HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-18 WPACAC Min MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE JANUARY 08, 2018 PRESENT: Chairman Russell Tether, Rebecca Lawton, Sue Canterbury, Barry Whistler, Katie Blair, Paloma Anoveros (via conference phone). ABSENT: Judy Deaton, Chris Worley, Terry Oldham, OTHERS PRESENT: Amanda DeGan, Robin McCaffrey, Janet McCaffrey SUMMARY OF MEETING MINUTES: Amanda DeGan: Made a point of order that Robin McCaffrey and Russell Tether must be officially placed on the Committee by Town Council for them to count toward a quorum present. Note: A general discussion continued until Sue Canterbury arrived to constitute a quorum. The general discussion included the following: 1. Amount of the appropriate budget. $1 million dollars was discussed. 2. The importance of a "spectacular"work of art to set the program in motion and establish Westlake's prominence in public art programs. 3. The need to consider issues of maintenance going forward and funding of maintenance. 4. Timing as regards the art installation and completion of the fire station as well as coordination during construction. Amanda stated that the Fire Station would possible be completed by January 2019. 5. The extent to which the work of the artist can realistically manipulate the conditions of the site that are presented, given hydrologic considerations. 6. The extent to which the work of the artist can, or should, interact with the Town's Trail system 7. A general potential time line for the RFQ and commission of a work based on possible completion of the Fire Station in January 2019 and a general sense that the opening of — the art work should not coincide with the opening of the Fire Station. WPACAC Minutes 1/8/2018 Page 1 of 5 8. What actions by the Town Council are needed at this point to provide clear support for moving forward. There was a sense that the Committee must first put forward a clear recommendation. 9. Processes, considerations, and timing regarding ultimate contract with an artist. 10. Review of the original Council Resolution that established the Committee and the charges to the Committee contained therein as well as the vision statement pout forward at that time. 11.Timing of getting any materials to be considered by the next Town Council meeting is January 19, 2018. Sue Canterbury arrives to establish a quorum Russell Tether: Can we nominate an alternate or two to stand in when a Committee member is absent? Amanda DeGan: Yes, you can. (in light of discussion before the quorum, this could be a part of a Council action) Russel Tether: We have a draft of the RFQ does anyone see anything that has been left out? Rebecca Lawton: Define the trail more specifically and explain existing trail and expanded detention. Amanda DeGan: Who would be available from the Committee to answer questions that migh arise from the RFQ. Town of Westlake should be the point for gathering of any submittals. Russell Tether: I am happy to be the person that answers questions. Katie Blair: There should be a date to submit questions and a date to post answers. Russell Tether, Barry Whistler, Rebecca Lawton, Katie Blair: concluded that 2 weeks seemed like a good amount of time for the questions. Amanda DeGan: Comments and answers to questions have to come to Russell, any discussion of the questions by the general Committee outside an advertised, official meeting of the Committee violates the open meetings act. Posting frequent answers to questions on the web site was not in violation. Russell Tether: Affirms the importance of the web site and suggest further discussions with the Town about this matter. Katie Blair: Our answers to the artist's questions should get back to the artist within a week. Russell Tether: We need to send the RFQ to CAFE. Sue Canterbury, Katie Blair, Barry Whistler, Russell Tether, Rebecca Lawton: generally agreed and specified that the RFQ should also be sent to specific artists whose response is invited. WPACAC Minutes 1/8/2018 Page 2 of 5 Russell Tether: Members of the Committee should submit names and contact information of -- artists that should be invited to submit. Please bring these recommendations to the February Committee meeting. Russell Tether: If we meet Council in January and they approve the recommended RFQ we will take names of artists at the February meeting. This precipitated a general discussion of timing. All members of the Committee present: A general discussion of timing including date of Council action, Advertising RFQ, submission and award of work. The following was the agreed tentative time line, assuming that the Council affirmed the recommended RFQ: Send Out RFQ February 19, 20, or 21 Time to ask questions 2 weeks (in by March 7 and answered by March 15) Return Submittals (Due Date) March 23 Katie Blair: If we follow this time line a short list should be decided at the April Committee meeting. The current RFQ draft needs to include a list of what is required in th4 submittal. Russell Tether: It is important to agree on the budget before we go forward with the RFQ, we have thus far discussed a budget of$1 million. All members of the Committee present: Discussed the issue of budget and costs to be covered by the budget. It was generally agreed that the appropriate budget at this time should be a range of $750,000 to $1,000,000. Sue Canterbury: When the artist is determined and the proposed work revealed, then the money should be raised. Russell Tether: When we have 3 or 4 artists, we can engage the public in fund raising. This initiated a discussion of public participation. All members of the Committee present: Discussed means and opportunities for public input in a way that reinforced the Council directive for the Committee expertise to lead and guide the selection process. It was further discussed that the following were possible options: 1. If there is a short list, public could help narrow a selection of 4 to 2. 2. Let public see and comment on final selected project proposals 3. Letting finalists come to an event and present A final determination was not made. Sue Canterbury: If we have well vetted selections any choice should be best for the Town. Amanda DeGan: The Council will want to know how the public will be involved. WPACAC Minutes 1/8/2018 Page 3 of 5 Katie Blair: We formally discussed having an event at an art museum for the public to be invited. Russell Tether: There may be some money in the landscaping budget for the Fire Station that can be used for the art project. Katie Blair: We need a list of things that we are looking for in the RFQ submittal. All members of the Committee present: It was generally agreed that the following were necessary inclusions to the RFQ submittal: 1. Qualifications of the applicant in similar environmental solutions 2. Experience in working with teams of artists, landscape architects, architects, contractors 3. Portfolio of work examples 4. CV, resume...including examples of past work 5. Describe your approach to your art in general and to this project specifically 6. What is your vision for this project 7. How will you engage the public in your project 8. The preliminary budget, maintenance costs, long term costs, and construction costs 9. What is your experience with fabricating 10. What do you anticipate as the construction schedule 11. Define collaborators — artists, architect, and landscape architect 12. What is the work strategy for your team 13. Describe insurance and bonding Rebecca Lawton: Do we need all these pages of the RFQ can the applicants get the history of Westlake, etc. from the Westlake Web Site? Amanda DeGan: Tom has highlighted the honorarium part of the RFQ, how should we contain costs? All members of the Committee present: This initiated a general discussion of the honorarium which included the amount of honorarium and what the honorarium funds can cover. It was generally determined that the appropriate honorarium for this project should be in the $15,000 to $20,000 range which can be used to cover any costs of the artist related to the proposed response (including travel, lodging, materials, model, etc.) MOTIONS: MOTION 1: A motion to call this project the Dove/Davis Project was made by Rebecca Lawton and seconded by Katie Blair. Unanimous approval MOTION 2: A motion to approve the minutes from the November, 2017 meeting was made by Katie Blair and seconded by Rebecca Lawton. Unanimous approval. MOTION 3: A motion was made to approve the vision statement on page 1 of the RFQ with replacement of the word "enrich"for the word "expand"and seconded by Rebecca Lawton. Unanimous approval WPACAC Minutes 1/8/2018 Page 4 of 5 MOTION 4: A motion was made to approve the RFQ with the changes agreed to by the Committee was made by Barry Whistler and seconded by Katie Blair. Unanimous approval MOTION 5: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Barry Whistler and seconded by Sue Canterbury. Unanimous approval. APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON FEBRUARY 12, 2018. IX ATTEST: Chairman, Russell Tether t* Janet McCaffrey, Secretary WPACAC Minutes 1/8/2018 Page 5 of 5