HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatement(s) of Impact for Charter Application 01,100,100 1 ':00A ?.015 06/21/01 THU 10:57 FAX 512 963 9732 TF,4 CtiAAllit SCHOOLS f jU14 *f 'fl J .'Ti C a.� h <{<�a�ttt��tt aaf,>� aSA .,7 j ! � :d } ..i � ?•Y'T ,;� .,.i:: t E r � j 4 ,rfQf`�.'�:✓',��+Ni�i'�� aK�Q�;, ., t .r _ Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy aeck the appropriate response below. The proposed open enrollment charter school is rant expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree x_ The proposed open-enmilrnent charter school(amendment) is exp ctod to impact the school district in the following man=: (Describe the impact in the sp=e below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) SEE ATTACHED. REGEI IED Keller ISD 220-907 (District Nam) (County-District Mcntification Nurrnticr) 350 Keller Parkway, Keller, ToXa8 76248 4 (District Address) _ Jac Irvine Signature of Bo6rd President) (Print B acrd Presiident's Name) l Charles R. Sradberry (Signature of Supearintrndent) (Print Superintendent's Vl a=) 6118101 (617)337-7506 (Date) (Pbone plumber) 01/00,100 IZ:OOA P.016 GO/21/01 THIJ 10:57 PAX 572 4113 9732 TFA CHARTER SCHOOLS 0 or or I C r, OF -rmFt SQF9F1JNTEK0CN-r OF SICHOOLO K KIMLLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 350 KCLL&R PARKWAY KCLL9A.TWXAS 76248' pHoNc. 811-337-7500 FAX. a 17-337-326A STATEMENT OF IMPACT Keller ISD does not support the granting of, a Charter to the Westlake Academy. The Westlake Academy will have a significant negative impact on the Keller Independent School District. The impact includes, but is not limited to, an impact on the financial resources, fiscal stability, bond ratings, contractual obligations, infrastructure, program design, and estimating for all planned activities of the Keller Independent School District. Keller ISD is committed to becoming one of the top school districts in the state, The Keller School District encompasses nine cities. Currently, there are 27 students who live in Westlake that are attending Keller ISD schools, 3 who are attending Carroil ISD schools, and 0 students attending Northwest ISD schools. The Town of Westlake does not have a student population to support a Charter School in its community. Westlake Academy has the potential of diverting a number of Keller ISO's quality students. The Keller Independent School District offers students who reside in Westlake the opportunity to attend Texas Education Agency Exemplary elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools. The elementary as well as the high school that Westlake students attencl have been recognized as a Nat"I Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education, The SAT scores for KISD students are among the highest in the area. Every teacher in the Keller Independent School District Is trained in the thirty (30) hour gifted and talented training required by the Texas Education Agency. This training affords all students the opportunity to partake of a curriculum, which is enhanced for their needs. Recent survey results indicate that parents give high marks to the instructional strategies offered through the gifted and talented training. Keller students may participate in a variety of programs which enhance learning; middle school students may compete yearly in the Duke Talent search for outstanding middle school students; high school students participate yearly in the Academic Decathlon Competition. Both high school teams have placed in the top 10 in the state large school competition over the last three years. 01/00/00 12:00H P.017 06/21/01 THU 10:68 FAX 612 463 9732 TEA CRARTF.R SCHUUL$ Cz010� Keller is presently planning a Fine Arts Magnet High School that will serve students in the Westlake area. A Keller Independent School district high school student may take advantage of a strong Advanced Placement program in math, language arts, science, and social studias which can garner as much as 12 hours of college credit per subject. In addition, students may enroll in Dual Enrollment classes in language arts, which will garner as much as three college credits. Through these programs, students can graduate with enough college credit to be granted sophomore status. In fact, the 1999 Keller High School Valedictorian graduated with over 40 hours of college credit prior to entering Texas A&M University. KIST? hosts an elementary UIl_ meet in which surrounding districts' schools and KISD elementary s&ool students participate. Students in elementary grades have opportunities to be active in Odyssey of the Mind or Destination Imagination competition. Intermediate and secondary students may participate in a variety of