HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 16-06 WA Ameding the Primary Assessment and Grade Reporting Policy WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 16-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDING AND ADOPTING THE `PRIMARY (K-G5) ASSESSMENT AND GRADE REPORTING POLICY' - NO. 6.09 WHEREAS, the policy was originally adopted on April 5, 2010, and amended by the Board of Trustees on October 3, 2011 with an effective date of October 3, 2011; and, WHEREAS, this amendment reflects the development of assessment and reporting guidelines by the International Baccalaureate Organization and staff work groups in order to allow greater transparency for assessment and reporting to parents; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION l: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That, the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy, hereby approves the `Primary (K-G5) Assessment and Grade Reporting Policy' for Westlake Academy attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A': SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 16-06 Page 1 of 6 Exhibit "A" TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 6.09: Date Board Adopted: April 5, 2010 Date Board Amended: May 9, 2016 Effective Date: May 9, 2016 Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy Name: Primary (K-G5) Assessment and Grade Reporting Policy Goal: Definition and Transparency in the Primary (K-G5) Student Assessment and Grading Policy Policy Description: The purpose of this assessment policy is to help all members of the school community understand and use educational assessment in a consistent and successful way. Our goal is to create a community that embraces assessment as a valuable and essential part of the learning cycle. 1) Our Purposes for Using Assessment a) For learners, assessment does the following: i) Promotes efficient learning by focusing the student's attention on what is important ii) Promotes understanding and life-long learning iii) Promotes self-evaluation and self-monitoring by the use of well-defined expectations and criteria iv) Motivates learning by communicating progress concerning what a student knows and is able to do v) Helps understand how school learning relates to present world and future goals. b) For teachers, assessment does the following: i) Provides formative and summative data about student learning ii) Provides diagnostic data to improve learning iii) Assists instructional planning by providing informed feedback WA Resolution 16-06 Page 3 of 6 iv) Helps to determine teaching effectiveness - what approaches and methods work v) Helps to determine whether the program is achieving desired goals (program accountability) vi) Is a tool for communicating to others c) For administrators, assessment does the following: i) Assists in determining the effectiveness of programs ii) Assists in determining school and grade-level learning goals iii) Assists in allocation of resources, including professional development iv) Monitors student achievement and supports student learning d) For parents, assessment does the following: i) Provides formative and summative data about student learning and attainment. ii) Provides information about the child's learning experience in school. iii) Provides information about future educational opportunities. iv) Helps provide information of the strengths and weaknesses of both the instructional program and the individual learner. In consideration of the need to establish relevant and comprehensive grade reporting and assessment policies for the PYP student body of Westlake Academy, the following ratings and descriptors will be utilized by the Staff to indicate academic performance, as well as effort in subject-based and unit of inquiry reports with regard to higher order thinking, critical concepts, content and skills on primary report cards. Hi her-Order Thinking Skills Command Terms Create design, construct Evaluate iustify, synthesize, appraise, comment Analyze deduce investigate, argue Apply measure resent calculatepredict Understand describe recognize, classify, explain, Remembering list identify, define recall label Lower-Order Thinking Skills PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTORS (Kindergarten-Grade 5 Meets with The learner evaluates and creates new and deeper Excellence understandings that are applied beyond grade level standards. 4 The learner consistently applies knowledge and skills to unfamiliar situations through independent investigation, uses higher-order thinking to demonstrate understandings through reflections, work samples, and discussions. The learner takes responsibility through student-initiated actions and strives to achieve his/her highest individual potential in all endeavors. WA Resolution 16-06 Page 4 of 6 Meets with The learner meets grade level standards by applying and Proficiency analyzing knowledge. The learner uses higher-order thinking 3 with knowledge and skills in familiar situations to communicate understanding through reflections, and work samples. Developing The learner is approaching the proficient level of Proficiency remembering and understanding. The learner can use 2 lower-order thinking (to demonstrate knowledge. Teacher support is sometimes needed to encourage self-directed learning. Grade level standards of knowledge and skills continue to develop with increasing independence. Require The learner is struggling to reach proficiency in relation to grade Support to level standards. Teacher support is regularly given for the Meet student to engage in lower-order thinking. The teacher must Proficiency guide learning and skill development because the learner has 1 not reached an independent level. Not This strand has not been formally assessed at this point in the Applicable school year. In- depth study in this area will be addressed next (N/A) semester. *See relevant command terms for Higher and Lower Order Thinking Skills in Student-Parent Handbook EFFORT DESCRIPTORS (Grade 3-5) Exceptional Effort 4 Motivated, active The learner consistently and confidently demonstrates a learner willingness to work hard and is driven by external (peer and parental expectations), as well as internal (interest and desire to achieve their highest individual potential) factors. Organized/Prepared The management of time is used effectively and appropriately to plan and carry out activities. The learner is reflective about sharing information with an audience and is always well prepared with materials and resources. Very Good Effort 3 Motivated, active The learner demonstrates willingness to work hard and learner appears driven by external (peer and parental expectations), as well as internal (interest and desire to do well to achieve theirpotential)factors. Organized/Prepared The management of time is not always used effectively and appropriately to plan and carry out activities. The learner shares information but not always with the audience in mind, and could be better prepared with materials and resources. WA Resolution 16-06 Page 5 of 6 Good Effort 2 Motivated, active The learner works to meet the minimum expectations and learner does not demonstrate the independence and drive. External motivation is needed on a regular basis to achieve more than is required. Organized and Support is needed in the management of time and to plan prepared and carry out activities. The learner needs support in organization of materials and resources. Im rovement Needed 1 Motivated, active The learner seldom demonstrates willingness to work learner hard to potential. External factors (peer and parental expectations) and teacher intervention tend to be the only source of motivation to accomplish work of a satisfactory or better standard. Organized and Time is not used effectively and appropriately to plan and prepared carry out activities. The learner shares information without care and does not see a purpose. The learner is always assisted in the preparation of materials and resources. Details for Bloom's Taxonomy and Command terms are expanded and explained in the PYP Student-Parent Handbook. Report Cards - Westlake Academy will send home two (2) primary report cards each year. The report cards will be sent home in December and May of each year. Parent-Student-Teacher-Meetings — Staff will conduct two (2) parent/student/teacher conferences per year for every primary student: a goal-setting conference during the first semester and a student-led conference during the second semester. This will allow parents/students to meet with teachers to discuss student progress, and, in the case of student-led conferences during the second semester, witness the demonstration of understanding firsthand. Parents or teachers may request additional conferences at any time during the school year to discuss student progress and concerns. In addition to the above meetings, parents and students will be invited to attend conferences at the beginning of October to discuss how their son or daughter has settled into their new class and their initial learning goals. Dates Amended: 10/03/11 WA Resolution 16-06 Page 6 of 6 9. The term of this agreement shall be one year, from September 1, 2016, to August 31, 2017, and 10. Participant or the ESC Region 11 BC may terminate Participant's participation in the ESC Region 11 BC for any reason by giving written notice to the ESC Region 11 BC Board of Record sixty(60) calendar days before the anniversary date of this agreement. SECTION l: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That, the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy hereby approves this resolution and agreement for Westlake Academy to participate in the ESC Region l l BC for the 2016-2017 school year. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution and agreement shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Participant authorizes its Superintendent to execute any and all documents and take whatever action necessary to carry out the desires of the Board of Trustees as stated herein. Resolution WA 16-07 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 91h DAY OF MAY, 2016. A i.. Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: KellylEdwarc , Board Secretary Thomas E. Brym , perinte dent APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janet .` Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, Scho Attorney WA Resolution 16-06 Page 2 of 6