HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-10-07 BOT Agenda Packet .�������''� � � � � � � � � �'k����,..,� TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA September 10, 2007 WESTLAKE CIVIC CAMPUS - BOARD ROOM 2600 J. T. OTTINGER ROAD 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 3. HEAR REPORT FROM MARGARET LEDAK AND MS. ALISON SCHNEIDER REGARDING THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH THE PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE PROGRAM. 4. HEAR REPORT FROM MR. DAVID JENKINS REGARDING THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAM. 5. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING STUDENT POPULATION. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CHANGE TO THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK AUTHORIZING STUDENTS IN GRADES 10-12 TO DRIVE AND PARK PERSONAL CARS ON CAMPUS 7. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. A. Review and approve any outstanding bills. 8. ADJOURNMENT. CERTiFiCATiON I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, and Westlake Civic Campus, 2600 J.T. Ottinger Road,Westlake,Texas, on Friday, September 7,2007,by 6 p.m.under the Open Meetings Act,Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Kim Sutter,TRMC,Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. WESTLAKE ACADEMY MEMO TO: Board of Trustees, Westlake Academy FROM: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School DATE: August 17, 2007 SUBJECT: Meeting on August 27, 2007 ITEM: Consider a resolution authorizing a change to the Parent/Student Handbook authorizing students in Grades 10-12 to drive and park personal cars on campus. REC4MMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: The Parent/Student Handbook currently sta.tes that students are nat allowed to drive cars on the Westlake Academy campus. The Administration has found it to be in the best interest ta allow students in grades 10 and up, who have a legal Texas Driver's Licenses to drive their personal cars to and from school. The implementation of this rule will allow students to take advantage of classes and school activities that take place away from the Westlake Academy campus and ease the drop off and pick up lines. Students may apply for a parking permit once they have a fully authorized state driver's license, present insurance papers and parental authorization. Yearly parking permit fees of$100 will be assessed and students will receive a Westlake Academy parking sticker to place on the back window of their car. Ail student cars must use the parking spaces reserved for them in the lower half of the parking lot outside Pod G. At this time Westlake Academy has enough parking spaces to accommodate all students who will be allowed to drive on campus in addition to staff and visitors. If at such time, parking spaces are outnunibered by student dxivers the Academy may implement a student lottery to determine distribution of parking spaces. Westlake Academy may suspend the permit of any student vehicle from driving or parking on campus for the violation of any rule or regulation or for unsafe driving as determined by the Head of School. In the case of suspension, the perrnit may be reinstated,with the assessment of new fees, at the discretion of the Head of School. All laws regulating traffic on public roads, in addition to laws pertaining to licensed drivers under the age of 18, apply to the operation of vehicles on campus. In addition,the Texas law applicable during the first 6 months of the driver license (`These persons may nat operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under the age of 21 who is not a family member')will apply at Westlake Academy until the driver is 18 years of age. Students will be allowed to drive and park on campus between the hours of 6:00 am and 9:00 pm. Please see attached from Texas Department of Public Safety regarding student drivers under the age of 1$. � Ceneral McLane High School Student Driving Regulations School Year ,. The use;of an autflmobile to drive ta,school is a pr�vrlege,naf'a right:To lie`eligible to drive to' ; , . .�: . . .,.: ;school;a°stiident ag'rees to meef`all of tlie following regnlations:' *All student drivers must regis,ter with the office and purchase a GM parking perrnit. Permits for �.N:_..�..�_ the school�years are$3.00.Permits must be displayed(behind mirror)at all times. *:All'students.must abzde b all of the rules,regulations and condrtions set forth on the Student :. ._..._.:, .,Y .,..