period may be a month, or a year, depending upon the scope of operations and requirements for managerial control and reporting. • Fiscal Year: A twelve-month period to which the annual budget applies and at the end of which a local education agency determines its financial position and the results of its operations. The District's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. • Foundation School Program (FSP): A program for the support of a basic instructional program for all Texas school children. Money to support the program comes from the Permanent School Fund, Available School Fund, Foundation School Fund, state general revenue, and local property taxes. Currently, the FSP described in the Texas Education Code consists of three parts or tiers. The first tier provides funding for a basic program. The second tier provides a guaranteed-yield system so that school districts have substantially equal access to revenue sufficient to support an accredited program. The third tier equalizes debt service requirements for existing facilities debt. • Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources, together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for carrying on in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. • Fund Balance: It is the resources remaining from prior years and which are available to be budgeted in the current year. • Furniture: Those moveable items used for school operation that are not of a mechanical nature. Chairs, tables, desks, file cabinets, pictures, chalkboards, lamps, lockers and carpets, etc., are examples of furniture. • General Fund: A fund group with budgetary control used to show transactions resulting from operations of ongoing organizations and activities from a variety of revenue sources for which fund balance is controlled by and retained for the use by the local education agency. The General Fund is used to finance the ordinary operations of a governmental unit except those activities required to be accounted for in another fund. 142 GLOSSARY • Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA): A professional association of state/provincial and local finance officers in the United States and Canada and has served the public finance profession since 1906. The association's nearly 15,000 members are dedicated to the sound management of government financial resources. • Governmental Funds: Funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds and permanent funds. • Grant: A contribution by one governmental unit to another. The contribution is usually made to aid in the support of specified function (for example, job training), but it is sometimes also for general purposes. • Independent Audit: An audit performed by an independent auditor. • Individual Education Plan (IEP): A document required by federal law that details the special education requirements for each disabled student and explains how the school intends to address the student's needs. An IEP is intended to help ensure that disabled students have equal access to public education in the least restrictive environment. • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): The 1997 IDEA strengthens academic expectations and accountability for the nation's 5.4 million children with disabilities. • International Baccalaureate Program (IB): A non- profit foundation whose mission is to help students “develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.” It was founded in 1968 and runs in over 3,000 schools in 141 countries. Its Diploma Program (DP) is designed for high school juniors and seniors and offers classes in the same areas as traditional schools: math, science, English, foreign language, social studies, and the arts. Additionally, students have three extra requirements: a class about the theory of knowledge, a community service obligation, and an extended essay on a research topic of their choice. Along the way, students’ complete assessments that help them prepare for the final written exams, which are graded by external examiners. Upon graduation, students earn a diploma that is respected worldwide. • Middle Years Programme (MYP): A curriculum framework for children in grades six through ten that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The MYP builds on the knowledge; skills and attitudes developed by the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and prepare the students for the demanding requirements of the Diploma Programme (DP). • Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting: Basis of accounting per which (a) revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become available and measurable and (b) expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for un-matured interest on general long-term debt and certain similar accrued obligations, which should be recognized when due. • Non-spendable Fund Balance: Includes amounts that cannot be spent and are, therefore, not included in the current year appropriation. Two components: 1) Not in spendable form – previously recorded disbursements and include items that are not expected to be converted into cash, i.e. inventories, pre-paid items, etc. and 2) Legally or contractually required to be maintained intact – refers to an amount that has been received that must be invested indefinitely, i.e. a donation received by the government from a citizen, the 143 GLOSSARY principal of which is to be invested in a permanent fund and the earnings used for general governmental purposes. • Object Code: As applied to expenditures, this term has reference to an article or service received; for example, payroll costs, purchased and contracted services, materials and supplies. • Open-Enrollment Charters: Open-enrollment charter schools may be established by private nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, and other governmental entities that apply to the State Board of Education. The law authorizes the State