HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-17 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 15 , 2017 Board Members in Attendance: Adam Smith, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Wendy Greenwood, Deanna Titzler, Laura Luckett, Zan Jones, Kevin Hansen, Karen Stoltenberg Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly, Mechelle Bryson, Alan Burt I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:37AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of January 18, 2017 meeting by Z. Jones, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Myers presented Financial Report for January 2017; normal expenditures for time of year .  Endowment Fund revenue increased significantly due to Quinn gift establishing a new teacher endowment.  TSH is no longer a separate account. Assets were moved into General E ndowment with opening of Morgan Stanley accounts.  Motion to approve financials by A. Smith, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried.  Audit Comp FY13-FY16 tabled to next month’s meeting. IV. Investment Committee  K. Hansen provided update. Reported that per Kyle Clift with Morgan Stanley, all funds are depositing correctly and according to plan and Board policy.  K. Hansen distributed asset allocation documentation. V. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that college information and pictures of recent alumni from IB diploma program and Luncheon were featured in this month’s postcard.  D. Titzler currently working on Gallery Night 2017 videos, including Gifts in Action, What (Not) To Wear and classroom/AIR artist artwork. Will invite artists to Gallery Walk on 2/23/17 at PYP Math Night.  Z. Jones and W. Greenwood captured action pictures of students “breaking ground” at Outdoor Science Learning Center that will be used in future marketing pieces. VI. Development Committee  Gallery Night – “All that Glitters!” o A. Burt and M. Bryson presented request for Fund an Item, a 71-passenger bus, which would eliminate the need for most charter bus rentals. o This type of bus is functional for about 15-20 years. Bus would have bench seats with lap belts. It would have undercarriage and overhead storage , and be wrapped in school colors/design. Athletic coaches and current contract bus driver will receive training and be licensed to drive it . o Delivery from order contract date would be 90-120 days. o Academy has $50k to contribute toward the bus. Total cost (including $115k for bus, $10 for concrete parking pad, $3k for wrapping) being about $128k, Fund an Item goal will be $75K. Annual maintenance and insurance would be approximately $6k, and built into yearly Academy budget. o A. Smith presented possibility of obtaining yearly sponsorship from corporations or private individuals, with recognition located on outside of bus, to support annual maintenance and insurance costs. M. Bryson to consult with attorney to determine feasibility of this idea. o WAAC will make significant contribution to Fund an Item; amount to be revealed at Gallery Night. o Discussed expenses of refurbishing existing 2 buses being rolled into Fund an Item. o Motion to approve Bus package as Fund an Item by K. Stoltenberg, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. o S. Myers reported that Gallery Night 2017 has current sponsorships of $125,250. o Free dress wristbands currently being sold to students as fundraiser for Gallery Night. o C. Ross and D. Kraska reported need for additional Live Auction items and assistance with setting up event.  Blacksmith Annual Fund o S. Myers reported that BAF total pledges amount is currently $1.067M with 79% family participation. VII. Grant Review  S. Myers presented G5 Science and STEM Lab grant with request for $2,359.00.  Motion to approve funding of grant up to full amount by K. Hansen, second by W. Greenwood. Grant approved. VIII. President’s Report  D. Kraska expressed appreciation for all work on Gallery Night and reiterated request for Live Auction items. Invited Board members to join the committee in soliciting businesses for auction items in Roanoke tomorrow morning, 2/16/17. IX. Executive Director’s Report  none Other Business  none D. Titzler moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:16 AM. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 22 , 2017 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA