HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-00 TC packet materialTown of Westlake To: Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen From: Trent Petty, Town Manager Dan C. Boutwell, Town Planner Jeff Williams, Town Engineer Eddie Haas, Town Traffic Planner Subject: Regular Meeting of November 13, 2000 Date: November 10, 2000 Fall -MAI Rezoning of tracts 3-7.1, 3-7.2, 3-7.3, a portion of 3-7.4, and 3-7.5 of PD 3-7 Recommend approval of the staff written amendments to Ordinance No. 313, as referenced in the item above, according to the attached summary of Proposed Amendments and the zoning exhibit. Ordinance No. 313, also known as PD 3-7, is one of the Hillwood PDs that contains a significant quantity of residential land uses. These residential land uses account for approximately 675 dwelling units or approximately 1,917 persons. Representatives of Hillwood have expressed a desire to remove the majority of this residential land use and replace it with office uses commensurate with the office allowances currently reflected in PD 3-8. The applicant has appropriately requested this use by means of amending the existing PD 3-7 to reflect the newly requested office uses. This application and letter and map, as submitted are enclosed for your review. The size of the case prompted staff to begin contemplating and constructing a new Office zoning category called Office Campus. While this case is still an amended PD and not a straight -zoned Office Campus request, staff has applied the same standards that will be reflected in the Office Campus use in the staff version of the amended PD. The staff has reviewed the request and while staff supports the change from residential to office, staff has written an alternative amendment to the PD reflecting staff s desire to allow office on the tract but with several changes to the Hillwood submitted amendment. The applicant has been very helpful and cooperative in working through these differences 11/10/00 A summary of the proposed regulations is provided as follows: 1. The amended regulations require a zoning exhibit map that locates the land uses located on the PD tracts. This is a simple map that does not go into the detail of the concept and development plans. In fact it is important to note that this submittal sloes not constitute a concept plan. (Section 1.1) 2. The amended PD postpones the concept, development, and site plan to be provided prior to preliminary platting; but does not relieve the developer of the responsibility of providing those documents. (Section 1.213) 3. It establishes the exiting Town Open Space Plan as the criteria for which open space is developed. (Section 1.4) 4. Hillwood has proposed uses as provided in their submitted use table. Staff is in general agreement with the uses, however, we have provided a revised listing of preferred uses in the staff proposed amendment. Differences in the two listings are primarily in determining which uses should be accessory uses or permitted by specific use permit. (Section 1.3) 5. Confirms that the Thoroughfare plan will control the location and standards of thoroughfares located on the site. (Section 1.5) 6. The sizes of exterior wall signs have been restricted to 5% of the total exterior surface of the side on which they shall be located. 7. Where regulations are not specifically addressed in the ordinance, it is subject to the regulations contained in the Unified Development Code and other ordinances of the Town. In addition, the Hiliwood PDs had a Supplemental Regulations in Ord. 307 that will apply (Section 1.7) 8. The staff amended PD reflects FAR for "OC" land uses abutting residentially zoned areas is proposed as 0.25:1. For all other areas it is proposed to be 0.40:1 FAR. This should give us an average FAR less than 0.375, which is consistent with the Fidelity site. It also establishes the lower FAR of 0.25:1 at the top of the hill adjacent to existing residential property and the 0.40:1 FAR on the decreasing slope which does not abut residential property (Section 2.1) 9. The proposed amendment has a provision that restricts any structure from exceeding the 785MSL elevation. This is the height of a two story building on the highest point on the site. Adjacent structures in the 0.40:1 area may have additional stories but may not exceed the 785 MSL elevation. (Section 3.7) 10. The proposed amendment will limit building height to 2 stories for the 0.25:1 sites and 5 stories for the 0.40:1 site. (Section 2.2) 11/10/00 and may agree with the staff revisions; however, to be fair to the applicant, the original submitted revision by Hillwood has been included in your packet and is labeled as a DRAFT. In either case, the proposed amendment to PD 3-7 will retain approximately 25 acres of the total 226 acres for residential use. This amounts to only 1 I% of the previous residential area. Town Planner's Comments: The applicant is willing to eliminate the residential land uses in exchange for office use. The applicant has verbally agreed with the staff recommended office density reflected in the staff amendment. Issues of Increased FAR: The increased FAR lends itself well to the layout of the land in PD 3-7. The staff recommended version of the PD will permit a number of structures to be coordinated together such that landscaping and parking may be better utilized and that will reflect some of the same philosophy as displayed in Solana with taller structures being allowed and encouraged in the lower areas to cut down on footprint and thus increase open space and reduce tree mitigation requirements. On the other hand, FAR suggested by staff on the higher elevations are still limited in height so as not to lose the natural beauty of the elevations on buildings towering too high over the landscape. The applicant requested FAR was 0.45:1 over the entire site. The staff recommendation is for varying FAR based on topography. Physical Features of the Site: The site is generally higher (max of 750 msl) in the south and falls rapidly (approx. 640 msl) to the flood plain located along the northwestern reaches of the site. The site is not heavily treed, with the exception of the residential property located at its perimeters. These physical features work well with FAR that is held to a minimum adjacent to residential land uses and increase as they move away from residential land uses. It must be noted that it will be physically impossible for structures on this site to maintain the maximum 700 elevation that was established as a guideline for nonresidential structures in the comprehensive plan. Issues of Land Use Compatibility: The impact of placing office campus at this location will be minimum to the adjacent residential development, of which a significant amount is located in the City of Keller. This land use is the least intrusive non-residential use. Normally, the hours of operation of office uses are from 8 to 5 during the weekdays. After hour and weekend activity is greatly reduced with the office use, as compared with other types of nonresidential uses. In addition, the staff proposed amendment would permit only the lower FAR of 0.25:1 to be located adjacent to residential development. The staff suggests increasing FAR as it moves away from residential areas and down the hill. The applicant and staff have worked together to form new regulations for PD 3-7 which addresses the change from a residential product to an office product. The attached "Proposed Amendment" document contains the amended rules and regulations that are proposed to replace the existing regulations. 11/10/00 11. The Town's parking regulations, as provided in the UDC, were established as the standard for the "OC" land uses. The amendments have provisions that allow modifications, if the developer can provide studies that justified different size and parking space amounts. However, this must be reviewed by our traffic engineer and approved by the Board. (Section 2.4) 12. The staff proposed amendment would permit no lights above the parapet wall on the top floors of parking garages. All parking lot lights must be full shielded cut-off and limited to 250 watts. (Section 2.4C) 13. Hillwood proposed a lot size of 5 acres. The staff proposed amendment permits a minimum lot size of 10 acres. However, the staff proposed amendment also provides for a reduction in lot size upon approval of the Board. (Section 3.1) 14. Because of the character of office campus setting and the significant fall in topography, Hillwood has requested a reduction in the front, side and rear yard setbacks. They have requested a reduction of the front yard from 100 feet to 70 feet; and a reduction of the side yard from 75 feet to 45 feet. In addition, Hillwood has requested a reduction of the rear yard from 100 feet to 50 feet, when not adjacent to residential property. The rear setback is proposed to remain at 100 feet when adjacent to residential property. These setback reductions appear to be consistent with the office campus land use and have been incorporated into the staff proposed amendment. Town Engineer's Comments The zoning change from residential to office will increase the stormwater runoff. Generally, the higher the FAR the less runoff due to the reduction in impervious surface. The impervious area consists of the parking lot in addition to the building footprint. The applicant will continue to have to perform down stream drainage analysis to mitigate stormwater runoff increases. The Master Drainage Plan will need to be updated if this case is approved. 