HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 17-11 WA Approving a contract with the Education Service Center 11 Business and Student Support Services WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 17-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 11 FOR VARIOUS BUSINESS AND STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE OPERATION OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy has utilized the business and student services of the Education Service Center Region 11, which is responsible for providing training for faculty and staff, providing compliance training for public education rules and regulations, performing the payroll functions in full compliance with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, as well as offering software and information technology training and hosting services to Westlake Academy; and, WHEREAS, additional personnel costs for the Academy would have a greater impact to the Academy's operating budget than utilizing these contracted services offered by the Education Service Center Region 11, and the quality of these services has been exceptional; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: The Board of Trustees of the Westlake Academy hereby approves the contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 functions at Westlake Academy attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and further authorizes the Superintendent to execute this agreement. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 17-11 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 7th DAY OF AUGUST 2017. Laura eat, President ATTEST: f � Kelly kdwards oard Secretary Thomas E. Brymer,Oerintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stan n Lowry or An-et- S. Bubert, School ttorney WA Resolution 17-11 Page 2 of 2 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 1451 S.Cherry Lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for Business Services .xs Enrollment Period: 04/01/2017-03/31/2018 Lest Year Enrollment:843 Answer Price If you wish to sign up for Business Services,please indicate the service for Payroll Support which you wish to contract in the box on the right. Services Only Fee(see Business Service Contract Price List in the'Business Center $20,394.00 Handbook") Do you wish to sign up for the Requisition Module?If yes,please enter the amount of users in the box on the right. .A Requisition Module fee of$580+$20 per user will be applied. Bank Reconciliation:Enter the number of bank accounts that will be reconciled by ESC Region 11's Business Center in the box on the right. $200 per month for the first bank account,$50 per month for each additional account Contract Adjustment Business Manager Service Fees(Gail for quote Brandilyn DePaima (817)740-7610) By clicking the box on the right,i,as an authorized representative of the above mentioned District/Charter,agree to the terms of the attached "Business Center Handbook"stating District/Charter Responsibility and ESC Region 11 Business Center Responsibility and Business Center Price List. Total: $20,394.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 36 CID#: 12477 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 2 EDUCATION SERVICE CENT-M F" GI7 1451 S.Cherry lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for Comprehensive Services Basic Contract Enrollment Period: 09!01/2017-08/31/2018 Last Year Enrollment:843 Answer Price Do you wish to sign up for the Comprehensive Services Basic Contract?if Public(Charter) yes,please select your district's classification from the box on the right. Total: 5- Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 32 CID#: 12475 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 1 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER Pa' G I 1451 S.Cherry Lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for Internet Access ,6 Enrollment Period: 09/01/2017-08/31/2018 Last Year Enrollment: 843 Answer Price Please indicate your estimated Internet usage in Megabytes(Mb)in the box 1,000.00 $3,600.00 on the right Fees are annual. Total: $3,600.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 76 CID#: 12484 Print Date: 6/8/2017 Page 1 of 1 EDUCATION SERVICECENTER REF1,04,, N 1451 S.Cherry Lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for Management Information Systems Software & Support Service (TxEIS Student and Business) .7 Enrollment Period: 09/01/2017-08/31/2018 Last Year Enrollment: 843 Answer Price TxEIS STUDENT If you wish to sign up for the TxEIS Student Software Contract,please enter 1.00 the number of regular instructional campuses using this software in the box on the right. TxEIS Student Annual License Fee $4,825.00 Please indicate the number of alternative campuses in your district using 0.00 this software in the box on the right. TxEIS Student Software License Fee(Alternative Campuses) Is this your FIRST year to contract with ESC Region 11 for your student system software?If yes,please select the option(s)you wish to purchase in the boxes below: First-Year District Installation Fee First-Year Campus Training Fee First-Year Conversion of Data from Prior Vendor Fee Do you wish to add the txGradebook System Option?If yes,enter the 37.00 $1,036.00 number of districtwide txGradebook users(Number of TEACHERS)in the box on the right Do you wish to add the txAttendance System Option?if yes,enter the 1.00 $460.00 number of campuses using txAttendance in the box on the right Res WA 17-11 91 CID# 12480 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 2 EDUCATION SERVIC REG li!KRU Westlake Academy Contract Summary Report Last Year Enrollment:$43 C2ntraq Lock Date Enroll-Staff Enroll End Tatal Business Services 06108/2017 04101/2017 03131/2018 $2039400 Comprehensive Services Bas:c Contract 05/23/2017 09101f2017 08/31/2018 Internet Access 06/08/2017 0910112017 08/31/2018 $3.60000 Management Information Systems 06,0812017 09/01/2017 08/31/2018 $14 246 00 Software d Support Service(TxEIS Student and Business; Technology Resources Education 06108/2017 091011201') 08/3112018 $3 950.00 Consortium(TREC) TSDS(PEIMS studenlGPS. 