HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-18 WHPS Min J MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY February 6, 2018 Council Chamber 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7,Suite 7100 Westlake,Texas 76262 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Becky Fisher,Tom Miller, Kim Morris, Paula Thornton,Jon White and Daniel Zipperlen GUESTS: Ginger Awtry,Troy Meyer 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 6:40 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 11,2018. Member Zipperlen read the minutes. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Member White seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Kim Morris is considering helping out with the Treasurer's report. President Thornton suggested those of us interested in better understanding the report plan to meet with Melinda Brown. The Town's fiscal year is from October 1 to September 30. 4. OLD BUSINESS. CLASSIC CAR SHOW. President Thornton gave a brief history of the Classic Car Show. Ginger Awtry told us the Township really likes this event and would like to make this a permanent event. Member Thornton read an email from Bert Schultz, the founder of the Classic Car Show, regarding 2017 revenues and expenses. He made multiple suggestions for future car shows and reiterated, "The initial intention of the car show was, and always has been,to be a very positive fundraiser for WHPS to fund all WHPS activities and functions" Member Zipperlen asked if the Board was supposed to approve expenditures for the Classic Car Show as we do for all of our other events. President Thornton opened up the topic for discussion. Several members felt the expenditures should be presented ahead of time and voted on before they are incurred. President Thornton expressed a desire that we keep a personal connection with the participants. Member Miller recognized that Bert Schultz would like to maintain the traditional aspects of the car show. We also agree that there is room for change. Kim Morris commented that as an attendee,she and her son were not expecting the Kids' Korral, and therefore, had not brought cash to purchase items. Although they did participate in the Pine Car Derby, it was not a factor in them planning to attend. Several members felt that the car show provides enough entertainment without having the Kids' Korral. Member Miller also mentioned that the Pine Car Derby is a worthy event, but maybe should be held at a different Town event. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Membership Report: Kim Morris is a new member since our last meeting and has been sworn in as a WHPS Board member. Ginger Awtry asked if the Board was interested in sending the WHPS letter providing information about the Historical Society and offering membership like we did last year to all Westlake residents. She also offered her assistance with the mailing. The Board was in favor and is deciding when best to send the letter. Members' Reception: Member Thornton clarified the reason the Members' Reception is not being held in Westlake is because it is being held at the home of a lifetime WHPS member living in Southlake. The reception committee will visit Roxann Taylor at her home to see the venue and make plans. Member Thornton will confirm a meeting time with Roxann Taylor. David Carr has agreed to play the saxophone at the reception. There was lengthy discussion about whether to pay the amount he requested or negotiate a lessor amount. Member Thornton felt that since WHPS is a nonprofit organization that she would prefer performers waive their usual fee. It was disclosed that normally Mr. Carr charged much more than the$200 requested to perform. Motion: Member Miller made a motion that we pay the saxophone player$200 to play for the Members' Reception. Member Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried. Historical Marker: President Thornton is concerned the research and wording for the upcoming historical markers may not be able to be prepared in time for the scheduled dedication on April 14, 2018. He and Member Zipperlen agreed to research the two sites. President Thornton would like to have the dedication moved to later in April. Ginger Awtry told us she needs to check which historical markers have been approved by the Town. If the verbiage for the marker is finished by March 3, then the historical marker should be ready for dedication on April 28, 2018. Motion: Member Zipperlen made a motion to move the Historical Marker Dedication from April 14 to April 28 of this year. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried. Decoration Day: Troy Meyer has agreed to assist in planning and organizing the celebration for Decoration Day. He suggested we keep the traditional food of hotdogs, cobblers and watermelon. He is also in favor of continuing the presentation of the flag and singing of the national anthem. As a new feature, he presented the idea of the Sounds of Freedom. This would involve recordings of sounds from each of the major events in our country's history to include conflicts or wars such as the Vietnam War. These audio presentations could be from battle,veterans' eyewitness accounts, news stories and/or speeches. Mr. Meyer expressed a desire to have Retirement of the Flag ceremony. This would include explaining the meaning of the flag, placing disassembled pieces of the flag into a fire and the playing of Taps. The event usually begins at 6 pm with opening of the buffet.The suggested program should last from 6:30 and 8 pm. Memorial Day is on May 28, 2018. President Thornton and Member Zipperlen will co-chair committee for Decoration Day to work with Troy Meyer on planning the event. They plan to meet on Thursday, February 21 at 10 a.m. at the Town Offices. WHPS Website&Social Media: The facebook boost results for the Classic Car Show were 18,504 views, 349 likes and 125 shares. Member Zipperlen expressed what a good job Jon Sasser has done with the social media and live streaming. Simply Westlake: Ginger Awtry reiterated the idea for Member Rapp to pull information from copies of the PathFinder for article information. In order to have an article in the May issue, it must be submitted by this Friday, February 10. Future Ideas and Purchases: Member Zipperlen and President Thornton will finalize their video camera selection for purchase. Motion: Member Fisher made a motion to approve up to$350 for the camera purchase. Member White seconded the motion. The motion carried. Member Fisher has since reviewed the WHPS Minutes of December 5, 2017 and found the Board approved up to$500 for the camera's purchase at that time. 6. ADJOURNMENT: President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member White made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:24 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at 6:00 PM at the Stone House, 13101 Roanoke Road,Westlake,Texas 76262. APPROVEDPY THE WESTLAKE H15TORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF 1 C:�'lf �� ,2018. STEPHEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT BECKY R. FISHER,SECRETARY