HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-16 WHPS Min MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY May 3, 2016 DALLAS/FT.WORTH MERRIOTT SOLONA 1301 SOLANA BLVD. BUILDING 3, WESTLAKE, TX 76262 PRESENT. President Stephen Thornton, Wanda Brewster, Becky Fisher, Tom Miller, Paula Thornton and Jon White. ABSENT: Laurel Mason, Rob Meyer and Daniel Zipperlen OTHERS PRESENT. Ginger Awtry, Carol Whitmarsh, and Troy Meyer 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON APRIL 12, 2016. Member Brewster read the minutes. MOTION: Member White made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections as discussed. Member Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. No Treasurer's report. 4. OLD BUSINESS. Membership Reception: All receipts have not been submitted since Member Fisher has been out of town. There was agreement among the board and those in attendance that the Membership Reception was a lovely event. To improve future events, a more detailed preparation plan with delegation of duties to board members was discussed. 5. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership Report: Nothing to report. Ginger Awtry suggested sending out letters to the residents of Westlake to let them know more about WHPS. Member Thornton said that a letter was already planned and should send the letter along with the trifold brochure to save on postage. WHPS Website and Social Media: No report as Daniel Zipperlen was absent. Simply Westlake: Ginger Awtry discussed upcoming WHPS events that will be mentioned in Simply Westlake. The two-month lead time for articles to appear in the magazine requires some advanced planning. WHPS will prepare next year's calendar of events at our last yearly meeting as discussed in our March meeting. IOOF Cemetery Committee Report: Member Miller reported he and Member White have looked over the property. Susan McFarland is checking into obtaining aerial photos of the cemetery property. This will show the cemetery and its surroundings. Member Miller would like to have a photo from winter and summer. He will then mark the vegetation on the aerial map. The possibility of using Google Earth high resolution aerial photos was discussed so the photos can be enlarged. Member Brewster requested WHPS be kept informed when plots in the cemetery are sold in order to plan logistics for future events. Member Miller asked about designated parking so that people would not trespass on the cemetery grounds and whether the city was open to allocating some space for parking. Ginger Awtry said in the past people parked in the northwest section of the cemetery and Mrs. Lee opened her gates for parking on her property. Member Thornton mentioned the need for a covered meeting place at the cemetery. Troy Meyer showed an interest in the objectives of the WHPS 10017 Committee. He will meet with Members Miller and White prior to Decoration Day. Decoration Day: Cemetery N N Preparation and Groups to be Contacted: President Thornton distributed a list of jobs for Decoration Day. He and Troy Meyer discussed securing Boy Scout Troop 170 for cobblers and color guard for May 30. Troy Meyer will contact the Westlake Volunteer Fire Department to cook hot dogs and the Keller Police Department to close J. T. Ottinger Road at SH-170 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. except for those attending the event. Troy Meyer will transport the town's 8-burner grill and gas canister to the cemetery. Before the event, Troy Meyer will treat for ants and poison ivy. President Thornton will meet with Troy Meyer, Member Miller and Member White at the Cemetery at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, to discuss event logistics. A new location may be needed for the stage since additional plots have been sold. Members Miller and White volunteered to meet Saturday, May 28 at 5 p.m. to help President Thornton in moving and setting up the stage. President Thornton commented on his dissatisfaction with the company that has provided portable restrooms and would like to have someone look in to a new supplier. Troy Meyer agreed to find a supplier. Homemade Ice Cream: Member Thornton will supply a flyer requesting residents to make ice cream for the event. Ginger Awtry offered to contact the Westlake HOA i Presidents to see if they will promote Decoration Day and ice cream making to their residents. The event will be on Westlake Wire and other Westlake Social Media. Troy Meyer will pick up dry ice for the ice-cream. President Thornton requested the Historical Society's trifold be ready for distribution at this event and if possible, to include in any mail outs. Poppy Program: This program was originally created by Allan Werst. President Thornton would like to have volunteers help distribute posters, poppies and donation jars to designated locations. Members Fisher and White agreed to help with delivering the supplies. The money collected will be donated by check to the Roanoke VFW. Tree Planting: Troy Meyer had an irrigation system installed around the perimeter of the cemetery to water the trees along the road. Member Miller suggested he and Member White work with Troy Meyer regarding the feasibility of future tree planting. This year WHPS will dedicate the trees recently planted. Ribbons: President Thornton asked if we should supply commemorative ribbons as in years past for attendees to place in remembrance of loved ones, the board agreed. Member Brewster and Ginger Awtry agreed to work the registration desk. Flags: President Thornton asked that a flag holder be placed in the ground in front of the headstones to secure the flags. He will be in charge of this. Members Brewster and White agreed to place the flags at the graves. Member Thornton will do the shopping for the food, drinks and paper products. Member Fisher will be stage manager for the event. Constitution Day: Member Thornton will look into scheduling Constitution Day at Westlake Academy. Concern was expressed because the date falls on a Saturday this year. September 11 Memorial: The 15th year anniversary of September 11th will be on a Sunday this year. WHPS will look into having a commemorative memorial event for it and its location. President Thornton is lining up a speaker who is a 9-11 survivor. Member Brewster mentioned the possibility of holding the memorial on the grounds of a local church. President Thornton suggested the possibility of holding the event in the past memorial site in Glenwick Farms or at his property. Troy Meyer suggested we look in to having the event at Solana and using a projector and sound system. Ginger Awtry proposed we put a quarter page ad in the paper as a remembrance. Future Ideas and Purchases: Nothing to report. 6. ADJOURNMENT. President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:41 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society will be June 7, 2016. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF 52016. 0 STE HEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT BECKY FISHES, CRETARY