HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-07 BOT Agenda PacketWESTLAKE ACADEMY MEMO TO: Board of Trustees, Westlake Academy FROM: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School DATE: November 7, 2007 SUBJECT: Meeting on November 12, 2007 ITEM: Consider a Resolution authorizing changes to the Parent/Student Handbook regarding Uniform Policy, and the Parent Complaint Process, RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: The Uniform Policy in the Parent/Student Handbook was developed before we had a Middle Years Programme. The students, teachers and administrators have found it to be in the best interest of the school to make some modifications to the uniform policy and the dress code that are more age appropriate. The section of the Parent/Student Handbook that deals with parents' questions and concerns is not well developed. The change and additions recommended would more clearly outline what is already practiced within the school. Please see the attached enclosures for the modifications to the Handbook. UNIFORM POLICY Appropriate dress and grooming contributes to a productive academic environment in which students can focus on learning, develop an awareness of others, develop character and good citizenship skills, instill respect and self-discipline. Uniform standards also promote a positive image of the school within the community and encourage students to uphold and enhance that image. All students must wear a prescribed uniform at all times while on campus. The prescribed uniform includes a dress uniform, a casual uniform and a gym uniform. • All students in Grades 1 and above must purchase a dress uniform and wear the dress uniform on days prescribed by the Head of School. Dress uniform days will be prescribed by the Head of School in advance. Students may at their own choosing, wear the dress uniform on any school day. There is no dress uniform requirement for Kindergarten. • All students may purchase a casual uniform which contains several select combinations. Casual uniforms may not be worn on dress uniform days, but may be worn at all other times. • Starting in grade 2, all students will be required to wear the P.E. uniform • Once in the school, only the school uniform may be worn. Jackets, coats or non- uniform sweaters and sweatshirst should be left in the locker if brought to school.. The prescribed uniform must be purchased from Mills located at 1801 Eastchase Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76120, phone (817) 801-1629, www.millswear.com. (Web ID Code 151). There are no exceptions to the uniform policy. Students wearing anything other than the prescribed uniform will be sent home. Clothing that resembles the prescribed garments are not permitted. Students may continue to wear uniforms purchased previously from Parker Uniforms through the 2007/08 academic year. Students shall be required to show proper attention to personal cleanliness, neatness, and school standards of dress and appearance. To that effect: PYP Uniform Policy:' 1. Distracting hairstyles, haircuts or distractive hair coloring is prohibited. Boys' and girlso ' hairstyles must be above the eyebrow in the front and boys' hair should be no longer than collar length in the back 2. Headwear other than headbands for girls is prohibited. Headbands must be white, of solid school colors or the school plaid. 3. Only clear nail polish is acceptable and girls may not wear makeup. 4. Jewelry must complement the uniform. Jewelry for girls is stud earrings, one necklace, one bracelet, one ring, and a basic wristwatch. Boys may wear a religious medal, a ring, and a basic wristwatch. Jewelry is not to be dangerous or of the body piercing type, except earrings. Students may not wear heavy chains such as studded 1 November, 2007 or wallet types. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings. 5. Shoes should be clean and offer protection to the feet and must not distract from the uniform. Dress shoes must be dark and appropriate for the dress uniform. Boys and girls may wear boots that do not distract from the uniform when wearing casual uniform long pants. Boots may not be worn with the dress uniform, nor with shorts, culottes, jumpers or skirts. Mostly white tennis shoes, (secured with either laces, velcro or zippers), must be worn with the PE uniform. Other casual footware must be solid, non distracting colors. No shoes may be worn with open toe or open heel. Flip-flops, sandals, water shoes, platform shoes, lace up army type boots and unstrapped shoes may not be worn. Shoe laces must be tied. 6. Matching socks must be worn at all tunes. This includes ankle socks, tri -fold bobby socks, and white tights instead of socks with the casual uniform only. Girls' dress socks are a required garment to be worn when in dress uniform. Boys and girls must wear white socks when in gym uniform. 7. All students from Grade 2 and up must wear solid black or brown belts with any trousers or shorts that have belt loops. 8. Hats or sunglasses are not permitted on campus without the Head of School's permission. Such permission may be granted in religious and medical circumstances or during P.E. activities. 9. Girls in Grades 1 onwards, may wear, if desired, fitted, footed, white tights with their dress uniforms during the winter months.2 10. The dress uniform will include a navy blazer. The blazer will be optional for all students.3 11. Additional optional items will include light weight outerwear in school colors purchased from the official supplier for Westlake Academy uniforms. This will be the only accepted outerwear allowed on the school campus with the exception of rainwear or heavy winter coats. 12. Official WA sweaters and fleece jackets may be worn in the school buildings. MYP Uniform Policy' 13. Distracting hairstyles, haircuts, or distractive hair coloring is prohibited. Boys' and girls' hairstyles must be above the eyebrow in the front and boys' hair should be no longer than the collar in the back. 14. Headwear other than headbands for girls i; prohieted. Headbands must be all white, or solid school colors or the school plaid. 15. Make-up and nail coloring must not be distracting and make-up must be natural/neutral colors. 16. Jewelry must complement the uniform. Boys may wear a religious medal, a ring, and a basic wrist watch. Jewelry is not to be dangerous or of the body piercing type, except earrings. Only stud ear piercings are allowed and multiple earrings are not '- December 2004 3 August 2006 4 November 2007 permitted. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings. Students may not wear heavy chains such as studded or wallet types. Fashion or excessive jewehy, as determined by the head of section is not permitted. 17. Only white tee shirts may be worn under official uniform shirts. 18. Shoes should be clean and offer protection to the feet and must not distract from the uniform. Dress shoes must be dark and appropriate for the dress unifom. Boys and girls may wear boots that do not distract from the uniform when wearing casual uniform long pants. Boots may not be worn with the dress uniform, not with shorts, culottes, jumpers or skirts. Mostly white tennis shoes (with white laces, flat soled and secured with either laces, velcro or zippers), must be worn with the PE uniform. Other casual footwear must be solid, nondistracting colors. No shoes may be worn with open toe or open heel. Flip-flops, sandals, water shoes, platform shoes, lace up army type boots and unstrapped shoes may not be worn. Shoe laces must be tied. 19. Matching socks must be worn at all times and the color must be solid white or of school uniform color. This includes ankle socks, tri -fold bobby socks, and tights instead of socks. Girls dress socks are a required garment to be worn when in dress uniform. Boys and girls must wear white socks when in gym uniform. 20. All students must wear solid black or brown belts with any trousers or shorts that have belt loops. 21. Hats or sunglasses are not permitted on campus without the Head of School's permission. Such permission may be granted in religious and medical circumstances or during P.E. activities. 22. Girls may wear, if desired fitted, footed, tights with their dress uniforms during the winter months. The color must be sheer or solid colors that match the uniform. 23. The dress uniform will include a navy blazer. The blazer will be optional for all students. 24. Additional optional items will include light weight outerwear in school colors purchased from the official supplier for Westlake Academy uniforms. This will be the only accepted outerwear allowed on the school campus with the exception of rainwear or heavy winter coats. 25. Official Westlake Academy sweaters and fleece jackets may be worn in the school building. 26. Girls may not alter the length of the skirts. All skirts must be no shorter than one inch above the knees. 27. Boys are required to be clean-shaven. Consequences for MW Uniform Violations Students not wearing the required uniform will be required to call home and have the correct uniform brought to school immediately. The student will also serve a detention. Persistent offenders will face an out of school suspension.56 5 November 2007 6 August 2006 Consequences for PYP Uniform Violations During the course of a school year, students who do not comply with the uniform policy will face the following consequences: Minor Infractions (easily remedied; examples: shirt not tucked in; shirt unbuttoned) 1" Violation: Verbal warning to student. 