HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-07 BOT Agenda Packet �,,�;�'"'�+--�„ � � � � �� , . Y...,..,,,,.� MINUTES C1F THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP May 14, �Q47 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Trustees Larry Corson, Fred Held, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Trustee Buddy Brown. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, DPS Director pon Wilson, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy ;.--:.. Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and P.E. Teachers Mireida Rubayo and Juan Carlos Herrera. l. CALL TO ORDER. President Scott Bradley called the workshop to order at 5:20 p.m. 2. DISCUSS RESULTS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY SPORTS SURVEY. Head of School Brizuela advised that ;a Task Force composed of the following individuals met and discussed the goals aud objectives of the sports program at Westlake Academy and the possibility of offering additional sports: Sports Taslc Force: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Administrative Assistant Darcy McFarlane, P.E. Teachers Mireida Rubayo and Juan Carlos Herrera, and Westlake Academy parents Mike Garabedian, Wade Hundley, Kevin Maynard, David Rollins, Chris Tucker and Laura Wheat. Head of School Brizuela advis�d that the Task Force reviewed the feasibility of offering additional sports and input was sought from parents to determine the level of interest for each sport. Board of Trustees Workshop Page 2 of 2 May 14,2007 Head of School Brizuela advised the Board that the recommendation of the Task Force � is to offer the following additional sports for the upcoming school year: - Tennis—Boys and Girls - PYP Golf—Boys and Girls - Baseball -Boys - Six-man Football—Boys � An item has been included on the May 14, 2007, Board of Trustees meeting agenda for consideration of a Resolution authorizing the additianal sports offerings to the Academy's sports program. 3. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, President Bradley declared the workshop adjourned at 5:53 pm. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON JUNE 1 l,2Q07. Scott i��•adley, Mayor/School Board President I ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Secretary � ���� � �, ; ,� � ��M�� MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING May 14, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Buddy Brown (arrived at 6:51 p.m.), Larry Corson, Fred Held, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela and Secretary Kim Sutter. 1. CALL TO QRDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Margaret Ledak, 1220 Mount Gilead, Keller, addressed the Board regarding her duty as the government reporter for the Black Cow. Ms. Ledak expressed her appreciation to the Board for their openness and support during her tenure, and advised that this could be her last meeting to report on as there is a possibility she will assume a new assignment in the upcoming year. Mayor Bradley complinlented Ms. Ledak for the attention she has shown as the government reporter for the Black Cow. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, addressed the Board regarding a Dancing Classroozns program that was recently piloted in the area and requested the Board consider such a prograin at Westlake Academy. 