HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-17 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 18, 2017 Board Members in Attendance: Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Karen Stoltenberg, Sean Shope, Deanna Titzler, Zan Jones, Kevin Hansen, Laura Luckett, Andy Sedino, Wendy Greenwood, Leah Rennhack, Jeff Watson. Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly, Marlene Rutledge, Debbie Piper and John DeBurro with Tidwell & Weaver I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:36AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of December 14, 2016 meeting by K. Stoltenberg, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  FY16 Audit Presentation by John DeBurro, audit partner with Tidwell & Weaver.  Audit determined that the Foundation is utilizing “generally accepted audit standards with no significant deficiencies.”  S. Shope presented Financial Report for the month ending December 31, 2016. Administrative account revenue in need of adjustment due to Giving Day bonus funds.  Motion to approve financials by A. Sedino, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carr ied. IV. Investment Committee  Report tabled until next month’s board meeting. V. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that marketing committee recently attended Class of 2016 Alumni luncheon and IB diploma program to take pictures, collect feedback and visit with recent graduates.  D. Titzler shared new Gallery Night 2017 video to be emailed in today’s eBlast and posted on social media and website. VI. Development Committee  Gallery Night – “All that Glitters!” o C. Ross reported that all artists have been confirmed for PYP classroom-created artwork, but currently there is a need for more Live Auction items. o S. Myers reported that sponsorships currently stand at $74,000.  Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg reported that goal has been reached when including corporat e and non- parent community donations to total $1,066,170 with 79.03% parent participation. o Highland Capital has issued a challenge of $100 per new donor to BAF up to $5,000. VII. Grant Review  S. Myers presented SPRK Robots grant in the amount of $3,280. Motion to approve funding of grant up to full amount by J. Watson, second by K. Hanson. Grant approved.  Archery Equipment grant presented for the amount of $4,205. Motion to approve funding of grant up to full amount by J. Watson, second by A. Sedino. Grant approved.  Amendment presented for Brain Science Conference to increase grant by $1,328. S. Myers to seek clarification of amounts. Motion to approve amendment pending clarification of amounts by K. Stoltenberg, second by L. Luckett. Grant amendment approve d. VIII. President’s Report  D. Kraska and L. Luckett reported on Alumni Committee event, “Dads and Grads ,” held on 1/1/17 at Meat U Anywhere BBQ in Trophy Club. Approximately 30 people attended. IX. Executive Director’s Report  none Other Business  S. Myers reported that Board of Trustees approved Outdoor Science project to begin construction. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 15 , 2017 at 8:30 AM , Lee Fieldhouse, WA L. Rennhack moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:04AM.