2nd Violation: Written warning with parent signature required. Yd Violation: Written discipline form with; Phone call to parent by classroom teacher, or *In -school service, or Next day detention *In -school service duties will depend on the needs of the school at the time of the violation. Duty may include, but is not limited to: trash pick-up, lunchroom cleanup, and sweeping. Major Infractions (not easily remedied; examples: out of uniform; no socks; incorrect color/style) 1" Violation: Removed from classroom and sent to the office Parent phone call with the following options: • Bring a clothing change for student (unexcused absence until clothing is delivered) • Pick up student (unexcused absence) 2nd Violation: In -school Suspension (unexcused absence) Yd Violation: Out of school Suspension (unexcused absence) Parent Question and Complaint Procedures When parents have a question or concern, the first person to contact is always the classroom teacher. The teacher can be contacted on a daily basis via the student planner, email or telephoning and leaving a voice mail. If the teacher is unable to deal with your concern, you may be referred to: • One of the school counselors • The PYP, MYP or DP Coordinator • Head of Section « The Head of School In the case of a complaint and after meeting with the a1212ropriate Jerson/1=12le, if 12arents still have a need to ,pursue the complaint an appeal may be made to the Board of Trustees. WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 07-11 AUTHORIZING CHANGES IN THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK TO UPDATE THE STUDENT UNIFORM POLICY BY MAKING MODIFICATIONS IN THE DRESS CODE THAT ARE MORE AGE APPROPRIATE AND TO MORE CLEARLY OUTLINE THE PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING PARENTAL QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that it is in the best interests of the community and the students of the Westlake Academy to make modifications of the uniform policy to make it more age appropriate WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that it is in the best interest of the community and the students and parents of Westlake Academy to further define the procedures for handling parental questions and concerns NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize changes in the Parent/Student Handbook allowing the school uniform changes as recommended by staff to make the uniforms more age appropriate. And that the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize changes in the Parent/Student Handbook to further define the procedures for handling parental questions and concerns SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 22nd DAY OF OCTOBER, 2007. Scott Bradley, President MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING October 22, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and DPS Director Don Wilson. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present requesting to speak. 3. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING THE HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER REPORT FOR 2006-07 AND 2007-08. Head of School Brizuela advised the Board that the report is a requirement of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and has no effect on the Academy's funding. Ms. Brizuela stated that due to reporting changes, she is reporting on the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years at this time. Ms. Brizuela advised the Board that the report indicates that all Westlake Academy teachers have been recognized as "highly qualified" for the 2006-2007 and the 2007- 2008 reporting years. Westlake Academy Trustees Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting October 22, 2007 4. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CHANGE TO THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK AUTHORIZING STUDENTS IN GRADES 10-12 TO DRIVE AND PARK PERSONAL CARS ON CAMPUS. Head of School Brizuela advised that a workshop was held in August at which parent and staff input was received. Ms. Brizuela outlined the proposed recommendations to allow students in grades 10 through 12 to drive and park personal cars on campus. MOTION: Trustee Timmerman moved to approve Resolution No. 07-10, authorizing a change in the parent/student handbook relative to student driving. Trustee Gallaher seconded the motion. Trustee Gallagher commended Ms. Brizuela for the development of the policy and asked that it be communicated to all families so that they understand that the current 10th graders have priority to the parking spaces for the next three years. Head of School Brizuela advised that the priority would be communicated to the entire school community. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING WESTLAKE ACADEMY PILOT PROGRAM PROCEDURES FOR TRANSPORTATION FOR RESIDENTIAL TRIPS. Head of School Brizuela advised the Board that the report is a follow-up to a report presented at the March 26, 2006, meeting. Ms. Brizuela advised that only one company offers buses equipped with safety belts, and stated that, whenever possible, safety belt - equipped buses will be a priority to transport students. Trustee Gallagher expressed her appreciation to Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz for his diplomacy in working with parents relative to transportation for a recent field trip. 6. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING NATIONAL RECOGNITION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENT NEWSPAPER THE BLACK COW. Head of School Brizuela advised that notification was received that The Black Cow, a student -published newspaper, has received national recognition and introduced Editor - in -Chief Taylor Jolissaint. Ms. Taylor Jolissaint, Editor -in -Chief of The Black Cow, addressed the Board regarding recent recognition by the National Scholastic Press Association. Ms. Jolissaint stated that the paper was granted the First Class Award with three (3) merits of distinction for coverage and content, writing and editing, and leadership. Westlake Academy Trustees Regular Meeting October 22, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Ms. Jolissaint reminded everyone that all non -student households in Westlake will receive a copy of the newspaper during the 2007-2008 school year, and the first issue for the school year will be released on October 26, 2007. Head of School Brizuela recognized and commended the staff of The Black Cow for their accomplishments. President Bradley recognized the students for their accomplishments and recognized Mr. Dave Lieber and PYP Coordinator Claudia Ourthe-Cabale for their support and guidance provided to the students. 7. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees workshop and meeting held on August 27, 2007. B. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees workshop and meeting held on September 10, 2007. C. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees special meeting held on September 24, 2007. D. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Redding moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Steger seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5- 0. 8. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON NOVEMBER 12, 2007. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Date Run: 11-08-2007 9:09 AM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 1 of 4 From 10-17-2007 To 11-15-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd Fnc-Obl So _Org Prog Cd Reason Amount 001419 10-17-2007 00001 ESC REGION XI 199-41-6239.00-750-899000 C BUSINESS SERVICES 24,547.00 001420 10-17-2007 00010 BORDEN 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 C MILK 115.35 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILK 321.62 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILK 255.17 199-35-6341.00-001-899000 MILK 242.93 Check 001420 Total: 935.07 001421 10-17-2007 00015 A-1 COPIER TEC, INC 199-23-6299.00-001-899000 C COPIER 1,650.00 001422 10-17-2007 00020 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE 199-00-2153.00-010-800000 C PREMIUMS 100.75 001423 10-17-2007 00021 DENTAL SELECT 199-00-2153.00-021-800000 C PREMIUMS 945.90 001424 10-17-2007 00044 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 411-11-6399.00-001-811000 C PRINTER 1,660.64 411-11-6399.00-001-811000 PRINTERS 1,194.34 Check 001424 Total: 2,854.98 001425 10-17-2007 00058 BANC OF AMERICA LEASING 199-23-6269.00-001-899000 C COPIER 284.67 001426 10-17-2007 00066 KALEIDOSCOPE INFO. SVC 11 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 C SERVICES 3,440.60 199-53-6219.00-001-899000 INTERNET FILTERING 37.50 Check 001426 Total: 3,478.10 001427 10-17-2007 00072 JEAN SHIVERS 865-00-2190.03-000-800000 C SUPPLIES 35.85 865-00-2190.03-000-800000 SUPPLIES 210.99 Check 001427 Total: 246.84 001428 10-17-2007 00074 WHAT'S MY NAME INC 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SIGNS 6.75 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SIGNAGE 68.25 Check 001428 Total: 75.00 001429 10-17-2007 00084 ROSEMARY JAWAD 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 11.07 001430 10-17-2007 00085 MARITZA JACKSON 865-00-2190.20-000-800000 C SUPPLIES 69,27 001431 10-17-2007 00087 SUSAN SHIELDS 199-11-6219-00-001-811000 C SERVICES 525.00 199-11-6219.00-001-811000 SERVICES 525.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SERVICES 385.