2. The Duct Bank Master Plan will need to be updated to address the change from residential to office. 3. The reduced Town population can result in lost revenue for water service and other possible service revenues. The water master plan will also need to be updated. Town Trafc and Transportation Consultant Comments 1. In order to support the proposed density of development while limiting the impact of traffic to other areas of the Town, the following changes to the Town Thoroughfare Plan are necessary. The case will prompt a complete review of the thoroughfare plan but the following elements stood out as areas to address. 11110100 Realign Street B to create a four -legged intersection with Street F. ® Increase the roadway sizing from four to six -lanes on Street F between Westlake Parkway and Dove Road. (The roadway sizing of Street B could remain at four lanes however, development adjacent to this segment of roadway would require deceleration lanes/turn bays). ® Downgrade the functional classification of Roanoke Road from Major Collector (four -lanes) to Local (two -lanes). Access by proposed development along the segment of roadway may require deceleration lanes/turn bays. Further investigation of traffic calming measures to mitigate impacts of site ingress/egress to residential areas to the south via Roanoke Road is necessary. 6. Increase the number of lanes on Dove Road (Minor Collector with two/three lanes) to four lanes only from Street F to a major entry drive serving the development(s) along Dove Road. Such entry point would need to be coordinated to minimize the number of access points on this segment of roadway. Further, investigation of traffic calming measures to mitigate impacts, of site ingress/egress via Dove Road through Town is necessary 2. Trip generation of existing and proposed land uses are depicted in the table below. Trip generation was calculated using information presented in Trip Generation, 6`l' Edition by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The land use codes utilized included Single Family Detached Housing (ITE 210), Office Park (ITE 750) and Research and Development (ITE 760). Trip Generation Summary — PD3-7 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Size Daily Trips In Out In Out SF Residential 675 du 6,006 120 361 384 216 Office 3,436,884 sf 30,760 3,567 893 542 3,244 Net Increase 24,754 3,447 532 158 3,028 Notes: du — dwelling unit; sf— square footage; a 60/40 split of office park and research & development office was assumed. 3. Trip Orientation refers to the direction from which traffic will be generated. Trip orientation of development site traffic was based on a cursory review of demographic information from the North Central Council of Governments for year 2020 and available access to the site. The following orientations were used in the traffic assignment process: • East (Grapevine, Dallas, etc) — 50% • East (Westlake/Southlake) — 2% ® North (Trophy Club) — 2% , • North (Flower Mound, Denton and areas to northwest) —13% 11/10/00 • South (Keller) — 2% • South (Fort Worth via 377) — 26% ® West (Fort Worth via IH35 and other areas to the west) — 5% 4. Analysis Results With a heavy burden of site traffic heading to the east, north and west via Street F, an increase in capacity will be necessary. A six -lane section between Dove and Westlake Pkway. should accommodate this demand. Additionally, the realignment of Street B with Street F to create a standard four - legged intersection will increase the carrying capacity of the Street F/Westlake Pkwy. Intersection and hence accommodate projected outbound traffic utilizing the eastbound entry ramp east of SH 170 to access areas to the east. Without this realignment, a heavy right turn (off Street F) to left turn movement (to SH 170 via) would create a bottleneck crippling the carrying capacity of eastbound traffic on Westlake Pkwy. During the PM peak periods. The roadway cross-section of Street B could remain at four lanes provided that turn bays are provided for properties adjacent to this segment of roadway. 5. The number of lanes on Dove Road (Minor Collector with two/three lanes) should be increase to four lanes only from Street F to a major entry drive location serving the development(s) along Dove Road. Such entry point would need to be coordinated to minimize the number of access points on this segment of roadway. Further, investigation of traffic calming measures to mitigate impacts of site ingress/egress via Dove Road through Town is necessary. 6. To minimize the impact of site cut -through traffic on Roanoke Road, its roadway functional classification should be downgraded from a Major Collector (four -lanes) to Local (two -lanes). Access by proposed development along this segment of roadway may require deceleration lanes/turn bays. Further evaluation of traffic calming measures to mitigate other potential impacts of site ingress/egress traffic should be investigated. 7. In light of this development proposal, a review of the Master Thoroughfare Plan will be undertaken to ensure that there are no other negative impacts to the Town roadway system. At the P&Z meeting held on Thursday, November 9, 2000, the recommendation was made as follows: Recommend approval of the Town's recommendation to the zoning change of approximately 210.4 acres located in PD 3-7 filed by Hillwood Development Corporation with the following amendments: 11/10/00 1. Sec. 1.3.C. Add `Beauty Salon/Barber Shop, Retail Clothing Store and Conferencing Center (10,000 sq. ft. or smaller)" to the accessory uses allowed. 2. Sec. 1.5 Amend to read "the size of wall signs may be 5% of the total side of the exterior of the structure. The combination of wall signs located on a side of an exterior wall shall not exceed the cumulative total of 150 square feet. In addition, in no case shall any individual exterior wall sign exceed 100 square feet for any structure having up to and including three floors; nor shall any individual exterior wall sign exceed 150 square feet for any structure having and including four stories or more." 3. Sec. 22.A. Add "Height shall be measured adjacent to the building at ground level of the finished grade." 11/10/00 AN ORDINANCE 1 OMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDIANCE OF ! OF .AMENDING APPROXIMATELY 210.4 ACRES AS ESTABLISHED IN ORDINANCE NO. 313 (PD NO. 3-7) TO PROOVDE FOR AN "OC" OFFICE CAMPUS USE; PROVIDING AN EXHIBIT BEING A ZONINGC ! REZONED; PROVIDING l' DESCRIPTION; PROVIDING FOR GENERAL REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR AREA REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; and WHEREAS, on November 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based upon the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas amended the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision regulations by adopting a Unified Development Code for the Town of Westlake (the "Town"); and WHEREAS, on September 14, 1998, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance 313 rezoning an approximate 392.3 Acre tract of land to a Planned Development District known as "PD 3-7" and authorizing office, office/industrial, and retail uses; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has determined that an amendment to these codes and regulations are required in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Town and to comply with the development goals for low density residential development; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake has recommended that the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Unified Development Code be revised in accordance with the procedures and processes established in that code for the Town; and Page 1 of 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,TEXAS: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and