HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM Nortex TOWN OF WESTLAKE MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen FROM: Trent Petty, Town Manager BATE: September 6, 2006 SUBJECT: Regular Meeting of September 11, 2006 ITEM Consider a Resolution authorizing an agreement with Nortex Minerals Operating Company, L. P., regarding the pooling of mineral interests. COMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND Nortex Minerals Operating Company, L. P., is a limited partnership formed by Hillwood to secure and perfect gas leases and contracts for drilling services on the Circle T Ranch in Westlake, Texas. The Town of Westlake has long desired the opportunity to pool gas mineral rights from parties in Westlake in exchange for a portion of royalty. Hillwood has agreed to provide the Town an override equal to the difference between the actual royalty interest agreed to by the mineral owners and 25%; with no exclusivity requirements. This means that for any leases the Town is able to acquire in Westlake for Nortex, the Town will receive at no cost, a portion of the mineral royalties for each lease the Town refers to Hillwood. The amount the Town receives will depend on each individual lease, but the customary percentage most owners receive is 20%. In that case, the Town would receive a 5% override on the mineral interest for the life of the lease. Since so much of Westlake's potential reserves border the Circle T, this represents an opportunity for the Town to not only maximize value for adjacent mineral owners but also secure future revenues for the Town. Town Attorney, Stan Lowry, has reviewed and approved this agreement. TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 06-49 A RESOLUTION OFT E BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH NORTEX MINERALS OPERATING COMPANY, L.P., REGARDING THE POOLING OF MINERAL INTERESTS. WHEREAS, Nortex Mineral Operating Company, L. P. ("Nortex") is a subsidiary of Hillwood Development Corporation and is therefore responsible for all gas lease acquisition and drilling on the Circle T Ranch; and WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake passed Ordinance 458 regulating the drilling of oil and gas in Westlake on May 24, 2004; and WHEREAS, Town officials and Nortex have negotiated the attached agreement, Exhibit A, which provides the Town royalty overrides for each lease secured by the Town for Nortex, outside the Circle T Ranch; and WHEREAS, it is acknowledged that this agreement is mutually non-exclusive in that it in no way excludes the Town from referring mineral owners to different companies nor does it exclude Nortex from seeking the leases on its own behalf, and WHEREAS, the potential gas production from Westlake can provide significant benefits to the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves the agreement with Nortex Minerals Operating Company, L. P., attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and further authorizes the Town Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS I ITH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006. ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Mayor Jean Dwinnell, Town Secretary Trent O. Petty, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney August 9,2006 Town of Westlake,Texas 2650 J.T.Ottinger Road Westlake,TX 76262 Gentlemen: I am writing to confirm our understandings. Nortex Minerals Operating Company,L.P.,an affiliate of Hillwood Energy("Nortex"),is embarking in an oil and gas lease acquisition program for lands within. the Town of Westlake. Nortex will request that mineral owners execute a lease in the form of that attached hereto as Exhibit"A" (the "Nortex Lease Form"). You have indicated that you may encourage mineral owners within the Town of Westlake to lease to Nortex. You are under no contractual obligation to do so. Likewise, the decision of whether to execute any lease, whether on the Nortex Lease Form or otherwise, shall be in Nortex's sole and absolute discretion,and Nortex shall have no obligation to enter into any lease. Nortex agrees that it will convey an overriding royalty to the Town of Westlake should Westlake introduce Nortex to a party with whom Nortex executes a lease covering lands within Westlake on the Nortex Lease Form. The override will be equal to the difference between the royalty provided in the Nortex Lease Form and 25%. It will be conveyed by an assignment in the form of that attached as Exhibit"B"(the"ORRI Assignment Form"). Should you introduce Nortex to a party with whom Nortex executes a lease on a form other than the Nortex Lease Form,Nortex will convey to the Town of Westlake an override equal to the difference between the royalty provided in such lease and 25%. It will be conveyed by an assignment in the form of the ORRI Assignment Form. This arrangement shall have a term of twelve months from June 15, 2006 and cover any lease executed within that time. Notwithstanding the above,nothing contained herein shall be construed as an exclusive agreement between Nortex and the Town of Westlake. In this regard,the Town of Westlake may, at any time,enter into other similar agreements to encourage mineral owners within the Town of Westlake to execute mineral leases with entities other than Nortex. If the foregoing correctly reflects our understandings, kindly so indicate by executing one counterpart of this letter agreement and returning it to the undersigned. Yours very truly, IIILLWOOD ENERGY By: Mark M.Rollins Town of Westlake,Texas August 9,2006 Page 2 ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO THIS DAY OF AUGUST,2006: TOWN OF W ESTLAKE By: _ Its: MMR/msf Enclosures Glpmr/Westlake 080906/mst' Exhibit"A" Producers RS(4176)Revised I'M U wiN fall Ades P..Im y P­We NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS:IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON,YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. OIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE THIS AGREEMENT made this 3"day of May,2005 between Lessor(whether one or more),whose address is: and Nortex Minerals Operating Company,L.P_Lessee,whose address is 13600 Heritage Parkway,Suite 200,Fort Worth,TX 76177„ WITNESSETH: 1. Lessor in consideration of Ten and no/100 and other eood and valuable consideration Dollars($10.00&OVC ),in hand paid,of the royalties herein provided,and of the agreements of Lessee here contained,hereby grants,leases and lets exclusively unto Lessee for the purpose of investigating,exploring,prospecting,drilling and mining for and producing oil,gas and all other minerals,conducting exploration,geologic and geophysical surveys by seismograph,core test,gravity and magnetic methods,injecting gas,water and other fluids,and air into subsurface strata,laying pipe lines,building roads,tanks,power stations,telephone lines and other structures thereon and on,over and across lands owned or claimed by Lessor adjacent and contiguous thereto, to produce, save, take care of,treat,transport and own said products,and housing its employees, the following described land in County,Texas,to-wit: This lease also covers and includes all land owned or claimed by Lessor adjacent or contiguous to the land particularly described above,whether the same be in said survey or surveys or in adjacent surveys,although not included within the boundaries of the land particularly described above. 2. This is a paid up lease and subject to the other provisions herein contained,this lease shall be for a term of Three(3) years from this date(called"primary term")and as Iong thereafter as oil,gas or other mineral is produced from said land or land with which said land is pooled hereunder. 3. As royalty,lessee covenants and agrees:(a)To deliver to the credit of lessor,in the pipelines to which lessee may connect its wells,the equal (_)part of all oil produced and saved by lessee from said land,or from time to time,at the option of lessee,to pay lessor the average posted market price of such (_)part of such oil at the wells as of the day it is run to the pipe line or storage tanks, lessor's interest, in either case, to bear (_)of the cost of treating oil to render it marketable pipe line oil;(b)to pay lessor for gas and casinghead gas produced from said land(1)when sold by lessee, (_)of the amount realized by lessee,computed at the mouth of the well,or(2)when used by lessee off said land or in the manufacture of gasoline or other products, (_}of the amount realized from the sale of gasoline or other products extracted therefrom and (_)of the amount realized from the sale of residue gas after deducting the amount used for plant fuel and/or compression;(c)To pay lessor on all other minerals mined and marketed or utilized by lessee from said land,one-tenth either in kind or value at the well or mine at lessee's election,except that on sulphur mined and marketed the royalty shall be one dollar($1.00)per long ton. If,at the expiration of the primary term or at anytime or times thereafter,there is any well on said land or on lands with which said land or any portion thereof has been pooled,capable of producing oil or gas, and all such wells are shut-in,this lease shall,nevertheless,continue in force as though operations were being conducted on said land for so long as said wells are shut-in,and thereafter this lease may be continued in force as if no shut-in had occurred.Lessee covenants and agrees to use reasonable diligence to produce,utilize,or market the minerals capable of being produced from said wells,but in the exercise of such diligence,lessee shall not be obligated to install or furnish facilities other than well facilities and ordinary lease facilities of flow lines,separator,and lease tank,and shall not be required to settle labor trouble or to market gas upon terms unacceptable to lessee.If,at any time or times after the expiration of the primary term,all such wells are shut-in for a period of ninety consecutive days,and during such time there are no operations on said land,then at or before the expiration of said ninety day period,lessee shall pay or tender,by check or draft of lessee,as royalty,a sum equal to one dollar($1.00)for each acre of land then covered hereby.Lessee shalt make like payments or tenders at or before the end of each anniversary of the expiration of said ninety day period if upon such anniversary this lease is being continued in force solely by reason of the provisions of this paragraph. Each such payment or tender shall be made to the parties who at the time of payment would be entitled to receive the royalties which would be paid under this lease if the wells were producing,and may be paid directly to Lessor at the above address,which shall continue as the depositories,regardless of changes in the ownership of shut-in royalty. If at any time that lessee pays or tenders shut-in royalty,two or more parties are,or claim to be,entitled to receive same,lessee may,in lieu of any other method of payment herein provided,pay or tender shut-in royalty,in the manner above specified,either jointly to such parties or separately to each in accordance with their respective ownerships thereof,as lessee may elect. Any payment hereunder may be made by check or draft of lessee deposited in the mail or delivered to the party entitled to receive payment or to a depository bank provided for above on or before the last date for payment. Nothing herein shall impair lessee's right to release as provided in paragraph 5 hereof. In the event of assignment of this lease in whole or