HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlobal Collaboration Presentation 11-07-16Global Collaboration Participants •Westlake Academy (WA) -Rod Harding PYP Principal, Mrs. Laura Fischer (Lead Teacher for Project), Grade 5 and Grade 4 Teachers •Edmonton Islamic Academy (EIA) –Dr. Mona Nashman (CEO), Ms. Hiba Azzam (Lead Teacher for Grade 5) and Laila Chabhar (Lead Teacher for Grade 4) What Is Our Purpose in this Global Collaboration Project? •Students and staff at EIA and WA will develop a collaborative project that is authentic, significant, relevant and worthwhile to promote and sustain International Mindedness. •Students and staff will model intercultural understanding and respect within their school and local communities for the betterment of a more peaceful world. What Is Our Purpose in this Global Collaboration Project? •Use the PYP attitude of Empathy to promote and develop social-emotional and cognitive skills. Self-awareness (PYP Social skills), or the ability to identify and label one's own feelings and motivations Perspective-taking (PYP Concept), or the ability to see things from someone else's point of view Cause-and-effect (PYP Concept), or how one's own actions might impact others How Will We Achieve Our Purpose? •Gain understanding of the differences and perspectives of the Islamic faith and the culture and life in an IB World School. •Examine the EIA and WA Vision and how each contributes to Global Citizenship. •Use technology in which to communicate their unique cultures, curriculum and life experiences. •Establish teacher and student exchanges to experience different school and community cultures. •Use inquiry based learning and the 7 Steps of Global Collaboration (Connection, Communication, Citizenship, Collaboration, Reflection and Choice, Culminating Event & Celebration) Visions of WA & EIA Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. ~Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective~ Edmonton Islamic Academy students achieve their maximum potential in an environment of intercultural and interfaith understanding and respect, and use their leadership skills and intellect for the betterment of humanity. ‘Interfaith’ PYP Trandisciplinary Theme, Who We Are “nature of self; beliefs and values;….social and spirital health WA’s Visit to EIA (September 29-30) •Collaborative discussions of EIA Board members, administration and teachers for consensus on the Organizing Theme, Central Idea and Inquiry process for the project •Presentation to grade 4 & 5 EIA parents to describe the collaborative project Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We are (WA) or ‘One Umah’ or ‘One Family’ (EIA) Central Idea:‘Perspectives Are Reality’ Lines of Inquiry: •How culture and beliefs are the hallmarks of societies •How relationships impact communities •The qualities and actions of leaders Concepts:Form, Perspective & Responsibility Global Collaboration Achievements as of October 2016 •Digital Handshake and Introductions at the Grade 5 level •Sharing of resources to EIA of Inquiry-based learning videos •Digital Citizenship resources shared and pen-pals (teacher and students) Next Steps •Edmonton promotion of the project through the schools governing board, reputable education agencies and the Alberta Education Department and IBO’s IB World Magazine. •Student/Teacher exchange https://youtu.be/LsmDKHBTjPE