HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetrospective Whole School Theme and Goals 2012-14Whole School Theme and Goals Westlake Academy will continue with the whole school theme, One School, Together for 2013-2014 and integrate the whole school goals with the Westlake Town and Academy LEAD (Leading, Educating and Developing) Areas of Emphasis. The theme and related goals will provide the direction and environment for a teaching and learning culture of interdependency and collegiality of faculty across the three IB Programmes. The One School, Together goals will meet the Westlake Academy’s Strategic Plan areas of High Student achievement, Effective Educators and Staff, Student Engagement and Extracurricular Activities, Strong Parent and Community Connections Retrospective Whole School Goals and Status 2012-2013 Goals Action Plan How will we know we have reached our goal? Status 1. Use WA’s Vision, Mission, Values and the Great Teacher Profile to realize a whole school understanding of the values and culture needed for a collegial approach to all aspects of school life. 2. Implement a whole school program evaluation using the IBO Standards and Practices. 3. Complete the partnership with 3rd Learning to utilize a web based curriculum platform for the IB programmes. 4. Continue with the review cycle of curriculum in the area of Language Arts (reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking). 5. Further implement the improvements to the written and taught curriculum in Spanish and Mathematics. The WA Mission will continue to be in prominent locations of the campus. Principals and coordinators will update the standards twice per year with feedback from faculty. An action plan for the uploading of WA’s curriculum and resources is documented. All sections will create and deliver the alignment of all curriculum areas. Establish section committees to review the curriculum content, ensure a spiral curriculum, and develop common approaches to teaching and learning and assessment. Meet in whole school committees to align the content and approaches at the Transition points (Grade 6-7 and Grade 10-11). Success measured by: Faculty and students using WA’s Vision and Mission in classrooms, meetings, student interactions and parent presentations and will be able to explain what it means. The results will be placed on the Balanced Score Card with quantitative measures and reported to BOT and other stakeholders. Faculty across the programs will collaboratively work together place the curriculum and resources on the platform. Trials and use of the platform will be implemented mid year by the implementation team The completion of the subject content at each IB Programme and a full articulation of programs at a whole school level. Reporting of the alignment and approaches to teaching and learning to all stakeholders. Up loading the curriculum to the 3rd Learning web-based platform. Ongoing: Continuing with the LEAD group in 2013-2014. Also through the ‘Positive Behavior In Schools’ initiative K- 12 Ongoing: IBO Standards and Practice has been revised to incorporate required standards in the PYP for Self-study in 2014. These indicators of progress will measured in the end of year Balanced Score Card (BSC). MYP and DP revision and implementation in the BSC is ongoing. Achieved in PYP and DP: The functionality of the system for WA teachers will be available at the end of July 2013. Ongoing for MYP due to changes in the IB MYP program Achieved: In the PYP the written, taught and learned curriculum in Writing has been completed by staff and will be trialed in 2013-2014. Resources purchases have been made in reading materials in the PYP. MYP and DP programs are ongoing. Ongoing: Further collaboration between the PYP (6-7) and MYP (10-11) is needed for a coherent written and taught curriculum. Whole School Goals for 2013-2014 Goals Related Goal by Section Action Plan How will we know that we have reached our goal? Responsibility Leadership and Organizational Development Identify, develop and implement a framework for a parent/student/teacher culture that fully meets the Academy’s Vision, Mission and Values. Build the Westlake Academy team (Academy-wide) by providing opportunities for growth and improvement in interactions and relationships among the staff. Whole School Continue to use WA’s Vision, Mission, Values and the Great Teacher Profile to realize a whole school understanding of the values and culture needed for a collegial approach to all aspects of school life. (PYP, MYP, DP) Whole School Regular meetings of IB coordinators to plan and develop a systematic approach to the written, taught and learned curriculum at the transition points of Grade 6-7 and 10- 11. Emphasize the VMV and activities that will promote the IB Learner Profile in classrooms, parent evenings, induction program s of new teachers, full faculty and section meetings. Implement Positive Behavior in School’s program. Facilitated meetings on a quarterly basis that comprise of IB Coordinators and reporting back at full faculty meetings. Success measured by: The VM and IB Learner Profile is part of a teacher and students everyday language. Students knowing at anytime the V and M of WA. Classrooms display the IB Learner Profile and teachers connect the traits to student discipline, Community and Service and actions Student performance in external (STAAR/ISA) and internal