HomeMy WebLinkAboutDFSurvey WA Presentation 08-26-13 ��� � � �� �� ��� � ������ ����� ���� ��� �� r�,�., ���-���- Presented by � � � �'� � � � � � ��� ,� - � - � � ,, ,� � � � ��� Au ust Zol g 3 en a • Methodology • Demographics • Satisfaction with Programs and Services • Priorities for Improvement • Communication and Outreach • Parental Engagement • Other Findings • Summary • Questions u rve e o 0 0 • Survey Description : - 5 pages in length - survey took approximately 15 minutes to complete • Sample size: 196 parents completed the survey • Method of Administration : — by mail with follow-up by phone • Confidence level : 95% • M a rq i n of e rro r: +/- 5.0% ove ra I I +���' . Do liv�e in th� Town �f IIIlestlake? by percentage of parents YE5 �$°Ir� ; Nat pror�ided ' ,,.; .:: 1 °Io .,,. : :..:, ' '�.. ,.... !.,i,,,, �:-.-�.,' ,<...,, ' i .;:.�,, IV� �� �I{] .S�'atr��c:��: ET'C-'Ir�,�titacte (Jrrl�' ?�Jl� - I�'c�.sticrl���.�c�rc��}r�?�'I�c�cr��c1 nf'T�•trste��,s I'c��•�.�r�t�S'tr���?�') C��U . In which gr�ades do y+�u curr�ently ha�ve �hildren en rol led at 11Vestl�ke A�c�demy? by percentage af parents �multiple respanse allowed} K-2 �7°/v �rades 3-4 21 °/a Grades 5-6 27°/0 �Gr�des 7-8 3�°/Q Grades 9-1 � ��% Grades � 1 -12 �7°I� a�,�� � o�o0 2a��� �o��a �o��a �S'nrrr�cc�.• ET�-`Ir�stitrctc� (Jrrl�>?(Jl� - I�'�stic7lLe.�cczcic�ra�1'Bncr�•u'nf'Tr•lrstc���s Pcrrc�rat�5�"rrrvet'l '� _� ��`�_� � • � / � � �> I '� � '� � �� � � �� � � .� � �� � � � � � � � � -� �-, , � i�� �� � �� � � � � � � � � �� �� �� � � � _ � � ,�. ` � � �? �, � � 4 � �► - c. /� Q � . C��er�ll Satisfacti+�n 1111'ith Westlake Ac�demy S�rv�ice� and Progr�ms by percent�ge af parents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 an a 5-pc�int scale �excludinq dvn't knows and nat a�plica�le} PYP teacherslfa�culty 45% 46% 8% ° IB curriculum 42% ��°fo 9% ° Maintenance of the Academy 5�% 38°fo �°!o °� Suitability of the campus for learning 49% 3�%fl �% °� DP Curriculum 3C�°I4 58% 9% 3°�� DF' tea�herslfaculty 35°,�0 52%0 12% ° Qpportunitie� for parental inWol�°ement 44% �1 °/fl 1�% 5°�� Access t� onlir�e grades 52°l0 33°!0 8°/o s°�� ACademy webslte 26% 5$°fo 11 % �°�� 5ociallemotional progress of yo�ar chilr_l 36°Ja 48°Io � 1 % 5°�� PYP Curriculum 34°/Q 48% 11 °Io �°�a Security Check-In System at the Main Er�trance 38%0 43% 12°/a �°�� C��rerall satisfac�ion with quality of educatian 31 % 50% 15%0 3°�� M�ethads of communicatian from WA ��°10 5�% 14°,'0 �°�'� Effecti�eness of Westlake Academy Foundati�n ��°I"o 34% 1�% 3°�� Academic progress of your �hild 24% 5�% 11 °Io �o�ro Secondary Report Card 32°Io 4G% 14°Io $°f� Quality of communication from WA 28°fo 5C�% 14% �°�4 �% 2�% 4{�°/0 ��D% 8�%� 1�C}% OVery Satisfied {�) D�atisfied �4} ONeutral �3} ODissatisfied �112} ���c�rrr�.-e: ET�-"Ir�.stitlrte {J�rl�• ?�]1� - I�c�stTcrke.