academic and fine arts UIl_ competition. s f,- --1 - 01/00"00 12:OOA P.008 06/21/01 THIJ )0:47 FAII 512 463 9732 TPA CPARTFR SCHOOLS Larne of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy Check the appropriate response below: The proposed open enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree The proposed open-enrollment charter school(amendment) is expected tIo impact the school district mite following manner' (Descri'm the impact in the space below and/or attach any supporting docurnantation.) (District Name) (County-District ntifipation Number) L-o CL4.Ct DW .evI621�1, -7 6.2 Cj-L (J.)jstrir,t Address) C,ALu, rj E;UANS 7nature a f Bomd President) (Print Board President's Name) & (Signaija of sllperintiln&nt) (Print Superintendent (Date) (Phone Number) 01"001100 1L:00A P.004 06121r'01 7111) 10:48 FAX 512 Ada 8732 T1:A CHAR7'RR SCHOOLS C�0o3 .r tkt i -+ t } ,.} h+> e is S ♦ r '. 'Fa rpose of'this form:.The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an applicatiari to the State Board ofEducation for approval to operate or amend an open-car ollment charter school.'The name and lavation of the proposed charter scbool is provided_ Westlake Academy 43 Village Circlo Suite 207 Westlake,TX 76262 In accordance with Texas Education Code,Section 12.110(d)(2),this form must be provided to any school district likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school. That school district may then submit this fbrm.to the State Board of Education information rclatii�g to any financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district,%formation pertainiag to any impact on student ezaroUmeent that may impair a district's ability to comply with a court order a Seting the district,and any other information it wishes to share with the board. For more detailed inforrnation about the proposed charter,contact the sponsoring entity indicated above. Note:under Texas Education Code 12.106, an approved open-enrollment charter school is entitled to the distribution of the available school fund for a student attending the charter school to which the district in which the student resides would be.entitled. This would include'any bt.. fits and any trartsportation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42..An approved open-enrollment chatter is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school district for mainw aance and operation as provided in Texas Education Code 12.1 M. Instructions. Submit the completed form;signed by the district superintendent and board president to: The Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin,TK 78701 p4W Susaartpi—nes 64-t7-nc The form should be areceived by the agency by April-20,.20,W- for consideration by the State Board of Edae2ti6n with sespeet to approvalofthe proposed opearenroilment charter school. For information about the procedures for anor6al ofoven enrollrncrFt charter schools,please contact Division of Charter Sehrools at (512)463-9575. , 0.1100x'00 1Z:OOA P.005, 08/21/01 THU 10:40 FAX 51Z 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHOOLS Q004 . :+u:xltp��.�.s�};s o'?Y..;.,a tv*c•* R s.�. v. j Y r-r..i n.a � Yr..:. t•r•r++.q?'rr. i�t i.+ i 4em�SAI1.[�f act' ren=1X1' 1 � "t Yz v 44t Y �3 f q.S t tl w`r x� s uxh t `�.,• S�� d l 'rrl��h"f�1r�, • � T+bY Gl3t�ter.. itoi!' y�`tx4+gf "th w,F'�� Lr `r�`f<;C�Y �, ,if•...1, r1*hx.n+.v'.R. lt-r �.�.r..+r +. Name ofPraposcd(hatter School: Westlake Academy Check tbQ appropriate responsc Mow: The proposed open=ollment chtuter school is not expected Io adversely impact the school district to a significant degree The proposed open-earollinent cbadar school(amendment) is expected to impact the school district in the IbBowing manner: (Describe the impact in the space below an&or attach any supporting documentation) See Attached Statemenu. NArt-hwF.Gt- Th(tt-ti r- , n(„achnnI Di strict 06:-411 —- -(District Namc) - - (CDui*DIstrrct Identification Number) 114 Justin, TX 7624 (District Address) IJ�1TfitY S imn50 Si 0", 0 sident) ('primt Board P'roident's Name) Keith Sockw.7l (S) a of Superintendent) (T&t Superintendem's Narne) nu.-22, 2001 17-215-0030 _ (pate) (Phone Number) 01100,100 12:OOA o.00�. 