in part,liability for payment hereunder shall rest exclusively on the then owners of this lease.,severally as to acreage owned by each. 4. Lessee,at its option,is hereby given the right and power to pool or combine the acreage covered by this lease or any portion thereof as to oil and gas,or either of them,with any other land covered by this lease,and/or with any other land,lease or leases in the immediate vicinity thereof to the extent hereinafter stipulated,when in Lessee's judgment it is necessary or advisable to do so in order properly to explore,or to develop and operate said leased premises in compliance with the spacing rules of the Railroad Commission of Texas,or other iawful authority,or when to do so would,in the judgment of Lessee,promote the conservation of oil and gas in and under and that may be produced from said premises. Units pooled for oil hereunder shall not substantially exceed 40 acres each in area,and units pooled for gas hereunder shall not substantially exceed in area 640 acres each plus a tolerance often percent(10%)thereof,provided that should governmental authority having jurisdiction prescribe or permit the creation of units larger than those specified,for the drilling or operation of a well at a regular location or for obtaining maximum allowable from any well to be drilled,drilling or already drilled,units thereafter created may conform substantially in size with those prescribed or permitted by governmental regulations. Lessee under the provisions hereof may pool or combine acreage covered by this lease or any portion thereof as above provided as to oil in any one or more strata and as to gas in any one or more strata.The units formed by pooling as to any stratum or strata need not conform in size or area with the unit or units into which the tease is pooled or combined as to any other stratum or strata,and oil units need not conform as to area with gas units. The pooling in one or more instances shall not exhaust the rights of the Lessee hereunder to pool this lease or portions thereof into other units. Lessee shalt file for record in the appropriate records of the county in which the leased premises are situated an instrument describing and designating the pooled acreage as a pooled unit;and upon such recordation the unit shall be effective as to all parties hereto,their heirs,successors,and assigns,irrespective of whether or not the unit is likewise effective as to all other owners of surface,mineral,royalty,or other rights in land included in such unit. Lessee may at its election exercise its pooling option before or after commencing operations for or completing an oil or gas well on the leased premises,and the pooled unit may include,but it is not required to include,land or leases upon which a well capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities has theretofore been completed or upon which operations for the drilling of a well for oil or gas have theretofore been commenced. In the event of operations for drilling on or production of oil or gas from any part of a pooled unit which includes all or a portion of the land covered by this lease,regardless of whether such operations for drilling were commenced or such production was secured before or after the execution of this instrument or the instrument designating the pooled unit,such operations shall be considered as operations for drilling on or production of oil or gas from land covered by this lease whether or not the well or wells be located on the premises covered by this lease and in such event operations for drilling shall be deemed to have been commenced on said land within the meaning of paragraph 5 of this lease;and the entire acreage constituting such unit or units,as to oil and gas,or either of them,as herein provided,shall be treated for all purposes,except the payment of royalties on production from the pooled unit,as if the same were included in this lease. For the purpose of computing the royalties to which owners of royalties and payments out of production and each of them shall be entitled on production of oil and gas,or either of them,from the pooled unit,there shall be allocated to the land covered by this lease and included in said unit(or to each separate tract within the unit if this lease covers separate tracts within the unit)a pro rata portion of the oil and gas,or either of them,produced from the pooled unit after deducting that used for operations on the pooled unit. Such allocation shall be on an acreage basis-that is to say,there shall be allocated to the acreage covered by this lease and included in the pooled unit(or to each separate tract within the unit if this lease covers separate tracts within the unit)that pro rata portion of the oil and gas,or either of them,produced from the pooled unit which the number of surface acres covered by this lease(or in each such separate tract)and included in the pooled unit bears to the total number of surface acres included in the pooled unit.Royalties hereunder shall be computed on the portion of such production,whether it be oil and gas,or either of them,so allocated to the land covered by this lease and included in the unit just as though such production were from such land. The production from an oil well will be considered as production from the lease or oil pooled unit from which it is producing and not as production from a gas pooled unit:and production from a gas well will be considered as production from the lease or gas pooled unit from which it is producing and not from an oil pooled unit. The formation of any unit hereunder shall not have the effect of changing the ownership of any shut-in production royalty which may become payable under this lease. If this lease now or hereafter covers separate tracts,no