01310812017 0910V2017 08/31/2018 $3,50000 Dashboard,TIMS.UID ECDS) TxEIS Service Fees(Co-op Fee Hosting 05/23/2017 0910112017 08/31/2018 $3.79500 Fee Extracts) $49,455.00 Fach part} paying for the performance of governmental ruortions or services must make those pa?menu rrom rurrent revenues avaitshle to the paying party. Signature oBoard President or Designee Dute Appmved by llourd of,trustees r _ IDI-T ipaturc of Supen(n nt nr Dcsignm Date Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 _ mruttedg*Gweatlake-t,-0rg_ Designated llistrct Cr'ntac.t E-mail of Distrit:t CnntoetT Plcasc fox or a-mail to; For additional inrormation,contact- 1:ducation ontact:Education.Scry ice Center Region I I Dr_C'Ivde W.Swelmun.Jr, Atten:Dr.CI)de W.Steelm un,Jr, (817)740-3630 1451 S.Chcm-Lane 0%de,"cx I l.nct White Settlement, rexim 70108 I.ur (817)740-7675 tivdesrtr_cu I t.net F-A gion t 1 Executive Direclnr gnature Res WA 17-11 Print Date 618/2017 Addriional fees wilt be charged for public schools having more alar.five campuses or more than one payroll frequency Superintendent or Approved Det,19nee �� . . Daae Executivilotrector Education Service Center Region i 1 Late Note- 1 Use the Printer lcon;ocated to the right of the contract name on the Contract Home page to print a copy of this rantract. Chalk an Review/Submit Contracts on the contract home page ESC Region 11; Return a signed ani dated cnpy!a the distrC Res WA 17-11 36 CIG* 12477 Print Date 5123/2017 Page 2 of 2 Do you wish to add the TxEIS Health Application System?If yes,please 1.00 $425.00 enter the number of campuses using this system in the box on the right. TxEIS BUSINESS If you wish to sign up for the TxEIS Business Software Contract,please 0 check the box on the right TxEIS Business System Annual License Fee $5,900.00 Please indicate the number of employees in your district in the box on the 100-00 $500.00 right. Is this your FIRST year to contract with ESC Region 19 for your Business software?If yes,please select the option(s)you wish to purchase in the boxes below: First-Year Installation and Training Fee First-Year Conversion of Data from Prior Vendor If you wish to sign up for the Requisition/Purchase Order System,please 25.00 indicate the number of users in the box on the right. Requisition/Purchase Order Annual License Fee $600.00 Requisition/Purchase Order User Fee $500.00 Adjustment Total: $14,246.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 *Annual licensing fee provides software maintenance,support,and all regularly scheduled training sessions,workdays,and user meetings. Res WA 17-11 91 CID#: 12480 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 2 of 2 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER lu" G I 1451 S.Cherry Lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for Technology Resources Education Consortium (TREC) .44 Enrollment Period: 09101/2017-08/31/2018 Last Year Enrollment:843 Answer Price The following fees reflect your districts quoted TREC services.If you have any questions or would like to make changes,please contact Karen Smith (817)740-7640 or ksmith@esell.net TREC Library Management Service 1,450.00 $1,450.00 TREC Resource Management Services 2,500.00 $2,500.00 TREC Data Services Enter ESC Region 11 quoted adjustment(if any) Total: $3,960.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 48 CID#: 12481 Print Date: 6/8/2017 Page 1 of 1 EDUCt1TION SERVICE CENTER Rful �. 1451 S. Cherry lane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for TSDS (PEIMS, studentGPS, Dashboard,TIMS, UID,ECDS) rT Enrollment Period: 09/01/2017-08/3112018 Last Year Enrollment: 843 Answer Price Please select the following TSDS services for which your district will use. TSDS PEIMS Support-Please select the options(s)that applies to your district: PEIMS Support(all districts and charter schools) 10 $2,250.00 PEIMS TSDS First Year Training(also select this checkbox if this is your district's first year to submit TSDS PEIMS) TSDS studentGPS Dashboard Support: studentGPS Dashboards-Annual Maintenance Training and Support © $1,000.00 (Optional) studentGPS Dashboards-New Training and Support(Optional) TSDS Core Collections Support: ECDS(Support for Fall Kindergarten Submission and Spring Pre-K © $250.00 Submission) Total: $3,500.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge($17)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 106 CiD#: 12482 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 1 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER RE G , ... . , 1451 S.Cherry Fane White Settlement,TX 76108 Westlake Academy Contract Summary for TxEIS Service Fees (Co-op Fee, Hosting Fee, Extracts) .,7 Enrollment Period: 09/01/2017-08/31/2018 Last Year Enrollment:843 Answer Price Please indicate in the box on the right whether your district is self-hosting ESC Region XI the TxEIS Business and/or Student software or if it is being hosted by ESC Hosted Region 11. If your district is self-hosted,please indicate the number of CPU in the box on the right. Please select the number of users that will use the TxEIS software.(Do not 1 -30 users include teachers that use Gradebook) TxEIS Co-op License Fee $295.00 TxEIS Hosting Fee $3,000.00 ESC Region 11 provides extracts from TxEIS that populate third-party 1-50 $500.00 software products with data.If your district uses third-party extracts,please select the number of extracts pulled per month that you require from the menu on right. Adjustment Total: $3,795.00 Contract Contact: Marlene Rutledge(817)490-5737 Res WA 17-11 90 Cio#: 12476 Print Date: 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 1