� . , Driving Permission form. Which includes,but are not limited to;the following: � ,,ti..:¢. � }_ c'���: a. all students must ha�e parerital perriussion to drive; b. student drivers must park in the east parking lot only, directly behind the high school, and are to enter the building immediately upon arrival to school; < .<., c. student drivers are=to exif"after dismissal'after"all liuses`have departed using the following procedures: north bound traffic will exit using the north driveway and southbound traffic will exit using the south driveway,closest to the high school; students are NOT permitted to move their vehicles until the buses have departed; d. all student drivers must cornply with the rules, regulations and policies of the General McLane School District including,but not limited to, those set forth in the StudentlParent Handbook; e. all student.drivers must comply with the rules;regulations; and policies of the General �_.,�. McLane School District pertainingto thepossession;use�and distributiori�`of alcofiol, ,drugs,-tobacco;and weapons;and, . f. all students issued permission to drive a vehicle to school are subject to the Vehicle' i<Search Policy wluch is set forth on the reverse side of the Student Driving Permission form and which authorizes canine searches of vehicles for drugs andlor drug paraphernalia. '"`*"A'stuc�ent's driving privilege may be suspend'ed by the administration for any of the following reasons: g. failure to comply with the terrns and conditions as set forth in the Student Driving Permission form; - h. �,r.failure ta comply..-with the Student Driving Regulations' i. failure to comply_with any and all rules, regulations, and policies of the General McLane School District, whether or mot any vehicle was used in or part of any violations(s); j. truancy or-excessive absence from school' k. ex�essive tardiness to school(includes tardiness to or from the Erie County Vo-Tech School); 1. using an automobile to leave school without an'excuse before the end of ttie'school day or ailowing another,student,to,use,your:automobile during the day for such a purpose; rn. reckless or.unsafe driving on school property; and/or n. �if,,in t11e opinion of the adrninistration, a student's driving privilege is interfering with his/her class attendance or academic performance or if the automobile is being used for "`purpose unacceptable to the school; o. owing the school any obligation—books, library materials, money, detention time, ete., ` as outlined in the obligation section of the student handbook. Versailles High School Driving Permit Form Each school year students wanting to drive a motor vehicle to school must complete and return this form to the vFis office. Driving regulations: A Students-need;to have a driving permit.completedvand:submitted to the office before driving to ..� ,....:� .... ,„_. .'school. ._�_ ,�_ . �.._�.. ���..<.�„y���. B. Students are to drive in a very._SAFE and SLOW manner (never more than:H1�1 MPH) . .. ..x.,:.. .4„ _.. : ..a_�:s:e.n .�<, . .. ,c S�udents;are'.not. to be in or drive vehicles during the school day including the lunch period -- � `��without perniission: `� ' D Students are to park in areas designated for students w i�e on campus. .: , /;��' ��.��ry.,�7S� . E Skudents are aot perxns.tted to leave before the busea except through the south parking lot exit. _ ........ .. . F Violations of.,;these.driving,,regulations.may,result in detentions, a suspension of driving-to- . . �.._ 'school`privileges, or a penalty"for`disobedience: "' """� " , G. School officials have the_,.authority_and responsibility to supervise student parking. School -.. :.`offfcisl's`2iave'`the�zight to' search vehicles ead may perform random s�arches. H ,Any damage or injury involving any vehicle on school grounds is to be reported immediately to � school �officials`and%or'tHe police department. I. All school regulations pertaining to cars parked on school grounds apply to cars parked off school grounds if the driver is attending school or at a school activity. J. Students parking off school grounds must follow all village laws and should treat local residents with respect. Student Parking Areas: 1. South parking lot within marked spaces. 