3. PRESENTATION BY JUNIOR �IISTORIANS REGARDING THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY TIME CAPSULE. Bailey Cockrum, 1825 Broken Bend Road, updated the Board of the activities of the Junior Historians and their involvement in creatin�and gathering items to be placed in the time capsule in recognition of the Town's SOt Anniversary. She advised that the Westlake Academy Trustees Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting May 14,2007 items will include photographs, drawings, and an autographed sports jersey signed by f the coaches and players of the Academy. � 4. PRESENTATION BY EDITORS OF BLACK COW REGARDTNG UIL AWARDS. Brooke Awtry, 6Q9 Morning Giory Lane, Bedford; Taylor Jolissaint, 1809 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake; and Corey Timmerman, 1804 Millstream Court, Westlake, advised the Board of the results of the recent UIL Journalism Awards presented in recognition of the Black Cow, the student produced Westlake Academy newsletter. The students advised the Board that the publication and many of the student participants shared in a total of 28 awards. 5. PRESENTATIC?N BY WESTLAKE AC;ADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING MEXICO EXCI�CANGE TRIP. Academy Teacher Liz Bowie read excerpts from the journals of the students who participated in the Mexico exchange trip May 1 through May 5, 20Q7. The following students also shared their experiences with the Board: - Steven Jolissaint, Morgan Braun, and Melissa Rubayo , Ms. Claudia Ourthe-Cabale read two letters written by parents af students who participated in the program. 6. PRESENTATION BY WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING ROTARY SERVICE TRTP. Westlake Academy students Madison Smit�, 800 Park Dale Court, Southlake; Madison Dickey, 949 Tealwood, Keller; and Tyler Springer, 1505 Cedar Caurt, Southlake, addressed the Board regarding a recent rotary service trip to Mexico. The service project for the trip included the painting of�: house. 7. CONSIDE� A RESOLUTION TO APPR4VE RECOMMENDATIONS RESULTING FROM THE SPORTS WORKSHOP. Head of School Brizuela introduced the item and advised that a task force connposed of the Head of School, parents, two P.E. Teachers and the president of the Westlake Athletic Club, met and discussed the possibility of offering additional sports at the Academy. Head of SchQol Brizuela advised that a survey was sent out to determine the type of sports programs parents would like considered in the upcaming years. Ms. Brizuela advised that that the task force is recommending approval of the addition of the following sports to the Academy's sports program: � - Tennis—Boys and Girls -PYP Golf—Boys and Girls `' - Baseball—Boys - Six-man Football -Boys Westlake Academy Trustees Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting May 14,2007 MOTION: Trustee Redding made a motion to approve Resolution 07-07, increasing the sports participation as cliscussed in the May 14, 2007, worksllop and highlighted by the Head of �cl�ool. Trustee Held seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. (Trustee Buddy Brown ar�i�ived at 6:SI p.m.) 8. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the regular Joint Board of Trustees workshop and Board of Trustees meeting held April 9, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Held made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Timrnerman seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 9. AD.�OURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JUNE 11,2007. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Date Run: 06-06-2007 12:48 PM Check Payments Program: FIN1300 C�ty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 1 of 2 From 04-27-200T To 06-06-200T File ID:G For the Month of May heck Check PO Invoice Nbr Date Payee Org Nbr Nbr Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prg Reason Amount 001172 05-01-2007 AT&T/SBC 817.163.1736 WESTLAKE 001003 8171631736 199-51-6257.00-001-799000 MONTHIY SERVICE 181.05 001173 05-01-2007 HOUSE OF COMMONS WESTLAKE 001004 199-00-5749.00-000.�00000 SCHOOL PICTURES 2,755.60 001174 05-04-2007 USAA-IMCO USAA DEDCH 199-00-2159.00-032-700000 MAY DED TAX SHEL.ANNt 50�.00 001175 05-18-2007 USAA-IMCO USAA DEDCH 199-00-2159.00-032-700000 MAY DEO TAX SHEL.ANNI 500.00 001176 05-16-2007 AT&T/SBC 817.163.1736 WE5TLAKE 001033 8171631736003:199-51-6257.00•001-799000 MONTHLY SERVICE 181.05 00117? 