HomeMy WebLinkAboutIB PYP Part A Supporting ApplicationBarbara Brizuela, principal Westlake Academy 2600 Ottinger Road Westlake, TX 76262 USA 10 August 2004 Dear colleagues: International Baccalaureate Organization Organisation du Baccalaureat International Organizacion del Bachillerato Internacional We have received Westlake Academy's Application Form Part A and supporting documentation requesting candidate status for the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Your request for Candidate Status has been granted. Congratulations regarding your hard work and dedication to this point. We look forward to working with you in the future as you continue your journey regarding the implementation of the PYP. In reviewing the application and supporting documents, we identified a need for additional information or clarification. Please send us the following additional or modified documents: • Proof of purchase of PYP documentation. • Description of the legal terms under which the school has been authorized or accredited by the local authorities. Please attach a copy of the original documentation, translated and certified, if applicable. • Copy of the policy decision to implement the programme, as taken by the governing body. • Educational philosophy or mission statement of the school. • School brochure and general information document. • A budget showing how the implementation and development of the PYP will be funded. Please note the current annual fee is $3100. Please revise your projected budget accordingly. • Teaching staff: PYP professional development undertaken during the previous two years (please resubmit appendix 3 of the PYP Application Form, Part A). A review of your application indicates that staff has not participated in PYP regional workshops. As you may know, schools are asked to provide a balance of in school, as well as regional staff development opportunities. Please provide the necessary documentation, which indicates how this matter will be addressed in regards to future teacher training opportunities. International Baccalaureate North America www.ibo.org 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1600, 1661 West 2nd Avenue, Suite 202, New York, New York 10115 Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 11-13 USA CANADA TEL: 212 696 4464 FAX: 212 889 9242 TEL: 604 733 8980 FAX: 604 733 8970 Please submit two copies of all requested documents to our office by 15 September 2004. The continuation of your school's candidacy is contingent upon our receipt of these documents. We also request that you please make a copy of these documents available to the consultant when they visit the school. The first step in the candidate phase is the appointment of a consultant. We will inform you of your consultant via email once one has been confirmed. The consultant will contact you to propose the dates for a consultation visit to occur in the fall of 2004. Please find enclosed PYP Information for Candidate Schools, which offers information and guidance on this visit and the role of the consultant. Your school has been granted access to the online curriculum center (OCC) and should be receiving information shortly from our offices in Cardiff, Wales regarding use of this resource. The OCC is a secure web site for teachers and administrators, which offers over 3,000 education resources, online access to subject area experts, and discussion sessions with IB teachers around the world. Once again, we would like to congratulate you on the hard work and dedication you have put forth to implement the PYP. If you need any additional information we will be happy to assist you; please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, oald.l ,lJ. I // Maria S. Hersey IBNA PYP regional manager maria.hersey@ibo.org Daniel Paccione IBNA PYP/MYP associate daniel.paccione @ ibo.org International Baccalaureate North America www.ibo.org 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1600, New York, New York 10115 USA TEL: 212 696 4464 FAX: 212 889 9242 1661 West 2nd Avenue, Suite 202, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 1 H3 CANADA TEL: 604 733 8980 FAX: 604 733 8970 Westlake Academy August 27, 2004 Ms. Maria Hersey Mr. Daniel Paccione IBNA Suite 1600 475 Riverside Dr. New York, NY 10115 Ms. Hersey & Mr. Paccione, Please see the attached resubmission of Westlake Academy's PYP Part A Application and the supporting documents. At this tirne we do not have a school brochure. I have included a selection of information printed from our website at www.westlakeacademy.org. If you need more information from us to complete our application, please contact me at 817-490-5757 or dmcfarlanega,westlakeacademy.org. Sincerely, Darcy JFarlan.e Assistant to Head of School 2600 JT Ottinger Road + Westlake, Texas 76262 Metro: 317-490-5757 � Fax: 817-490-5755 s www.wcstlakcacademy.org INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE ORGANIZATION 2110���nvm Application Form Application forCandidate Status Primary Years Programme Application Form Part A Application for Candidate Status January 2003 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2003 Organisation du Baccalaureat International Route des Morillons 15 Grand-Saconnex, Geneve CH -1218 SWITZERLAND Notes to the User This PYP Application Form Part A should be read in conjunction with: • Application Procedure for Candidate Schools • Rules for Authorized Schools • PYP Guide to School Application • PYP School Guide to the Authorization Visit. In addition, it is important that schools consult the following documents: • Making the PYP happen • PYP Coordinator's Handbook. Further information can be found in School's Guide to the Primary Years Programme (www.ibo.or,,). 2. This application form requests information under the following headings. 1. Contact details 2. School information 3. PYP section 4. School's planning and support 5. School site and facilities 6. Teaching personnel 7. PYP coordinator 8. Finance and planning 9. Management of resources 10. Implementation of the programme 3. This document also includes the following additional information and requests for information. • Application Coversheet • IBO Regional Office Addresses • Appendix I Classes in the PYP Section • Appendix 2 Organization of Teaching Time • Appendix 3 PYP Staff Training • Appendix 4 Transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry (applicable to PYP Application Form Part B only) • Appendix 5 PYP Teaching Staff and Qualifications • Appendix 6 Proposed PYP Implementation Budget Appendix 7 Action Plan for Implementing the PYP 4. This PYP Application Form Part A and supporting documentation should be sent to the appropriate IBO regional office at the end of the school's first phase of the application process—consideration phase: feasibility study and identification of resources (please refer to articles 8-9 of Application Procedure for Candidate Schools), at a time to be determined in consultation with the regional office. 5. The PYP Application Form Part B and supporting documentation should be sent at the end of the school's second phase of the application process—candidate phase: trial implementation period (please refer to articles 9-10 of Application Procedure for Candidate Schools). This trial implementation period must last for at least one year. PYP Application Form Part A 6. This application form, and all supporting documentation, must be submitted in one of the IBO official languages: English, French, Spanish. Translations of official documents should be duly certified. 7. The PYP application forms and appendices should be completed electronically and returned to the appropriate regional office. Please insert your response in the box provided for each question. The box will expand as you type your response. In consultation with the regional office, any supporting documentation should be sent on CD-Rom(s) wherever possible. Where this is not possible, hard copies of the documents should be provided. Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence. Note: Deadlines for submitting applications may vary from region to region. Please check with your regional office for the application deadline that applies to your school. If you are unable or unwilling to provide information for any of the items in this application, please provide an explanation. PYP Application Form Part A I�\ 7 4M-A1[0P►0Tl . A To the regional director of the International Baccalaureate Organization (1130), for permission to implement the Primary Years Programme as a candidate school Official name of prospective PYP candidate school: Westlake Academy On behalf of the above-named school, I request permission to implement the Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization as a candidate school preparing for official authorization. Information about the school is supplied on the attached form and the accompanying documents. The relevant application fee is included. I confirm that I have read the following documents and agree to abide by the regulations, criteria and conditions stated therein: • Application Procedure for Candidate Schools • Rules for Authorized Schools • PYP Guide to School Application • PYP School Guide to the Authorization Visit. I understand that acceptance as a candidate school by the IBO regional office does not guarantee future authorization to offer the Primary Years Programme. The final decision on the application for authorization is reached by the IBO director general after submission of the PYP Application Form Part B and after an authorization visit, by an IBO visiting team, has taken place. I confirm that the school will not advertise or otherwise imply that it is authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme unless, and until such time as, the school receives notification of authorization from the IBO director general, Geneva. Should permission to implement the Primary Years Programme as a candidate school be granted by the regional office, the school will present itself as a candidate school preparing for authorization. I agree that this electronic application form, whether signed electronically or not, will be understood by the IBO to have been read and endorsed by the head of the prospective candidate school, without a signed hard copy being necessary. I understand and accept that any dispute arising from, or in connection with, this application or any other document relating to the authorization process shall be finally settled by three arbitrators in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva. The seat of the arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland. The proceedings shall be confidential and the language of arbitration shall be English. I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct. Name and title of head of school: Date: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School 2/16/2004 PYP Application Form Part A APPLICATION CONDITION A school must have conducted a feasibility study before submitting an application for candidacy. Proposed date of commencement of trial implementation phase: (day -month year) 3/1/2004 1 CONTACT DETAILS la Name and title of head of school: Barbara Brizuela. Head of School 1 b Name and title of primary school principal: Barbara Brizuela le Name and title of PYP coordinator: Barbara Brizuela Id Name of school: Westlake Academy Legal registered name of school: (If different from above) Postal address: 2600 Ottinger Rd., Westlake, Texas 76262 Street address: (If different from above) Telephone: (Include country and area codes) Fax: (Include country and area codes) Web site: E-mail: Head of school/primary school principal General for the school PYP coordinator PYP Application Form Part A 001-817-490-5757 001-817-490-5758 www.westlakeacademy.org bbrizuelaod westlakeacademv.ore info@westlak academy.org bbri zuelali'i?westlakeacademy .ori 2 SCHOOL INFORMATION 2a 2b ir% 2d Date school was founded: (State year only) 2003 Legal status of school: Government/state/national XX Private Other (specify) Charter XX Type of school: Boys' ❑ Girls' (add rows as necessmy) Coeducational XX Boarding ❑ Day XX Boarding and day ❑ Academic structure: what divisions (eg pre-primary, primary, middle school and high school) operate in the school, if any? Name of section Age range of students Number of students Primary � 6-12 � 199 -__1 - _ (add rows as necessmy) Total number of students in the PYP section: 199 2f Age range of students in the PYP section: 2g Total size of whole school: 2h Is there entry selection into the school? If yes ", please explain. PYP Application Form Part A From ❑ to 12 years Students 199 Staff 21 Yes No XX 2 SCHOOL INFORMATION 2a Date school was founded: (State year only) 2003 2b Legal status of school: Government/state/national XX Private Other (specify) Charter XX 2c Type of school: Boys' ❑ Girls' (add rows as necessail) Coeducational XX Boarding ❑ Day XX Boarding and day ❑ 2d Academic structure: what divisions (eg pre-primary, primary, middle school and high school) operate in the school, if any? 2e Name of section Age range of students Number of students Primary 5-12 -� 235 _ (add rows as necessail) Total number of students in the PYP section: 235 2f Age range of students in the PYP section: 2g Total size of whole school: 2h Is there entry selection into the school? If "yes ", please explain. PYP Application Form Part A From to l2 years Students 267 Staff 3l Yes No XX, 2 SCHOOL INFORMATION 2a Date school was founded: (State year only) 2003 2b Legal status of school: Government/state/national XX Private Other (spec) Charter XX 2c Type of school: Boys' ❑ Girls' (add rows as necessar}) Coeducational XX Boarding ❑ Day XX Boarding and day ❑ 2d Academic structure: what divisions (eg pre-primary, primary, middle school school) operate in the school, if any? and high 2e Name of section Age range of students Number of students Primary � r 5-12 � 267 (add rows as necessar}) Total number of students in the PYP section: 23S 2f Age range of students in the PYP section: 2g Total size of whole school: 2h Is there entry selection into the school? If "yes ", please explain. PYP Application Form Part A From to 12 years Students 267 Staff 3l Yes No XX 2i Does the school offer other IB programmes? If "yes ", please speck, IBO school codes. 2j Does the school intend to offer other IB programmes? If `yes ", please specify which programme(s) and planned dates for introduction. MYP2004/5 IB Diploma 2009/10 3a 3b 3c 3d Number of classes in the PYP section: Please complete appendix 1. 12 Organization of teaching time: Please complete appendix 2. Nationalities/ethnicities of students: (optional) Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers Yes No XX Yes XX No White, Non Hispanic 177 Asian/Pacific Islander � � 7 Russian Hispanic Portuguese Ukrainian 2 10 I 2 Is the school designated bilingual/trilingual? Yes No (i) If "yes ", what are the languages of instruction? PYP Application Form Part A 2i Does the school offer other IB programmes? Yes XX If "yes ", please specify IBO school codes. Trial Year for MYP No 2j Does the school intend to offer other IB programmes? Yes XX If "yes ", please specify which programfne(s) and planned dates for introduction. No MYP 2004/5 IB Diploma 2009/10 3 PYP SECTION 3a Number of classes in the PYP section: Please complete appendix 1. 14 3b Organization of teaching time: Please complete appendix 2. 3c Nationalities/ethnicities of students: (optional) Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers White, Non Hispanic 215 Asian/Pacific Islander 7 Native American Hispanic Portuguese Ukrainian 1 1 2 3d Is the school designated bilingual/trilingual? (i) If "yes ", what are the languages of instruction? PYP Application Form Part A Yes No XX (ii) If "no ", what is the principal language of instruction? English 3e What are the additional languages introduced? Spanish 3f At what age is an additional language introduced? 3g What provisions are made for mother tongue classes? fWe have no cases of non-English speakers 3h When are mother tongue classes offered? u (i) During the school day Yes ❑ No (ii) Before/after school Yes No ❑ 4 SCHOOL'S PLANNING AND SUPPORT 4a How did you first hear about the PYP? Please be as specific as possible. January of 1999 from Ken Ridley 4b List the main reasons for wanting to introduce the PYP. I have been involved with PYP since 2000 when I became a trainer and introduced it to my former school, Northlands, in Argentina. • I find the PYP addresses the whole child • The profile embodies the mission of IBO and should be the ideal to which all schools aspire • PYP is inquiry based and learner centered • PYP is a framework for curriculum • PYP is a living program, it is evolving 4c Has the governing body made a formal decision to adopt the PYP? Yes No 4d Has there been consultation with: (i) appropriate IBO regional offices Yes XX No ❑ PYP Application Form Part A (ii) If "no ", what is the principal language of instruction? 3e What are the additional languages introduced? 3f At what age is an additional language introduced? 3g What provisions are made for mother tongue classes? 3h When are mother tongue classes offered? (i) During the school day Yes ❑ No ❑ (ii) Before/after school Yes ❑ No ❑ 4 SCHOOL'S PLANNING AND SUPPORT 4a How did you first hear about the PYP? Please be as specific as possible. 4b List the main reasons for wanting to introduce the PYP. 4c Has the governing body made a formal decision to adopt the PYP? Yes No 4d Has there been consultation with: (i) appropriate IBO regional offices Yes ❑ No PYP Application Form Part A (ii) teaching staff Yes XX No (iii) parents/parent-teacher association Yes ❑ No (iv) local, regional or national educational Yes XX No authorities, where applicable (v) other PYP schools? Yes XX No 4e Have PYP responsibilities been identified for: (i) Primary school principal Yes XX No (ii) PYP coordinator Yes XX No (iii) year/grade-level coordinators, where Yes No appropriate — — (iv) subject coordinators, where appropriate Yes ❑_ No (v) PYP teachers Yes XX No (vi) library/resource centre staff? Yes XX No 4f Please indicate the PYP training received by, and planned for: (i) the head of school/primary school principal One day introduction course in May of 1999, workshop trainers training: Cardiff, July 2001 & Advanced workshop trainers training, Cardiff, July 2003 (ii) the PYP coordinator same as Head of School (iii) all other teaching staff. Entire staff: 3 day on-site Introductory Workshop led by Lorna Prado & Gabriela Benvenuti, August 13 — 15, 2003 Please complete appendix 3. 4g Please indicate how the school intends to facilitate meetings of PYP teachers for horizontal and vertical planning of the teaching of the programme. Horizontal: planning periods built into timetable, Vertical: carousel/timetable once per week to allow for vertical planning; Staff meeting once every 15 days, Extended staff meeting once every six weeks 4h How, and in what time frame, will the school ensure that all teaching staff are trained to deliver the PYP? PYP Application Form Part A As new, untrained staff are hired they will be sent to off-site workshops in IBNA, IBAEM or IBLA 5 SCHOOL SITE AND FACILITIES 5a Nature of school site: Please provide a brief description including number of campuses. Purpose built facility on 25.3 acres. Master plan calls for playing fields and additional facilities to house K-12 5b Are there any of the following special facilities? (i) library/media/resource centre Yes XX No (ii) computer laboratory/centre Yes XX No (iii) language rooms/facilities Yes XX No (iv) science/technology rooms Yes XX No (v) art room Yes No (vi) music room Yes XX No (vii) theatre/drama studio Yes XX No (viii) gallery/exhibition space Yes ❑ No (ix) gymnasium Yes XX No (x) sports field Yes XX No (xi) outdoor education centre Yes ❑ No XX (xii) other (please describe) Yes No 6 TEACHING PERSONNEL 6a (i) Number of full-time PYP teachers: I2 (ii) Number of part-time PYP teachers: F4 1 PYP Application Form Part A 5 SCHOOL SITE AND FACILITIES 5a Nature of school site: Please provide a brief description including number of campuses. 5b Are there any of the following special facilities? (i) library/media/resource centre Yes ❑ No (ii) computer laboratory/centre Yes ❑ No (iii) language rooms/facilities Yes No (iv) science/technology rooms Yes ❑ No (v) art room Yes ❑ No (vi) music room Yes ❑ No (vii) theatre/drama studio Yes ❑ No (viii) gallery/exhibition space Yes D No (ix) gymnasium Yes No (x) sports field Yes ❑ No (xi) outdoor education centre Yes ❑ No (xii) other (please describe) Yes ❑ No 6 TEACHING PERSONNEL 6a (i) Number of full-time PYP teachers: ]6 (ii) Number of part-time PYP teachers: F-4 1 PYP Application Form Part A 6b Number of support specialists: Please give details. At present our funding does not allow for salaried support specialist. These are contracted on a needs basis 6c Number of classroom assistants: 6d Are there year/grade-level coordinators? 6e Are there subject/language coordinators? 6f Are there single -subject teachers? If yes ", for which subjects? PE, Spanish, Music & Art Yes ❑ No XX Yes ❑ No XX Yes XX No 6g What arrangements are made for student counselling/pastoral care? These are handled by contract on an as needed basis. 6h Please indicate qualifications of all teaching and support staff. Please complete appendix 5. 6i Nationalities/ethnicities of the PYP staff: (optional) 6j Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers Caucasian � 14 Puerto Rican 1 Cuban Are there currently regular staff meetings for PYP planning? If "vac" hntiu nfon fy"11 fn;- hnw Inrao? Yes XX Once per week — vertical (2 hours) Once every 15 days for 90 minutes Once per week — horizontal (I hour) Once every 6 weeks — 6 hours 6k Are PYP publications made available to staff? If "yes ", please list those publications available. PYP Application Form Part A No Yes XX No 6b Number of support specialists: Please give details. 6c Number of classroom assistants: 6d Are there year/grade-level coordinators? 6e Are there subject/language coordinators? 6f Are there single -subject teachers? If "yes ", for which subjects? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes No 6g What arrangements are made for student counselling/pastoral care? 6h Please indicate qualifications of all teaching and support staff. Please complete appendix S. 6i Nationalities/ethnicities of the PYP staff: (optional) 6j Nationalities/ethnicities Approximate numbers (add crows as necessan) Are there currently regular staff meetings for PYP planning? Yes If "yes ", how often and for how long? No 6k Are PYP publications made available to staff? If `yes ", please list those publications available. PYP Application Form Part A Yes No Schools Guide to PYP, PYP Coordinator's Handbook, Making the PYP Happen, PYP Assessment Handbook, PYP Exhibition Guidelines, PYP In the Early Childhood Years, PYP Sample Planners, PYP Presenter Pack, Scope & Sequence Documents (all), Sample Programme of Inquiry 61 Who is responsible for hiring staff in the PYP section? 3arbara Brizuela, Head of School 6m What is the average percentage of new teachers in the school in any given year? This is our first year 7 PYP COORDINATOR 7a Name of PYP coordinator: Barbara Brizuela 7b Projected responsibilities of PYP coordinator: (i) PYP coordination )ocumentation, Professional development, Resource management & Communication (ii) other 7c Will non -teaching time be allocated for the position? If YesXX No "Yes ", how much will be allocated per week? ,5 hours per week 8 FINANCE AND PLANNING 8a Will all fees payable be covered by the school? Yes XX No (i) If "no ", what proportion will be covered by the school? (ii) If "no ", state the authority/institution responsible. Please provide written confirmation from the authority/institution. PYP Application Form Part A 61 Who is responsible for hiring staff in the PYP section? 6m What is the average vercenta6e of new teachers in the school in 7 PYP COORDINATOR 7a Name of PYP coordinator: 7b Projected responsibilities of PYP coordinator: (i) PYP coordination (ii) other 7c Will non -teaching time be allocated for the position? Yes I I No If "yes ", how much will be allocated per week? u u 8 FINANCE AND PLANNING Sa Will all fees payable be covered by the school? Yes ❑ No ❑ (i) If "no ", what proportion will be covered by the school? (ii) If "no", state the authority/institution responsible. Please provide written confirmation from the authority/institution. 8b Is there a strategic development plan? PYP Application Form Part A Yes 8b 8c Is there a strategic development plan? If `yes ", when is it due to be reviewed? We have a 10 year plan that is reviewed annually. Three year PYP action plan Yes XX No El What funding is available this year to enable staff to attend IBO-approved workshops? Please complete appendix 6. 8d What amount of funding, per year, will be available to support the implementation of the PYP including appropriate professional development? Please complete appendix 6. 9 MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES 9a (i) Number of full-time library/resource centre staff: (ii) Number of part-time library/resource centre staff: trained parent 0 volunteers 9b Qualifications of library/resource centre staff. Please give details on appendix S. 9c Is there an annual library/resource centre budget? Yes If FXX1 "yes ", how is it controlled? No Public funding from the state 9d Does the budget provide for additions as well as Yes XX No maintenance of resources? 9e Are books/related resources centrally held? Yes XX No 9f Do the classrooms have libraries/resource centres? Yes No F I 9g Give the approximate number of books in print/electronic form in the school library/resource centre, by language. Please specify the languages and add columns if necessary. PYP Application Form Part A If "yes ", when is it due to be reviewed? No 8c What funding is available this year to enable staff to attend ISO -approved workshops? Please complete appendix 6. 8d What amount of funding, per year, will be available to support the implementation of the PYP including appropriate professional development? Please complete appendix 6. 9 MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES 9a (i) Number of full-time library/resource centre staff: EEI (ii) Number of part-time library/resource centre staff: l plus trained parent volun- teers 9b Qualifications of library/resource centre staff: Please give details on appendix S. 9c Is there an annual library/resource centre budget? Yes ❑ If "yes ", how is it controlled? No 9d Does the budget provide for additions as well as Yes No maintenance of resources? 9e Are books/related resources centrally held? Yes ❑ No F I 9f Do the classrooms have libraries/resource centres? Yes ❑ No F -1 9g Give the approximate number of books in print/electronic form in the school library/resource centre, by language. Please specify the languages and add columns if necessary. PYP Application Form Part A Language l Language 2 Language 3 Other General reference 55 15 Non- fiction 830 63 Fiction 914 229 9h Are there newspapers/periodicals? 