found to be true and correct. SECTION l: General Regulations: The general regulations and requirements of the PD 3-7, as amended, "OC" Office Campus uses shall be established as follows: 1.1 Zoning Exhibit A Any amendment of PD 3-7 for the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be accompanied by a zoning exhibit map drawn to scale that clearly indicates the location of the requested zoning, the land uses planned for the land use, the floor area ration for the site, the name of the applicant, the name of the owner, the date of preparation of the zoning exhibit, north arrow and scale, and any general notes deemed appropriate. E. The zoning exhibit map shall be a part of the zoning amendment and shall be filled with the adopting ordinance. lag Concept Plan, Development Plan, and Site flans A. This amendment shall not relieve the developer of submitting and providing concept plans, development plans, and site pians as required by the Uniform Development Code. B. The concept plan and the traffic impact analysis, as required by the Unified Development Code, shall not be required at the time of zoning approval but shall be required to be provided at the time of site plan approval. A. Upon the effective date of this amendment, the uses of the buildings, structures and land within the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be in accordance with the uses allowed in the "O" Office land use as provided in Section 1 of Article 4 of the Unified Development Code. E. In addition to the uses allowed in Section 1 of Article 4 of the Unified Development Code, the following uses shall be allowed; as verti-stop b. Electric, Cable, and Fiber Optic Switching Station Page 2 of 8 C. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (below grade) d. Water, Sewer, Electric, and Gas meters e. Electric Transformers f. Private Streets/Alleys/Drives g. Child Daycare (Public, 7 or more) h. Community Center (Public) i. Golf Clubhouse (Public or Private) j. Health/Spa Facilities (Private) C. In addition to the uses allowed as accessory uses in Section 1 of Article 4 of the Unified Development Code, the following accessory uses shall be allowed: a. Child Daycare (Private, 7 or more) b. Shoe Repair C. Parking Structure d. Custom Business Services e. Recreation Center (Private) f Beauty Salon / Barber Shop g. Retail clothing store h. Conferencing Center (10,000 sq. ft. or smaller) D. In addition to the uses allowed by specific use permit in Section 1 of Article 4 of the Unified Development Code, the following specific uses shall be allowed: a. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (above grade) b. Water Storage Tank and Pumping System (elevated or above grade) C. Cafeteria (Private) d. Job Printing, Lithography, Printing, or Blueprinting e. Medical Laboratory f R&D Laboratory g. Private Club h. Athletic Fields i. Athletic Courts (Private or Public) E. The individual retail or service uses located as accessory uses shall not exceed a total of 3,000 square feet. Page 3 of 8 F. Temporary Construction Office or temporary construction material storage shall be limited to the period of construction. G. Future revisions of allowed uses of the "OC" Office Campus, after the effective date of this amendment, shall not be identical to the "O" Office land use but shall be unique to the "OC" Office Campus land use as listed in the Land Use Schedule contained in the Unified Development Code. A. Open Spaces, trail systems, and public recreational uses shall be subject to the Open Space plan of the Town of Westlake. Compliance with requirements of the Open Space plan shall be shown on the required concept plan, development plan, or site plan as required by Section 2.2 of this ordinance. E. Specific Open Space designation may be provided for Public Golf Space as designated on the Zoning Exhibit Map. Land containing the Public Golf Space designation may be used for open space designated uses or may be developed as a commercial golf course to be used by the public. ago -m - Unless otherwise provided in this ordinance the sign regulations as contained in the Supplemental Standards shall apply to this ordinance, with the exception of wall signs placed on the exterior of buildings. The size of wall signs may be 5% of the total side of the exterior of the structure. The combination of wall signs located on a side of an exterior wall shall not exceed the cumulative total of 150 square feet. In addition, in no case shall any individual exterior wall sign exceed 100 square feet for any structure having up to and including three floors; nor shall any individual exterior wall sign exceed 150 square feet for any structure having and including four stories or more. 1.6 Thoroughfares Thoroughfares located adjacent to or within the area of a "OC" Office Campus land use shall be subject to the Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Westlake. Off-mmum. t, - � A. Except to the extent as provided by this amendment, the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be subject to all regulations provided in the Uniform Development Code and other Town ordinances as amended. Page 4 of 8 B. Unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, regulations as provided in Ordinance No. 307 Supplemental Regulations to the PDs shall apply. SECTION 2: Development Standards: Land zoned as " OC" Office Campus land use shall be subject to the following development standards: tc, A. The maximum floor area ratio for structures located in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 0.25:1 for all sites abutting a residentially zoned property located within the corporate limits of Westlake or adjoining municipality. B. The maximum floor area ratio for structures located in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 0.40:1 for all sites not abutting a residentially zoned property located within the corporate limits of Westlake or adjoining municipality A. The maximum building height for all sites having a 0.25:1 floor area ratio shall be two stories or 35 feet, whichever is less. Height shall be measured adjacent to the building at ground level of the finished grade. B. The maximum building height for all sites having a 0.40:1 floor area ratio shall be five stories or 75 feet, whichever is less. C. The height limits imposed in this Section 2.2 — Building Height shall not apply to: a. chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas, entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intended for occupancy or storage; b. flag poles and similar devices; or c. heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar equipment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and devices are screened from view with a solid wall that is architecturally consistent with the design of the building to which they are attached. Page 5 of 8 A. The minimum building size shall be 3,000 square feet. A. The minimum parking requirements for uses located within the "OC" Office Campus land use shall conform to the requirements provided in Article 6 — Parking and Loading Standards of the Unified Development Code. B. Relief from the parking requirements contained in Article 6 — parking and Loading Standards of the Unified Development Code for developments that constitute a number of structures and include shared parking or scheduled parking, shall be permitted upon approval of a parking study that justifies any departure from the regulations of Article 6. Said parking study must be reviewed by the Town Traffic engineer and approved by the Town Board upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. C. No parking top floor of a parking structure, or floor that is open to the sky, shall have area lighting that extends above the parapet wall of the top floor. All parking lot lighting shall have full shielded cut-off of light and shall not have more than a 250 -watt light source. SECTION 3: Area Requirement: Land zoned as "OC" Office Campus land use shall be subject to the following area requirements: kNEN" II Iry "If WIM11M The minimum lot size for lots in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 10 Acres, with the exception of any area used for public use. However, the lot size may be reduced by special exception of the Board upon demonstration that said reduction in lot size is consistent with the character and goal for development of office campus land uses. 3.2 Minimum Lot Width The minimum lot width for lots in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall 150 feet measured at the minimum front yard setback distance for the "OC" Office Campus land use, with the exception of any area used for public use. 3.3 Front Yard Setback Page 6 of 8 The minimum front yard setback for lots in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 70 feet. The minimum rear yard setback for lots in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 50 feet; and shall be 100 feet when adjacent to residentially zoned land. The minimum side yard setback for lots in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall be 45 feet, with the exception of any area used for public use. A. No structure located in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 2:1 from any public right-of-way or roadway easement. B. No structure located in the "OC" Office Campus land use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 5:1 from any abutting residential property line. C. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line, the maximum height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade. 3.7 Scenic View Protection no structure may extend beyond the elevation of 785 MSL. In addition, the Board may require additional sight line illustrations and/or cross-sections through sites having maximum FAR requirements of 0.40:1. Additional restrictions on sites that threaten the view corridors along natural slopes may be applied by the Board. SECTION 4: Sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldermen hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulations of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the Page 7 of 8 provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($ 2,000) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the Board of Aldermen. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ON THIS 13THDAY OF NOVEMBER, 2000. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Clinger Crosswy, Town Secretary Trent O. Petty, Town Manager L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Page 8 of 8 0 CL 0 d 0 a o� � N 7 \ O !! N CO y cJ � \ J L @ UL i t I t O co In t t m `° ro 3 i I o R t I t � t 1 I C N @ N i i 6 C W N t t 1 i — E— n l r N J o � U 0 CL 0 d 0 a 10/23/00 11:02 8'735 2315 CARTER& BURGESS m 002/002 Legal Description Area 7 BEING a portion of that tract of land situated in the William lcuff Survey, Abstract Number 648, Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Hillwood/Wiliow Bend, Ltd., recorded under County Clerk's Number 93-80075228, of Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and also being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Lakeway Land, Ltd., recorded in Volume 12625, Page 504 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGIlYNING at the intersection of the approximate centerline of Roanoke Road (a called 50 foot right-of-way), and the south line of that tract of land conveyed to Charles G. SIocum and wife Linda C.Siocurn recorded in Volume 7165, Page 2322 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89030'52"E, 2601.10 feet; THENCE S 01 053'10" E, 336.79 feet; THENCE S 00038'10" E, 1903.05 feet', THENCE S 89049'45" W, 2672.92 feet; THENCE S 00'05'26" E, 929.99 feet; THENCE S 89'37'10" W, 1099.95 feel,- THENCE eet;THENCE N 00°36'00" W, 649.13 feet; THENCE with said non -tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 10°15'06", having a radius of 753.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 79°41'01 W, 134.55 feet, an are distance of 134.73 feet; THENCE S 84048'34" W, 57.6.69 feet; T14ENCE with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 08'43'30", having a radius of 2053.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 89'10'20" W, 312.33 feet, an arc distance of 3 I2.63 feet; THENCE N 86027'55" W, 773.04 feet; C&B Job No. 010671.010.4.0049 S#CTR (AAH) October 23, 2000 1:VOB\01067101\SUR\WP\LEG\67iVEX— '7.AAH gage 1 oft 10/23/00 11:02 $735 2518 CARTER& BURGESS U002/002 Legal Description Area 7 BEING a portion of that tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 648, Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion ofthat tract of land conveyed to Hillwood/Willow Bend, Ltd., recorded under County Clerk's IN umber 93-R0075228, of Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and also being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Lakeway Land, Ltd., recorded in Volume 12625, Page 504 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the approximate centerline of Roanoke Road (a called 50 foot right-of-way), and the south line of that tract of land conveyed to Charles G. Slocum and wife Linda C.Slocum recorded in Volume 7165, Page 2322 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89030'52"E, 2601.10 feet; THENCE S 01 053'10" E, 336.79 feet; TIEENCE S 00038'10" E, 1903.05 feet ; THENCE S 89°49'45" W, 2672.92 feet; THENCE S 0005'26" E, 929.99 feet; THENCE S 89'37'10" W, 1099.95 feet; THENCE N 0003600" W, 649.13 feet; THE NCE with said non -tangent cut-ve to the left, through a central angle of 10'l 5'06", having a radius of 753.00 feet, the Iong chord which bears S 79°41'01 W, 134.55 feet, an are distance of 134.73 feet; THENCE S 84048'34" W, 576.69 feet; TIIEN'CE with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 08`43'30". having a radius of 2053.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 89° 1070" W, 3 12.3 3 feet, an arc distance of 312.63 feet; THENCE N 86027'55" W, 773.04 feet; C&B Job No. 010671.010.4.0049 S#CTR (AAH) October 23, 2001 1:\TOB\01067101\SUR\WP\LEG\671VEX_7.A.AH Page I of -2 Town of Westlake To: Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen From: Trent Petty, Town Manager Dan C. Boutwell, Town Plann , ,,.Q.a :v Subject: Regular Meeting of November 13, 2000 Date: November 10, 2000 Staff recommends approval of the amendments to the Comprehensive Land use Plan replacing residential land use with office campus land use. The area of the proposed amendment is the area known as PD 3-7. It is one of the Hillwood PDs that contains a significant quantity of residential land uses. The residential land uses in PD 3-7account for approximately 675 dwelling units or approximately 1,917 persons. The existing comprehensive plan indicates residential development in this area that is significantly higher density than the one acre size that is preferred in Westlake. The proposed change does not include a 25 -acre parcel that has access to Knox road and is surrounded on three sides by the City of Keller. That parcel of land is planned to remain as residential use, as indicated by the comprehensive plan. However, under PD 3- •7 this 25 acres would hold approximately 50 dwellings with a population of around 142 persons. If the proposed office amendment is not approved, we will proceed with steps to reduce the residential land use to one -acre lots that will provide for approximately 17 dwelling units with a corresponding population of 49 persons. SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS An analysis of the PD 3-7 area has determined that a professional office campus setting would likely be more compatible than increased residential densities as currently planned. The impact of placing office campus land use at this location is consistent with planning principles. The office campus land use will have a minimum negative impact to the adjacent residential development. This land use is the least intrusive non-residential use. Normally, the hours of operation of office uses are from 8 to 5 during the weekdays. After hour and weekend activity is greatly reduced with the office use, as compared with other types of nonresidential uses. In addition, this proposed change in the plan encourages the lower FAR of 0.25:1 to be located adjacent to residential development. Intensity of office use may increase as it moves away from residential areas; serving as a transition of land use intensity from the residential uses in the interior of the Town to the more intense uses located along US 377 and SH 170. The site is generally higher (max of 750 msl) in the south and falls rapidly (approx. 640 msl) to the flood plain located along the northwestern reaches of the site. The site is not heavily treed, with the exception of the residential property located at its perimeters. These physical features work well with FARs that are held to a minimum adjacent to residential land uses and increase as they move away from residential land uses, which means that the lower story buildings will be developed adjacent to the residential areas and the higher story buildings (maximum of five stories) will be located away from residential property and lower on the hill. It must be noted that it will be physically impossible for structures on this site to maintain the maximum 700 elevation that was established as a guideline for nonresidential structures in the comprehensive plan. It is also important to note that a change of this scope to the Comprehensive Plan will require review and likely amendments to the Thoroughfare Plan, Water and Wastwater Plan, and Open Space Plan. APPLICATION FOR: ❑ Zoning Change ❑ Concept Plan Property Owner(s) Signature(s): PD ❑ Site Plan ❑ Special Exception ❑ Special Use Permit ® Variance Date: October. 