HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 796 Updating the Solana Public Improvement District Assessment Plan Entrada TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 796 SOLANA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN AND ASSESSMENT ROLL. A SUPPLEMENTAL ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE UPDATING THE SOLANA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN AND ASSESSMENT ROLL. WHEREAS, by Resolution 14-07 adopted on February 24, 2014, after notice and a public hearing in the manner required by law, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas approved a resolution authorizing the creation of the Solana Public Improvement District of the Town of Westlake; and WHEREAS, the Town Council, pursuant to Section 372. 016(b) of the PID Act, published notice of the Levy and Assessment Hearing on December 22, 2014 in The Star- Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2015, after notice and a public hearing conducted in the manner required by law, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 741 approving the Solana Public Improvement District Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll and the levy of assessments on property in the District; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2015, the Town Council convened the Levy and Assessment Hearing and adopted Ordinance No. 743, authorizing the issuance of bonds secured by the assessments levied pursuant to the Assessment Ordinance; and WHEREAS, The Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll is required to be reviewed and updated annually as described in Sections 372.013 and 372.014 of the Public Improvement District Assessment Act, Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code (the "PID Act") PID Act; and WHEREAS, the Town Council now desires to proceed with the adoption of this Ordinance for the Annual Service Plan Update and the updated Assessment Roll attached thereto, in conformity with the requirements of the PID Act; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds the passage of this Ordinance to be in the best interest for the citizens of Westlake. Ordinance 796 Page 1 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Solana Annual Service Plan Update and updated Assessment Roll attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby accepted as provided. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Ordinance shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Ordinance without the invalid provision SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared legally invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such legal invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such legally invalid or unconstitutional, phrase, sentence, paragraph or section. Ordinance 796 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 19TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2016. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor 't. Kelly Edwaos Town Secretary Thomas E. rym ow Mana er APPROVED AS TO F ©F WES74 O St on w ow Attorney 7-EX Ordinance 796 Page 3 of 3 SOLANA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WESTLAKE, TEXAS ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE August 31, 2016 SOLANA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WESTLAKE, TEXAS ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE A. Introduction Solana Public Improvement District (the "PID") was created pursuant to the PID Act and a resolution of the Town Council on February 24, 2014 to finance certain public improvement projects for the benefit of the property in the PID. The Town of Westlake, Texas Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 (Solana Public Improvement District Project) (the "Series 2015 Bonds") in the aggregate principal amount of $26,175,000 were issued to finance, refinance, provide or otherwise assist in the acquisition, construction and maintenance of the public improvements provided for the benefit of the property in the PID. In addition, reimbursement obligations for the Reimbursement Agreement in the aggregate principal amount of$3,400,000 and deferred Assessment Part B in the total amount of$2,425,000 are secured by special assessments. A service and assessment plan (the "Service and Assessment Plan") was prepared at the direction of the Town identifying the public improvements (the "Authorized Improvements") to be provided by the PID, the costs of the Authorized Improvements, the indebtedness to be incurred for the Authorized Improvements, and the manner of assessing the property in the PID for the costs of the Authorized Improvements. Pursuant to Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, the Service and Assessment Plan must