HomeMy WebLinkAboutTheme Heading and Affinity Grouping Theme Heading and Affinity Grouping ffth � tersaile-rrieetsthe reef d' fret1+`is gofi ,reties;ec.) H'10,qquality of Preser ra i ri#N tural Beauty lsla d irrt ty Aesthetfc-,AppeaF Pastorl s icaant[3er ty; LO "Plopulatian nr lovatlaw • lrr�Paet aCritity o life .. . ....fat't'it Fri'6rt ty o t Wel 1ita lrt rm d t zeA �r�se��iIF m unity ► arm Ceiri rrturr� r .ihf& ed eside its,siri i tctwm c iaf Easy access tct airport city Main tain small,tbv",r�feel a retreat`fi shay-t -day Open ue�i spices&tails 1rar l'bea y � ai tifUoasis ease of rl ce tl nctiva ti iBt bdrtit s,arc hit ctu l Vibii t cer ior4te,arppgses.", : i�;h Quali#y Planning t1lbeve fcr rrrient Planned respcansillvelcprrrerrt :. +� Tholi htfO approach to,deuel o i rrterit iBn deepixint�startcards Ehtiemritsonirrg; - +r Ccrplte thernstelrair prr�cess Iron aesthetic stara arcis . iiBh desirability=&l grad vales. fligh quality Iivailify „ . ihtualltyasthetic f usaljpearace of de�re#ctprhersf 1estiCeaterrmt • ty sehol virith accessible ad, ridistratdrs - € rr�Paty efueetiz . rnclirtg ttfJestlak Acaclerty Educational Leaders Academy staff turnover , Academic services=charter school Exemplary Service&Coverr►ance Limited pool for civic leadership Fiscal responsibility Transparent government Low property tax rate Effective coin rn an ication Stakeholders need different modes of communication ® Vulnerable to changes Exemplary governance(town€officials exhibit respect,stewardship..:} Leadership(Premier place to live,leadership, public education...) � . Integrity ; P Municipal services Professional accessible&reliable staff Highest level'Of,personaked services P High quality service', Service-excellence(public service that is responsive&professional:..). Accessibility Accessibility,to services&staff Staff(knowledge,;innovation), ,' Identified after affinity grouping s Continue recognition for budget preparations All boards&commissions will have no vacancies All citizens have ready access to important information relevant to important decisions Deliv'ery of town services will be widely recognized as exemplary., Town will continue to participati can BSC process&report on it regularly �' Comprehensive plan will:be current& maintained Tier I Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: Exemplary Service and Governance Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY BALANCILD SCORECARD INSTITLIFE Sjolegy ManagemenP Group Strategic Result: We set the standard by delivering unparalleled municipal and educational services at the lowest cost. Tier,I'Objective 'Description Intended Results Potential Performance', Potential Initiatives Measure(s) Project;Scope; Deliverables CSS CE demonstrates that they feel a part - Increased number of customer at Engagement of the community. CE is a catalyst for events better government. - Increased number of customers at board meetings - Increased number of customers willing to serve their community on various board and at various events - Increase vendor participation at community events. Improve Westlake hires and retains - Reduced low turnover Knowledge and experienced people with energy and - Employee regularly share or create Skills passion to serve our customers. We new processes to improve job provide professional development satisfaction opportunities to all employees to - Employees engage willingly in an strengthen knowledge, skills, and appropriate level and number of satisfaction in current position or development training future advancement Increase CSS CSS are happy with the level of - Demand for property is higher than Satisfaction service we provide, confident in their supply knowledge of the town and we will - Increased Westlake residents in WA continue to be recognized for our - Increased waiting list for secondary excellence. boundary - Decreased complaints; and increased utilization of town services - Continue to be recognized by professional organizations 2010 Balanced Scorecard institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved. Tier I Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: Exemplary Service and Governance Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY BALANUD SCORECARD INSTITUTE Strategy Management Group Tier 1 Objective Description Intended Results Potential Performance Potential Initiatives Measure(s) Project;Scope; Deliverables Increased For the Town of Westlake - Decreased customer inquiries Accessibility of accessibility means: direct contact regarding records Government with a staff member, personalized - Improved customer and employee relationships, readily available knowledge of town services and information and services, and events transparency. - Increased web traffic Improve Improved facilities,technology, and - Reduced man-hours technology equipment will allow us to be more - Increased efficiency within all level facilities and efficient and effective. of the organization equipment - Increased accessibility for customers - Reduced helpdesk calls - Decreased maintenance cost - Increased automation Improve Service We will provide services in the most - Decreased waste Delivery innovative, timely and effective - Improved operational processes manner. - Services delivered on time and error free - Decreased redundancy Fiscal Town staff continually seeks to - Lowered cost of services Responsibility provide the highest quality of - Increased competitive bidding services with the lowest cost while - Maintained fiscal stability maintaining accountability. - Maximized government resources; @ 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved. Tier 1Organization: Town mfWestlake BALANCED SCOKEC'AKD Theme: High Quality Planning, Design, & Developnnent OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY INSTITUTE Date: July 29~30' 2O13 s1,men'Muonooman!0mvv Strategic Result: We are a desirable, well planned, high-quality community that is distinguished by exemplary design standards. The Town will strive to recruit high quality-employees. Employees that - Improved the Recruit and believe in the Town's phi|osophies, retention rate. Retain the highest quality - Employees are workforce empowered tobe | | decision makers. Increase staff To educate staff to the Town's awareness and ordinances, standards, and design - All town staff can impart understanding quality; increasing the knowledge and general information to of development awareness. citizens orstakeholders regarding development quality,and in Westlake. 