9, 2000 REVISED October 23, 2000 AA,4,...,. N/A FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Case Number. ;Z-`�- t�f� Submittal Date: Fee: Received By: General Location: East and West of Roanoke Road South of SH 170 Property Owner(s) Signature(s): By: Hillwood Operating L.P...., general partner Legal Description: Lot Number: N/A Block Number: N/A partner Subdivision: N/A Proposed Use: Office Buildings Project Name: (Attach a current survey or a metes and bounds description.) Existing Zoning: PD 3-7 SF Residential Proposed Zoning: PD -Office 12,000 SF Lots / 15,000 SF Lots / 30,000 SF Lots 1210.4 Acres APPLICANT INFORMATION: Property Owner(s): AIL Investment, L.P. Address: City & State: Contact: L. Russell Laughlin 13600 Heritage Parkway, Suite 20OPhone: 817-224-6000 FAX: 817-224-6060 f Fort Worth, TX Zip Code: 76177 Email: russell. laughlin I Applicant: Same as Owner Address: City & State: SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) OR AUTHORIZED AGENT: Contact: Phone: Zip Code: FAX: Email @hillwood.com TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circle Suite 207 Westlake, Texas 76262 Phone: 817-430-0941 FAX: 817-430-1812 AIL Investment, L.P. Property Owner(s) Signature(s): By: Hillwood Operating L.P...., general partner Date: 10/23/00 By: Hillwood Development Corporatoin, general partner y: Print First and Last Name: L Russell Laughlin, ice President Signature: AIL By: Investment, L.P. Hillwood Operating, L.P., general partner 10/23/00 ether Applicant -Y. Rillwood D-vel-opTneiTt---6-0-cl7oLat'xon, gener1 By Print First and Last Name: L. Russell Lau hlin Vi President TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circle Suite 207 Westlake, Texas 76262 Phone: 817-430-0941 FAX: 817-430-1812 I H I LLWOOD L. Russell Laughlin �'.Ju - I -r PIC"Id"11i lili_L�i�x)D PROPFRIH S October 23, 2000 Mr. Trent O. Petty, Town Manager Town of Westlake 3 Village Circle, Suite 207 Westlake, TX 76262 Re: Application for the Proposed Rezoning of Tracts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a Portion of Tract 7-4, and Tract 7-5 Dear Trent - Attached please find the application for rezoning Tracts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of Tract 7-4, and Tract 7-5 of PD No. 3-7. Included you will find fifteen (15) copies of the following for your use: a) 24" X 36" full-size zoning amendment PD Concept Plans: Tracts 7-1 & 7-2, Circle T Ranch PD No. 3-7; b) Legal descriptions of Tracts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3), a portion of Tract 7-4, and Tract 7-5, containing approximately 22 10.4 acres; C) Draft PD ordinance for office sub -areas for Tracts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of Tract 7-4, and Tract 7-5; and d) An application fee in the amount of $28,845.00 for the approximately 210.4 acres. As we previously discussed, this rezoning request contemplates rezoning a portion of the existing Circle T Planning Area No. 7 — West Residential Planned Development Zoning District. Specifically, Tract 7-6 and a portion of Tract 7-4 will not be affected by this rezoning request and will remain subject to the Town of Westlake, Texas Ordinance No. 313. Trent, I trust the enclosed information meets the submittal requirements for this rezoning effort, and we look forward to meeting on Wednesday, November I, 2000 and beginning the review and process of this request with you and the Town's consultants. We are very excited about the opportunity to build a first-class office facility for Daimler -Chrysler in the Town of Westlake. 13hun /(critnwc Paikirui Slaw _'00 hwf Worlh. Phm< '_'d WIWI Mr. Trent O. Petty, Town Manager October 23, 2000 Page 2 Please let me know if you have any questions or comments concerning this package. Sincerely, L. Russell Laughlin LRL:msf uffl/5801rl/msf AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 313, PD NO. 3-7, FOR TRACT 7-1 (APPROXIMATELY 39.4 ACRES), TRACT 7-2 (APPROXIMATELY 23.0 ACRES) TRACT 7-3 (APPROXIMATELY 54.1 ACRE, S), A PORTION OF TRACT 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), AND TRACT 7-5 (APPROXIMATELY 15.5 ACRES) ; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on the 10' day of September, 1998, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance No. 313 rezoning an approximate 392.3 -acre tract of land to a Planned Development District known as "I'D 3-7 and authorizing office, office/industrial, and retail uses; and WHEREAS, AIL Investment, L.P., as owner of the approximate 392.3 -acre tract of land has submitted an application to amend PD 3-7 with respect to Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres); and WHEREAS, AIL Investment, L.P. requests that the portions of PD 3-7 which are not included in this PD Amendment, including the remaining portion of tract 7-4 (approximately 26.7 acres), Tract 7-6 (approximately 9.5 acres) and the open space located immediately adjacent to Tract 7-6, remain as currently zoned in accordance with PD 3-7, -7, Ordinance No. 3 ) 13, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission ("Commission") and the Board of Aldermen ("Board") of the Town of Westlake held public hearings upon the application of AIL Investments, L.P. to amend PD 3-7 with respect to Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres), after written notice of such hearing had been sent to owners of real property within 200 feet of the property and notice was published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town, all in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, the Commission has recommended to the Board that an amendment to PD 3-7 (with respect to Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) be approved; and WHEREAS, the Board believes that the interests of the Town, the present and future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers within the Town are best served by adopting this Ordinance, which the Board has determined to be consistent with the 1992 Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, and Open Space Plan, all as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Ordinance No. Page 2 SECTION 1: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, Ordinance No. 200, as amended by Ordinance No. 313, is hereby further amended by this Ordinance with respect to Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (including approximately 15.5 acres) located within Planned Development District PD 3-7, which tracts are more fully described in Exhibit attached hereto by reference for all purposes. SECTION 3: Upon the adoption of this Ordinance, the Town Secretary shall promptly enter a notation on the Town's Official Zoning Map that PD No. 3-7 is amended for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (including approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) and the Ordinance Number and date that this Ordinance was adopted by the Board. SECTION 4: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, on this day of 32000. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Trent Petty, Town Manager Ordinance No. Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stan Lowry, Town Attorney uffl/5771rl/nisf CIRCLE T PLANNING AREA 7 WEST OFFICE FOR TRACTS 7,1,7-2,7-3,.A PORTION OF TRACT 7-4, AND TRACT 7-5 ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTIONI SHORT TITLE ...................... .................................. ............ ..................................... I SECTION2 PURPOSES ............................ .................................................. ....... ..................... I SECTION3 GENERAL DEFINITIONS ............................................................................ ............ 1 Section3.1 Usage ................................................................................................................. I Section 3.2 Words and Terms Defined ...................................... ......................................... I SECTION4.PD SUPPLEMENT ......................................................................... ............... ........... 2 SECTION 5 APPLICABILITY OF EXISTING REGULATIONS .................................................3 Section 5.1 Applicable Town Ordinances ............................................................................ 3 Section 5.2 General Approval Criteria .................................................... 