HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-03 Tree City USA MinWestlake Tree City USA Committee Minutes of the July 19, 2003 Meeting Date: July 19, 2003 Attendees*: Kim Evans Juan Fontanes Barb Griggs Doug Mayer John Macatee Phyllis McConnell *Dawn presented update to Juan on Friday the 18tH Discussion Items 1. Meeting was called to order at 9:30AM 2. Juan reviewed the July 19, 2003 PowerPoint presentation focusing on updates since the last meeting and objectives for the day. ® Committee agreed to lock the date of the Arbor Day celebration for October 4th given the availability of all the key participants i.e the committee members, mayor, restaurants , Texas Forestry Service and none of the other local city calendars had anything scheduled on it. 3. 2003/ 2004 Budget ® Juan outlined the budgeting process and informed the committee that the budget currently submitted would be applied for the 2003/2004 operating year vs. the 2002/2003 year. ® Committee unanimously agreed to increase the 2003/2004 budget request by 1000 4. Proposed schedule ® The proposed schedule developed by John, Juan and Dawn at the last meeting for the event was reviewed Committee voted to reduce the end the event 30 mins earlier due to light concerns, but adopted the schedule in principle. Final decisions on the finite schedule were deferred until after more investigation could be completed with the participants 5. Tree Species ® Barb suggested and Eve's necklace or a Mexican Birds eye as an observance of Native Texas trees and vegetation. ® Committee agreed to consider these species while investigating other species that may be available through donations Minutes July 19 Tree City meeting Page 1 7/21/2003 6. Arbor Day tree planting site ® Several sites were discussed, including additional plantings at last years river birch sites if donations exist ® The committee largely favored "Reforesting" at a site of the one of the many large trees lost due to storms in park during the last year. A site exists right off the walkway in the part. The committee will finalize the site at the next meeting. ® Doug Mayer — head of the Horticulture / Site subcommittee is investigating additional donations of trees. It is possible that we will plant more then one Arbor Day tree this year. 7. Site Preparation ® Committee agreed to buy the tents required. ® Juan to contact police and fire department to be present at the festival ® John volunteered to almost anything physical "sign me up" o Great we need a stage built ® Doug will speak to Premier Develop Corp regarding o Mowing — more frequent cycles to get the site in shape well in advance min of 3 mowing cycles o Insect treatment - Ants and mosquitoes o Removal of large dead pecan tree in the park at the end of the bridge Donations / Revenue Generation ■ Juan will speak to Chase Bank of Texas for a donation ® Barb to get a list of business in Westlake so the committee can review it for potential donors ® Kim to contact Solona for a donation ® Juan presented the idea of selling trees at the annual Westlake garage sale in Solona. To do so would mean to commit to a $50 booth fee and securing seedlings or trees to sell. The committee agreed that we should move forward with the effort providing we can secure trees for sale ® John suggested doing the seedling sales investigation for either a donation or a consignment deal at very attractive rates to have product to sell at the Garage sale o Doug will investigate with the Plant shed and E. Texas o Barb will investigate with her wholesalers ® Doug and Barb to report their findings at the next meeting. ® Doug to solicit donations of tables and chairs from the residents of GlenWyck Farms to support this activity and others. ® Juan reported that Home Depot had committed to donate approximate $300 worth of goods o The committee tabled the decision on what to spend it on until the results of Doug's discussion with Premier were completed. ® Kim to check with associates on rock climbing donation. 9. Volunteers Minutes July 19 Tree City meeting Page 2 7/21/2003 WZY E ■ Phyllis will head the Volunteer committee o Still need Dawn to coordinated volunteers from the school Kim to speak to the Charity League to see if they will consider this on their list of fall events to volunteer for The committee discussed the idea of getting T shirts for volunteers. The idea was tabled until more investigation could be completed into donations of the shirts and costs. o Barb agreed to speak to a friend in the business on the effort and report back. 10. Entertainment Doug to speak to Kirby's on the jazz band for as possible entertainment Kim to contact Master Touch — Music teacher for ideas on bands and Jazz players at the festival Barb suggested contacting Terry Bradshaw's daughter to entertain for some portion of the event. She is both talented and a draw to kids. Barb to check on availability and costs of securing her. 11. Marketing ■ John to draft the public interest story for the press that announces the date of the annual Arbor Day festival in a "Save the Date" message. o Message to include the highlights from this year's event and a little history from the past events. o John to present at the next meeting ■ Phyllis — to draft a "Volunteers" needed blurb for the Westlake first news o This will be a solicitation for help on the day of the event. ■ Juan to forward draft marketing plan to Phyllis 12. National Arbor Day 2002 Tree City USA Award ■ Juan informed the committee that Westlake had won the award for the 3 rd in a row as sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation. ■ The committee agreed to fly the flag at this years Arbor Day celebration 13. Handouts ■ Juan distributed TAB'S for the books, Maps of the city, City ordinance, printed presentations. Marketing, Finance, Horticulture / Site, Food / Beverage, Education updates for the tabs. 14. Education ■ Kim volunteered to coordinated the Kids Education portion of the event ■ The committee ran out of time to fully discuss this, and will pick up discussions again at the next meeting. ■ Juan informed the committee that the Texas Forestry Service has agreed to participate in this year's event and will be doing both Fire Prevention and Tree Minutes July 19 Tree City meeting Page 3 7/21/2003 ;> WiYE education. Additionally, they will be bringing a Smoky the Bear costume for a volunteer to wear. Decisions Made • Committee agreed on October 4th, 2003 for the Date of the celebration • Committee agreed we should pursue selling trees at the Garage sale as a revenue generating activity Committee set the dates of the next three meetings. 7/26, 8/2, 8/9 at 9 to LOAM at Juan's house Topic for next meeting Pie baking contest — Pecans anyone? o People can go and search for them around town and make a natural pie. Most Pecans are available right about that time. Parking Education Garage sale Elect officers Site tour - brief MUM= • Time range for the event, concerns were raised that 8:30 is too late and we need to wrap it up sooner ® A tentative site layout was discussed. A layout similar to the one used last year was generally agreed too with the following changes o Relocating the kids tent to a shaded area is required o Addition of an additional food tent o Addition of a Wine Tasting Tent — if we can get the permit to serve it • Need to more fully discuss the "Ticket" process of the food operations for the Taste of Westlake. Doug expressed concerns on not having unique tickets being used this year due to the volume of traffic we expect. • Need to more thoroughly discuss Education theme To Do agreed on in the meeting but - Still unassigned Donation Buckets Meeting was adjourned at 12:08PM Minutes July 19 Tree City meeting Page 4 7/21/2003