HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeil McNabnay presentation 10-16-17 f w Y win, MUNCT, Legend 1809 Broken Bend Dr Feature 1 Alsu 1 iLIL !- k ~• Brokec>kle �C• , 1 �, i I s1.8'9 Broken Bend,Dr a `� FIs •.y '� ` Vol �� ! � 1 �►r- ti `� ' -a' j � !'-A Goo le E PIT-I 14 @SPOT IMAGE 02017 Europa Techn ogies 62017 Google - ' r - 400 ft Oppositica CJSt I.Neil and Janelle MCNalmey 1615 Broken Fiend Drive 2.Colin and Melanie Stevenson 1823 Broken Bend Drive 3. Yair And Sandra 1,Yan 1809 Broken Bend Drive 4.Jay and Jana Sul] 1813 Broken Bcnd Drive 5_ftiswujit and Chendrika Dasgupta 1811 Broken fiend Drive 6.Michael and Michelle Granficld 1827 Broken Hund Drive 7,MiOwl&Stpfanir Mauler 1855 Broken Bend Drive S_Rodolph and Christy Rends 1804 Capperficld Court 9.David and Jcrm Rilcy I r I BrArn fk-nd Drive 10,Juwph Mohan and Maria Ile Lean 1906 CDpperfield Court 11_Roberto Arandia Gutierrca 1819 Broken Fiend Drive 12,Patrick and T rin Cocknum 1925 Broken Bend Drivc 13_Walter Havenstcin,Jr. and Judy Havenswin 1817 Bmkvn Bend Dries 14_Baiju and Shushan Jacobs 1801 Copperficld Court 15,Denny and Linda 1kcr 1814 Broken fiend Drive 16,Nolan Russel l Ogden and Erin Diane Jcwcl 1829 Brokers Dead Drive 17.Rab and June Andcrsott 1802opperf eId 18,Charles and Beth Hanby 1839 Bralacn Bend Drivr 19.1► ichcllc and Paul Phillips 1604 Fair Oaks Drive 20.Tom Shiner 1606 Fair Oaks Drive 21. Brad and Debbie Samargya 2021 Valencia Court 22.Tam and KriAcn Ducate]G 1601 Sleepy Hollow Court 23."Dodd Gautier and Brigitte Dcslongchamps 2002 Cordoba Cove 24.flail and Paige 14n[has 2006 Cordoba Cave 25_Melvyn Foster 2014 Valencia Coun 2.6, David Ramey 2006 Valencia Court 27_Tire Dao 1824 lar-oken Trend Drive 25.Bud Hulmcs 1818 Brokcn Bcnd Drivr 29.James Stevens 1816 Broken Send Drive 30.Scung and Lucy Kim 1805 Copperficld Court 31_ hvk Koludy 1602 Fair Oaks Drivr 32_Bruce Jacquernand 182&Broken Bend Drive 33.Anders Svcns5;on and Maria Caroll 1853 Rrokcn Rcnd Drive 34_Dr, tihatia and Pavinder Shatia 1617 Fair Oaks Drive 35. Ryan and Tammy RGcvcs 2007 Whitt-Wing Way 36_Rendall and Jackie Scruggins 1810 Broken Send Drive 37. Harry and Jan lmbroski 1805 Brokrn Bend Drive 38_Mark and Krvdi Morris 1612 Fair Oaks Drive 39.Nizar and Mumxra Didarali 1837 Broken Bend PTive 40.5anjay Cheutdra 1841 Broken Bend Drive 41.Elizabeth and Mark Litwin 2002 Valcruia Cone 42_Clay I lunt 2103 Cedar Elm Terrace 43.Lce acidT=Th pson 231()C;edar Elm Terrace 44_Ron and Cecilia Rinard 2312 Cedar Elm Terrace 45,Glertwyck Farms Homeowners Association .Juan and Susan Fontanel 1845 Broken 3cnd Drivc Westlake Web Map 93 FL 4 u �sll.HER F.D+eLonne,Iniermap.In f2Ma1A R f -CO.VSGS, FAO,HIPS,N AN, M o� N- Sdasier NL,Gcdnange 5 Li h a"an,ME 11 Es*I China{Hong Konp}-is,IAep dls, C er1-51rc0tFAApccntnbutW 1511 qr C mmunity Legend Town Boundary LF J BuildmgFoatprirrts F"arcals Date:arar01 z THE LAND USE PLAN J ■F'G@ A�mril� FrY C�riz�r CC I.4 Canur.�drkComnad�l7rNw�3Frtltrr 5 LLJ�' ocl-B!cuRwluntrwWWjd %1.[affId z3W .. — - � ■9Ca�:Co�nunUCe�rwxlY7s^Ar.[ro-imraenr GCJ2�Cam.u.trfCarrneradal4kwha.Irs�Lsnr {Ga${wrr.wdlx{QrrlmardA 7+14nShade&ane 714L Tr C&W WI "rkisr,M.y I Ie ■iC.O:Taus CWHMOW 5halel3na 7t.k Tu.nC—?Wk—Sh-I Z— K o WOi*for � 3naata�,� ' - KR ka71wa1 Cal„rreltlY,riwCandar2an. TCO Town( nnrp MOP 7a.� ' Il - o1KIMPAER TI-*W4use dYlrimshoromonlhe.mop mrraway rnodfythe permAte]uses angrar dltansD1xmIFAR,buJdmEt*0�7.er{.