3 SECTION 6 CONCEPT PLAN, DEVELOPMENT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS ........................3 Section6.1 PD Concept Plan ............................................................................................... 3 Section 6.2 PD Development Plans ..................................................................................... 4 Section6.3 PD Site Plans .................................................................................................... 4 Section 6.4 PD "Informational" Plans ........... .......................... ........................................... 4 OffluffiffelffM 111M SECTIONI LAND USE SCHEDULE ............................... .......................... ........... .............. 6 1 SECTION 2 ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES ..............................................................9 ARTICLE 111. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTIONI DENSITY .................. ............. -- ...................... ........................ .............................. 10 Section1.1 Office ............................................................ ................................................. 10 SECTION2 MINIMUM LOT SIZE .................................... — .... ........................ ............ - ........... 10 Section2.1 Office .......................................................... ........... ...................................... 10 SECTION3 MINIMUM LOT WIDTH ............. ............ .............................................................. 10 Section3.1 Office ........ ........................... ........................................ ............................ 10 SECTION 4 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ............ - ...................... -- .... ............................. 10 Section4.1 Office ...................................................................................................... October 20, 2000 Table of Contents Page 1 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 Section 4.2 Exceptions to Height Requirements................................................................10 SECTION 5 MINIMUM BUILDING SIZE.. ........................ ................................................. 10 Section5.1 Office.....................................'.........................................................................1 1 SECTION6 FRONT YARD SETBACKS....................................................................................11 Section6.1 Office...................:..........................................................................................11 SECTION7 REAR YARD SETBACKS......................................................................................11 Section7.1 Office..............................................................................................................I 1 SECTION8 SIDE YARD SETBACKS........................................................................................11 Section8.1 Office..............................................................................................................11 SECTION 9 SLOPE REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................11 Section9.12 Roadway Slope.............................................................................................1 I AR'T'ICLE IV, EXHIBITS EXHIBIT I Legal Description of West Office PD District EXHIBIT 2 West Office PD Concept Plan — Including Planning Area, Land Uses, Open Space and Trail System, and Thoroughfares EXHIBIT ? Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 4 Circle T Ranch - Land Uses (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 5 Circle T Ranch - Open Space & Trail System (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 6 Circle T Ranch - Thoroughfares (for informational purposes only) October 20, 2000 Table of Contents Page n PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Circle T Planning Area No. 7 - West Office for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance", or simply as the "PD Ordinance". This PD Ordinance is adopted to provide for a superior design of lots or buildings; to provide for increased recreation and/or open space opportunities for public use; to provide rural amenities or features that would be of special benefit to the property users or community; to protect or preserve natural amenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodplains, slopes or hills and viewscapes; to protect or preserve existing historical buildings, structures, features or places; and to provide an appropriate balance between the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate supporting public facilities and services. Section 3.1 Usage For purposes of this PD Ordinance, certain numbers, abbreviations, terms, and words shall be used, interpreted and defined as set forth in this Section. Other terms and words are defined elsewhere in this PD Ordinance. Unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, words used in the present tense include the future tense, and words used in the plural include the singular. The word "shall" will be interpreted as mandatory, and the word "may" as permissive. Section 3.2 Words Definei Applicable Town Ordinances means the UDC and all other ordinances, rules, and regulations that are adopted by the Board and that are applicable to development within the PD District. Board means the Board of AIdermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas. Circle T Planning Area means any one of the planning areas into which the Circle T Ranch has been divided for purposes of establishing planned development zoning districts. Circle T Ranch means the approximately 2,525 -acre property commonly known as the Circle T Ranch and generally located in Tarrant and Denton Counties (i) east of U.S. 377, (ii) west of Precinct Line Road, and (iii) adjacent to and in the vicinity of the intersection of S.H. 114 and S.H. 170. October 20, 2000 Article [. General Provisions Page I PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.0 OM0360243REV 102000 Commission means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake, Texas Floor area ratio (FAR) means the ratio of floor area to lot area. Floor area means the total area of all floors of all buildings on a lot or unified development site measured between the outer perimeter walls of the buildings excluding (i) area in a building or in a separate structure (whether below- or above -grade) used for the parking of motor vehicles, (ii) courts or balconies open to the sky, and (iii) roof area used for recreation. Lot area means the gross site area excluding only (a) public roadways shown on the PD Concept Plan, (b) public hike, bike, and equestrian trails shown on the PD Concept Plan; and (c) the Town edge landscape zone. Mason means brick, stone, cast stone, concrete, glass block, split -face concrete masonry unit, or other masonry materials approved by the Board. PD Concept Plan means the drawing attached to this PD Ordinance and labeled "PD Concept Plan" PD District means the planned development zoning district established by this PD Ordinance. PD Ordinance means this planned development zoning district ordinance, including the PD Concept Plan. PD Supplement means that certain Circle T Planned Development Zoning District Supplement adopted by the Board concurrently with this PD Ordinance. Sub -area means any of the sub -areas shown on the "PD Concept Plan" which areas are color - coded to identify permitted land use categories. Town means the Town of Westlake, Texas. UDC means the Town's Unified Development Code, as amended. SECTION 4 PD SUPPLEMENT The Board has previously adopted the PD Supplement dated September 14, 1998 via (Ordinance No. 307). The PD Supplement includes additional standards that are applicable within this PD District. The PD Supplement establishes additional standards for the following: (i) concept, informational, development and site plans; (ii) signs; (iii) landscaping; (iv) roadway construction, parking and loading; (v) fencing; (vi) lighting; (vii) other special standards; and (viii) illustrations. Section 5.1 Applicable 'Town Ordinances Except to the extent provided by the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement, development within the PD October 20, 2000 Article I. General Provisions Page 2 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-I, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0350293RE4 102000 District shall be governed by the office sub -area, by the "O -Office Park" zoning district standards; and Except to the extent provided by the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance, and