HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-16 WHPS Min 1 l MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY September 6,2016 Council Chambers for Town of Westlake Westlake,Texas 76262 PRESENT: President Stephen Thornton,Wanda Brewster, Becky Fisher,Tom Miller, Paula Thornton and Jon White GUESTS: Carol Whitmarsh and Patrica (Trish) Rapp ABSENT: Daniel Zipperlen 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Thornton called the meeting to order at 7:17 P.M. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE WHPS MEETING HELD ON June 6, 2016. Member Thornton read the minutes. President Thornton asked for a motion to approve. MOTION: Member White made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT. Member Brewster distributed the WHPS Statement of Activities as prepared by the Town of Westlake. Member Brewster had prepared and distributed a detailed WHPS Financial Statement which listed revenues and expenses for this year's Decoration Day. 4. NEW BUSINESS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Constitution Day: Member Thornton contacted Westlake Academy about holding Constitution Day at the school as requested by Mayor Laura Wheat. After checking with the administration, Member Thornton was contacted by the librarian,Amy Hess, and given two options for holding Constitution Day at the school.The options given were to hold observance of Constitution Day either on Friday in the Commons Area or on Monday at the Flag Day Ceremony. Member Thornton suggested we hold Constitution Day on Friday morn- ing at 8:15. She hopes to have a few children to read sections of the constitution. Member Thornton requested we look into providing the miniature copies of the U.S. Constitution which we have distributed in the past. Also,the Daughters' of the American Revolution will be asked to attend. There is an interest in having a display of portraits of the founding fathers. Guest Rapp mentioned a display of approximately 20 historical documents that were provided and displayed by an organization for a school where she has worked. September 11th Memorial: Due to only having a few days between this meeting and September 11th, we will, unfortunately, not hold a celebration this year. Classic Car Show: The date for the Classic Car Show is October 15, 2016. President Thornton suggested we put the information signs out early to advertise. Last year the informational video was played on a lap- top, but this year the video will be played on a large screen. Member Thornton read an email from Burt Schultz discussing whether WHPS should become a 501c3 organization. Member Miller mentioned having the informational trifold ready in time to distribute at the Classic Car Show. Susan McFarland had agreed to prepare the trifold with Member Miller. She has since left her job with the Town of Westlake, but President Thornton will contact her to see what progress has been made. Historical Marker: Member Brewster suggested we confirm the date for the dedication of the Historical Marker for Mahotea Boone. The suggested dates are April 1st or April 22nd of 2017. Membership Report: Member Brewster distributed a draft of the letter for WHPS membership and renewal. Member Thornton has agreed to help her prepare the final letter. WHPS Website&Social Media: No report. Simply Westake: Member Thornton suggested each board member consider writing articles to submit to the Sim- ply Westlake magazine. IOOF CEMETERY COMMITTEE: No report. FUTURE IDEAS AND PURCHASES: There was discussion about rather to purchase a new video camera. Member Brewster sugges- tion WHPS borrow the Town of Westlake's video camera for upcoming events. President Thornton would like for members to consider becoming the Chair for Decoration Day on May 29, 2017. ADJOURNMENT President Thornton asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Member White made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Brewster seconded the motion. The motion carried. President Thornton adjourned the meeting at 8:34 P.M. The next scheduled meeting of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society Board will be Tues- day, October 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of Westlake. APPROVED BY THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD ON THE DAY OF D 2016. STEPHEN THORNTON, PRESIDENT BECKY R. FISHER,S RETARY