9i What are the library/resource centre loan arrangements? Student check-out Yes 1-1 No XX 9j Total number of computers available to students in the PYP section: 32 9k (i) Number of full-time IT staff: No (ii) Number of part-time IT staff: Internet access 91 Does the school have the following IT resources? PX CD-Roms Yes nx No Internet access Yes PX No a Video Yes PX No Other (specify) Yes H No a Projectors (computer) 9m Are there resources in the mother tongue languages of the PYP Yes students? Fx1 No ❑ 9n Is professional development for the library/resource centre staff YesF] I PYP Application Form Part A 9h 9i 9j 9k 91 Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Other General reference Non- fiction Fiction Are there newspapers/periodicals? We have purchased subscriptions What are the library/resource centre loan arrangements? Yes i :K No Total number of computers available to students in the PYP section: Yes (i) Number of full-time IT staff: No (ii) Number of part-time IT staff: Internet access Does the school have the following IT resources? � CD-Roms Yes � No Internet access Yes � No Video Yes � No Other (sped) Yes � No 9m Are there resources in the mother tongue languages of the PYP Yes P students? No 9n Is professional development for the library/resource centre staff Yes .I PYP Application Form Part A available? If "yes ", please supply details on appendix 3. No X❑ 10a Intended date for submission of PYP Application Form Part B: March, 2005 Please refer- to articles 8-9 of Application Procedure for Candidate Schools. lob Please provide a three year action plan for implementation of the PYP. Please complete appendix 7. 10c Please indicate any major difficulties and/or concerns that you have encountered during the feasibility study and how you have, or intend to, overcome them. 1) Finding teachers with PYP experience or PYP profile - We plan on overcoming this by hiring more teachers from outside the area, including from PYP authorized schools abroad. 2) Library: start-up public school has little funds- We will overcome this problem by continuing to apply for grants for this purpose. The person(s) who completed this form should sign below. Name: Position: Date: Barbara Brizuela Head of School February 18, 2004 The completed application form, application fee and supporting documentation should be sent to the regional director responsible for your area. Note: The PYP application forms and appendices should be completed electronically and returned to the appropriate regional office. In consultation with the regional office, any supporting documentation should be sent on CD-Rom(s) wherever possible. Where this is not possible, hard copies of the documents should be provided. Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence. *** Per information provided us by Daniel Paccione we will be paying for Application Part A by Westlake Academy Purchase Order WLA-141 in the amount of $4,300. PYP Application Form Part A available? If `yes ", please supply details on appendix 3. Library Pro No 10 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME 10a Intended date for submission of PYP Application Form Part B: Please refer to articles 8-9 of Application Procedure for Candidate Schools. 10b Please provide a three year action plan for implementation of the PYP. Please complete appendix 7. 10c Please indicate any major difficulties and/or concerns that you have encountered during the feasibility study and how you have, or intend to, overcome them. The person(s) who completed this form should sign below. Name: Position: Date: The completed application form, application fee and supporting documentation should be sent to the regional director responsible for your area. Note: The PYP application forms and appendices should be completed electronically and returned to the appropriate regional office. In consultation with the regional office, any supporting documentation should be sent on CD-Rom(s) wherever possible. Where this is not possible, hard copies of the documents should be provided. Please ensure that the school is clearly identified in all correspondence. PYP Application Form Part A 1130 Regional office Addresses AFRICA/EUROPEVIDDLE IBO Africa/Europe/Middle East Tel: +41 22 791 7740 EAST Route des Morillons 15 Fax: +4122 7910277 Code: IBAEM Grand-Saconnex, Geneve E-mail: ibaem@ibo.org Mrs Nelida Antuna Baragano CH -1218 Regional director SWITZERLAND ASIA -PACIFIC IBO Asia-Pacific Tel: +65 6 776 0249 Code: IBAP c/o United World College of S.E. Asia Fax: +65 6 776 4369 Dr Helen Drennen Pasir Panjang, PO BOX 15, Singapore E-mail: ibap@ibo.org ibo.org Regional director SG -911121 REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE LATIN AMERICA IBO Latin America Tel: +54 114 794 6330 Code: IBLA Avenida del Libertador 2740, 1 st floor Fax: +54 114 794 6330 Mrs Marta Federico de Rodger Olivos, Buenos Aires E-mail: iblanaibo.org Regional director `� AR-B1636DSU ARGENTINA NORTH AMERICA & IBO North America Tel: +1212 696 4464 CARIBBEAN 475 Riverside Drive, 16th Floor Fax: +1 212 889 9242 Code: IRNA New York, NY E-mail: ibna.a ibo.org Mr Bradley W Richardson US -10115 Regional director USA Primary Years Programme documentation is available from the sales department of the Curriculum and Assessment Centre (IBCA), Cardiff UK. The IBO web site at www.ibo.ore provides a list of publications, along with information on how to order. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT CENTRE Code: IBCA PYP Application Form Part A International Baccalaureate Organization Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue Cardiff Gate Cardiff. Wales GB CF23 8GL UNITED KINGDOM General inquiries: Tel: +44 29 2054 7777 Fax: +44 29 2054 7778 E-mail: ibcanaa ibo.org Sales department: Tel: +44 29 2054 7746 Fax: +44 29 2054 7779 E-mail: sales@ibo.org Appendix 1 Classes in the PYP Section Name of teacher Grade/year Age of students Class name Number of students Ms. Carol Brown 1st grade 6-7 years Class IA 17 Ms. Meg Brown IS` grade 6-7 years Class IB 17 Ms. Jean Shivers 2nd grade 7-8 years Class 2A 17 Ms. Jill Riche 2nd grade 7-8 years Class 2B 16 Ms. Ann Miller 3`d grade 8-9 years C1ass3A 17 Ms. Alison Schneider 3`d grade 8-9 years Class 3B 17 Ms. Amy Schulze 4`h grade 9-10 years Class 4A 16 Ms. Elizabeth Bowie 4`h grade 9-10 years Class 4B 16 Ms. Marisha Cooper P grade 10-11 years Class 5A 17 Ms. Jean Smith 5'h grade 10-11 years Class 5B 16 Ms. Peggy Schmitz 6d' grade I 1-12 years Class 6A 16 Ms. Elaine Parry 6t" grade 11-12 years Class 6b 1 17 7 PYP Application Form Part A Appendix 1 classes in the PYP Section Name of teacher Grade/year Age of students Class name Number of students Ms. Dee Jarnmal Kindergarten 5=-6 years Class KA 14 Ms. Cyndie Jacks Kindergarten 5-6 years Class KB 15 Ms. Gina McNeely IA grade 6'-7 years Class I A 16 Ms. Julie McGough I St grade 6-7 years Class 113 16 Ms. Jean Shivers 2nd grade 7-8 years Class 2A 16 Ms. Jill Riche 2nd grade 7-8 years Class 2B 16 Ms: Dana Guruprasad 3rd grade 8�-9 years Class 3A 19 Ms. Alison Schneider 3rd grade 8-9 years Class 3B 18 Ms. Amy Copeland (Schulze) 0' grade 9-10 years Class 4A 18 Ms. Elizabeth Bowie 4`h grade 9-10 years Class 4B 17 Ms. Jean Misner- Smith 5`h grade 10-11 years Class 5A 17 Ms. Diane Trahan 5t' grade 10-11 years Class 5B 17 Ms. Peggy Schmitz 6" grade 11-12 years Class 6A 18 Ms. Claudia Ourthe-Cabale 6 grade 11-12 years Class 6B 18 Appendix 2 Organization of Teaching Time Year/grade Total teaching % of teaching time % of teaching Other time in hours with classroom/ time with single- (assemblies, per week/cycle* homeroom teacher subject teachers special events) 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 7-8 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 8-9 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — minAveek assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 9-10 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 10-11 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — minhreek assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 11-12 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess * Please indicate length of cycle. PYP Application Form Part A Appendix 2 Organization of Teaching Time Year/grade Total teaching % of teaching time % of teaching Other time in hours with classroom/ time with single- (assemblies, per week/cycle* homeroom teacher subject teachers special events) 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 28 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min/day — min/week lunch. recess 6-7 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 7-8 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 8-9 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 9-10 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — minAveek assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 10-11 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — minAveek assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess 11-12 years 29 hours 10 80% 20% 50 min — min/week assembly/week 50 min/day — lunch, recess * Please indicate length of cycle. PYP Application Form Part A Please indicate what 1130 -approved PYP professional development and training your teaching staff have received. We are also interested in which teachers, if any, have visited PYP schools. Please indicate this below. PYP Application Form Part A Name Regional In -school School visits: workshops: workshops: place/date place/date/ date/number of nm Mn. of do el avc Head of school/ Barbara Brizuela IB PYP trainer: Introduction 1 day -Washington primary school Mexico City, Jan & 3 day School, Arg. 2000 principal 2001, Inquiry 2 day -Anglo- 2002,2003,2004 Rubrics 2 day Colombiano, BsAs May Planners 2 day Colombia 2003 2001,2002,2003 -La Maisonette. Chile 2002 -Santiago College, Chile 2002 -Olinca, Mexico 2002 -Olinca Cuernavaca, Mexico 2003 -Greengates, Mexico 2003 -Gomez Palacio, Mexico 2003 Coordinator Year/grade 3-4 years Year/grade 4-5 years PYP Application Form Part A Year/grade *Kinder - Cyndie 3 day Regional 5-6 years Jacks Introductory Workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 *Kinder — Dee 3 day Regional Jammal Introductory Workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 Year/grade -15` Carol Brown 3 day Introductory 6-7 years Workshop August 13-152003 *-l" Julie 3 day Regional McGough Introductory Workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 -3 day Regional Gina Introductory McNeely Workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 1" Meg Brown ----- Year/grade 2nd Jean Shivers 3 day Introductory 7-8 years Workshop August 13-15,2003 2nd Jill Riche 3 day Introductory Workshop August 13-15,2003 Year/grade 3`d Ann Miller 3 day Introductory 8-9 years Workshop August 13-15,2003 3`d Alison 3 day Introductory Schneider Workshop August 13-15,2003 *3Td Dana 3 day Regional Guruprasad Introductory workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 PYP Application Form Part A Year/grade 4th Amy Schulze 3 day Introductory 9-10 years Workshop August 13-15,2003 4'h Elizabeth 2 day 3 day Introductory Bowie Internationalism Workshop, Mexico City Jan., Istanbul, Turkey 2004 2001 Year/grade 5`h Marisha Cooper 3 day Introductory 10-11 years Workshop August 13-15,2003 5`h Jean Smith 3 day Introductory Workshop August 13— 15, 2003 5`h Diane Trahan 3 day Regional Introductory Workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 Year/grade 61h Peggy Schmitz 3 day Introductory 11-12 years Workshop August 13-15,2003 6"' Elaine Parry 3 day Introductory Workshop August 13-15,2003 *-6`h Claudia April 29 -30, 2002 Feb. 18-19, 2004 Jan. 2004, Ourthe-Cabale Taller workshop "PYP Westlake Introductorio para Planners", Academy, maestros PEP, St. St. Brendan's Westlake, TX George's College School, USA North, BsAs, Montevideo- Argentia Uruguay Jan.2004, Churchill School, May 8-9, 2003 Mexico DF, "Inquiry in the Mexico PYP Planner" St. George's Jan. 2004, Eseuela College North, Lomas Altas, BsAs, Argentia Mexico DF, Mexico May 3-4, 2004 "Internationalism Jan. 2004, in the PYP", St. Colegio Stella George's College Maris-Christian North, BsAs, Brothers, Argentina Montevideo - Uruguay PYP Application Form Part A Arts (please Rosemary Jawad 3 day Introductory specify) Workshop August 13-15,2003 Physical Mireida Rubayo 3 day Introductory St. Brendan's education Workshop August School, 13— 15, 2003 Montevideo, Uruguay Northlands Olivos & Nordelta, Buenos Aires, Argentina Library/resource centre staff Others Maritza Jackson 3 day Introductory St. Brendan's (administrators, (Spanish) Workshop August School, counsellors, etc) 13-15,2003 Montevideo, Uruguay Northlands Olivos & Nordelta, Buenos Aires, Argentina Merina Amos 3 day Regional (Music) Introductory workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 Intended professional development over the next year: Introduction Workshop for new teachers and those hired after Aug. 13, 2004 Inquiry TTW (2-3 people); Coordinator Workshop Advanced TTW (2-3 people) * New hires as of August, 2004 PYP Application Form Part A Arts (p/ease Rosemary Jawad 3 day Introductory specify) Workshop August 13-15,2003 Physical Mireida Rubayo 3 day Introductory St. Brendan's education Workshop August School, 13-15,2003 Montevideo, Uruguay Northlands Olivos & Nordelta. Buenos Aires, Argentina Librarytresource centre staff Carol Brown 3 day Introductory Workshop August 13-15,2003 Others Maritza Jackson 3 day Introductory St. Brendan's (administrators, (Spanish) Workshop August School, counsellors, etc) 13-15,2003 Montevideo, Uruguay Northlands Olives & Nordelta, Buenos Aires, Argentina Merina Amos 3 day Regional (Music) Introductory workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 — 27, 2004 Sundi Halbert 3 day Regional (Counselor) Introductory workshop, Austin, Texas July 25 - 27, 2004 Intended professional development over the next year: Introduction Workshop for new teachers and those hired after Aug. 13, 2004 Inquiry TTW (2-3 people); Coordinator Workshop Advanced TTW (2-3 people) * New hires as of August, 2004 PYP Application Form Part A Appendix 4 Transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry (applicable to PYP Application Form Part B only) Age of students Number and title of units of inquiry taught Teaching staff involved in planning the units 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years 7-8 years 8-9 years 9-10 years 10-11 years 11-12 years PYP Application Form Part A Appendix 5 PYP Teaching Staff and Qualifications Name Year level(s) taught (or single- subject taught, if applicable) Qualifications Teaching experience (number of years in total) Number of years at this school Full-time/ part-time Carol Brown First Grade BS in Education 12 1 Full-time Meg Brown First Grade Masters in Education 3 1 Full-time Jean Shivers Second Grade Masters in Education 6 1 Full-time Jill Riche Second Grade BS in Bus. Mgmt/Teaching Certificate 9 1 Full-time Ann Miller Third Grade Masters in Education 22 1 Full-time Alison Schneider Third Grade BS in Education 2 1 Full-time Amy Schulze Fourth Grade BS in Instruction 7 1 Full-time Elizabeth Bowie Fourth Grade Bachelor in Development Studies/Post Graduate Certificate of Education 6 1 Full-time Marisha Cooper Fifth Grade Bachelors in Elementary Education 4 1 Full-time Jean Smith Fifth Grade BA in Education 2 1 Full-time Peggy Schmitz Sixth Grade Masters in Education 11.5 1 Full-time Elaine Parry Sixth Grade Masters in Education 1 I Full-time Merina Amos Music Bachelors of Music 5.5 1 Part-time Rosemary Jawad Art Masters in Education 10.5 1 Part-time Mireida Rubayo PE Bachelor in Education 10 1 Part-time Maritza Jackson Spanish Bachelor in Biology/Certification in Elementary Ed/Bilingual/ESL- Spanish 7 1 Part-time PYP Application Form Part A Qualifications Name Year level(s) Qualifications Teaching Number of Full-time/ taught (or experience years at this part-time single- (number of school subject years in taught, if total) applicable) Carol Brown First Grade BS in Education 12 1 Full-time Meg Brown First Grade Masters in Education 3 1 Full-time Jean Shivers Second Grade Masters in Education 6 1 Full-time Jill Riche Second Grade BS in Bus. 9 1 Full-time Mgmt/Teaching Certificate Ann Miller Third Grade Masters in Education 22 1 Full-time Alison Third Grade BS in Education 2 1 Full-time Schneider Amy Schulze Fourth Grade BS in Instruction 7 1 Full-time Elizabeth Fourth Grade Bachelor in 6 1 Full-time Bowie Development Studies/Post Graduate Certificate of Education Marisha Fifth Grade Bachelors in 4 1 Full-time Cooper Elementary Education Jean Smith Fifth Grade BA in Education 2 1 Full-time Peggy Sixth Grade Masters in Education 11.5 1 Full-time Schmitz Elaine Parry Sixth Grade Masters in Education 1 1 Full-time Merina Amos Music Bachelors of Music 5.5 1 Part-time Rosemary Art Masters in Education 10.5 1 Part-time Jawad Mireida PE Bachelor in 10 1 Part-time Rubayo Education Maritza Spanish Bachelor in 7 1 Part-time Jackson Biology/Certification in Elementary Ed/Bilingual/ESL- Spanish Cyndie Jacks Kindergarten Bachelor in 11 1 Full-time Education and a minor in Englis Appendix 6 Proposed PYP Implementation Budget 'The above does not include free textbooks provided by the state of Texas for each grade and each subject area. PYP Application Form Part A Consideration Candidate Post- Post- Post - phase phase (at authorization authorization authorization least one year 1 year 2 year 3 ear) Application fee $4,300 Part A $4,500 Part B Annual fee $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 plus $3,500 (Evaluation visit) Resources: Library/ $31,250 $30,190 $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 resource centre Classrooms $50,000 $26,896 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 