HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Charter Schools Start-Up Grant 2002-2003 For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) county-District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 XI by telephone/FAX on Region by of TEA. SCHEDULE#1—General Information NOGA ID/Project No.(Assigned by TEA 1.Charter Holder: 2.Charter School: 3.Applicant Contact Person: 4.Purpose of Application: (Name,Address,City,State,Zip) (Name,Address,City,State,Zip) (Name,Title,Address[if different]): Application Town of Westlake Westlake Academy #3 Village Circle #3 Village Circle Trent Petty Suite 207 Solana Suite 207 Solana ❑ Amendment No. Westlake,TX 76262 Westlake,TX 76262 Phone ( 817 ) 430-0941 FAX ( 817 ) 430-1812 RFA 701-02-038 E-Mail tpefty@westlake-tx.org 5. To be completed only for Campus or Program Charters: The following have been included in the application: ❑ Copy of minutes verifying ❑ Statement of assurance signed by the superintendent of the ❑This box is checked to confirm that approval of campus charter district and stating that the campus charter is in compliance the campus charter is designated by local school board. with Texas Education Code,Subchapter C. as a charter in Texas Education Agency organizational database, AskTED. 6. Use of the Standard Application System: This system provides a series of standard schedules to be used as formats by applicants who apply for funds administered by the Texas Education Agency. If additional clarification is needed,please call Esther Murguia Garcia-463-9575. 7. Program Authority:P.L.103-382.Title X,Part c,Public Charter Schools 8. Project Beginning Date:February 1,2003 Project Ending Date: July 31,2003 9. Index to this Application:An X has been placed in the New Application column to indicate each schedule that must be submitted as a part of the application.The applicant must place an X in this column for each additional schedule submitted to complete the application.For amendments,the applicant must place an X in the Amendment Application column next to the schedules being submitted as part of the amendment. Sc New Amend Sch New Amend.Applic. h Schedule Name Applic. Applic. No. Schedule Name Applic. No. 1 General Information X X 4A Pro ram Abstract X 2 Certification for Shared Services N/A N/A 4B Program Description X Arrangements 3 Budget Summary X X 4C Pro ram Evaluation Requirements X 3A I Purpose of Amendment N/A I X 4D Equitable Access and Participation X support Schedules for— 4E (Other Program Schedules) 3B Payroll Costs 6100 X 3C Professional and Contracted Services 6200 X 3D Supplies and Materials 6300 X 5A (Other Supplemental Schedules N/A N/A Specify) 3E Other Operating Costs 6400 X 6A Provisions and Assurances X 3F Debt Service 6500 N/A N/A 6B Debarment and Suspension X Certification 3G Ca ital Outlay 6600 6C Lobbying Certification X Exclusive of 6619 and 6629 6D Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 3H Building Purchase,Construction or N/A N/A 6E Special Provisions and Assurances X Improvements 6629 Certification and Incorporation 10.1 hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the local education agency named above has authorized me as its representative to obligate this agency. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, the Provisions and Assurances, Debarment and Suspension, lobbying requirements, Special Provisions and Assurances, and the schedules attached as applicable. It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and,if accepted by Agency or renegotiated to acceptance,will form a binding agreement. Typed Name of Authorized Official of the Telephone Number Date Signed Charter Holder ( 817) 430-0941 Trent Pett Title of Authorized Official of the Charter Holder President Original Authorized Signature (blue ink preferred) Three sets of the application with an original signature on each set must be received by 5:00 p.m.,November 21,2002 in: Texas Education Agency William B.Travis Bldg. Document Control Center,Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin,Texas 78701-1494 TEA DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. t L— SAS-A527 For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System(SAS) county District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 Amendment No. bytelephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#3—Budget Summary by of TEA. Program Authority: P.L. 103-382 Title X Part C Public Charter Schools Fund Code: 258 Project Period: February 1,2003,through July 31,2003 Line No. Class/Object Description Schedule C/Object Budgeted Expenditures Number Code $17,500 01 Payroll Costs 3B 6100 18,200 02 Professional and Contracted Services 3C 6200 56,800 03 Supplies and Materials 3D 6300 7,500 04 Other Operating Costs 3E 6400 05 Debt Service 3F 6500 06 Capital Outlay—(Exclusive of 6619 and 6629) 3G 6600 07 Building Purchase, Construction or Improvements 3H 6629 $100,000 08 Total Direct Costs Sum of lines 1-7 09 Indirect