HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-18 WPACAC Agenda Packet TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS Westlake Public Art Competition Advisory Committee AGENDA March 19, 2018 1500 Solana Boulevard Building 7, Suite 7100 1st Floor, Council Chamber Westlake, TX 76262 11:00 A.M. 1. Call to order • Roll call • Board Member Paloma Anoveros will be attending the meeting via conference call from 215 Fremont Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. • Introduction of Visitors 2. Approval of minutes from the October 16, 2017 and February 12, 2018 regular meetings. Review and discussion of key elements from the February 12th meeting with regard to public interaction with the public art site at Davis Blvd/Dove Rd including, but not limited to: a. Public access to the public art site. b. Appropriate safety standards to protect the public while at the public art site. c. Non-interference of the public portion of the public art site with fire station functions. d. The selected artist(s) working with the architects and engineers to meet standards and create a safe public art environment. e. Recognition of non-modification of retaining walls once the walls are constructed. f. Integration of the water/ swale requirements and purposes as an important part of the artist’s RFQ with public bridges/ pathways within sculpture park will be the artists responsibility for recommendation thereto. 4. Discussion of the current status of artist honorarium(s). 5. Review of artists to invite/include in Request for Qualifications (RFQ). 6. Miscellaneous business. Page 2 of 2 7. Recess and reconvene the meeting at the public art site at Davis Blvd/Dove Rd to review and discuss this location including the items shown on Item 3 on this agenda. 8. Adjourn. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, TX 76262, March 15, 2018, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Tanya Morris, Assistant to the Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. WPACAC Minutes 10/16/2017 Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 16, 2017 PRESENT: Chairman Russel Tether, Katie Blair, Rebecca Lawton, Vice-Chairwoman Chris Worley, Paloma Anoveros ABSENT: Cheryl Vogel, Barry Whistler, Judy Deaton, Sue Canterbury, Terry Oldham OTHER PRESENT: Robin McAffrey, Ron Ruthven, Nick Ford VISITORS: Scott Bradley, Kelly Bradley SUMMARY OF MEETING MINUTES: The meeting began at 11:12AM October 16, 2017 and opened with a roll call of all who were presently attending. The meeting then continued with approval of the minutes from the previous meeting held on September 18, 2017. Discussion on the scale, visibility, location specifics, and artwork details for the proposed location mentioned in the previous meeting. Robin presents photos of the future fire station location and the potential location of the public art that resides within the landscaped bio-swale. A small discussion takes place about potential massing and focus issues the site may have working with the current backdrops. Robin and Russel confirm that the capacity of the bio-swale area is designed for a 100 year rain event lasting 24 hours (or an 8 inch rain event). Discussion ensues about height of the public art relative to the height of the water the swale could potentially contain. A discussion is continued about how the art can interact with the water as it rises or lowers. Rebecca Lawton and the WPACAC expresses concerns for the art to not appear that it is in peril due to the surrounding water features and lean towards artist that integrate their work more WPACAC Minutes 10/16/2017 Page 2 of 3 environmentally. The discussion continues with the fact that the scope of the art could be anything with regards to the type of art (sculpture, abstract, environmental, digital, interactive, etc…). Chris Worley asks about the structural integrity of the soils in which the art could be placed on top of. Robin responds that generally the sandy soils in the Westlake area are satisfactory for building upon compared to other cities in the metroplex, which tend to have clayey soils. It was determined that the visibility of the art should be at street level (on the same plain as the streets). The art has the potential to engage the trail network and pedestrian flow in the area. Ron Ruthven states the Parks and Recreation department will potentially be maintaining the public art and the detention area. It was then suggested that a maintenance plan be required upon submittal of a piece of art from the artist based on its materials, location, etc… Robin suggests gathering input from fire department as far as logistics of allowing the public interact with the area. It is suggest that some parameters from the city need to be provided to the artist so they can be as flexible as possible within the confines of the location they are working in. Paloma states that it is crucial to understand whether if this is an accessibility issue or design issue as many artist lean toward making their work interactive. A discussion began on how important this first piece of public art is. As the inaugural public art work in the town this will set a precedence for the rest of the public art in the town. Discussion continued as to who is the audience of this piece of work is and its visibility to commuters from the road and pedestrian walkways. Another discussion took place about the traffic signals and the traffic signal boxes regarding their color and their potential ability to block the viewing of the public art. A discussion took place regarding Westlake’s sense of place with