HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 16-14 WA Adopting the Grant Management Procudures Manual WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 16-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ADOPTING THE GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy is required to adhere to Requirements in 2 CFR Part 200: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, State and Local funds as applicable, and Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR),; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy shall maintain internal controls in relation to federal grants.; and. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy shall maintain policies governing the use of Title I, Title II, and Title III Federal Grant Funds even if Westlake Academy does not currently apply for or utilize said funds; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy shall maintain policies governing the use of IDEA-B Federal Grant Funds for travel, substitute time and effort, contracted services, and purchasing of goods and services even if Westlake Academy does not currently utilize IDEA-B funds in these capacities; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy shall update federal grant management procedures on an annual basis; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy, hereby approves the Grant Management Procedures manual for Westlake Academy attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 16-14 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS loth DAY OF AUGUST, 2016. XA — V . Laura`Wheat, President ATTEST: KeO Edward )Board Secretary Thomas E. Br er uperintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0FEST�9 Janet S:'Bubert or Stanton Lowry, Scho Attorney rE �,S Resolution 16-14 Page 2 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Pursuant to Requirements in 2 CF ' Part 200: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, State and Local funds as applicable, and Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) These federal grant policies and procedures are applicable to all federal grants awarded to the District, and to the extent required, state and local funds. All employees who deal with federal, state or private grants must be familiar with them and must fully comply with all requirements contained herein. WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Table of Contents GRANTS AND RESTRICTED FUNDS Overview........................................................................................................2 General Statement and Expectations.................................................................3-4 Staff and Department Responsibilities................................................................5-8 FEDERAL GRANTS Federal Grant— IBEA - B Grant Application Process — IDEA-B formula grant.................................................9 BudgetingGrant Funds....................................................................................9 Responsibilities for Expenditures of Funds..........................................................10 PayrollExpenditures.......................................................................................10 NewHires.....................................................................................................10 Time and Effort Documentation.....................................................................11-13 Substitute Time and Effort Documentation............................................................13 Contracted Services....................................................................................13-14 Federal Guidelines for Travel........................................................................14-15 Purchasing Goods and Services with Federal Funds..............................................15 Preparing Expenditure Reports & Drawdowns of Funds......................................16-17 Deadlines for Expenditures of Funds..................................................................17 Receiptof Grant Funds....................................................................................18 Grant Compliance Areas..................................................................................18 Special Education Consolidated Grant— IDEA-B formula grant................................19 IDEA-B MOE.................................................................................................19 Records Retention Guidelines.......................................................................19-20 Res WA 1-14 Page 1 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Title I, II, and III Guidelines........................................................................21-25 EXHIBITS A - Time and Effort Report & Reconciliation ...................................................26-27 B - Time and Effort Semi-Annual Certification Form.............................................28 GRANTS AND RESTRICTED FUNDS Overview Grants and restricted revenue funds are funds accepted by the Board of Trustees from private, local, state and federal sources for the purpose of financing specific educational programs which are student-oriented and are beneficial to the children. A grant is created when an application is filed with the Texas Education Agency(TEA), the U. S. Department of Education (USDE), or other funding agencies, and an agreement is made between the applicant and the agency. The agency approves the amount of the grant, the funding period and the conditions related to the approval of the funds. Approval is executed through the notification of grant award (NOGA). Funds cannot be encumbered or expended before the NOGA is received without specific approval from the Finance Department. Other restricted funds come through allocations within the state funding formula. These funds are accounted for in the General Fund but still have special restrictions as to use, similar to grant funds. The funds for the grants are obtained through state, federal, local and private agencies. State funds are authorized by statutory provisions and regulations of the TEA. Federal funds are authorized through categorical and other federal grants for public education. Funding can come directly from the federal agency or through TEA. Local funds come from sources such as private foundations, businesses, individuals and city government. All grants are to be utilized according to the terms of the approved budget, which has been approved by the grantor and the grantee. Any activities or expenditures must follow all normal financial procedures of Westlake Academy. Any planned grant activities or expenditures which deviate from the normal financial procedures of Westlake Academy must be preapproved by the Finance Director prior to the beginning of the grant. The budget is the financial plan of the grantee to carry out the program or grant. Res WA 1-14 Page 2 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES General Statement Westlake Academy recognizes that it is responsible for complying with all requirements of the federal award. 2 C.F.R. 200.300(b) Conflict of Interest A district must disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to the DOE or TEA in accordance with applicable DOE policy. 2 C.F.R. 200.112 Mandatory Disclosures A district must disclose, in a timely manner, in writing to the DOE or TEA all violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award. Failure to make required disclosures can result in any of the remedies described in 2 C.F.R. 200.338 (Remedies for noncompliance), including suspension or debarment. 