Costs $100,000 10 Total Costs n n A n A I- For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) county-District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#313—Payroll Costs 6100 Amendment No. by of TEA. Estimated Line Description of Payroll Costs Number of Percent of Time Total Payroll No. (Include gross salaries,wages,and benefits) Positions Charged to Costs___ Grant 5 100% 5,000 01 Classroom Teachers, (representing grades 1-6). Initial (for'/Months) Cadre of experienced instructors to work with Head in - early curriculum design. The requested amount reflects the average pay rate of teachers in the surrounding districts(Northwest Carroll and Keller)with Annual salary averages greater than$35,000 for first year instructors. 1 100% 11,000 02 Staff Administrative Assistant)Secretary) for 4 Months) 03 04 05 06 07 Substitutes for Charter School Personnel 08 (6112) (Explain purpose:) 'M Extra Du 'PaV/Beyond Normal Work;, 12 100% 1,500 0 _."Hours(6119%6121)'�Explain purpose:) New teachers will be asked to attend a PYP Workshop held by TEA in Carrollton,TX in July,not during contract day. $17,500 10 1 TOTAL COSTS For federally-funded projects, charges to payroll must be documented according to the requirements in OMB Circular A-87. Refer to the SAS instructions for Schedule#313 for a summary of these requirements. For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) county District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3C-- Amendment No. by of TEA. Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS Contracted Services provided by ESC (6230) (Specify t e s of services): $8,000 01 Professional Development,Training Services, Financial and Accounting Setup (PEIMS), Technology Integration Professional/Consulting Services(6210): (Include travel costs for consultants and 02 materials provided by consultants in the budgeted amount. Travel costs include reasonable airfare, lodging, meals, mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile, etc. Attach separate page if more space is needed.) $7,000 >. r a A. Consultant A Topic: w International Baccalaureate Educational Implementation (Enter the total B. Consultant B Topic: amount for Educational Technology Implementation - professional/ C. Consultant C Topic: consulting Financial Accounting and Business Setup, NOT for audit purposes. Ifs 1 services. It is not necessary to D. Consultant D Topic: break out costs E. Consultant E Topic: by individual consultant.) F. Consultant F Topic: 03 Contracted maintenance and repair of equipment purchased with grant funds(6240) 04 Utilities(6250), including telephone, FAX charges, and telecommunication services. Also 1,500 includes water, electricity, and gas for heating/cooling for grant activities conducted before school, after school, or during the summer 05 Rental or lease of equipment or building space(6260) (specify type and purpose): Attach a copy of the lease agreement if building space is requested. Printing. School informational material including applications, parent information, and 1,700 os student handbook. 07 08 Tuition Services(6220) (Explain purpose:) 09 10 TOTAL COSTS $18,200 All contracted services must be provided by persons not employed by the applicant. The applicant shall not use or pay any consultant if the services could have been rendered by applicant's employees. "Honorariums'are not allowable expenditures. See instructions. A n A! A 1- For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) County District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3D-- Amendment No. by of TEA. Supplies and Materials 6300 Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS $36,000 01 General supplies and materials (6390), including consumable teaching and office supplies; workbooks; audio-visual aids, such as filmstrips, VCR tapes, CD-Rom disks, diskettes, computer tapes, and software; and supplies for technology 12,000 02 Textbooks and other reading materials (6320) (includes textbooks and m' magazines, periodicals, newspapers,and -eference books placed in the classroom or in an office i.e,,; not placed in the libra )-(subscriptions to _ periodicals/magazines must be in the harnemofithe-organization and-not inthe,n ' of an individual) 03 Testing materials (6330) (does not include scoring of tests) 5,300 04 Computer hardware (not capitalized) (List hardware requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the hardware changes, if � . the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested. Administrative Computer Workstation including printer, scanner, and monitor. (2) r`` Network server for Student Administration Software(1) _. 