HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-99 TC AgendaNotice of Board of Aldermen n, --ting TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Page 1 of 5 WE T E Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 26, 1999, in the Town Hall, 3 Village Circle, Suite 200, Solana, in the Town of Westlake, Texas. [Note Location Change. This is three doors north of the Town Hall front door.] The Board will open the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and recess into executive session. The Board will then reconvene into open session at 7:30 p.m. The Board will consider the following agenda: 1. Meeting called to order. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.071 to seek advice of counsel on legal matters involving pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or other legal matters not related directly to litigation or settlement. 1. Pending or contemplated litigation and settlement offers concerning the same includes but is not limited to the following items: a. Town of Westlake v. City of Southlake, Cause No. 17-169049-97 (Tarrant County District Court) b. City of Roanoke v. Town of Westlake, Cause No. 97-50250-367 (Denton County District Court) c. Applications of Town of Westlake and Take Turner Municipal. Utility Districts Nos. I and 2 for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, SOAH Docket Nos. 482-97-0134 and -0175 d. Litigation on settlement agreement in Hillwood Development Corp. v. Bradley, Cause No. 97-05260; Town of Westlake v. Hillwood, Cause No. 9$-00442-L; and/or on letter of intent agreement between Town of Westlake and Hillwood, approved by resolution No. 99-12. e. Litigation involving other cities concerning boundaries resulting from prior Westlake annexations or disannexations. 2. Other legal matters include but are not limited to the following: a. Pending or contemplated state legislation b. Open Meetings Act c. Open Records Act. http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/ba042699.htm 4/23/99 Notice of Board of Aldermen ni— ging Page 2 of 5 d. Procedures and powers related to governance of the Town B. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. C. Reconvene into open meeting at 7:30 p.m. 3. Consider and take action necessary with respect to any of the pending matters in Item #2 above. 4. Citizens' Presentations: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board will not take action on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. 5. Review and approve minutes of the regular meeting held on April 12, 1999. 6. Review and approve any bills paid or unpaid. 7. Consider and take action on a proposal to install GFS (Global Positioning System) monuments for the Town. Consider and take action on Ordinance No. 325 creating and establishing a municipal court; providing for a regular municipal judge, alternate judges, court clerk, and deputy clerks; providing for the filling of a vacancy in the office of municipal court judge and clerk; providing for the setting of court sessions; requiring the appearance of any person summoned or ordered to appear in the municipal court for violation of a state statute, town ordinance or other law or regulations; authorizing the municipal court clerk to file a complaint charging any person who fails to appear as summoned with the offense of failure to appear; establishing a non-refundable driving safety fee; establishing and imposing a warrant fee of $25.00 for the issuance and service of an arrest warrant when a defendant is not convicted of a Class C misdemeanor and a warrant fee of $35.00 for executing or processing an issued arrest warrant or capias when a defendant is convicted of a Class C misdemeanor; designating the funds into which such fees are to be paid; providing a savings clause; providing a severability clause; providing a penalty not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day or on which a violation occurs or continues; declaring an effective date. 9. Take action to authorize the preparation of an application for TEA -21 funds for improvements and enhancements to Dove Road. 10. Authorize joining the National Center for Small Communities (NCSC). (The NCSC is the only national non-profit research, technical assistance, and educational organization devoted exclusively to serving the needs of small communities.) 11. PUBLIC HEARING concerning a preliminary Phase I PD site plan for the Fidelity Investments project located at 2275 Precinct Line Road filed by HKS, Inc. http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/ba042699.htm 4/23/99 Notice of Board of Aldermen z,_ .,cing Page 3 of 5 12. Consider and take action on a preliminary Phase I PD site plan for the Fidelity Investments project located at 2275 Precinct Line Road filed by HKS; Inc. 13. PUBLIC HEARING concerning a preliminary plat, an application for a specific use permit to allow a gated community and a developers agreement filed by Warren Clark Development for the property located at 1650 W. Dove Road, approximately 2100 feet west of Sam. School Road, adjacent to Dove Road. 14. Consider and take action on a preliminary plat, an application for a specific use permit to allow a gated community and a developers agreement filed by Warren Clark Development for the property located at 1650 W. Dove Road, approximately 2100 feet west of Sana School Road, adjacent to Dove Road. 15. PUBLIC HEARINGS: on the following items: A. The applications of AIL Investment, L.P., the property owner, to establish public improvement districts on the following tracts of land as listed below, plus (i) a portion of the right-of-way for Dove Road from Precinct Line Road west to J.T. Ottinger Road, (ii) the right-of-way for the future extension of Dove Road west from J.T. Ottinger Road to the future unnamed collector road shown in Circle T Ranch PD's Nos. 6, 7 & 8 (which unnamed road will extend from the fixture Lake Turner Parkway south and west to existing U.S. Highway 377), (iii) the unnamed collector road shown in the Circle T Ranch PD's Nos. 6, 7 & 8 (which unnamed road will extend from the future Lake Turner Parkway south and west to existing U.S. Highway 377), (iv) the future extension of Roanoke Road from the southern property line of the Circle T Ranch to the future intersection with the unnamed collector road as shown in the Circle T Ranch PD's Nos. 6, 7 & 8, and (v) a portion of J.T. Ottinger Road beginning at its southern intersection with Dove Road and extending northward to its intersection with the future westward extension of Dove Road. An exhibit of the above roads is on file at the Westlake Town Hall. i. Circle T Public Improvement District No. I, an approximately 13)50 -acre tract of land in Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, and lying in the William Huff Survey, Abstract A-648, the Jesse Gibson Survey, Abstract A-593 and Abstract A-493, the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract A-393 and Abstract A-492, the M.E.P.