2. Gravel area immediately east of the south student parking lot. Do not block the entryways to this area. Parking is also permitted in the adjacent gravel area over to the baseball bleachers or barrel. Do not park in front of the bus refueling area. 3. Students may park in the marked spaces behind the modular classrooms over to the speed- bump. 4. Studants are not perrnitted to park in front of the building or behind "A", ��H", or ��C" wings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � "'2006 ' 07��S�iiderit'Parks.ng°�Peraiit �==.�� �r .. .... ,.. Student Name Grade YEAR MAKE COLOR LICENSE # Car #1 Car #2 Truck Van Motorcycle List all vehicles you may be driving. Student signature Parent signature Date ��� .� .�.�.� .�..�. .��. ...—._ . � . :.w_. �_. i � 1781 D Kieth Harrow, Hnuston, TX 7,7f?84 (281)550-6f160 (281)550-1400 FAX � i www.TexasChristianSch00%or4 Accreditated-TEP5,4C/OPSAC/NCPSA Approved Herc Pa/mquist—Administrator High Schoal Student Driving Form �� give my permission for Parent's Fu11, Lega/Name , �w, ..,,. . , enrolled at TCHS, to fransport or ride rvifh the.,: -; Student's Fuil, �e at Name " � 9 students listed be/ow befween the high school'and the elementary/Junlor high campus in h�s/her vehfcle.I do _�nof and w�/Lnof un�ler any;circuinsfances hold Texas Chr�s#ian Edu�atianal Foundaifon,�lnc,�dtia,�Tezas �� � ° Chrlstian Hi,gh�choal,l►ali/e for any reason or:respons�b/e�for any sftuatlon that inay.occur when"my teeriager ,#`idrfving/rrding be#ween car»puses. �understantl thls 1s a privllege and wil/be taken away lf abused. I furtiier understand thaf every`pe'rson in the 'vehicle musf be buckled at ALt t�mes _r I give my teenager permission to ride with the foliowing students: StudenYs Name StudenYs Name Student's Name Student's Name Student's Name Student's Name Pleasa check if the above section does not apply. I also give my teenager permission to drive the foilowing students: Student's Name Student's Name Student's Name Student's Name StudenYs Name Student's Name Please check if the above section does not appiy. With my signature below, i affirm that I have read and understand this legally binding contract set above for driving or riding between Texas Christian Schools'campuses. StudenYs Signature Parent's Signature Sefore me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , known to be the person(s) whose name(s) are signed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that heishe/they executed this for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2004. Notary Public for county of "Lighting the way to a brighter future" All Students MUST fill out the 3'°'pape whether thev drive fo schoo/or naf th�s is a MANaATORY FORM repuired bv Head-RoYce School 2007-2008 Head-Royce School Student Driver Vehicle Registration Form .,, . - To im�rove the School's ability to provide for the safety`of ali its students;families � ,.� of'students wlio drive to'scFioo► are�requested tb�read carefully these,guidelines� ~ and rules and:foilow them at ail times. Parents or guardians must sign and"return the driving permission farm on the firs�t day of school if you are already driving, or directly to the Business Office whenever the student begins driving to and fram school. Driving to Head-Royce School is a privilege. It is expected that all students who drive to School or who ride to School with student drivers have permission to do so from their parents or legal guardian. Driving'to Schaol is a � pr;iValege,that can be suspended or revoked by the.School. �...�. �,_n�.��, x�..._ �,�.����_ .�.w��. .� �;_..o.. .a. :,, _...VEHtCLE REGIS7RATl4N Parents/legal guardians must register with the .: Business Office any autombbife'the student(s) intend to drive to and from School. Additianally, parents/legal guardians must register with the Business Office any automobile that will be used to drop off and pick up students at the School. All student vehicles must display a School-issued sticker. l?ARKING RESTRIGTIC?NS; Student drivers are required to park on Lincoln Avenue above ttie`School or in the Schaol parking lot. Students may not park in any residential area surrounding the school. Residents who live near the School want their neighborhood to remain quiet and free from driving and parking complications. Restricted areas and private property surrounding the School rnust not be abused or littered. Do not park in driveways, including but not limited to the Lincoln Child Center driveway. Do not park in "No Parking" zones or on private property. Parking is not allowed after 3 p.m. on the north side of Lincoln Avenue directly above the School as this part of �incoln Avenue is used as the carpool lane. Please check the signs regarding parking restrictions posted on �incoln Avenue. 