HomeMy WebLinkAboutLanguage B Update Presentation 04-09-18Language B UPDATE Rod Harding, Primary Principal Stacy Stoyanoff, Secondary Principal April 9, 2017 Language B ‘I think a big part is learning about different people, and respecting them, and not being biased to race, or one type of people, changing your point of view you have to be flexible, and be able to accept change, rather than deny it.’ (MYP student focus group ISLS, Muscat, Oman To learn another language is quite simply and profoundly one of the best ways of learning to recognise the world and to see how others and otherness inhabit it. It is an education in difference as a pathway to understanding how to contribute to [...] global citizenship. (Worton, quoted in Reisz 2010: 39) Language B & International Mindedness Westlake Academy’s Mission Intercultural Understanding Thinking, being and acting characterized by an openness to the world and a recognition of our deep interconnectedness to others (perspectives, cultures, beliefs & values). Global Engagement Sustained inquiry into a range of local and global issues and ideas. Willingness to see beyond immediate situations and boundaries is essential as globalization and emerging technologies.. Multilingualism Communicating in more than one language provides opportunities to develop intercultural understanding and respect. IBO What is an IB Education, May 2017 IBO Standards and Practices Standard A: Philosophy (practice 7 & 7a) Standard C2: Written Curriculum Practice 7a WA Language Policy Children develop language and language proficiency through their social interactions. It can be developed and used to promote social justice and an opportunity for changing the social mobility of the individuals involved in the linguistic interaction.WA Language Policy 2017, page 2 Organization of Spanish in the IB PYP The IBO requirement to begin learning a additional language is 7 years old Grade Area Duration of Sessions No. of Sessions Total Contact Per week Kindergarten 30min 1 30min Grade 1-5 45min 3 135min Spanish Teachers Mrs. Katina Yamamoto Kindergarten-Grade 3 Ms. Karily Cruz Grades 3-6 Internal Assessment in the PYP 2017-2018 First Semester PYP Internal Assessment Ratings Grade Area Oral Lang. List. & Speak. Visual Lang. View.& Pres. Written Lang. Reading Written Lang. Writing Motivated. Org. & Prep. Grade 3 3.05 2.84 2.68 2.70 2.89 Grade 5 2.5 2.93 2.54 2.79 3.12 Grade 3 Writing Samples Grade 5 Writing Samples IB Language B Continuum Pathways:MYP DP PHASES (P) MYP DP 1 Language AB 2 Language AB (rare cases) Language B SL 3 Language B SL 4 Language B SL/HL 5 Language B SL/HL 5 It is recommended the student has at least one semester in MYP language and literature before starting these DP courses. Language A: literature SL Language A: language and literature SL Literature and performance SL 6 It is recommended the student has at least one semester in MYP language and literature before starting these DP courses. Language A: literature SL Language A: language and literature SL Literature and performance SL SPANISH AB Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Spanish 1 Spanish AB1 Spanish AB2 Spanish AB1 Spanish AB2 SL/HL Language B Pathways Grade 5 Phase Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 P1 French Spanish 1A French Spanish 1B French Spanish 2A French Spanish 2B French Spanish 3 SL French Spanish 4 SL French Spanish B P1 French Spanish 1A French Spanish 1B French Spanish 2 French Spanish 3 French Spanish 4 HL French Spanish B1 HL French Spanish B2 Possible Future: Bilingual IB Diploma? Grade 5 Phase Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 P2 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 5 SL Spanish A1 Language Literature SL Spanish A2 Language Literature QUESTIONS?