HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-05 BOT Agenda PacketWESTLAKE ACADEMY SPECIAL CALLED �_Xw 00 [00 a 161111,111 AGENDA APRIL 18, 2005 3:00 P.M. TOWN HALL BOARD ROOM 2650 J. T. OTTINGER ROAD 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENT - PARENT HANDBOOK. 3. DISCUSS AMENDMENTS TO THE STUDENT -PARENT HANDBOOK. 4. RECESS TO THE REGULAR MEETING. 5. CONVENE INTO THE REGULAR MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. (The regular meeting will be held after the workshop and may begin later than 4:00 p.m.) 6. CONSIDER ANY ACTION RESULTING FROM THE WORKSHOP HELD APRIL 18, 2005. rJW.vQ"1 11,119005 1 oleo 9 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 2650 J. T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, April 15, 2005, at 2:30 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Q"- � - &44� Jon Dwinnell, TRMC, CMC, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. F44 The Westlake Academy is an open -enrollment Charter School operating under a Charter awarded to the Town of Westlake by the Texas State Board of Education, with oversight by the Texas Education .agency (TE_-',), Charter School Division. An open -enrollment Charter School may not deny admission to a student based on sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic ability, artistic ability, athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. Westlake academy opened in the fall of 2003 accepting only students in grades 1 - 6 who were of legal age to begin school in the State of Texas. The school added Kindergarten and G7 in 2004 and plans to grow with the students each year thereafter until it reaches K-12. Pefinitions: Primary Geographic Boundary Student means a child of school age: (a) living with his/her parent or legal guardian who is a resident of Westlake, or (b) whose parent or grandparent is listed in the TEA Charter Application as a Founder or Officer of the Westlake Academy, or (c) whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the Town of Westlake or the Westlake .Academy. In order to be considered a Primary Geographic Boundary Students, parents or legal guardians with whom the student resides must reside in Westlake or have on file with the Town of \Westlake an approved residential Building Permit prior to September 1" of the school year in which admission is sought. Eligibility for students admitted under this provision will be withdrawn if, in the opinion of the CEO, there is no satisfactory demonstration of intent to live in Westlake by September 1" of the following year. Tran_ sfer Studermeans am child of school age that does not meet the defmidon of Primary Geographic Boundart- Students Sibling means the brother...or sister of a student enrtAled in \\'estlake _\cadcm\•. This definition includes adapted brothers and ar slters, and foster children so long as those children reside• with rhe parcnrs ortlardians of enrolled Lottery means a publicly posted and publicly conducted random drawing from names of qualified Transfer Students desiring admission to the Westlake _academy. Lottery Application Deadline is the last day of February of the calendar year of desired entry. Waiting List means a list of applicants desiring admission when space becomes available. Waiting List applicants are admitted in the order they appear. Zounding Charter Families are families of Primae•y Bounda!y Student; w•ho resided in Westlake and were enrolled in Westlake _Academy on lune; 4'2 2004 and students who„were enrolled in Kindcrirtrtcn on May3o, 2003. Deleted: Deleted: Astudcrit whose parent or Ict:4 guardian is employed by the Town of Wesdake or the Westlake Academy will be admitted on a space available basis after all students of \\ estlake residents arc admitted. These students, however, do receive preferential admission orcr Secondary Boundary Studnts.l 11 Deleted: Secondary Boundary Students Deleted: s Deleted: and resides in the Ryle Independent School District; the Keller Independent School District; the Northwest Independent School District, or the Keller Independent School District at the time ni cnn,lhncnt Deleted: does not meet the definition of Primary Geographic Boundan Student deleted: includes —_ deleted: Sccondan Bound7-Siz- Deleted: l 11 1) Deleted: that Deleted: are Deleted: it Me Eligibility: .A_llrligible Primary Boundary Students will be admitted to the school. Leg, ll verification of reidency may be requested at any time For elilnhilit\,:ntrposes residency is considered to be that of the custodial or joint custodial parent Transfer Students are eligible for admission based on available space. Transfer Students will be admitted 4afrer all elilnble Primary -Boundary Students and Siblin-gs_ of Students enrolled in \� estlake :\cademti are admitted. In the event that more Transfer Students seek enrollment than space is available then a lottery will determine admission order of the Transfer Students \o lottery will be conducted for anv gi-ade that~has a waiting; list Transfer Students desiring admission after the lottery has been conducted will be placed at the bottom of the Waiting Wst and admitted as space becomes available Divorce: For eligObilitly purposes. residency is considered tea be that of the custodial or ioint custodial parent. Students that become ineligible to attend \C'estlake Academy by reason of divorce shall be allmved to complete: the semester in which the custodial or joint custodial address is established. .. Ineligibility: _\n) student becoming ineligible to attend Westlake Academy due to a chanlre in residency; will he allowed to ctnnplete the semester in u-hich residenc\• st,tnas chant es but gill not be allowed to re -enroll in the following semester. Deleted: means students who can attend the .drool. 13 Deleted: are school age children: (a) living with his/her parent or legal guardian who is a resident of Westlake, or (b) whose parent or grandparent is listed in the'I'LA Charter Application as a Founder or Officer of the Westlake Academy, or (c) whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the'Town of wesdake or the Westlake Aeadcmy. A student whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the Town of Westlake or the \\'cstUe Academl• will be admitted on a space available basis after all students of \\'csdake residents arc admitttd. These students, however, do receive preferential admission over Secondary Boundary Students.¶ Deleted: Secondary laoundar Students Deleted:. Deleted: Those Transfer Students not chosen in the lunen will be placed on a waiting list in the order their names were drawn Deleted: which Deleted: I Deleted: necessin Exemption: Founding Charter Families may continue to attend Wcstlake Academy without re iding in Westlake after rat least one student ita the Founding Charter Family has completed Faye Deleted: any academic years in Westlake _Acadenny. The _Academy reserves the right to dent- admission to any student regardless of residency. Westlake _Academy will not enroll any student who has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any educational institution. Application Procedures: All parents wishing to enroll their students in the Westlake _Academy must complete an _Application for Enrollment. _Applications are available at the \\-'esdake .Academy, 2600 Ottinger Road, Westlake, 'Texas, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., 'Monday through Friday. _Applications should be picked up in person and returned in person. Parents of Admission Order: FIRST ADMITTED SECOND ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE Siblings of students enrolled in Westlake Academy, THIRD ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE Transfer Students ,No students are admitted_ unless I the I Westlake Academy has received a completed application which must be updated and resubmitted each year. iblin It is the intent of the \Vestlake _academy that Siblings of enrolled students be admitted ahead of students on the Waiting Dist Siblings of enrolled Students will be mored to the front of the \Ni titinlist rrf;atdless of their no ition on the Wart l�lst.•_ Year to Year Admission Once admitted to the school, an eligible student automatically qualifies for enrollment in subsequent years without being subject to Lotter\ If, however, a student leaves the school, then that student must reapply and will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list. Westlake _academy xvill not enroll any student who has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any school. If ,3 Primary Geographic Boundary Student (or the parcruts or ;uardians with \\•hone he, -she resides). who is not a member of a Founding Charter Family, removes his/her re,,idencr fron Westlake, then that student will los chis or her status as Primay Geographic Boundary Student and will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list at the end of die semester in which residency status changes. Students of Town of \Vestlake or Westlake _academy employees are eligible for rear to o •ear admission so long as their parent or guardian remains employed by the Town of \Westlake or Westlake _academy. Students of Town of Wesdake or Westlake Academy employees whose employment terminates before the employee has completed fire continuous years of service will no longer be eligible for admission and �j•il be moved to the bottom of the Apiting I,}st. A student will be allowed to remain in the school only until the end of the semester in which his; her parent's or guardian's employment is terminated. ARRIVING AND LEAVING SCHOOL Westlake _academy does not provide transportation to or from school. For the safety of our students, staff and visitors are to follow the designated traffic flow patterns and speed. Please be extra cautious when dropping off or picking up children and be patient and courteous. Pull all the way- forward and pay close attention to those monitoring traffic. Students are not permitted to cross in front of traffic without adult supervision. If a meeting with the teacher is necessary, please park in a designated spot. 7 Deleted: Students whose parents are employed by the Town of Westlake or the Westlake Academy are admitted ahead of students on the Waiting List but are admitted subject to available space Deleted: Secondary Boundary Students are admitted based on their position on the Waiting List. If no Waiting List exists for the grade for which entry is desired, Secondary Boundary Students will be admitted based upon the order of their names being drawn from a Lottery. Deleted: TI — Deleted: Deleted: siblings Deleted: u• Deleted: I Deleted: v ----- Deleted: Deleted: immediately upon becoming a sibling of an enrolled student Deleted: Secondan Boundary Students desiring enrollment will be enrolled subject to available .apace. If space is not available, siblings of Secondary Boundary Students will he moved to the top of the waiting list in the order that they bvc.vnc eligible for sibling admission. I f a Secondary Boundary Sntdent on the Waiting list is admitted to Westlake Academe, then that student's siblings who are also on the Waiting list will automatically be moved to the top of their respective \Gaiting list in the order that then becvne eligible for sibling admission. Siblings include adopted brothers and/or sisters, and foster children so long as those children reside with the Boundanor Sudents ofSccond�try Baundag Students -- Deleted: the parent, or guardian- with whom a p Deleted: resides,move_fro — -- Deleted: m [Deleted: loses Deleted: must Deleted: \G _— Deleted: I.