HomeMy WebLinkAboutDyslexia Handout F.- KOO iL Take Aght A Comprehensive Intervention for Students min Dyslexia e Take Flight:A Comprehensive Intervention for Five Components of Effective Reading Instruction Students with Dyslexia Take Flight contains the five components of effective reading Take Flight:A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with instruction identified by research from the National Reading Dyslexia is a two-year curriculum written by the staff of the Panel. Take Flight addresses each component by: Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disorders at • Phonemic Awareness following established procedures Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Take Flight builds for explicitly teaching the relationships between speech- on the success of the three previous dyslexia intervention sound production and spelling-sound patterns programs developed by the staff of TSRHC:Alphabetic Phonics, e Ilion icc,-providing a systematic approach for single the Dyslexia Training Program and TSRH Literacy Program. word decoding • Fluency-using research-proven directed practice in repeated reading of words,phrases and passages to help C= students read newly encountered text more fluently ©: Vocabulary-featuring multiple word learning Al strategies (definitional,structural,contextual) and 1' explicit teaching techniques with application in text r 1' Reading Comprehension -teaching students to ,,.,;,. explicitly use and articulate multiple comprehension strategies(i.e.,cooperative learning,story structure, question generation and answering,summarization i{ * and comprehension monitoring) Take Flight key findings include: Take Flight was designed for: • Students that complete Take Flight instruction show • children with dyslexia seven years and older significant growth in all areas of reading skill. • Follow-up research on children who completed • one-on-one or small group instruction(no more than treatment indicates that students maintain the benefits 6 students) of instruction on word reading skills and continue to • use by a Certified Academic Language Therapist improve in reading comprehension after one year. • four days a week-sixty minutes per day for two years • Take Flight is effective when used in schools by teachers or with advanced training in treating learning disorders. • five days a week-forty-five minutes per day for • Students with the lowest reading skills acquire the two years strongest gains from Take Flight instruction. �Z-T o(D I o3 1 )3 Contact Information T E x „ S For additional information about the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia's application SCOTTISH RITE HOSPITAL process, academic assessment,research and training opportunities and materials, - please call(214)559-7815 or(800)421-1121,ext.7815,or visit www.tsncc.org/dyslexia. www.tsncc.org