HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 13-09 WA Amending the Technology Use and Computer responsibilities, Complaint, and Discipline policies WESTLAKE ACADEMY SOLUTION NO. 13-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDING THE TECHNOLOGY, COMPLAINT, AND DISCIPLINE POLICY FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Board has considered the following policies and the proposed amendments; a.) Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities Policy, 3.11 b.) Complaint Policy, 3.05 c.) Discipline, 5.02 WHEREAS, the Board finds these policies will facilitate effective and efficient governance of Westlake Academy, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the students,their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFT E WESTLAKE ACADEMY, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: The Board hereby adopts the following policy amendments attached as Exhibit A to this resolution: a.) Technology Use and Computer System Responsibilities Policy, 3.11 b.) Complaint Policy, 3.05 c.) Discipline, 5.02 SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 1 of 16 Policy No. 3.11: Date Board Adopted: August 16, 2010 Date Board Amended: N/A Effective Date: August 12, 2013 Policy Category: Parent, Student d; Faculty Relations a"d E peetalflo ns Policy Name: Tpchnology Use and Compute' S ` t ern Responsibilities Policy Goal: To establish accountability standards and parameters for the use of technology resources at Westlake Academy congruent with the Academy's academic honor and employee/student conduct codes and expectations. Policy Description: In an effort to promote appropriate and responsible use of technology in the classroom and throughout the broader learning environment, the Board of Trustees approves the following policies and procedures for Westlake Academy. Access to Westlake Academy Technology Resources Access to the Academy's electronic communications system and/or technology resources is a privilege, not a right. All users shall be required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of all Board policies and administrative regulations governing use of technology. All users of Westlake Academy technology resources shall agree to comply with all policies, regulations, and guidelines. All Academy technology resources are business assets, and should not be considered private. The Academy may access and review any use of technology resource, including, but not limited to: internet utilization, email content, and data created, transmitted, or stored on devices utilizing the Academy's technology resources. Noncompliance may result in suspension of access or termination of privileges and other disciplinary action consistent with Academy policies, any applicable employee policies or procedures, and the Parent/Student Handbook. Violations of law may result in disciplinary action by the Academy, in addition to any action taken by law enforcement. Access to the Academy's electronic communications system and/or technology resources will be governed as follows: 1. All users (or the parent/legal guardian of student users) will be required to sign a user agreement annually each August prior to issuance or renewal of any account utilizing the Academy's technology resources. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 3 of 16 2. Academy employees will be granted the appropriate level of access to the Academy's technology resources, as necessary to successfully perform their assigned job duties. 3. Appropriate use of personal email accounts are the sole responsibility of the end user. Users shall comply with the same policies, procedures, and standards when using or transmitting personal email using Westlake Academy technology resources. 4. Users agree to change passwords when requested to do so by a supervisor or technology administrator. All passwords must remain confidential and may not be shared. 5. Any system/resources user identified as a security risk or as having violated Academy and/or campus technology use guidelines may be denied access to Westlake Academy's technology resources. User Responsibilities for Technology Resources The following standards will apply to all users of the Academy's technology resources: 1. Users are responsible at all times for the proper use of technology resources accessed through the user's ID/login. Users should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from gaining access to their account(s). 2. The technology resources system may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited by Academy policy or guidelines. 3. Users may not disable, or attempt to disable, any content/media filtering devices on the Westlake Academy network. 4. Encryption methods other than those used and approved by the administrator may not be utilized. 5. System users may not use another person's user ID/login without written permission from the Superintendent or designee. 6. Students may not distribute personal information about themselves or others through the use of any Westlake Academy technology resources; including, but not limited to, personal addresses and telephone numbers. 7. Students should never make appointments to meet people whom they meet online and should report to a teacher or administrator if they receive any request for such a meeting. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 4 of 16 8. System users must purge and/or make hard copies of electronic mail and files in accordance with established retention guidelines. 9. System users may not redistribute copyrighted programs or data except with the written permission of the copyright holder or designee. Such permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the copyright holder or designee in accordance with applicable copyright law, Academy policy, and administrative regulations. 10. System users should avoid actions that are likely to increase the risk of introducing viruses to the system, such as opening e-mail messages from unknown senders and loading data from unprotected computers. 11. System users may not install public domain programs to any device owned or maintained by Westlake Academy. Users may not download public domain programs for their own use, nor redistribute a public domain program. Users are responsible for determining whether a program is in the public domain. 12. System users may not use the Academy's technology resources to access, send, or post messages that are abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another's reputation, or illegal. 