Other $94,500 (IT) $45,000 (IT) $20,000 $30,000 $20,000 teaching facilities Professional development: Regional $3,000 $5,000 $7,200 $8,400 $9,600 workshops In -school $5,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 workshops Visits to PYP $2,000 $21.000 $2,000 $2,000 schools Other $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 Other expenses $500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 TOTAL $187,750 $123,886 $83,300 $80,500 $78,200 'The above does not include free textbooks provided by the state of Texas for each grade and each subject area. PYP Application Form Part A Appendix 7 Action Plan for Implementing the PYP Goal Strategies Date to be Person/group Evidence of achieved responsible for achievement of, achieving the or progress goal towards, the goal Train all Staff Onsite 3 day 13,14.15 Aug. 2004 2 IBO/PYP trainers All staff hired prior -PYP on site Introductory to Aug. 13 -In house Workshop completed PYP Head of Throughout year Head of School training School/PYP Experienced PYP -Program of Trainer staff Inquiry in place -Improved planners & classroom practice Additional PYP Use off-site TTW Jan. '04 onward Head of School -More teachers training receive additional training -classroom practice improved Name PYP 1) Use the skills of l) Aug. 2004 Head of School 1) Tasks and in- Coordinator- experienced house training different form practitioners and shared Head of School share tasks 2) Coordinator 2) Name 2)Jan.2005 named Coordinator Submit Application Gather Information Feb. 2004 Head of School Submitted & Part A approved Hire additional Advertise: March 30, 2004 Head of School 1) applications overseas PYP 1) IBO jobs received practitioners 2) ECIS 2) Interview short list 3) Hire two new experienced PYP practitioners Improve lilbrary 1) More book fairs Feb. 2004 — Head of School and resources 2) Spend budgeted onward 1) Well stocked money according to library including Program Of Inquiry multimedia needs resources 3) Write grants 2) Improved units 4) Westlake of inquiry Academy Foundation Continued... PYP Application Form Part A Consultation visit Follow IBO Head of & workshop guidelines Oct./Nov. 2004 Sch001/1'YP Visit set workshop Coordinator needs met, Progress reports keep school on track Authorization 1) Follow all May or Oct. 2005 Head of School/ recommendations PYP Coordinator School authorized in consultation report 2) Complete Progress reports PYP Application Form Part A PYP Part A Application Westlake Academy The following extracts from our Charter School Application mention the commitment to implement an IBO Program at Westlake Academy. Westlake Academy 2. Describe the targeted staff size and the teacher -to -student ratio. A low student/teacher ratio of 1:15 will be maintained at all grade levels. 3. Identify the proposed faculty and staff if possible„ With the exception of the position of Superintendent/ Executive Director, all faculty and staff will be new hires and cannot be identified at this time. 4. Explain the method that will be used to evaluate the faculty and staff. The Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS), recommended by the Texas Education Commission, will be used to evaluate teachers. The PDAS appraisal framework is considered especially appropriate for teachers because the PDAS criteria acknowledge broad-based tasks that teachers routinely perform that are beyond classroom teaching duties. Each teacher will be appraised each school year. Domains of the PDAS for teacher evaluation include: • Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process • Learner -Centered Instruction • Evaluation and Feedback on Student Progress • Management of Student Discipline, Instructional StrategiES, Time and Materials • Professional Communication • Professional Development • Compliance with Policies, Operating Procedures and Requirements • Improvement of Academic Pe formance of All Students on the Campus Once the state implements the TexBESS appraisal system, t')e school administration will utilize this system Non -teaching, administrative staff members will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of Subchapter BB issued under the Texas Education Code, §21.345 and §39.054, and the 38 Westlake Academy Viii. Statement of Need (Scored by Review Committee) A. Why is there a need of this type of school? What evidence exists that there is a sufficient demand for the educational program you are proposing? After careful consideration of the educational goals cf this diverse community, the Board concluded that the program developed by the International Baccalaureate Organization (iBO) would best match the needs of this area and, therefore, will be adopted by the Westlake Academy. This program, offered throughow the world, promotes academic achievement and responsible citizenship. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program was originally developed in Switzerland thirty years ago as a rigorous course of study for motivated secondary students. Recently, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) developed and endorsed a Middle Years Program (MYP), which fulfills and enhances the mission identified for the Westlake Academy. The iB program is the perfect progre:m to be offered in the backyard of the Alliance Airport corridor international community where many international corporations have established their corporate offices. B. Explain why the charter school model is the appropriate vehicle 'to address this need. The primary reason why the charter school model is the appropriate vehicle to address this need is to ensure that all young people, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have the opportunity to participate. While there are several private schools in the area, the tuition causes the schools to be cost prohibited to many families. According to local parents, the problems faced by families who desire a rigorous, international language curriculum are deep and the academic gap is wide. Although there are many, many excellent teachers, they are so pulled to address all the needs of the varied instructional levels found in the classrooms of inclusions. Students and parents are fearful that students are at great risk for not reaching their tree potentials—they are lost in the cracks of today's educational system. Accelerated academic education indeed faces a gUiet crisis as educational reform movements focus on cosmetic administrative change rather than teachers, students and the material to be learned. Parents can join organizations; they can serve on school committE es; they can volunteer endless hours in their child school, and still the students' needs are rot 53 Westlake Academy for the 19th century than the 21st century has caused a subs"lantial call for reform. As Darling -Hammond argues, "Children can reap the benefits ol" current knowledge about teaching and learning only if schools and schools, of education are dramatically redesigned. Westlake Academy is making 21 sincere effort to redesign program. Critically needed effo,-ts are being implemented with the school context to meet thOSE! challenges. Westlake Academy is dedicated to leaving no student behind. C. Discuss the educational innovations that will distinguish this school from other schools. The curriculum is designed as a comprehensive program that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of various national systems of education. IBO is based on the pattern of no single country. It provides students of different linguistic cultures, and educational backgrounds with the intellectual social and attitudinal perspectives necessary for the challenged and opportunities that lie ahead of them in a contemporary, international society. The Middle School curriculum has the same commitment and rigor to a holistic view of knowledge that is found throughout the world in the highly successful high school program. The success of the high school program has been derrionstrated at approximately 200 schools in the United States and over 500 schools throughout the world, ninety percent of which are public school. The IB curriculum stresses rigorous academic study and the equally important development of life skills, discID11nes ;,,3nd a sense of social —fes� �ifty�.e �inent �is`astukints s disciplines_ to analyze, how to reach considered conclusion about people, their language and literature, their ways in society, and r the scientific forces of the environment. At the beginning of each new course or topic of study, students will be given clear class/course objectives and the methods by which they will be accessed. The 113 program is a deliberate compromise between the preference for specialization in some countries and the emphasis on breadth often preferred in others. The educational aim of the International Baccalaureate Organization is to awaken the intelligence of student and teach them to relate the content of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. By