HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-13 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 12, 2013 Board Members in Attendance: Jeff Watson, Ken Gordon, Kelly Cox, Zan Jones, Leah Rennhack, Charlotte Ryan, Sean Shope, April Gallagher, Rebecca Neidich, Kevin Hansen, Karen Stoltenberg, Shelly Myers Others in Attendance: Tom Brymer L K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:36 AM. IL Superintendent's Report • T. Brymer reported that New Construction certificates of obligation/bonds are in the process of being issued in the amount of$9.5 million. • Initial planned construction includes cafetorium, multi-purpose building space and field house for a total amount of 36,000 square feet of construction. • Currently in meetings with architect regarding design plans and interviewing building firms to manage construction. • Construction process is estimated to take 12-18 months • Three additional portable buildings have been purchased, and will install over the summer. • T. Brymer reported on current budgeting process for 2013-14 school year. 0 80% of funding comes from State of Texas dollars, and is projected to increase from last year about $100-$200 per student for the year. o Staff salary budgeting goal is to keep salaries within+or—3% of that of surrounding ISDs. III. Motion to approve minutes of February 15, 2013 meeting by J. Watson, second by S. Shope. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed financial position and balance statement through March 31, 2013. • Currently $1.5 million in cash. • S. Myers explained that actual revenue from Gallery Night for this year differs in comparison to Gallery Night 2012 as no fund-an-item was included in the auction this year, and that Gallery Night revenue was actually higher this year over last. • Motion to approve financial report by C. Ryan, second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • S. Myers reported on Gallery Night 2013 results: 5104,500 in sponsors, approx. 400 guests, over $40,000 in silent auction, including $10,000 in student art. • Discussed that significant growth of the event has presented challenges and areas of opportunity. • R.Neidich suggested increasing WAF Board's involvement in the event and that Gallery Night has become more of a party with less focus on auction. • L. Rennhack proposed that WAF Board members reach out to local businesses/prospects for next year's Gallery Night sponsorship. • K. Cox will email proposed dates for subgroup to discuss strategic planning of Gallery Night event. • S. Myers presented change of venue options to board, including creative use of multiple ballrooms at Marriott Solana. Board approved change of venue to Texas Motor Speedway. • Blacksmith Annual Fund Video o K. Stoltenberg proposed that the 2013-14 BAF video highlight current seniors and their accomplishments. • Ridder Orthodontics Proposal • S. Myers presented Dr.Nick Bidder's (WA parent and local orthodontist)proposal to donate 10% of every orthodontic case that is a WA student to the WA Foundation. • Discussed how to address advertising versus endorsing. K. Gordon to propose wording regarding Foundation policy to distinguish between the two. • Z. Jones to examine the possibility of an advertising section of the WAF webpage. • S. Myers reports Baja event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2013. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that Baja article was submitted to Dallas Business Journal. • WAF's Facebook page is now included on Bubble Life for Westlake. • AIR was featured in the most recent issue of the Black Cow. • Gallery Night was featured in the Keller Citizen. • Z. Jones is contacting the editors of Simply Westlake magazine to discuss opportunities there to promote the Foundation and WAF events. VII. Administrative Committee • K. Gordon submitted WAF Board application from Ange Bumgarner. Determination was tabled for Administrative committee discussion and review. VIII. Grants Committee • No report. IX. President's Report • S. Myers' annual review was last week. Goals were outlined for next year, including possibility of directing a new annual event. She was encouraged to delegate more tasks to WAF Board committee chairs. • A small group has been working with and providing input for T. Brymer and the Town regarding the school 2013-14 budget process, with a goal of the WAF Board proposing funding level each year. X. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers reported on a recent meeting with WAHOC speaker and vice-speaker to discuss partnership between the WAF, the WAHOC, and the WAAC for different initiatives. • First Friends was proposed as a way to link new Academy families with current families. K. Stoltenberg recommended that First Friends be BAF donors so as to convey importance of that investment to new families to the Academy. • Possibility of scheduling a BBQ get-together for First Friends and new families in August. • WAHOC would also like to cohost Grandparents Day with the WAF. • S. Myers reported on the alumni gift of the Jefferson cup. Price has increased by a small amount. K. Cox suggested investigating using Will Frary, local blacksmith and AIR artist, to make something similar. • A donor management software or online system is currently being researched, and will be presented at the next WAF Board meeting. XI. Other Business • J. Watson updated on progress regarding Granada residential development in Westlake. • J. Watson informed that the Academy is examining role of Advanced Placement content/tests at WA. Next Meeting: May 10, 2013—8:30 AM; Vaquero Club,Westlake R.Neidich moved to adjourn the Board meeting. Second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:26 AM.