the PD Supplement, development within the PD District shall also be governed by the Applicable Town Ordinances. In the event of any conflict between (i) the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement and (ii) the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance and the PD Supplement shall control. Except as provided below, in the event of any conflict between the UDC and the Applicable Town Ordinances, the terms, provisions and intent of the UDC shall control. Section 5.2 General Approval Criteria To the extent, if any, that the Applicable Town Ordinances (and, in particular, the subdivision regulations of the UDC) grant to the Board, the Commission, the Town Planner, or any other Town employee or consultant, the authority to approve any aspect of development within the PD District (including, but not limited to, preliminary or final plats or any aspect thereof or any agreements or permits related thereto) based on conformity with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan or Thoroughfare Plan (or with the objectives, goals or policies of such plans), then such authority shall be exercised to the extent necessary to determine whether the aspect of development being approved is consistent with the PD Concept Plan, this PD Ordinance, the PD Supplement and the objectives, goals, and policies of such plan, ordinance and supplement. Section 6.1 PD Concept PIan The PD Concept Plan attached to this PD Ordinance consists of a drawing labeled A PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT AND PD CONCEPT PLAN FOR CIRCLE T RANCH PD 3-7 and includes the following information Planning Area Land Uses; Open Space & Trail System; and Thoroughfares. Except as otherwise provided by this PD Ordinance or the PD Supplement, this drawing is a part of this PD Ordinance, and all graphic depictions contained on such drawings are considered "regulatory" standards. The PD Concept Plan includes the following information PIanning Area-- identifies the general boundaries of the PD District for the "Circle T Planning Area No. 7 - West Office for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) ". The exact boundaries of the PD District are shown on the metes and bounds description attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Any information shown on this drawing that is outside the boundaries of the PD District is not considered part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD District. Land Uses- identifies the general categories of land uses that are permitted within the PD District. This drawing also includes an estimate of the size of such sub -areas. The drawing indicates the applicable floor area ratios and an estimate of total floor area. The October 20, 2000 Article 1. General Provisions Page 3 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE= 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 A T estimates of total floor area, however, are provided for informational purposes only and are not "regulatory" standards, and to the extent, if any, that the actual total floor areas differ from the estimates, such differences shall not require an amendment to the PD Concept Plan. This drawing also identifies open space areas; however, such open space areas are more specifically discussed in the "Open Space and Trail System" section below. Any information shown on this drawing that is outside the boundaries of the PD District is not considered part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD District. To the extent, if any, that the drawing illustrates the detailed layout of golf course features (such as tee boxes, fairways, and greens) or detailed building "footprints", such detailed illustrations are not considered part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance and do not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD District. Open Space & Trail System- - identifies public open space, private open space, and public and private golf (together with an estimate of the size of such areas). This drawing also identifies the general location of public hike and bike trails and public equestrian trails (which locations are not to scale). Any information shown on this drawing that is outside the boundaries of the PD District is not considered part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance and does not bind or otherwise affect development within the PD District. Thoroughfares -identifies major thoroughfares proposed for both development alternatives within the PD District. Section 6.2 PD Development Plans Because of the level of detail contained in the PD Concept Plan, the Board (at the time this PD District was established) waived the requirement for development plans. Based on such, development plans shall not be required within this PD District. Section 6.3 PD Site PIans PD site plans are required, for development within the PD District. Article I, Section 3.4, of the PD Supplement governs the process by which PD site plans are submitted and approved (including, but not limited to, the submittal requirements, approval criteria, and conditions). Section 6.4 PD "Informational" Plans There are also attached to this PD Ordinance for informational purposes only: (1) a drawing Iabeled "Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas" which illustrates the general boundaries of all Circle T Planning Areas; (2) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - Land Uses" which illustrates the general land use categories for all Circle T Planning Areas; (3) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - Open Space & Trail System" which illustrates the open space and trail system for all Circle T Planning Areas; and (4) a drawing labeled "Circle T Ranch - Thoroughfares" which illustrates the thoroughfares for all Circle T Planning Areas. These "informational" drawings are not part of the PD Concept Plan or this PD Ordinance, and nothing contained on any of these drawings shall bind or otherwise affect the development of this PD District. October 20, 2000 Article 1. General Provisions Page 4 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 ARTICLE II. USES Buildings, structures, and land within the areas identified on the PD Concept Plan shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the following "Land Use Schedule". The symbol "X" shall mean that the use is permitted as a principal use by right. Thersymbol "S" shall mean that the principal use is permitted only after first obtaining a "Specific Use Permit" as set forth in the UDC. The symbol "A" shall mean that this use is specifically permitted as an accessory use to a main use (this does not exclude other land uses which are generally considered accessory to the primary use). A blank square shall mean that the use is not allowed as a principal use. CIRCLE T PLANNING AREA 7 WEST OFFICE FOR LAND USE SCHEDULE PERMITTED USES X=Permitted, A=Accessory Use, S=SUP AGRICULTURAL USES SUB -AREAS Office Off/Tech Public Use Orchard X X X Plant Nursery (Growing) X X X Plant Nursery (Retail Sates) X X X Farms General (Crops) X X X Farms General (Livestock, Ranch) X X X Veterinarian (Indoor Kennels) X Veterinarian (Outdoor Kennels) Stables (Private Use) S Stables (As a Business) S INSTITUTIONAL and GOVERNMENTAL USES Post Office (Governmental) X Mailing Service (Private) X Heliport 1-ielistop. VCr11-stop X Telephone, 1`.hcuii. C'ahlc. and I ih,:r t?ptic Switching Station x X Electrical Substation S S Utility Distribution Lines -X X Utility Shop and Storage S S \1 iter and Sewage Pumping Station (h nr _rade) X X %Fater and Sctt-a<,e- Pumping Manion tahm erade) X S October 20, 2000 Article It. Uses Page 5 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 PERMITTED USES X=Permitted. A=Accessory Use, S=SUP Water Storage Tank and PtimpmL, S\ acm (Elevated or Above Grade) SUB -AREAS otY.