emphasizing the dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, experience and critical thinking, the 1130 promotes academic achievement, coupled with active and responsible citizenship. The program addresses the challenge of educating the whole person in preparation for life, engendering respect for 57 Westlake Academy the physical life of the body and delight in the life cf the mind as it engages the world in all its fullness and complexity. This program offers an approach to teaching and learning that embraces yet transcends the focus of traditional school subjects. While insisting upon thorough study of the various disciplines, the prograrn accentuates the interrelatedness of them and so advanc--s a holistic view of knowledge. This interdisciplinary perspective asks; the student to consider issues and problems in their wide scope, and to realize that food solutions often draw upon insights one has acquired from many sources. Put another way, the program shuns the fragmentation of knowledge that so often results when students move from biology to history to mathematics to technology as if the classes had nothing to do with each other. The education of t * he "whole person" takes on a special sigr,ificance as we proceed into the twenty-first century; when knowledge continues to expand dramatically; when advanced technologies, and global economics have tied together vastly different cultures; when the world is bound too closely for provincial ideologies to guide political thought; when to exist in a world community requires appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity: and when cooperation alone will solve global problems. It is essential that academic training provides students with the values and opportunities that enable them to succeed in the competitive, modern world. Westlake Academy will utilize the campus and its facilities to offer summer academic camps to area children, Westlake Academy students, as well as those students in surrounding public schools. The summer academic camps will focus heavily on the languages to provide a continuum of language immersion. Scholarships will be available, with nominations for such scholarships coming from area ISD Superintendents. Additionally, an optional semester study abroad program will be available for students. This facet of the high school program would be incorporated into the 1130 program to allow the student the benefit of total emersion in their second language and culture. Funds for this activity will be raised by the students during their high school years and placed in interest-bearing accounts; however, scholarship and financial aid will be available to ensure that no student is denied opportunity nor left behind. Finally, in an effort to provide a holistic approach between community and school, the Town of Westlake will form alliances with sister cities throughout Europe. Beginning with young pen pals, to collaborative research via the Internet, to an extensive exchange prograim, the fabric for strong strategic international alliances will be woven. 58 Westlake Academy XII. Educational Plan (Scored by Review Committee) A. Describe the educational program planned for the school. Indicate clearly how these areas will be strengthened over time.. 1. Tell how the program will incorporate •ahe required minimum curriculum as provided by Section 28.002, Texas Education Code. Describe the scope and sequence of the curriculum as delivered by the charter school with particular attention to the core curriculum, i.e., reading, mathematics, science and social studies. The foundation of the Westlake Academy vuill be based on Section 28.002 of the Texas Education Code. Westlake Academy will offer all grade levels a foundation curriculum that includes English, language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, consisting of Texas, United States and world history, government and geography. With Section 28.002 as the minimum curriculum guide, a balanced curriculum designed to meet individual needs of all students will be implemented. Additionally, Westlake Academy will provide an enrichment curriculum that includes health, physical education, fine arts, economics, career, technology education and applications and languages other than English. Each of these curricular areas - both foundation and enrichment - will Gaffer instruction in the essential knowledge and skills at appropriate levels. 2. Describe any unique curricular experiences to tie offered by the charter school that will enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum. One way of understanding the fundamental perspective of the international Baccalaureate Organization is to remember the phrase, "and more." Students are expected to be well versed in traditional subject areas of the curriculum, and more — they are encouraged to appreciate the traditions of ether people and othE.-r places. Students are expected to havE; a firm command of language as a means of communication, and more — they are encouraged to develop admiration for the elegance and richness of human expression. Above all, the hope is that students will acquire a genuine love of learning and disciplined habit of mind and body that will guide their young adulthood and tie a source of strength and enjoyment throughout the whole of their lives. 65 Westlake Academy 5. Describe how the program will prepare students to meet state graduation requirements. All students attending Westlake Academy must complete at least 22 credits to receive a minimum high school program diploma.. To receive a high school diploma, a student must complete the requirements of the minimum high school ;grogram, as specified by statutory law; the recommended high school program, or the distinguished achievement program, as well as the testing requirements for graduation. Additionally, those students electing to participate in the international Baccalaureate Program must complete the course sequence and requirements of the internal 'Jonal program, including a 4,000 word essay, community service and foreign language. The Diploma Programme is a two-year course of study. The diplorr,a candidate of the IB program is required to complete six subjects, each normally studied over the period of two years; at least three and not more than four subjects must be offered at higher level and the others at standard level. The six subjects must normally tie chosen by selecting one from each of the six subject groups (First Language, Second Modern Language, Individuals and Societies, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, and .'As and Electives). International baccalaureate diploma holders gain admission to colleges and universities throughout the wi,)rld. These include well- known European and American institutions such as Oxford, Yale and the Sorbonne, prestigious universities., in Latin American and the Asia/Pacific, and more recently established centers in developing parts of the world. Formal ag eements exist between the iBO and many ministries of education and private institutions. Some college and universities may offer advanced standing or course credit to students with strong lB examination results. ,.. The sequence of courses established by Westlake Academy will ensure that every student has received instruction in the areas that state law requires to be covered in the upcoming '11th grade exit - level test. Beginning in the 2002-2003 school year, the exit-ievel test will be administered in the 11th grade instead of the 10th grade and will assess a broader range and depth of subjects. In addition to the above graduation requirements, the SBOE now mandates that students pass the 11th grade exit -level test, along with their courses, to receive a high school diploma, If students do .:l TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 1701 North Con eress Ave.* Austin. Texas 78701-1.194 * 512/463-9734* FAX: 512/463-9838 * http://ww•m.lea.state.tx.us December 3, 2003 Scott Bradley Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Ste 207 Westlake, TX 76262 Dear Mr. Bradley: Enclosed is a signed contract for the Westlake Academy Charter School. This one is for your school files, and the other original has been placed in your files at the Texas Education Agency. I look forward to working with you and your school. Sincerely, Ertha Patrick, Division Manager Division of Charter Schools CC: Trent Petty Enclosure Fulfi/lr17g the Promise for,All Texas Chilch-ell CONTRACT FOR OPEN -ENROLLMENT CHARTER This contract is executed between the Texas State Board of Education (the "Board") and Town of Westlake ("Charter Holder") for a Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Texas public school. General Definitions. As used in this contract: "Charter" means the Seventh Generation open - enrollment charter, as provided by, Chapter 12, Subchapter D, Texas Education Code, granted by this contract. "Charter Holder' means the sponsoring entity identified in the charter application and the entity to which a charter is granted by this contract. "Charter school" means the Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter school. The charter school is part of the public school system of Texas and is a charter school within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. § 8066. "Agency" means the Texas Education Agency "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Education. 