be reviewed and updated annually. This document is the annual update of the Service and Assessment Plan for 2016 (the "Annual Service Plan Update"). The Town also adopted an assessment roll (the "Assessment Roll") identifying the assessments on each parcel within the PID, based on the method of assessment identified in the Service and Assessment Plan. This Annual Service Plan Update also updates the Assessment Roll for 2016. B. Update of the Service Plan Annual Budget for the Public Improvements The current total estimated Authorized Improvements Costs are equal to $26,485,000, which remain the same as the budget estimates included in the original Service and Assessment Plan. According to the Developer, there have been no budget line item amount revisions for the Authorized Improvements reported by the Developer and therefore no changes for the Annual Service Plan Update. As shown by Table A below, the PID has incurred indebtedness in the total amount of $29,575,000 in the form of the Series 2015 Bonds and reimbursement agreements, which are to be repaid from Assessment Part A. 1 Table A Sources and Uses of Funds Public Improvements Deferred Series 2015 Reimbursement Assessment Total Bonds Agreement Part B Estimated Improvement Improvement Improvement Authorized Sources of Funds Project A Project A Project B Improvements Estimated Bond par amount $26,175,000 $3,400,000 $2,425,000 $32,000,000 Developer funds $0 $0 $4,390,000 $4,390,000 Total Sources $26,175,000 $3,400,000 $6,815,000 $36,390,000 Uses of Funds Authorized Improvements Road improvements $3,767,430 $622,470 $0 $4,389,900 Water distribution system improvements $890,040 $171,680 $0 $1,061,720 Sanitary sewer improvements $1,531,196 $350,100 $0 $1,881,296 Storm drainage improvements $1,154,306 $579,566 $0 $1,733,872 Landscaping improvements $1,830,501 $0 $0 $1,830,501 Duct bank improvements $640,304 $93,650 $0 $733,954 Other costs (See Appendix B) $8,120,860 $573,896 $0 $8,694,755 Parking facility improvement $0 $0 $6,160,000 $6,160,000 Subtotal $17,934,637 $2,391,362 $6,160,000 $26,485,998 Bond issue costs Capitalized interest $3,216,750 $218,620 $170,000 $3,605,370 Debt service reserve $2,074,313 $340,000 $242,500 $2,656,813 Other Bond issuance related costs $2,949,301 $450,018 $242,500 $3,641,819 Subtotal $8,240,364 $1,008,638 $655,000 $9,904,002 Total Uses $26,175,000 $3,400,000 $69815,000 $36,390,000 A service plan must cover a period of five years. All of the Authorized Improvements are expected to be built within a period of five years. The anticipated budget for the Authorized Improvements over a period of five years and the indebtedness expected to be incurred for these costs is shown by Table B. 2 Table B Authorized Improvements PID Sources and Uses of Funds 2015 -2019 Annual Annual Projected Sources other Year Projected Cost Indebtedness than PID Bonds 2015 $26,175,000 $26,175,000 $0 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $3,400,000 $3,400,000 $0 2018 $6,815,000 $2,425,000 $4,390,000 2019 $0 $0 $0 $36,390,000 $32,000,000 $4,390,000 Debt Service and Collection Costs The Assessment imposed on any parcel may be paid in full at any time. If not paid in full, the Assessment shall be payable in thirty one annual installments of principal and interest beginning with the tax year following the issuance of the Bonds and/or execution of the Reimbursement Agreement. Pursuant to the Service and Assessment Plan, each Assessment shall bear interest at the rate on the Bonds commencing with the issuance of the Bonds. The effective interest rate on the Series 2015 Bonds is 6.14 percent and the interest rate applicable to the Reimbursement Agreement is 6.43 percent per annum for 2016-17. Pursuant to Section 372.018 of the PID Act, the interest rate for that Assessment may not exceed a rate that is one-half of one percent higher than the actual interest rate paid on the debt. Accordingly, the effective interest rate on the Series 2015 Bonds (6.14%) plus an additional interest of one-half of one percent and the effective interest rate on the Reimbursement Agreement (6.43%) plus an additional interest of one-half of one percent are used to calculate the interest on the Assessment Part A. These payments, the "Annual Installment Part A" of the Assessment Part A, shall be billed by the Town in 2016 and will be delinquent on February 1, 2017. Pursuant to the Service and Assessment Plan, the Annual Service Plan Update shall show the remaining balance of the Assessments, the Annual Installment due for 2016 and the Administrative Expenses to be collected from each Parcel. Administrative Expenses shall be allocated to each Parcel pro rata based upon the amount the Annual Installment on a Parcel bears to the total amount of Annual Installments