HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestlake Academy contract to operate a public school Westlake Academy This contract is executed between the Texas State Board of Education (the "Board") and Westlake Academy ("Charter Holder") for an open-enrollment charter to operate a Texas public school. General 1. Definitions. As used in this contract: "Charter' means the open-enrollment charter, as provided by Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Texas Education Code (TEC), granted by this contract. "Charter Holder" means the sponsoring entity identified in the charter application. "Charter school" means the open-enrollment charter school. Charter Holder agrees to operate as provided in this contract. The charter school is a Texas public school and a charter school within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. §8066 . "Agency" means the Texas Education Agency. 2. The Charter. This contract grants to Charter Holder an open-enrollment charter under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, TEC. The terms of the charter include: (a) this contract; (b) applicable law; (c) Request for Application#701-01-004; (d) any condition, amendment, modification, revision or other change to the charter adopted or ratified by the Board; (e) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for charter,attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with (a) through (d); and (f) assurance by Charter Holder, evidenced by execution of this contract, that no false information was submitted to the Agency or the Board by Charter Holder, its agents or employees in support of its application for charter. 3. Authority Granted by Charter. The charter authorizes Charter Holder to operate a charter school subject to the terms of the charter. Action inconsistent with the terms of the charter shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 4. Alienation of Charter. The charter may not be assigned, encumbered, pledged or in any way alienated for the benefit of creditors or otherwise. Charter Holder may not delegate, assign, subcontract pr otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void and of no force or effect; provided, however, that Charter Holder may contract at fair market value for services necessary to carry out policies adopted by Charter Holder or the governing body of the charter school. Charter Holder may not engage or modify the terms of the engagement of a private management company without approval by the Board in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this contract. 5. Term of Charter. The charter shall be in effect from the date of execution through August 1, 2006, unless renewed or terminated. 6. Renewal of Charter. On timely application by Charter Holder in a manner prescribed by the Board, the charter may be renewed for an additional period determined by the Board. The charter may be renewed only by written amendment approved by vote of the Board and properly executed by its chair. 7. Revision by Agreement. The terms of the charter may be revised with the consent of Charter Holder by written amendment approved by vote of the Board. For purposes of this paragraph, the terms of the charter include, among other provisions, specifications concerning the school's governance structure, characteristics of the educational program to be offered, and the location, type and number of facilities at which the school will operate. The commissioner of education ("the commissioner") may revise the charter on a provisional basis during an interim between Board meetings; however, such action shall expire unless ratified by the Board at its next regular meeting. Nothing in this paragraph limits the authority of the Board or the commissioner to act in accordance with other provisions of this contract. Students 8. Open Enrollment. Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to any person who resides within the geographic boundaries stated in the charter and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students approved by the State Board of Education. The charter school's admission policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the student would otherwise attend. Students who reside outside the geographic boundaries stated in the charter shall not be admitted to the charter school until all eligible applicants who reside within the boundaries have been enrolled. Students will be admitted on the basis of a lottery if more students apply for admission than can be accommodated. 9. Public Education Grant Students. Charter Holder shall adopt an express policy providing for the admission of, and shall admit under such policy, students eligible for a public education grant, including those students who reside outside the geographic area identified in the charter application, under Subchapter G, Chapter 29,TEC. 10. Non-discrimination. The charter school shall not discriminate against any student or employee on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin, religion, disability or need for special education services. 11. Non-religious instruction and affiliation. The charter school shall not conduct religious instruction. The charter school, the sponsoring entity, and any entity that owns or controls the sponsoring entitiy in whole or in part (including by the power to select Westlake Academy 2 of 9 1/25/2002 officers or directors) shall be nonsectarian in its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations. 12. Children with Disabilities. The charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. §1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504"), 29 U.S.C.§794, and implementing regulations; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12131-12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, TEC, and implementing rules; and the many court cases applying these laws. For example: (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practices that affirmatively seek out, identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or contacting the charter school regarding enrollment, and must develop and implement a practical method to determine which children with disabilities are currently receiving needed special education and related services. For each eligible child, Charter Holder must develop and offer an individualized education plan appropriate to the needs of that student. (b) Free Appropriate Public Education. Charter Holder must provide a free appropriate public education to all children including children with disabilities otherwise eligible to enroll in the charter school. If the program, staff or facilities of the charter school are not capable of meeting the needs of a particular child, Charter Holder must implement changes necessary to accommodate the child at the charter school. If reasonable accommodations would be insufficient to enable the child to benefit from the charter school's program, Charter Holder must, at its own expense, place the child at an appropriate school. (c) Services to Expelled Students. Charter Holder must continue to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with disabilities even after expelling or suspending the child for valid disciplinary reasons. This obligation to serve the child continues until the end of the school year. (d) Monitorine. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will be monitored for compliance by the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs; the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights; the Texas Education Agency; and others. This monitoring activity includes responding to complaints, random on-site inspections and other investigations by the enforcing agencies, and will result in corrective actions imposed on Charter Holder by these agencies for all discrepancies found. The charter school shall also be monitored for effectiveness and compliance in implementing all applicable federal programs. (e) Due Process Hearings. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will, in addition, be subject to court supervision via litigation against Charter Holder brought by individuals affected by the actions of the charter school. The cost of this litigation can be substantial. Westlake Academy 3 of 9 1/25/2002 Notice: These are only a few of the charter school's legal responsibilities in this area, included here for illustrative purposes only. 13. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Subchapters B, C, D, and G of Chapter 39 of the TEC, and related Agency rules, as well as the student performance accountability criteria stated in its application for charter. Charter Holder shall annually provide in a manner and form defined by the commissioner a written evaluation of the charter school's compliance with the statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for a charter, attachments, and related documents. 14. Criminal History. Charter Holder shall take prompt and appropriate measures if Charter Holder or the charter school, or any of their employees or agents, obtains information that an employee or volunteer of the charter school or an employee, officer, or board member of a management company contracting with the charter school has a reported criminal history that bears directly on the duties and responsibilities of the employee, volunteer, or management company at the school. Charter Holder further represents that the Board and the Agency shall be notified immediately of such information and the measures taken. 15. Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect. Charter Holder shall adopt and disseminate to all charter school staff and volunteers a policy governing child abuse reports required by Chapter 261, Texas Family Code. The policy shall require that employees, volunteers or agents of Charter Holder or the charter school report child abuse or neglect directly to an appropriate entity listed in Chapter 261,Texas Family Code. 16. Notice to District. Charter Holder shall notify the school district in which the student resides within three business days of any action expelling or withdrawing a student from the charter school. 17. School Year. Charter Holder shall adopt a school year with fixed beginning and ending dates. Financial Managment 18. Fiscal Year. Charter Holder shall adopt a fiscal year beginning September 1 and ending August 31. 19. Financial Accounting. Unless otherwise notified by the Agency, Charter Holder shall comply fully with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Bulletin 679 or its successor ("Bulletin 679") published by the Agency in the management and operation of the charter school. Charter Holder shall also comply with the standards for financial management systems outlined in 34 CFR § 80.20. 20. Federal Withholding Requirements. Failure to comply with Internal Revenue Service withholding regulations shall constitute a material violation of the charter. Westlake Academy 4 of 9 1/25/2002 21. Workers' Compensation. Charter Holder shall extend workers' compensation benefits to charter school employees by (1) becoming a self-insurer; (2)providing insurance under a workers' compensation insurance policy; or(3)entering into an agreement with other entities providing for self-insurance. 22. Annual Audit. Charter Holder shall at its own expense have the financial and programmatic operations of the charter school audited annually by a certified public accountant holding a permit from the-Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. Charter Holder shall file a copy of the annual audit report, approved by Charter Holder, with the Agency not later than the 120'h day after the end of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. The audit must comply with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and must include an audit of the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the charter school through PEIMS. Financial statements in the audit must comply with Government Auditing Standards and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. 23. Attendance Accounting. To the extent required by the commissioner, Charter Holder shall comply with the "Student Attendance Accounting Handbook" published by the Agency; provided, however, that Charter Holder shall report attendance data to the Agency at six-week intervals or as directed by the Agency. 24. Foundation School Prog_ra_m. Distribution of funds to the charter school under Section 12.106, TEC, is contingent upon Charter Holder's compliance with the terms of the charter. Charter Holder is ineligible to receive Foundation School Program funds prior to execution of this contract by the Board. Within 30 days of receiving notice of overallocation and request for refund under Section 42.258, TEC, Charter Holder shall transmit to the Agency an amount equal to the requested refund. If Charter Holder fails to make the requested refund, the Agency may recover the overallocation by any means permitted by law, including but not limited to the process set forth in Section 42.258, TEC. 25. Tuition and Fees. Charter Holder shall not charge tuition and shall not charge a fee except that it may charge a fee listed in Subsection 11.158(a),TEC. 26. Assets of Charter. Charter Holder shall not apply, hold, credit, transfer or otherwise make use of funds, assets or resources of the charter school for any purpose other than operation of the charter school described in the charter. 27. Indebtedness of Charter. Charter Holder shall not incur a debt, secure an obligation, extend credit, or otherwise make use of the credit or assets of the charter school for any purpose other than operation of the charter school described in the charter. 28. Interested Transactions. All financial transactions between the charter school and (a) Charter Holder; (b) an officer, director, or employee of Charter Holder or of the charter school; or (c) a person or entity having partial or complete control over Charter Holder or the charter school shall be separately and clearly reflected in the accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems of the charter school. Charter Holder shall not transfer any asset of the charter or incur any debt except in return for goods or services provided for the benefit of the charter school at fair market value. Westlake Academy 5 of 9 1/25/2002 29. Non-Charter Activities. Charter Holder shall keep separate and distinct accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems for the management and operation of the charter school. Any business activities of Charter Holder not directly related to the management and operation of the charter school shall be kept in separate and distinct accounting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems from those reflecting activities under the charter. Any commingling of charter and non-charter business in these systems shall be a material violation of the charter. Governance and Operations 30. Non-Profit Status. Charter Holder shall take and refrain from all acts necessary to be and remain in good standing as an organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code. If Charter Holder is incorporated, it shall in addition comply with all applicable laws governing its corporate status. Failure to comply with this paragraph is a material violation of the charter, and the Board may act on the violation even if the Internal Revenue Service, Secretary of State, or other body with jurisdiction has failed to act. 31. Records Retention and Management. Charter Holder shall implement a records management system that conforms to the system required of school districts under the Local Government Records Act, Section 201.001, et seq., Local Government Code, and rules adopted thereunder; provided, however, that records subject to audit shall be retained and available for audit for a period of not less than five (5) years from the latter of the date of termination or renewal of the charter. 