HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpring 2016 MYP IB Evaluation ReportReport on the school evaluation Name of head of school Michelle Bryson Name of school Westlake Academy IB school code 2525 Date 10-03-2016 IB programme MYP MYP years offered at the school Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Dear head of school Thank you for completing the self-study process for programme evaluation. The aim of programme evaluation is for the IB to ensure on a regular basis that the standards and practices of the programme are being maintained. The IB is aware that for each school the implementation of an IB programme is a journey, and that the school will meet these standards and practices to varying degrees along the way. However, it is expected that the school makes a commitment towards meeting all the standards, practices and programme requirements. The present report is based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire and supporting documents, together with the findings of the school visit. This report reflects on the self-study submitted by the school, including the process and the conclusions that the school reached. The report is structured according to the document titled Programme standards and practices. The report includes the following: • Feedback on the self-study process: Analysis of the self-study process carried out by the school. • Commendations, recommendations, matters to be addressed (MTBA): A list of those practices and programme requirements that resulted in commendations, recommendations or matters to be addressed, together with: o the commendation, recommendation or matter to be addressed o related finding(s) o indication of recommendations that are repeated from the previous report (whether from authorization or evaluation) o indication of whether the school has already included appropriate actions for the identified recommendations or matters to be addressed in their action plan o indication of the evidence to be provided by the school in case of matters to be addressed. • Conclusions: A table of conclusions for each standard. If there are matters to be addressed by the school within the standard, it will require significant attention. Outcome of the evaluation process of your school You will find the report related to your school in the pages that follow. Based on the findings included in the report, the IB has not identified any matters to be addressed. With regard to the recommendations mentioned in the report, the school is expected to incorporate these into their action plan for the new five- year cycle. The report notes that some of the recommendations have been repeated from a previous report. The school must follow up on these recommendations in the same way as any other recommendation. The repetition of recommendations in consecutive evaluation cycles or from authorization will be considered as an indication of the level of the school’s commitment to meeting all the programme standards and practices. We trust the information found in this report will support the school in its continued implementation and enhancement of the IB programme. Yours sincerely Director, Americas Process of the school's self-study Visiting Team Timeline: The self-study took place over at least 12 months. 12 Stakeholders involved: Those involved in the organization and implementation of the programme contributed to this process: members of the governing body, administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff, students and parents. Yes Gathering evidence: The self-study is evidence based, drawing on existing school documentation and reflecting actual practice in the school during the period under review. Yes Reflection in teams: Meetings were organized, allowing time for reflection, discussion and collation of evidence, if applicable. Yes The levels of implementation of practices: The school has provided descriptors for assessing the practices. Yes Section A: Philosophy Standard A The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy. Practice 2 The governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership and staff demonstrate understanding of IB philosophy. Findings of the team Conversations with the governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership team and staff show their understanding of the IB philosophy as expressed in the IB mission statement and IB learner profile. Commendations The communications strategy for the promotion of the MYP to the whole school community includes focused actions to reach the various school stakeholders. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice, p.81 Practice 3 The school community demonstrates an understanding of, and commitment to, the programme(s). Findings of the team Conversations with teachers and with the pedagogical leadership team demonstrate their understanding of the MYP and its implications for the school. Commendations All groups within the school community demonstrate wide understanding of, and commitment to, the MYP. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 3a The school ensures that all staff, students and parents understand the central importance of the personal project for students in year 5 of the programme (or community project for programmes that end in MYP year 3 or 4). (1) Findings of the team Discussions with members of the school community demonstrate their understanding of the personal project and its central importance. Commendations The school has promoted the personal project so that its central importance is evident to all groups in the school community. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 4 The school develops and promotes international-mindedness and all attributes of the IB learner profile across the school community. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers show they understand and promote international-mindedness and the development of the IB learner profile. Students have an understanding of the concept of international-mindedness and the attributes of the learner profile. Commendations International mindedness is embedded in the MYP unit planners. In addition, the school has planned and implemented a number of events to promote international-mindedness across the school community. These include an Annual International Mindedness Symposium for teachers, International Day, International Mother Language Day, a cultural dress day and World Cup week. In addition, the school hosts visitors from around the world (Ugandan children’s choir and Students Shoulder-to- Shoulder representatives). Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5 The school promotes responsible action within and beyond the school community. Findings of the team Students are able to describe or reflect on their service involvement activities. Commendations Students are able to enthusiastically describe service activities that are student-initiated. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard A The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy. School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • The school has taken into consideration the IB recommendations from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development Section B: Organization Standard B1: Leadership and structure The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). Practice 2 The school has developed a governance and leadership structure that supports the implementation of the programme(s). Findings of the team Conversations with the governing body, pedagogical leadership team, coordinator and staff reflect the support given to teachers in the implementation of the MYP. Commendations The governance and leadership structure supports all aspects of the implementation of the MYP. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice, pp. 65, 81 Practice 5b The school has developed and implements an inclusion special educational needs policy that is consistent with IB expectations and with the school’s admissions policy. Findings of the team The MYP coordinator is aware of the accommodations that the IB can offer to students with special educational needs. Commendations The school has developed an inclusive programme with policies and practices that effectively support students with special educational needs. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5d The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations. Findings of the team Conversations with students show that they are aware of the academic honesty policy and the consequences of not adhering to it. Commendations The school has updated the academic honesty policy to include the new requirements. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 6a The school’s organizational structures support the implementation of all subject groups offered by the school, approaches to learning, service and the personal project (or community project for programmes that end in MYP year 3 or 4). Findings of the team Conversations with teachers indicate that they are supported by the organizational structure in the implementation of their subject group, approaches to learning, service and the personal project. Commendations The school’s organizational structure demonstrates the priority given to the support for the implementation of the MYP. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard B1 The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • No recommendations were made from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development Section B: Organization Standard B2: Resources and support The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). Practice 1 The governing body allocates funding for the implementation and ongoing development of the programme(s). Findings of the team Conversations with governing body show understanding of, and support for, the financial requirements of the MYP. Commendations The governing body has allocated funding for the MYP above and beyond IB the requirements. Generous funding is provided for curriculum resources, technology and professional development. Support in IB Documentation Guide to school authorization: Middle Years Programme Rules for IB World Schools: Middle Years Programme Practice 2 The school provides qualified staff to implement the programme(s). Findings of the team The school succeeds in maintaining qualified staff and addressing any turnover issues. The school leadership actively seeks to hire and retain staff experienced with the MYP. Commendations The school provides numerous relevant opportunities for staff to gain the qualifications necessary to support them in implementing the MYP. Support in IB Documentation Rules for IB World Schools: Middle Years Programme Practice 5 The physical and virtual learning environments, facilities, resources and specialized equipment support the implementation of the programme(s). Findings of the team A visit to facilities and conversations with teachers, MYP coordinator and pedagogical leadership team confirm descriptions in the self-study. Commendations The school has allocated funding to facilities that enhance the implementation of the MYP at the school beyond the requirements for evaluation. A building program was completed in 2014 that includes a new secondary building, athletic facilities and a multi-purpose hall. Support in IB Documentation Guide to school authorization: Middle Years Programme (For specific information for subject groups, see the MYP subject-specific guides.) Practice 6 The library/multimedia/resources play a central role in the implementation of the programme(s). Findings of the team Conversations with teachers and students, show the library is not yet a hub of MYP learning. Recommendations The school should further develop library/multimedia/resources to ensure these have a central role in the implementation of the MYP. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Practice 12 The school allocates resources to implement the PYP exhibition, the MYP personal project (or community project for programmes that end in MYP year 3 or 4), the DP extended essay and the IBCC reflective project for all students, depending on the programme(s) offered.(2) Findings of the team Conversations with teachers show that they: ° are aware of the requirements of the personal project ° understand the process to supervise personal projects. Commendations The school has appointed a personal project coordinator who provides comprehensive support to staff and students. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard B2 The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • No recommendations were made from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development Section C: Curriculum Standard C1: Collaborative planning Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programme(s). Practice 3 Collaborative planning and reflection addresses vertical and horizontal articulation. Findings of the team There is inconsistent evidence that the vertical planning of the curriculum has been developed collaboratively. Recommendations The school should ensure that vertical articulation of the curriculum is developed collaboratively. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 4 Collaborative planning and reflection ensures that all teachers have an overview of students’ learning experiences. Findings of the team Some teachers can explain how they are able to have an overview of students’ learning experiences. Recommendations The school should ensure that allocated meeting time is used to provide all teachers an overview of students’ learning experiences. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5 Collaborative planning and reflection is based on agreed expectations for student learning. Findings of the team Some teachers describe agreed expectations of student learning and are able to explain how these are used in collaborative planning. Recommendations The school should develop agreed expectations of student learning as a basis for collaborative planning and reflection. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 6 Collaborative planning and reflection incorporates differentiation for students’ learning needs and styles. Findings of the team Teachers are able to explain the collaborative planning process by which they have incorporated or are incorporating differentiation for students’ learning needs and styles. Commendations Teachers systematically incorporate differentiation for students learning needs and styles into collaborative planning and reflection. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard C1 Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programme(s). School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • No recommendations were made from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Requires significant attention • Shows satisfactory development Section C: Curriculum Standard C2: Written curriculum The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy. Practice 1b The written curriculum includes an approaches to learning planning chart for all years of the programme. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers indicate that they use the planned approaches to learning skills in developing their unit plans, but that the planning chart is a work in progress. Recommendations Teachers should further develop the planning of approaches to learning skills to include skills from all of the 10 MYP approaches to learning skill clusters. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 1c The written curriculum includes subject group overviews for each subject group offered for each year of the programme. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers and the MYP coordinator show that teachers have informed the subject-group overviews with appropriate details from the courses they teach. Commendations All teachers plan their units in the light of the subject-group overview, ensuring balance and progression of prescribed key and related concepts, global contexts, MYP subject- group objectives, approaches to learning skills and content. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 1d Unit plans are documented according to the MYP unit planning process. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers, as well as curriculum documentation, demonstrate that the MYP unit planning process is being followed to ensure a continuous and coherent MYP curriculum. Commendations All units for all subjects have unit plans been developed through the MYP unit planning process. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 1f There is a system for the regular review of individual unit plans and of the planning of approaches to learning skills. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers and the MYP coordinator indicate that individual unit plans, subject-group overviews and the planning of approaches to learning skills are systematically and regularly reviewed. Commendations Teachers consistently and thoughtfully complete the reflection part of the MYP unit planning process. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5 The written curriculum allows for meaningful student action in response to students’ own needs and the needs of others. Findings of the team Teachers are not always able to demonstrate how meaningful opportunities for student service as action can arise from or be related to the written curriculum. Recommendations The school should further explore ways to allow for meaningful opportunities for student service in action to arise from the written curriculum in each year of the MYP. Recommendation repeated from previous report No School included appropriate action in Action Plan Yes Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 7 The written curriculum promotes students’ awareness of individual, local, national and world issues. Findings of the team Teachers can explain how unit plans include learning experiences that promote students’ awareness of local, national and world issues. Commendations MYP unit plans, in all subject groups, often include learning experiences that promote students’ awareness of local, national and world issues. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard C2 The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy. School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from • No recommendations were made from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development Section C: Curriculum Standard C3: Teaching and learning Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy. Practice 2 Teaching and learning engages students as inquirers and thinkers. Findings of the team Classroom observations demonstrate engagement of students as inquirers and thinkers. Commendations There is a commitment on the part of all staff to ensure that they create and nurture a classroom culture that encourages students to be inquirers and thinkers. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5 Teaching and learning supports students to become actively responsible for their own learning. Findings of the team Teachers and students can give numerous examples of learning experiences where students were encouraged to be actively responsible for their own learning. Commendations Students are actively responsible for their own learning. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 6 Teaching and learning addresses human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives. Findings of the team In conversations with students and in classroom observations, students show an awareness of human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives. Commendations Students are highly aware of human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice, pp.20-21 Practice 9 Teaching and learning uses a range and variety of strategies. Findings of the team Teachers can give examples of a variety of strategies used in their lessons. Commendations Learning experiences in every subject group use a wide range and variety of strategies. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 11 Teaching and learning incorporates a range of resources, including information technologies. Findings of the team Teachers and students can give examples of how a variety of resources, including specialized equipment, learning technology and internet access, are used in learning experiences. Commendations Students spoke enthusiastically regarding the variety of specialized equipment available which they feel are instrumental in enhancing teaching and learning in the MYP. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 13 Teaching and learning engages students in reflecting on how, what and why they are learning. Findings of the team Students can give numerous examples of reflection on their learning. Commendations Learning experiences in every subject engage students in reflecting on how, what and why they are learning. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 14 Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect. Findings of the team Attitudes of understanding and respect are observed in interactions between teachers and teachers, teachers and students, and students and students, both inside and outside the classroom. Commendations The school has built a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect throughout the school community. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 16 Teaching and learning develops the IB learner profile attributes. Findings of the team Students and teachers can give examples of learning experiences that develop the IB learner profile. Commendations Students are aware of their development according to the IB learner profile attributes. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard C3 Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy. School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • No recommendations were made from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development Section C: Curriculum Standard C4: Assessment Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy. Practice 2 The school communicates its assessment philosophy, policy and procedures to the school community. Findings of the team Conversations with teachers, students and parents demonstrate: ° an understanding of the philosophy of MYP assessment ° an awareness of the school’s assessment policy ° an awareness of the school’s assessment procedures. Commendations The school uses a variety of methods in communicating its assessment philosophy, policy, and procedures to the school community. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 3 The school uses a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning. Findings of the team Teachers and students can give examples of a variety of assessment tasks. Commendations Teachers use a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning across all subject groups. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Practice 5a The school has a system for the qualitative monitoring of student involvement in service according to the school’s learning expectations for service. Findings of the team The school has determined qualitative expectations for students’ participation in service as action, aligned with the MYP learning outcomes for service. Commendations The schools expectations for students’ participation in service as action encourage authentic links with the curriculum. Practice 8 The school provides opportunities for students to participate in, and reflect on, the assessment of their work. Findings of the team In conversations, students and teachers demonstrate understanding of the value of student peer and self-assessment. Commendations Teachers in all subject groups regularly provide opportunities for students to participate in, and reflect on, the assessment of their work. Support in IB Documentation MYP: From principles into practice Conclusion of the IB Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit: Standard C4 Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy. School’s conclusion IB conclusion School’s progress with regard to IB recommendations for this standard from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. • The school has taken into consideration the IB recommendations from the previous evaluation process or from authorization. Conclusion • Shows satisfactory development • Shows satisfactory development