HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-16 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting December 14 , 2016 Board Members in Attendance : Christine Ross, Laura Luckett, Karen Stoltenberg, Andy Sedino, Chris Jeppesen, Adam Smith, Wendy Greenwood, Deanna Titzler, Zan Jones, Debbie Kraska, Kevin Hansen, Leah Rennhack, Jeff Watson Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly, Troy Meyer and Mechelle Bryson I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:36AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of November 16, 2016 meeting by A. Sedino, second by Chris Jeppesen. Motion carried. III. Update – Outdoor Science Center  T. Meyer and M. Bryson reported that 3 construction bids have been received for the outdoor science center that was funded via Gallery Night 2016, Fund an Item. All bids came in higher than budget, so options were discussed.  Teachers will meet during their full-day professional development on 1/3/17 to compile list of lessons that will utilize the outdoor learning spaces .  Discussed option of students (under supervision) participating in garden bed creation (e.g., moving soil, planting) as well as having some items, such as concrete and landscaping, donated as an option to cut expenses.  Timeline was discussed along with budget deficiency of approx. $10,000 plus a 6% contingency. Option for funding addition could be covered in a WAF grant request.  Possible Gallery Night 2017 Fund an Item could be Phase 2 of the project, and include math and science items and importance of pre -selling and marketing with signs, color renderings, ribbon-cutting, videos of students/families in the garden, etc. IV. Financial Report  Tabled until next meeting. V. Investment Committee  K. Hansen reported that Endowment Investment consulting has officially moved from Shamrock to Kevin and Kyle Clift with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Consulting Group, and funds have transferred.  C. Jeppesen has reviewed allocations for compliance with WAF Board investment policy. VI. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg reported that BAF is currently at $1,044,644 total, with $952,583 pledged and donated by 78.78% of WA families. Total collected thus far is $808,416. o Mayor Wheat volunteered to hand-write letters to non-donors with a giving history to encourage donations.  Gallery Night o S. Myers reported theme will be “All That Glitters” and confirmed Highland Capital as a Presenting sponsor. o Discussed strategiess to draw more PYP families to the event. o D. Kraska asked directors to work on securing sponsors and live auction items.  Gingy M. Quinn Teacher Endowment Fund o S. Myers reported that new family grandparents, Fred and Gingy Quinn, will be donating $200k to establish a fund to support teacher initiatives. Details on plans for using the funds to come.  American Airlines ticket donation o S. Myers presented offer from WA parent of 2 first class American Airlines tickets. Tickets must be used by the end of the calendar year. VII. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that November postcard has mailed with theme of a Facebook post. Next project for Marketing Committee will be promotion of Gallery Night and “All That Glitters”. VIII. Grant Review  S. Myers presented National Math Educator’s Conference in the amount of $6,855. Motion to approve funding of grant up to full amount by A. Smith, second by K. Stoltenberg. Grant approved. IX. Alumni Committee  L. Luckett, chair of Alumni Committee, presented plan to hold first “Dads and Grads” social at Meat U Anywhere, Trophy Club, on 1/2/17. Discussed inviting DP teachers as well. X. President’s Report  D. Kraska thanked Board for all their work and time dedicated to the many Foundation activities this semester, and asked for assistance with Gallery Night.  Discussed possibility of a movie night for PYP students to engage parents in volunteering for and purchasing tickets for Gallery Night. Also plan to host Gallery Walk during PYP Math night to showcase student artwork. XI. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers reported on status of 21st Century Library, including planning meetings with librarian, Amy Hess and Dr. Bryson.  Arts & Sciences common space may be possible location for a secondary library/library annex.  Cost would be approximately $20k with additional books and furniture/storage. Other Business  none Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA A. Smith moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:55AM.