assessment (teacher designed formative tests). WA faculty and related personnel Facilitated by an instructional leader/principal and IB Coordinators Academic Excellence Develop and implement a process for evaluating and improving Academy curriculum and scheduling needs. Develop an internal evaluation system for PYP, MYP and DP programs within the Academy to prepare for ongoing IB evaluation. Whole School Subject-based teachers meet on a quarterly basis to articulate/align the written curriculum PYP Implement the draft written, taught, and learned Writing Curriculum in the PYP. Achieved during full faculty meetings in the months of October, December, February and April (First Wednesday of the month). Reiterate at the commencement of the year the work done by the LA committee in the development the writing program (approaches to teaching and learning, moderation of writing, the writing process and assessment) to provide teachers, students and parents with a consistent approach and language Success measured by: Reporting back to full faculty meetings regarding the aligned curriculum at the transition points of Grades 6-7 and 10- 11. Classroom observations by pedagogical leadership team through the appraisal process and improvement in the quality of narrative and expository writing. Principals PYP teachers Review the written, taught and learned of Language Arts –Reading curriculum. Consolidate and formalize an internal and external assessment for Spanish. Implement an online format for the PYP reports. Develop the PYP induction for all new teachers. MYP Improve and develop the MYP programme. when using and talking about student writing. The LA committee meets on ce per month to develop the Reading program to establish a consistent approach to reading development. Implementation of an internal and external assessment from Grade 4- 8. Use 3rd Learning platform to integrate the process. Use the orientation program in August, half-days in November and March for professional development activities for 5 new staff. Set up a continuing dialogue with IBO America’s head office to clarify the new direction of the MYP philosophy and framework to determine areas in need of improvement . Establish a committee of teachers, MYP coordinator and parents to align the WA’s assessment and reporting procedures with the IBO’s requirements. Display and model the IB Learner Profile in classrooms for positive behavior. Display the Areas of Interaction and make reference within and across the disciplines. The LA Committee reporting back to the PYP section at Wednesday meetings to inform all teachers of progress. Easy to use benchmark to measure the Spanish language development of Grade 4-8 and report through the Balanced Scorecard. Downloadable data that can be integrated into the Balanced Scorecard. Understanding by new staff of the expectations of the V and M and the implementation of the IB philosophy and approaches to teaching and learning. Tangible evidence and action in the development of the MYP planners and the use of Approaches to Learning and Areas of Interaction. Reporting to the secondary faculty and BOT of progress in moving to IBO requirements. The Learner Profile traits discussed and understood by students in assemblies, classes and small group situations as the driving point for decisions and positive behavior . PYP Language Arts Committee Spanish teachers Grades 4-8 PYP Principal PYP Coordinator MYP Coordinator and Secondary Principal MYP Coordinator MYP Teachers Whole School Continue to implement a whole school program evaluation using a school -based rubric for the IBO Standards and Practices. Promote, model and describe CAS to MYP students, so they are clear that it means a tangible service that only they can do. Emphasize the interdisciplinary approach of the MYP and Approaches to Learning to build on the inquiry based model in the PYP for the MYP Exhibition Create an understan ding and importance of the Exhibition and its requirements with Grade 9 students and to decide on topics during the summer period and early in the year. Use the Standards and Practices twice during the year at section meetings. MYP and DP teachers use the common measures for the Standards and Practices and articulate those standards that are ‘required’ for the DP and MYP programmes. An awareness of service that is not part of fundraising and an increase in the quality of service that helps others. Documented service projects by the MYP coordinator. Increase performance in assessments awarded and an increased creativity in end products. Greater involvement of the teaching faculty in promoting the culminating activity of the MYP. Rubrics recorded on the Balanced Scorecard and reported to the BOT. Identification of weaknesses in the overall rubric and report using the Balanced Scorecard. MYP Coordinator and Teachers MYP Coordinator MYP Coordinator and Teachers IB Coordinators Administrative Policies and Procedures Establish a process to review and amend existing Academy guidelines, policies, procedures and handbooks and create new ones as appropriate. LEAD committee in conjunction with principal’s review and update priority policies and reflect these changes in the Student-Parent Handbook. Meet to determine target policies in June 2013 in a retreat format. Success measured by: Changes to policy and ability to enact the policy without ambiguity. LEAD Committee and Principals