13. The Westlake Academy network and related technologies are the property of the school and subject to inspection by administration at any time, including non- school owned electronic devices. Users should not have any expectation of privacy when utilizing the Westlake Academy's network, including all electronic communications devices or web-based systems. 14. System users should be mindful that use of school-related electronic mail addresses might cause recipients or other readers to assume they represent the school, whether or not that was the user's intention. Users have no authority to represent the Academy beyond that expressly given by the Academy. 15. Users may not engage in the wasteful use of the Academy's technology resources. This includes, but is not limited to, "spamming," use of internet bandwidth for non-educational purposes, or excessive printing. 16. System users may not gain unauthorized access to resources or information, or attempt to disrupt the performance of any of the Academy's technology resources by any means. 17. System users understand and agree that all documents and communications are the property of the Academy. As such, a system user may not copy, download, disseminate, e-mail, or disclose Academy property to third parties not directly related to Academy business without the express written authority of the Superintendent. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 5 of 16 18. Vandalism of any kind will require restitution for costs associated with hardware, software, and system restoration and may result in the revocation of access to the Academy's network or other technology resources. 19. This policy applies to any portable school-owned property (laptops, Pads, etc.) that may be issued to staff or other authorized parties. Users are required to follow all provisions of this policy when using these devices, even when they are removed from the premises. Information from Third Parties System users and parents of students with access to the Academy's technology resources should be aware that, despite the Academy's use of technology protection measures as required by law, use of the system may provide access to other electronic communications systems in the global electronic network that may contain inaccurate and/or objectionable material. Any user and/or student who gains access, or knows of others accessing such material is expected to discontinue the access as quickly as possible and to report the incident to the supervising teacher/administrator(s). A student knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school's electronic environment will be subject to suspension of access and/or revocation of privileges on the Academy's system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. An employee knowingly bringing prohibited materials or media into the school's electronic environment will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Academy policies. Disclaimers Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not necessarily the Academy. The Academy will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the Academy's technology resources system. Westlake Academy makes no expressed or implied guarantees that the activities or services provided by Westlake Academy technology resources will be error-free or without defect. Westlake Academy will not be responsible for any damages to users including, but not limited to loss of data, interruptions of service, personal or psychological damages, or financial losses. Westlake Academy is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of content obtained through our network or stored on our systems. Finally, Westlake Academy will not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations incurred from use of any electronic communications device. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 6 of 16 Policy No. 3.05: Date Board Adopted: August 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 12, 2013 Effective Date: August 1 , 2013 Policy Category: Parent, Student'k and cult y Relationgs and Expectation Policy Name: & ompl inn Policy Policy Goal: Outline the policy and processes for resolving complaints or addressing concerns by Academy stakeholders. Policy Description: Student or parent complaints shall be filed in accordance with this policy, except as provided below: 1. Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment based on race, color, gender, national origin, disability, or religion and complaints concerning retaliation related to discrimination or harassment shall be submitted in accordance with Board Policy 5.03 and any applicable federal regulations. 2. Complaints concerning bullying or retaliation related to bullying shall be submitted in accordance with Board Policy 3.03. 3. Complaints related to an expulsion order shall be submitted in accordance with Board Policy 5.02 and the Student Code of Conduct. 4. Complaints concerning identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a disability within the scope of Section 504 shall be submitted in accordance with Board Policy 6.13 and appropriate due process standards in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 CFR 104.7(b). 5. Complaints concerning identification, evaluation, educational placement, or discipline of a student with a disability within the scope of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall be submitted in accordance with Board Policy 6.13 and the procedural safeguards provided to parents of all students referred to special education. Informal Process The Board encourages students and parents to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. Formal Complaint Process WA Resolution 13-09 Page 7 of 16 Should the informal discussions fail to resolve the issue, the student/parent should follow the formal complaint processes shown below by timely filing a written complaint. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students and parents are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student or parent may withdraw a formal complaint at any time if the concerns are resolved. The process described in this policy does not create new or additional rights beyond those granted by law or Board policy. General Provisions • "Complaints" and "Grievances" have the same meaning. • Complaints arising out of an event or a series of related events must be addressed in one complaint. A student or parent may not bring separate or serial complaints arising from any event or series of events that have been or could have been addressed in a prior complaint. • Complaints and appeal notices must be in writing and may be filed by hand- delivery, fax, e-mail, or U.S. Mail. Hand-delivered filings shall be timely filed if received by the appropriate administrator or designee by the close of business on the deadline. Fax and e-mail filings shall be timely filed if they are received on or before the deadline, as indicated by the date/time shown on the fax or e-mail copy. Mail filings shall be timely filed if they are postmarked by U.S. Mail on or before the deadline and received by the appropriate administrator or designated representative no more than three days after the deadline. • For the purpose of this policy, "days" shall mean school business days. In calculating time lines under this policy, the day a document is filed is "day zero." The following business day is "day one." In calculating time lines under this policy, the day a document is filed is "day zero." The following business day is "day one." • "Response" shall mean a written communication to the student or parent from the appropriate administrator. Responses may be hand-delivered or sent by U.S. Mail to the student's or parent's mailing address of record. Mailed responses shall be timely if they are postmarked by U.S. Mail on or before the deadline. • A student may be represented by an adult at any level of the complaint. The student or parent may designate a representative through written notice to the Academy at any level of this process. If the student or parent designates a representative with fewer than three days' notice to the Academy before a scheduled conference or hearing, the Academy may reschedule the conference or hearing to a later date, if desired, in order to include the Academy's counsel. The Academy may be represented by counsel at any level of the process. • All time limits shall be strictly followed unless modified by mutual written consent. If a complaint or appeal notice is not timely filed, the complaint may be dismissed, on written notice to the student or parent, at any point during the complaint process. The student or parent may appeal the dismissal by seeking review in writing within ten days from the date of the written dismissal notice, WA Resolution 13-09 Page 8of16 starting at the level at which the complaint was dismissed. Such appeal shall be limited to the issue of timeliness. Level One Formal complaints must be: 1. In writing, dated, and must describe the subject matter of the complaint, the date of the occurrence(s), and identify any persons with knowledge of the alleged complaint; 2. Filed within 10 days of the date the student or parent first knew, or with reasonable diligence should have known, of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or grievance; and 3. Submitted to the lowest level administrator who has the authority to remedy the alleged problem. In most circumstances, students and parents shall file Level One complaints with the campus principal. If the complaint is not filed with the appropriate administrator, the receiving administrator must note the date and time the complaint was received and should immediately forward the complaint to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator shall investigate as necessary and may hold a conference with the student or parent within ten days after receipt of the written complaint. The administrator may set reasonable time limits for the conference. The administrator shall provide the student or parent a written response within ten days of receiving the complaint or within ten days following the conference, whichever is later. The written response shall set forth the basis of the decision. In reaching a decision, the administrator may consider information provided at the Level One conference and any other relevant documents or information the administrator believes will help resolve the complaint. Level Two If the student or parent is not satisfied with the Level One response, or if the time for a response has expired, the student or parent may request a conference with the Superintendent or designee to appeal the Level One decision. The appeal notice must be filed in writing, within five days of the date of the written Level One response or, if no response was received, within five days of the Level One response deadline. Upon notice of the appeal, the Superintendent or designee shall review the Level One record including: 1. The original complaint and any attachments. 2. All other documents submitted by the student or parent at Level One. 3. The written response issued at Level One and any attachments. 4. All other documents relied upon by the Level One administrator in reaching the Level One decision. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 9 of 16 The Superintendent or designee shall hold a conference within ten days after the appeal notice is filed. The conference shall be limited to the issues presented at Level One and identified in the Level Two appeal notice. At the conference, the student or parent may provide information concerning any documents or information included in the Level One record. The Superintendent or designee may set reasonable time limits for the conference. The Superintendent or designee shall provide a written response within ten days following the conference. The written response shall set forth the basis of the decision. In reaching a decision, the Superintendent or designee may consider the Level One record, information provided at the Level Two conference, and any other relevant documents or information the Superintendent or designee believes will help resolve the complaint. Level Three If the student or parent did not receive the relief requested at Level Two or if the time for a response has expired, the student or parent may appeal the decision to the Board. The appeal notice must be filed in writing within ten days of the date of the written Level Two response or, if no response was received, within ten days of the Level Two response deadline. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the student or parent of the date, time, and place of the Board meeting at which the complaint will be on the agenda for presentation to the Board. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board the record of the Level Two appeal. The student or parent may request a copy of the Level Two record. The Level Two record shall include: 1. The Level One record. 2. The notice of appeal from Level One to Level Two. 3. The written response issued at Level Two and any attachments. 