HomeMy WebLinkAboutRay Oujesky Presentation 01-22-18 Z- 12 - 29 - 17 Ray Oujesky Kelly, Hart & Hallman, LLP B. The maximum percent of PDI to be occupied by (l) principal use buildings shall be ten percent ( 10%) of the land area (as defined below) excluding couil yards, atria, etc;. not enclosed within the buildings. Parking garages shall not be included in the calculation of density or site coverage. For these purposes PDI shall be deemed to have 436.077 acres of land area which is its original acreage before donations for roadways except far right of way within PDI donated for SHIl4. Planning Area 1 shall be deemed to be 251 .757 acres. Planning Arca 2 shall be deemed to be 92.08 acres. Planning; area 3 shall be deemed to be 92,24 acres. ! �^r M ' 7 ir i 0. 'c--j ARTICLE EIGHT Unified Development Code 'rill]: 1) Minimum Lot Area - The minimum lot sire shall be twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. 2) Minimum Lot Width-Seventy feet(70'). 3) Minimum Lot Depth-One hundred twenty feet(120')- b. Stte of Yards 1) Minimum Front Yard - Forty feet (40'). All areas ad)acent to a street shall be deemed front yards 2) Minimum Side Yard - Twenty feet (20'); sixty feet (60') when adjacent to a 5ingle-Family Residential toning district. 3) Minimum Rear Yard - Thirty feet (30-); sixty feet (60') when adjacent to a Single-Family ResiderRial toning district. c. Minimum Area Per Dwelling Unit - Seven hundred fifty (750) square feet per unit plus one hundred fifty(150)square feet for each additional bedroom over one. d. Maximum Lot Coverage- Fifty percent 150%,%by main buildings; sixty-five percent (6S%) Including accessory buildings, driveways, parking areas, and impervious surfaces. 5. Parking RegOations a. Automobiles,motorcycles,and tight load vehicles may be parked provided the vehicles are parked on paved surfaces in accordance with the minimum number of parking spaces as Indicated in Article 8.07. b. All open parking areas shall be screened From direct view ad)acent to public streets Screening may be in the form of live plant motenols, borne, or brick rna-'Onry walls. Covered carports shall not be constructed ad)acent to streets and shall not be in the view from the public ngnts-of-ways. c. Attached or delaChed garages shall be provided for twenty-five percent (25%)of the total units. Covered parking shall be provided for fifty percent (50%) of the units. Carports shall be constructed in a manner to be compatible in design and material with the primary buildings. Metal roof poles shall be of architectural metal. d. No heavy load vehicle(see den riltion for Heavy Load Veh,cfe)shalt be parked or stored overnight within the lot of any residential district. e, boats. campers, traders, and other recreatoanal vehicles shall be prohibited unless oversize parking areas are provided. This parking area shall not be used to meet me minimum parking requirements and shall not be m view from a public street. 6. Special(?!strict Requirements a. A site plan submittal shall be in accordance with this Code and shall include falade elevations and landscaping plans at the time of submittal. All toning requests for mUIL-farnily shall include a complete site plan xubmitial including facade elevations and landscaping plans. A Irfe-like computer generated andfor rendering showing the color and material for the buildings is required with all Subrnittais. b. Each multi-family complex shall provide recreational facilities designed for use by the tenants of the complex, e aNlflinne ehA[I ever Pvrawrf ewn hirrviraA fawr I7nn')In Ipnnth SF— ,ARTICLE Unified � Srnf�� �clr+.. 1�1 ► estdei�f+�j Als- �c-� ij�>r Development r i r71i: 4) Detached living quarterslaccessory dwelling uriLs shall only be considered by Specific Use Permit (SUP) and are required to be on a tot ore-and•a•half (1.5) acres or larger, They may be used for doaneslic workers, as a guest house,as an In-law house(even with permanent residence), or as a temporary house while the main structure is built/renovated. 5) Private open Space or other private recreational amenities as part or a residential subdivision and not for commercial purposes. 6) All accessory structures shall be constructed of materials complimentary to the main structure. h, Swimming Pool(prlvate)- i. Such uses as may be permitted under the VfoviSipns of a Specific Use permits(SUP). 