HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 631A Granting Specific Use Permit for Gas Well at 2450 Precinct Line RoadTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 631 A AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A GAS WELL PAD SITE, LOCATED AT 2450 PRECINCT LINE ROAD; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake's Town Council finds and determines, on the basis of facts presented on the application for a Specific Use Permit and at the public hearings on same, the following: 1. Notice of public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council were sent to the real property owners within two hundred feet (200') of the property herein described at least ten (10) days before such hearing; 2. Notice of the public hearing before the Town Council was published in a newspaper of general circulation in Westlake at least fifteen (15) days before such hearing. 3. A public hearing to change the zoning on the property herein described was held before both the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council, and the Planning and Zoning Commission has heretofore made a recommendation to approve the zoning change by a unanimous vote. 4. The Town Council is of the opinion that the zoning change herein effectuated furthers the purpose of zoning as set forth in the Unified Development Code and ordinances of the Town and is in the best interest of the citizens and property owners in the Town of Westlake. 5. That the proposed use is not inconsistent with: (a) the reasonably foreseeable uses of adjacent and nearby property anticipated to be in place upon expiration of the term of the Specific Use Permit; and (b) the use of the property contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan, as in effect on the date of granting of said permit; 6. That the proposed use will not impair development of adjacent and nearby property in accordance with said Comprehensive Plan; 7. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the Town's Thoroughfare Plan and traffic patterns, as in effect at the time of granting of said permit, and as contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake and the Town of Westlake Town Council, in compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake and State Law with reference to the granting of Specific Use Permits under the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, have given the requisite notices by publication Ordinance 631 Page I of 3 and otherwise, and after holding hearings and affording a full and fair process to all property owners generally, and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake is of the opinion that said change in zoning use should be made, subject to the conditions set out herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended, by amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Westlake so as to grant a Specific Use Permit, for a Gas Well Pad Site, located within the property at 2450 Precinct Line Road, owned by Maguire Partners, with the following conditions and attached Exhibit "A": MOTION: Council Member Corson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 631, approving an application for Specific Use Permit to allow a gas well pad site to be located within PD- 1, 2405 Precinct Line Road, with the addition of stipulation 4 2 (the applicant be allowed to develop a secondary off-site, water source for the purpose of fraccing wells and at a location approved by staff and in compliance with the Town's ordinances.). Council Member Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purpose provided in the Unified Development Code and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake as herein amended by the granting of a Specific Use Permit and approval of an associated Site Plan and incorporated herein by reference. . SECTION 4: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. SECTION 5: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any portion thereof other than that portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6: In addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, the Town shall have the right to seek injunctive relief for any and all violations of this ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. Ordinance 63 t Page 2 of 3 Staff Report Attachment "A" Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TX STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION & TOWN COUNCIL I. CASE INFORMATION Case No(s): SUP-GWPS- 09-01 Date: 7115/2009 Request: Applicant is requesting approval of the following: Specific Use Permit (SUP) (Gas Well Pad Site, Maguire West Pad) Submitted as informational items: Gas Well Pad Site Permit Gas Well Permit (Gas Well Pad Site Permits and Gas Well Permits are approved administratively after the SUP is approved by Town Council and are included in the packet as informational items only) Pad Site Name: Maguire A Unit on Maguire West Pad. Location: Subject property is located near the southeast corner of SH114 and Precinct Line Rd. The site is approximately 2.6171 acres. This land is bounded on the west by Precinct Line Rd (FM 1938) and on the north by SH 114. The site is addressed as 2454 Precinct Line Road. The site has a rectangular configuration; located in the WH Pea Survey, Abstract A-2025, Tarrant County (see attached arealvicinity plan). Owner: Maguire Partners — Solana Land LP Developer/Operator: Range Production Company Zoning: PD- 1 Proposed Use(s): Rural Gas Well Pad Site (rural >1000 feet). By ordinance, a Rural Gas Well Pad Site contains a Drill Zone that is located more than 1,000 feet from a Protected Use at the