2 C.F.R. 200.113 General Procurement Standards The district must use its own documented procurement procedures which reflect applicable state, local, and tribal laws and regulations, provided that the procurements conform to applicable federal law and the standards identified in the Uniform Guidance. The district must maintain oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. The district must maintain written standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest and governing the actions of its employees engaged in the selection, award, and administration of contracts. No employee, officer, or agent may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by a federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest. A conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization that employs or is about to employ any of these parties, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract. The officers, employees, and agents of the district must neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. However, districts may set standards for situations in which the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value. The standards of conduct must provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards by officers, employees, or agents of the district. 2 C.F.R. 200.318 Financial Management and Internal Controls The district's financial management systems, including records documenting compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the federal award, must be sufficient to permit the preparation of reports required by general and program-specific terms and conditions. The district must establish and maintain effective internal control over the federal Res WA 1-14 Page 3 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES award that provides reasonable assurance that the district is managing the federal award in compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the federal award. 2 C.F.R. 200.302, .303 Remedies for Noncompliance If a district fails to comply with federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of a federal award, the DOE or TEA may impose additional conditions, as described in 2 C.F.R. 200.207 (Specific conditions). If the DOE or TEA determines that noncompliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions, the DOE or TEA may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances: 1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the district or more severe enforcement action by the DOE or TEA. 2. Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. 3. Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the federal award. 4. Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings as authorized under 2 C.F.R. Part 180 and DOE regulations (or in the case of TEA, recommend such a proceeding be initiated by the DOE). 5. Withhold further federal awards for the project or program. 6. Take other remedies that may be legally available. 2 C.F.R. 200.338 Res WA 1-14 Page 4 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Staff and Department Responsibilities Name Title Email Phone Mr. Tom Brymer Superintendent tbrymer(a)_westlake-tx.org 817-490-5720 Dr. Mechelle Executive mbryson(a)_westlakeacademy.org 817-490-5761 Bryson Princi al/Director Ms. Debbie Piper CFO dpiper .westlake-tx.org 817-490-5712 Jennifer Furnish Student Service 'furnish westlakeacademy.org 817-490-5762 Administrator Ms. Shannon Coordinator of sward westlakeacademy.org 817-490-5775 Ward Intervention Services Mr. Todd Wood Director Human twood westlake-tx.org 817-490-5711 Resources Dr. Mechelle Coordinator of mbryson westlakeacademy.org 817-490-5761 Bryson Professional Learning /Title II Mr. Alan Burt Coordinator of CTE aburt(aD_westakeacademy.org 817-490-5815 Ms. Marlene Purchasing mrutledge(�westlake-tx.orq 817-490-5737 Rutledge Coordinator Res WA 1-14 Page 5 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Superintendent • Approves all grant applications. • Directs responsibility for grant management to a specific administrator. Executive Principal and Director of Education Responsible for the management of grants and state restricted funds assigned by the Superintendent to the curriculum departments, campus and Special Education. • Responsible for all compliance matters related to the grants supervised. • Responsible for approval of budgets and other application information in grants submitted. • Reports deficiencies and compliance matters to the Superintendent. • Ensuring comprehensive Federal Programs meets the needs of the district • Communicating with Student Service Administrator clear expectation for LEA Student Service Administrator Reports directly to the Executive Principal/Director of the Academy and is responsible to Administration of the following: • Submitting all state and federal grant applications for the Academy • Monitoring finance and compliance of all state and federal grants • Reporting unusual or irregular activities related to grants to the Executive Principal/Director • Maintaining current knowledge federal, state and district policies related to Special Education grants • Maintaining current knowledge of federal, state and LEA policies related to Bi-lingual and ESL grants • Monitoring finance and compliance of all Bilingual grants • Maintaining current knowledge of federal, state and LEA policies related to grants • Communicating with principals the guidelines of federal grants • Retaining all records for audit purposes and records retention schedule • Training on budgeting, budget amendments, coding, time and effort, purchasing, and employee reimbursements. • Approving all federal grant purchases to ensure compliance with grant requirements • Updating Federal Programs board policies • Reviewing CIP and DIP for Compliance • Attending training to improve expertise • Conducting mid-year internal audits of Title I campus • Requiring campus administrators to maintain a Compliance Notebook, designing Compliance Notebooks, distributing Compliance Notebooks and collecting these notebooks at the end of each school year. • Requiring and Collecting Principal Attestation Forms • Maintaining leadership succession for federal programs Res WA 1-14 Page 6 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES • Maintaining current knowledge federal, state and district policies related to Special Education grants • Monitoring finance and compliance of all Bilingual grants Finance Director Responsible for the financial management of all grants and state restricted funds at Westlake Academy. • Responsible for the design and execution of an efficient budget process to allocate resources effectively and in compliance with state and federal laws. • Responsible for compliance with all financial requirements, including planning, staffing and payroll, documentation, and allowability of costs. • Provides support to Administrative Coordinator, Special Education and other departments for the preparation and submission of grant applications. • Maintains documentation to support compliance with maintenance of effort, comparability, excess costs, and other financial requirements. • Responsible for the timely and accurate submission of all reports and any other expenditure or other financial reports. • Reports deficiencies and compliance matters to the Superintendent. Human Resources Director • Assists the Executive Principal and Director of Education with the design and implementation of staffing plans that ensure that grant-funded staffing is supplemental and is allowable under grant requirements • Ensuring that all grant-funded staff meet the Highly Qualified Staff federal guidelines, in addition to all other applicable state and federal requirements, as applicable • Ensuring that all grant-funded staff has a job description with the grant-related duties and funding, and job description are signed by employees on an annual basis • Maintaining audit-ready HR employee files for financial audit as appropriate • Developing and maintaining all salary schedules to ensure consistency between local and non-local pay rates (Includes base salaries, stipends and extra-duty rates of pay) • Assisting the Administrative Coordinator with determining the position title, Role ID and other salary information for use in completing the grant application • Retaining all personnel records for the required length of time (5 years) for audit purposes Coordinator of Special Education Services Reports directly to