1 SAFETY GU10ELlNES & RULES:Ali those who drive to and from School, including students with driving privileges, are expected to use caution and safe- driving practices at all times, including but nat limited to the fo1)owing rules: 1. Obey the local traffic laws; remember that Lincoln Avenue is a schaol zone. 2. Be patient, cautious, and set a good example for others; do NOT "take cuts" in front of other drivers. 3. Stay in your vehicle at all times during drop-off and pick-up on �incoln Avenue. Getting out of your vehicle to remove items from your trunk places you and/or your child in danger given the steep grade on Lincoln Avenue. 4. Do NOT drive on campus. 5. Do NOT use Atida Court or other residentiat streets or private driveways to turn around. Go all the way around the block#a�re-enter Lincoln Avenue. 6. Do NOT jaywalk or encourage jaywalking ("Jayhawks don't Jaywalk.") 7. Do NOT block or use driveways for student drop-ofF or pick-up, and do not park across residents' driveways. 8. Do NOT drop off students while in the trafFic lane; pull over to the curb before loading or unloading passengers on Lincoln Avenue. 9. Do NOT make U-turns anywhere on Lincoln Avenue because they are unsafe and illegal. 10.Da NOT make sudden stops to park your car. Do NOT stop in the crosswalk or block private driveways to drop off or pick up passengers. ENFORCEMENT: Com laints matle#o'�the �chool b nei hbors the olice or p Y 9 , p �othe�s about mcorrect or illegal parking, unregistered cars,,unsafe dnving, '�� � `_ �. �� t abused property, Gtter, bfocked dri�eways, excessive:noise;:discourteaus _. behavior;and/or other viafations of School rules, or yiolations of law will result in ,.: �� . . , ? ` �.`tlisciplma'r�r acti�on After,a.inrarnirig; clriving priVileges w�ll tie.suspendeci for ten.��� ; , .,� (.1;0),school�tlays,� If a secflnd offenseuoccurs; the eonsequenee may.�inciude a.���.� ,.. two day suspension.=from schaol. Driving privileges,of a student wha has broken � a substance (alcohol%drug) related rule may be.revoked (e 'g , possession, use, r.. sa,le/distribukion of alcahol or drugs�� More serious forms of student discipline will , � � _.. �,., � � ...� , _ ., ..�, .... . �. �be�imposed for�rule violations in�accordance iniith�School�pohcy as outlined in��the �- " School Direcfo�y/Handbook: The SAFETY RULES FOR AUTOMOBILES AND BUSES are printed in the Head-Royce School Directory/Handbook for the current schaol year, and al! adult and student drivers in our"Head-Royce farnily" hereby agree to read the SA�ETY RU.LES FOR AUT�MOBILES AND BUSES carefully and follow them at all times. 2 2007-2008 Head-Royce School Student Driver Vehicie Registration Form NAME: � GRADE: We acknbvvledge��r�ceipt��of the�Head-Royce Schoo! SAFETY RULES FOR AUTOMOBILES AND BUSES contained in the Head-Royce School Director/Handbook for the current school year: We agree to read and abide by SAFETY RULES FOR AUTOMOBILES AND BUSES. We acknowledge reading this STUDENT DRIVERNEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM and understand the consequences of violating the SAFETY RULES FOR AUTOMOBILES AND BUSES contained in this form and set forth more fully in the Head-Royce School Directory/Handbook. ,�**,�*****�********************�******************�*************«**�***************�******* (Any student driving to schooi must Completely Fill Out all information listed beiow—this form will be returned if all requested information is not provided� Student Name: Student Signa#ure: Date: ParenULegal Guardian: Date: 2007-2�08 STUDENT DRIVER VEHICLE REGISTRATION Name of Driver: Name of Driver: Auta #1-Color Vehicle Make/Model Year License Piate # Auto #2-Color Vehicle Make/Model Year �icense Plate # 3 THE WINSTON SCHOOL 2007 - 2008 DRIVER'S FORM Winston students�vho drive to and from school�vill be required to park where specified b�f the administration of the school. All students driving to and from school�vill be requued to enter and eait the parl;.ing lot at the proper location and in a safe and orderly manner. Students should be atuare that�ve ha�7e car pool lines entering and eaiting at the same time, and Lo�ver School students �valking across the dri�re. Refer to Student Handbook for corriplete information. Student's Naine . Grade Hoine Telephone Description oE Car �Take I�Iodel Year License Tag Dri�Ter's License I�Tumber Insurance Carrier rlgent Current Term through__________ i�1y son/daughter will transport other students to/from school The students riding�cith m�� son/daughter are: 3'�S Ilo 1. 