- onn ceh Public Use X S vater_ le c r i icoric. and ( is Meth X X Filcctlic ir<nis(brntcrs X X I'm ate Strect,•AllosDmcs X X X Retirement Home X Nursing/Convalescent Home X Hospice X X Hospital X X Psychiatric Hospital X X Clinic X X Child Daycare (Public_ 7 or more) X X Child Daycare (Private, 7 or more) A School, K-12 (Public or Private) S S School (Vocational) X X College or University X X Community Center (Public) X X Civic Club X X Church or Place of Worship X X Use Associated to a Religious Inst. X X Government Building X X X Police Station X X X Fire Station X X X Library X X X Data Center COMMERCIAL USES Multifamily (Apartments) Offices (General) X X Studio X X Banks and Financial Institutions X X Information Processing X X IiotclAtoiel X X Hotel/Motel with Conferencing Facility X X Laundry/Dry Cleaning (<3,000 S.F.) A Laundry/Dry Cleaning (Drop/Pick) A Shoe Repair A A Beauty Parlor/Barbershop A Clothing Store A Quick Copy/Duplicating Services X X Personal Services X X Restaurant, Cafe or Dining Facility A A October 20, 2000 Article [[. Uses Pate PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 PERMITTED USES X=Pennitted, A=Accessory Use. S=SUP Household Furniture/Appliances (incl Li itlltP, SailCs and Sc:rP ICCi SUB -AREAS omce ouncdr rubiic U, A ParkillL Stricture A A t:at teriaiPrlvatc) X lob Prinrilw. I.ithn_raph . Printim_'. cu l3lucprintinz X X Vehicle Display and Sales (in>ide i Medical Lahorator.v S R&1) Laboratory S Conference. Center X Live Theater X X Custom Business Services Tavern, Bar or Lounge Dance Halls Nightclubs A MUSEM ENT/RECREATION Golf Course (Public or Private) X X Park or Playground (Public or Private) X X Satellite Dish X X Non -Commercial Radio Tower S S Recreation Facility, Health Studio (Public) X X Country Club (Private Membership) X X Golt'Clubhouse (Public or Private) X X (`ouimulla ('enter(Private) Recreation Center (Private) X Bike. Bike, and Equestrian Trails (Public or Private) X X X 1 leahli spa Facilities (Private) X X Athletic Fields I Private) A Athletic Courts (Private) A Athletic Courts (Public 1 A WHOLESALE TRADE g Temporary Batching Plant S S temporary Contiiucticm t)I'fice X` X, Icmporary t:onsuucticn Materiak Siora�_'c X' X X I einpoi ar\-Sales Office S S (. IndIVIdUal retail occupants (,except groeery store and druLI :tore-) cannot exceed 25,000 square feet. October 20, 2000 Article II. Uses Page 7 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 v -. %" -1 R A UK i"� I '�Cwcr. electric. Cable- telephone. 11hel- optic:, and 01hC1- PLIMiC and 1,1-kJIC Lltllit` di'tvihulioll line. pero F Coll stru ctioll. Linlited it) Pct SECTION 2 ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES An accessory use or structure which is customarily incidental to the principal use or structure, and is located on the same lot or tract of land, shall be permitted as an accessory use without being separately listed as a permitted use. October 20, 2000 Article It. Uses Page 8 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293 REV 102000 r • Section -1.1 Office The maximum floor area ratio for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres)shall be 0.45:1. Section 2.1 Office The minimum lot size for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 aeres)shall be 100,000 square feet. Section 3.1 Office' The minimum lot width for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) shall be 175 feet. Section 4.1 Office Except as provided below, the maximum height for all structures within the office sub -areas shall be the lesser of three stories or 35 feet. Section 4.2 Exceptions to Height Requirements The height limits imposed above shall not apply to (a) chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas, entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intended for occupancy or storage; (b) flag poles and similar devices; of (c) heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar equipment, fixtures and devices provided such equipment, fixtures, and devices are screened from view with a solid wall that is architecturally consistent with the design of the building to which they are attached. •TM F91M J F13 WN LUA 0 Section 5.1 Office The minimum building size within the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) shall be 3,000 square feet. October 20, 2000 Article III. Development Standards Page 9 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 0075(0.00019:0360293 REV 102000 _.� Section 6.1 Office The minimum front yard for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres) shall be 50 feet. Section 7.1 Office The minimum rear yard for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres)shall be 50 feet. ITFIIMMM� Section 8.1 Office The minimum side yard for the office sub -areas for Tract 7-1 (approximately 39.4 acres), Tract 7-2 (approximately 23.0 acres), Tract 7-3 (approximately 54.1 acres), a portion of Tract 7-4 (approximately 78.4 acres), and Tract 7-5 (approximately 15.5 acres)shall be 45 feet. Section 9.1 Roadway Slope Except as provided below, non -single family structures shall not exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 2:1 (streets and other rights of way) from any right-of-way line of any roadway. If the grade of the ground rises or falls from the point of origin of the slope line, the maximum height shall increase or decrease by the difference in grade. October 20, 2000 Article Ill. Development Standards Page 10 PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510,00019:0360293 REV 102000 EXHIBIT 1 Legal Description of PD District EXHIBIT 2 PD Concept Plan — Including Planning Area, Land Uses, Open Space and Trail System, and Thoroughfares EXHIBIT 3 Circle T Ranch - Planning Areas (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 4 Circle T Ranch - Land Uses (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 5 Circle T Ranch - Open Space & Trail System (for informational purposes only) EXHIBIT 6 Circle T Ranch - Thoroughfares (for informational purposes only) October 20, 2000 Article IV. Exhibits PA 7 - West Office — PD 3-7 Page I i PA 7 - West Office - Tract 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, a portion of 7-4, and 7-5 ORDINANCE 007510.00019:0360293REV 102000 .10/23/00 11:02 $'735 2SL8 CARTER& BURGESS [a002/002 Legal Description Area 7 BEING a portion of that tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 648, Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Hilhvood/Willow Bend, Ltd., recorded under County Clerk's Number 93-R0075228, of Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and also being a portion of that tract of land conveycd to Lakeway Land, Ltd., recorded in Volume 12625, Page 504 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the approximate centerline of Roanoke Road (a called 50 foot right-of-way), and the south line of that tract of land conveyed to Charles G. Slocum and wife Linda C.Slocurn recorded in Volume 7165, Page 2322 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89030'52"E, 2601.10 feet; THENCE S 01 °53'10" E, 336.79 feet; THENCE S 00038'10" E, 1903.05 feet THENCE S 89-49'45" W, 2672.92 feet; THENCE S 00'05'26" E, 929.99 feet; THENCE S 89037'10" W, 1099.95 feet; THENCE N 0003600" W, 649.13 feet; TIFENC)E with said non -tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 10°15'06", having a radius of 753.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 79°41'01 W, 134.55 feet, an arc distance of 134.73 feet; THENCE S 84048'34" W, 576.69 feet; T1 iENCE with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 08'43'30". having a radius of 2053.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 89'10'20" W, 312.33 feet, an arc distance of 312.63 feet; THENCE N 86027'55" W, 773.04 feet; C&B Job No. 010671.010.4.0049 S#CTR (AAH) October 23, 2000 I:\JOB\01067101\S1JR\WP\LEG\671VEX_7.AA-H Page l of'2 16/23/00 11:02 IT735 2518 CARTER& BURGESS Z002/002 Legal Description Area 7 BEING a portion of that tract of land situated in the William Huff Survey, Abstract Number 648, Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion ofthat tract of land conveyed to 13illwood/Willow Bend, Ltd., recorded under County Clerk's Number 93-R0075228, of Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and also being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Lakeway Land, Ltd., recorded in Volume 12625, Page 504 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the approximate centerline of Roanoke Road (a called 50 foot right-of-way), and The south line of that tract of land conveyed to Charles G. Slocum and wife Linda C.Siocum recorded in Volume 7165, Page 2322 of Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 89030'52"E, 2601.10 feet; THENCE S 01 053'10" E, 336.79 feet; THENCE S 00°38'10" E, 1903.05 feet ; THENCE S 89049'45" W, 2672:92 feet; THENCE S 00°05'26" E, 929.99 feet; THENCE S 89037'10" W, 1099.95 feet; THENCE N 00036'00" W, 649.13 feet; TMENC1E with said non -tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 10°15'06", having a radius of 753.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 79"41'01 W, 134.55 feet, an arc distance of 134.73 feet; THENCE S 84"48'34" W, 576.69 feet; THENCE with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 08'43'30", having a radius of 2053.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 89'10'20" W, 312.33 feet, an arc distance of 312.63 feet; THENCE N 86027'55" W, 773.04 feet; C&B Job No. 010671.010.4.0049 S#CTR (AAH) October 23, 2000 J:\JOB\01067101\SUR\WP\LEG`,671VEX— 7.AAH Page 1 oft