in the PID as a whole that are payable at the time of such allocation. Each Annual Installment shall be reduced by any credits applied under an applicable ordinances and Bond Indentures, such as capitalized interest and interest earnings on any account balances and by any other funds available to the PID. 3 Annual Budget for the Repayment of Indebtedness Debt service will be paid on the Series 2015 Bonds from the collection of the Annual Installments. In addition, Administrative Expenses are to be collected with the Annual Installments to pay expenses related to the collection of the Annual Installments. The additional interest collected with the Annual Installments will be used to pay the prepayment and delinquency reserve amounts as described in the Service and Assessment plan and applicable Bond Indenture. Annual Installment Part A to be collected for 2016 The budget for the PID will be paid from the collection of Annual Installments collected for 2016 as shown by Table C. Table C Budget for the Annual Installment Part A To be collected for 2016 Series 2015 Reimbursement Bonds Agreement' Total Interest payment on March 1, 2017 $869,625 $117,810 $987,435 Interest payment on September 1, 2017 $869,625 $117,810 $987,435 Principal payment on September 1, 2017 $325,000 $1,000 $326,000 Subtotal debt service on bonds $2,064,250 $236,620 $2,300,870 Annual collection costs $31,212 $10,404 $41,616 Subtotal Expenses $2,095,462 $247,024 $2,342,486 Available reserve fund income $0 $0 $0 Available capitalized interest account ($692,172) $0 ($692,172) Available Administrative Expense account $0 $0 $0 Subtotal funds available ($692,172) $0 ($692,172) Annual Installments $1,403,290 $247,024 $1,650,314 1 —The interest due on the Reimbursement Agreement amount of$3,400,000 is calculated using the effective interest rate of 6.93%described above. As shown in Table C above, the total Annual Installment Part A for 2016 is equal to $1,403,290. The aggregate debt service payments on the Series 2015 Bonds and the Reimbursement Agreement as well as the Administrative Expenses for 2016 are shown as $1,608,698 ($2,300,870 - $692,172) and$41,616, respectively. According to the Service and Assessment Plan, the total Assessment Part A applicable to Improvement Area#1, Improvement Area#2 and Improvement Area#3 are $19,087,621, $5,622,858 and $4,864,522, respectively. The Assessment Part A percentage applicable to Improvement Area #1, Improvement Area #2 and Improvement Area #3 are 64.5%, 19.0%, and 16.5%, respectively, in relation to the total Assessment Part A of$29,575,000 4 in the PID. The total Equivalent Units applicable to Improvement Area #1, Improvement Area#2 and Improvement Area#3 are 324.63, 88.76 and 56.44, respectively. The principal and interest portion of Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit in Improvement Area #1 will be $3,198.25 [i.e. ($1,608,698 X 64.5%) 324.63 = $3,198.25] and the Administrative Expenses to be collected from each Equivalent Unit will be $82.74 (i.e. ($41,616 X 64.5%) - 324.63 = $82.74). The Equivalent Unit and percentage numbers shown here are rounded for presentation but the amounts are calculated using the full numbers. As a result, the total Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit within Improvement Area #1 will be $3,280.98 (i.e. $3,198.25 + $82.74 = $3,280.98). The Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Parcel within Improvement Area #1 is calculated by multiplying the Annual Installment Part A for each Equivalent Unit of$3,280.98 by the total estimated Equivalent Units for each Parcel in Improvement Area#1. The principal and interest portion of Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit in Improvement Area #2 will be $3,445.80 [i.e. ($1,608,698 X 19.0%) 88.76 = $3,445.80] and the Administrative Expenses to be collected from each Equivalent Unit will be $89.14 (i.e. ($41,616 X 19.0%) - 88.76 = $89.14). The Equivalent Unit and percentage numbers shown here are rounded for presentation but the amounts are calculated using the full numbers. As a result, the total Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit within Improvement Area #2 will be $3,534.94 (i.e. $3,445.80 + $89.14 = $3,534.94). The Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Parcel within Improvement Area #2 is calculated by multiplying the Annual Installment Part A for each Equivalent Unit of $3,534.94 by the total estimated Equivalent Units for each Parcel in Improvement Area#2. The principal and interest portion of Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit in Improvement Area #3 will be $4,688.16 [i.e. ($1,608,698 X 16.5%) 56.44 = $4,688.16] and the Administrative Expenses to be collected from each Equivalent Unit will be $121.28 (i.e. ($41,616 X 16.5%) - 56.44 = $121.28). The Equivalent Unit and percentage numbers shown here are rounded for presentation but the amounts are calculated using the full numbers. As a result, the total Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Equivalent Unit within Improvement Area #3 will be $4,809.44 (i.e. $4,688.16 + $121.28 = $4,809.44). The Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each Parcel within Improvement Area #3 is calculated by multiplying the Annual Installment Part A for each Equivalent Unit of$4,809.44 by the total estimated Equivalent Units for each Parcel in Improvement Area#3. There is no Annual Installment Part B to be collected for 2016. The list of parcels within each Improvement Area of the PID, the estimated total Equivalent Units, the total Assessment Part A, the Annual Assessment Part A, the Administrative Expenses and the Annual Installment Part A to be collected for 2016 are shown in the Assessment Roll summary attached hereto as Appendix A-2. C. Update of the Assessment Plan 5 The Service and Assessment Plan adopted by the Town Council provided that the Authorized Improvement Costs shall be allocated to the Assessed Property equally on the basis of the number of residential dwelling units anticipated to be built on each Parcel once such property is fully developed, and that such method of allocation will result in the imposition of equal shares of the Authorized Improvement Costs to Parcels similarly benefited. This method of assessing property has not been changed and Assessed Property will continue to be assessed as provided for in the Service and Assessment Plan. D. Update of the Assessment Roll Pursuant to the original Service and Assessment Plan, the Assessment Roll shall be updated each year to reflect: (i) the identification of each Parcel (ii) the Assessment for each Parcel of Assessed Property, including any adjustments authorized by this Service and Assessment Plan or in the PID Act; (iii) the Annual Installment for the Assessed Property for the year (if the Assessment is payable in installments); and (iv) payments of the Assessment, if any, as provided by Section VI.H of this Service and Assessment Plan. The summary Assessment Roll is shown in Appendix A-2. Each parcel in the PID is identified, along with the Assessment Part A on each Parcel and the Annual Installment Part A to be collected from each parcel. Assessments are to be reallocated for the subdivision of any parcels. According to the Service and Assessment Plan, upon the subdivision of any Parcel, the Administrator shall reallocate the Assessment for the Parcel prior to the subdivision among the new subdivided Parcels according to the following formula: A=Bx (C=D) Where the terms have the following meanings: A = the Assessment Part A for each new subdivided Parcel. B = the Assessment Part A for the Parcel prior to subdivision. C = the estimated Equivalent Units to be built on each newly subdivided Parcel D = the sum of the estimated Equivalent Units to be built on all of the new subdivided Parcels The calculation of the estimated number of units to be built on a Parcel shall be performed by the Administrator and confirmed by the Town Council based on the information available regarding the use of the Parcel. The estimate as confirmed shall be conclusive. The number of units to be built on a Parcel may be estimated by net land area and reasonable density ratios. 6 According to the Developer, there have been no parcel subdivisions in the PID applicable for the Annual Installments to be collected in 2016. There have been no Assessment prepayments as of July 31, 2016. The complete Assessment Roll is available for review at the Town hall, located at 1301 Solana Boulevard, Building 4, Suite 4202, Westlake, Texas 76262. 7 Appendix A-1 PID Map 8 �O c v m 114 �9 OCL O R� - IMPROVEMENT AREA Ee COMMON-TO-ALL ENTRADA TOWN OF WESTLAKE o€ TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SUEPLANNING CMEN(ENEEtWG PLATTING CONSULTANTS, LLC q0A UMSII$VH M LANDSCAPEAACMEMM TBPE Finn Na.1798 t t t Hillside Ddve•Lemsvilla TX 75057•P:972.438.9712-F'.972,436 9715 TBPLS Firm 6t0 Byron Nelson Blvd.Ste 114•Roanoke,TX 75262•P:682.831.9712•F:817.8904043 No.10047700 "'a DRAWN BY:JCM DATE: 05/14/2014 SCALE:1"=500' JOB. NO. 12139 �Q v m LO 1,14 S14 Area #11 a C� / a o � ❑[ so �y �9 O IMPROVEMENT AREA #1 MIXED USE VILLAGE CORE ENTRADA P TOWN OF WESTLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS q MEPLANNING CrOLENc�xi PLATTING CONSULTANTS, LLC = MMIN11QVEnNG LANDKAPEARCHUECCM TBPE Firm i No.1]98 111 HiIIsWe No-Lewisville,TX]505]•R 972 43&9712•F:9]2436.9]15 TBPLS Firm 610 Byron Nelson Blvd,Ste 114•Roanoke,TX 76262•P:682,831 9712•F 817 890 4043 No.1004]]00 DRAWN BY:JCM DATE: 