HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-17 WHPS Min i MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY August 8,2017 At the Historical Farmhouse of Paula and Stephen Thornton 13103 Roanoke Road Westlake,Texas 76262 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton,Wanda Brewster, Becky Fisher,Tom Miller,Trish Rapp, Paula Thornton, and Daniel Zipperlen ABSENT: Jon White _ 1. CALLTOORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 6:36 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON JUNE 6,2017. Member Thornton read the minutes. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Member Brewster seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. No Treasurer's Report. 4. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Membership Report: Member Brewster distributed a summary report. No new members this period. WHPS Website&Social Media: Member Zipperlen gave a report of over 600 likes on Facebook and over 400 views about Deco- ration Day. Jon Sasser streamed the whole event live on Facebook. Members agreed it would be beneficial to have other events recorded and/or streamed live on Facebook. The Decoration Day video received over 300 views. President Thornton asked Member Zipperlen to edit the video down to a 5 minute highlight segment that we could post on Facebook before next year's Deco- ration Day. Simply Westlake: Simply Westlake has moved up the date for submissions to the magazine from the 10th of the month to the 7th of the month for publication two months later. Member Rapp feels we need to have a submission by the 10th of this month to mention the Classic Car Show in the November issue. Member Fisher suggested we write the articles for the following year's events right after each current year's event.This would ensure the board would have articles ready to submit by the seventh of the month to be included in Simply Westlake and for promotion in various publica- tions as well as online. Member Brewster suggested an advertisement for various events be prepared in addition to the article. Member Thornton mentioned that Debra Heath wrote an article highlighting the Christmas Tree Lighting the Thornton's held on their property. President Thornton contributed pictures to Ms. Heath's article. Constitution Day: Bill Covington is available to appear in period dress and present a program on the Constitution on Saturday,September 16,2017. Discussion was held on where and when to hold Constitution Day. President Thornton thought the event at Westlake Academy was successful and feels Member White would also like to repeat the event. Member Thornton felt that Westlake Acad- emy was already teaching the Constitution in the 5th,8th and 11th grades. We will wait to see if Westlake Academy would like for us to repeat the event. Member Rapp suggested the event for Constitution Day be held in the courtyard of Solana dur- ing the dinner hour from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. To make it more interactive, Member Rapp sug- gested a photo op using cardboard cutouts of historical figures. President Thornton will secure permission for using the courtyard area. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to purchase cutouts for the approximate amount of$250. Member Zipperlen seconded it.The motion carried. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to purchase banners for Constitution Day up to the amount of$200. Member Thornton seconded it.The motion carried. Member Brewster found cardboard cutouts online at historicalcutouts.com. Member Thornton agreed to research and order the cutouts. Members Thornton and Fisher will provide punch and snacks for Constitution Day. Members Thornton and Rapp will be co-chairs for Constitution Day. Members Fisher and Rapp will work on preparing a manual of WHPS events with checklists to aid in future events. Member Zipperlen will talk with Jon Sasser about promoting Constitution Day on social media. Museum/Office Consideration: President Thornton proposed the Historical Farmhouse be used as the WHPS Museum while also being rented to a tenant. Members mentioned many requirements for public access like ramps, parking, public restroom and many other considerations that made this impractical. Future Ideas and Purchases: The purchase of cardboard cutouts of historical figures and banners for Constitution Day previ- ously mentioned. Announcements prior to adjournment: Member Brewster is resigning from the WHPS Board, but will continue to be a member of W H PS. 5. ADJOURNMENT: President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Rapp seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:11 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tues- day,September 12, 2017, at 6:30 PM at Westlake Town Hall. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OFiAjM�n L 2017. -- STEPHEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT BECKY R. FISHER,S EiARY