HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Presentation 08-10-161 Purchased new computers for teachers and repurposed current teacher laptops for student use Leased new iPads for students Transformed a portable classroom into a life skills classroom Completed Visible Learning training for all teachers (this was a two year process) Increase costs related to legal fees 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 2 Decreased FTEs Budget document prepared according to BOT policies and conservative revenue projections Service Level Adjustments (SLA’s) developed and linked to Tier Two Strategy Map Strategic Initiatives will be identified and notated in the Strategic Plan for WA this fiscal year. Projections hold WAF funding flat Fund balance anticipated to be 48 operating days 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 3 Increase Teacher Instructional Pedagogical Skills Increase Student Achievement Increase Open, Multi-Directional Communication Build a Highly Effective Leadership Team with Strong Instructional Leadership Expertise Continued Importance of Town and WAF Contributions 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 4 Town Council Budget Workshop 5 08/10/2016 VARIANCES FROM COUNCIL RETREAT FOR FY 15-16 AMENDED EXPENDITURES ($757K) $ 115K Substitute Teacher Pay (budget deleted in error from Adopted FY 15-16) $ 482K Accounting entry for iPad lease (offset with other resources) $ 150K Additional pay (new salary scale implemented for August payroll & additional August days) $ 125K Computers for teachers (theirs transitioned to carts for students) $(115)K Budget to actual numbers have been reviewed and reduced $ 757K TOTAL CHANGES TO FY15/16 EXPENDITURES 5 Town Council Budget Workshop 6 08/10/2016 VARIANCES FROM COUNCIL RETREAT FOR FY 16-17 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES ($17K) $(106)K Payroll & Related (true up actual personnel expenditures) $ 34K Contracted Services (contracted services vs Payroll Speech Pathologist) $ (46)K Determined effort to reduce expenditures to balance budget $ 135K Debt Service Lease (decision to receive iPads earlier and sale old iPads) $ 17K TOTAL CHANGES TO FY16/17 EXPENDITURES 6 Amended Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 (Decrease) (Decrease) Revenues $ 7,956,657 $ 8,399,173 $ 442,516 6% Expenditures (8,803,848) (8,397,745) 406,103 -5% Other Resources 482,425 - (482,425) -100% Excess Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures (364,766) 1,428 366,194 -100% FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 1,482,157 1,117,391 (364,766) -25% FUND BALANCE ENDING 1,117,391 1,118,819 1,428 0% Assigned 11,000 11,000 - 0% FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 1,106,391 $ 1,107,819 $ 1,428 0% # Days Operating (Based on 365) 49 48 (1) -2% Daily Operating Expenditure $ 22,424 $ 23,008 $ 584 3% Students Enrolled 825 866 41 5% TEA Funding per Student $ 7,185 $ 7,241 $ 56 1% Operating Cost per Student $ 10,087 $ 9,697 $ -389 -4% Teachers 63.43 63.83 0.40 1% Student/Teacher Ratio 13.01 13.57 0.56 4% 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 7 Operating Revenues $8,399,173 6% increase of $442,516 from FY15/16 estimated Operating Expenditures $8,397,745 5% decrease of $406,103 from FY15/16 estimated Excess Revenues over (under) Expenditures $ 1,428 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 8 FY15/16 Estimated $1,106,391 Ending Fund Balance (unassigned) FY16/17 Proposed $1,107,819 Ending Fund Balance (unassigned) Fund Balance Increased $ 1,428 Operating Days 48 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 9 Estimated Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 (Decrease) (Decrease) Operating Expenditures $ 8,503,848 $ 8,097,745 $ 406,103) -5% Municipal-Transfer to WA 315,000 315,000 - 0% Total Academic Costs 8,818,848 8,412,745 (406,103) -5% Annual Debt Service 1,858,591 2,033,785 175,194 9% Major Maintenance & Replacement 247,920 338,805 90,885 37% In-direct Operating Costs 627,641 674,130 46,489 7% Total Municipal Costs 2,734,152 3,046,720 312,568 11% TOTAL EXPENDITURE COSTS $ 11,553,000 $ 11,459,465 $ (93,535) 1% Number of Students 825 866 41 5% Expenditure Cost per Student $ 14,004 $ 13,233 $ -771 6% The shared services model that the Academy operates under with the umbrella of the Town of Westlake provides for our administrative services. 