HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-16 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 19, 2016 Board Members in Attendance: Deanna Titzler, Laura Luckett, Christine Ross, Jeff Watson, Debbie Kraska, Andy Sedino, Adam Smith, Karen Stoltenberg, Kevin Hansen Others in Attendance: Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:38AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of September 21, 2016 meeting by A. Sedino, second by A. Smith. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  Tabled until November Board meeting IV. Investment Committee  K. Hansen reported that he met with associate, Kyle Clifton, from potential new investment firm, which has school foundation experience.  Investment Committee will further research, and consider moving to different firm with investment goals more closely aligned to the Foundation’s. V. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg reported that BAF is currently at $818,680 in pledges from 65% of all families participating. Grand total pledge amount is $883,835, which includes corporate matches and community support. o Grade captains are contacting all non-donor families via email at this time.  Westlake Baja o A. Smith reported that Baja was a successful event. The flow and pace of the event was good, and auctioneer as the master of ceremonies was a positive change. o There were some issues with how the club appointed golf and tennis winners, that will be discussed in debrief with the Vaquero Club. o Sponsor appreciation gifts this year were embroidered sherpa blankets. o Will consider sending evites to all school and town emails for next year. VI. Marketing Committee  D. Titzler reported that website is being updated with all event sponsors and donors.  Blacksmith Annual Fund color-coded weeks is continuing through Week 4. VII. Grant Review  J. Kelly presented CPR Training Course and Equipment grant request in the amount of $4,123.  Motion to approve funding of grant up to full amount by J. Watson, second by K. Stoltenberg. Grant approved. VIII. President’s Report  D. Kraska praised success of Baja event this week. Discussed potential of moving it to renovated Ranch House on Vaquero Property. Planning should begin prior to end of school year for the following fall event. Other Business  none Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:17AM.