time of the filing of a Gas Well Pad Site Permit application. By ordinance, a Protected Use is defined as a habitable structure, Religious Institution, Public Building, Healthcare Facility, School or Public Park (note: parks do not include trails and the trail near this proposed GWPS is a private trail). This term does not apply Ordinance 631 Page 1 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" to accessory building, garages, hangars, or storage buildings. The applicant intends to develop the site to drill an unknown number of gas wells. Phasing: The applicant is submitting a Gas Well Pad Site SUP application for approval and concurrently submitted for administrative review, the related Gas Well Pad Site Permit application and a Gas Well Permit application. The SUP submittal includes a site plan outlining all equipment and vehicle parking and storage areas to be used in the drilling phase (see attached site plan, Exhibit T from the SUP application). At this time, only one (1) well will be drilled and data gathered to determine the optimum number of wells to be drilled in the future for this site, i.e. - The initial gas well on this pad site will be one of possibly several drilled over time (time period not determined). If this SUP application is approved, this would also amend the PD Site Plan for the existing PD -1 zoning district. At the time of issuance of the GWPS permit, the applicant should be required to submit an amended PD Site Plan exhibit for the PD -1 zoning district for the Town's official records reflecting this Gas Well Pad Site, its access routes, and any other conditions of the SUP (if approved) that would impact future PD -1 zoning district development in and around this pad site. II. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS 1. Platting The applicant represents that all conditions of zoning for PD -1 that affect the GWPS site plan and platting for this property have been met. However, the parcel included in the SUP application on which the GWPS will be located is not currently platted. The applicant has stated that this parcel will not be sold nor sub -divided; but only leased from the surface owner. We are advised that this is not an uncommon practice in the natural gas industry and that other area municipalities allow Gas Well Pad Sites to be permitted on unplatted property. To prevent any possible future subdivision of the parent tract from the SUP tract which will contain the GWPS, this status as non -subdivided property will be researched and reviewed during the annual renewal process for the GWPS and Gas Well permits. If there is any change of ownership or division of property within each one year permit time period, the GWPS tract must be re -platted to reflect this change of ownership and subdivision of property. 2. Traffic Management Plan Primary access to the proposed site will be off of FM 1938, southbound from the SH114 eastbound access road. (See attached Exhibit A from the SUP application). If construction of FM 1938 prohibits access via this route, the secondary access route will be from SH 114 on to Solana Boulevard traveling west until vehicles can turn right and travel north to the site parallel to a Trophy Ordinance 631 Wage 2 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" Club MUD easement. Solana Boulevard is dedicated to the Town of Westlake, however, the surface owner (Maguire Partners) is responsible for the maintenance and repair of Solana Blvd. Maguire has negotiated a private agreement with the operator (Range) regarding the use of Solana Boulevard. However after review, staff finds the agreement to be inadequate because it is a lease agreement with some language regarding access routes and road maintenance between Maguire and Range. The Town is not a party to this agreement and has no legal standing in requiring road repairs to Solana Boulevard that might result from this drilling and/or well servicing activity. Under the submitted documents, this would be a decision relegated totally to Maguire and Range. A separate road maintenance agreement with the Town regarding access and use of Solana Boulevard by the operator is necessary. 3. Structures and Protected Uses within 1,0001 Applicant has complied with this GWPS requirement (as shown in Exhibit B from the SUP application). Additionally, a list of all property owners and their addresses has been provided by the applicant as required by ordinance. There is only one Westlake (1) property, other than TxDOT that is within 1,000 feet of proposed Drill Zone (Fidelity Investments). 4. Private Roads used to Access the Gas Well Pad Site as well as Points of Intersection and Ingress/egress of Private Roads Primary Private Access. Original drawings for the private roadway that will access the site from FM 1938 have been revised per staff comments to show a turn -around area outside or near the gate for denied access purposes. A hammer -head design was discussed and reflected on the revised drawings. The design shall comply with a selected option as shown in Appendix D of the 2006 International Fire Code. Staff requested that applicant provide the private access roadway design information such as materials, thickness, design load capacity, etc. Applicant has shown a cross section of the roadway to consist of a 6" TxDOT Flex Base (crushed limestone) on a compacted sub grade (shown in attached Exhibit C from the SUP application). Once FM 1938 construction is complete, the first 200' of the private roadway from the edge of FM 1938 ROW must be chip -sealed or be constructed of some other town approved surface for dust mitigation and prevention of