the Executive Director and is responsible for the following: • Assist in the Submission of all Special Education state and federal Special Education (IDEA) grant applications • Comply with all finance expectation of all Special Education state and federal grants Res WA 1-14 Page 7 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES • Reporting unusual or irregular activities related to grants to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction • Maintaining current knowledge federal, state and district policies related to Special Education grants • Attending training to improve expertise CTE Coordinator Related to Federal Programs, reports directly to the Director of Federal Programs and is responsible for the following: • Submitting Title 1, Part C Carl D. Perkins Grant application • Monitoring finance and compliance of all CTE Regulations for grant • Maintain compliance documentation • Reporting unusual or irregular activities related to grants to the Director of Federal Programs and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction • Maintaining current knowledge of federal, state and district policies related to CTE grants • Providing central staff and campus training for CTE grants, as appropriate • Attending training to improve expertise Coordinator of Professional Learning (We do not apply for Title II Grants. If we did, we would follow the guidelines below.) Related to Federal Programs, reports directly to the Director of Federal Programs and is responsible for the following: • Monitoring finance and compliance of all Title II, Part A regulations for grant • Maintain compliance documentation • Reporting unusual or irregular activities related to grants to the Director of Federal Programs and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction • Maintaining current knowledge of federal, state and district policies related to Title II, Part A grant • Providing central staff and campus training for Title II, Park A grant, as appropriate • Attending training to improve expertise Bilingual/ESL Consultant from ESC 11 Supports the Executive Principal and Director of Education in the oversight of bilingual/ESL programs, including those funded with Title III, and state BL/ESL funds. • Assists administrators and campus principals with the design of BL/ESL programs that meet the requirements of the Texas Education Code (TEC). • Reviews campus budgets and expenditures funded under Program Intent Code (PIC) 25 and under Title III for compliance with federal grant requirements and the TEC o Reports deficiencies and compliance matters to the Executive Principal and Director of Education. Res WA 1-14 Page 8 of 28 WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES FEDERAL GRANTS - IDEA - B Grant Application Process—IDEA-B Formula Grant Formula grants are also known as entitlement grants. Grantees are not required to compete for formula funds, although grantees are required to complete grant applications and comply with other grant requirements in order to ensure that grant funds are expended in accordance with the defined purpose and goals of the grant program. Almost all formula grants are eGrants. Grantees are local educational agencies (LEAs), with grant awards determined by a mathematical formula defined in statute (either federal or state) that takes into account the LEA's population intended to be served. The Administrative Coordinator shall complete the grant application when the allotted amount has been disclosed from Texas Education Agency and process through e-Grants. An application or amendment must be approved by TEA before the initiation of any activities affected by that application or amendment. No federal grant funds shall be budgeted, encumbered, or spent until either of the following has occurred: • grant has been approved by the granting agency and a Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) has been issued to the charter; or • the entitlement grant has been received by the granting agency and the grant application has been submitted to TEA Budgeting Grant Funds The finance department shall budget grant funds in the appropriate fund codes as authorized by Financial Accountability System Resource Guide (FAR), or the granting agency, as appropriate. In addition, the object expenditure codes noted on the grant application shall be consistent with the budgeted account codes. For example, if the grant application included $2,000 for"6219 Professional Services", the budget shall include an appropriation for Professional Services in object code 6219. However, if the intent was to expend funds to pay a Math Consultant, the grant application may need to be amended to move the "6219 Professional Services" funds to the correct object code "6299 Other Professional Services". All expenditures shall be made from the correct FASRG object code. Budget amendments, if any, shall be approved by the Administrative Coordinator and Finance Director to ensure that the reclassification of funds is allowable under the grant management guidelines related to budget amendments. Some grants allow (1) a transfer of funds, up to 25% of the grant award, but only within the same object class and if the new object code does not require specific approval from the granting agency (2) an increase or decrease of over 20% in the number Res WA 1-14 Page 9 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES or type of grant-funded positions (3) the classification of an amount to a line-item not previously budgeted, or (4) an increase or decrease in budgeted capital outlay. Responsibilities For Expenditures Of Funds Expenditures of grant funds shall be through the purchasing, finance or payroll department processes in place for non-grant funds, but shall have additional requirements as noted below to ensure full compliance with federal costs principles. The Administrative Coordinator shall be responsible for the programmatic and evaluation compliance and the Finance Director shall be responsible for the financial compliance. A final review of expenditures should be made prior to the end of the grant period to allow correction of unallowable expenditures. Payroll Expenditures All payroll expenditures shall be in accordance with federal cost principles. First and foremost, the payroll expenditures must be authorized on the grant application and the duties assigned must be directly related to grant activities. (Westlake Academy shall ensure that the Role ID and object codes reflected on the grant application (Payroll Summary) are consistent with the HR, payroll, finance and PEIMS records). TRS, Medicare, health insurance, longevity pay, critical needs stipends, and incentive pay will be deducted from grant budgets if payment of fringe benefits is permitted by grant guidelines as a part of payroll expenses. Federally funded grants normally allow for payment of all fringe benefits listed above. New Hires New staff hired for work in positions that are wholly or partially funded with federal grant funds, shall be hired when a position and funding are both available. Upon separation of an employee, the department of the position shall initiate a request to replace the position. The Executive Principal and Director of Education shall review the request to ensure that the position is still authorized and necessary. Changes to the job description, if any, shall be made at this time. The Finance Department shall review the request to ensure that adequate funds exist in the appropriate account code(s). If funds do not exist, the Finance Director shall notify the Executive Principal and Director of Education to determine if funds will be re-appropriated to the account code(s). After approval from the Executive Principal and Director of Education and Finance department, the Human Resources department shall advertise the position. Res WA 1-14 Page 10 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES The screening and selection process shall include a review of the recommended applicant to ensure that he/she meets the highly