HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-16 TC Min__ __ MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL MEETING November 14, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat, Council Members: Alesa Belvedere, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack and Wayne Stoitenberg ABSENT: Michael Barrett OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Secretary Kelly Edwards, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Assistant Town Manager Amanda DeGan, Director of Public Works ]arrod Greenwood, Fire Chief Richard Whitten, Director of Communications Ginger Awtry, Director of Information Technology ]ason Power, Director of Planning & Development Ron Ruthven, Director af Human Resources & Administrative Services Todd Wood, and Director of Parks & Recreation Troy Meyer. Work Session ��LT!�!�.�Z• •7 .7 �7�;7 Mayor Wheat called the work session to order at 5:07 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Wheat led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. Town Council Minutes 11/14/16 3 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR i MEETING AGENDA. 4. No additional discussion. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council convened into executive session at 5:08 p.m. The Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following: a. Sec. 551.071 Consultation with Attarney (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about: Land Sale b. Section 551.087 Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic develapment negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the ofFer of a financial or other incentive ta a business prospect described by Subdivision (1) for the following: - Maguire Partners-Solana Land, L.P., related to Centurion's development known as Entrada and Granada - Project Lynx - CS Kinross Lake Parkway, a Delaware limited liability company, its affiliate Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. c. Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property regarding Town Hall ofFices, Fire Station site and Town owned properry d. Section 551.074(a){1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee: Town Manager 5. RECC)NVENE MEETING Mayor Wheat reconvened the meeting at 6:37 p.m. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and Discussian of the Upcoming Legislative Session and Possible Westlake Priorities. Town Manager Brymer provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding delegation of authority fram the State to municipalities, unfunded mandates, equal funding of Public schools and Charter Town Council Minutes il/14/16 _ rage �_or_ --, schools, efFective Council involvement, and providing a copy of TML's legislative update at the December meeting. b. Discussion regarding a proposed Special Events Ordinance. Directors Greenwood and Meyer and Chief Whitten provided an overview of the proposed ordinance with the revision regarding indigency. Discussion ensued regarding an event of 300 people on private or public property, school events, large events in Vaquero, proactive corporate partners, fire safety issues, tent permits, difFerentiate between private and public property, and how to recover the cost of Fire and EMS or Police services for an event. Council asked the Attorney to re-review the ordinance base on the discussion and review Highland Park's event ordinance. c. Discussion regarding the Town's Health, Dental, and Vision insurance for 2017. Director Wood and Assistant to the Town Manager DeGan provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the Town is cost for an emplayee and dependent � coverage and loss of pharmacy coverage on Blue Cross Blue Shield. d. Standing Item; Presentation and discussion of development projects per StafF October 2016 report and October 2016 Entrada report from the Developer. Town Manager Brymer provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding opening of Hollywood Hamburgers, allowing temporary signage for CVS, revising the sign ordinance to allow for grand opening signage, and the number of single family residential permits issued. 7. COUNCIL RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Providing a copy of TML's legislative update at the December meeting. Revising the sign ordinance to allow for a grand opening signage. Review the special event ordinance specifically the definition of Level II and distinction of public and private events. Town Council Minutes 11/14/16 : __ <_ , Page 3<of 7 _.. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Wheat adjourned the work session at 8:08 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wheat calied the regular session to order at 8:26 p.m. 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Director Awtry announced that Council Member Langdon and Director Wood have birthdays today and provided overview of the resident clean-up day. 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the October 24, 2016, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 16-36, Approving the 2017 Meeting Calendar for the Town Council and Board of Trustees. c. Consider approval of Ordinance 802, Appainting the .ludge and Alternate Judge for two (2) year terms. d. Consider approval of Resolution 16-37, Approving the declaratian of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and Design Guidelines for Quail Hollow, a residential development located in a R-1 zoning district, on approximately 188 acres of land located at the southeast corner of FM 1938/Davis Boulevard and Dove Road. MOTIfJN: Council Member Belvedere made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Council Member Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote af 4-0. 5. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION REGARDING ORDINANCE 803, AMEtVDING AND EXPANDING TAX ABATEMEWT REINVESTMENT ZONE PIO. 4, IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TARRANT AND DENTON COUMTIES, TEXAS FOR THE PR�JECT COMMON�Y KNOWN AS CHARLES SCHWAB & CO. WESTLAKE CQRPORATE OFFICE CAMPUS. Town Council Minutes 11J14/16 _ _ _:_ ..: Page 4 of 7 _, Mrs. Petty provided a presentation an overview of the item and the additianal item that would need to be completed as outlined in items 6 and 7 of the agenda. i Discussion ensued regarding revision of the acreage included in the expanding reinvestment zone, the States incentives, and terms of the abatement. Mayor Wheat opened the public hearing. No one addressed the Council. Mayor Wheat closed the public hearing MOTION: Council Member Stoltenberg made a motian to approve Ordinance 803. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 6. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 16-38, AMENDING RESOLUTIt3N 16-31, AMENDING AND EXPANDING NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWERMENT ZONE #4 IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE RELATED TO THE CHARLES SCHWAB & CO. CORPORATE �FFICE CAMPUS SITE DESIGNATED FC1R TAX REINVESTMENT ZONE #4. No additional discussion. MOTION: Council Member Langdon made a motion to approve Resolution 16-38. Council Member Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote af 4-0. 7. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESCiLUTION 16-39, AMENDING AND RESTATIIVG THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND ADOPTING A TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 312 OF THE TEXAS TAX CODE, WITH CS KINRQSS LAKE PARKWAY, A DELAWARE lIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AND ITS AFFILIATE CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. No additional discussion. MOTIC?N: Council Member Stoltenberg made a motion to approve Resolution 16-39. Council Member �angdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Town Council Minutes 11/14/16 � ;_ __ Page 5 of 7 E 8. DISCUSSIC)N AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 16-40, APPROVING THE f = UNITED HEALTHCARE AS THE TOWN`S HEALTH AND VISION INSURANCE CARRIER AND METLIFE AS THE TOWN'S DENTAL IIVSURANCE CARRIER FOR 2017. No additional discussion. MOTIOPI: Council Member Rennhack made a mation to approve Resolution 16-40. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council convened into executive session at 8:39 p.m. The Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following: a. Sec. 551.071 Consultation with Attorney (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about: Land Sale b. Section 551.087 Deliberation Regarding Econamic Development Negotiations (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial ; information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect ; that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in ar near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental bady is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2} to deliberate the ofFer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1) for the following: - Maguire Partners-Solana Land, �.P., related to Centurion's development known as Entrada and Granada - Project Lynx - CS Kinross Lake Parkway, a Delaware limited liability company, its affiliate Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. c. Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property regarding Town Hall offices, Fire Station site and Town owned property d. Section 551.074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee: Town Manager 10. RECONVENE MEETING Mayor Wheat reconvened the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Town Council Minutes 11/14/16 __ . Page 6_af 7 i 11. TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS. ; MOTION: Council Member Rennhack made a motion to amend the Tawn Managers Employment Agreement by increasing providing a 3% salary increase effective this current pay period. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motian carried by a vote of 4-0. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No future agenda items. 13. AD�OURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTIC?P1: Council Member Belvedere made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 9:16 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 12, 2016. ATTEST: r� ����'' `a=c'�i�..�. � c c� �,�:� Kelly Edw s, Town Secretary ���.���,�_ �%���..��-; LauYa Wheat, Mayor Town Council Minutes 11/14/16 ._ _ Page Z of 7