loose rock or gravel from entering the roadway. Additionally, as stated in the 2006 International Fire Code , since this private access road will also be the fire apparatus road for the GWPS, it shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all weather driving capabilities at all times. Ordinance 631 Page 3 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" Staff requested that mud shakers and other tire cleaning devices, as required by ordinance, be shown on drawings for both primary and secondary access roads. Once FAIT 1938 construction begins, truck shakers must be moved to a town approved location between the Gas Well Pad Site and the chip -sealed or improved pavement. When adjacent development occurs, the Town will reserve the right to require additional paving and or relocation of the primary or secondary access roads and or relocation of truck shakers to facilitate development of adjacent property. Secondary Private Access. If the secondary access route is utilized, it must be constructed to meet all the standards and conditions mentioned above for the primary access road. 5. Location of Vehicle Parking and Storage Areas. Revised drawings, per staff comments, have been submitted showing all equipment that may be used on the site, including a gas lift compressor (an on- site compressor used to lift gas from the well to the Gas Collection System connecting to the on-site Tank or a Tank Battery), which are allowed by ordinance (shown on attached Exhibit D from the SUP application). 6. Water Source and Other Public Utilities/ 7. Water Storage Facilities Including On-site Retention Ponds The applicant has advised staff that all necessary water for drilling at this GWPS will be purchased from the Town of Westlake from a Town fire hydrant located on southwest corner of new, realigned FM 1938. The water will be delivered to the GWPS by a temporary, above ground water line. An amendment to the Town's water rate ordinance will be need to be approved by the Town Council in order to have pricing in place that covers full cost of service for this customer class. This must be done before drilling of the first well at this GWPS. Water for fraccing may come from an off-site source. Off-site water storage facilities to be located within the Town of Westlake must be approved by Town staff. 8. One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain No portion of the proposed Gas Well Pad Site is located within the One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain. 9. Proposed method of Erosion Control/Drainage The applicant's submitted site plan shows no on-site detention or retention. The increase in run-off caused by the installation of compacted materials in the Gas Well Pad Site area will result in an increase of approximately 5cfs, which should Ordinance 831 Page 4 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A° not have any negative impact on adjacent properties. Erosion control materials will be field approved after installation. Installation of erosion control systems will be in accordance with industry standards and practices. 10. Screening and Landscape Plan The applicant's screening and landscape plan has been revised and resubmitted (see attached Exhibit I from the SUP application). This SUP is based on this site being classified as a Rural Gas Well Pad Site (GWPS) as mentioned above in the Proposed Use section of this staff report. The ordinance provides that Rural Gas Well Pad Sites may be allowed to delay all or part of its landscape and screening wall installation as approved by the Town Council provided a specific time schedule is provided as a part of the Specific Use Permit application. Further, while if screening is required, it can be approved by the Town Council (as a part of the SUP) as wrought iron with masonry columns, which the applicant has proposed. Also, the landscape and screening wall installation for a Rural GWPS can be required immediately by the Town upon the Final Platting or issuance of a building permit for a Protected Use located on any property within the setback requirements for High Impact or Urban Gas Well Pad Sites. The applicant was requested to submit three Landscape and Screening plans. a. A Landscape and Screening plan that shows what they desire to have in place during the Drilling phase. b. A Landscape and Screening plan that shows what they desire to install after the drilling is complete and remain in place until development occurs within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. c. A Landscape and Screening plan that complies fully with town ordinances for all Gas Well Pad Sites, to be installed after development occurs within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. For the Drilling phase, the applicant has proposed installing a temporary chain link perimeter fence with all weather screening for a period not to exceed one year after completion of the first well. No additional landscaping is proposed during this time frame. Upon expiration of the above time frame, the applicant proposes installing a wrought iron fence with masonry columns and thirty-three additional trees to serve as their permanent landscape and screening. The applicant is of the opinion that the location of this GWPS, situated amongst the large grove of existing trees and at a ground elevation significantly lower than Ordinance 631 Page 5 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" the highway, will be better hidden from view by the installation of the less obtrusive wrought iron fence along with the strategic installation of thirty-three additional trees, than by the installation of the masonry fence and layered landscape plan as detailed in the ordinance. It is the applicant's desire that this level of landscape be approved as the final landscape and screening plan even if development occurs within 1,000 feet of the Drill Zone. 11. Tree preservation and Mitigation Plan The applicant has submitted a tree preservation/mitigation plan (see attached Exhibit J from the SUP application). Tree mitigation plan provided does not conform to Town of Westlake code of Ordinances Section 98-48, Tree Replacement Requirements. However, the applicant is proposing a delayed tree mitigation plan that would include planting 289 trees on the Gas Well Pad Site after the wells stop producing. 