4. All other documents relied upon by the administration in reaching the Level Two decision. If at the Level Three hearing the administration intends to rely on evidence not included in the Level Two record, the administration shall provide the student or parent notice of the nature of the evidence at least three days before the hearing. The presiding officer may set reasonable time limits and guidelines for the presentation, including an opportunity for the student or parent and administration to each make a presentation and provide rebuttal and an opportunity for questioning by the Board. The Level Three presentation shall be recorded. The Board shall then consider the complaint. It may give notice of its decision orally or in writing at any time up to and including the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. If the Board does not make a decision regarding the complaint by the end of the next regularly scheduled meeting, the lack of a response by the Board upholds the administrative decision at Level Two. WA Resolution 13-04 Page 10 of 16 Policy No. 5.02: Date Board Adopted: August 3, 2009 Date Board Amended: August 16, 2010 Effective Date: August 12, 2013 Policy Category: Govev-nance Policy Name: Discipline Policy Goal: Description of the discipline policy Policy Description: Our primary belief is that no student or member of the Westlake Academy community has the right to impede the education of another student. Any behavior, which is disruptive to the learning environment, will not be tolerated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, as necessary, to ensure the integrity of the learning environment. The Academy encourages parents to work with their children and school personnel to establish clear expectations for student behavior. Staff and students will use the IB learner profile attributes as a basis for the development of a constructive behavior environment. Every effort will be made to develop positive consequences, which can be applied to individual students as well as classrooms. Consistency is important and will be a priority in decisions involving student behavior and discipline in order to establish firm and consistent limits for students. The IB program also establishes a positive educational environment for both the student and teacher. Parent/Student Handbook Each year, Westlake Academy shall make available the Parent/Student Handbook, which shall include a Code of Conduct that describes the acceptable standards of student conduct and the disciplinary consequences applicable to violations of the standards of conduct, school trip policies or other school or classroom rules. Through their enrollment in the Academy, both parents and students acknowledge access to the ParentlStudent Handbook, which is available on the school's website or in hard copy upon request. Revisions to the Handbook that are made during the school year shall be made available promptly to students, parents, teachers, administrators, and others. Progressive Discipline Generally, consequences for disregarding acceptable standards of conduct or school and classroom rules will include one or more of the following: WA Resolution 13-09 Page 11 of 16 1. Warning from teacher or any member of school staff and reflection by student 2. Disciplinary action from classroom teacher, parent notification, and reflection by the student 3. For more serious offenses, Principal directed disciplinary action, parent notification, and reflection by the student 4. For repeated infractions or serious offenses, disciplinary action by the Principal or Superintendent, parent notification and reflection by the student Disciplinary consequences will be reviewed by school personnel according to a grid system. The grid will identify types of offenses, which are categorized into three (3) levels based on severity. Each level will identify the disciplinary consequences that may apply to offenses within that level. The grid will be updated and published in the Parent/Student Handbook on an annual basis. Disciplinary consequences may include: 1. Detention / Restitution-Reflection Activity (RRA) 2. In-school Suspension 3. Saturday School 4. Out-of-school Suspension 5. Expulsion 6. Or other consequences determined by the Principal or Superintendent to be appropriate in compliance with the procedures identified in the Parent/Student Handbook Guidelines for Discipline Procedure Westlake Academy personnel shall adhere to the following general guidelines when imposing discipline: 1. A student shall be disciplined when necessary to improve the student's behavior, to maintain essential order, or to protect other students, school employees, or property. 2. Students shall be treated fairly and equitably. Discipline shall be based on a careful assessment of the circumstances of each case following any applicable investigation. Factors that may be considered include: a. Investigative documentation of alleged offense; b. Seriousness of the offense; c. Student's age; d. Frequency of misconduct; e. Student's attitude; f. Potential effect of the misconduct on the school environment; g. Provisions of the Parent/Student Handbook. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 12 of 16 3. Investigative processes may include, but are not limited to: a. Personal accounts of teachers/staff members b. Interviews/written statements of the student facing disciplinary action c. Interviews/written statements of other students involved in or witnesses to the alleged incident 4. When applicable, the following steps will be taken to ensure Westlake Academy students receive appropriate due process: • The student will be informed of the prohibited conduct or rule violation that he/she is alleged to have committed. • The student will be provided information related to the factual basis for the allegations. • The student will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide any additional information relevant to the allegations, including any defenses or other mitigating factors. Discipline Processes As stated, conduct violations will be reviewed according to a discipline grid. Level / — discipline consequences shall be handled by the classroom / subject matter teacher. Level // and /// — discipline consequences shall be handled by the Principal / Assistant Principal as appropriate. School personnel may request immediate intervention by the Principal or Superintendent in any disciplinary matter. Parents will be notified promptly if a student's behavior may result in a disciplinary consequence that includes detention for which the parent may need to make alternative transportation plans for the student, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or proposed expulsion. The consequences for a serious offense may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion on the first offense. Expellable Offenses A student may be expelled if the student commits the following on or within 300 feet of school property, as measured from any point on the school's real property boundary line or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property: 1. Engages in conduct punishable as a felony; WA Resolution 13-09 Page 13 of 16 2. Engages in conduct that contains the elements of assault, under Penal Code 22.01(a)(1); 3. Sells, gives, or delivers to another person, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of: a. Marijuana or a controlled substance, as defined by the Texas Controlled Substances Act, Health and Safety Code Chapter 481, or by 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq; b. A dangerous drug as defined by the Texas Dangerous Drug Act, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 483; 4. Sells, gives, or delivers to another person an alcoholic beverage, as defined by the Alcoholic Beverage Code, 1.04, or commits a serious act or offense while under the influence of alcohol, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage; 5. Engages in conduct that contains the elements of an offense relating to an abusable volatile chemical under Health and Safety Code, 485.031 through 485.034; 6. Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of public lewdness under Penal Code, 21.07; 7. Engages in conduct that contains the elements of the offense of indecent exposure under Penal Code, 21.08; 8. Uses or possesses tobacco products; 9. Engages in conduct involving a public school that contains the elements of the offense of false alarm or report under Texas Penal Code 42.06, or terroristic threat under Texas Penal Code 22.07. In addition to the above provisions, any conduct by a student that poses a risk to the safety of the student, other students, school employees or school property may be treated as a serious offense and may result in the student's removal from class and other appropriate discipline, up to and including expulsion. Gun-Free Schools Act In accordance with the Gun-Free Schools Act, Westlake Academy shall expel any student who is determined to have brought a firearm, as defined by federal law, to school. 20 U.S.C. § 7151; Tex. Educ. Code §§ 12.104(b)(1), 37.007(e). For purposes of this policy, "firearm" means: 1. Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, or is designed to, or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; WA Resolution 13-09 Page 14 of 16 2. The frame or receiver of any such weapon; 3. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; and 4. Any destructive device, which means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four (4) ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one- quarter ounce, mine, or device similar to any of the preceding described devices. It also means any type of weapon (other than a shotgun shell or a shotgun that is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter; and any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as described in this item, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. 18 U.S.C. § 921. Expulsion Procedures Before a student may be expelled, the student shall be provided a hearing at which the student is afforded appropriate due process as required by the federal constitution. The minimum procedural requirements necessary to satisfy due process depend upon the circumstances and the interests of the parties involved. Federal due process requires notice and some opportunity for a hearing. Upon recommendation for expulsion by a principal, a hearing shall be scheduled before the Superintendent or designee. 1. Notice. The notice shall contain a statement of the specific charges and grounds that, if proven, would justify expulsion. The student may be given the names of the witnesses against him or her and/or an oral or written report on the facts to which each witness testifies. 2. Hearing. The rights of the student may properly be determined upon the hearsay evidence of school administrators who investigate disciplinary infractions. The results and findings of the hearing should be presented in a report open to the student's inspection. Dixon v. Alabama State Bd. of Educ., 294 F.2d 150 (5th Cir. 1969), cert. denied, 368 U.S. 930 (1961). 3. Representative. At the hearing, the student is entitled to be represented by the student's parent, guardian, or another adult who can provide guidance to the student and who is not an employee of the Academy. If the Academy makes a good-faith effort to inform the student and the student's parent or guardian of the time and place of the hearing, the Academy may hold the hearing regardless of whether the student, the student's parent or guardian, or another adult representing the student attends. 4. Expulsion Order. The Superintendent shall deliver a copy of the order expelling the student to the student and the student's parent or guardian. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 15 of 16 Notice of the expulsion order shall also be forwarded to the student's home school district in compliance with state law. 5. Effect of Withdrawal. If a student withdraws from the Academy before an order for expulsion is entered, the principal or Board, as appropriate, may complete the proceedings, enter an order, and notify the student's home school district. isciplinary Appeals Disciplinary consequences that do not result in removal from the regular classroom may be reviewed at the campus level, but may not be appealed beyond the campus level. Out-of-School Suspension: A student assigned out-of-school suspension by a principal may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. The Superintendent or his/her designee will review the campus-level investigation and may conduct interviews or additional investigation if deemed appropriate. Within ten school days of receiving the appeal request, the Superintendent or designee will provide notice of his/her decision to: 1. Uphold the suspension; 2. Overturn the suspension; or 3. Assign an alternative consequence. The Superintendent or designee's decision is final and may not be appealed. Expulsion: An order by the Superintendent or designee to expel a student may be appealed to the Board. WA Resolution 13-09 Page 16 of 16 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSEL) AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 12th DAY OF AUGUST, 2013. Laura Meat, President ATTEST: Kelly Edwa d, Board Secretary Thomas E. A rymer sup intendent APPROVE S TO ORM: L. S anton Lowry anet S. Bubert, School Attorney WA Resolution 13-09 Page 2 of 16