HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-16 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 6, 2016 Board Members in Attendance: Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Karen Stoltenberg, Zan Jones, Sean Shope, Wendy Greenwood, Deanna Titzler, Laura Luckett, Jeff Watson and Leah Rennhack Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:44 AM. New Board Member, Christine Ross, was welcomed, and outgoing President, Karen Stoltenberg, was thanked for her service in this role, and will continue as a Board member. Introduction of new Board president, Debbie Kraska. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 9, 2016 meeting by Z. Jones, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed Financial Report for May 31, 2016. • VIP party expenses of $3,262.65. Refund from entertainment provider is expected due to faulty equipment. • Referencing the Statement of Financial Position, S. Shope advised that “accruals” refer to funds to be paid out that have not yet been spent or paid. • Recognized that a little over $10,000 is still available for Teacher grants. • Motion to approve Financials by L. Rennhack, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg reported that BAF pledges recently exceeded $1 million. o WAF will recommend next year’s Blacksmith goal to be $1 million. o BAF donor list was added to this year’s school yearbook, and will be included going forward, along with the first and last editions of the Black Cow newspaper of the school year. o Projected enrollment for next year is 850 students. • Run the Ranch o S. Myers is following up with Hillwood Properties re: holding the race there again next year and management of the cattle herd. o Several changes to the event were offered such as discontinuing event, changing time of year, earlier marketing focus and getting more students involved. o Will discuss event again at August Board meeting. • Planning Baja o S. Myers discussed possible changes to event including combining event with Run the Ranch, and conducting more of a tournament-style with member sponsors or professional player participation. o S. Myers and D. Kraska to meet with Vaquero GM to discuss possibilities. V. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that committee will send out evergreen piece with magnet and letter this summer. • There will be an August postcard promoting Giving Day on 9/22/16. • Summer work on Year in Review planned with theme “Who we are….we are generous, we are caring, etc.” • Possible themes for 2016-17 BAF campaign to focus on importance of 100% participation. Grocery-style totes will be used as thank-you gifts for donors. VI. Grant Review • S. Myers presented “Building a Culture of Success” request for up to $9,750 for first day of school activities. Motion to fund grant by D. Titzler, second by Z. Jones. Grant approved with feedback to administration on board comments and suggestions. VII. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg expressed her gratitude and appreciation for her time as President of the Board over the last three years. VIII. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers reported she will be attending Ron Clark Academy professional development this month. • Giving Day kick-off meeting will be June 7th. • She reported update on Outdoor Science Learning Center status. She will connect with administration to discuss what’s needed to progress in construction. • Discussed change of Board meeting days to 3rd Wednesday of each month beginning in 2016-17 school year. Other Business • none Next Meeting: Monday, August 24, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Lee Field House Conference Room, WA D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by J. Watson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:49AM.