HomeMy WebLinkAboutPYP Math Evening presentation 04-03-17PYP Mathematics 2016-2017 Staar Results 2015-2016 PYP implemented… •We have developed a balance of conceptual–fact recall/drill –application –and mental math in each grade to give a well-rounded approach creating a strong math program. •Several grades have found to be more successful by staying with the natural order of teks, not skipping around to fit it in with units. We will use this in future planning for K-5. •Push for interactive notebooks. The reflection piece is so important for developing understanding and demonstrates evidence of learning. Think Through Math (TTM) •Average of 11 hours learning math concepts afterschool per student from 8/16 -2/17. Students are now asking for specific pathways to be created as they are recognizing areas of concern for themselves. •Parents are not only beginning to understand the benefits of the program but are understanding how their child is doing. Math Night More than 160 PYP students and 360 total attended Activities for Math Night were held in both the Gym and MPH •Greg Tang games were purchased for math night. The games reinforce skills by challenging our youngest to our oldest and requiring lots of mental math. Students and teachers love these games and they are currently being used in the classrooms. •Mrs. Maru Busico-Flight offered computer coding, our librarian created a book walk using The Greedy Triangle, the gym teachers helped students find patterns playing Cups, our music teacher reinforced fraction understanding by playing songs with water filled glasses. And lastly, he House Committee will be reusing a Pac -man game due to it’s success. The Gymnasium appeared on the evening as a children’s museum. Activities and math provocations were scattered throughout the space that students and parents could engage in together. Students had a hard time leaving this area because of the abundance of activities that span from skill-based games to hands on art /music activities. Teachers appreciated that they did not have to create or worry about anything. We only asked that they were engaged in the math games with the students. Afterwards, they all commented on how fun the evening was and how quickly the time went. Parents responded to the overall excitement and activities and level of skill needed to play and the “feel” of the night. The most common comment by both parents and students was ”I wish this happened more often.” It is great to leave them asking for more! Students were totally engaged and excited. Through the art activities, provocations, or games, we offered experiences that help create a connection with math by developing a love for and desire of learning. Math is viewed as exciting and engaging by our PYP students. Even our youngest students speak “The Language Of The Discipline” utilizing the IB command terms Evidence Of Learning Conceptual Understanding And Real World Application On the horizon… •Continued use of interactive notebooks. •I would like a more “shared” system where teachers are mentored by our best. This allows for learning from our own IB-trained teachers and adds consistency in our approaches and experiences. •Our systematic flow is also important to look at. Ideally, I would like to see math skills being taught through key concepts and practiced during unit. This is a more holistic approach and gives opportunity for authentic real-world application •Using quality formatives at key points, we are now able to compare “apples to apples” and identify student struggles earlier than ever before and implement support that is targeted getting the student back on track. •Math Night was such a great success, we would like to look at doing more throughout next year. Paring with Science/Stem Night, clubs after school, or “Pop-ups” during the school days giving all kids opportunity to experience. We need to sustain this excitement!