�ccaderra�'BUcrrc�ofTTrrrstc�es I'crr°�r�t ��~rrrv��') Q � . {CC� NTI �I U E [}} C��rerall Satisf�ction With VV�stlake Aca�d�my Services and Programs by percenta�ge of parents wh� r�ted the item as a 1 to � on a 5-point sca�le �excludirrq don't knaw� and n�t a�plicable} Effecti��ness of House af Cammons 3C�% 45% 194/0 7°Jo 5econdary Caunseling department 32°14 41 °/a 21 %0 6% MYP Curriculum 24% 48°�`0 1�°fo 13% �ollege �reparatior� pro�ess 33% 3�% 2�% 9°fo EffeCtiveness of Westlake AC�demy AthletlC Glub 31 % 4�% 24% 6% Communi�ation about child's issu2s 23�10 �(°/a 19% 11 % The school uniform Wendor 24% 45°/a �2% 9°Ja F'rimary Repart Card 31 % 3�% 17°I4 1�% Extracurricular sports programs 21 °fo 4G°lo 23'°/a 1l7°/a Primary Counseling dep�rtm�nt �1 �/� 33% 2�°Io �2% Four House system for students 25% 40% 25% 1��/o C)ther extracurricular pragrams 2�°l0 3�% 31 °l0 11 °lQ C�ppartunities for p�rent input 19% 3G% 28% 17°/a The school lunch program 24°Io 30% 21 % 25% MYP teacherslfaculty 2�% 33% 3{}% �7%0 Adapted fiWe year strategic plan 2D% 31 °/0 2�°J� �1 % fl°/o 2[}°/0 4{}°{0 6D% 8Q% 1 DD% 0'Very Satisfied 45} 05atisfied �4} ONeutral �3} O�issatisfied (112} S'r�rv•c:e: ETC.'Irzst�ttrte �.Iarl�% ZCi"1� - II"estTcrl��.�ccrcleara�'Bc�crr�c�l c�f'Ti•�rstees I'c-rr�etat S'trr�e�.,► ` � \ � � ^3 �� �..J � Si nficant han e� � rom 2 � 1 �1 g g (Items That Changed +/-5.0% From 2011) • SIGNIFICANT INCREASES ➢ Academy website (+22%) ➢ Quality of communication from WA(+20%) ➢ The Secondary Counseling department (+17%) ➢ The school lunch program (+17%) ➢ PYP teachers/faculty (+14%) ➢ Methods of communication from WA(+13%) ➢ The school uniform vendor (+12%) ➢ Effectiveness of the House of Commons (+10%) ➢ Access to online grades (+10%) ➢ Maintenance of the Academy (+9%) ➢ College preparation process (+8%) ➢ The Security Check-In System at the Main Entrance (+7%) ➢ Opportunities for parental involvement (+6%) ➢ DP Curriculum (+6%) ➢ Communication about child's issues (+6%) ➢ Secondary Report Card (+5%) • SIGNIFICANT DECREASES ➢ MYP teachers/faculty (-13%) ➢ The adopted five year strategic plan (-10%) ➢ Opportunities for parent input (-7%) ➢ The Primary Counseling department (-5%) ➢ Primary Report Card (-5%) r � � i � _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � J �� � �f� � �� �� Q� . Westlak�e Academy Services and Pr�� rams Tf�at P�r�ents Felt 1�''Vere M�st Import�nt by percentage af parents whv selected th� item as one af their top three choi�es A�ademi� progress of your�hil�l 4�%r MYP teacherslfaculty ��% IB curri�ului�� ���/Q Callege preparatian qrocess `��% Social and emotianal pragress of your child '�'� %o PYP teachersffa�ulty �!°/fl MYP �urricului7i '��% PYP �urricului7i �°ja �ommuni�ation about child's issues �% DP teacherslfaGulty $°/fl Qverall satisfactian with quality of educatian 7°/r� Suitability of the caiTipus far learning 44/fl The Security Check-In System at the Main Entrance 4°/a Quality af cornmunication frarli WA 4%, aP �urriculur7i �4/4 Access to anline grades �°J� The Se�ondary Gounseling depaitment �% The adopted five year strategic plan �%� The Primary Caunseling d�parkir�ent �% Extracurricular sports pragrams � °/4 The four House system for studsnts � % �pportunities for parent input � %, �ther extra�urricular programs � %a Opportunities for parental in�olvement � o/a Maintenance af the Academy � °/n Primary Re�ort Card '� % 0°Jo 2{�% 4(7°Io �E�°/u �First Choice 05econd Choice �Third Choice .5�'c�rca•cc�: ET(_-"I��.stitrcte (J�cl1• ��l� - I�e.stTcal�E�.