qualified requirements under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), as appropriate, or any other grant-specific credentials. Upon employment, the new hire shall receive and sign a copy of his/her respective job description to include the grant funding source. NOTE: If the position is funded with a short-term grant fund, the employee shall be notified in writing when the grant funding will lapse, especially if their position will lapse at the end of the grant. The job description and assignment shall be supported by documentation such as grade book, master schedule, etc. Time and Effort Documentation All staff funded wholly or partially with federal grant funds shall comply with federal guidelines related to time and effort. The grant funded staff, their immediate supervisors, the administrative coordinator, human resources, and finance departments shall be aware of the federal guidelines related to time and effort documentation. On a least an annual basis, all impacted staff shall be trained by the administrative coordinator. All charges to payroll for grant-funded personnel must be based on one of the following: Certification or time and effort records. • Certification for employees who are 100% funded from the_-grant: Employees who work under a single grant program or who work under a single cost objective are not required to maintain time and effort records. However, each employee must certify in writing, at least semi-annually, that he/she worked solely on that program or cost objective for the period covered by the certification. The Periodic Certification Form must be signed by the employee and by the supervisor having first-hand knowledge of the work performed. Charges to the grant must be supported by these semi-annual certifications. The timeline for semi-annual certifications shall be once per academic semester to coincide with teaching assignment each semester. o The immediate supervisor shall submit all signed semi-annual certifications to the Administrative Coordinator as noted below: ■ 1"certification—due 1 week after the end of the 1s' semester ■ 2„d certification—due 1 week after the end of the 2nd semester o The Administrative Coordinator review shall consist of the following: ■ Review of the certification forms to ensure that every staff member and supervisor has certified that their schedule is 100% grant related ■ A test sampling of staff assignments, i.e. master schedule, duty schedule, etc. to verify the schedule is 100% grant related Res WA 1-14 Page 11 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES o The Administrative Coordinator shall file the certifications for audit purposes. Any certifications that reflect a percentage other than 100% shall be forwarded to the ESC11 for adjustment of the grant payroll expenditures for the certification period. NOTE: Steps should also be taken to ensure that the staff member's work schedule is adjusted to 100% grant related, or is changed from the semi-annual certification method to time and effort reporting. o The ESC11 personnel shall prepare a journal ledger entry to correct the account distribution code(s) as appropriate and post the entry to the finance general ledger. • Time and Effort Records for employees who are partially funded from the _grant: Employees who work under multiple grant programs or who work under multiple cost objectives (i.e., whose salaries are prorated between or among different funding sources) must prepare time and effort reports to coincide with pay periods. Such reports must reflect an after-the-fact distribution of 100% of the actual time spent on each activity and must be signed by the employee and their immediate supervisor. Charges to payroll records must be adjusted based on this documentation to coincide with preparation and submittal of the expenditure report. This requirement applies to all projects, regardless of funding source, unless otherwise specified. For federally funded projects, time and effort records must be in accordance with the requirements in the applicable OMB cost principles. Grant funded staff under this category shall complete a time and effort report to include the date, grant source, percentage worked in the grant source per day and the summary for the pay cycle. Reports are due 5 days after the semi-monthly payroll cycle. The staff member and his/her immediate supervisor shall sign the time and effort report. o The immediate supervisor shall submit all signed time and effort reports to the Administrative Coordinator. The Administrative Coordinator review shall consist of the following: ■ A review of the time and effort reports to compare the summary percentage of grant-related work per funding source to the budgeted percentage utilized to on the payroll charges ■ A test sampling of staff assignments, i.e. master schedule, duty schedule, etc. to verify the percentage of grant-related work per funding source o The Administrative Coordinator shall file the reports for audit purposes if the time and effort reports reflect the same percentages. If the report reflects a different Res WA 1-14 Page 12 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES percentage, the report shall be reconciled to reflect the correct payroll charges by grant funding source and forward the reconciliation to the ESC11 personnel for adjustment of the payroll charges on the general ledger. o The ESC11 personnel shall prepare a journal entry to reclassify the expenditures as noted on the reconciliation of the time and effort report(s). NOTE: If the quarterly comparison between budgeted and actual costs shows a difference of less than 10%, adjustments to the general ledger may be posted on an annual basis. Otherwise, if the difference is greater than 10%, the adjustments to the general ledger shall be made at the time of the reconciliation. ■ Substitute System of Time and Effort Reporting: o If Westlake were to use an approved "substitute system" for time and effort, the following guidelines would be followed: ■ Westlake Academy would submit a management certification form to TEA before any employee began participating in the substitute system. A new management certification form would be submitted for each school year based on the schedule published by TEA: • Submit by Sept. 15, 2016, to use the system in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. • Submit by Dec. 15, 2016, to use the system in the spring and summer semesters. • Submit by May 15, 2017, to use the system in the summer semester. ■ Employees must meet eligibility requirements and must complete and submit an employee schedule and certification. Procedures for Disbursing Funds for Contracted Services Westlake Academy will adhere to the following guidelines when using federal grant funds for contracted services: A letter of intent to contract with a third party may be signed prior to the issuance of a NOGA. The letter of intent should contain a provision that the future contract is contingent upon receipt of the specific NOGA. Westlake Academy will execute the contract after the NOGA is issued. When negotiating to sign a contract before the receipt of the NOGA, the contract should contain the following provisions: • The contract is only effective upon receipt by the subgrantee of the NOGA from the awarding agency. • The contract period is aligned to the grant period of availability as stated on the NOGA from the awarding agency (period of availability). • All services will be completed during the effective dates of the contract. • All services will be invoiced monthly after services are received (rather than paid lump sum at the beginning of the period of availability before services are rendered) and paid upon Res WA 1-14 Page 13 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES verification of receipt of services. • The regulations for procurement in 2 CFR §§200.318-323 are followed in issuing the contract. • All professional services provided under the contract will follow the provisions of 2 CFR 200.459 Professional service