pooling or unitization of royalty interest as between any such separate tracts is intended or shall be implied or result merely from the inclusion of such separate tracts within this lease but Lessee shall nevertheless have the right to pool as provided above with consequent allocation of production as above provided. As used in this paragraph 4,the words"separate tract"mean any tract with royalty ownership differing,now or hereafter,either as to parties or amounts,from that as to any other part of the leased premises 5. If at the expiration of the primary term,oil,gas,or other mineral is not being produced on said land,or from the land pooled therewith,but Lessee is then engaged in drilling or reworking operations thereon,or shall have completed a dry hole thereon within 60 days prior to the end of the primary term,the lease shall remain in force so long as operations on said well or for drilling or reworking of any additional well are prosecuted with no cessation of more than 60 consecutive days,and if they result in the production of oil,gas or other mineral,so long thereafter as oil,gas,or other mineral is produced from said land,or from land pooled therewith. If,after the expiration of the primary term of this lease and after oil,gas,or other mineral is produced from said land,or from land pooled therewith,the production thereof should cease from any cause,this lease shall not terminate if Lessee commences operations for drilling or reworking within 60 days after the cessation of such production,but shall remain in force and effect so long as such operations are prosecuted with no cessation of more than 60 consecutive days, and if they result in the production of oil,gas,or other mineral,so long thereafter as oil,gas,or other mineral is produced from said land,or from land pooled therewith. Any pooled unit designated by Lessee in accordance with the terms hereof,may be dissolved by Lessee by instrument filed for record in the appropriate records of the county in which the leased premises are situated at any time after the completion of a dry hole or the cessation of production on said unit. In the event a well or wells producing oil or gas in paying quantities should be brought in on adjacent land mad within 330 feet of and draining the leased premises,or land pooled therewith,Lessee agrees to drill such offset well or wells as a reasonably prudent operator would drill under the same or similar circumstances. Lessee may at anytime execute and deliver to Lessor or place of record a release or releases covering any portion or portions of the above described premises and thereby surrender this lease as to such portion or portions and be relieved of all obligations as to the acreage surrendered. 6. Lessee shall have the right at any time during or after the expiration of this lease to remove all property and fixtures placed by Lessee on said land,including the right to draw and remove all casing.When required by Lessor,Lessee will bury all pipe lines below ordinary plow depth,and no well shall be drilled within two hundred(200)feet of any residence or barn now on said land without Lessor's consent. 7. The rights of either party hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part,and the provisions hereof shall extend to their heirs,successors and assigns;but no change or division in ownership of the land,or royalties,however accomplished,shall operate to enlarge the obligations or diminish the rights of Lessee;and no change or division in such ownership shall be binding on Lessee until thirty(30)days after Lessee shall have been furnished by registered U.S.mail at Lessee's principal place of business with a certified copy of recorded instrument or instruments evidencing same.In the event of assignment hereof in whole or in part,liability for breach of any obligation hereunder shall rest exclusively upon the owner of this lease or of a portion thereof who commits such breach. If six or more parties become entitled to royalty hereunder,Lessee may withhold payment thereof unless and until furnished with a recordable instrument executed by all such parties designating an agent to receive payment for all. 8. The breach by Lessee of any obligation arising hereunder shall not work a forfeiture or termination of this lease nor cause a termination or reversion of the estate created hereby nor be grounds for cancellation hereof in whole or in part. No obligation reasonably to develop the leased premises shall arise during the primary term. Should oil,gas or other mineral in paying quantities be discovered on said premises,then after the expiration of the primary term,Lessee shall develop the acreage retained hereunder as a reasonably prudent operator,but in discharging this obligation it shall in no event be required to drill more than one well per forty(40)acres of the area retained hereunder and capable of producing oil in paying quantities and one well per 640 acres plus an acreage tolerance not to exceed 10%of 640 acres of the area retained hereunder and capable of producing gas or other mineral in paying quantities. If after the expiration of the primary term,Lessor considers that operations are not at any time being conducted in compliance with this lease,Lessor shall notify Lessee in writing of the facts relied upon as constituting a -2- breach hereof,and Lessee,if in default,shall have sixty days after receipt of such notice in which to commence the compliance with the obligations imposed by virtue of this instrument. 9. Lessor hereby warrants and agrees to defend the title to said land and agrees that Lessee at its option may discharge any tax,mortgage or other lien upon said land,either in whole or in part,and in event Lessee does so,it shall be subrogated to such lien with right to enforce same and apply royalties accruing hereunder toward satisfying same. Without impairment of Lessee's rights under the warranty in event of failure of tide,it is agreed that if this lease covers a less interest in the oil,gas,sulphur,or other minerals in all or any part of said land than the entire and undivided fee simple estate(whether Lessor's interest is herein specified or not),or no interest therein,then the royalties,and other monies accruing from any part as to which this lease covers less than such full interest,shall be paid only in the proportion which the interest therein,if any,covered by this lease,bears to the whole and undivided fee simple estate therein. All royalty interest covered by this lease(whether or not owned by Lessor) shall be paid out of the royalty herein provided. Should any one or more of the parties named above as Lessors fail to execute this lease,it shall nevertheless be binding upon the party or parties executing the same. 10. Should Lessee be prevented from complying with any express or implied covenant of this lease,from conducting drilling or reworking operations thereon or from producing any oil,gas or other minerals therefrom by reason of scarcity of or inability to obtain or to use equipment or material,or by operation of force majeure,and Federal or state law or any order,rule or regulation of governmental authority,then while so prevented,Lessee's obligation to comply with such covenant shall be suspended,and Lessee shall not be liable in damages for failure to comply therewith;and this lease shall be extended while and so long as Lessee is prevented by any such cause from conducting drilling or reworking operations on or from producing oil or gas from the lease premises;and the time while Lessee is so prevented shall not be counted against Lessee,anything in this lease to the contrary notwithstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this instrument is executed on the date first above written. Lessee STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on the_day of ,200_,by Notary Public,State of Texas -3- Exhibit"B" NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: 1)YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER,OR 2)YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: COUNTY OF TARRANT § WHEREAS,Nortex Minerals Operating Company,L.P,a Texas limited partnership Z, having its principal place of business at 5430 LBJ Freeway,Suite 800,Dallas,Texas,75240 ("Assignor"),has acquired that certain Oil &Gas Lease more fully described on Appendix"A" hereto(the"Lease");and WHEREAS,Assignor has agreed to convey an overriding royalty to the Town of Westlake.Texas,a municipal corporation of Denton and Tarrant Counties,Texas having its principal place of business at 2650 J.T.Ottinger Road,Westlake,TX 76262("Assignee")of of 8/8ths in the Lease; THAT,for and in consideration of the premises,$10.00 and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,Assignor,has BARGAINED, SOLD,ASSIGNED and CONVEYED,and by these presents does hereby BARGAIN,SELL, ASSIGN and CONVEY,unto Assignee,an undivided—Percent of Eight-Eighths(—%of 8/8ths)Overriding Royalty Interest in all oil, gas and other hydrocarbons produced,marketed and saved from those certain lands covered by the Lease. The overriding royalty interest herein conveyed is subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) The overriding royalty interest conveyed shall bear those costs and expenses that are born by the lessor under the Lease,and only such costs and expenses. The value of production shall be determined in the manner provided in the Lease when determining royalty payable to the lessor. It is the intent of the Assignor that payments to the holder of the overriding royalty shall bear the same relationship to payments to the royalty owner under the Lease that the overriding royalty fraction herein conveyed bears to the royalty reserved in the Lease. (b) The overriding royalty interest herein conveyed shall be paid at the same time as provided for payment of royalties under the Lease. (c) The overriding royalty interest herein conveyed may be pooled and unitized with other lands and Leases without the consent or joinder of the owner of said overriding royalty. (d) The overriding royalty interest herein conveyed is based on the assumption that the Lease covers the full and entire mineral interest in the lands described therein. In the event that it shall be found that the Lease covers less than the entirety of the minerals in said lands,the overriding royalty interest conveyed shall be reduced proportionately. (e) Operations,if any,on the Lease,and the extent and duration thereof,as well as the preservation of the Lease by rental payments or otherwise,shall be solely at the discretion of Assignor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular said interest unto Assignee,its successors and assigns,FOREVER. Assignor,for itself and its successors,agrees to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND title to said interest unto Assignee,Assignee's successors and assigns, against all parties claiming or to claim the interest or any part thereof,by,through or under Assignor,but not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this assignment is executed by Assignor this_day of ,200— ASSIGNOR NORTEX MINERALS OPERATING COMPANY,L.P., a Texas limited partnership Attorney in Fact State of Texas County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on 200_by ,attorney in fact of Nortex Minerals Operating Company,L.P.,a Texas limited partnership,on behalf of such limited partnership. [SEAL] Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires: 2 When recorded return to: Town Manager Town of Westlake 2650 J.T.Ottinger Road Westlake,TX 76262 3