2. 3. 4. Students �cho drit>e to school are NOT permitted to use their car�vithin the school day e�.cept for school-related acti�rities. Students choosing to dri�re for school-related activities must submit the follo�ving: 1. Proof of insurance 2. �X1ai�=er of liabilit��indeinnif��ing the school from an3�liabilit�� 3. Parent's release from all participating student passengers Parent's Signature Date GRADUATED DRIVER LICENSE PRCJGRAM The Texas Graduated Driver License (GDL) Program was implemented as a result of Senate Bill 577. This law changed original licensing requirements for persons under age 18. GDL creates two phases of driving requirements for minors. The effective date of the law was January 1 , 2002. Basic requirements for bbtaining a lieense have not changed. R person under age 18 must show proof of driver education, verification of current enrollment and attendance in school {or high school graduation ar G�D), proof of social security number, as well as proof of identification. TRC 521.204, 521.222 and 545.424i� u�i Phase One�Applicants under age 1 8 must hold an instructian permit or hardship license for a minimum of six months prior to issuance of a provisional Class A, B, or C driver license. In addition, the minimurn age of the person who must accompany any instruction permit holder during the operation of the vehicle is 21 years of age. Except for hardship licenses, a minor is no t e ligi b le to graduate to Phase Two (provisional license) for a Class A, B, or C driver license until they have completed this phase and met all other current licensing and age requirements. Under the GDL program, there is no minimum time that a person must hold a restricted motarcycle or moped license before they can apply for a Class M license. Phase 4ne does not apply to Class M or Hardship license holders. The instruction permit must remain valid during the � � mandatory six-month period to meet this regulation. If an instruction permit is suspended/revoked during this period, upon the completion of the suspension period, the remaining �� six-month period must be completed to meet the GDL Phase One requirement. House Bill 1032 passed during the 78th Legisiative Session, extended the expiration date of instruction permits. Effective January 26, 2004, the expiration date for instruction permits is computed to the second birth date from the date of application. Once the applicant has held a valid instructian permit or hardship license for a minimum of six months, has reached the age o f 16 for a Class C license (17 years of age for a Class A or B non-�QL), and has completed both the ciassroom and laboratory (driving} portions of driver education, they are eligibie to "graduate" to Phase Two. ❑OPhase Two�►Phase Two restricts the driving privileges of persons under 18 years of age during the six-month period � following the issuance of an original Class A, B, or C driver license (Provisional License). These persons may not operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under the age of 21 who is not a family member. They may not operate a motor v�hicle between midnight and 5:00 a.m. unless the operation of the vehicle is necessary for the operator to attend or participate in employment or a school-related activity or because of a medica! emergency. In addition, they may not operate a motor vehicle while using a wireless communication device. Under Phase Two, a persan under 17 years of age who holds a restricted motorcycle license or moped license, during the six-month periad following the issuance of an original motorcycle license or moped . license, may not operate a motorcycle or moped between midnight and 5:00 a.m. unless the person is in sight of the person's parent or � guardian or the operation of the vehicle is necessary for the � operator to attend or participate in employment or a school- related activity or because of a medical emergency. The license restriction will state, "TRC 545.424 applies until MM DD YY" and will indicate the date in which the spcond phase of the graduated driver license expires for the person who holds that license. Upon completion of the six-month period, the above time and/or passenger restrictions no longer apply. The licensee may wish to apply for a duplicate license at a driver license office to remove this restriction. A fee is required to obtain a duplicate license. If not, this restriction will be removed at