Board to approve up to 215 open-enrollment charter schools. Law also provides for creation of college or university charter schools at "public senior colleges and universities." There is no limit on the number of these charter schools that may be granted. Other charter programs include home-rule school district charters and campus or campus program charters. • Personnel, Full-Time: Academy employees who occupy positions with duties which require them to be on the job on school days throughout the school year, or at least the number of hours the school is in session. • Personnel, Part-Time: Personnel who occupy positions with duties which require less than full- time service. • Primary Years Programme (PYP): A curriculum framework for children aged 3-12 that prepared students for the intellectual challenges of future education and their future careers, focusing on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. • Proprietary Funds: Funds that focus on the determination of operating income, changes in net assets (or cost recovery), financial position, and cash flows. There are two different types of proprietary funds: enterprise funds and internal service funds. • Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS): A data management system that includes information on student demographics, performance, teacher salaries, etc. The information for PEIMS is transmitted from local school districts to the Texas Education Agency by the education service centers. • Public Information Act (PIA): PIA defines public information as information collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or about a governmental body's transaction of official business. PIA provides that public information must be made available to the public upon request during the normal business hours of the district, unless an exception applies that allows or requires that the information not be made public. • Refined ADA: Refined Average Daily Attendance is based on the number of days of instruction in the school year. The aggregate eligible day’s attendance is divided by the number of days of instruction to compute the refined average daily attendance. See also ADA. • Restricted Fund Balance: Reports on resources that have spending constraints that are either: 1) externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors or laws and regulations of other governments, i.e. grants, etc. -or- 2) imposed by law through constitutional provision or enabling legislation. The amounts represented by this fund balance category have very stringent conditions imposed by external parties or by law. Therefore, the amounts are restricted to very specific purposes and cannot be redeployed for other purposes. The government can be compelled by an external party to undertake the spending requirements represented by the Restricted Fund Balance. 144 GLOSSARY • School Board Authority: Statute gives local school boards the exclusive power and duty to govern and oversee the management of the public schools. Powers and duties not specifically delegated to the Texas Education Agency or the State Board of Education are reserved for local trustees. • School FIRST Rating: The purpose of the financial accountability rating system, known as the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), is to ensure that open-enrollment charter schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and that they improve those practices. The system is designed to encourage Texas public schools to better manage their financial resources in order to provide the maximum allocation possible for direct instructional purposes. • Special Revenue Funds: Funds that are used to account for funds awarded to the Academy for accomplishing specific educational tasks as defined by grantors in contracts or other agreements. • State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC): SBEC is a quasi-independent body that gives educators more authority to govern the standards of their profession. SBEC regulates and oversees all aspects of the certification, continuing education, and standards of conduct of public school educators. As a state agency, SBEC is responsible for certification testing, accountability programs for educator preparation programs, and certification of teachers and administrators. • State Board of Education (SBOE): A 15-member body elected by general election (staggered, four- year terms) from various regions statewide to provide leadership and to adopt rules and policies for public education in the state. The board's primary responsibility is to manage the Permanent School Fund. • Teacher Retirement System (TRS): TRS delivers retirement and related benefits authorized by law for members and their beneficiaries. • Technology Allotment: This allotment is part of the state textbook fund and can be used to purchase electronic textbooks or technological equipment that contributes to student leaning or teacher training. The allotment is $30 per ADA. • Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS): A state-developed test administered each year to students in grades 3 through 8 and 10 (exit-level) to determine student achievement levels on state- established leaning objectives. Replaced by the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) effective for the 2002-03 school year. • Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS): TAKS replaces the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS), a criterion-referenced test used in Texas schools for 12 years. TAKS began in spring 2003, with tests in reading in grades 3 through 9; language arts in grades 10 and 11; mathematics in grades 3 through 11. The 11th grade exit-level test will assess English Ill, algebra I, geometry, biology, integrated chemistry and physics, early American and U.S. history, world geography, and world history. TAKS will be a more challenging examination for Texas students, per the results of field tests. • Texas Education Agency (TEA): The administrative and regulatory unit for the Texas public education system managed by the commissioner of education. TEA is responsible for implementing public education policies as established by the Legislature, State Board of Education, and commissioner of education. • Texas Education Code (TEC): This code applies to all educational institutions supported in whole or in part by state tax funds. 