05 Other equipment not capitalized (List equipment requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An 3,500 amendment is required if the use/purpose of the equipment changes, if the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested. Overhead projector(1). LCD data projector for group meetings(1) 06 Supplies/materials for maintenance and/or operations (6310), including gasoline/fuel for transportation, janitorial supplies, building maintenance supplies, and supplies for upkeep of equipment 07 08 $56,800 09 TOTAL COSTS All costs include shipping and handling costs. f1 ♦n ♦ rn For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) County District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3E— Amendment No. by of TEA. Other Operating Costs 6400 Line No. Description of Expense Items AMOUNTS 01 Travel Costs for Employees, Students, and Non-Employees (6410), $6,400 including: (Enter the total amount a. In-State Travel, which includes lowest available airfare;actual cost for lodging not requested for travel. Do not to exceed$80/day(not including tax)and meals not to exceed$30/day or local policy, split out the costs among whichever is less; and mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile or local policy,whichever sub-items.) is less. b. Out-of-State Travel, which includes lowest available airfare; actual cost of lodging and meals not to exceed maximum allowable federal government rates for the locale or local policy,whichever is less;and reimbursement for mileage not to exceed 35 : cents per mile or local policy,whichever is less. C. conference/Workshop/Seminar Registration Fees m (The PYP Workshop in July which all Teachers will be requested to attend costs$385 per `¢ participant) ` - 02Membership Dues (6499) in Professional Organizations (membership must 500 be 1 j in the name of the grantee organization and not in the name of an individual). * 03 Awards/Incentives for Participation (6499) (nominal in Cost). Identify types of awards/incentives to be provided: 04 Educational Field Trips(6494) (includes transportation costs, entrance fees, etc.) Identify destination(s) and obiective(s): 05 Reimbursement of tuition (6499) and fees for staff completing university/college courses directly related to grant 06 Insurance (6420). Identify purpose: 07 Classified Advertising (6499) $600 In Teacher's journals and local news papers to announce open Teaching positions. 08 09 Food Costs (not provided by the district food service program) (6499). Refer to instructions for allowable food costs. Explain purpose.- 10 urpose:10 Stipends to Non-employees(6413). Explain purpose: 11 TOTAL COSTS $7,500 n A n A r- For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) county District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#4A-- Amendment No. Program Abstract by of TEA. (Including Needs and Objectives) Primary Target Population and Number to be Served: Number of Staff 17 Number of Campuses 1 Number of Students by Grade Level: (indicate#s on chart) GRADE LEVEL PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 32 32 32 32 32 32 192 TOTAL: 192 1. Use of Funds/Budget Narrative: Describe in narrative bullet form how grant funds will be used to plan(post award),design, and implement the charter school. Be sure to describe the use of funds for each item requested in the budget Schedules#3—3G as described in Part I, of the RFA. Provide the rational for using the funds(Attach additional pages as needed and number pages 9a, 9b, etc.) The Town of Westlake,the Charter Holder,is committed to the success of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design,construction of a purpose built facility and much of the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will continue to contribute local funds to the project to ensure success,funding from this grant will permit an extended planning,design,staff development and program set-up phase in the first half of 2003 and will allow local funds to be used for desired enhancements to the FF&E budget. It is the Town's intention to fund payroll via grant funds for only this startup period;these positions are permanent,and will be funded on an on-going basis out of general funds. • [313.011 Payroll for Classroom Teachers: A Cadre of teachers will work closely with the Head/Principal for two intensive weeks during the months prior to school opening to plan for the implementation of the IBO Primary Years Program and design the instructional Unit Planners to be used in the program. This Cadre will work with the balance of the teachers in further preparation prior to the opening of school,and will mentor as the PYP is implemented throughout the school year. • [313.02]Payroll for Staff: An Administrative Assistant/Secretary will be hired to assist the Head/Principal in a variety of areas including collecting,collating and filing accountability documentation. • [38.09]Extra-Duty Pay:All teachers will be asked to attend a PYP Workshop in July held during non-contract days. • [3C.01,02.C]Professional and Contract Services:The Region XI ESC and other appropriate consultants will help plan and design an efficient business office framework including the selection of and staff development for the Financial Accounting and PEIMS systems as required by this