12. Site Security Plan The applicant has submitted a site security plan (see attached Exhibit K from the SUP application). The applicant is proposing a temporary chain link fence around the entire GWPS until the site is fully drilled or one year following completion of the first well. 13. Noise Management Plan Town Staff requested additional information regarding the anticipated noise levels or proposed monitoring and mitigation methods in addition to the submitted ambient noise measurements. The applicant submitted a new exhibit from Principle Environmental Consultants (see attached Exhibit L from the SUP application) regarding the requested information. In this exhibit are examples of sound walls to be used during the drilling and fraccing operations, should they be necessary. The applicant does not anticipate that the site will be in close enough in proximity to adjacent uses to warrant the use of any noise mitigation, but they are prepared to install and use if the measured levels exceed those outlined in the code. 14. Outdoor Lighting Plan Applicant revised notes on drawings as requested by Town staff for clarification of the lighting details. An additional sheet was added to the exhibit regarding the fixtures heights as requested. While the applicant states that all luminaries shall be shielded according to state and federal safety laws, they must also comply with the Town's outdoor lighting requirements as found in Section 102-207 and in the PD -1 requirements for Ordinance 631 Page 6 of 11 Staff Report Attachment °A" Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE outdoor lighting (see attached Exhibit M from the SUP application). The applicant stated that lights are labeled on the rig and will be used only when necessary to meet state and federal safety regulations. 15. Dust Mitigation Plan Town Staff requested that the applicant identify the dust suppression material to be applied. The applicant noted that the material to be used is Soil Sement. The MSDS for this material is also included in the revised exhibit 16. Waste Disposal Plan As requested by Town Staff, the applicant has noted on the drawings that all waste will be trucked off-site at least monthly and that the on-site dumpster will be located within a lined, 1' berm and will be located within the landscaping 1 screening plan referenced above in Section 9 of this report. 17.Telemetry Equipment No telemetry equipment has been identified on the drawings nor will be necessary since the equipment will be cellular. For clarification, it was noted that no towers will be necessary and thus none will be permitted on site without a site plan amendment. 18. Exhibit Q — Water Wells Applicant states in his SUP application that no fresh water wells will be necessary for the drilling or fraccing of any gas well to be drilled on this GPWS, thus there are no fresh water wells on the site plan. 19. Exhibit R — Pipelines Applicant indicates pipelines to tie this GWPS into a gas transmission line will run from SH 114 to the north side of the GWPS. 20. Adjacent Property Owners Applicant states there are no protected uses inside the corporate limits of Westlake within 1,000' of the drill zone of this GWPS and thus, no adjacent property owner consent forms are necessary for this SUP application. Ordinance 631 Page 7 of 11 Staff Report Attachment "A" Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE III. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Gas Well Pad Site SUP application for the Maguire West Pad, located on PD -1, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Platting To prevent any possible future subdivision of the parent tract from the SUP tract which will contain the GWPS, this status as non -subdivided property will be researched and reviewed during the annual renewal process for the GWPS and Gas Well permits. If there is any change of ownership or division of property within each one year time permit period, the GWPS tract must be re -platted to reflect this change of ownership and subdivision of property prior to reissuance of new yearly GWPS and GW permits. 2. Traffic Management Plan Primary access to the proposed site will be off of FM 1938, southbound from the SH114 eastbound access road. (See attached Exhibit A from the SUP application). If construction of FM 1938 prohibits access via this route, the secondary access route will from SH 114 on to Solana Boulevardtraveling west until vehicles can turn right and travel north to the site along a Trophy Club MUD easement. Applicant must a letter for Town files from TC MUD stating that they approve use of their easement as secondary private access to this site prior to consideration of the SUP by the Planning & Zoning Commission (Commission). A separate road maintenance agreement with the Town for access and use of Solana Boulevard by the applicant is required prior to consideration of this SUP by the Commission. 