HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-17 WHPS Min d- Z�p -1) MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY June 6, 2017 At the home of Paula and Stephen Thornton 13109 Roanoke Road Westlake,Texas 76262 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton, Becky Fisher,Tom Miller,Trish Rapp, Paula Thornton,Jon White and Daniel Zipperlen ABSENT: Wanda Brewster 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON MAY 2,2017. Member Zipperlen read the minutes. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member White made a motion to approve the minutes. Member Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. No report as Member Brewster was absent. 4. OLD BUSINESS. Decoration Day: The board agreed Decoration Day was a success and was well attended. The discussion focused on improvements as well as acknowledgments.Zip's Landscaping donated the bottled water. Ice chests full of bottled water will be placed on the tables for easy access rather than set on the ground as guests sat on top of the chest making it awkward to access the water. Five trash cans were sufficient as were eight tables. _ Chairs were supplied by Member Thornton and President Thornton. For 2018, event information should highlight the request for people to bring their own chairs. Interestingly guests immediately sat and waited for the program rather than mingling. Parking across the street on the Lee property worked out well. The Keller Police blocked traffic from 1-70 on to Ottinger Road. Boy Scout Troop 170 provided six different cobblers cooked onsite for the guests. Member Fisher suggested that for judging purposes the cobblers be ready closer to the same time. Judges need to be selected early and provided with pen and paper ballot.The stage and the flags on poles should be installed the day before the event. President Thornton would like to look into purchasing Texas and American flags for use by WHPS. The new banners announcing Decoration Day were made by Jon Paul's Sign Shop. Signs need to be made for restrooms as the port-a-potties were not easy to find. Since only Member Fisher participated in the ice cream contest,we may cancel the ice cream contest going forward. Member Zipperlen suggested we could ask local ice cream stores to donate ice cream for the event. MOTION: Member Rapp made a motion to allocated$50 each for two Facebook Boost for Decoration Day. Member Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried. Decoration Day was promoted in The Westlake Wire, Simply Westlake, on Facebook and on two separate flyers mailed out by the Town of Westlake. These flyers announced the New Fire Station,the Construction on Dove Road and promoted Upcoming Events which included Decoration Day. Money collected for Veterans from the sell of poppies was given by check to the VFW. We need to assess the receipts from the various locations to determine placement of donation jars in the future. Preparation for the tree planting needs to be done in advance of Decoration Day and a larger size tree was suggested. Various native trees should be selected for future plantings with plaques identifying the species and when they were planted. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Membership Report: No report as Member Brewster was absent. WHPS Website and Social Media: Member Zipperlen will continue to promote WHPS on social media. Simply Westlake: Member Rapp suggested providing articles to Simply Westlake 3 months ahead of time for publication. She will continue submitting the "Did you know...?"articles which Diana Raney said would begin to appear in the July issue. Westlake Directory: President Thornton talked about the possibility of WHPS preparing a directory of Westlake residents. Other Members suggested this would be something better handled by the Town of Westlake. Constitution Day: There was discussion about hosting Constitution Day in the courtyard of Solana for a few hours in the evening to allow for public participation. Passersby would be invited to read from the Constitution.Suggested visual aids included artwork and people dressed in period costume for photo ops. We could participate in Constitution Day at Westlake Academy if invited. Future Ideas and Purchases: None 6. ADJOURNMENT: President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member White made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:32 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tuesday,August 8, 2017,at 6:30 PM at Paula and Stephen Thornton's farmhouse. APPROVED BAY THE WESTLAKEE(HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF 2017. STEPHEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT n / -"\ BECKY R.FISHER,S RETARY