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 10 Increase primarily due to additional Career and Technical Classes being offered FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Adopted FY 15/16 Amended FY16/17 Proposed $6,817 $6,980 $7,026 $7,085 $7,185 $7,241 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 11 State funding was 86% of General Fund revenues in FY 09/10 and is currently approximately 80%, for FY 16/17. $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Adopted FY 15/16 Amended FY16/17 Proposed $4.649 $5.190 $6.141 $6.293 $6.342 $6.721 $0.740 $0.851 $1.046 $1.100 $1.025 $1.000 $0.056 $0.061 $0.091 $0.081 $0.081 $0.091 Millions Town Contribution - Westlake Reserve Town Contribution Interest Earned Food Services Other Local Revenue WAF Fund-an-Item Transportation/Parking Athletic Activities Athletic Activities WAF Blacksmith State Revenue 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 12 Blacksmith revenues represent approximately 12% of the Academy’s total revenue. These dollars are allocated to faculty and staff salaries and benefits, which comprise over three- quarters of the total operating budget. FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Adopted FY 15/16 Amended FY16/17 Proposed $800 $851 $1,046 $1,100 $1,025 $1,000 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 13 61xx Salaries & Related $ 273,521 4.5% increase 62xx Contracted Services $ 13,970 1.4% increase 63xx Supplies & Materials $ (1,000) 0.3% decrease 64xx Other Operating $ (27,724) 5.8% decrease 65xx Debt Service Costs $ 166,673 184% increase 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 14 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 15 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 16 SALARY AND RELATED EXPENDITURES $ 273,521 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities, & Technology Outcome Objective: Attract, Recruit, Retain, & Develop the Highest Quality Workforce PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTED SERVICES $ 13,970 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: Academic Operations Outcome Objective: Improve the Efficiencies of Operational Systems SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS $ (1,000) Balanced Scorecard Perspective: Academic Operations Outcome Objective: Optimize Student Potential OTHER OPERATING COSTS $ (27,724) Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities, & Technology Outcome Objective: Increase the Capacity of Teachers & Staff DEBT SERVICE COSTS $ 166,673 Balanced Scorecard Perspective: People, Facilities & Technology Outcome Objective: Improve Technology, Facilities % Equipment The employee growth decreased slightly for FY16/17. This is due to a decrease need in support staff. The academy strives to maintain 18 students per class in Kindergarten thru grade 5 and 22-25 students in grade 6 thru grade 12. FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY16/17 Proposed 70.03 73.57 78.68 89.87 95.31 94.33 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 17 Enrollment is anticipated to increase by 41 students in the FY 16/17 school year. The increase is due to the residential growth within the Town of Westlake. We anticipate enrollment in future school years to increase by 5 students per year. Although the growth within residents will exceed this margin, the Academy will manage the growth through a decrease in lottery spots. 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 18 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY16/17 Proposed 491 530 630 658 697 812 825 866 Basic Assumptions: o 17- 20 students per class in Kindergarten through G5 o 23-25 students per section in G6-G12 o 41 student increase in FY 16-17 and 5 additional students in subsequent years o Average Daily Attendance rate of 97% 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 19 Revenues: o 100% use of WAF Annual Program revenues - $1M o Career and Technical (CTE) funding •Implemented with 252 students in FY 2016/17 •Additional 120 students in FY 2017/18 due to addition of classes •Total of 372 CTE students in subsequent years o Additional Foundation State Funding held flat going forward 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 20 Payroll & Related Expenditures: Personnel costs are estimated to increase 4.5% for FY 2016/17 and 1.5% each year thereafter Operating Expenditures: (currently estimated at 1% Increase) Per BOT Policy - will only increase if revenues increase Professional Services Supplies & Materials Other Operating Costs 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 21 Proposed Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 Total Revenues 8,399,173 8,509,919 8,509,919 8,618,733 8,660,138 Total Expenditures 8,397,745 8,420,037 8,534,494 8,483,902 8,601,629 Excess Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 1,428 89,882 25,169 134,832 58,509 FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 1,117,391 1,118,819 1,208,701 1,233,870 1,368,702 FUND BALANCE ENDING 1,118,819 1,208,701 1,233,870 1,368,702 1,427,211 Assigned 11,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 1,107,819 $ 1,193,701 $ 1,281,870 $1 ,353,702 $ 1,412,211 Number of Operating Days (365) 48 52 52 58 60 Dollars per Operating Day $ 23,008 $ 23,069 $ 23,382 $ 23,444 $ 23,566 Total Students Enrolled 866 870 875 880 885 TEA Funding per Student $ 7,241 $ 7,301 $ 7,298 $ 7,306 $ 7,294 Operating Cost per Student 9,697 9,678 9,754 9,641 9,719 Teachers 63.8 63.8 63.8 63.8 63.8 Student Teacher Ratio 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17 22   08/10/2016 Proposed Budget FY16/17