costs. • The contract identifies the funding sources that will be charged for the services provided, including the specific amount and/or percentage of the total contract amount to be charged to each funding source. • The contract identifies and lists only reasonable, necessary, and allocable services to be provided during the period of availability of the funding sources listed in the contract. • The administrative costs charged to the grant in the contract must comply with any limitations for administrative costs for funding sources (if applicable). • The contract specifies that the invoice provided by the contractor will include the list of services provided, dates of services, and location(s) where services were provided during the billing period. Procedures for Disbursing Funds for Travel Mileage, lodging, and meal reimbursement rates published by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts apply to all grants funded by TEA for individuals on travel status. Westlake Academy will adhere to all policies maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. • Mileage: Travelers are required to calculate mileage by one of the following two methods: o Odometer reading (point-to-point method) o Electronic mapping source (such as that on www.Mapquest.com or any other online mapping service). If this method is chosen, the traveler must print out the driving directions provided by the site and attach them to the travel voucher. To assist employees in documenting their travel, will develop mileage charts listing the distance between various duty points within the district. • Meals and Lodging: The following maximum meal and lodging reimbursement rates apply to in-state and out-of-state travel. o If local policy restricts travel, per diem, and other travel expenses to a rate less than state law, the applicant must budget and request reimbursement from the grant at the lesser rate. o If local policy exceeds the maximum recovery rate specified in the Appropriations Bill, then the difference must be paid from state or local funds and not from grant funds. o Travel allowances, in which the per diem is paid to the employee regardless of the amount actually expended, are not allowable. Travel allowances for in-state and out-of-state travel, in which the traveler receives a flat per diem for lodging and/or Res WA 1-14 Page 14 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES meals, regardless of the actual amount expended, are not allowable in Texas. Grantees must adhere to the guidelines stated above in lieu of a travel allowance. o Travel costs must be properly documented to be reimbursable. The employee must document travel costs with a travel voucher or other comparable documentation. Auditable documentation must include the following at a minimum: ■ Name of the individual claiming travel reimbursement ■ Destination and purpose of the trip, including how it was necessary to accomplish the objectives of the grant project ■ Dates of travel ■ Actual mileage (not to exceed reimbursement at the maximum allowable rate) ■ Actual amount expended on lodging per day, with a receipt attached (may not exceed ■ the maximum allowable) ■ Actual amount expended on meals per day (may not exceed the maximum allowable; tips and gratuities are not reimbursable) ■ Actual amount expended on public transportation, such as taxis and shuttles ■ Actual amount expended on a rental car, with a receipt attached and justification for why a rental car was necessary and how it was more cost effective than alternate transportation; receipts for any gasoline purchased for the rental car must be attached (mileage is not reimbursed for a rental car—only the cost of gasoline is reimbursed) ■ Actual amount expended on incidentals, such as hotel taxes, copying of materials, and other costs associated with the travel ■ Total amount reimbursed to the employee Travel costs that are not supported by proper documentation as described above are not allowable to be charged to TEA grants and are subject to disallowance by state and federal auditors and monitors. Purchasin_a Goods or Services with Federal Funds In accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E, Cost Principles, all purchases made with federal funds, regardless of the method of purchase, must be determined to be: o reasonable in cost (comparable to current fair market value) o necessary to carry out the objectives of the federal program o allowable under the federal cost principles and the terms and conditions of the award o allocable (chargeable or assignable) to the grant program based on the relative benefits o received Res WA 1-14 Page 15 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Prior to each purchase and for each proposed purchase, on each purchase order, purchase requisition, contract, invoice, receipt, travel voucher, or other documentation for obligations, encumbrances, or expenditures, the District documents that these criteria are met in the following manner regardless of the purchase method used: o The Business Office verifies the proposed purchase is reasonable in cost (i.e., comparable to current fair market value). o The Student Services Administrator in coordination with the Executive Director verifies that the proposed purchase is necessary to accomplish the objectives of the grant program and that the expenditure is vital or required for the grant program to be successful. Five Methods for Procuring with Federal Funds 2 CFR § 200.320 provides for five methods that must be used when making purchases with federal funds. In some cases, these federal methods are less restrictive than state requirements; in other cases, the state requirements are more restrictive than these federal methods. Additionally, if local requirements are more restrictive than either state or federal, then local requirements must be followed. In all cases, the more restrictive requirements or methods must be followed when making purchases with federal funds. The type of purchase method and procedures required depends on the cost (and type, in some cases) of the item(s) or services being purchased. o Micro-purchase o Small purchase procedures o Sealed bids o Competitive proposals o Noncompetitive proposals (sole source) Preparing Expenditure Reports & Drawdowns of Funds Westlake Academy shall periodically, or as allowed or required by the grant guidelines, draw- down grant funds that have been spent in accordance with the grant guidelines. Administrative requirements for grants stipulate that grantees must request cash as close as possible to the time of making disbursements. Grantees should not have more cash on hand than is necessary to meet three days' cash needs. Therefore, grantees should request only that amount that will be paid out within three business days once the payment is received from TEA. At no time shall Westlake Academy draw-down any "advanced" cash payments, unless specifically allowed by the granting agency. The draw-down of grant funds from the granting agency shall be initiated by the Finance Director. A detailed summary general ledger of the grant should be generated to determine if Westlake Academy is entitled to draw-down funds, i.e. if the granting agency owes Westlake Academy any funds. If Westlake Academy has funds available for draw-down, a detailed general ledger should Res WA 1-14 Page 16 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES be generated to be used as documentation for the amount requested. Upon receipt of the funds, the ESC11 shall prepare the journal ledger entry and post to the general ledger. If manual approval of an electronic draw-down is required by the granting agency, the finance department shall comply with the manual requirements. For example, TEA at times requests supportive information related to a drawn down such as a detailed general ledger, narrative justification, or summary of expenditures by object code. Upon a request from the TEA, the Finance Director, shall respond to the request within the allotted time to avoid designation