2. The Charter. This contract grants to Charter Holder a Seventh Generation open - enrollment charter under Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D. The terms of the charter include: (a) this contract; (b) applicable law; (c) Request for Application RFA 701-01-004 (d) any condition, amendment, modification, revision or other change to the charter adopted or ratified by the Board or the Commissioner; (e) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for charter, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with the aforementioned (a) through (d); and (f) assurance by Charter Holder, evidenced by execution of this contract, that no false information was submitted to the Agency or the Board by Charter Holder, its agents, or its employees in support of its aFlplication for charter. Action inconsistent with the terms of the charter shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 3. Term of Charter. The charter shall be in effect from the date of execution through 11 . unless renewed or terminated. The grant of this charter does not create an etititlE_me 4 to a renewal of the charter. The charter may be renewed for an additional Md de7_i: mined by the Commissioner. 1 4. evi " n by Agreement. The terms of the charter may be revised with the consent of harter Hol ef�-by written amendment approved by the Commissioner. ; 7-1 Students 5. Open -enrollment. Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to any person who resides within the geographic boundaries stated in the charter application and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter application. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students set out in the charter application. The charter school's admission policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistica, or athletic ability, or the district the student would otherwise attend. 6. Non -religious Instruction and Affiliation. The charter school shall not conduct religious instruction. The charter school, the sponsoring entity, and any entity that owns or controls the sponsoring entity in whole or in part (including by the power to select officers or directors) shall be nonsectarian in its programs, policies, employment practices, and all other operations. 7. Children with Disabilities. The charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Halder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794, and implementing regulations; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131- 12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, Texas Education Code, and implementing rules; and court cases applying these laws. Among the charter school's legal responsibilities in this area are the following: (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practices that affirmatively seek out, identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or who contact the charter school regarding enrollment. (b) Free Appropriate Public Education. Charter Holder must provide a free appropriate public education to all children including children with disabilities otherwise eligible to enroll in the charter school. If the program, staff, or facilities of the charter school are not capable of meeting the needs of a particular child, Charter Halder must implement changes necessary to accommodate the child at the charter school. If reasonable accommodations would be insufficient to enable the child to benefit from the charter school's program, Cha -ter Holder must, at its own expense, place the child at an appropriate school. (c) Services to Expelled Students. Charter Holder must continue to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with disabilities even after expelling or suspending the child for valid disciplinary reasons. (d) Monitoring. The charter school's implementation of the laws education of children with disabilities will be monitored for compliance by the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs; the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, the Agency; and others. (e) Due Process Hearings. The charter school's implementation of the laws governing education of children with disabilities will also be subject to scrutiny by 2 the courts if litigation against Charter Holder is brought by individuals affected by the actions of the charter school. 8. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Chapter 39, Subchapters B, C, D, and G of the Texas Education Code, and related Agency rules, as well as the student performance accountability criteria stated in its application for charter. Financial Man 9. Federal Withholding Requirements. Failure to comply with Internal Revenue Service withholding regulations shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 10. Workers' Compensation. Charter Holder shall extend workers' compensation benefits to charter school employees by (1) becoming a self -insurer; (2) providing insurance under a workers' compensation insurance policy; or (3) entering into an agreement with other entities providing for self-insurance. Governance and Operations 11. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Board and Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Board and Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature asserted by any third party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with wrongful acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcontractors. This Agreement 12. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of thie parties. All prior representations, understandings, and discussions are superseded by this con"Tact. 13. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. 14. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Board is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, required assurances, and conditions of Request for Application RFA 701-01-004; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and representations made in Charter Holder's application and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms of this contract). 15. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breach. 16. Venue. Any suit arising under this contract shall be brought in Travis County, Texas. 17. Governing Law. 1n any suit arising under this contract, Texas law shall apply. 18. Laws and Rules Applicable. By executing this contract, the undersigned representatives of Charter Holder represent that they have read and understand the rules adopted by the Board and the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D and that they have had full opportunity to consult with their own legal counsel concerning said rules prior to executing this agreement. The undersigned representatives further understand and agree that: (a) the terms of this contract, and of the Seventh Generation open -enrollment charter created by this contract, include all applicable state and federal laws, including all applicable rules and regulations; (b) the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to state and federal law may be adopted, amended or repealed from time to time; and (c) all such changes to the rules and regulations applicable to Charter Holder shall become an essential part of this contract and of the open -enrollment charter created by this contract, as of to effective date provided in the rule or regulation. 19. Eligibility and Authority. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101 (a), Texas Education Code. Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Commissioner of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing tis contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Entered into tfq>71 day o 2003. T Stat4Board duc tion: Town of Westlake: G raldine a e Sco dle C g a3 y, hair Date Westlake Academy Charter School: Trent Petty, Date Chief Operating Officer M IBO publications catalogue with online circler corm .i' rage t of L 3. order details Code Item description Language Price US$ SFr UKCr PYP06 Making the PYP Happen Postage option Standard airmail service (7-15 days transit time) ,r—#--/ 17 7 Ln ro>I 7 7 Ln 1•n -11% bttps://www.ibo.org/'tbo/index.cfrn/en/ibo/services/publications 96 158 60 54.72 61.72 36 c -an _yly .1 n7a 7'2 -2at 6/_25/2003 F About the IBO Programmes Services Around the IB world Extrane Publicarions Search so Publications The following order has been sent to sales@ibo.org -SHORTCUTS - You will receive a confirmation soon. IB world schools Order form for purchase order requests Prospective IB schools 1. Invoice address 2. 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