HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-83 TC Agenda TOWN OF WESTLAKE TEXAS MARCH 9 , 1983 NOTICE OF EMERGENCY MEETING TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE , TEXAS : In compliance with Article 6252-17 , Vernon ' s Texas Civil statutes , notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake , Texas will hold an Emergency Meeting at 8 : 30 a .m. , March 10 , 1983 at the Dudley Ranch in the Town of Westlake , Texas . The subjects of this meeting shall be : 1 . Consider resolution authorizing the execution of a Compromise Settlement Agreement with Darius Willis , Ron Bollinger and W-B Investments , Inc . , and author- izing the Town Attorney to execute an Agreed Final Judgment in Cause No . 17-76085-82 , State of Texas Ex. Rel . Darius Willis , et al v . Dale White , et al . 2 . Consider ordinance deannexing a 39 . 65 acre tract of land described on Exhibit "A" , which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes . 3 . Consider ordinance relinquishing extra-territorial control over a 131. 903 acre tract of land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes , and to release control to said 131 . 903 acres to the City of Roanoke . a- %� Posted this the day of March, A.D . 1983 , at " o ' clock . de#ry WhLte , secretary -r- Town of Westlake EXHIBIT ' r ORDINf',NCE No. 20 AN OP-DINANCE RECEIVINtJ ANI) AIJNEXIIdG TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS S TO THE To�1711 OF WE—STLAKE, TEXAS AND PRJVIDITIG FOR AMI LADING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOt?1,1DARI1=" OI' SAID TONIN AS HERUE'I'OFORE ADOPTED, A;> Ai�lEh1Di";D, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, a certain tract of land situated in Denton County, Texas, consisting of 39 and 65100 acres, more or let,.;, and being a part of the righ along the West ts of way of the county roar} running- line of the J. Henry Survey A-529, the ol.c1 , �t ; e Highway No . 19, the old t1. S . Highway No . 377, arld the Denton County Road No . 2 more fully described b;,, metes and bound.~, to wit BEGINNING at a point in the North line,; of the J, Eads Survey A-392, the Alvin M. Owsley 1211 - 337 acre tract and the present corporate limits of the Town of Westlake, said point also being 600 feet more or les;: East of the Northwest corner of said corporate 1im .ts and the Alvin M . C)wsley 1211 ,37 acre tract and in the East line of a county road; THENCE North with the East line of said colanty road, running along the West line of the J. Henry Sur- vey A-52q, 2190 feet more or less to a point in the Southeast line of the old State Highway No , 10; THENCE North 390 39' East with said L"outheast line of highi•;ay 485 feet more or less to a point in the South line of a count-, road running East and blest along the North line of the J. Henry Survey A-529; THENCE East with said South line of countti-le ry road 13110 feet more Or le s to corner of county road to North; thence North with the East line of county road running along the Hest side of the T. ' Kelly ;tarvey A-704 1371. feet mcrc. or less to a point in the South- east line of the old State Highway No . 10; THE}-ICE with said Southeast line highway and with a 10 to the left 225 feet more or less to a point; thence continuing on with said Southeast line of high- way North 15o 55 ' East 1732. 6 feet more or less, I•Inrth 150 45 ' East 1629, 5 feet more or less to a point in 0 the North line of the T. Kelly Survey A-704 and the South line of the S . Graham Survey A-45 said point be- ing 910 feet Nest of the Northeast corner of said Kelly Survey; THENCE North 190 06 ' blest 166.4 feet to a point in the Southeast line of the old U. S . Highway No . 377; thence in a northeasterly direction with said Southeast line of Highway 202.7 feet to a point; thence following the Southeast line of old U. S . Highway No . 377 and a 00 50 ' curve to the left 670.3 feet to a point; . THENCE with said Southeast line of highway North 130 47' West 4738.4 feet, North 80 o4 ' East 301 .5 feet, North 130 47 ' West 79.8 feet to a point of curve, to the left; thence with said 10 curve to the left and East right of way line of highway 306.0 feet to a point, Bald point being at intersection with blest line of Denton County Road No . 2; THENCE with West line of said county road No 59 ' West 135.6 feet to a point of curve in road; thence with line of said road and along a 100 curve to the left whose radius is 618 .68 feet to a point of tangent; thence East with South line of said county road 5690 feet more or less to a point South of the extended East line of the A. B. Danks Survey A-368; THENCE North 90 feet and crossing said county road to a point in the North line of same; thence West with North line of said county road 5690 feet more or less to a point of curve in road; thence with line of said road and a 100 curve to the right whose radius is 528.68 feet to a. point of tangent; thence with East line of County Road No . 2 North 00 59 ' East 200 feet to a point; THENCE North 890 01 ' blest 140 feet to b)e center line of old U. S . highway No . 