�SpKineoIngngZDnIngorflamelCievek r epiOfcfVwgceavp-omdLpy ihe Town or West IJY1e. These lard use ibtlrScts arclnlinilae 1`9 jpa,Ii V*Co til in their d"luatkm A Me prams suhrrimcd for thtir appfaral aadf a proiperty owner rcquats e a trs-afaf exnnu�rGpl'Wuaro I&M; g ffnm qnq land u"Q6L6(I to another when the legal muchrakm kw quM tran5W 1,�6 peen fidWed by the Trn aF Westle+x. See klrry Sertron A in 1he ImplemenWan Ekcu ent for otrs cd bramfar.triWr peimi.a.ay 011wf 6nple.n"1*0r lanj ayop. seek adjustment of that earlier zoning. appliaQble 5ufb types (resulting in the 16 In addition, this Comprehensive flan Land Use DisMetsl are: Update asserts that Westlake's favorable Ad Valorem compfxison (❑t build out) 1. Open Space Dom Incint wish other financially stable cities (such as a. District Type: Open Space(OP).The Highland Park,Texan tends to make it less area encompassing the major Vista Important for Westlake to seek addrional Terminois and other rpolurol ossets commercial square footage for financial and provides the general transition sustainability reasons.Therefore,it can space between what is residential be viewed that the use of a reasonable and what is commercial within the portion of the present level of c6mmerclol Town, It i$desirable that th a Open entitfement should be sufficient and Space area be uruJevel❑ped. that the addillonal Ad Valorem revenue although a certain level of attained from commercial square footage educational development may be expansion (through entitlement increase) compatible. may not be sufficient to resolve the b. Suffix Variation&There cre no suffix traffic problems that itvdI1 impose on the variations for Open Space. Town. Although additional entftlernent sgvare footcge may not be necessary 4. ltesideriticl Dominant: for Westlake (unless ❑ significant public a_ District Type: Pastoral Community purpose is served),it may be desirable (PC),This area that wig experience for the existing dsMbutlon of entitlement most of the Town's future density [building height and ccverQge) to single-family residential growth. be relocated within the tapestry of zoning Compatibility with eAsfing hig"nd designations (Planned Development residential development fs important- planning Qrea5),thereby allowing certain b. Suffix varlatlons, prgnnirig areas to increase in fesponse to I. PO-A: Indicates location within market condffians and others decrease In the Viuw shed inane response to adjacency issues and other ii. PC-B; Indicates location within market considerations without financial loss the View Corridor Zone of the entitlement odginolly granted. 3. Low to Mid-Density Office Dominant The Lond Use Pion (Figure 11 1) shows a, District Type: Commercial 16 Land Use DistriCts derived from eight Community 1 (CC1). The areas lying basic character districts (tying back to close to SH 114 yet stlll earl of the the Community Types presented above visual fabric as seen from hfghQr and derived from the Framework Plan and elevations of the Town_in the future, community input from Pubic Workshop this area will host larger campus #2]. Each of the basic eight-districts are officefmixed use projects frnuch like divided by one of four Land Use suffixes fQday's Solana), depicting the impcwtlexport setting In b, SufU variations: which firesides, resulting in 16 Land Use I. CC1-A: Indicates location Districts. The four suffix types reflect the within the View Shed Zone and, view setting in which the district resides therefore, visually present in the and,thereby,ids suitability for import or views and vistas of Wastloke_ export of commercial square footage and li. CC1-B: lndlentes location within general sensitivity to development,The the View Corridor Zane Qnd, eight basic Land Use Districts and the four therefore, visually present in 154 VVESTLA¢E COMPRE14EWIVE FLAN UPDATE ryhi Ilk DUMet Type: Open Space (OS) as ii experlenceS inrre asing arnovInts of commercial and residential deveiapment, Character Statemanh W estlake resides at The Open Space Land Use District is the geologic break between the uplcnds meant to be primarily undeveiaped with �extending south into Keller) and the th-a landmark landfarms of the Town Ivw ancls {sweeping