HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-17 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 7 , 2017 Board Members in Attendance: Leah Rennhack, Kevin Hansen, Andy Sedino, Jeff Watson, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Karen Stoltenberg and Zan Jones Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:38AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 17, 2017 meeting by A. Sedino, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Myers presented Financial Report for period ending May 31, 2017. Financial Activity includes donor software annual renewal expense of $3,017.99.  To date, the Foundation has transferred $1,012,146 for operations via the BAF campaign.  The WAF’s most recent Form990 was sent to Board as a “best practices” procedure .  VIP party expenses went over budget by approximately $1,000.  Motion to approve financial report by A. Sedino, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. IV. Investment Committee  K. Hansen reported that cash amount in Savings should now be transferred to Endowment Investment account to be compliant with new Investment Policy.  Motion to approve transfer of cash by K. Hansen, second by K. Stoltenberg. Transfer approved and will be communicated to Kyle Clift with Morgan Stanley. V. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that Committee will meet next week to work on Year in Review and marketing and promotion ideas for Giving Day and Back to School.  Discussed Thundercloud promotion.  S. Myers reported consideration of purchasing sky dancers to be used for school events and promotions and to potentially be a shared expense with the other Academy affiliates.  S. Myers also presented idea of using plastic “chrome”-looking WA auto decals as BAF donor appreciation gift for 2017-18 school year. VI. Governance Committee  J. Watson and S. Myers reported that BAF Board membership currently includes 13 directors, but may have up to 15 directors. Discussed potential Board members and prospective Committee members.  Committee memberships will now include: o Governance & Nominations: J. Watson & K. Stoltenberg o Grants: L. Rennhack o Development: K. Stoltenberg, D. Kraska and C. Ross o Marketing (previously Communication): W. Greenwood, D. Titzler and Z. Jones o Investment & Finance: K. Hansen & C. Jeppesen o Alumni Relations: L. Luckett VII. Development Committee  VIP party on May 19, 2017 was successful. K. Stoltenberg and L. Luckett agree d to chair the event next year.  As the project for the 2017 Giving Day bonus funds, the school requested that funds go toward Phase 2 of the Math/Science Pavilion. The Board would prefer that bonus funds go toward an immediately tangible project; S. Myers will advise school leadership and report back re. new project.  Baja event is still in discussion regarding Vaquero hosting a full golf tournament this fall.  Blacksmith Annual Fund gifts and pledges are currently $1.079 million. S. Myers distributed list and Board members volunteered to call last year’s donors who have yet to donate this school year. VIII. President’s Report  D. Kraska reported that the Murder Mystery Dinner auctioned as 2017 Gallery Night live auction item was a great success.  Discussed the need to recruit volunteers and committee members with potentia l of joining WAF Board. IX. Executive Director’s Report  none Other Business  none J. Watson moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM. Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 23 , 2017 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA