HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-11-05 BOT Agenda MeetingWESTLAKE ACADEMY APRIL 11, 20059 5:30 P.M. ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - TOWN HALL 6:30 P.M. 2650 J.T. OTTINGER ROAD 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. HEAR AND DISCUSS AMENDMENTS TO THE STUDENT -PARENT HANDBOOK. 3. RECESS TO THE REGULAR MEETING. 4. CONVENE INTO THE REGULAR MEETING IN THE BOARD ROOM AT 6:30 P.M. (The regular meeting will be held after the workshop and may begin later than 6:30 P.M.) 5. CONSIDER ANY ACTION RESULTING FROM THE WORKSHOP HELD APRIL 11, 2005. 6. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. A. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 14, 2005. B. REVIEW AND APPROVE ANY OUTSTANDING BILLS. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 2650 J.T. Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, April 08, 2005, at 5:00 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Jean Dwinnell, Secretary The Board may at any time convene into executive session as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code to discuss any item posted on the agenda. If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY f i C i•' 1 !' i' 1 MARCH 14, 2005 Present: Scott Bradley, President Buddy Brown, Member Bill Frey, Member Fred Held, Member Don Redding, Member Larry Sparrow, Member Trent Petty, CEO Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Jean Dwinnell, Secretary Absent: None 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the workshop to order at 3:42 p.m. by announcing a quorum. 2. HEAR AND DISCUSS A REPORT FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING AMENDMENTS TO THE STUDENT ADMISSIONS POLICY. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, advised that there are 633 students on the waiting list. She asked the Board for direction regarding protection or policy regarding those who are in the school now, residents who move, defining boundaries, siblings, employees, etc. Discussion ensued regarding prioritizing the students according to residency, employee's children, founder's children, acceptable teacher/student ratio, portable buildings, off -campus classrooms, TEA rules, cost of portable buildings, cost to finish out Town Hall as classrooms, residency requirements, and boundaries. 3. RECESS TO THE REGULAR MEETING. The Board recessed at 6:18 p.m. 4. CONVENE INTO THE REGULAR MEETING The Board convened in open session at 6:37 p.m. 5. CONSIDER ANY ACTION RESULTING FROM THE WORKSHOP HELD MARCH 14, 2005. President Bradley announced that admission priorities were discussed in the workshop. There was no action taken. 6. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations made. 7. SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF ODYSSEY OF THE MIND TEAMS FOR THEIR PERFORMANCE AT REGIONALS. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, explained "Odyssey of the Mind", stating there were ten (10) teams that participated from Westlake Academy. She advised that eight (8) teams came in first or second and six (6) teams are going to state competition. She announced that "Odyssey of the Mind" for Westlake Academy was coordinated by Alison Schneider. One of the fourth grade Odyssey of the Mind teams demonstrated their presentation for the Board. 8. SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF CONGRESSMAN BURGESS, THANKING HIM FOR RECOGNIZING AND MENTIONING WESTLAKE ACADEMY'S DEDICATION TO MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE MARCH 1ST, 2005 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SESSION. President Bradley read a Congressional Record regarding the Academy's Music Education Program that was read before the House of Representatives by Congressman Burgess on March 1, 2005. 9. CONSENT AGENDA: There was a motion by Mr. Redding, seconded by Mr. Brown, to approve the consent agenda which included the following: A. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 14, 2005. B. REVIEW AND APPROVE ANY OUTSTANDING BILLS. Discussion was held regarding multiple payments for speech therapy and bonding insurance. The motion carried unanimously. 10. ADJOURNMENT. There was a motion by Mr. Sparrow, seconded by Mr. Frey, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Approved by the School Board on , 2005. Scott Bradley, President Jean Dwinnell, Secretary ACADEMY INVOICES for APPROVAL Academy Fund 647-23-2941 Checks issued in March 2005 1577 �� Mar Artreach Bookin Service 4th Grade e 11-.� Field Tri p $292.50 1578 1 -Mar I Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance Premiums $4,694.15 1579 1 -Mar Borden Milk Purchase $152.00 1580 1 -Mar Get It Right Sports Officials for Games $800.00 1581 1 -Mar Gina McNeely Classroom Instructional Supplies $138.70 1582 1 -Mar Office Depot Classroom Instructional Supplies $110.39 1583 1 -Mar Resource Center Charter School Conference $125.00 1584 1 -Mar Susan Shields Speech Therapy $1,250.00 1585 3 -Mar Global Health & Safety Food Service Training $95.00 1586 3 -Mar Dee Jammal Classroom Instructional Supplies $60.11 1587 3 -Mar Learning Partners Language Therapy $450.00 1588 3 -Mar Renaissance Learning Math Software $1,209.70 1589 8 -Mar Delta Education Science Classroom Supplies $130.96 1590 8 -Mar Fleet Capital leasing Copier Lease $232.88 1591 8 -Mar International Baccalaureate Org Workshop Fees $1,030.00 1592 8 -Mar Kaleidoscope IT Support $3,750.00 1593 8 -Mar Office Depot Classroom Instructional Supplies $1,037.81 1594 8 -Mar Susan Shields Speech Therapy $1,405.00 1595 11 -Mar Aviva Life Insurance Annuity Payment $267.00 1596 11 -Mar Fidelitv Investments Annuity Payment $200.00 1597 11 -Mar Oppenheimer Funds Annuity Payment $92.00 1598 11 -Mar Transamerica Life Insurance Annuity Payment $100.00 1599 11 -Mar USAA Annuity Payment $500.00 1600 11 -Mar Vanguard Group Annuity Payment $100.00 1601 25 -Mar Aviva Life Insurance Annuity Payment $267.00 1602 25 -Mar Fidelity Investments Annuity Payment $200.00 1603 25 -Mar Oppenheimer Funds Annuity Payment $92.00 1604 25 -Mar Transamerica Life Insurance Annuity Payment $100.00 1605 25 -Mar USAA Annuity Payment $500.00 1606 25 -Mar Van uard Group[ Annuity Payment $100.00 1607 23 -Mar Al Copier 2nd Quarter Copier Charge $1,500.00 1608 23 -Mar Alliance Regional Newspaper Advertising $608.00 1609 23 -Mar Borden Milk Purchase $659.74 1610 23 -Mar Care 's Sporting Goods Uniforms $610.49 1611 23 -Mar Dental Select Dental Insurance Premiums $191.14 1612 23 -Mar Eric Armin Classroom Instructional Supplies $954.91 1613 23 -Mar Hi hsmith Library Supplies $176.12 1614 23 -Mar Laminator Warehouse Laminating Supplies $91.11 1615 23 -Mar Pamela Peak Assessment Services $1,150.00 1616 23 -Mar Southwestern Bell T1 Internet Line $170.00 1617 23 -Mar Susan Shields Speech Services $2,000.00 1618 23 -Mar Town of Westlake . OEIectric, Phone, Gas, Legal, Posta a $8,958.15 ; 1619 23 -Mar Unum Life Insurance Life Insurance Premiums _$97-.75 1620 24 -Mar Merina Amos Field Trip to Dallas Art Museum $20.00 1621 24 -Mar Laura Gibbs Purchase Milk for Lunchroom $20.11 1622 24 -Mar Darcy McFarlane Flowers for Funeral $97.91 1623 24 -Mar Mereida Ruba o Classroom Instructional Supplies $408.95 1624 24 -Mar Margaret Schmitz Classroom Instructional Supplies $45.00 1625 24 -Mar Jean Shivers Spanish Books $206.60 1626 24 -Mar Laura Weaver Nursing Supplies $ 4 1627 24 -Mar Town of Westlake .- Electric, Phone, Water, Gas 9;340:6't", 1628 29 -Mar Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance Premiums 4;894:15 1929 29 -Mar Gail James Classroom Instructional Supplies $166.61 1630 29 -Mar Margaret Schmitz Classroom Instructional Supplies $192.50 1631 29 -Mar Alison Schneider Classroom Instructional Supplies $13.58 TOTAL $51,959.15 Fund 199 - General $40,101.04 Fund 224 -Grant $1,150.00 Fund 258 - Grant $10,235.63 Fund 287 - Grant $472.48 Fund 411 - Technologyj $0.00 TOTAL 1 $51,959.15 1 of 1 4/6/2005 9:31 AM ADMISSION The Westlake _academy is an open -enrollment Charter School operating under a Charter awarded to the Town of Westlake by the Texas State Board of Education, with oversight by the Texas Education .'agency (TEA), Charter School Division. An open-eniollment Charter School may not deny admission to a student based on sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic ability, artistic ability, athletic ability, or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. \Westlake academy opened in the fall of 2003 accepting only students in grades 1 - 6 who were of legal age to begin school in the State of Texas. The school added Kindergarten and G7 in 2004 and plans to grow with the students each year thereafter until it reaches K-12. Pefinitions: Primary Geographic Boundary Student means a child of school age: (a) living with his/her parent or legal guardian who is a resident of \Westlake, or (b) whose parent or grandparent is listed in the TEA Charter Application as a Founder or Officer of the Westlake _academy, or (c) whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the Town of Westlake or the \Westlake Academy., In order to be considered a Primary Geographic Boundary Students, parents or legal guardians with whom the student resides must reside in Westlake or have on file with the Town of Westlake an approved residential Building Permit prior to September 1" of the school year in which admission is sought. Eligibility for students admitted under this provision will be withdrawn if, in the opinion of the CEO, there is no satisfactory demonstration of intent to live in Westlake by September 1" of the following year. Transfer Student means any child of school age that does not meet the defuiiuon of Primary Geographic Boundary Student., Sibling mean, the brother or sister of a student enrolled in Westlake _lcaderm% This definition include adopted brothers andior sisters •ted foster children ,o loug , tho,e children reside with the 12;irctirc nr uardians of c•ttrt�llt•d srudt•nrs. Lottery means a publicly posted and publicly conducted random drawing from names of qualified Transfer Students desiring admission to the \Westlake Academy. Lottery Application Deadline is the last day of February of the calendar year of desired entry. Waiting List means a list of applicants desiring admission when space becomes available. Waiting List applicants are admitted in the order they appear. ,Eounding Charter Families are familics of Primary Boundary Students w•ho resided in \Xestlake and were enrolled in Westlake Academy on lune =4'° 2004 and students who,, ere enrolled in Kindergnrtcn on \law .30_ 2005. Deleted: T Deleted: A student .-hose parent or Icgd pjardian is employed by theTown of Westlake or the Westlake Academe will be admitted on a space available basis after all students of \\ estlakc residents are admitted. These students, however, do receive preferential admission over Sccondan Boundan Students.I' Deleted: Secondary- Boundary Students Deleted: s Deleted: and resides in the Ar}n'lc Independent School District, the Kcllcr Independent School District, the ?northwest Independent School Distrix: or the Kcllcr Independent tichool I ,,net at l the time of enrollment 1 Deleted: docs not meet the definition of Priman Geographic Boundan Student Deleted: include, Deleted: Sccondan Boundan Student applicants Deleted: T 1i 1' Deleted: that Deleted: arc Deleted: !j Eligibility .\11 e ' 'ble Primary BoundaryStudents will be admitted to the school. l.egt it verification -. __---__._ of residency may be requested at any time. For c12;ibilitc;ntr�oscs reslCicncy i, considered to be that of the custodial or joint custodial parent Transfer Students are eligible for admission based on available space. Transfer Students will be admitted �ifrer all eli�riPrimary ble PrimaBoundary Students and Siblings of Students enrolled in \Ve:\ stlake cadent)' are admitted. In the event that more Transfer Stridents seek enrollment than space is available, then a lottel�- will determine admission order of the Transfer Students. No ]otter' will be conducted for ani- grade that} has a waiting list Transfer Students desiring admission after the lottery has been conducted will be placed at the bottom of the \Waiting 1�st and admitted as space becomes available Divorce: For eli;libiliry purposes, residence- is considered to be that of the custodial or joint custodial parent. Students that become ineligible to attend Westlake \cademv by reaso!i of divorce shall be allowed to complete. the semester in which the custodial or joint custodial address is established. .. Ineligibility: :any student becoming inelit�ble to attend \\ esilake Academy due to a change in residence• -,vill he allowed to complete the semester in which residency status changes but will not be allowed to re -enroll in the following scnic ter. Deleted: means students who can attend the school. E 1 Deleted: are school ape children: (a) living with his/her parent or legal bvanlian who is a resident of Westlake, or (b) whose parent or grandparent is listed in the'lliA Charter Application as a Pounder or Officer of the Westlake Academe, or (c) whose parent or legal guardian is emploced by the'l'own of Wesdakc or the Westlake Academy. A student whose patentor legal guardian is employed be the Town of %Vesdake or the Westlake Academe will be admitted on a space asailable basis after all students of Westlake residents are admitted. These students, however, do receive preferential admission over Secondary Boundaq, Students.¶ Deleted: Secondary Boundary Students Deleted: — ----- Deleted: 'those Transfer Students not chosen in the lottery will be placed on a waiting list in the onler their names were drawn Deleted: which Deleted: l Deleted: necessity Exemption: Founding Charter Families nnav continue to attend Westlake acaderm without residing in \\ c stlake after gat least one student in the Founding Charlet Family has completed fire Deleted: <y —� academic rears in Westlake .Ncadenie. The .academy reserves the right to deny- admission to any student regardless of residency. \t'estlake _-academy will not enroll any student who has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any educational institution. Application Procedures: All parents wishing to enroll their students in the Westlake _academy must complete an _application for Enrollment. _applications are available at the Westlake =academy, 2600 Ottinger Road, Westlake, Texas, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. .-applications should be picked up in person and returned in person. Parents of enrolled students must complete a new application form each rear in order to assure that school tiles and accurate and up to date. Falsification of information provided on the application form is Ln•ounds ten jnnmediate •tnd permanent removal from the school Admission Order: FIRST ADMITTED SECOND ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE Siblings of students enrolled in Westlake Academti THIRD ADMITTED BASED ON AVAILABLE SPACE Transfer Students, ,No students are admitted unless the Westlake Academy has received a completed application which must be updated and resubmitted each year. $iblino. It is the intent of the \Westlake Academy that Siblings of enrolled students be admitted ahead of students on the \\biting List. Sibhnl;s of enrolled students will be moved to the front of the \\titin =1. ist regardless of their position on the \WaitingList..• Year to Year Admission Once admitted to the school, an eligible student automatically qualifies for enrollment in subsequent years without being subject to lottery. If, however, a student leaves the school, then that student must reapply and will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list. Westlake _academy will not enroll any student who has been subject to expulsion or who is awaiting expulsion from any school. If iPrimary Geographic Boundary Student (or the parents or gruardians with ,yhoni he/she rc•sides), who is not a member of a Founding Charter Famih remove, his'her residency fron Westlake, then that student will Ioschis or her status as Primary Geographic Boundary Student and will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list at the end of the semester in which residency status changes. Students of Town of \Westlake or \Westlake Academy employees are eligible for \ car to year admission so long as their parent or guardian remains employed by the Town of Westlake or Westlake Academy. Students of Town of Westlake or Westlake Academy employees whose employment terminates before the employee has completed fire continuous years of service will no longer be eligible for admission and xKil be moved to the bottom of the\biting l jst. A student will be allowed to remain in the school only until the end of the semester in which his/her parent's or guardian's employment is terminated. ARRIVING AND LEAVING SCHOOL Westlake Academy does not provide transportation to or from school. For the safety of our students, staff and visitors are to follow the designated traffic flow patterns and speed. Please be extra cautious when dropping off or picking up children and be patient and courteous. Pull all the way forward and pay close attention to those monitoring traffic. Students are not permitted to cross in front of traffic without adult supervision. If a meeting with the teacher is necessary, please park in a designated spot. 7 Deleted: Students whose parents are employed by the Town of Westlake or the Westlake Academy are admitted ahead of students on the Waiting List but are admitted subject to available space Deleted: Secondary Boundary Students are admitted based on their position on the Waiting List. lfno Waiting List exists for the grade for which entry is desired, Secondary Boundary Students will be admitted based upon the order of their names being drawn from a Lottery. Deleted: Deleted: ti Deleted: sibling,, Deleted: u. Deleted: I _ _--------� Deleted: w --- Deleted: I Deleted: immediately upon becoming a sibling; of an enrolled student Deleted: Secondary Boundan' Students desiting enrollment will be enrolled subject to available space If space is not available, ,ibling, of Scc ndarr Boundan' Students will be moved to the top of the waiting list in the order that the% became eligible for sibling admission. If a Secondan Boundan student on the \Gaiting List is admitted to Westlake Academy, then that student's siblings u'ho are also on the Waiting List will automatieallc be moved to the top of their respective Waiting List in the order that the% became clic ibis for sibling admission. siblings include adopted brothers and' !or sisters, and foster children so long as those children reside with the parents or guardians o f Secundan Boundan Students CDeleted: the parents or guardians with l whom a p Deleted: reside•,, mute fru Deleted: m ( Deleted: loses Deleted: must Deleted: w Deleted: 1.