06!21!01 TAU 10:49 FAX 512 4a3 9732 TRA CHARTFR SCAMS 1 005 rE amwork orthweStPride tndeoendent School Districtrettence STATE` ONTO IMPACT 'NorThwest ISD does not support the granting of a Charter to the Westlake Acadrmy,The Westlake Ac:aderrry will have a significant nzgativc impact on the Northwest Independent Sc tool District.'The impact inchrdes,but is not limited to,an impact on the financial rescurYzcs,fiscal stability,bond ratings, contrrctaial obligations, infrastructure,program design,&Ccuratc torccasting,and estimating for all p4anned activiriek oftheNorthwest ISD- Northwest ISI)is committed to becoming one of the top school districts in flee state.The Town of We%tfdkc is located in three school districts. Northwcst ISD,Carroll ISD,and Kcllcr ISD.Currently,there arc no studenis who live in We alakc who are attending Northwest*ISD schools,and only twenty-sik students who are attending Keller ISD schools and throe who are amending Carroll ISD schools. The Town of Westlake does not have u studont population to support a Charter School in its eommuaity. Westlake Academy has the potential of diverting a number of Northwest LSD's quality students due to its proximity to the Town cfTrophy Club,the largest community in the Northwest ISD and the location of two Northwest ISD TEA Exemplar} and two Recognized schools. Northwest ISD rcachcd Chapter 41 statics in 2000 and passed a S182 million bond election in rebruary 2001.The loss of students will have adefinite impact on the disirict's financial resourced,program design,and accurate enrol InrunL fcrui;aJing. Since Northwest ISD is a Chapter A l dlsirict,the toffs of students will reduce the district's Weighted Average Daily Attendance(WADA).The district's recapture payment will also increase as a result of the loss in WADA. I'Manuially,the district will lose ar portion of the available school fund. If one-third of-the prr�jected 400-student enrollment for Westlake Academy is front Northwest ISTD,thv district will pay$684,300 in Recapture Tax and will lose$32,994 from the Available School Fund.The district hou the potential of losing S6,5 million in operating fonds over the next five years(See attachment A-I). r1,s cnrolhtccnt irwrcases for tite Westlake Academy,Northwest ISD,a rapidly growing Chapter 4 t district,will be Por ed to evaluate a variety of budget scenarios,all of which may result in the reduction of teaching positions,staff programs rind essential sotvices to its students. '(*lis will adversely affect the district's gull to provide a quality education program_ In Westl:ile Academy's application,it implies that there is a meed for a school that offers a rigorous curriculum. The Northwest IST Board of Trustees'vision is for the NISD to become a top:school district in the ytai.C. Based upon TEA evaliotive data student performance,staff evaluation,and community input;the district is well underway to achieving this goal, Northwest ISD offers a rigorous curriculum with sixicen 06)Advanced Placement courses,Prc-AP courses,advanced tecItnology and college concurrent credit courses. Northwest TSD is committed to of eriu$its students s duality and challenging educational program. Losing any of the district's top students would be extremely detrimental. The district emphasizes that there is not a necessity to create a Charter Sehoul in this area.In support of its position, the district requests the State Board of Education to note the opposition submitted by Carroll iSD and Fidler ISH the other Affected districts by tlic Westlake Acadorny application.Therefore,the Northwest Independent School District requests the open enrol Intent charter school application for Westlake Academy be dtaied. i` 01100,,'00 12:OOA 0.007 Ott/21 `01 THU 10:50 FAX 512 443 9732 TFA CHARTER SCROOLS I JIJ4t3 prideor1hweS! rm tndependsnt ScExlena BATE: April 17,2001 TO: Keith Sockwell, Superintendent ofSchools FRO\14: Jon Cnaswich, Assistant Superintendent for Finance__�_—1 121;: Five-Year Financial Forecast- Charter School InTpact The Five-Year Financial Forecast reflects the potential impact opening a charier school would have upon the District. This forecast is based on ono-third of the projected 400 student enrollment for Westlake Acadumy is from Northwest ISD the first year. A projected loss of 267 stutic;nts from Northwest ISD is estimated for each year thereafter, Charter School impact: The Revenue Projection Summary projects a poftntial$6.5 million loss in operming funds over the next ffvc years. The Available Schuoi Fund is set on an annual basis by the State Board of Education (SBOE), This amount is not subject to Chapter 41 recapture. At the Scptcmlter.2060, ,,meeting the SBOE set the 2000-200I rate at$248 per,capita. This current rate was carried forward in the projection. CHARTER SCHOOL IMPACT CHAPTER 41 RECA IRE AND AVAILABLE SCHOOL FUND Chapter 41 Available shoot Year Lt Tax School Pund Total Impact 2WI-02 $ 684,300 $ 32,984 $ 717,284 2002-03 S 1,394,912 $ 66,216 $ 1,461,128 s 2003-04- $ 1,399,084 S 66,216 S 1,465,306 0 2044-05 $ 1,398,676 $ 66,226 $ 1,464,892 • 2005-06 $ 1,400,6.93 $ 66,216 S 1,466,909 1800 Statc JJwy 114,Jutitin,TX 76247-8700 (917)21.5-0025 (817)215-0170>~AX