�cczcl���z�'Br�cr�•cl��f`Ti•rrstees I'c��•er�t ���'rc�ve�') Westlake �cad�my B+�ard vf Trust�e� Parent Surrrey Impvrtanc�e-S�tisfaction Assessment Matrix =Sa�isfaction With Westlake Acaderny Prvqrams and Services= {paints on the graph show deuiatiQns fram the mean importance and satisfactian ratings c�iuen by respondents ta the surUey} me�n importan+ce Exceeded Expectations Car�tir�ued Emphasis lower� im�crrtancefhigher Satisfaction higher importanceJhigher Satisfaction Suifabifify of fhe camp�rs far�lear•ning DP Curriculum\ ■PYP feachers/fac uffy � Illainfenarrce of ihe Academy■ � � ■fB cGrr�ricufunr Access to online gracles� ■DPfeachers/faculfy �� qppor�funities for perental invalvement � �#.+ Acaciemy websife r ■Sociallentofior-raf progress of chilelren � SecuriYy Check-!n af Yhe A9ain Entrance� ■pyp�«�•�•jculcrnt � nlefhocfs of WA communication� � Overall satisfaction with the quality of WA ecfucation � Effectiveness at the WAF"� � Acaclemic progress of chila'ren■ `� � Secondary report carr! � � � a Qualify of WA communicafion � ;� Effeciiveness of ihe HC7C ,� � 5econdary Counsefing Deparfn�enf� �*+ ■nil'PC�rr•rrcuf�rnt ��ojfegepreparafronprocess � � Etfectiveness of the WAAC■ � y,� Schoo!uniforna vendor■ \ � Prin�ary grade reparf carcf� �onrntunications regarding � .� is s Gres/problenis relafed fo c hildrer7 n3 y.+ Extracurricular sports progranas �� � � TFre four Nouse sysiena for studenis�j '� Primary Counseling L7epartment Diher exfracurricular prog ram s■ Uppor2unifies farparenf input� Schaol lunch prog ram■ ■ !l tYP feac he rs/fac crlfy The ao'opfer!five year sfrafegk pfan■ Less lmporfar�f Upportunr"ties for lmprnvement lower im ortancellower Satisfaction hi her im artancella�,ver Satisfaction . - . . , Impvr�ance Rai�ing . - . . . Sorrr•c:€�: ET[-`Ir�str�`rrfi€�(2�JI3) � i � �� � � �� � � � � � � � ��� ��� .�J �� � � �� � � � �� �� �� �, � ' ' �J �� � � �� �� �� Q4 . A� reement with Various �tatements Abaut �Cc�n� municati�n and �utr�ach at 11V�stlal�� Acad+emy ��� 'I � & �0� � 1 } by percentage af parents who "strangly agreed" or "agr�ed" with the statement �excludirrq don't knaws and not a�plicable} 89°l0 �Publishe� statem�nts af I',llissian align with IB $1°/o �1Nritten curriculum reflects IB philc�saphy $�a�� 81% � Email is preferred methc�d of cc�mmunicati�n 85°la with tea ch ers ���� 83°l0 � I have been encauraged to volunteer 73°/u $3°/a Dn-campus administeative staff is friendlylhelpful 8C}°/a SL4I0 Teaching and learning reflects I� PhilnsQphy 7�°/0 �s°r4 Assessm�nts reflect the IB ass��sment philasaphy � 74°I'o � Resources and suppQrt structures ensures ��°/6 implerrrentatiQn Qf IB pragrammes ��% �2��3 020� �I �°Ia 2U°Io 4�°/n 6U°/o 8�°/n 1�DQ°/o �S'uarr•c:�: ET('Ir�.ctrtarte (Iarl�• 2U1� - II'estic�ke_�ec7c1�}r7��'I�c�a�•cl caf'Ti•trstees I'cz�•erat �5'tr�vel'l r�,��� �14�14 Q4 . �C+� �JTI N U EQ� Agre�ment with 11ariQus Statem+ents About �C�ommuni�cation and �utreach �t U'Iles�lake Academy ��� � 3 & 2U � � } by percentage af parents who "strongly agreed" ar "agreed" with the statement (excludinq dvn't knvws and not a.