Grant. Region XI ESC will provide staff development to ensure all Teachers have a thorough understanding of the TEKS,and to ensure that staff have proper training on the Financial Accountability(PEIMS)System. • [3C.01,02.B]Professional and Contract Services:Should in-house skills be insufficient,Region XI ESC and/or other professional consulting services will help Westlake Academy plan and design the educational technology model to be utilized in the classroom and throughout the school. • [3C,02.A]Professional and Contract Services:Funds may be used to bring certified IBO trainer(s)to Westlake Academy for on-site PYP training to meet the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Organization for Primary Years Program(PYP)certification. • [3C.04]Utilities:A budget has been provided for telephone expenses and operational utilities expenses associated with the grant period. • [3C.06]Printing:Materials to inform parents and students of the Westlake Academy educational program,and to provide for applications to the program are anticipated. • [3D.01,02]General Supplies and Materials. To meet the grant requirement for a Financial Accountability System,software and appropriate modules will be obtained through the Region XI ESC. Grant monies will also be used to purchase key classroom supplies,books and media appropriate for the implementation of the PYP. • [3D.04,05]Computer hardware and Other equipment:Workstations for the Head/Principal and Secretary and a network server for Student Administration software are necessary to establish proper accountability for the School,and overhead and LCD projectors will be used for group meetings. • [3E.01,02,07]A budget has been established to accommodate travel for training and planning,and membership in an international school organization,and for the advertisement of open Teaching positions in appropriate publications. 2. Include a description of how these start-up funds will be used in conjunction with other federal programs funds. • No additional federal program funds are anticipated during the Grant Period. 3. Include a description of how the authorizing public chartering agency will provide for continued operation of the public charter school once the federal grant has expired. The ongoing viability of Westlake Academy Charter School in ensured by the stability and the administrative and physical resources of the charter holder,The Town of Westlake,Texas. Many existing and planned Town resources can effectively serve both the Town and the Academy specifically. The operational leverage achieved by synergies in Town/Academy facilities and administration will create an environment where ADA based State funding(available starting in September,2003)will be sufficient to fund the bulk of the Westlake Academy operating budget. Additional,local funds will be contributed as necessary to insure project success. n n n A In For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) County District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#4B-- Amendment No. Program Description- by of TEA. Program Requirements The following requirements were addressed by the applicant in the charter approved by SBOE. Incorporated by reference is the charter and any amendments approved by the SBOE, which include the following federal requirements. Federal Requirements 1. a description of the educational program to be implemented by the charter, including a. how the program will enable all students to meet challenging state student performance standards; b. the grade levels or ages of children to be served, and c. the curriculum and instructional practices to be used; 2. a description of how the charter will be managed; 3. a description of the objectives of the charter and the methods by which the charter will determine its progress toward achieving those objectives; 4. a description of the administrative relationship between the charter and the authorizing public chartering agency (i.e., the local board of trustees); 5. a description of how parents and other members of the community will be involved in the design and implementation of the charter; 6. a description of how students in the community will be informed about the charter and given an equal opportunity to attend the public charter school, No response to this schedule is required; however, it must be included, unaltered, in the grant application. Charter schools are reminded to follow the appropriate procedures for amending the charter approved by the SBOE. Incorporated by reference for Campus and program charters are the requirements in TEC 12, Subchapter C. n n A n A 1- For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) County-District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#4C Program Evaluation Requirements Amendment No. by of TEA. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SUBMIT A FINAL EVALUATION REPORT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE ENDING DATE OF THE GRANT. This schedule must be completed as part of the grant application. 