3. Structures and Protected Uses within 1,000' Per ordinance requirements, the applicant must have a neighborhood meeting with this property owner (Fidelity) and provide the staff with a summary of the discussion and outcomes of that meeting prior to the public hearing with the Planning & Zoning Commission. (While the Town does not have the authority to enforce Westlake zoning requirements within Trophy Club, as a courtesy, staff will send a copy of this staff report and the public hearing information to Trophy Club for dissemination to their citizens, if they wish to do so). Ordinance 631 Page 8 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" 4. Private Roads used to Access the Gas Well Pad Site as well as Points of Intersection, Ingresslegress of Private Roads Primary Private Access. Once FM 1938 construction is complete, the first 200' of the private roadway from the edge of FM 1938 ROW must be chip -sealed or be constructed of some other town approved surface for dust mitigation and the prevention of loose rock or gravel from entering the roadway and the truck shakers must be moved to a town approved location between the Gas Well Pad Site and the chip -sealed or improved pavement. When adjacent development occurs, the Town reserves the right to require relocation of the primary access road to facilitate development of the adjacent newly aligned FM 1938, 5. Location of Vehicle Parking and Storage Areas. 6. Water Source and Other Public Utilities 7. Water Storage Facilities Including On-site Retention Ponds The applicant agrees to obtain all water for this Gas Well Pad Site from the Town of Westlake to the extent that the town can provide it. 8. One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain No portion of the proposed Gas Well Pad Site is located within the One Hundred (100) Year Flood Plain. 9. Proposed method of Erosion Control/Drainage Erosion control must be installed and maintained per industry standards. 10. Screening and Landscape Plan For the Drilling phase, the applicant shall install a temporary chain link perimeter fence with all weather screening for a period not to exceed one year after completion of the first well. Staff recommends that additional trees be planted as necessary to screen the entrance to the GWPS form view of adjacent roadways prior to issuance of the Gas Well Pad Site permit. Ordinance 631 Page 9of11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE Attachment "A" Upon expiration of the above time frame, the applicant shall install a wrought iron fence with masonry columns and thirty-three additional trees to serve as their permanent landscape and screening. 11. Tree preservation and Mitigation Plan The applicant has submitted a tree preservation/mitigation plan (see attached Exhibit J from the SUP application). Tree mitigation plan provided does not conform to Town of Westlake code of Ordinances Section 98-48, Tree Replacement Requirements. Staff recommends that as a condition of approval of this SUP, the applicant must agree to pay into the Tree mitigation fund $100 per caliper inch for all trees removed and not mitigated within one year. With the exception that 150 inches may be reserved for mitigation within the Gas Well Pad Site no later than 120 days after gas production is ceased. 12. Site Security Plan Applicant shall provide Knox locks for all gates. 13. Noise Management Plan Approval of this Sup and renewal of all related permits is contingent upon the operator complying with town ordinances regulating noise. 14. Outdoor Lighting Plan Applicant agrees to provide shielding and or alteration of the lighting as, directed by town staff, to comply with the town's lighting ordinances to the degree possible without unduly compromising the safety of the workers. 15. Dust Mitigation Plan Applicant agrees to modify dust control methods or maintenance schedules as directed by town staff to adequately mitigate dust migration. Town staf will monitor the site and will determine if dust mitigation efforts are adequate for the various climatic conditions and traffic loads. 16. Waste Disposal Plan Waste from this site will be trucked off-site at least monthly and the on-site dumpster will be located within a lined area enclosed by a by a 1' high berm as shown on the site plan, located within the landscaping/screening plan referenced above in Section 9 of this report. Ordinance 631 Page 10 of 11 Staff Report Town of Westlake Maguire -Range GWPS 7-15-09 EE 17. Telemetry Equipment Attachment "A" No telemetry equipment has been identified on the drawings nor will be necessary since the equipment will be cellular. 18. Water Wells No fresh water wells will be drilled on this GPWS. 15. Exhibit R — Pipelines All pipelines related to the drilling or production operations will be approved and permitted by the town prior to being installed. 20. Adjacent Property Owners Applicant states there are no protected uses inside the corporate limits of Westlake within 1,000' of the drill zone of this GWPS and thus, no adjacent property owner consent forms are necessary for this SUP application. Ordinance 631 Page 11 of 11 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 10 DAY OF AUGUST 2009. ATTEST: c3k"&lu�b KimlsuttAlyown Secretary 6--11\4 CAW0'x'dS t, f Laura Wheat, Mayor Ordinance 631 Page 3 of 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT V,-' 11, j\ (p'In L -i t SALES MANAGER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers of Bedfo)d, Texas, a newspaper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to - wit: OCTOBER 14 111 2009 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TX PUBLIC NOTICES "Sales Manager