regards to its roads structure and how this piece of public art will be able to enhance and interact with the roadways that are already established in the town. The WPACAC will recommend to the Town Council during a workshop session on October 30th, 2017 the proposed location and the significance of the first piece of Public Art. Specifics of the criteria will be presented at future Council meetings such as accessibility, security, interaction, type of art, etc… It was determined that a timeline for the Request for Qualifications and the Request for Proposal be created and more specifics need to be determined before going to Council. Levels of budget for art competition were discussed and that this would need to be included in the RFP. Scope of the budget should include the actual artwork itself, installation, structural, landscaping, electrical, maintenance, etc… A schedule and milestone dates for the artists will need to be given as part of the RFP. WPACAC Minutes 10/16/2017 Page 3 of 3 Ron suggest meeting on different day of the week other than Monday as most public meetings in Westlake are on Monday. A discussion began as to what sets Westlake apart from other cities. It was determined that Westlake is the destination and that the Westlake has the ability to create a sense of place with the addition of public art in strategic locations. It was determined that potential artists could come nationally and that the WPACAC branding should be focused nationally as well. The necessitation for a vision statement and missions statement were discussed as to give direction to potential artists. This could branch off of the Town’s already established visions, mission, and values. The next meeting is on November 13, 2017 from 11:00AM to 1:00PM. The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 PM. APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MARCH 19, 2018. ________________________________ ATTEST: Chairman, Russell Tether ______________________________ Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director 1 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 12, 2018 PRESENT: Chairman Russell Tether, Chis Worley, Judy Deaton, Rebecca Lawton, Katie Blair, Robin McCaffrey, Paloma Anoveros (via conference phone) ABSENT: Barry Whistler, Sue Canterbury, Terry Oldham OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Brymer Town Manager, Troy Meyer Director of Facilities, Janet McCaffrey SUMMARY OF MEETING MINUTES: Note: Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary swore-in Committee members Russell Tether and Robin McCaffrey. Russell Tether: Called for a motion to approve the minutes from January 8. A motion to approve was made by Rebecca Lawton and second by Robin McCaffrey. Minutes were approved by unanimous vote. Troy Meyer: Director Meyer made a detailed presentation on the status, timing, and design of the Westlake Fire Station, currently under construction at Davis Blvd. and Dove Rd. Note: A general discussion of the Fire Station followed Director Meyer’s presentation. The Committee had question which addressed: 1. Public use of the Fire Station/ Public Art site. 2. Public Access to the Fire Station/Public Art site 3. Public safety related to the Fire Station/Public Art site Director Meyer responded by stressing that public use of, and access to, the Public portion of the site could not in hinder Fire Station functions, which were generally north of the art location. Other than protecting the functions of the Fire Station operations, the Town has no specific standards for public use of, or access to, the art portion of the site. However, the public safety issue is an important issue for the Town but would appropriately be worked out throughout the construction by the Town and the architect and engineer of the Fire Station and later also involve the artist’s team. Katie Blair: Asked is there was a possibility of modifying the art site, example the retaining wall. She asked if, for example, there could be an opening in the wall for access to art? Director Meyer: There is a possibility today but as construction progresses, in a week or so, it will not be possible to modify the retaining wall. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: We need to give more thought to electrical connection and data connection and, of course, public access. 2 Director Meyer: There are several trail heads that converge at/near the Fire Station site. There is parking near the trail head too. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: In terms of drainage swale, could there be a pedestrian bridge across the swale…of course there is no money the city budget for a pedestrian bridge. Robin McCaffrey: The artist’s team could integrate a pedestrian bridge as part of their design. Katie Blair: There are a lot of Towns that are intentionally keeping the public away from drainage areas. Russell Tether: We need to keep that in mind also issues of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). Tom Brymer Town Manager, Director Meyer, and Robin McCaffrey: Elaborated that the Fire Station/ Public Art Site Drainage Swale is a gradually sloping depression, not steep. It looks different at the site. Katie Blair: Suggested a Committee field trip to the site. Russell Tether: In the RFQ, we need to say what would be allowed at the site. Director Meyer: If I am walking along the trail, from the sidewalk to the art piece, there is not a barrier there at this time. Russell Tether, Judy Deaton: The public would be invited to the art site. It would effectively be a park. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: I see it as a Public Art gathering area. Robin McCaffrey: One of the purposes of the artwork is to resolve the dichotomy between in-place functions and desired use (access, detention, t rail, landmark). With the artwork, we hope to make these things legible…to rationalize the area where inevitable public use and required drainage intersect. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: The draft RFQ may not be as explicit as you want it to be regarding public access. Chris Worley: This is an incredibly challenging charge to the potential artist…to visualize the site with the swale, topo, detention, etc. Rebecca Lawton: The artist should make a model to show how the art will interact with the detention area. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: People will see the art site from both the trail and the roadway. Davis is a State Roadway and people come to use the trail head from 10 miles of trail. The system is well used and well connected. Director Meyer: We can have a site visit whenever the Committee wants. Note: A general discussion ensued in which the Committee discussed the site, the size of site, dimensions, and what is adjacent to it. There are aerial photos, plans-to-scale, and streetscape plans for FM 1938 and these would be available to the Committee. Further conversation focused on concerns regarding the nature of a water feature at the Art site and the liabilities of the site and the possible strength of water and water flow. The discussion moved to the issue of water, touching on the area of water impoundment and the art work’s relationship to it. The importance of the visibility of this site 3 was stressed. It was generally determined that interaction of the art work and water is the most crucial challenge for the artist and involvement of the Town would be necessary. Robin McCaffrey and Rebecca Lawton: Stressed that the Artist’s team will use all the water, water engineering, detention information in creating their art proposal and the Committee can bring that into their consideration. Director Meyer: There are a lot of utilities that have to be accessed in and out of the site and have to be taken into consideration. Robin McCaffrey: Asked if Graham Engineering or Jarrod would be available to the Committee to help evaluate the proposals with regard to these functional issues. Director Meyer: Stated that they would help. Chris Worley: Looking at the diagram of the Fire Station Plan, there might be other parts of the site that would make an interesting location for art. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: There is a Public Art Plan for Westlake with sites shown for potential Public Art locations. Director Meyer: A gather spot would create an assumption that parking would be available. Robin McCaffrey: There is a Regional Trail (Davis) and a Town Trail (Dove)…where these intersect were envisioned as a trail head…thereby indicating movement from the Regional Trail System to the Town Trail System. Failure to seize the opportunity for a trailhead here could preclude realization of having these features. Note: A general discussion ensues regarding parking near the Art Site. This included: 1. How much parking will be needed 2. The need for access to this parking 3. Safe street crossing It was generally determined that these were larger issues beyond the scope of the artwork. Russell Tether: We told the Town Council that the Committee is looking for $100,000 in private donations to cover: 1. Artists honoraria 2. Expenses 3. Etc. Katie Blair: Asked if it was discussed that an amount of money from the Fire Station project would be available for the Art project. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: Stated that the City had no budget or specific monies for the art program, at this time. Robin McCaffrey: Clarified the “construction budget” issue by stating that the Town had expressed their willingness to “repurpose” Fire Station construction budget money that would be spent for landscape 4 enhancement of the Art Site (around $100,000) and thereby allow that money to be used for the art program as the art installation would replace landscape enhancements currently in the architectural design and construction budget. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: Affirmed that earlier discussion. Russell Tether: The Committee should be compiling lists of artists that they want to receive the RFQ and everyone should send names to Russell. Judy Deaton: Are we considering only art specifically designed for this site or possibly art previously done by a deceased artist and housed in storage. The Alexander Calderr previously in storage in Seattle was cited as an example. Paloma Anoveros: Asked who is the Committee approaching as artists. There are some outstanding, emerging artists…it would be exciting to have these voices in this location. We might be surprised at the quality of art that is out there. Russell Tether: We are going to use CAFÉ to advertise the RFQ. Katie Blair: Stressed that the Committee should make sure the RFQ’s are shared on FaceBook, etc. as a way to get the word out. Tom Brymer, Town Manager: Stated that he has added some “Public Side/ Town Side” items to the RFQ. Note: This concluded the meeting Motions: 1. Motion to Adjourn: Motion made by Judy Deaton, second by Robin McCaffrey. Motion passed unanimously. APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MARCH 19, 2018. ________________________________ ATTEST: Chairman, Russell Tether _________________________________ ________________________, Secretary