�licable} iMy child'� teacher responds quickly ta inquiries ����p o 179 Io Ccallaborative planning and reflectian supparts 7'�°�0 implementatinn of IB prQgrammes 70°/a Rdministratc�rs respand ta my questiQns in a timely 7���Q� ' 7�/o I '6$°lo I Informed about child's programme , �i9% Leadership and administrative structure 64°/0 , ensure implementatian c�f IB prQgrammes �4o�a , �My child's teacher(s} ke�p m� infc�rrrred '��°�o , about their prngress �E�% �Received informatian in enaugh time ta be ��°�o� , involved in e�ents 41°Jo ' 47°la ' Am interested in more parent educatiranitraining 4�q�.a , �Phane calls is preferred methQd Qf 29°l4 , cc�mmunication with teachers ��% ��013 D�D11 �°Io 2+Q°/u 4�°fa 6a% $�% 1��% �S"c�rcr•c:�7: ET(_-"Ir�stz�trctc�� (Irrl�•7�J1� - Ile.sticrl���.�cc�cic�r�?�•I3c�cr�•ciclf'Tr•rr.stc�c��sPcr�•�,�r�tSrc�~�e��) TRE111L) D,�4Ti4 Q+� . H�ow �ften do you re�d W�stlake Academy's ��mmunique? by percentage of parents NeWer 1 °/a Rar�ly 4°/a Manthly ��I4 �22�C�'� $$% ,�S'c�rr.rce.• �''TC_�'Ita.strt�rt�: (Jrrl�°2C11�� - I�e.sticrl�e.�ec7cler�z�'L3c�card of'Tr°�r.st�e.s Pc�rer�t,.5�'rrrve}�� +Q� . ac��es the Westlak� Acad�emy Communiqu� �eep you �dequately informed? ��0� � 3 , �� � � �& �� � �} by p�rcentage of parents wha s�id "yes" �'t'Q�I 3 $'9% ��� � �'� %o �Q� '�} ED°Ia p°Ia 2Q°/a 4�°/0 +6C}% $+�°Io 1 aD°Io �Yes S�rcr�ce: ET(_�Irastr trctc� ��Trrl�• 7Q1� - II estTc�l�e:�lcc�cl��r�a1'I�r�c�r•cl c�f'Tr•rr.ctees I'cxr•er2t �5�"�rr�el'J TR��a Q'��,/Q � � �. Le�rel c�f Agre�ment with the Fc�ll�wing Statements A�a�ut Westl�ke Academy's ��mmuniqu+e �2+� � 3 & �� � � � by perGentage of parents who "strongly agre�d" or "agreed" with the statement �e�cludinq don't knvws and not a�plicable} 94/o �` �ommuni�ue pror�ides important s�hool infarmation �3% ��°/�o �The Gommunique is easy to r��d �1 °fa; ;79% �The Communiq�ue is attractive and interesting 64% 0% �D% 4�°fa �E(�°lo 8L% 1C}0°/Q �2t�13 0�(�11 A���1rr�c��: ETC�'Ir�s�trttrte fi�Irrh>?�1� - I�esticrl�c�.�ccrclei»rt'I�ocr�°clnfTTi�r�stee4� I'cr�•ex�t ��'rlrve7'� r�F�►fl �Ar,� '� J .� � � � � ...� �. l � . � � , � ,� � � r � � 4 � .J C��U . a� yvu f��l your child is emotionally s�fe �t school ? ��� � 3 , �� � � , �� � � & �C3C39} by pe rce ntage of pa re r�ts who sa id "yes" ��� � �� °l�o �a� � s� Q�o ��� o $� �,�o �a�� a� ��o �}°Ia �Q°/o 4�°Io �Q%a 8Q°/a 1 Q�°/a �Yes S`c�rfa•�c�: ETC`Ir�strttctc� (JtrT�'?�Jl� - I�'c�sticrkc�.�ccrr��.�xr��'I�c�cr�•cic�f'Ti�tcstec�sl'c�r�er�t�5'�rrvc�t'j r���� �IQTi� Q� � . [�o y+au feel your �hild is physically safe �t s�h��l ? ��C� � � , �� � � , �C� � � & 2�C�9} by percentage of parents wha said "yes" 2C�� 3 7°fo 2C�11 89% 2C�1 C) 9Q°Io 2C�C)9 92°/o {3% 2Q�/o 4(3% 5+�% $�a,/o 1Qa% �`�es �S�otrr•c�: ETC�Ir�.stitrrte �Jtrlt'2(]I� - I�'�sticrl��.�ccrcl�r�?�•Bc�crr•cl�f Ti•restee.�I'cr�°erat�S'rr�~►�e�•) r��,�� �IQ r,� �� � � � � �J �1� ���� �� �` � rn rn a • Parents Th i n k the Academy is M ovi ng i n the Right Direction • Satisfaction improved in the majority of areas that were assessed in both 2011 and 2013 • Areas of Emphasis : • MYP teachers, faculty and curriculum • Communication about issues/problems related to children • College preparation process �1 � �1 � �1 � � � � �� _� � � � 01�� . � � �, ` L� � �� ��� �/