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SERVICES 50.00 Check 001431 Total: 1,485.00 001432 10-17-2007 00088 DARCY MCFARLANE 199-23-6499.00-001-899000 C FOOD FOR BOARD MTG 58.14 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 PSOTAGE 10.93 Check 001432 Total: 69.07 001433 10-17-2007 00105 TEXAS 1B SCHOOLS 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 C DUES 200.00 001434 10-17-2007 00111 FEDEX 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C SHIPPING 21,15 001435 10-17-2007 00135 AMITY INSTITUTE 199-41-6211.00-701-899000 C ADMIN FEE 800.00 001436 10-17-2007 00170 DAVID JENKINS 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C FEES 124.00 001437 10-17-2007 00179 GRAPEVINE VINTAGE RAILR 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C FIELD TRIP 342.00 001438 10-17-2007 00191 CYNDIE JACKS 865-00-2190.01-000-800000 C SUPPLIES 121.52 001439 10-17-2007 00233 MARLO KARG 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 C SUPPLIES 40.99 * indicates voided checks Date Run: 11-08-2007 9:09 AM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 2 of 4 From 10-17-2007 To 11-15-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Pa ee Fnd Fnc-Obj.So-Or -Pro Cd Reason Amount 001440 10-17-2007 00234 TRACY ODOM 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C DRAMA SUPPLIES 43.42 001441 10-17-2007 00258 UNUM PROVIDENT EDUCAT( 199-00-2153.00-011-800000 C PREMIUMS 234.98 001442 10-17-2007 00281 BANK OF THE WEST 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C CHEMICAL STORAGE CABIr 838.82 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 INK 140.06 199-41-6411.00-701-899000 CONF TRAVEL 394.28 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 FINANCE CHARGE 48.30 19941-6499.00-701-899000 LATE CHARGE 29.00 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 BASKETBALL SUPPLIES 388.50 Check 001442 Total: 1,838.96 001443 10-17-2007 00348 DELTA JANITORIAL SERVICE 199-51-6249.00-001-899000 C SERVICES 3,181.00 199-51-6249.00-001-899000 SERVICES 3,181.00 Check 001443 Total: 6,362.00 001444 10-17-2007 00349 JACKSON SUPPLY 199-51-6319.00-001-899000 C SUPPLIES 627.85 199-51-6319.00-001-899000 SUPPLIES 686.24 Check 001444 Total: 1,314.09 001445 10-17-2007 00352 ELITE SPORTS OFFICIALS 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C OFFICIALS 35.00 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 OFFICIALS 135.00 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 OFFICIALS 100.00 Check 001445 Total: 270.00 001446 10-17-2007 00355 DAVE LIEBER 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C BLACK COW MEETING 100.62 001447 10-17-2007 00362 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUI 19941-6499.00-701-899000 C DUES 4,698.00 001448 10-17-2007 00366 JANIE RUTH RITENOUR 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SERVICES 70.00 199-31-6219.00-001-811000 SERVICES 45.00 Check 001448 Total: 115.00 001449 10-17-2007 00408 WESTLAKE HOUSE OF COMr 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C SCHOOL FEES 155.00 001450 10-17-2007 00415 DANIELA WHITE 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C BINDER ITEMS 9.98 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 23.69 Check 001450 Total: 33.67 001451 10-17-2007 00464 TERRI BAHUN 865-00-2190.29-000-800000, C CAMERAS 351.77 001452 10-17-2007 00465 MONICA GRANT 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C GOLF SHIRTS 408.00 001453 10-17-2007 00466 EMMER MANNING 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 70.77 001454 10-17-2007 00467 MARIA BUSICO de FLIGHT 19941-6211.00-701-899000 C VISA PERMITS 415.00 199-41-6211.00-701-899000 WORK APPLICATION 340.00 19941-6499.00-701-899000 TAXES 36.00 Check 001454 Total: 791.00 001455 10-17-2007 00468 EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SI 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C SUPPLIES 64.35 001456 10-17-2007 00469 GREEN MEADOWS CULTURE 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C FIELD TRIP 360.00 001457 10-17-2007 00470 FOUNDATION FOR INTERNA' 19941-6211.00-701-899000 C LEGAL WORK 175.00 001459 10-31-2007 00345 C & B MEDICAL 199-33-6399.00-001-899000 C NURSE SUPPLIES 64.02 001460 10-31-2007 00320 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUP 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 67.95 indicates voided checks Date Run: 11-08-2007 9:09 AM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 3 of 4 From 10-17-2007 To 11-15-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend TYP Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd-Fnc-Obf So-Org-Prog Cd Reason Amount 001461 10-31-2007 00310 DEFINITIVE SOFTWARE SOL 199-41-6219.00-701-899000 C CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,380.00 001462 10-31-2007 00001 ESC REGION XI 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 C WORKSHOP 90.00 001463 10-31-2007 00434 FELDMAN AND ROGERS L.L. 199-41-6211.00-701-899000 C LEGAL SERVICES 1,895.30 001464 10-31-2007 00328 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 1,304.82 001465 10-31-2007 00341 HARCOURT ASSESSMENT 199-31-6219.00-001-811000 C SPEECH/LANGUAGE SERVI 453.75 199-31-6219.00-001-811000 SPEECH/LANGUAGE SERVI 996.35 Check 001465 Total: 1,450.10 001466 10-31-2007 00246 KIDCONNECTION THERAPY 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 380.