as a "high risk" grantee. The Finance Director shall be responsible to ensure that the requested draw down amount does not exceed a grant-specific draw down amount, or percentage. The final draw-down of grant funds from the granting agency shall be made within the allowable timeframe and shall be reviewed and approved in the same manner as a periodic draw-down. If a final draw down deadline is missed, the Finance Director shall contact the granting agency to determine if a process exists to request a filing deadline extension. [NOTE: TEA has developed procedures to request an extension for filing expenditure reports. The request form must be completed, signed by the Superintendent and filed with TEA within 30 days of the final expenditure report deadline.] Deadlines for Expenditures of Funds All obligations of grant funds must occur between the beginning date and ending date of the grant, as stated on the NOGA. Grant funds may not be obligated before the starting date of the grant. An obligation occurs depending upon the expenditure, as follows for IDEA-B: • Services by an employee: when the services are performed by the employee. All services must be rendered between the beginning and ending dates of the grant. Funds granted through a project must be used for those purposes described in the Program Purpose, Goals, and Description of the application. Applicants may elect to use additional resources and other sources of financial support to help maximize the effectiveness of the project goals and objectives. The applicant must commence and perform project activities according to the time lines described in the application. Failure to do so may result in reduction and reallocation of funds. Project funding is based on appropriation by the authorized governmental body and on general budget approval by the commissioner of education, the state Legislature, or U. S. Congress, as applicable. Res WA 1-14 Page 17 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Receipt Of Grant Funds The ESC11 shall record all grant funds upon receipt from the granting agency. The receipt of grant funds shall be posted to the general ledger to the appropriate revenue account code. In the event the grant funds received do not match the requested amount, the Finance Director shall contact the granting agency to determine the discrepancy. If the granting agency has reduced and/or increased the grant funds paid, a general ledger adjustment shall be forwarded to ESC11 to be posted to the appropriate revenue account. Payments through expenditure reporting should be deposited into a Westlake Academy depository bank by the State Comptroller's office within six to seven business days of the request (provided the request does not exceed the established threshold and there are no other complications with the automated system). Westlake Academy shall ensure that any interest earned from excess cash is returned to the granting agency in accordance with grant requirements. Grant Compliance Areas Westlake Academy shall ensure that it is in compliance with all provisions and assurances of all grant programs. In addition, Westlake Academy shall comply with grant requirements such as supplement not supplant (when applicable), comparability, indirect cost, and maintenance of effort spending levels. • Westlake Academy does not request indirect costs. • Westlake Academy shall comply with Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) maintenance of effort requirements. • Monitoring of grant expenditures are properly documented and meet all allowable costs • Monitor grant performance such as internal controls, audit findings, over/under expenditures, etc. • Implement strategies to deter, mitigate and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in the expenditure of grant funds. Special Education Consolidated Grant(IDEA-B Formula Grant) The purpose of this grant is to provide special education and related services to children with disabilities ages three through twenty-one under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The funds for this grant are based on a child count and projected population and poverty allocation from the United States Department of Education (USDE) as provided by TEA and the PEIMS data submitted. Part B of the IDEA authorizes expenditures to help LEAS's ensure that children with disabilities, have access to a free, appropriate public education to meet each child's unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living. Res WA 1-14 Page 18 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES IDEA-B MOE An LEA that accepts IDEA-B funds is required under IDEA-B to expend, for services to students with disabilities, at least an amount equal to 100% of the state and/or local funds it expended on students with disabilities during the previous year. Federal law provides four methods of demonstrating compliance (or"maintaining effort"), as described in the Methods of Determining Compliance section. TEA IDEA-B MOE Guidance Handbook, 201 Administrative Coordinator shall compute the MOE using the TEA IDEA-B LEA MOE Calculation Tool during the budget adopted process and at the end of the fiscal year. Non-compliance with IDEA-B MOE will result in a reduction of IDEA-B funds in the exact proportion by which Westlake Academy fails to meet the MOE requirement; therefore, the finance department shall plan for the reduction of grant funds at the local level. If the IDEA-B MOE falls below the required level, the finance department and Administrative Coordinator shall collaborate to develop a plan to bring the charter into compliance with the MOE requirements. As part of the IDEA-B grant application process, the Administrative Coordinator will need to know the prior year Special Education expenditures and the next fiscal year budgeted Special Education expenditures. The finance department shall provide these amounts to the Administrative Coordinator to ensure that the most accurate amounts are reflected in the grant application. Changes to these amounts, as they are known, by the finance department, shall be submitted to the Administrative Coordinator, as appropriate. Records Retention Guidelines All financial records for the current fiscal year shall be retained for audit purposes in accordance with the district Local Records Retention Schedule. Destruction of records, at the expiration of the records, shall also be in accordance with the district's Local Records Retention Schedule. Note: The Destruction Schedule [list of all records destroyed] is a permanent document. Unless a record that has been destroyed is specifically listed on a Destruction Schedule, it is presumed to still exist. The Town of Westlake is the charter holder of Westlake Academy; therefore, reference is made to records retention in the Town's Code of Ordinance - Records Management The Records Custodian for the financial records of Westlake Academy is the Town of Westlake's Town Secretary. All questions related to the retention, destruction, and/or addition of new record series shall be directed to the Town Secretary. All records are now being electronically filed in Laserfiche. Westlake Academy must maintain its records and accounts in a manner which shall assure a full accounting for all funds received and expended in connection with the grant project. These records and accounts must be retained and made available for programmatic or financial audit by the grantor agency and by others authorized by law or regulation to make such an audit for a Res WA 1-14 Page 19 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES period of not less than five years from the date of completion of the contract project or the date of the receipt by the grantor agency of the grantee's final claim for payment or final expenditure report in connection with this grant, whichever is later. If an audit has been announced, the records shall be retained until such audit has been completed. The most common risk in records retention requirements is key management personnel changes. All campus