32. PEIMS Reporting. Charter Holder shall report timely and accurate information to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), as required by the commissioner. 33. Conflict of Interest. Charter Holder shall comply with any applicable prohibition, restriction or requirement relating to conflicts of interest or fiduciary duties. If an officer or board member of Charter Holder or of the charter school has a substantial interest, within the meaning of Chapter 171, Local Government Code, in a transaction, such interest shall be disclosed in public session at a duly called meeting of the governing body prior to any action on the transaction. 34. Disclosure of Campaign Contributions. Charter Holder shall adopt policies that will ensure compliance with the disclosure requirements of State Board of Education Operating Rule 4.3 or its successor. 35. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Board and Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Board and Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature asserted by any third party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with wrongful acts of Charter Holder, its agents,employees, and subcontractors. Westlake Academy 6 of 9 1/25/2002 36. Failure to Operate. Charter Holder shall operate the charter school for the full school term as described in the charter application in each year of the charter contract. Charter Holder may not suspend operation for longer than 21 days without a revision to its charter, adopted by the Board, stating that the charter school is dormant and setting forth the date on which operations shall resume and any applicable conditions. Charter Holder may not suspend operation of the school for a period of more than three days without mailing written notice to the parent or guardian of each student and to the Agency at least 14 days in advance of the suspension. Suspension of operations in violation of this paragraph shall constitute abandonment of this contract and of the charter. 37. Charter School Facility. Charter Holder shall have and maintain throughout the term of the charter a lease agreement, title or other legal instrument granting to Charter Holder the right to occupy and use one or more facilities suitable for use as the charter school facilities described by the charter. During any period of dormancy granted by the Board, this requirement may be waived by the Board. Facilities occupied and used as charter school facilities shall comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. The charter school shall not change location of its instructional facilities or administrative offices from those listed in the charter application or in a subsequent charter amendment without prior approval Board. When approved by the Board for a new location for an instructional facility, the charter Holder shall, prior to commencing school operations at that loacation, submit to the Charter Schools Division a certificate of occupancy or equivalent certificate for use of the facility at the new location as a public school, as required in the charter application. 38. Access by the Handicapped. Facilities occupied and used by charter schools shall comply with the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilites Act Accessibility Guidelines; 28 CFR Part 35 (Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services); the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards required by the federal Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended; and other applicable federal requirements. In addition, the charter Holder shall require the facility to comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9201, Texas Civil Statutes, promulgated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. The charter Holder shall be responsible for conducting inspections to ensure compliance with these specifications. Enforcement 39. Agency Investigations. The commissioner may in his sound discretion direct the Agency to conduct investigations of the charter school to determine compliance with the terms of the charter or as authorized in the Texas Education Code or other law. Charter Holder, its employees and agents shall fully cooperate with such investigations. Failure to timely comply with reasonable requests for access to sites, personnel, documents or things is a material violation of the charter. Westlake Academy 7 of 9 1/25/2002 40. Commissioner Authority. The commissioner in his sole discretion may take any action authorized by Section 39.131, TEC , Chapter 29, TEC, or Chapter 42, TEC relating to the charter school. Such action is not "adverse action" as used in this contract. Charter Holder, its employees and agents shall fully cooperate with such actions. Failure to timely comply with any action authorized by Section 39.131, TEC or Chapter 29, TEC is a material violation of the charter. 41. Adverse Action. The Board in its sole discretion may modify, place on probation, revoke or deny timely renewal of the charter for cause ("adverse action"). Each of the following shall be cause for adverse action oh the charter: (a) any material violation of the terms of the charter listed in paragraphs 2, 3, and 20; (b) failure to satisfy generally accepted accounting standards of fiscal management; or (c) failure to comply with an applicable law or rule. This Agreement 42. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of the parties. All prior representations, understandings and discussions are merged into, superseded by and canceled by this contract. 43. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. 44. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Board is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, required assurances and conditions of Request for Application #701-01-004; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and representations made in Charter Holder's application and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms of this contract). 45. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breach. 46. Venue. Any suit arising under this contract shall be brought in Travis County,Texas. 47. Governing Law. In any suit arising under this contract,Texas law shall apply. 48. Authority. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101 (a), TEC. Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Board of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Westlake Academy 8 of 9 1/25/2002 Entered into this_day of January 2002. Texas State Board of Education Charter Holder 1 28 By Grace Shore, Chairman (signature/da Scott Bradley ghairperson, Governing Board of Charter Holder (signature/date) Trent Petty Chief Operating Officer of Charter School t Westlake Academy 9 of 9 1/25/2002