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 380.00 199-11-6219.00-Q01-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 380.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 617.50 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 1.90.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 190.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 380.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 65.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 32.50 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 65.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SP ED PROFESSIONAL SEF 65.00 Check 001466 Total: 2,745.00 001467 10-31-2007 00475 MY BLOOMING SHOP 199-41-6499.00-701-899000 C FLOWERS 60.00 001468 10-31-2007 00062 NCS PEARSON INC 199-12-6399.00-001-899000 C LIBRARY RENEWAL SUPPO 551.20 411-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUCCESSMAKER ENTERPF 1,000.00 Check 001468 Total: 1,551.20 001469 10-31-2007 00013 OFFICE DEPOT 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C SUPPLIES 95,41 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 496.96 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 120,89 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 SUPPLIES 223.02 199-11-6399.00-001-823000 SP ED SUPPLIES 99.99 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 99,99 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 82.66 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 107.06 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 102.70 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 SUPPLIES 158.90 Check 001469 Total: 1,587.58 001470 10-31-2007 00471 PSAT/NMSQT 199-31-6219.00-001-811000 C PSAT/NMSQT 884.00 001471 10-31-2007 00472 RICE UNIVERSITY 199-13-6499.00-001-811000 C MATH/ENGLISH WORKSHOI 1,050.00 001472 10-31-2007 00087 SUSAN SHIELDS 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 C SPEECH THERAPY 525.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 525.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 420.00 199-11-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 245.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 25.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 50.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 385.00 199-31-6219.00-001-823000 SPEECH THERAPY 50.00 Check 001472 Total: 2,225.00 001473 10-31-2007 00473 UNITED STATES POST OFFIC 199-41-6399.00-701-899000 C POSTAGE 41.00 001474 10-31-2007 00474 UTICA NATIONAL INSURANC 199-00-1411.00-000-800000 C WORKERS COMPENSATIOP 805.00 indicates voided checks Date Run: 11-08-2007 9:09 AM YTD Check Register Program: FIN1800 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 4 of 4 From 10-17-2007 To 11-15-2007 Sort by Check Number File ID: C Check Check Vend Typ Nbr Date Credit Memo Nbr Payee Fnd Fnc-Obl.So-Org-Prog Cd Reason Amount 001475 10-31-2007 00058 BANC OF AMERICA LEASING 199-23-6269.00-001-899000 C COPIER LEASE 284.67 001476 10-31-2007 00476 BLUE RIBBON TAG & LABEL 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C BLACK COW NEWSPAPER 829.72 001477 10-31-2007 00064 BARBARA BRIZUELA 199-41-6411.00-701-899000 C REIMBURSE/TRAVEL 91.38 199-41-6411.00-701-899000 REIMBURSE/CONFERENCE 175.00 Check 001477 Total: 266.38 001478 10-31-2007 00021 DENTAL SELECT 199-00-2153.00-021-800000 C DENTAL SELECT 519.16 001479 10-31-2007 00352 ELITE SPORTS OFFICIALS 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 C ATHLETIC CLUB 120.00 865-00-2190.30-000-800000 ATHLETIC CLUB 60.00 Check 001479 Total: 180.00 001480 10-31-2007 00299 FIRST UNITED METHODIST C 865-00-2190.24-000-800000 C DEPOSITAWINTER STRINGS 100.00 001481 10-31-2007 00477 GLOBAL ELEM MODEL UNITE 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C REGISTRATION/G8 MUN ST 675.00 001482 10-31-2007 00085 MARITZA JACKSON 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C REIMBURSE/BOOKS 65.03 001483 10-31-2007 00355 DAVE LIEBER 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C BLACK COW NEWSPAPER 138.94 001484 10-31-2007 00478 NATIONAL THEATER FOR AF 865-00-2190.15-000-800000 C STORY OF ANNE FRANK AC 619.50 001485 10-31-2007 00479 NSPA MEMBERSHIP 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C MEMBERSHIP FEE 224.00 001486 10-31-2007 00234 TRACY ODOM 865-00-2190.17-000-800000 C REIMBURSEMENT 33.99 001487 10-31-2007 00480 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C NEWSLETTER 1,088.35 001488 10-31-2007 00243 TWELVE OAKS CATERING 199-00-5751.00-000-800000 C TRANSFER FUNDS 355.00 001489 10-31-2007 00153 UNIV.OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN - 865-00-2190.29-000-800000 C MEMBERSHIP FEE 85.00 001490 10-31-2007 00438 LISA VALENTINE 199-11-6399.00-001-811000 C REIMBURSE/SUPPLIES 12.73 Grand Totals: 78,467.45 End of Report indicates voided checks