and central departments must meet records retention requirements and ensure that these records are accessible. In addition, these records must be accessible to the appropriate campus or department support personnel. The finance department is responsible for the retention of records for prior years. The transition process must include the transfer of grant records for prior years. Grant records must include, but are not limited to, the following: • A copy of the approved grant application. • Copies of all approved amendments. • Time and Effort Documentation for employees assigned to grant activities and paid, in part or in full, by grant funds. • Copies of all purchase orders. • Receipts for all purchases. • Agenda and minutes for all meetings regarding the implementation of the grant. • Sign-in sheets and agenda for all grant related training sessions for teachers and/or parents. • Sign-in sheets and agenda for all grant related student activities. • Copies of all program evaluations and audits. Res WA 1-14 Page 20 of 28 WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES FEDERAL GRANTS - Title 1, 11, and 111 NOTE: We do not apply for Title I, II, and III Grants. If we did, we would follow the guidelines outlined below. Title I Grants NOTE: Westlake Academy does not apply for Title I Grants. If we did, we would follow the guidelines below. Title I is grounded in the philosophy that every student can experience academic success when instruction is customized to meet the individual needs of the whole child. Academic, mental and emotional well-being create a strong triad of reciprocity. The goals of our Title I programs would be: 1. To assist each student in acquiring master beyond basic reading and math skills. 2. To assist each student in the development of a strong work ethic. 3. To assist each student in the development of a positive self-image. 4. To increase parent involvement in the educational process. Our campus would meet these goals through a multi-faceted approach to the diverse needs of our individual students. School-wide Components: • Comprehensive needs assessment • Reform strategies • Instruction by highly-qualified staff • Professional development activities • Strategies to increase parental involvement • Transition plans (preschool, grade to grade) • Include teachers in assessment decisions • Describe strategies used for low-achieving students • Coordinate and integrate federal, state and local programs and services • Strategies to attract highly-qualified teachers to high need schools Programme Expectations: • Parent compact must be developed. • Parent involvement must be fostered, maintained and documented. • Rewards and incentives cannot be purchased with Title funds. • All decision making must be focused on students from the most at-risk to the least at-risk. • School wide program approach allows campuses to reach any student needing services (no rank order, more fluid groupings). • Must meet intent and purpose of programs implemented. • Written plan must contain all 10 components and campuses must implement them. Res WA 1-14 Page 21 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES • Successful school-wide model requires the commitment from entire building and year planning process. • Building Parent Involvement Plan (NCLB Section 1118): • Parents, including Title I parents, must be involved in designing and annually evaluating parent involvement policy and compacts. • Plan must address barriers to effective parent involvement and strategies • Title I can pay for child care, transportation, and light refreshment for parent meetings. • Need to address the training of parents about academic achievement • Coordination with other programs that have parent involvement requirements. Professional Development: • Staff development must be tied to most at-risk population • All staff development initiative must include a campus wide or Title I school wide training and implementation plan. Title II Part A—Teacher and Principal Quality Allowable Costs NOTE: Westlake Academy does not apply for Title II Grants. If we did, we would follow the guidelines below. For what activities may an LEA use Title II, Part A Funds? Consistent with local planning requirements and its needs assessment, the Title 11, Part A program offers an LEA the flexibility to design and implement a wide variety of activities that can promote a teaching staff that is highly qualified and able to help all students — regardless of individual learning needs— achieve challenging State content and academic achievement standards. Funds can also be used to provide school principals with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead their schools' efforts in increasing student academic achievement. For example, the statute specifically authorizes the following types of activities: 1. Developing and implementing mechanisms to assist schools to effectively recruit and retain highly qualified teachers, principals, and specialists in core academic areas (and other pupil services personnel in special circumstances, as noted in question E-6 of the guidance manual. 2. Developing and implementing strategies and activities to recruit, hire, and retain highly qualified teachers and principals. These strategies may include (a) providing monetary incentives such as scholarships, signing bonuses, or differential pay for teachers in academic subjects or schools in which the LEA has shortages; (b) reducing class size; (c) recruiting qualified paraprofessionals and teachers from populations underrepresented in the teaching profession, and providing those paraprofessionals with alternate routes to obtaining teacher certification. 3. Providing professional development activities that improve the knowledge of teachers and principals and, in appropriate cases, paraprofessionals, in: • Content knowledge. Providing training in one or more of the core academic subjects that the teachers teach. Core academic subjects are identified as: Res WA 1-14 Page 22 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Mathematics English/Language Arts Science Music (general, choral, instrumental) History Visual Arts Geography Dance Civics/Government Theatre Economics Elementary Curriculum & Instruction Foreign (World) Languages Reading • Classroom practices. Providing training to improve teaching practices and student academic achievement through (a) effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills, and (b) the use of challenging State academic content standards and student academic achievement standards in preparing students for the State assessments. 4. Providing professional development activities that improve the knowledge of teachers and principals and, in appropriate cases, paraprofessionals, regarding effective instructional practices that: • Involve collaborative groups of teachers and administrators; • Address the needs of students with different learning styles, particularly students with disabilities, students with special needs (including students who are gifted and talented), and students with limited English proficiency; • Provide training in improving student behavior in the classroom and identifying early and appropriate interventions to help students with special needs. • Provide training to enable teachers and principals to involve parents in their children's education, especially parents of limited English proficient and immigrant children; and • Provide training on how to use data and assessments to improve classroom practice and student learning. 5. Developing and implementing initiatives to promote retention of highly qualified teachers and principals, particularly in schools with a high percentage of low-achieving students, including programs that provide teacher mentoring from exemplary teachers and administrators, induction, and support for new teachers and principals during their first three years; and financial incentives to retain teachers and principals with a record of helping students to achieve academic success. 