r-kcTth toward Lake remu-Nn in their natural condition, Grapevine).Emded landforms perched thereby preservfr�g rmporiorri views as at tho tffminus of a rolling topography weJl as natural and rural settings. Where that divas way to flatter pastures is it is not feasible to have an undeveloped the iJan ifying noturdl character of condition, rAR's in this are❑should be Westlake. which is also the composition of slmgar to those already dffained at charocteristic views and vistas cherished the Deloitte University site so that large by Town residenis,The Open Spoee porflQns of any development tract are Land Ilse District cool-dris much of this open,undeveloped, and used for the identifying londscape and the water ays creation of retention ponds a-nd other associated with it_The intent of the open natural features that enrich Westloke, Space DWrici is to preserve v15fas and Flood plains and waterways should be viewcorridars-o Ind,thereby, preserve the aggressively preserved and rernalning h-ee esserpr-e of Westlake's posloral selling corn rnunitieslwcoded orens protected_ )58 W5TLAK COMPKIFICINSIVE PIAN UPDATE TWE PARKS OPEN SPACE PLAN � ���� ,�� ,�44 RKrrttlonelOpehSpxa IJP iAinVUrr.onPark I C&Wr tbn Open Spare � 5 � ��� CamnulNly ilk %I4raIvte!i [[rlwe SII Fhuml Nom(h Larldxepe NP Ne-O MNl)osl Palk Area of Sclrsihvity LandmarkLandrorm 'LTCJ lawn Caonnnm �l[Illill5 ,� ,{ y4 q5 . LN. ca rte % � � if ff LIF ra>' 7- °�d FTI 3a_1 M — I � e C+a �o a s P OISCLArMEB;The open space cs+fIgrretran and ler'd erect lh&fto th"r%ary the hrke Fed Opea Spice Film 6t mw"en"I'les Crre 41 'VIleiHummed br any apprMved PD Plan m reprsenled by The landoalp4marrdards aF any Z PPQrplryanpe.Ina4¢514 IN?QF�#Pi04fhC male9HlrtrPl4lkPPn Pir47�91 ^FPat9mil^41�diWlliWe44PC� usrtrtau�F� Twi4P9n5aiS490n xa�anandlxd�eal€mexC74Ceb9�i41emCheCaurxll In thNr review of de`rlapment sl6r piens suhmtttrd for the u approul,requests kry anq properLY owner to ameldf revise ane/PC plan or P015roiranrr lanpuge,request a change of mning,andIce regmestr lo transfer commirclal scluart fmaluse From one lead 4oe dillri.-C to"ther be Subn-;7ted ror CGpnb7 9ppfCa91[when ki-e lege rxp(himism rdf sdCh lrMOK Fps Wkerl adWed bF the Torn of 44rs416da-).See Serum•C of the hmplernentotian Plan Far M& der oolnli gewl Maf POW WOW I*rRi1^ The recreadlon and park fadllles shown on the Paris and Dp+ -% r Man In rw wry mortes the largNhZe or my approved PC Nan w Ord'nonm The loodon of s prblw revntlon ar prk Fadlty is io be debe lned 6fouSha -0 000peatheTo n/propeltyr wrlierlumfe"wPklltakesovedStheplim,reWemFoftivitrAmer1L01errydsriltlrraPlarriedpevebpmmOr9loeltap,aaxilutmfor MiM*%LwW,arreluedslotransfercommercWmmarefoo-tale From an u land Limp Glit rrcl to amelh#r dre suhrrtiMad fof Caur ell ap pro4al jwhen IM IIW I rnetlta Ism for such transfer has been a ticpted by the Town op of 1AAML .$"54Mn r pt lhd lm plpmersla l5gn plan Apr lr iggdr polrrtt4Mi alha policy aeW ed lnfixmatkm. Currant Comprehensive Plan Lard Use leap Subject Property Open Space 2A— Community C mmercial � I 1lPi�Ll11!!11'16111[i!1 +} _ A- 1 71i.l�rcalzs k' kl � ■lfYOfILLJRfiltlYi tn3 Nfi�1 y{ - � _ -1ruaYlwlsaLan>tlxur 1 WIR ,WOW N61 lizriFr gal 7yy Y•' F 4 r ldYw., ILS wIWMINLYII Uhl. s q} YNAIYY mm"Y i11W pryji � t i5yH][ 4TAl1Yi01�W ILII if +1!