the time the applicant renews the license on their next birthday, provided the Phase Two six-manth time has lapsed. WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 07-10 AUTHORIZING A POLICY IN THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK ALLOWING STUDENTS IN GRADES 10 Al'�D ABOVE WHO POSSESS A VALID TEXAS DRIVER'S LICENSE PERMISSION TO DRIVE THEIR PERSONAL MOTOR VEHICLES TO AND FROM THE WESTLAKE ACADENIY CAMPUS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees f:nds that it is in the best interests of the community and the students of the Westlake Academy to allow students in Grade l0 and above �vho have a valid TeYas Driver's License to drive personal motor vehicles to and from school; and WHEREAS, the students w•ill be better able to participate in classes and school activities that occur away from the Westlake Academy campus if they are allowed to drive their motor vehicles to the campus; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Baard of Trustees of Westlake Academy does hereby authorize a change in the Parent/Student Handbook to allow students in Grades 10 and above who possess a valid Texas Driver's License to drive their personal motor vehicles to and from the Academy's campus. "Student Drivers: Students may apply for a parking permit once they have a fully authorized state driver's license, present insurance papers and parental authorization. Yearly parking permit fees of$lOQ will be asse,sed and students w�ill receive a Westlake Academy parking sticker to place on the back window of their car. All student cars must use the parking spaces reserved for them in the lower half of the parking lot outside Pod G. At this time Westlake Academy has enough parking spaces to accommodate all students who will be allowed to drive on campus in addition to staff and visitors. If at such time, parking spaces are outnumbered by student drivers, the Academy may implement a student lottery to determine distribution of parking spaces. Westlake Academy may suspend the permit of any student vehicle from driving or parking on campus for the violation of any rule or regulation or for unsafe driving as determined by the Head of School. In the case of suspension,the permit may be reinstated, w�ith the assessment of ne�v fees, at the discretion of the Head of SchooL All laws regulating traffic on public roads, in addition to laws pertaining to licensed drivers under the age of 1$, apply to the operation of vehicles on campus. In addition, the Texas law applicable during the first 6 months of the driver license {`These persons may not operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under the age of ' 21 who is not a family member') �viIl apply at Westlake Academy until the driver is 18 years of age. Students will be allowed to drive and park on campus between the hours of 6:00 arn and 9:00 prn." SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS l Oth DAY OF September 2007. �� ATTEST: Scott Bradley, President Kin� Sutter, Secretary Barbara Brizuela, Head of School APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney . � l Date Run: 09-05-2007 12:33 PM Check Payments Program: FIN1300 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTI.AKE ACAfJEMY Page: 1 of 3 From 08-21-2007 To 09-OS-20D7 Fiie ID:7 For the Month of August Check Check PO Invoice _Nbr_ Date Payee Or�__ Nbr Nbr Fnd-Fnc-Obj.SoArg-Pr� Reason Amount 001312 08-21-2007 APPLE COMPUTER,INC WESTLAKE 001179 9258282279 199-11-6395.00-�01-711000 SUPPLIES 5,057.00 001179 9258282279 428-11-6395.00-001-7 1 1 000 SUPPLIES 753.D0 Totais for Check 001312 5,810.00 D01313 08-21-2007 ART VIDEO WORLO WESTLAKE 001180 147779 199-11-6399.00.001-711000 ART SUPPLIES 308.52 001314 08-21-2007 BANC OF AMERICA LEA WESTLAKE 001181 976827897 199-23-6269.00-001-799000 COPIER RENTAL 284.67 001315 08-21-2007 BOX INSURANCE AGEN WESTLAKE 001178 199-00-1411.02-000-700000 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 4,038.00 �01316 08-21-2007 CDW GOVERNMENT,IN WESTLAKE 001182 GFG8609 428-11-6395.00-001-71 1 000 SUPPLIES 404.77 001182 GFN9271 428-11-6395.