05/14/2014 SCALE:1"=500' JOB. NO. 12139 CO Q TEXAS a J � o � `r0 C9 0 IMPROVEMENT AREA #2 WEST RESIDENTIAL ENTRADA e TOWN OF WESTLAKE o TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS q9MPLANNING CriZENG110MM PLATTING CONSULTANTS, LLC LANDSURVEMG LANDSCAPE ARCMECPORE T6PE Fina Ra No.1798 111 Hillsitle Dnve•Lewisville.T 75057•P:97243&9712 9712-F:972.436.9715 TSPLS Finn 610 Byron Nelson Slvtl.Ste 114.Roanoke.TX 76262.P:682.831.9712•F'.817.890 4043 No.10047700 DRAWN BY:JCM DATE: 05/14/2014 SCALE:1"=500' JOB. NO. 121391 � O � n �O v CO _ TEXAS Q ED wl O o � �O C9 O ❑❑� IMPROVEMENT AREA #3 EAST RESIDENTIAL ENTRADA TOWN OF WESTLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS UMPLANNING CFMEHGAaMRQAi PLATTING CONSULTANTS, LLC LANDSOYVB M IAND,SCAPEARCHTrECLVRE TBPE Ft. i No.1798 11 t HiIlsiGe Dnve-Lewisville,TX 75057•P:972,436 9712•F:972 436.9715 TSPLS Finn 610 Byron Nelson Blvd,Ste 114•Roanoke,TX 76262•P:682S31.9712•F.817.690 4003 No.10007700 DRAWN BY:JCM DATE: 05/14/2014 SCALE:1"=500' JOB. NO. 12139 Appendix A-2 Assessment Roll Summary—2016 9 Solana PID Assessment Roll Summary 2016-17 Assessment Part A Total Total Annual Annual Equivalent Assessment Assessment Administrative Installment Parcel Units Part A Part A Expense Part B Im rovement Area #1 40778436 24.88 $1,462,775 $79,565.95 $2,058.32 $81,624.27 40778479 36.75 $2,160,824 $117,535.52 $3,040.57 $120,576.09 07121202 21.98 $1,292,614 $70,310.23 $1,818.88 $72,129.11 04319087 30.77 $1,809,271 $98,413.21 $2,545.89 $100,959.10 40778487 7.44 $437,457 $23,794.95 $615.56 $24,410.51 05243297 104.90 $6,168,021 $335,502.34 $8,679.23 $344,181.57 05243343 59.31 $3,487,071 $189,675.14 $4,906.78 $194,581.92 04319109 38.60 $2,269,587 $123,451.57 $3,193.61 $126,645.18 Subtotal 324.63 $19,087,621 $1,038,248.89 $26,858.85 $1,065,107.74 Improvement Area #2 04519329 88.76 $5,622,858 $305,848.79 $7,912.12 $313,760.90 Subtotal 88.76 $5,622,858 $305,848.79 $7,912.12 $313,760.90 Im rovement Area #3 05243351 56.44 $4,864,522 $264,600.00 $6,845.04 $271,445.04 Subtotal 56.44 $4,864,522 $264,600.00 $6,845.04 $271,445.04 Grand Total $29,575,000 $1,608,697.68 $41,616.00 $1,650,313.68 10 MARY LOUISE GARCIA « COUNTY CLERK0 •�" 100 West Weatherford Fort Worth,TX 76196-0401 ««*«••««`` PHONE (817) 884-1195 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 1301 SOLANA BLVD BLDG 4 STE 4202 WESTLAKE, TX 76262 Submitter: TOWN OF WESTLAKE DO NOT DESTROY WARNING - THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD. Filed For Registration: 12/7/2016 10:53 AM Instrument#: D216284960 OPR 19 PGS $84.00 -P By: �_..- ---- -- — D216284960 ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ORD 796 INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: TOW27 808 Throckmorton St. Invoice Number: 338585631 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 9/22/2016 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 9/30/2016 Bill To: PO Number: TOWN OF WESTLAKE 1301 SOLANA BLVD Order Number: 33858563 BLDG 4 STE 4202 Sales Rep: 073 WESTLAKE, Tx 76262-7940 Description: TOWN OF WESTLA Publication Dates: 9/21/2016-9/22/2016 Description Location Col Depth Linage- MU Rate Amount TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 13580 1 28 28 LINE $6.15 $344.36 Mise Fee $10.00 E - Net Amount: $354.36 OCT 0 3 2016 o` DEBORAH JEAN BAYIOR Notary Public,State of Texas My Commission Expires ,__,. ��_,;-.-._.._� z =,,•.. •�,�. > 2019 County of Tarrant '�`�-��" October 29 i;: Before me,a Notary PubCrc in andfor said County andState, this day personally appeared ChristyHoffand,Bids&LegalCoordinator for the Star-Telegram,pubCrshed by the Star-Telegram, Inc.at,fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas:and who after being duty sworn, did depose andsay that the attached clipping of advertisement was published in the above named paper on the fisted dates: BIDS&LPCALS DEPT Star-Tefegram.(1 SUBSCRIBED AND S7NORNTO BEFORE ME, THIS DAYOFSPPT 4312016 SBned NOTA_'. 'P7IBLIC Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: TOW27 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: TOWN OF WESTLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 338585631 Invoice Amount: $354.36 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: Ta ��' III~ TLAI�Iz t I2DIItIAI�I �jd+ 796 VICE AN ASSSSMkT PN`, A AMEhtT'€0LL.' A SUP ENTAL,I) I INACE CtF THE T09UNQUN IL t 1H bWN IF IEPDATIbIG THE I SANA PUBLIC IMPROVE- "MENTLDAIIKE SEI ICS SAND NASA SESSMENT PLAN AND ASSESS- P,WNT� sorpot biI raa If t the Vi Ions or terms of t$hs 00,40- It,be subject to . rrr or+ as t�tV10 for tiso�r5d .of ° tit ��r,�f the rs`�� i�te�'�fatce, pct PoA ; oFfefise � C�tY,tl�ia � Ia�I is permittee!to 6Xt sl 11:6 l tote a $eparate of orEse: P5ED AND APPROVED ON THIS` 19�tI PAY OF SEPTEr7#BER,20M