- � a °d m e,,, � i '•� .,ilk '�. - a 61 T 71 0 4 m 04 PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN - E HIBiT Ana".OEM I t A Kirn o Horn Irr I4.NIAI - � P . a , - �- - . ■ . � . . » � \ � \ �� " 2- � � / � ( � # ".y . ' & o-]• Begkp y _ . n 2 r ` i . - , � � ,. # �4Jr . T2 \ r ' / Ik / . ` A- ■' ' / , q� © Ji , AV . \ , r . Mk) . a .1 ` � . ■ • ,� | . ?: c� ra.ej A J ti� •ai� 'Y L - ir . ay t•L +� a Y- •t ij.A. S 1� - - a IM1y- — V' v r 4 F• �� Solara 6\��' �, ■ RECLIVINC DISTRIC f ■ DUAL ELIGIBILITY DI SENDING DISTRI'M OS FSC 7CO CC1-B _ } 4 OS TC-B� "�" DS 05 TC-B I 3]F P(C-A C3 A O PC-A PC- FW- 1 4Wpf,a 5 ti PC-8 PC-A os II Town of Westlake February 29,2016 Dear C,Ienvgck Farms residents, At the dirE cdiem of WAttlAe Town Council,y am writing in response to a latter,dated February 15, 2016,sent via certified mall to Town Councl4 Town staff and me, a copy of which is enclosed as Attachment A(the,"Glenwyck Latton")-Tha Glenwyrck Letter appears to have a number of signatories and referenres from both the Glenwyck Farms Homeowners Associat[Dn Board of Directors and-alenwyck Farms Homeowners. Howmver,It Is unclear If the author is speaking on behalf of ail GPLnvayck Farms homeowners,the GrLmwyd M me!bwrl@�rs ASSotiatiorl,the l-,Ienwyck Homeowners Association Board of Di red r5,or some subset of those groups. Thus,it is unclear exactly who should be receiving#his response. Please forgive me If we have erred on the side of Gelation,and you are receiving so meth ling that you believe has no rele,rance to you. The Glenwyck tetter concerns property owned by Equltylnvestmentsthat adJoinsfilenwyck Farms- AttachmEnt B i5 an a-erial vlew of the propertyr with tfre land in questlon highlighted-This property (hereinafter,the"Glenwytk Setback")has been the subject of much discussion over the past several months.Sadlyr a tremendous ampvnt Qf mi5Fnforrnativn has been promulgated concerning the 6lenwyrk Setback. Mufti of this misinformation was presented to Town Coun-ell In a January ?5 public hearing and is again repeated in the Glenwyck Letter. The G.lenwyck Latter threatens legal action by"Glenwyck Farms residents"against the Town if the Town fails to meet certain stated demands. Mr-Nell MCNabnay relterated this threat of litigation I-t an emallr dated February 25,2016,tip COUnCOr Town staff and me. See Attachment C. It is my hope that this response will help dear up the existing confusion that continues to circulate. Before wA can embark on that journ-ey, however,it Is necessary to naulew the facts and clrcumstance5 chat have cmated th is c¢ntnoversy, fl9EA3rcmuj1d,In November 1992,the Town adopted Ordinance 202. See Attachment D.Ordinance 202 establi shed a 500 foot bu ikding setback from resddt ntlal use p ropertyr,which residential use property preludes the GlenwVck Fdm s of today. Th IS 500 foot Setback corresponds to ttie"bul Iding line"that appears on the original plat of the property flied in 1988 In con nectlon wltli the constructlon of the regjon all IBM headquarters In Solana- $ee AttachmerFt E- The effect of the 504 foot"bullding line"orr the plat and the 5Oq fQQt 5etbark in Ordinance 202 is one and the same;It 2stabl ishr s the l in-2 heyond wh ich no primary o r accessory building may be con stfortad. 13Ur Uk,4m Blvd.,Building 4-Suitt 4202 r Wesilake,Tex&s 76262 Phonc; �17-4;0-0941 •Fax: 617-430-1 912+www.Wesilako-TX.org Ortho It appears that the GWTlwyck Letter is trying to state a claim that Ord inarice 757 does not reftectCnunell'srntent asexpressed mthe January 25 meeting,Having presided over all facets of the meeting, I disagree with this assi?rt7on. Tha 1989 plat and Ordinance 202 established a setbackwhieh was inadvertentry reduced because of a mistake. Ordi-lance 767 corrected the mistake and nstorad the setback to its orlenal distance,thus restoring to GIenwyck Farms residents the proteetlon the Gienwyrc k Setback was meant to provide. In my opinion,this is preclseIV what Council intended to do, Penally,the GIenwyck Letter purports that a portlon of the preamble of Ordinance 767(i.e.,a "whereas"clause)makes a change in the Town's lord inarices as they relate to a lot coverage rule_ This Halm Is apparently based on a misinterpretation of municipal law_ The preamble of an ordinance cannot change emisti r i M I G` m u '# t _ AN tip. TERRA BELEA ;`