1. Specifically, how will the grant funds be used to plan, design, and implement the charter school? The Westlake Academy has selected to follow programs of instruction defined by the International Baccalaureate Organization(1130). The Primary Years Programme(PYP),Middle Years Program(MYP)and the Diploma Years Programme(DYP)provide a philosophical framework for instruction, yet leave specific scope and sequence decisions to the local educators. Westlake Academy will open fall 2003 grades 1-6 implementing the Primary Years Program. Every effort will be made to hire teachers with PYP experience,but as this program is relatively new,we anticipate many teachers will require appropriate training to become familiar with this model. Funds received from this grant will provide(Payroll)for advertising open positions[3E.07],planning and program design by a Cadre of carefully selected teachers[3B.01]during the months preceding opening of Westlake Academy,fall 2003. Planning and design effort is instrumental to successful implementation of the PYP in the classroom and the eventual success measured by the TAKS later in the school year. The Seoretary[313.02] will assemble informational materials for the program to be professionally printed for distribution[3C.06]. The PYP model also relies on every teacher's involvement as part of grade-level teams involved in unit and lesson planning for the school year. Funds from this grant will provide certified IBO PYP staff development(contracted service[3C.02.A].and travel to workshops)to insure that the Westlake Academy can properly implement the PYP model,and to satisfy certification requirements of the IBO. Where staff must attend workshops on non- contract days,extra-duty pay[3b.09]will be paid Westlake is committed to implementing a program where educational technology is infused in the learning process. Funds from this grant will provide design assistance(ESC XI and/or professional services)in refining the technology implementation plan[3C.02.B],and will provide end-user staff development in the proper implementation of selected technologies. In addition to the educational program,grant monies have been budgeted for contracted services to help plan and design an operational model for the business office and Financial Accountability Systems[3C.01,02.C]. The Region XI ESC will provide the actual computer software[3C.01]for the in- house accountability system and will also provide staff development to ensure successful accountability(PEIMS)reporting as the program is implemented. A budget has been established for any utility costs[3C.04](including long distance telephone charges and telecommunication services,and potentially water,electricity,and gas for grant activities conducted before school,after school,or during the summer. A budget for supplies and materials[3D.01] and classroom books/reading materials[3D.02]has been established to allow the Head/Principal and teachers to select additional teaching resources to augment textbooks provided by TEA,and significant classroom resources provided by local funds. Computer workstations and a network server[3D.04]will be necessary to implement Student Administration software at the Academy,and an overhead prosector and LCD data projector [3D.05]will allow presentations in group planning meetings. A budget has been established to accommodate travel for training and planning, [3E.01],and membership in an international school organization[3e.02]. 2. Specifically, what impact will the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school? The Charter School Start-up Grant will have a very significant impact on the implementation and operation of Westlake Academy as it will fund payroll expenses,professional services,and key supplies and materials during the critical period of program planning prior to the availability of State funding. The Town of Westlake,the Charter Holder,is committed to the success of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design,construction of a purpose built facility and the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will continue to contribute local funds to the project to ensure success,funding from this grant will permit an extended planning,design,staff development and program set-up phase in the first half of 2003 and will allow local finds to be used for desired enhancements to the FF&E budget. The following two(2) questions must be answered to fulfill the requirements of the Program Evaluation Report. The Program Evaluation Report is due within thirty (30)days after the ending date of the grant period: /t is agreed that the Final Program Evaluation Report will be submitted within 30 days after the ending date of this grant. 1. Specifically,how were the grant funds be used to plan,design,and implement the charter? 2. Specifically,what impact did the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school?