& P.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract A-923, the J. Bacon Survey, Abstract A-1565 (Denton) and Abstract A-2026 (Tarrant), J. Sutton Survey, Abstract A-1454, the Charles Medlin Survey, Abstract A-823 and Abstract A-1084, and the G.B. Hendricks Survey, Abstract A-680. a. The general nature of the existing and proposed improvements to be established, acquired, constructed, installed, improved, maintained, repaired and replaced in the District include water, sewer, drainage, streets and roadways, sidewalks, parking, mass transportation, landscaping, lakes and water features, hike, bike and equestrian trails, pedestrian ways, public open space, parks, civic and any other improvements permitted by law. b. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements is $220,000,000. http:l/www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/ba042699.htm 4/23/99 Notice of Board of Aldermen 7 ting Page 4 of 5 c. The boundaries of the proposed district are reflected by the above referenced descriptions and is generally an area (i) south of S.H. 114 and S.H. 170, (ii) west of the Fidelity site, (iii) north of Dove Road, (iv) east of U.S. Highway 377, and (v) including the road right-of-way as described in A above. The map of the proposed boundaries may be viewed at the Westlake Town Hall. d. The proposed method of assessment is to annually charge an amount to each property owner within the district based on (i) assessed value of property, as determined, from time to time, by the durrent roll of the Tarrant County Appraisal District and the Denton County Appraisal District, (ii) the value of the property, as determined by the Board, with or without regard to improvements on the property, or (iii) such other method that is approved by the Applicant and the Board that imposes equal shares of the cost on property similarly benefited. c. The improvements are to be paid entirely by bonds issued and payable from assessments upon the property owners within the district or the guarantee(s) of the property owner(s). f. It is not anticipated that the Town of Westlake shall pay any of the normal costs of improvements within the district. ii. Circle T Public Improvement District No. 2, an approximately 200 -acre tract of land lying in Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, in the J. Gibson Survey, Abstract A-493, the M.E.P.& P.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract A-923, the J. Bacon Survey, Abstract A-1565, and the William Huff Survey, Abstract A-64$ (Tarrant) and Abstract A-519 (Denton). a. The general nature of the existing and proposed improvements to be established, acquired, constructed, installed, improved, maintained, repaired and replaced in the District include water, sewer, drainage, streets and roadways, sidewalks, parking, mass transportation, landscaping, lakes and water features, hike, bike and equestrian trails, pedestrian ways, public open space, parks, civic and any other improvements permitted by law. b. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements is $40,000,000. c. The boundaries of the proposed district are reflected by the above referenced surveys and is generally an area (i) north of S.H. 170, (ii) east of S.H. 377, and (iii) south of the northern Town boundary line of Westlake. The map of the proposed boundaries may be viewed at the Westlake Town Hall. d. The proposed method of assessment is to annually charge an amount to each property owner within the district based on (i) assessed value of property, as determined, from time to time, by the current roll of the Tarrant County Appraisal District and the Denton County Appraisal District, (ii) the value of the property, as determined by the Board, with or without regard to improvements on the property, or (iii) such other method that is approved by the Applicant and the Board that imposes equal shares of the cost on property similarly benefited. http://www.w-estlake-tx.org/agendas/ba042699.htm 4123199 Notice of Board of Aldermen n_. Ming Page 5 of 5 e. The improvements are to be paid entirely by bonds issued and payable from assessments upon the property owners within the district or the guarantee(s) of the property owner(s). f. It is not anticipated that the Town of Westlake shall pay any of the normal costs of improvements within the district. PUBLIC NOTICE: It is possible that the Applicant, AIL Investment, L.P. may request and the Town of Westlake may establish one (1) public improvement district instead of (2) public improvement districts as set out above and include within the one public improvement district, Circle T Public Improvement District No. 1, the land area presently set -out for the two public improvement districts. In the event that one public improvement district is established, it will be an approximately 1550 -acre tract of land including the road right-of-way as described in A. above, and the estimated cost of the proposed improvements will be the sum of the improvements presently listed under the two public improvement districts. 16. Consider and take action on the applications of AIL Investment, L.P., the property owner, to establish public improvement districts on the tracts of land as described above. 17. Other business: Discussion by the Board of Aldermen of items of importance and concern not listed on the agenda. No action or vote will be taken on any of these items. 18. Adjournment. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front door of the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, Suite 207, Westlake, Texas, on Friday, April 23, 1999 at 5:00 p.m., under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. --- _—_ Crosswy, Town S e a http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendasfba042699.htm 4123199