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 1,194.33 Totals for Check 001316 1,599.10 OQ1317 08-21-2007 CRYSTAL PRODUCTIO�WESTIAKE 001183 147786 199-11-fi399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 116.55 0011$3 147972 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 18.31 Totais for Check 001317 134.86 001318 08-21-2007 D&H DISTRIBUTING WESTLAKE001184 15496922 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 CALCUTATOR 330.56 D01184 15496872 428-11-6395.00-001-711000 GRAPHICS CALCULATOR 981.75 Totals for Check 001318 1,312.31 001319 OS-21-2007 DELTA EDUCATION WESTLAKE 001185 202500118761 196-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 466.40 001320,08-21-2007 ETA CUISENAIRE WESTLAKE 001186 50074627 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 SP ED SUPPLIES 216.90 001321 OS-21-2007 FEDEX CHIEF ADf�D01187 811953636 199-41-6499.00-701-799000 SHIPPING 60.16 '� 001322 OS-21-2007 FELDMAN AND ROGER:CHIEF ADN 001188 17115 199-41-6211.00-701-799000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEt 650.00 001323 OS-21-2007 HARTFORD INSURANCE WESTLAKE 001177 199-DO-1411.02-000-700000 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 11,383.00 001324 OS-21-2007 DAVID JENKINS WESTLAKE 001189 199-11�399.00-001-7110D0 SUPPLIES 5.00 001189 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 TRAVEI 243.97 Totals for Check 001324 248.97 001325 08-21-2007 KALEIDOSCOPE INFO.:WESTLAKE 001191 123106092 199-00-1243.00-000-7000D0 CISCO 1131 ACCESS 63.32 001191 123106092 199-11-6395.00-001-711000 GSCO 1131 ACCESS 421.01 001191 1231�6075 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 POSTINI FILTERING 37.50 001191 123106090 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 POSTINI FILTERING 37.50 001191 123106081 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 POSTINI FII.TERING 3,670.00 001191 123106092 199-53-6219.00-001-799000 CI5C0113'1 ACCESS 1,788.10 001191 1231D6092 428-11-6395.00-001-711000 CISCO 1131 ACCESS 1,684.08 Totals for Check 001325 7,701.51 001326 08-21-2007 LAS COLINAS PRINT CHIEF ADtv 001192 32293 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 LEGAL SIZE BINDING 94.08 001327 08-21-2007 LINGUI SYSTEMS WESTLAKE OD1193 2210887 199-11-6399.00-001-71 1 000 CTOPP TEST SET lAUTISN 363.75 001328 08-21-2007 DARCY MCFARLANE WESTLAKE 001194 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 TRAVEL 908.19 001329 08-21-2007 MORRISON ARCHITEC7 CHIEF ADN 001195 00121757 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 SUPPLIES 323.50 OD1330 08-21-2007 NASCO WESTLAKE 001196 928383 199-11-6399.00-001-711D00 SUPPLIES 54.44 001196 942267 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 62.44 001196 928664 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 213.08 001196 928665 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES � 389.80 001196 889785 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES � 1,314.99 Totals far Check 001330 2,034.35 D01331 Q8-21-2007 OFFICE DEPOT WESTLAKE 001197 392132695001 199-11-6398.00-D01-711000 SUPPLIES 3,022.04 001197 391729337001 199-11-6399.00-001-71 1 000 SUPPLIES 75.53 Date Run: 09-05-2U07 12:33 PM Check Payments Program: FIN13dD Cnty Dist: 220-810 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Page: 2 of 3 From 08-21-2007 To 09-05-2007 File ID:7 r`� For the Month of August Check Check PO invoice _ Nbr Date � Payee 0�9__ Nbr Nbr Fnd-Fnc-Obj.SoArg-Pr� Reason Amount 001331 08-21-2007 OFFICE DEPOT WESTLAKE 001197 3932139410D1 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 SP ED SUPPLIES 845.08 Totals for Check 001331 3,942.65 001332 OS-21-2007 DEBORAH PEEBLES WESTLAKE OD1198 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 GAMES AND PUZZLES 19.97 001333 08-21-2007 SIS-USA INC WESTLAKE 001199 45534 199-11-6398.00-001-711000 ERGONOMIC STOOL 12,173.04 001334 OS-21-2007 TABLETKIOSK WESTLAKE 001200 3601 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 SPECIAL ED SUPPIiES 826.44 001335 08-21-2007 THERAPRO INC WESTLAKE 001201 IN215794 199-11-6399.00-001-723000 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIES 156.59 001336 08-21-2007 UTICA INSURANCE WESTLAKE001190 199-�0-1411.01-000-700000 PREPAID WORKMANS COI 1,795.20 001337 08-21-2007 IISA VALENTINE WESTIAKE 001202 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SHELVES 2g,gg 001338 08-22-2007 GLYNDA DAVIS WESTLAKE 001203 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 TRAVEL 22g,g7 001339 08-22-200�DELTA JANITORIAL SEF WESTLAKE 001204 AUGUST 199-51-6249.00-001-799000 JANITORIAL SERVICES 3,181.00 001340 OS-22-2007 HEIDI KLOEMPKEN WESTLAKE 001205 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 TRAVEL 22.38 001341 08-22-2007 DARCY MCFARLANE WESTLAKE 001206 199-11-6398.00-001-791000 FURNITURE FOR HOS ANC 497.95 CHIEF ADlv 001206 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 FO00 FOR STAFF 231.88 Totals for Check 001341 729.83 001342 08-22-2007 SARAH STACK WESTLAKE 001207 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 FOOD AND TRAVEL 230.56 001343 08-22-2007 TEX-ART STONE WESTLAKE 001208 113393 199-51-6319.00-001-799000 MULCH FO,R PLAYGROUNI 1,057.0� 001344 08-22-2007 GATHERINE TURNRGE WESTLAKE 001209 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 MISC SUPPUES 192.23 001345 08-22-2007 UNUM PROVIDENT EDL UNUM tIFE 001210 0580605 199-00-2153.00-010-700000 UNUM LIFE 91.00 00'1346 08-24-2007 USAA-IMCO USAA DEDCH 199-00-2159.00-032-700000 AUG DED TAX SHEL.ANNt 500:00 001347 08-24-2007 BIG IMAGE GRAPHICS WESTLAKE 001211 12699 199-51-6319.00-001-799000 SIGNAGE 1,498.83 001348 08-24-2007 BARBARA BRIZUELA WESTLAKE 001212 REIMB 199-11-6321.00-001-711000 SPANISH BOOKS 300.00 CHIEF ADt�001212 REIMB 199-41�399.00-701-799000 POSTAGE 14.50 Totals for Check 001348 314.50 Q01349 08-24-2007 BRYSTONE CHILDREN':WESTLAKE 001213 4220-1 199-12-6329.00-001-799000 BOOKS 402.48 001350 OS-24-2007 BSN SPORTS WESTLAKE 001214 92388660 199-51-6319.00-001-799000 SUPPLIES 151.68 001351 0$-24-2007 TIFFANY DEVIVO WESTLAKE 001215 RE�MB 199-13-5411.00-D01-799000 TRAVEL 41.5i 001352 08-24-2007FEDEX CHIEFADh001216 2931-9106-9 199-41-6499.00-701-799000 SHIPPING 62.59 001353 08-24-2007 FELDMAN AND ROGER:CHIEF ADt�001217 17339 199-41-6211.00-701-799000 SERVICES 200.00 001354 08-24-2007 GAIL dAMES WESTLAKE 001218 REIMB 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 732.07 OD1219 REIMB 199-13-6411.00-D01-799000 TRAVE� 35.00 Totals for Check 001354 767.07 001355 08-24-2007 JANE LAMON WESTLAKE 001220 REIMB 199-33-6399.00-001-799000 SUPPLIES_ g,gg 001220 REIMB 199-33-6399.00-001-799000 SUPPLIES 86.12 Totals for Check 001355 96.10 ,,.... 001356 D8-24-2007 NASCO WESTLAKE 001221 954300 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 404.07 001357 08-24-2007 OFFICE DEPOT WESTLAKE 001222 396515225 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 142.53 001222 397381927 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 SUPPLIES 172.16 CHIEF ADM 001222 396870332 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 SUPPLIES 341.10 Date Run: 09-05-2007 12:33 PM Check Payments Program: FIN1300 Cnty Dist: 220-810 WEST�AKE ACADEMY Page: 3 of 3 From 08-21-2007 To 49-05-2067 File ID:7 For the Month of August Check Check PO Invoice Nbr Date Payee Org__Nbr Nbr Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Urg-Pr� Reason Amount 001357 08-24-2007 OFFICE DEPOT CHIEF ADti 001222 397381927 199-41-6399.00-701-799000 SUPPUES 57,3g Totals for Check 001357 713.17 001358 08-24-2007 UNUM PROVIDENT EDI.LIFE INS#i 001224 JUNE 199-00-2153.00-011-700000 PREMIUMS 239.23 001224 JU�Y 199-00-2153.00-011-700000 PREMIUMS 239.23 Totals for Check 001358 478.46 001359 OS-24-2007 VIRCO WC WESTLAKE 001223 91129781 199-11-6398.00-001-71 1 000 DESKS 5,248.32 001360 Q8-29-2007 AMAZON.COM WESTLAKE 001225 1036305562553E 199-12-6329.00-001-799000 READING MATERIALS 8.94 001361 08-29-2007 BRYSTONE CH►LDREN':WESTLAKE 001226 WLA7-104 199-11-6321.00-001-71 1 0 00 TEXTBOOKS 402.48 001362,08-29-2007 DENTAL SELECT DENTAL SE 001227.740700000 199-00-2153.00-021-700000 DENTAL Pla4N 360.18 001363 OS-29-2007 ETA CUISENAIRE WESTLAKE 001228 WLA7111 199-11-6399.00-001-711000 BOOKS 6.50 001364 08-29-2007 FOLLEI?LIBRARY RES WESTLRKE 001229 757280E-6 199-12-6329.00-001-799000 READING MATERIALS 1,385.19 001229 757281F-4 199-12-6329.00.001-799000 READING fvIATERiALS 828.47 Totais for Check 00136A 2,213.66 001365 08-28-2007 MIKE LESURF WESTLRKE 001230 199-13-6411.00-001-799000 CONFERENCE 272.43 CHIEF ADt�001230 199-41-6219.00-701-799000 VISA PHOTOS AND APP FE 612.59 001230 199-41-6499.00-701-7990D0 FLIGHT 347,2g Totals for Check 001365 1,232.31 001366 08-29-2007 OXFORD UNIVERSITY F WESTLAKE 001233 15104950 199-92-6329.00-001-799000 READING MATERIALS 45.12 001367 08-29-2007 RIVAIBOOKS.COM WESTLAKE 001231 199-12-6329.00-001-799000 READING MATERIALS 6.46 001368 OS-29-2007 THOMSON GALE WESTLAKE 001232 161263 199-12-6329.00-001-799000 READING MATERIALS 729.72 Total Checks 78,499.17 End of Report Date Run:09-05-2001 12:33 PM Check Payments Fund Summary Program: FIN1300 Cnty�ist:220-810 WESTLAKE AGADEMY Page: 1 of 1 From 08-21-2007 To 09-05-2007 File ID:7 For the Month of August Check Check _Nbr_ Date! Payee Organization Fnd-Fnc-Obj.So-Org-Prg Reason Amount Totais for Fund 189/7 73,481.24 Totals for Fund 428/7 5,017.93 Totals Far Checks 78,499.17 Estimated Number Of Unpaid Checks 7o Print: 0 End of Report