HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-16 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting September 21, 2016 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Laura Luckett, Adam Smith, Sean Shope, Wendy Greenwood, Christine Ross, Chris Jeppesen, Zan Jones, Kevin Hansen, Karen Stoltenberg, Leah Rennhack, and Andy Sedino Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:34AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of August 24, 2016 meeting by C. Jeppesen, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Shope reviewed Financial Report through August 31, 2016.  S. Shope explained that proceeds from events are transferred to Endowment account at the end of the fiscal year as evidenced on the Financial Analysis page.  As the 2016-17 budget was approved at the last Board meeting, new Annual Budget goals will be reflected in the September Financial Report.  Motion to approve financials by K. Stoltenberg, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund o C. Ross and K. Stoltenberg stated that a Giving Day watch party will take place on Sept. 22 from 4pm-7pm at Meat U Anywhere BBQ in Trophy Club. o Directors will make thank-you calls to Giving Day donors; sign-up sheet with 2-hour time blocks was passed.  Westlake Baja o A. Smith stated that we currently have 3 confirmed sponsors at the new Desert Racer level. o Discussed getting a Master of Ceremonies to facilitate transitions at the event. o Six-Hole Golf Shootout will commence at 2:20pm on the day of the event, October 17th. o Planning to secure approximately six live auction items/experiences. o Discussed having a Baja project, similar to Fund an Item, that we could call “The Next Big Thing.”  Donated vacation home proposal o S. Myers presented alumna parent, Bryan Aldridge’s proposal to donate his San Miguel de Allende, Mexico vacation home with at least some of the proceeds going to specific travel opportunities for WA students. o Discussed possibilities for designating funds. V. Marketing Committee  W. Greenwood reported that September postcard has been mailed, and passed a copy.  October postcard will focus on Baja event and Blacksmith Annual Fund.  Year in Review sample was passed; will hit mailboxes week of Sept. 26.  Plan to thank donors and list Foundation grants on the website. VI. President’s Report  D. Kraska suggested that Simply Westlake magazine could be utilized to promote WAF efforts via a Board Member Spotlight. VII. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers reported that a Board survey was distributed via Survey Monkey.  Outdoor Learning Center plans to incorporate physics and learning tools into the Astronomy plaza design; currently awaiting renderings from the architect. Other Business  S. Shope suggested promoting alumni that have now potentially graduated college, and celebrating their successes. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Meat U Anywhere BBQ in Trophy Club S. Shope moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:06AM.