6. Carrying out programs and activities that are designed to improve the quality of the teaching force, such as innovative professional development programs that focus on technology literacy, tenure reform, testing teachers in academic subject in which teachers teach, and merit pay programs. 7. Carrying out professional development programs that are designed to improve the quality of principals and superintendents, including the development and support of academies to help them become outstanding managers and educational leaders. 8. Hiring highly qualified teachers, including teachers who become highly qualified through State and local alternate routes to certification, and special education teachers, in order to reduce class size, particularly in the early grades. Res WA 1-14 Page 23 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 9. Carrying out teacher advancement initiatives that promote professional growth and emphasize multiple career paths (such as paths to becoming a mentor teacher, career teacher, or exemplary teacher) and pay differentiation. School-Wide Components and Expectations if Westlake Academy were to Accept Title I, II, and/or III Grant Funding STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Westlake Academy is dedicated to providing a quality education for every learner in our district through a school environment that encourages high learner academic achievement. To accomplish this objective, the district will develop and maintain partnerships with parents/caregivers, patrons, and community members. Our children benefit when school, home and community work together to promote high achievement. PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN POLICY DEVELOPMENT Annually parents and school staff will work to revise and improve the District and Campus Parent Involvement Policies. Westlake Academy will work to publicize and actively recruit the participation of a diverse parent population. ANNUAL DISTRICT TITLE I MEETING Westlake Academy would use Title I funds to provide school wide services for learners. Westlake Academy would hold at least one meeting annually to review Title I, Part A parent involvement guidelines and services offered through the district. Copies of the District Parent Involvement Policy and a School Compact will be distributed and discussed at the meeting. Parents/caregivers will be encouraged to become involved in revising and updating the policy as necessary and parent volunteers will be recruited for various district committee appointments. SCHOOL COMPACTS In accordance with Title I regulations, each Title I school and parent representatives will evaluate annually and revise if needed, their School Compact. This compact will identify ways the school, parents/caregivers and learners can share the responsibility for learner performance and success. A copy of the School Compact detailing these responsibilities will be made available on each Title I campus website and upon request. Parent/Learner signatures will not be required; however, parents are encouraged to discuss the contents of the compact with their child. Opportunities will be provided to assist parents in understanding the State's academic content standards and learner achievement standards, local academic assessments and how to monitor a child's progress and work with teachers to improve the achievement of their children. Res WA 1-14 Page 24 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES PARENT INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Title I schools will support many varied ways of parental involvement as it strives to develop and maintain an optimum learning environment for all learners. Parental involvement means the participation of parents in school activities, including ensuring: • That parents plan an integral role in assisting their child's learning; • That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school; • That parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; To ensure opportunities for all to participate, parent meetings, including parent conferences, will be held at different time during the day. STAFF/PARENT COMMUNICATIONS Newsletters, conferences, personal contacts and written notices will be utilized in English and Spanish to establish and maintain an open line of communication. In addition, the Westlake Academy website and other internet and electronic sources will be kept up-to-date in an effort to inform families. The school will provide parents of participating children with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure learner progress and the proficiency levels learners are expected to meet. EVALUATION Parents and school staff will be given the opportunity to review the effectiveness of the district and campus parent involvement policies and programs based on a needs assessment and offer suggestions for improvement. FUNDING Should Westlake Academy apply for and receive Title I, Part A funds, a minimum of one percent of the Title I, Part A funds will be set aside for purposes of parental involvement activities in accordance with federal law. The expenditures must be in accordance with the guidelines of allowable use of funds. Res WA 1-14 Page 25 of 28 EJWKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES EXHIBIT A WESTLAKE ACADEMY TIME AND EFFORT FOR SPLIT FEDERALLY FUNDED PERSONNEL Name Month Directions: 1_ Enter Funding Source and Percentage 2_ Place X by weekend dates- 3- Enter hours worked per day for each funding source and/or absence hours paid 4_ Sign and submit to supervisor Funding Source Fund 199 Fund 224 percentage Function 11 Function 11 Absence Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monthly Totals 0 0 0 Percentage #DIVI0.1 #DFW011 #DNIV. Total Hours Worked 0 1 hereby certify that these are the actual hours worked for the programs reflected. Employee Signature Date Res WA 1-14 Page 26 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WESTLAKE ACADEMY TIME AND EFFORT FOR SPLIT FEDERALLY FUNDED PERSONNEL RECONCILIATION Name Month Position Campus Monthly Salary: Account Distribution: 199-11-61XX-00-001-X-24000 240-11-61 XX-00-001-X-24000 XXX-11-61 XX-00-001-X-24000 Budget/Payroll Distribution Expenditures: Funding Source 199 224 XXX Grand Total Percentage 0% Monthly Salary $ - 1 $ - $ - $ - Time&Effort Actual Hours Worked: —Funding Source 199 224 XXX Grand Total Percentage 0% Monthly Sala $ - $ - $ - $ - Reconciliation [Difference between Budget/Payroll Distribution&T&E]: —Funding Source 199 224 XXX Grand Total Percentage 0% Monthly Salary $ - $ - $ - Special Education Coordinator Date Res WA 1-14 Page 27 of 28 WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES EXHIBIT B WESTLAKE ACADEMY PERIODIC CERTIFICATION FORM (Six month Certification) PART 1: To be completed by the Employee I understand that my position is supported entirely by funds from the . I certify that 100 percent of my job duties were related to activities in compliance with this program during the period from to I certify that the information recorded on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Employee Name (Print) Employee Title/Position* Employee Signature Date *A signed Job Description is on file. PART 2: To be completed by a supervisor having "first-hand" knowledge of the employee's work. I certify that the information recorded on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Supervisor Name (Print) Supervisor Title/Position Supervisor Signature Date Res WA 1-14 Page 28 of 28 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 des 1of1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2016-92949 Box Insurance Agency Grapevine,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 08/01/2016 being filed. Westlake Academy Date Acknowledged: 08/01/2016 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. RFP 16-001 Property&Casualty Insurance Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Westlake Academy Westlake,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of ,20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.277