HomeMy WebLinkAboutiPadPalooza Ron Clark 10-03-16iPadPal o o za J u l y 2 0 16 Austin, Tx Lisa Re d d in g -I have included a few of the apps that I learned about at Ipadpalooza. Nearpod--Nearpod is a presentation tool that allows teachers to create a presentation and bring it to life by pushing it out to students and guiding their activity.. It involves the student in the presentation by having them interact with and submit responses on any device. The teacher can monitor and measure student results, which is something that can be difficult to keep track of when students are only participating verbally or sporadically in class. Showbie-Showbie is the fastest, easiest, and most effective app for assignments and feedback in your iPad classroom. THE SHARED FOLDER: Documents, images, instructions and comments you add to the shared folder are instantly distributed to your entire class. PHOTOS + VIDEO: Grab an image or video from your camera roll, or capture a document on the fly with your device’s camera, then crop and adjust it in Showbie. DOCUMENTS FROM ANYWHERE: Add documents from your computer, favourite iPad app, Dropbox or Google Drive in a couple of taps. COMMENTS, LINKS + VOICE NOTES: You can even record a voice note with verbal instructions for your students. See.Touch.Learn-free app that can be used by the special needs students. Visual Instruction for Autism and Special Needs. Replace all of your flashcards with the 4,400 pictures and 2,200 exercises developed by professionals. More than 500,000 users in 104 countries! Create custom lessons using the starter library, or purchase any of 50 individual libraries with over 4,400 pictures and 2,200 exercises developed by professionals. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/see.touch.learn./id406826506?mt= I shared this information with the special needs teachers and they think it can be a helpful tool for their students in SpEd. Jill Howard Great experience to spend time with other teachers from WA and around the country to share new innovative ideas and apps to integrate technology in o u r e v e r y d a y a c t iv it ie s u sin g t h e iPa d . ➽New apps to use in class: Paper 53, Showbie (PRO). Thank you to the WA Foundation for supporting WA teachers!! Jeff Myers iPadpalooza Highlights……… Two of the highlights that I attended; Accelerated Math 2.0 -presented the effectiveness and need for digital math practice. Will be incorporating Think Through Math in class. Google Classroom -I am building this resource that will house daily lessons, links, and assignments for students to reference ** I also had the opportunity to hear Derrick Brown speak on Leadership. His is the Principal at the Young Mens’ Leadership Academy in San Antonio. He spoke about the Power of One. How one voice, one teacher, can have a lasting impact on a student. He spoke of teaching young men to be Gentlemen and to act with pride, dignity and compassion. I believe that I have always tried to do this as a teacher and coach, but hearing Mr. Brown inspired me to make sure it is a priority for me. Beck y Sandfort I gained many new ideas -27 ways see notes I incorporated 5 of them with plans to implement 5 more CURRENT HIGHLIGHTS: McGraw Hill App: facilitates ebook access & provides quick access resources and text to support learning. Notability App:interfaces with Google Docs and Managebac and facilitates the goal setting process students are using Atomas App:brings Periodic Table to life. SOON TO COME: Selfie project:uses the camera and Google slides to create Minimalist poster:creates with various design apps Apple classroom:allows teacher to see every iPad or Dig it a l Cit ize n sh ip -e t h ic a l r e spo n sib il it ie s/b e h a v io u r Ad v iso r y t im e Be aware of cyber bullying… Reminders… 1. Would you say it to someone in person? If not, do not post. 2. Think about what you are posting. You do not want others to feel bad after reading your post. 3. Do not post personal information about your life or relationships. 4. Do not post pictures of other people. 5. Ch e c k pr iv a c y se t t in g s Ro n Cl a r k Academ y June 2016 I was impressed with their House System and how it is incorporated into the school. Westlake is trying to emulate this same positive attitude at our campus with our four House System: Thoreau, Wheatley, Whitman, and Keller. The training addressed topics such as positive culture, respectful atmosphere, high expectations and engagement. This experience was an incredible team building activity for the participants,too. --Lisa Re d d in g HOUSES Incorporate d into most aspects of the school All In Giv in g 100%, 100% of the tim e. Important Take Aways... @Ron Clark They teach to the top, no accommodations Provide strategies to help students stay engaged and focused--drums Praise is earned and meaningful --Sarah Stack What that might be compared t o @W A Accel erated curricul um for all Wide range of learning experiences Fe e d b a c k is sig n if ic a n t a n d meaningful What she’s d o in g n o w ... Sarah Stack Im p a c t f u l Id e a s @Ro n Cl a r k Teacher Centered vs. Student Centered Support and freedom lead to better teaching Students are given a framework to learn presentation skills Dr. Shelly Myers Incorporate dreams and passions into l essons Teach students to interact in tf l d f t bl SPECIAL S = Shake hands P = Po s t u r e E = Eye contact C = Ch a r m I = Introduce yourself A = Ask questions L = List e n & Le a n in Balance Structure Disc ipl in e Respect Cr e a t iv it y Passion Enthusiasm RIGOR Le f t sig n if ic a n t im p a c t o n D r . Myers So l id a r it y Th e BIG IDEA