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved. Tier 1 Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: High Quality Planning, Design, & Development Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY BALANCIED SCORECARD INSTITUTE Strategy Management Group Tier 1 Objective Description Intended Results Potential Performance Measure(s) Potential Initiatives Continually assess operational processes - More standardized to provide maximum efficiency and processes ensure the highest level of stewardship is - Reduced redundant or exercised with public resources. Improve unnecessary processes. communication to stakeholders. Provide - Stakeholders find the community with high quality service information with little through creative thinking and innovative direct contact with staff. tools. Create or amend ordinances to - CSS are receiving higher - Update comp plan Maximize assure that development will be well quality service through - Update zone efficiencies & planned, high quality, and of exemplary the employee's use of ordinance Quality through design. innovative ideas and - Update engineering innovation tools. standards - Reduce conflicts and - ambiguities within our policies and ordinances. - Better ability to address unique development issues. Increase the Employ methods for verifying that fees - Keep development costs Town's financial cover permitting and design review. Seek off of residents (through capacity opportunities to use new methods for increased taxes) /reserves and potential self-funding of developments - Increase ability to fund revenue and reduce costs. Increase total money and complete civic streams available for the accomplishment of projects. Town goals. Oc 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved. 2 Tier I Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: High Quality Planning, Design, & Development Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY BALANCED SCORECARD I N's-I,I T I'll T F slratqy M(111f1pFY)e11t Group Tier I Objective Description Intended Results Potential Performance Measure(s), Potential Initiatives Use available methods to describe - Improve citizen planning and zoning initiatives to the participation in Increase community. Personalize service directly development and zoning Communication to citizens regarding developments and efforts. & standards. Enhance the understanding of - Strengthen citizen Understanding our standards, expectations, and knowledge of design of Standards to Comprehensive Plan. standards and Community Comprehensive Plan initiatives. Retain current residents and businesses - increased resident and attract new ones. Maintain and retention protect the look and feel of Westlake. - Increase positive media Ensure all future development enhances exposure Westlake's attractiveness and - Maintain or increase desirability. property values Preserve - Improved survey results Desirability& - Continued interest level in Improve CSS living and studying in Satisfaction Westlake. Westlake is chosen for future residential and commercial development - Future development compliments existing development 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved, 3 Tier 1 Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: Natural Oasis Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY SHEET Strategic Result- Preserve and maintain a perfect blend of the community's natUral beauty. BALANCED SCORECARD INSTI-TU-TE Strategy Manageeteet Group Tier lObjective Description Inte'rided Results Potential'Performance Potential'initiatives Measure(s) Project;Scope;Deliverables Preserve and We have a unique quality of life that - Open spaces kept natural Maintain includes the natural beauty of the - Trails through the community Quality of Life community, high quality - Naturally landscaped developments residential/commercial - Tranquil atmosphere in a developments that provide a small metropolitan area town feel with personalized services to our Citizens, Students and Stakeholders. Enhance Tax A stable tax base that displays - Increased property valuations. Base increased value. - Increased sales tax revenue. Encourage Development and design that reflects - Developers first submissions for Development the community's priority to preserve review will meet the town's that Promotes its natural beauty. standard s relating to Westlake's environmental preservation Unique Sense of - Attract one-of-a-kind high end Place development projects. 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved. Tier 1 Organization: Town of Westlake Theme: Natural Oasis Date: July 29-30, 2013 OBJECTIVE COMMENTARY SHEET BALANCED SCORECARD INSTITUTE Strategy Mariagemen!Group Tier 1,04jqttive Description Intended Results Potential Performance Potential Initiatives Measure(s) Project; Deliverables Improve Involving the community to set and Increased Custorner, Student and Community's achieve common environmental Stakeholder participation in Environmental goals to solve development and environmental programs such as Stewardship environment differences by recycling, conservation, and Awareness increasing community cooperation, regeneration, and restoration. negotiation and teamwork. Everyone should speak, everyone should be appreciated and involved and everyone Should benefit. Support Systems in place that protect preserve and maintain the existing natural environment of Westlake. Increase Urban We need professional urban planning - increase in building permits issued. Planning skills to create sustainable - Increased water service Capacity developments that meet the applications. community's present needs while - Sense of Place (Distinctive preserving the environment and neighborhoods; that are family without compromising the future. friendly, architecturally vibrant This will create a perfect blend of corporate campuses, small town development and the community's feel, a retreat from the day-to-day. existing natural beauty, Increase Improve employee training and - Employees are better equipped to Employee involvement in community promote environmental awareness Education environmental issues. in the community. @ 2010 Balanced Scorecard Institute,a Strategy Management Group company.All rights reserved.