05-16-2007 BORDEN WESTI.AKE 001034 540946 199-35-6341.40•001-799000 MILK AND JUICES 225.35 001034 540208 199-35-6341.00-001-799000 MIIKANOJUICES 204.70 001034 539430 199-35-6341.U0-001-799000 MIIK AND JUICES 236.79 Totals for Check 001177 666.84 00117$ 05-16-2007 CRESTMONT BAPTIST(WESTLAKE 001035 0518070 865-00-2190.28-000-700000 PINE CAR DERBY 4�0.00 001179 05-16-2007 GROWN TROPHY WESTtAKE 001036 5892 865-00-2190.24-000-700000 MEDAIS 510.43 001180 05-16-2007 DELTA JANITpRIAL SEF WESTLAKE 001015 95901 199-51-6249.00-001-799000 MAY JANITORIAI SERVICE 3,181.00 001181 05-16-2007 ELITE SPORTS OFFICIA WESTIAKE 001032 WESTLAKE 199-36-6219.00-001-791000 SPORT OFFICIALS 200.00 001182 05-16-2007 FEDEX CHIEF AOti 001016 807476403 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 PAPERWORK SHIPMENT f 83.33 001183 05-16-2007 FIRST UNITED METHOC WESTIAKE 001018 865-00-2190.17-400-700000 SPRING MUSIC AND STRIF 250.00 001184 05-16-2007 FIVE STAR COACHES WESTLAKE 001017 2475 865-00-2190.15-000-700000 TRANSPORTATION SERVI� 940.00 )1185 05-16-2007 HARTFORD INSURANCE WESTIAKE 001019 4610827880 199-00-1411.00-000-700000 WORKERS COMP 1,224.97 CHIEF ADti 001019 4610827880 199-41-&429.00-701-799000 UMBRE�IA 366.56 001019 4610827880 199-41�429.00-701-799000 NEVJ FEE'S 6.00 WESTLAKE 001019 4610827880 199-51�429.00-001-799000 BUSINESS OWNERS 3,8D1.45 Totais for Check 001185 5,398.98 001186 05-16-2007 NANCY HORNBY CHIEF ADb 001024 1 199-41-6219.00-701-799000 PROFESSIONAL FEES 98.87 001187 05-16-2007 INTERNATIONAI.BACC�CHIEF ADti 001031 199131-6499.00-701-799000 DIPLOMA PROGRAM APPL 4,500.00 001188 05-16-2007 JACKSON SUPPLY WESTIAKE 001020 042607 199-51-6319.00-001-799000 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 195.36 001189 05-16-2007 KAIEiDOSCOPE INFO.:WESTLAKE 001021 123106043 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 POSTINI FILTERING 37.50 001021 123106046 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 POSTINI FIITERING 3,149.50 Totais for Check 001189 3,187.00 00119Q 05-16-2007 tAMINATOR WAREHOU WESTLAKE Q01037 54642 199-11-&399.00-001-711060 1.5 MIL PET 25"X500'ON 1 100.52 001191 05-16-2007 lAS COLiNAS PRINT WESTLAKE 001022 31889 865-00-2190.29-000-700000 20 PAGES BINDERY 574.50 001192 05-16-2007 NCS PEARSON INC WESTLAKE 001025 410850527 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 TRAINING 667.00 001025 410850527 411-11-6399.00-001-711000 TRAINING 1,Q33.00 Totals for Check 001192 1,700.00 �01193 05-16-2007 OFFICE DEPOT WESTIAKE 001026 381958974001 199-11-6399.00-Q01-711000 SUPPLIES 13.33 001026 381311000001 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 936.19 001026 382320575001 199•11-6399.00-001-711d00 SUPPIiES 323.40 CHIEF RDt�001026 381958974001 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 SUPPLIES 56.22 001026 381311000001 199-41-&399.00-701-799000 SUPPLIES 39.15 Totals for Check 081193 1,368.29 �07194 05-16-2007 JANIE RUTH RITENOUR WESTLAKE Q01027 04252007 199-11-6219.00-001-723000 EVAIUATIONS 180.00 00102� 04252007 199-11-6219.00-001-723000 EVALUATIONS 90.�0 Date Run: 06-06-200712:48 PM Check Payments Program: FIN1300 Cnty�ist: 220-810 WEST�AKE ACADEMY Page: 2 of 2 From 04-2�-2007 To 06-06-2087 File ID:C For the Month of May heck Check PO Invoice Nbr Date Payee Org Nbr Nbr Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prg Reason Amount 001194 05-16-2007 JANIE RUTH RITENOUR WESTLAKE 001027 04252007 199-31-6219.�0-001-723000 EVALUATIONS 135.00 Totals for Check 001194 4Q5.00 001195 05-16-2007 SUSAN S SHIELDS,M.S WESTLAKE 001028 W1.