3. Height Regulations Maximum Height- Two and one-half(2%)stones,not to exceed thirty-five feet(3S')for the mam building. For height requirements for accessory ouildingS, See Section 8 10 - Accessary Buildings and U�-e Regutat�ons. Modified building heights may be imposed for properties of exceptional topograghy or necessary finished floor elevations to aid in screening when standard heights Create a looming erfect over a neighboring property.This determination will be made by the DRC- Decisions of the DRC may be appealed to the City COunCit for a final detision. 4. Arra Regulations(see also Section 0-IS-Supplemental Aegulatipn-�) a. Size of Lots 1) Minimum Lot Area-Thirty-six thousand (36,000)square feet. 2) Minimum Lot Width-One hundred forty feet(140'). 3) Minimum Lot Depth-Two hundred feet(2110'). b. 5,,,e of Yards 1) Minimum Front yard Thirty-five feet (35'), one hundred fret (100') for agncuotural structures without a main budding, sixty feet (60') for residential buildings with access on a thoroughfare. 2) Minimum Side Yard - Ten percent (10%) of the lot width but not more than fifteen feet(15'); fifteen feet(15') from street right-of-way; twenty-five feet(25') from d;holo ighrare nght-or-way. 3) Minimum Roar Yard -Twcnty reel (70')adjacent to an alley; riheen feet(15') If no alley. Special exceptions for building setbacks may be made for properties of exceptional topograghy or necessary finished floor elevations to aid in screening when standard setbacks create a looming effect over a neighboring property. This determination will be made by the ORC. Decisions of the DRC may be appealed to the City Council for a final decision- c. Maximum Lot Coverage - Thirty percent (30%) by main buildings; fifty percent (50%)including accessary buildings, driveways, and parking areas. (Amended by Ord No. 1850 on July la 2017) SU .J74r� 1 VFX PIaRr�Ol Unr f Macros A non resKfental PUD dtsirrel may W dosignod to acCOrnmodafo Iho loltowrng development a CommercialormduslrPat uses groupedrntocluslers all anappreciableamounl of the land for open space or joint use such as parking and storage b Singte purpose commercial or induslnal uses protoctod to invotvv innovative tand ulAratron 30 X-VIELOPMLNT REGULATION$ - The height setback, area, floor space. and other dtnv©lopment regulations for permissible uses in a PUO district shalt conform to the development regulations which woulo be app4cable to such uses it the sa"were situated in the most resluctive disinct in which such uses are permitted Zero lot line development maybe permitted for non-rosrdential uses on a common intenOr tot line where Coftstruc nan of a party wall is used. Where zero lot development is utilized.the oqurvalent open space and plantings(nommalty ptov-ded in edjnining bulferyards along the common ICt line)Shall be provided elsewhere wdhin the two developing lots In addiliori.the City CauncA may approve more flexible development slandards it other design features provide adequate prolection to surrounding and adjacent properties Fox any ros4ontral PUCE. the maximum densrry permitted"not exceed 100 diveGuifl units per gross acre (As amended by Ordinance No 430 LI )(As furitier arner-ded by Ordinance No 480•X and Ordinance No 4130 VVV) Wtien developing a rosidenbal PUD in phases the City Council shall establish in the individual PUD ordinance the maximum densly permitted in each phase to assuie Ehat u=e maximum density of the entite residential PUE)is not exceeded once complete buiklout is achieved (As amended by Ordinance No 480 C) The Board of Adluslmons may granl variances of up to.but not exceeding.ten percent(10%) of any required setback or lot coverage rettuxement eStatJ shed by the City C(ntncAin the specific P U D iegulabons at tfle time of zoning of said Planned Unit Development This approval shall be per the requirements set forth in Secbon 44 3(b)of the Zoning Ordinance JAS amended by Ordinance No 480-L) 346 WID1110NAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BUILDINGS OR USES LYING WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED FEET(4D0'}OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY In addition to the development regutabons applcable to this zoning district.the development regulations in Section 43-Part fll,ResrdenhalAdjacency Standards, shall also apply When any rewremenls in this section are in ConW witn any other requirements for this zoning dtstrrct the more stringent requirements shall apply (As amended by Ordinance No 480 CC) 347 PARKINGREGULATIQNS 0 Alt parking and vehicle use aroas shall be paved with an all wealhei surface D 011•540et parking fac ilrhes shall be provided at locations designated on the approved development plan 30-2 Sr,, ,-PI- r,-k-e- C-1- c+- 18.5 nF]'F.I.L]PLf f: T�CL1�.AIIQNS•In this district.the fallowing development mitulations shall be applicahlc: a. Height: No building or structure shall exceed n o and one-half(2-1 2)stories.not shall it cxeccd thirty-five(35)feet. b. Front Yard: ''Brie shall be a front yard of not less than thirty(30)fed. C. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard of not Iess than fifteen(15)feet except%%-h on the lot abuts property toned as single-family residential there&hall be a side yard of not less than twenty-five(25)feet. Zew Iot lute development may be permitted on a common interior lot line where construction of a party wall is used mid n-hen approved by the City Council after a reconunendution by the Planting and Zoning Commission. Where zero lot dct clopment is utilized.the egw%alent open space and plantings(normally provided in adjoining buffervards along the Gammon lot line) shall be provided elsescherc Within the two developing Iots. A concept plan.meeting the requirements of Section 41 of tho.ordinance is required to be %ubmittod %kith a request for zero lot line developrnent. Approval shall tc based upon an analysis of the location. the configuration.and the impact and compatibility of the construction with:Ajaernt land uses.(As amended by Oniinamc No.480-1:.) d. Rev Yard Thcrc%hall be arm,yard of not less than tern(10)feet except%here the lot abuts property zoned as single-family residential there shall be a rear yard of not Ito,than tks•cnty-fi%-c(.5)fret. e- Maximum Lot Coverage: All buildings or structures shall hm c a maximum kat wt-cragc not exceeding fifty(50)percent of the lot arca. (As amended by Ordinance No.4W-C.) f. Floor Arca: The minimum size for a separate building or structure misting t+sthin this district shall be three thousand(3.OW)square kct There shall bene maxinturn limitation except as may be required by other provisions of chis ordinance or based upon a specific ire restriction. g. Outdoor storage of trash receptacles spall be at the side ar rear ofthe site.tad sh LI l he totally encircled or vreened by fence_planting or other suitable visual barrier. It_ off-succi veltick patl<iag space.:nay be located"Ithir,the"Uzcd front yard of any retail.office orinduxtrisl district:howcvrr.such off-street park-Ing spaces shall bcon a}Lard surfaced dri%re or parking arca. 184 L Print Fort worth,-rx Cody of Ordinances 4.900 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL RESTRICTED("ER-)DISTRICT. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose of the neighborhood commercial restricted("ER")district is to provide areas for neighborhood serving limited commercial,institutional and office uses.Alcoholic beverage sales are prohibited. (b) Uses. (1) Generally. In the neighborhood commercial restricted("ER')district,no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected,reconstructed,altered or enlarged,nor shall acertificate ofaxcupancy be issued,except in accordance with the use tables in Chapter 4,Articles 6 and 8 and the supplemental use standards of Chapter 5. (2) l.imltalions on commercial development in "ER"district. a. 11c sale of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted in the"ER"district. b. All business shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building. C. No drive-in or curb services shall be permitted unless approved through special exception. (c) Property development standards. The minimum dimension of lots and yards and the height of buildings in the neighborhood commercial restricted("ER")district,shall be as shown in the accompanying table. Neighborhood Commercial Restricted("ER")District 5,000 square feet maximum gross floor area per tenant;exterior Busines.Ocnant size entrances arc required for each tenant:special exception required for each business in excess of 5,000 square feet. Building size 10,000 square feet maximum gross floor area;special exception required for building in excess of 10,000 square feet. Building lot coverage 30%maximum Front yard• 20 feet minimum Rear yard Adjacent to A or B residential 5 feet minimum,however where a residential supplemental setback district applies and the building exceeds 20 feet in height,the building setback must equal the height of the building Adjacent to all other districts 5 feet minimum Side yard' Interior lot 5 feet minimum adjacent to residentially zoned lot.none Adjacent to A or B residential other%isc;if provided,side yard must be 3 feet minimum;however district where the building exceeds 20 feet in height and a residential supplemental setback applies,the building setback must equal to the height of the building