145 • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): GLOSSARY to the Non-spendable, restricted, committed and Subject-specific state leaning objectives adopted by the State Board of Education. The State's academic tests. [see Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)] are aligned with the TEKS. • Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA): TOMA makes school board meetings to discuss and decide public business accessible. The TOMA Decision requires governmental entities to provide prior public notice of what is to be discussed and where and when discussion will take place. Closed meetings are permitted only when specifically authorized by law. Civil and criminal penalties can result when a board violates provisions of this act. • Unassigned Fund Balance: The residual fund balance for the General Fund. It represents the amount of fund balance remaining after allocation assigned fund balances. This amount reflects the resources that are available for further appropriation and expenditure for general governmental purposes. • Weighted Students in Average Daily Attendance (WADA): In Texas, students with special educational needs are weighted for funding purposes to help recognize the additional costs of educating those students. Weighted programs include special education, career and technical, bilingual, gifted and talented, and compensatory education. A weighted student count is used to distribute guaranteed-yield funding and establish Chapter 41 thresholds. 146 ACRONYMNS TERM STANDS FOR TERM STANDS FOR ACCT Account GL General Ledger ADA Average Daily Attendance GO’S General Obligation Bonds AEIS Academic Excellence Indicators System HR Human Resources AP Accounts Payable IB International Baccalaureate Program AR Accounts Receivable IEP Individual Education Plan ASBO Association of School Business Officials IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act BS Balance Sheet IT Information Technology CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report LTL Long-term Liability CEI Cost of Education Index MYP Middle Years Programme CIP Capital Improvement Plan PIA Public Information Act CO'S Certificates of Obligations PYP Primary Years Programme CPA Certified Public Accountant R&M Repair and Maintenance CTE Career and Technical Education S&P Standard and Poor’s DP Diploma Years SBOE State Board of Education DS Debt Service SLA Service Level Adjustment EF Enterprise Fund SRF Special Revenue Fund ESC Education Service Center (ESC) TAKS Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills FTE Full-Time Equivalent TEA Texas Education Agency FY Fiscal Year TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills G&O Goals and Objectives TOMA Texas Open Meetings Act GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles TRS Teacher Retirement System GASB Government Accounting Standards Board WA Westlake Academy GF General Fund WADA Weighted Average Daily Attendance GFOA Government Finance Officers Association XFR Transfer 147 August 2018 1 September 2018 2 October 2018 3 Date Event SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa Aug 6-7 New Teacher Orientation 1234 1 123456 8-14 All Teacher Orientation 567891011 2345678 78910111213 15: First Day of School 12 13 14 15 161718 9 101112131415 14151617181920 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 Sept 3: Labor Day (No School) 30 4: Teacher Professional Day (No School) 26: All Day Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct 8: Teacher Professional Day (No School) 9: Teacher Professional Day (No School) November 2018 4 December 2018 5 January 2019 6 12: Secondary End of 1st Quarter SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa 123 1 12345 45678910 2345678 6789101112 Nov 16: Early Release 11121314151617 9 101112131415 13141516171819 19-23: Thanksgiving Break (19-20 Staff Flex Days) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 Dec 17-20: All-School Assessments (Half Days) 21-31: Winter Break Jan 1-4: Winter Break 7: Teacher Professional Day (No School) February 2019 7 March 2019 8 April 2019 9 8: Start of Second Semester SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa 21: Martin Luther King, Jr Day (No School) 12 12 123456 3456789 3456789 78910111213 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Feb 15: Teacher Professional Day (No School) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18: President's Day (No School) 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 Mar 8: Secondary End of 3rd Quarter 11-15 Spring Break 27: All Day Conferences May 2019 10 June 2019 11 July 2019 12 Apr 19: Bad Weather Make-Up Day SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa SMTWThFSa 22: Bad Weather Make-Up Day 1234 1 123456 567891011 2345678 78910111213 12131415161718 9 101112131415 14151617181920 May 24: All-School Assessments (Half Day) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27: Memorial Day (No School) 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 28-30: All-School Assessments (Half Days) 30 30: Last Day of School June 1: GRADUATION (Hurst Conference Center) First & Last Day of School Early Release Days Parent/Student Conferences (All Day) No School All-School Assessments (Early Release) Professional Day (Student Holiday)GRADUATION Bad Weather Make-Up Day Westlake Academy Academic Calendar 2018 - 2019 Semester 1 = 77.5 days Semester 2 = 87.0 days Total Days   = 164.50 148 Board of Trustees Item # 6 – Adjournment Regular Session