-1023 199-71�219.00-001-723000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 420.00 001028 W�-1023 199-11-6219.00-001-723000 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 700.00 ' 401028 WL-1023 199-31-6219.00-001-723000 SPEECH AND IRNGUAGE 60.00 Totals for Check 001195 1,180.00 001196 05-16-2007 THE WEEK MA�AZINE WESTLAKE 001029 50 865-00-2190.16-000-700000 THE WEEK MAGAZINE 49.50 001197 05-16-2007 TWELVE OAKS CATERII WESTIAKE 001030 48083 199-35-6341.00-001-799000 SCHOOI LUNGHES 3,480.15 001030 48084 199-35-6341.00-001-799Q00 SCHOOL LUNCHES 3,284.25 Totals for Chack 001197 6,76A.40 001198 05-16-2007 UNUM PROVIDENT ED��IFE INS#1001023 MK0164/116897 199-00-2153.00-011-700000 EDUCATOR DISABII.ITY 239.23 001199 05-18-2007 BANC OF AMERICA LEA WESTLAKE 001038 9599687 199-23-6269.00-001-799000 COPIER�EASE 284.67 001200 05-18-2007 BANK OF THE WEST WESTLAKE 001039 199•13-6411.00-001-7990�0 TRAVELOCITY 1,165.23 d01039 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 GRANLIBAKKEN RESORT 400.00 001039 199-23-6499.00-001-799000 EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS 82.12 CHIEF ADh 001039 199-41-&499.00-701•799000 FINANCE CHARGE 29.00 001039 199-41-6499.00-701-799000 LATE FEE 87.66 Totais for Check 001200 1,764.01 001201 05-18-2007 E�IZABETH BOWIE WESTLAKE 001040 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 FOOD REIMBUSEMENT 46.50 001040 865-00-2190.15-000-700000 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENI 59.92 Totals for Check 001201 106.42 �1202 05-18-2007 TiFFANY DEVINO WESTLAKE 001041 289-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPUES REIMBURSEME 34.26 001203 05-18-2007 FANTASY COLLECTION WESTIAKE 001046 SE5-00-2190.17-d00-700000 COSTUMES FOR DRAMA 477.00 001204 05-18-2007 DARCY MCFARIANE WESTtAKE 001043 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 AIRFARE 1,616.40 CHIEF ADb 001043 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 POSTAGE REIMBUR5EME 4.64 WESTIAKE 001042 865-00-219q.07-Oq0-700000 FUNDRAISER REIMBURSE 1,238.00 001043 865-00-2190.07-000•700000 FUNDRAISER REIMBURSE 150.00 001043 865-00-2190.07-000-700000 TFL4VEL REIMBURSEMEN? 1,886.50 001042 865-00-2190.15-000-700000 SNACKS REIMBURSEMEN 46.49 Totals for Check 001204 4,942.03 001205 05-18-2007 TRRCY O�OM WESTLAKE 001044 865-00-2190.07-000-704000 G7 REIMBURSEMENT 85.69 001044 865-00-2190.17-000-700�00 DRAMA SUPPLIES REiMBI 200.22 Totals for Check 001205 285.91 001206 05-18-2007 OFFICE DEPOT WESTLAKE 001045 384792042Q02 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 11.03 001045 38563997�001 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPIIES 349.52 001045 384792042Q01 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 362.96 001045 384792042001 199-31-6399.00-001-723000 SUPPIIES 152.36 Totals for Check 001206 875.87 001207 05-18-2007RlISON SCHENIDER WESTLAKE001047 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 REIMBURSE/SUPPLIES 118.80 001047 289-11-6399.00-001-711000 REIMBURSE/SUPPIIES 21.71 Totals for Check 001207 140.51 001208 05-18-2007 CATHERINE TURNAGE WESTLAKE 001048 289-11-6399.00-001-711000 REIMBURSEJSUPPLIES 122.16 001209 05-18-2007 DANIEI.A WHITE CHIEFADti001049 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 REIMBURSEJSUPPIIES 8.04 �m"01210 05-18-2007 STAN YODER WESTLAKE 001050 289-11-6399.00-001-711000 REIMBURSE/SUPPLIES 249.96 Tatal Checks 45,401.79 End of Report Date Run:06-06-2007 12:48 PM Check Payments Fund Summary Program: FIN1300 Cnty Dist:220-810 WESTlr0.KE ACADEMY Page: 1 of 1 From 04-27-2007 To 06-06-2007 File ID:C For the Month of May heCk Check Nbr Date Payee Organization Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Pr� Reason Amount Totais for Fund 199/7 37,0T2.45 Totals for Fund 289 f 7 428.09 Totals for Fund 411/7 1,033.00 Totais for Fund 865/7 6,868.25 Totals For Checks 45,401.79 Estimated Number Of Unpaid Checks To Print: 0 End of Report