HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-16 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 11, 2016 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Zan Jones, Deanna Titzler, Kevin Hansen, Chris Jeppesen, Andy Sedino, Adam Smith, Wendy Greenwood, Debbie Kraska, and Sean Shope Others in Attendance: Debbie Piper, John DeBurro, Julie Kelly and Shelly Myers I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of November 9, 2015 meeting by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • FY15 Audit Report o John DeBurro, with audit firm, Weaver & Tidwell, and Debbie Piper, Finance Director, presented results of recent audit, which resulted in an “unmodified opinion” with “no deficiencies or weaknesses” found. o J. DeBurro discussed rationale for coding investments as temporarily restricted. o Motion to approve audit report by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. • S. Shope reviewed Financial report for December 2015. o Foundation account holds assets of $1,678,897 as of December 31, 2015. o S. Myers clarified teacher grant information and assets allocated for grants versus funds having already been transferred to the Academy to cover those expenses. o Discussion regarding Blacksmith Annual Fund goal and current actual. o Motion to approve financial report by C. Jeppesen, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg and S. Myers reviewed current pledge totals compared with same time last year. o Discussed possible reason for decreased participation, and strategized methods of communication to increase parent participation, including letters from administration, BAF as Coffee & Danish topic, providing information on programs that could be cut or decreased as a result of not fulfilling goal, etc. • Gallery Night o D. Kraska discussed current status of Colors of Rio-themed event scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2016. o Past sponsors currently being confirmed and new sponsorships in development. o Upcoming meeting with Texas Motor Speedway to review contract and discuss food and alcohol budget. V. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that postcard for December has been mailed. • Postcard for January 2016 will include information on recent graduates and how their Westlake Academy education has impacted their early college experience. • D. Titzler reported that online bidding for Gallery Night 2016 will be marketed using a video to be filmed in the coming weeks. VI. President’s Report • K. Stoltenberg reported WAF Board Nominating Committee has several interested applicants. • A. Sedino volunteered to participate on the Nominating Committee. • Currently, the Board has 13 members with maximum of 15 directors. VII. Executive Director’s Report • S. Myers reported that a grant was submitted, with Dr. Chen, to LMI to supplement STEM activities. • Discussed the use of remaining available WAF granting funds, including consideration of covering the Blacksmith Annual Fund deficit. Board agreed that grant funds should only be used for granting. • School administration has been asked to consider Gallery Night Fund-an-Item options for this year. Other Business • none D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:22AM. Next Meeting: Monday, February 8, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Lee Field House Conference Room, WA