377; thence southwesterly with the center line of said highway on a 10 curve to the right 350 feet to a point of tangent, continuing with the center line of said highway South 130 47 ' West 1:118.2 feet to a point of curve in highway, continuing with a o° 50 ' curve to the right to a point in the North line of the T. Kelly Survey-A-704; THENCE East with said North line of the Kelly Sur- vey to a point in the blest line of old State highway No . 10; thence with said West line of highway South 15° 45 ' East 1629.5 feet, South 150 55 ' blest 1782.6 to a point of intersection with the West line of a county road to the South; j' i THENCE South with the said West line of county road 2011 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the North line of a county road to the West; 0 thence West with the said North line of county road 1435 feet more to less to a point; r THENCE South and crossing said country road to an intersection with the Northwest line of the old State �) Highway No . 10; thence South 390 39' West with the said Northwest line of highway 332 feet more or 'Less to an y intersection with the 11est line of a county road to the South; . thence South with said West line of county road 2340 feet more or less to a point in the present Cry porate limits of the Town of Westlake, Texascor- eTHENCE East 60 feet more or less to the point of <11: beginning and covering a tract of land containing 39.65 6 acres or 0,261.9 square miles; .r- is deemed advisable and necessary to be included within the bound- F_ cries of said Town; and WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen, acting in its official capacity, and for the best interests and general welfare of the Town and its inhabitants find that such area is adjacent to the Present Town Limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas and should be annexed and brought within the boundaries of said Town, a plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of West- lake, Texas being attached hereto marked Exhibit "A"; BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas : 1 . THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Tovin Limits of Westlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of :aid Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. 2. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Westlake, Texas , 3• THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in full X11 force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the f_1 Mayor and duly atte'ted by the Town Secretary. C� E_ f • ADOPTED this day of February, A. D. 1960, APRROVED: ATTEST: Aj — I'7cGuire A . L. Odom MAYOR TOWN SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARR.ANT ss , z' X14 . 4. () 00",/`1 , Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 20, duly presented and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of said Town of Westlauke, Texas, at a meeting held on the 13th day of February, A . D. 1900, as same appears in the minutes of said meeting, in Book No . 1, pages Z` . WITNESS 1'1Y HAND AND ,SEAL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAI�:E, TEXAS, this the 13th day of February, A. D. 1960 . C r . ,,� (Ire. T6& ,>LCR.ETARY . -- All that certain real property situ,ited in Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows , Eo-wit: BEING 131. 903 acres of land otit of the JOSI-Til liENRY SUltVI-Y, AU529, situated in Demon County, Texas, and being; described by metes and boum!s, as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin for corner in the South line of a Gravel Road, being; 635. 0 feet West, and 20. 0 feet South of the Southeast c ornur of the Thomns Kelly Survey, 070=1, same point being; the 1\!orthwest corner of a 239. 19 acre tr,rct described in geed of Records in Vol. 571 , Page 2,16, ih;ed Records; of Dclilon County, Texas; said point beim the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 00 deg. 58 min. 011 sec. Wast, 2636. 28 feet to an iron pin at a fence corner; Jlp fp THENCE South 89 deg. 36 Erin. 57 sec.. Wast, 1257. 36 feta ,►long a fence line to an iron pin at a fence corner; THENCE South 08 del;. 35 min. 00 sec:. West, 11. 9 feet along; a fence line to an iron pin at a fence corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 41 min. 54 sec:. West, 913. 33 feet along a fence line to an iron pin at the intersection of said fence line and the bast line of a Gravel Road; THENCE North 00 deg. 09 min. 18 sec. West, 2275. 0 feet to an iron pin in the East line of said Gravel Road; THENCE North 39 .deg. 21 min. 15 sec. Last, 478. 90 feet :olrti,Wiilg along the East line.of said Road to an iron pin for corner at the intersection of the East line of saidiltoad and the South line of anoi.her Gravel Road; THENCE North 89 deg. 32 rein. 02 sec. East, 1920. 0 feet along the South line of said Road to the Point of Beginning; and ccmt..,ining 131. 903 acres of land. SAVE & EXCEPT any portion lying; in road oi' roadway, public: or private. AND SAVE & EXCEPT oil, gas and other minerals reserved in Vol. 353, [)age 423, Deed Records, Denton County, 'Texas, by Rose M. King. EXHIBIT `; :